The mogul on Easter does not freeze. How to make eggnog for Easter cake: successful recipes with video

From Easter cake, colored eggs and cottage cheese Easter, the most ancient and main treat is Easter cake. For the successful baking of real Easter cake you cannot save either finances or time and it is imperative to strictly follow all actions, even those that seem unimportant.

The recipe for a statutory cake based on the old monastery cuisine

Dough products:

  • 200 g cream;
  • 500 g of fine sifted flour;
  • 100 g yeast;
  • incomplete art. l. Sahara.

Products for the mogul:

  • 10 yolks;
  • 600 g caster sugar or powdered sugar;
  • 250 g butter, 82%.

Other products:

  • 500 g flour;
  • 2 tsp salt;
  • 1/3 st. l. cardamom, crushed nutmeg, vanilla and saffron (if any);
  • a glass of raisins;

Detailed description and comments on cooking Easter cake

  1. Close windows and doors in the kitchen to exclude temperature drops and drafts.
  2. Heat the cream for dough to 30 C, pour it into an enamel or ceramic, but preferably wooden, dishes. Stir with a spatula (whisk) or a whisk and add flour.
  3. Mix yeast with sugar, add to cream, knead the dough for a few minutes. Only stir in one direction.
  4. Close the dishes with dough tightly with a lid, wrap them on top with a thick towel. Lean against the battery for 30–40 minutes.
  5. Warm up sugar for a mogul slightly, you can use a battery. Remove the yolks and butter from the refrigerator in advance so that they have room temperature, and the butter softens slightly, but does not melt.
  6. Grind the yolks with sugar, mix the butter in the egg mass.
  7. Add slightly warm to the risen dough, so as not to "kill" the dough, eggnog and the remaining flour. Pour flour through a sieve to mix into dough for Easter cake more air.
  8. Add all the spices and salt to the dough.
  9. For real Easter cake recipe it is necessary to knead the dough for 40-50 minutes. The finished dough should stop sticking to the bowl and hands.
  10. Close the dish with the lid, wrap it in a blanket, put it in a warm place for about 4 hours. During this time, it will rise.
  11. Wash the raisins, blot and pour in good rum for the whole time until the dough rises.
  12. When the dough rises, knead the squeezed raisins swollen in rum into it. Interfere a little.
  13. Smear ordinary steel or aluminum pans inside with melted butter. Cut out circles from baking paper, lay them on the bottom and slightly higher on the walls, smear with butter.
  14. From the dough, quickly mold koloboks with a volume of half the volume of each prepared pan, spread out and put in the oven, 180-200 C, for an hour.

According to the old canons for Easter cake recipe make only white glaze. For her you need to mix 2 tbsp. l. water and lemon juice, with 250 g of icing sugar, then add separately the beaten egg white from a small egg.

The hostess took the tall, lush and fragrant round cakes out of the oven. Now the last, but no less important, touch remains - decoration. Like all dishes prepared for Easter, Easter cakes decorations (in particular, their white hats) have their own sacred meaning.

What is eggnog and why Easter cakes are decorated with a white "hat"

Eggnog is a drink that contains eggs and sugar. It is often used as a miracle cure that can restore vocal cords and improve voice. There are many options for making it with milk, honey, fruit juices, rum or brandy, nutmeg or vanilla.

Along with them, mogul mogul is also called a white glaze made from chicken egg whites and sugar for decorating cakes, also known as Easter mogul.

The tradition of baking tall, round cakes is explained by the legend that after his resurrection Jesus continued to appear to his disciples, so there was always free space and bread for him at the table. Later, following the example of the apostles, such bread (artos) began to be displayed in churches on the feast of the Resurrection.

Since in Christian culture the family is identified with a small temple, it must also have its own artos. Over time, this bread began to be called kulich, from the Greek "kollikion" round bread.

In Greek culture, it is customary to decorate Easter cakes with a cross, which is a symbol of the victory of the Son of God over death, but among the Slavs, the main sacred load in decoration is the color of the glaze. White "hats" of Easter cakes mean Light and Purity, they are the personification of new life.

Classic recipe

The popularity of the classic Easter protein and sugar fondant has practical implications. Since in many recipes only yolks are used in the preparation of cake dough, trying to find a use for the remaining proteins, our grandmothers made icing from them for decoration.

