What can be done with goat milk. How to make goat cheese at home? Ingredients for making goat milk curd

Surely everyone knows that real natural cheeses are a valuable source of nutrients for our body. Today there are many types of cheese making products at home, and a recipe for how to make goat cheese with your own hands will be an interesting novelty for cheese gourmets. With such recipe know-how, you will not only be able to diversify your diet, but you will also be confident in the quality of this extraordinary product.

Goat cheese: all the pros and cons

We all want to eat right, eat more healthy foods. This desire is especially strengthened in winter and spring, when our body gets tired of the gray cold weekdays. And here homemade recipes come to the rescue.

And for a woman it is absolutely important to know that the eaten dish will be not only healthy, but also dietary. A homemade goat cheese salad with fresh cucumbers, herbs, lemon juice and olive oil is considered the perfect Greek version of the Aphrodite diet.


But when it comes to goat cheese, many immediately deny this product due to its specific taste and smell.

Probably few people know that these odors are manifested if milk from a goat was collected incorrectly, without observing basic hygiene rules. Good quality cheese should not have this peculiar aroma at all.

The disadvantages of this product, probably, include the impressive cost of goat cheese. However, this is where the disadvantages end, but it has much more advantages.


First of all, goat milk, and hence cheese made from it, is suitable for people who are prone to allergies to the cow's milk protein - lactose. This means that for such people, goat cheese is a lifesaver to diversify their diet.

  • The content of useful vitamins, minerals and macronutrients in this product is enormous.
  • And also in this product, saturated fats are present in a minimum amount, there is practically no cholesterol.
  • The calorie content of homemade goat cheese is relatively low - only 290 kcal - which also positively distinguishes it from ordinary cheese varieties.

In addition, goat cheese is easy to digest thanks to certain bacteria. In addition, it strengthens our immunity, and this, as you know, has a very beneficial effect on the body as a whole.

The wide culinary potential of goat cheese

Making goat cheese is especially common in the French provinces, where almost any housewife can make it at home. This is truly a European delicacy.

Cheese can be added both to soups and spread on a sandwich, baked pies or pizza with it, thanks to it, all dishes acquire exquisite notes.

And how many salads can you cook! Here's an example: homemade cheese, some herbs, a dressing of butter or honey and balsamic vinegar - and an extraordinary overseas salad is ready.

If you suddenly have a familiar goat who is happy to share its milk, we suggest that you cook homemade goat cheese with your own hands, and how to make it at home, our cooking recipes will tell you.

Making goat cheese at home

Making such a product at home seems to be troublesome and time-consuming. Ideally, rennet, an expensive natural organic substance produced by the stomach of the baby goat, is added to the production of goat cheeses.

The process of making cheese using rennet is certainly more time-consuming, but the cheese is also smooth and tender. However, instead of rennet it is quite possible to use other methods of fermentation.

Do not rush to give up cooking this healthy yummy. We propose to master an elementary recipe for making goat cheese, which will require a minimum of additional ingredients, household utensils and a little of your time.


  • Goat milk - 2 l;
  • Fresh lemon - 1 pc.;
  • Salt - a pinch;
  • Your favorite spices are a pinch.

How to make goat cheese at home

Wash the lemon, cut it in half and squeeze all the juice into a small, empty container.

Let's take milk - first it needs to be pasteurized.

  • To do this, pour the milk into a saucepan and place it on the stove.
  • Let's add salt.
  • Stirring constantly, bring the milk to the formation of bubbles, but not to a boil.
  • If your kitchen has a special thermometer, great - we need to heat the milk to 87-90 ° C. Then immediately remove the pan from the stove.
  1. Pour lemon juice into still hot milk, mix gently. After a few minutes, the milk will begin to decompose into two fractions - white curd and slightly yellowish whey. After 5-10 minutes, the curling process should end.
  2. In a colander (or sieve) we line the cheesecloth in several layers. We install it over a clean container.
  3. Pour the contents of the pan into a colander, let the whey drain for 20-30 minutes.
  4. Serum, by the way, is perfect, for example, for pancake dough, so you should not get rid of it.
  5. We take out the cheesecloth with the curd part, like a bag, squeeze it out. Right now, while our cheese is in cheesecloth, we can give it the required shape - you can put cheese directly with cheesecloth in a small cylindrical container under oppression for several hours. Or you can simply form a cylinder with your hands and not waste time molding it.

