Greek salad without olives with soy sauce. "Greek" salad with soy sauce a recipe proven over the years

We can safely say that Greek salad is one of the most popular and favorite dishes. It can be found in almost every restaurant, and many housewives cook it at home. There is nothing difficult in this, and the ingredients that make up it are available all year round and do not require large cash costs. But the whole secret of the salad lies precisely in its dressing. Thanks to her, vegetables acquire their own aroma and unique taste. After changing the components of the sauce or adding a new component, the familiar taste of the salad will sparkle with new colors.

This salad appeared in Greece, which is why it got this name. It includes everything that the land of this country is rich in: fresh vegetables, olives, olive oil, oregano, feta. Initially, it was prepared in peasant families. The classic salad consists of coarsely chopped vegetables, seasoned with olive oil, lemon and oregano, and a whole piece of feta on top. Despite its dietary characteristics, this salad is very satisfying (thanks to olive oil and cheese) and is rich in a variety of nutrients.

How to Make Greek Salad Seasoning - 15 Varieties

Preparing a classic dressing will not take a lot of time. But, wish it, this is the simplest and most successful option. Everything you need for this can be found in any nearest store.


  • Lemon juice - 100 ml
  • Olive oil - 100 ml
  • Pepper


Whisk together the olive oil and lemon juice. Add salt and pepper and mix thoroughly again. A popular ingredient in Greek salad dressing is oregano.

Optionally add a pinch of fresh oregano

To make a dressing based on balsamic vinegar, you need to be very careful with the choice of this ingredient. It must be fresh and high quality. Otherwise, the gas station will be damaged.


  • Balsamic vinegar - ¼ tbsp.
  • Olive oil - ¾ tbsp.
  • Sugar - 2 tsp
  • Garlic - 1 clove
  • Pepper


Add sugar and finely chopped garlic to balsamic vinegar, then stir.

Garlic can be passed through a garlic press.

Continuing to stir, pour in a thin stream of olive oil. Salt and pepper.

If you have soy sauce at home, you can use it to make a delicious Greek salad dressing. In combination with honey, it perfectly emphasizes the taste of vegetables and gives the salad a light sweet and sour aftertaste.


  • Soy sauce - 2 tablespoons
  • Olive oil - 4 tablespoons
  • Lemon juice - 2 tablespoons
  • Liquid honey -1 tbsp


Mix soy sauce and honey until smooth.

Continuously stirring, add lemon juice.

Continuing to stir, pour in olive oil in a thin stream.

Be sure to try the mustard dressing. In many restaurants, it is an integral part of the sauce. If desired, the mustard seeds can be left intact in the sauce.


  • John mustard - ½ tsp
  • Dried oregano - 1 tsp
  • Garlic - 2 cloves
  • Red wine vinegar - ¼ tbsp.
  • Olive oil - ½ tbsp.


Pass the garlic through a press and mix with oregano, wine vinegar, mustard, salt and pepper.

Continuing to stir, pour in a thin stream of olive oil.

When using dried herbs and garlic in the sauce, be sure to let the dressing brew first. This will allow the flavors to unfold and blend with each other.

It is safe to say that mayonnaise is a unique salad dressing. On its basis, you can prepare a sauce for the Greek. The taste is not inferior to the sauces prepared by professional chefs!


  • Olive oil - ¼ tbsp.
  • Lemon juice - ¼ tbsp.
  • Garlic - 3 cloves
  • Honey - 1 tablespoon
  • Mayonnaise - 2 tablespoons
  • Red wine vinegar - 1 tsp
  • Pepper


Chop the garlic finely or pass through a press.

Mix garlic with mayonnaise, honey and spices.

While constantly stirring, add lemon juice to the mixture first, and then olive oil. Mix thoroughly until smooth.

Add a little wine vinegar at the very end.

The combination of honey and mustard gives a pleasant sweet-sour taste to the dishes in which they are added. Such a dressing will be combined very well with Greek salad.


  • Honey - 1 tablespoon
  • Vegetable oil - 5 tablespoons
  • Mustard - 2 tsp
  • Garlic - 3 cloves
  • Lemon juice - 50 ml.


Pass the garlic through a press. Mix with mustard, honey and vegetable oil until smooth.

Add lemon juice and stir again.

A very simple but successful salad dressing. Despite the large amount of ingredient, it will only take a couple of minutes to cook. All you need to do is have a blender!