For the classic Easter eggnog you need to take:

  • 3 chicken egg whites;
  • 200 g icing sugar;
  • 15 ml lemon juice.

Often, the whipping time is not indicated in the recipes for preparing this option, and this is an important point, since the correct eggnog will have to be whipped for 25 minutes.

The calorie content of the product prepared according to the classic recipe is 273.5 kcal / 100 g.

How to make eggnog for Easter cake:

  1. Carefully separate the whites from the yolks so that not a single drop of the yolk gets into them, and refrigerate for 10-15 minutes in the refrigerator;
  2. Then drown the powder in proteins so that its sweet cloud does not envelop the entire kitchen, and beat the mass with a mixer at medium speed;
  3. Add lemon juice at 22-23 minutes and continue whisking. The ready-made mogul will increase in volume by 4-5 times, thicken and keep on a spoon.

How to make honey fudge

Airy and delicate protein-honey eggnog will be a wonderful decoration not only for Easter cakes caps, but also for other baked goods for home tea drinking (muffins, gingerbread cookies, buns, cookies), as well as festive desserts. She can draw beautiful patterns on parchment, and when they dry transfer to a sweet treat.

This glaze contains the following ingredients:

  • 2 chicken egg whites;
  • 100 g of liquid bee honey;
  • 240-260 g icing sugar (depending on the size of the eggs).

It will take about 20-30 minutes to prepare the honey covering of the Easter cake caps.

The calorie content of the finished mogul-mogul is 327.6 kcal / 100 g.

Working process:

  1. Pour the powdered sugar sifted through a fine sieve into the chilled whites of chicken eggs and mix, then start beating with a mixer;
  2. When stable peaks are formed (after about 15 minutes) gradually, without ceasing to beat, add honey and beat for about five minutes more.

Coffee "cap"

In addition to traditional recipes for coating cakes, you can prepare a more original version of the glaze, for example, coffee eggnog. Those housewives who are upset by the sprinkling frozen glaze will be pleased by the fact that, in addition to the invigorating coffee taste and aroma, this fondant has a delicate creamy consistency, so it does not crumble.

This glaze option requires:

  • 2 egg whites;
  • 150 g sugar;
  • 50 ml of strong natural coffee.

Cooking time is 30-40 minutes.

The nutritional value of 100 grams of coffee mogul, which can be served as an independent dessert, is 248.5 kilocalories.

How to make a coffee mogul for Easter cakes:

  1. From sugar and coffee, make syrup, which must be brought to a temperature of 116 degrees Celsius. If there is no thermometer at hand, then a soft ball test will help. A drop of syrup, after cooling in cold water, rolls into a soft ball - the required temperature has been reached;
  2. While the syrup is boiling, you need to beat the whites, beat them into a strong foam, then, without turning off the mixer, pour the hot syrup into the whites in a thin stream and continue whisking until it cools completely.

Delicious lean pumpkin dishes for different occasions.

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Read how to make a delicious stew with potatoes and meat in our article.

Glaze with gelatin

Also, gelatin is often used to fix the Easter mogul. It helps the white “caps” to grasp and harden faster, but at the same time, when cutting, the glaze does not stick or crumble. The preparation of such a coating is similar to the technology of a coffee mogul.

The necessary products must be taken in the following proportions:

  • 2 egg whites;
  • 100 g sugar;
  • 200 ml of water;
  • 5 g of instant gelatin powder.

It will also take up to 40 minutes to cook.

The calorie content of the finished fondant is 120.5 kcal per 100 g.

Algorithm for preparing a mogul with gelatin:

  1. Pour gelatin with two tablespoons of water and leave to swell;
  2. From the rest of the water and granulated sugar, cook the syrup, which also needs to be brought to 116 degrees;
  3. While the syrup is boiling and the gelatin swells, beat the whites until they increase in size several times;
  4. In hot syrup, dissolve the swollen gelatin and gently pour into the protein foam, continuing to beat everything until the mass reaches room temperature.

Egg-free fondant option

If for some reason the family does not eat a glaze made from raw proteins, you can use an alternative coating without eggs. It is important to remember that such a mogul hardens very quickly, so you need to work with it too quickly.