Remove the cheesecloth, put the contents on a plate - delicious goat cheese is ready! From two liters of milk, about 200-250 g of cheese is obtained.

Goat cheese with holes


  • Goat milk - 1 liter
  • Goat milk curd- 300-400 g
  • - 1 PC.
  • - pinch
  • Soda - 1/3 tsp without slide

Making goat cheese at home

If you managed to get both goat's milk and cottage cheese, why not try to cook wonderful cheese from them, which is quite easy to cook at home.

Our step-by-step recipe will tell you how to make it. The cottage cheese can be rubbed through a sieve, but if it is not very grainy, just knead it with a fork.

We prepare loose dishes for separating the curd portion and whey.

  • We put a colander or sieve with a cloth in it on the dishes.
  • It is better to use a fabric with a smoother texture, rather than gauze, since the mass is sticky and difficult to remove from gauze.

Even better, if you have a special lavsan bag designed just for such purposes.

  1. Put the milk in a saucepan on the stove and heat it over medium heat until bubbles begin to form. At this moment, add cottage cheese to the pan, constantly stirring the entire substance.
  2. After a few minutes, the mixture in the saucepan should separate into two fractions: curdled white, like sediment, and slightly yellow whey. When the whey is almost transparent, remove the pot from the stove.
  3. Immediately pour the contents of the pan into a prepared colander. As soon as all the whey is drained, carefully put the still hot curd residue in a free container, drive in an egg, salt, add soda and stir well.
  4. We put the resulting cheese into a filter cloth again, roll it up and place it in a colander over a saucepan, put oppression on top of the cheese.

Instead of colanders and pans, you can use the following tip to shape our cheese.

We take two identical plastic containers. As an example - buckets of 1 liter from store sauerkraut or sour cream, mayonnaise. In one of the buckets we make several holes through which the remaining whey in the cheese will drain. We put cheese in it, cover it with a cloth on top and put oppression. We insert the leaky bucket into the whole.

In a day, our molded cheese is ready. It is not only delicious and tender. Its peculiarity is the holes formed due to the addition of soda during cooking.

Depending on your time, desire and goat's milk, now you can use this or that recipe so that the goat cheese is cooked in your own, not some French cuisine, and delights you and your family with its unique taste.

Goat's milk produces cheese with a specific flavor, appreciated by amateurs ...

To ferment milk, special ferments or citric acid with acidin pepsin are used (these are pharmaceutical tablets with ferments suitable for fermentation). For some reason, cheese starter cultures are sold in sachets designed for for 100 l of milk! If you think the bag is a decent size, then it is not. The bag has a mass of only 1 g. I had no choice but to estimate the amount "by eye": I cut the package and literally squeezed out a few grains of sourdough.

To prepare homemade cheese, you need to control the temperature of milk (even goat milk, even cow milk), so you need a culinary thermometer or slow cooker with "yogurt" or "multi-cooker 30-40 degrees" functions.

You will also need a colander and gauze.

To make goat cheese at home, prepare the ingredients listed below.

I used to ferment milk for cheese with citric acid and acidin pepsin, for example, in a recipe for, and I was glad to finally try a special ferment. The starter culture can be ordered from online stores.

Pondering this way and that, how much should I measure the starter culture for 1 liter of goat milk, I simply squeezed out a few grains through a small incision on the bag.

I think that it could have been even less than what I have in the photo ... Dissolve the grains of the starter culture in a little water.