  • Olive oil - 3 tablespoons
  • Lemon juice - 1 tablespoon
  • Sweet mustard - 1 tsp
  • Garlic - 1 clove
  • Oregano
  • Basil
  • Pepper


Place all ingredients in a blender and mix.

Let it brew before serving.

A savory and simple dressing that will give Greek salad a pleasant, mellow flavor. This is one of the most common recipes, after the classic version.


  • Boiled yolk - 2 pcs.
  • Olive oil - 100 ml.
  • French grain mustard - 100 g


Rub the yolks with a fork and mix with olive oil until smooth.

Add mustard and stir again until smooth.

The most convenient way to mix the ingredients is in a blender. But, if you want the mustard grains to remain intact in the sauce, it is better to do it by hand, adding mustard at the end.

A simple sauce with the addition of oregano. It turns out very tasty, and the cooking process does not take much time and effort.


  • Olive oil - ½ tbsp.
  • Lemon juice - ½ tbsp.
  • Garlic - 1 clove
  • Oregano
  • Pepper


Pass the garlic through a press and add to the olive oil.

Stir in the lemon juice. The mixture should be homogeneous.

Season with salt and pepper, add oregano and mix again.

Be sure to try this version of the Greek salad dressing! The unusual combination of mayonnaise with nutmeg is a great addition to vegetables and gives the dish new flavors.


  • Olive oil - ¼ tbsp.
  • Lemon juice - ¼ tbsp.
  • Garlic - 1 clove
  • Honey - 1 tablespoon
  • Wine vinegar - 2 tsp
  • Mayonnaise -2 tbsp
  • Ground nutmeg
  • Ground cardamom
  • Pepper


Pass the garlic through a press and mix with mayonnaise.

Add honey and spices to the mixture. To stir thoroughly.

Continuously stirring, pour in olive oil in a thin stream, followed by lemon juice.

Add wine vinegar at the very end.

Spicy herbs make an excellent dressing for your favorite salad. Very simple, yet very fast!


  • Oregano
  • Basil
  • Olive oil - 150 ml
  • Garlic -2 cloves
  • Sesame nut - handful
  • Pepper


Grind the leaves of herbs with a blender.

Add sesame nuts, spices, garlic, olive oil and mix again with a blender.

It is the spices that infuse the oil with aromas and flavors, turning it into a sauce. Such a sauce is prepared quickly, but it needs time to infuse and soak in aromas.


  • Soy sauce - 3 tablespoons
  • Olive oil - 6 tablespoons
  • Lemon juice - 3 tablespoons
  • Honey - 1 tablespoon
  • Khmeli-Suneli


Mix the soy sauce and honey thoroughly until smooth. Add lemon juice and stir again.

Whisk with a whisk and pour in olive oil in a thin stream.

Add spices.

You can try to add new notes to the familiar taste of salad with any other dressing suitable for vegetable salad. We offer a recipe for one of the universal dressings.


  • Olive oil -3 tbsp
  • Vinegar 6% - 1 tbsp
  • Honey - 1 tsp
  • Whole grain mustard - 1 tsp
  • Garlic - 1 clove
  • Pepper


Chop the garlic finely.

Mix honey and mustard until smooth. Continuously stirring, pour in the olive oil.

Add vinegar and spices.

This dressing is suitable for Greek salad, which instead of feta contains feta cheese, softening its salty taste. In addition, for those who follow the figure, you can use this recipe by removing olive oil from it and replacing fatty yogurt with a more dietary one.


  • Fatty Greek Yogurt - 100 ml
  • Garlic - 1 clove
  • Lemon juice - 1 tablespoon
  • Olive oil - 2 tablespoons
  • Oregano
  • Rosemary
  • Parsley
  • Pepper


Using a mixer, beat the yoghurt with finely chopped garlic, lemon juice and olive oil.

Finely chop the herbs, mash with a spatula and add to the whipped mixture.

Salt and pepper.

This dressing must be infused at room temperature before serving. This is necessary so that the flavors of the herbs can unfold and blend. But after such a sauce will delight you with its piquancy.


  • Olive oil - 3 tablespoons
  • Lemon juice - 2 tablespoons
  • Honey - 1 tablespoon
  • Dried mustard
  • Dried basil
  • Dried oregano
  • Pepper


Mix olive oil and lemon juice until smooth.