Used in cooking:

  • 150 g icing sugar;
  • 100 g of white chocolate;
  • 50 g of high-quality butter;
  • 50 ml of fatty cow's milk (not less than 3.2%);
  • 10 g corn (potato) starch.

Such a fudge will be ready in 15-20 minutes.

The nutritional and energy value of the finished product will be 425.1 kcal / 100 g.

Egg-free Easter cake recipe step by step:

  1. In a saucepan or other thick-bottomed dish of suitable size, mix the icing sugar and milk together. Put this mixture on fire and bring to a boil;
  2. Put the pieces of chocolate and diced butter in boiling milk, stirring until they are completely dissolved. After that, add starch, when after kneading the mass becomes homogeneous, remove the stewpan from the heat and after a short cooling down, you can start decorating the baking.

Since the proteins of raw eggs are used in the preparation of the mogul-mogul for Easter cake, you should be very careful about their choice. Eggs must be fresh and without cracks in the shell. Washing them before starting cooking will significantly reduce the amount of harmful bacteria that can get into the finished product.

In addition to vanillin, you can add lemon zest or barberry essence to the glaze. This will add a new flavor to all baked goods.

You can apply the coating to the Easter cakes with a silicone brush or a tablespoon, or you can pour the icing into a wide flat dish and dip the tops of the baked goods in it. This will achieve an absolutely even layer.

The grip of the pastry and fondant will be much better if the cakes are not completely cooled, but warm.

If the glaze was prepared in advance, then so that it does not dry out, it must be covered with a damp towel on top.

When I was a child, my parents did not focus much on this holiday - everything was like everyone else's. For many years I just painted eggs, bought Easter cakes - and that's it. However, with the birth of children, I revised my vision of this holiday. And today I want to tell you how we are preparing for Easter with children.

First of all, we go with the whole family to go shopping in a hypermarket, where we buy everything we need for the holiday. My kids take the most active part in the process. When we buy thermal packaging, postcards, decorative coasters and plates, I definitely listen to their opinion.

Even on the eve of Easter we bake cakes. Of course, we manage to bake only 2-3 small Easter cakes, since this is a laborious process, we buy the rest. Children like the process of decorating Easter cakes most of all. We make a mogul from protein and sugar - Sonya herself (under supervision) whips it with a mixer. When the cakes are covered with glaze, the kids are happy to devour the remaining eggnog, and I open the bags with multi-colored "powder". Sonya and Andryusha wash their hands and put the finishing touch on the cakes.

With the advent of children, I gave up the process of dyeing eggs. Firstly, it takes a lot of time, and secondly, children will be stained with paint. Therefore, I opted for the thermal packaging for Easter eggs. Now there are plenty of them - colorful, with an interesting plot. We cut the shrink wrap, put it on the testicle, and here it is - the most favorite process of my kids. In a pot of boiling water, we lower the egg (which lies in the spoon) and - hop! Ready! The youngest, Andryusha, so as not to burn himself, we put the testicle in a ladle. There is no limit to delight and joy! After our testicles have cooled down, we place them on decorative coasters.

We also draw with the children on the theme of Easter. In the process of drawing, I try to tell children biblical parables (I choose in advance, focusing on age), show cartoons on biblical subjects.

On the eve of the holiday, we collect small sweet gifts for children - friends and relatives. Last time we made paper angels and beautifully decorated a basket with sweets. These are the gifts we got.

But especially popular with my little ones is the search for Easter eggs, which Bunny the rabbit hides in our garden. I give them a basket, and they go in search of eggs and candy. Of course, the most desirable is a kinder surprise egg, which each of the kids must find under a bush or in some other secluded place. You can't even imagine how much joy it causes them! I recommend this game to everyone.

Comment on the article "Easter with Children: How We Prepare for the Holiday"

Easter with children: how we prepare for the holiday. Easter eggs made of chocolate and 2 Easter cakes: recipes for Easter. The main dish of the Orthodox Easter lunch is kulich, which is baked from yeast dough.