Then pour the water with the sourdough into the milk heated to 35 degrees. Stir and leave for a while, gradually the milk curdles and flakes form.

The resulting mass must be filtered through cheesecloth folded in several layers.

After draining the whey, place the cheese mass under ... an impromptu press.

It is necessary to take out the cheese mass 2-3 times from under the press, crumble it into pieces and then again place it under oppression.

When the cheese mass is already very dense, place it for about an hour (and some will stir overnight) in a salt solution (about 0.5 liters of water and salt - from 2 tablespoons).

To do this, first cut the cheese into slices or cubes.

Salted in such an unpretentious way, the cheese is almost ready to serve.

But you can do a few more actions: knead it again, put it under oppression again, and then serve it, or let it mature in the refrigerator for five days.

In the photo - homemade goat cheese, soaked in the refrigerator for four days after cooking.

Serve ready-made goat cheese as an appetizer, in sandwiches or salads, and it can also be a filling for khachapuri and other similar pies or flat cakes.

Bon Appetit!

It is useful for the normalization of the gastrointestinal tract, for increasing the level of hemoglobin, with diathesis and for improving vision.

It contains protein-free nitrogen, piacrine, thiamine, B vitamins. Useful properties are not lost if you diversify the menu and make butter, cheese, yogurt, kefir or cottage cheese from goat milk yourself.

How to make butter from goat milk?

For 500 grams of butter, 10 kg of goat's milk will be needed. Cooking technology consists of several stages. First of all, you need to get the cream, which requires a special separator.

Collecting the cream

Cream is a saturated milk fat concentrate.

Using a separator, the centrifugation process separates the liquid into skim milk and cream. Devices are manual and electric.

If you put milk to stand in the refrigerator, it will split into two parts, the top of which must be removed. This method is less productive: small volumes of milk are processed, but fat, on the contrary, is lost.

Beat the butter

The butter is beaten with a special butter churn.

If there is no apparatus, then it is replaced with a mixer, blender, or the consistency is placed in a jar and shaken vigorously. Housewives also use drills for mixing building mixtures.

To beat the butter in a one and a half liter glass jar, pour 2/3 of the cream into it. It is good if you have a container with jagged or corrugated areas.

The lid must close tightly. After 15 minutes of this manipulation, small pieces of oil will be visible on the glass.

You need to stop the procedure when a whole piece of product is formed in the jar. Before removing the oil, the liquid is drained from the can.

If you have a mixer, you need to carefully monitor the density of the product. If the oil ball thickens too much, the mixer may stop or break.

Goat milk butter recipe

To obtain butter, you need 1 kg of ice cubes and 14 liters of goat milk. The presence of a churn will help to facilitate the task.

Cooking sequence:

  1. Heat the milk to +36 degrees and pour it into the separator. If there is no device, then it is placed in the refrigerator for 3-6 hours.
  2. Remove the resulting cream and pour into a separate vessel.
  3. Leave the jar with the cream to ripen at room temperature for 24 hours, and then send it back to the refrigerator for 3 days. As a result, the cream will thicken.
  4. Beat the workpiece in a churn for 10 minutes, add 800 g of ice.
  5. Beat with a mixer on high power until a dense thick mass is formed.
  6. Pour water into a large container and add 200 g of ice. In this cool liquid, you need to rinse and knead the oil. Change the water and repeat the manipulation until it becomes transparent.
  7. Form the buttermilk into cubes, wrap in cling film or paper and put in the refrigerator.

Sour cream and goat milk cream

You can get sour cream and cream from goat milk in three different ways.

The first way is to stand

The method is time consuming, but easy to implement, especially for beginners in this business.

How to make sour cream:

  1. Add some of the sour milk to fresh milk.
  2. Stir the liquid and pour into a clean container.
  3. Leave to stand for 4 days in a room with room temperature. You cannot move the container at this time.
  4. At the end of this period, a layer of sour cream forms on top, which must be removed with a spoon.