Continuously stirring, add honey.

Add spices, dried mustard, basil and oregano to the mixture and mix again.

Properly cooked will allow it to become a culinary hit. There are many options for preparing it. The salad itself is endlessly popular among housewives, it is easy to prepare at home, healthy and able to decorate any, even a festive table.

Many people believe that the classic composition of the dressing must necessarily include such a component as olive oil.

Classic filling options

The Greeks themselves prepare this salad only from fresh vegetables, and season it exclusively with olive oil.

They can add a little salt, basil, or oregano for a pungent taste. In extreme cases, they will pepper a little. They strongly oppose any other oil that can be added to this salad, believing that only olive oil emphasizes the exquisite taste and freshness of vegetables.

Vinegar or lemon juice can add spice to the dressing. You can often find a recipe with soy sauce or pomegranate juice.

As stated, Greeks prefer a simple dressing for their salad. The classic version contains only olive oil with lemon juice in a 2: 1 ratio. It is allowed to add a pinch of salt and pepper. Dried oregano can be added. Alternatively, a Greek salad dressing can include vinegar. You should choose a high quality product.

Instead of table vinegar, it is better to take natural apple, balsamic or wine. They have a pleasant delicate taste, interesting shades and are beneficial to health. Therefore, if you want to use a richer dressing than with lemon juice, you should resort to using one of these vinegars. The ratio of vinegar to olive oil should be used the same as with lemon juice - 1: 2.

This recipe is well complemented by the following ingredients:

  • olive oil - 0.5 cups;
  • vinegar (apple or balsamic) - 0.25 cups;
  • cane sugar - 2 teaspoons;
  • garlic - 2 cloves;
  • salt, pepper - to taste.

Whisk the vinegar and sugar, add the crushed garlic, season with salt and pepper. Carefully pour olive oil in a trickle and continue stirring until smooth. The Greek salad dressing is ready.

Cooking mustard sauce

This recipe involves the use of garlic. It is often argued that the classic set of ingredients in Greek salad excludes garlic. There are opponents and supporters of adding this sharp component. In order not to spoil the taste of the salad and dressing, you need to thoroughly pass the garlic through a press, knead to the state of gruel and combine with oil.

In order for the dressing for Greek mustard salad to turn out with the desired shades of taste, you should take the following components:

  • olive oil - 0.5 cups;
  • Dijon mustard - 0.5 teaspoon;
  • garlic - 2-3 cloves;
  • red wine vinegar - 0.25 cups;
  • dried oregano - 1 teaspoon;
  • salt, pepper - to taste.

Crush the garlic to a pulp, mix with dry oregano, add mustard and vinegar, salt and pepper. Without stopping stirring, pour in a thin stream of oil and stir until smooth. Let the dressing stand for half an hour at room temperature.

Optionally, add a tablespoon of fresh runny honey to add a sweet flavor to the sauce. However, the last option is not for everyone, since not everyone likes the sweet taste in vegetable salad. There are opponents of adding garlic to mustard sauce. Everything is individual.

Mayonnaise-based sauces

Russians are notable for their love of mayonnaise. Chefs will call it blasphemy to add mayonnaise to Greek salad. But there will always be supporters of such a sauce. However, in this recipe, it would be better to use fresh homemade rather than store-bought mayonnaise.

To soften the taste of a store product, you should take products such as:

  • mayonnaise - 2 tablespoons;
  • wine vinegar (preferably red) - 1-2 teaspoons;
  • olive oil - 3-4 tablespoons;
  • lemon juice - 2-3 tablespoons;
  • liquid fresh honey - 1 tablespoon;
  • garlic - 1-2 cloves;
  • salt, pepper - to taste.

Crush the garlic, mix it until puree, combine with mayonnaise, add liquid honey, bring to a homogeneous state, salt and pepper as desired. Gently add olive oil, stir again. At the end, while constantly stirring the mixture, pour in the lemon juice.

Last but not least, wine vinegar is added, which gives a special piquant taste. Everything is mixed to a very thick sour cream and cooled in the refrigerator. Optionally, the dressing can be enhanced with nutmeg and cardamom. They should be added along with salt and pepper, the recipe will only benefit from them.

Soy sauce dressing option

Nowadays there are many lovers of oriental cuisine who love soy sauce. It is perfect as a dressing for Greek salad, giving fresh vegetables a little salt and astringency.