Easter with children: how we prepare for the holiday. Easter eggs made of chocolate and 2 Easter cakes: recipes for Easter. The Easter holiday in Russia has always been treated and prepared in a special way: they tidied up the dwelling, household, baked delicious cakes ...

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Girls hello everyone!

On the eve of Easter, I want to share an old Kulich recipe, which has been baked in our family for many years, starting with our great-grandmother. The recipe is designed for a large number of Easter cakes (on average, about 30 medium-sized, 400g each))), so if anything, divide the portion in half.

The recipe for this cake is very rich, and the softness and freshness of the cake remains on average for a week or more!

Provided that we bake hostesses for family and friends and for loved ones' neighbors (as it was back in the Soviet years), then this recipe and 1 portion will be enough for you!


enameled bucket - 1pc

wooden spoon with a long handle with a bucket height - 1pc

a towel in diameter is larger than the width of the bucket - 1pc

clothespins - 6-8pcs

forms for cakes - 6-8 pcs (to speed up the process)


milk - 1l

drain oil - 1kg

granulated sugar - 1.5kg

eggs - 20pcs

flour - 2.5-3kg

lemon - 1pc

cardamom - 8-10 (heads)

live yeast - 100g


1. Dough: heat milk to a warm state and dilute yeast in nm (the whole pack is 100g), add sugar 750g, 10 eggs, 500g of flour, and raisins, mix thoroughly (you can use a mixer), and pour the whole mixture into an enamel bucket.

Be sure to put a spoon with a long handle in a bucket, cover with a towel and pin it with clothespins and leave the dough overnight!

Please keep an eye on the dough periodically and in case of ate it rose strongly, stir with a spoon (for 1 time it ran away under the table and the kitchen floor was in dough)))))))))))

If the dough is prepared during the day, then it must be kept for at least 4-5 hours !!!

2. Beat separately the yolks (10pcs) at high speed of the mixer and also the whites (10pcs), melt the drain. Melt the butter over low heat and also add to the finished dough and gently stir with a wooden spoon clockwise. Grate the zest from 1 lemon and put in a dough. Break the heads of the cardomom, take out the grains and crush them in a mortar and add to the brew! (please, if possible, buy exactly the heads of cardomone, and not ground in a bag, the aromas are completely different and the effect and taste will be different)

3. Now at this stage I turn on the TV, pour myself a large mug of tea, since the most tedious process begins, but the most necessary one is kneading the dough! Sit down more comfortably, put a bucket in front of you and gradually pouring the remaining flour into the dough, mix it into the dough with a wooden spoon clockwise. The dough is kneaded strictly clockwise within an hour !!!

My grandmother said that in an hour all the components dissolve perfectly in each other and the dough is saturated with oxygen, and it is because of this process that the cakes are especially airy!

4. After kneading at the very end, we add half a glass of sunflower oil and stir again a little!

5. Lubricate the molds with sunflower oil and fill them 1/3 with dough and put 180-200 g in a preheated oven. after 30 minutes, check the readiness of the cake with a long spindle - stick it in the middle and if the stick comes out dry, then the cake is ready, if it is raw, then bake it a little more!

6. While the cakes are baking, you need to make a mogul or, as they say now, whipped whites with sugar))) To get an excellent boiling-white icing for the top of the cake and to be thick, I use raw eggs and powdered sugar chilled in the freezer (20 minutes) and not sugar! I will not say the exact proportion by eye, but for 2 egg whites I take an average of 500 g of sugar powder. I do everything like this - I take 2 bowls, pour cold water into one deep one, put a smaller bowl in it and pour the egg whites there, beat the eggs at high speed for about 5 minutes, and slowly start adding powdered sugar, at the very end, when you already have thick glaze drip a couple of drops of lemon and it becomes boiling white at the moment!

Is of great importance. On Easter, all housewives try to cook the most delicious dishes, paint eggs beautifully and in an original way and, of course, bake homemade cakes. It is also customary to approach the decoration of baked goods in a creative way: it is covered with nuts, dried fruits, confectionery sprinkles, and chocolate dragees. One thing remains unchanged - the top of the cake is always decorated with white glaze, which is also called eggnog for Easter.