The resulting sour cream is consumed immediately or stored in the refrigerator. The remaining yogurt can be drunk or used to make cottage cheese.

The second method is separator

A separator is a device for separating a certain component from another, in this case - separating cream from milk.

Separators are divided into manual and dynamo-electric ones. Regardless of the model chosen, already settled milk is poured into the apparatus.

It is better not to close the jar tightly with a lid, but to use gauze or other material, otherwise an unpleasant goat smell and taste will appear.

The separator technology is as follows:

  1. The milk heats up to about 38 degrees (hot temperature, but not scalding the hand).
  2. Warm water is poured into the milk receiver of the separator to warm up the device.
  3. Milk is poured into the separator and rotation begins.
  4. Sour cream should drain in a thin stream. For this, the separator key is opened and the toggle switch is adjusted.

When the process is over, a large amount of fat will remain on the walls of the apparatus. It does not need to be poured out, but it is worth repeating the separation with milk again: this will wash away the residues.

The resulting cream is placed in a warm place for 12-24 hours. After that, the sour cream thickens and can be eaten or poured into jars.

The third way is fermentation

In this case, milk is the only ingredient used to make sour cream.

The process is divided into the following stages:

  1. The milk is heated in a saucepan to a warm, comfortable temperature (not hot).
  2. The liquid is poured into a jar or bottle, the neck does not close tightly, but is tied with gauze, cloth or paper napkin.
  3. The vessel is left in a warm place to ferment. At home, this process can take 3 to 5 days. At this time, you do not need to touch the vessel and stir the product.
  4. A clean container is prepared and tightened at the top with a thick cloth or gauze folded in several layers.
  5. The fermented milk is poured onto a cloth / gauze. It drains for about 2 hours, as a result, whey remains in the container, and a thick mixture at the top.
  6. The mixture is whipped with a blender to form a smooth and soft sour cream.
  7. If the sour cream is too thick, it is diluted with milk and whipped again.

Goat Blade Cheese

To prepare the blade cheese that came to us from the Belarusian cuisine, you will need the following ingredients:

  • 5 liters of goat milk;
  • 1 crust of bread;
  • salt and cumin to taste.


  1. Milk languishes up to 14 hours at room temperature.
  2. Already sour, it is placed in an oven preheated to 100 degrees. Refractory cookware is used.
  3. A clear time spent in the oven is not indicated, it all depends on the product. You need to independently monitor the moment when the cottage cheese separates from the whey.
  4. To add a spicy flavor, salt and cumin are added to the blade cheese.
  5. The curd is put in a bag made of dense fabric and hung over the container: this is how excess liquid flows.
  6. When all the whey is drained, the cottage cheese in the bag is pressed in a cold place, that is, it is placed under any heavy object (up to 8 kg).
  7. After two days, the cheese is ready to eat. Sprinkle with grated bread before serving.

The classic cottage cheese recipe is quite simple:

  1. First you need to achieve sour milk. If you put the liquid in a warm place, this will take about 3-4 days. After that, the mixture is poured into an enamel pot and placed on the stove over a small fire.
  2. As soon as the liquid comes to a boil, the fire turns off and the contents are poured into another container, filtering it through cheesecloth or a thin cloth. If the milk boils, the curd will turn out hard.
  3. A bag is made of gauze and hung to allow the excess serum to glass. After 2 hours, the curd is ready to eat.

Sour cream sourdough recipe:

  1. Take 2 liters of goat's milk and 1 tablespoon of sour cream (also goat's).
  2. Milk is poured into a dry vessel, sour cream is added, stirred, covered with a cloth and infused for 8 hours.
  3. The sour mixture is placed in a water bath until the sour milk separates from the curd.
  4. The curd is filtered as in the previous recipe.

Sour milk is sour milk.