It is better to choose a natural sauce obtained by the fermentation method, it is much tastier and healthier for the body. Gourmets will oppose this kind of sauce, considering it a traditional element of Japanese cuisine, which has no place in a Greek salad. Lovers of experimentation and unusual combinations can venture into this recipe.

Moreover, fusion-style cuisine (a mixture of different techniques and cultures) is now in vogue. An excellent ratio of olive oil to soy sauce is 3: 1. It should be borne in mind: soy sauce gives a brown tint to the components of the salad, especially cheese such as feta cheese or feta, which visually changes the salad.

For the classic soy sauce dressing you will need:

  • olive oil - 4-6 tablespoons;
  • soy sauce - 2 tablespoons;
  • lemon juice - 2 tablespoons;
  • liquid honey - 1 tablespoon.

Combine honey and soy sauce, add lemon juice, mix thoroughly and gently pour in olive oil. While stirring constantly, bring the sauce until completely dissolved.

How to make a classic Greek salad recipe

Greek salad dressing

As for the "Greek salad", the classic recipe includes:

The obligatory presence of Feta cheese in the salad, the recipe for which has been known in Greece since Homeric times. Olives (olives), tomatoes and olive oil for dressing can also be considered a must-have ingredient.

The rest varies from recipe to recipe, depending on preference and food availability at the time we decided to cook this popular dish at home.

Greek salad recipe (3 large portions):

How to make a Greek salad:

A distinctive feature of the classic Greek salad is that all vegetables are cut in large pieces. Actually, that's all the preparation: mine, we cut vegetables.

Open a jar of olives, drain the brine, spread.

Cut the feta into cubes, put it in a salad. Gently mix everything and pour with dressing.

How to make salad dressing:

Beat with a fork until the sauce thickens slightly.

Add the amount of salt, taking into account the fact that, as a rule, feta cheese is quite salty. In a salad I have enough of the salinity that olives and feta give.

A few more salad recipes, classic and not so:

Green radish salad

for a festive table

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    It is quite possible that summer will come someday in the middle lane. So, it still makes sense to put bread kvass. It will take at least a week to prepare a good starter culture, and as forecasters promise, by that time the air temperature should rise above 20 C (during the day).

    How to prepare a starter culture for

    homemade bread kvass


    • 2 liters of cold water;
    • 0.5 loaves of Borodino bread or 100 grams of rye flour + 100 grams of rye bread;
    • 4 tablespoons of granulated sugar;
    • 3 grams of yeast.
    • Cooking time - 5-6 days

    How to put kvass:

    • Fry the flour or pieces of bread until they darken (but not charred, with black bread it is sometimes difficult to understand: it is simply fried or has already burnt).
    • Dissolve yeast and 1 tablespoon of granulated sugar in lukewarm water.
    • After 10 minutes, add a third of the flour or breadcrumbs.
    • Drain almost all the water, add the same amount of fresh water, another spoonful of sugar and another third of crackers or flour with breadcrumbs.

    And insist again for a couple of days.

    Drain again, add the remaining crackers (or flour with breadcrumbs) and sugar. And pour fresh water again.

    During this time, the leaven will lose its insolent yeast taste and unpleasant bitterness, and it will be possible to put drinking kvass on it. To do this, once every 1.5-2 days, water, sugar to taste and a large handful of fresh rye crackers will need to be added to a three-liter jar with prepared sourdough, after removing some of the old soaked and sank to the bottom. For taste, you can add raisins, mint, ginger, honey.

    What is Greek salad used for? How is this dish prepared?

    Each of you has tasted Greek salad at least once. This healthy and incredibly simple dish is made with vegetables. Its composition varies quite widely, as each one adds favorite products to the classic recipe. After reading this article, you will learn how Greek salad is seasoned.

    We owe the origin of this dish to one curious incident that happened in 1909 with a Greek emigrant. He worked for many years at one of the American weaving factories, and then decided to visit his native village. The reason for the visit was an invitation to his nephew's wedding.

    In foreign lands, he longed for his native country, olive oil, Greek olives and delicious cheese. While he was getting home, he had a toothache, and his sister recommended rinsing him with aniseed vodka.

    The pain subsided a little, but during dinner, the tooth began to ache. In order not to stay hungry, the man had to crumble the food that was on the table into a bowl, add a handful of olives there and put feta. The sister really liked the new dish, so she decided to serve it at the wedding table. The guests appreciated the salad, and since then it has become a favorite national dish. And high-quality olive oil has become the best of that assortment than seasoning a Greek salad.