There are now dozens of recipes for white icing for Easter baking. Some chefs suggest adding berries to it, others - chocolate, and still others - marshmallow mastic. However, many housewives to this day prefer to cook it in the classic version, as our grandmothers and great-grandmothers did.

The tradition of making tall round breads for Easter dates back many centuries. According to a long tradition, Jesus Christ, after his Resurrection and before the Ascension, appeared to the Apostles during meals. And his disciples, sitting down at the table, left his place free and put there the bread intended for the Savior. Over time, a tradition arose when in churches, following the example of the apostles, on Bright Resurrection they began to put round bread called "artos" on a special table. He remains in this place of honor throughout the entire Bright Week (the week after Easter), and during processions of the cross he is solemnly carried around the church. On Bright Saturday, when the service ends, the artos is broken up and given to the faithful.

According to Christian traditions, each family is a small temple and, accordingly, there should also be its own artos. As a result, a tradition has emerged to bake for the holiday special tall bread made of butter dough, which has a cylindrical shape. Over time, this treat began to be called Easter cake, in consonance with the Greek word "kollikion", which translates as "round bread".

It has long been customary to decorate Easter cakes with a white "hat". It is believed that such glaze personifies Light and Purity, which is very symbolic for the Easter holiday. There are also practical reasons for this. Firstly, our distant ancestors did not have then either chocolate or other confectionery delights, so they could not make colored "hats" on Easter cakes. Secondly, if we look at the cooking recipe, we will see that mainly yolks are used there, and the proteins remain after baking. Accordingly, our thrifty ancestors found a way to use them as well.

There is a tradition: sprinkles on Easter baked goods can be of all colors of the rainbow, but the icing should be snow-white. It is called "Easter eggnog", and every housewife should be able to cook it.

The recipe for the classic Easter eggnog

Easter glaze differs from ordinary meringue in that it is not subjected to heat treatment and, when applied to baked goods, dries at room temperature. Initially, it was prepared only from sugar and egg whites, but over time, the housewives began to add lemon juice to the classic recipe, which makes the "fondant" less cloying and gives it an interesting taste.

To prepare the glaze you will need:

  • three egg whites;
  • a glass of powdered sugar;
  • a tablespoon of lemon juice.

Considering that this eggnog will not bake, be careful with your choice of eggs. They must be very fresh, it is best to purchase village eggs for this purpose. If you do not have powdered sugar at home, then do not be upset and go to the store. It can be replaced with sweet sand, although in this case the icing will have to be whipped a little longer.

The cooking technology is very simple.

  1. Take the egg whites and put them in the refrigerator for about 15 minutes to cool well.
  2. Then combine them with powdered sugar and start whisking. If you plan to work not with a whisk, but with a mixer, then pre-mix the ingredients so that the protein “melts” the powder. Otherwise, it will scatter throughout the kitchen like a sweet cloud.
  3. When the mixture turns into a thick white foam, pour in the lemon juice.
  4. Beat the eggnog for a few more minutes. It will be ready when the foam is so dense that it will stand on the spoon in a large slide.

If you use sugar instead of powder, beat the mixture until it completely melts and the mass becomes homogeneous. You can use a tablespoon or pastry syringe to gently glaze your Easter baked goods. However, there is an easier way.

The ready-made mogul should be placed in a wide container - one into which the cake will easily pass. Take the cooled Easter cakes and dip them with the top of your head in an eggnog. This method will allow you to very quickly and evenly decorate baked goods with white "caps".

Egg-free frosting and chocolate fondant for cakes

In addition to the classic, there are a large number of alternative glaze recipes. If you don't want to make a raw egg fondant, you can make one by mixing a tablespoon of lemon juice and powdered sugar. Determine the amount of the latter yourself. Powder should be added until the glaze is similar in consistency to thick sour cream. Please note that it is necessary to apply it on Easter cakes very quickly, since such fondant dries instantly.

You can also use a white chocolate frosting, for this you will need the following ingredients.

Mix the powder with milk in a saucepan and put it on low heat. When the mixture boils, add the chopped chocolate and butter. While constantly stirring the mixture, wait for the chocolate to melt. Pour the starch into a saucepan.

Stir the fudge until smooth. Then remove the frosting from the heat and let it cool slightly. After that, you can start decorating the Easter cakes.