To obtain a fermented milk product, the milk is left in a warm place and after 12 hours, yogurt is obtained.

In order not to wait so long, additional ingredients are added to the liquid. Then the process is reduced to several hours.

Sour milk deteriorates quickly, in the refrigerator it can stand no more than 3 days. The sourdough loses its beneficial bacteria within 2 days.

Curdled milk and other store-bought dairy products last much longer due to the added preservatives.

The second method of making curdled milk:

  1. Pasteurize the milk and when it cools down to a temperature of 40 degrees, add live bacteria (acidophilus or Bulgarian bacillus). Lactic acid bacteria cultures are sold in specialized stores or pharmacies.
  2. Add natural yogurt, kefir, sour cream.

The third way is to add rye bread crumb, the milk should not be pasteurized.

This product contains lactic acid bacteria and yeast, so the process of obtaining the final product will be much faster.

Kefir and yogurt from goat milk

To prepare kefir, you will need to add a culture of microorganisms. A starter culture based on lactic acid bacteria (thermophilic bacillus, streptococci) is used.

The technology implies the presence of the listed bacteria, milk temperature up to +20 degrees, fermentation for 12 hours, contact with air.

Required Ingredients:

  • 900 g goat milk;
  • 100 g of kefir (sourdough);
  • 1 tablespoon sugar


  1. The milk is heated to +38 degrees, all the listed components are mixed, the container is closed, covered with gauze and placed in a warm, dark place.
  2. At a temperature of 17-22 degrees, kefir is infused for 10 hours. The product remains fresh for 3 days.

To prepare yogurt you will need:

  • 1 liter of milk;
  • 1 ampoule of starter culture with bacteria.


  1. Milk with pre-diluted dry sourdough is heated to a temperature of +40 degrees and poured into small containers, which are tightly closed with a lid.
  2. Yogurt is prepared in the oven, which is preheated to +45 degrees. The jars are placed in the oven and removed after 7 hours.


Fermented milk products made at home are good for the human body.

There are no flavors, preservatives or other chemicals in such products. It will not be difficult to make products from goat milk even without the presence of specific devices.

The healing properties of goat milk have been known for a long time. Therefore, dishes made from it are very popular. This makes housewives look for different goat milk recipes... Such products will diversify the usual diet and even make it more useful. Goat milk recipes a bunch of. Sour cream, cream, butter, cottage cheese, cheese are made from it, and it is good fresh. Mixtures based on natural goat milk replace cow's milk in dietary and baby food.

Benefit and application in the treatment of various diseases

Goats are incredibly clean animals, so their milk is cleaner than cow's milk. These animals almost never even have infectious diseases. The benefits of goat milk are due to the high content of proteins, vitamins and other nutrients. This product helps to strengthen the immune system. Some people teach whole courses fresh goat milk treatment various diseases.

Many mothers give it to young children. Nutritionists have even developed goat milk mixtures... They are given to babies who are allergic to cow. The use of mixtures made on the basis of goat milk helps rickets children to get stronger. This is due to the high content of sialic acid in it, which is part of the structure of the barriers of the body's immune system.

The benefits of goat milk are also evidenced by its bactericidal properties. In addition, it contains a lot of potassium. There is a lot of confirmed data on the successful treatment of cardiovascular diseases with goat milk. Some researchers believe that the high content of fatty acids in this product may help with gallstone disease, digestive disorders, and childhood epilepsy.

And also goat milk treatment promotes the resorption of excess cholesterol in the body. For it to be more effective, the product must be consumed in pairs, immediately after milking the animal. In order not to reduce the benefits of natural goat milk, it should be stored in the refrigerator for no more than 2 days. It can be heated to a temperature not exceeding 54 ° C. Otherwise the benefits of goat milk will become smaller. The fact is that due to the high temperature, the enzymes, the large number of which this product is famous for, will be destroyed.