    Classic recipe

    The process of its preparation does not take much time and effort. Therefore, it was especially popular with the Greek peasants, who worked hard and could not cook too complicated dishes.

    Those who do not know how to season a Greek salad will certainly be interested in the classic recipe. To prepare this dish, you need to stock up on all the necessary products in advance. You will need:

    • One small cucumber.
    • Four medium sized tomatoes.
    • Several pieces of bell pepper.
    • One medium-sized red onion.
    • About twenty olives.
    • Two teaspoons of pickled capers.
    • Two hundred grams of feta cheese.

    In addition, you should have olive oil, salt, and dried oregano in your kitchen. Capers, olives, seasoning, salt and olive oil are added to the pre-washed and chopped vegetables. Spread wide slices of cheese on top.

    Variety of options

    For those who want to understand how Greek salad is seasoned, we recommend trying a modified dish. Some cooks replace regular tomatoes with cherry tomatoes. In their opinion, this gives the finished salad a great aesthetics.

    Someone supplements the classic recipe with lettuce leaves. Moreover, it is better not to cut them with a knife, but to tear them with your hands. This will save more valuable substances in them. As for the sauce, it is recommended to cook it separately and only then mix it with all the ingredients. It is advisable to do this just before serving.

    Traditional sauce

    For those who do not know how to dress a Greek salad, we can recommend the classic version. This sauce is quite simple to prepare and does not require complex and expensive ingredients. According to the recipe, it consists of sea salt, black pepper, sugar, garlic, dried oregano and olive oil.

    All of the above components are mixed in one bowl. It is recommended to season the salad shortly before the start of the meal. Alternatively, you can add a small amount of wine, balsamic, or apple cider vinegar to the sauce. It is not only good for health, but also gives the finished dish a pleasant, delicate taste.

    How to season a Greek salad?

    Soy sauce has a savory taste, which is why it is often added to various dishes. The national Greek food, which is discussed in our article, was no exception. To make such an unusual dressing, you will need honey, olive oil, lemon juice and soy sauce.

    The sequence of actions is quite simple, so even a novice hostess can easily cope with this task. Those who are interested in what Greek salad is seasoned with should understand that first you need to combine soy sauce with liquid honey so that you get a homogeneous mass. Then you need to pour lemon juice there and mix everything well. Continuing to beat, olive oil is then added to the mixture. The prepared dressing can be stored in a sealed container for two weeks.

    Another version of this dish

    Before you figure out how to dress Greek salad with Chinese cabbage, you need to learn how to cook it. To do this, you need to take care in advance that there are ingredients such as:

    • 200 grams of feta cheese.
    • Two medium cucumbers.
    • 100 grams of black olives.
    • 6-8 cherry tomatoes.
    • 400 grams of Chinese cabbage.

    In addition, you will need bell peppers, lemon juice, a bunch of dill, and olive oil. The cabbage leaves, previously washed and separated from the head, must be cut into squares. Some housewives prefer to tear them with their hands, believing that this way more vitamins are stored in them. Tomatoes and cucumbers are cut into cubes, and peppers are cut into strips. Then the chopped vegetables are mixed in a prepared bowl. A deep bowl is best suited for this purpose. Olives and cheese cubes cut into rings are also sent there.

    Now it's time to find out what Greek salad is seasoned with in this case. Here you can use a classic sauce consisting of lemon juice, spices and olive oil. Salt is added to the finished dish if desired.

    Greek salad dressing

    Let's talk about sauces that help us complement and sometimes radically change the taste of a dish. In addition to the well-known mayonnaise and ketchup, which we can see in great abundance on store shelves, there are homemade sauces.

    The latter include the recipe for adjika with horseradish, very spicy adjika, adjika with walnuts, etc. At home, you can also make an excellent dressing sauce, which is usually used for Greek salad. However, this versatile sauce can have other uses as well. For example, it is perfect as a chicken marinade.

    Cooking Greek salad dressing

    The classic Greek salad dressing recipe is pretty straightforward and straightforward. Therefore, we will start with him.

    Homemade Greek salad dressing is made from the simplest ingredients. Prepare olive oil, lemon, garlic, salt, ground black pepper and dried oregano in advance.