Fermentation of goat milk

Until now, for the preparation of products from goat's milk, recipes that were used by our grandmothers are used. Before cooking, milk must be put to sour. By the way, benefits of goat milk it is also preserved in yogurt. For settling, the product must be placed in a cool place. After about a day, the milk will turn sour. A thick layer of sour cream forms on the surface. Under this film there will be the highest quality curdled milk, and even lower - whey.

Products should be separated. First, remove the sour cream with a slotted spoon (not with a spoon), then lower the tube to the bottom of the container, pull in the whey and quickly lower the tube below the level of the pan. The serum will drain into a prepared vessel. Sour milk will remain in the pan, which must be drained into a glass jar and refrigerated. Goat milk sour cream turns out to be fatty, nutritious and very healthy. It can be used not only in cooking, but also in home cosmetology. It is an excellent remedy for keeping skin youthful. You can prepare various raw milk products from curdled milk using goat milk recipes cheese, cottage cheese, butter. You can find them online or look at old cookbooks. Serum from goat milk is included in recipes preparation of various pastries that do not stale for a long time.

Goat curd

Sour milk cottage cheese

Making goat's milk cottage cheese is a snap. First, the fermented product must be heated. To do this, a piece of cloth is placed on the bottom of the pan, water is poured, a can of sour milk is placed and all this is put on a slow fire. It is advisable to prevent the product from overheating so as not to diminish the benefits of goat milk. The curdled mass is thrown back on cheesecloth, folded several times and suspended to glass the serum.

We recommend several popular recipes for making goat's milk cottage cheese

  • Recipe for making goat milk cottage cheese in a slow cooker

Goat cheese

Goat milk curd suitable for recipes for making cheese like "Amber" with various additives. It can be spread on bread or used for fillings. To make cheese, a half-liter jar of fermented goat's milk cottage cheese is mixed with one hundred grams of butter and one chicken egg. First, this mass is whipped with a mixer, then passed through a meat grinder several times. A teaspoon of salt and half a teaspoon of baking soda are added to the mixture. Then the mass is heated in a water bath with constant stirring until it thickens. The finished product must be put in a container, tamped and placed in the cold. Aging homemade goat cheese occurs within 10 hours.

Goat sour cream cheese

First you need to beat 3 chicken eggs and 250 g of sour cream made from natural goat's milk. Then bring 3 liters of fresh goat's milk to a boil and pour the prepared mixture into it in a thin stream. In this case, the milk must be constantly stirred. Salt the resulting product and leave on fire until it thickens. The mixture will turn into a thick mass almost before our eyes. It must be transferred to cheesecloth folded in several layers and squeezed thoroughly. Put the hot mass in a bowl, stir and, if desired, add garlic, basil, fried mushrooms and other ingredients. Put the finished product in the refrigerator for 5-7 hours, then homemade goat cheese you can eat.

Goat oil

Goat Cream Butter

Such a product retains all the benefits of goat milk... Oil is prepared from fresh raw materials, which must first be boiled, and then poured into a wide, low container and placed in the cold for 48 hours. Now you need to remove the cream that has formed on the surface and beat the butter from it. First, the product should be salted and saffron should be added, the oil will turn out to be a beautiful yellow color.

Goat milk butter recipes some. In one of them, a mixer or a special oil mill is used for whipping. As soon as the whey separates and the oil turns into a lump, it must be removed, rinsed and mixed thoroughly.

Goat sour cream butter

Oil is also prepared in the traditional way. 1 liter of sour cream is poured into a three-liter bottle, and the hostess begins to shake the container until lumps of oil are obtained. Cold water is poured into the resulting mass, it is washed and collected into a lump. People using different methods goat milk treatment, can use this oil as a bactericidal agent for healing small wounds.

The cooking technology for all dishes is quite simple. And the varied goat milk recipes make it possible to prepare healthy foods for all family members. Such food is not only tasty, but also healthy. Now goat milk treatment will become a simple and pleasant procedure.

Goat milk is one of the healthiest dairy products around. Therefore, if it is available, you can make delicious goat cheese at home. You will not find this delicacy in the store, since there are only products made on the basis of goat milk.

And the homemade product comes out real and very delicate, so that all family members and guests will appreciate it. You can make goat cheese at home in a variety of ways.

We bring to your attention options for simple recipes for self-preparing cheese from goat's milk, if, of course, there is fresh milk available or the opportunity to purchase it.

What is goat cheese made of?

Many people know that goat's milk has more health benefits than cow's milk because it contains a higher percentage of vitamins A, B1, B2, B6, B12 and D, including phosphorus and calcium. At the same time, goat's milk is absorbed by the body faster. However, it cannot be stored in its pure form for a long time, even in the refrigerator, so it is recommended to make homemade cheese from it.

The main advantages of this product include:

  • lower fat content;
  • practically does not have cholesterol;
  • contains more calcium;
  • does not cause an allergic reaction.

Now it remains to pick up a recipe in order to quickly cook cheese at home with your own hands and try not only a tasty, but also a healthy dairy product.

In stores, the price of goat fat leaves much to be desired, and such a product is much cheaper at home. In addition, each housewife will know what ingredients were used and what processing they were subjected to.

The recipe for homemade goat cheese requires a minimum set of products, and the essence of the process is to heat the milk and add an acidic ingredient to it, thanks to which the mass coagulates, forming the consistency of soft curd. In the future, you will need to strain and insist the mass.

Classic goat cheese

This will require the following products:

  • goat milk - 2 l;
  • salt to taste (about 1.5-2 tablespoons);
  • vinegar - 4 tbsp. spoons.

Pour milk into a saucepan and bring it to a boil. Stirring with a wooden spatula, gradually pour in the vinegar. The milk will begin to curdle, and when it has already acquired a dense consistency, the pan must be removed from the heat.

Cover the colander with gauze, preferably in several layers, and pour the mass of cottage cheese into it. After that, you need to add salt and make a tight circle out of gauze. The resulting workpiece must be heated in a cast-iron pan until melted, and then remove the dishes with the mass from the cottage cheese in a cool place. When the mass hardens, it will take approximately 2-4 hours, homemade goat cheese will be ready for use.

You can also slightly change the steps in the cooking process. When the milk curdles with the addition of vinegar, you need to remove the mass of cottage cheese from the surface with a slotted spoon. Transfer it to cheesecloth in a colander, first squeeze the almost finished cheese with your own hands, and then put it under oppression. At this stage, the product can be given any desired shape, because it is under pressure that it will solidify in a given position under the influence of cold temperature.

Goat cheese can be made not only soft, but also hard. Such a delicacy will be especially appreciated by people who follow their figure, because it is low in calories.

To make a hard goat yourself, you will need the following components:

  • goat milk - 3 l;
  • egg - 1 pc.;
  • the mass of cottage cheese (home or store) - 1 kg;
  • soda - 1 tsp;
  • salt to taste (about a pinch);
  • vegetable oil - 100 ml.

Pour milk into a saucepan, bring to a boil, followed by adding cottage cheese. After that, the heat must be reduced and the mass must be held for another 20 minutes, stirring constantly. The cooked mixture should be put in a colander and in the future, when the excess liquid drains, it is necessary to transfer it to a separate container. Now you need to add the remaining ingredients to the mass of cottage cheese and mix everything well. Place the container in a water bath and cook for another 10 minutes after boiling water. This action is required so that the finished product does not crumble as a result.

Cut off the top of the plastic bottle and put the almost finished cheese into it, while trying to tamp it tightly. The filled container should be sent to the refrigerator for cooling, and for a longer shelf life, it is better to put goat cheese in the freezer, where it will not lose its useful properties. This recipe can be supplemented with your favorite spices and herbs. Bon Appetit!