    The classic Greek salad dressing is best done in a glass jar. Choosing a capacious jar. Grind 1 clove of garlic using a garlic press. We place it in the jar. Add 1 teaspoon dried oregano, ½ teaspoon salt and ¼ teaspoon ground black pepper. We mix. Next, pour in ¼ glass of lemon juice. To get it, we need 1 or 2 lemons (depending on the size of the fruit). Then add ½ cup olive oil to the Greek salad dressing at home.

    A properly prepared Greek salad dressing will make it a culinary hit. There are many options for preparing it. The salad itself is endlessly popular among housewives, it is easy to prepare at home, healthy and able to decorate any, even a festive table.

    Many people believe that the classic composition of the dressing must necessarily include such a component as olive oil.

    The Greeks themselves prepare this salad only from fresh vegetables, and season it exclusively with olive oil.
    They can add a little salt, basil, or oregano for a pungent taste. In extreme cases, they will pepper a little. They strongly oppose any other oil that can be added to this salad, believing that only olive oil emphasizes the exquisite taste and freshness of vegetables.

    Vinegar or lemon juice can add spice to the dressing. You can often find a recipe with soy sauce or pomegranate juice.

    As stated, Greeks prefer a simple dressing for their salad. The classic version contains only olive oil with lemon juice in a 2: 1 ratio. It is allowed to add a pinch of salt and pepper. Dried oregano can be added. Alternatively, a Greek salad dressing can include vinegar. You should choose a high quality product.

    Instead of table vinegar, it is better to take natural apple, balsamic or wine. They have a pleasant delicate taste, interesting shades and are beneficial to health. Therefore, if you want to use a richer dressing than with lemon juice, you should resort to using one of these vinegars. The ratio of vinegar to olive oil should be used the same as with lemon juice - 1: 2.

    This recipe is well complemented by the following ingredients:

    • olive oil - 0.5 cups;
    • vinegar (apple or balsamic) - 0.25 cups;
    • cane sugar - 2 teaspoons;
    • garlic - 2 cloves;
    • salt, pepper - to taste.

    Whisk the vinegar and sugar, add the crushed garlic, season with salt and pepper. Carefully pour olive oil in a trickle and continue stirring until smooth. The Greek salad dressing is ready.

    Cooking mustard sauce

    This recipe involves the use of garlic. It is often argued that the classic set of ingredients in Greek salad excludes garlic. There are opponents and supporters of adding this sharp component. In order not to spoil the taste of the salad and dressing, you need to thoroughly pass the garlic through a press, knead to the state of gruel and combine with oil.

    In order for the dressing for Greek mustard salad to turn out with the desired shades of taste, you should take the following components:

    • olive oil - 0.5 cups;
    • Dijon mustard - 0.5 teaspoon;
    • garlic - 2-3 cloves;
    • red wine vinegar - 0.25 cups;
    • dried oregano - 1 teaspoon;
    • salt, pepper - to taste.

    Crush the garlic to a pulp, mix with dry oregano, add mustard and vinegar, salt and pepper. Without stopping stirring, pour in a thin stream of oil and stir until smooth. Let the dressing stand for half an hour at room temperature.

    Optionally, add a tablespoon of fresh runny honey to add a sweet flavor to the sauce. However, the last option is not for everyone, since not everyone likes the sweet taste in vegetable salad. There are opponents of adding garlic to mustard sauce. Everything is individual.

    Mayonnaise-based sauces

    Russians are notable for their love of mayonnaise. Chefs will call it blasphemy to add mayonnaise to Greek salad. But there will always be supporters of such a sauce. However, in this recipe, it would be better to use fresh homemade rather than store-bought mayonnaise.

    To soften the taste of a store product, you should take products such as:

    • mayonnaise - 2 tablespoons;
    • wine vinegar (preferably red) - 1-2 teaspoons;
    • olive oil - 3-4 tablespoons;
    • lemon juice - 2-3 tablespoons;
    • liquid fresh honey - 1 tablespoon;
    • garlic - 1-2 cloves;
    • salt, pepper - to taste.

    Crush the garlic, mix it until puree, combine with mayonnaise, add liquid honey, bring to a homogeneous state, salt and pepper as desired. Gently add olive oil, stir again. At the end, while constantly stirring the mixture, pour in the lemon juice.

    Last but not least, wine vinegar is added, which gives a special piquant taste. Everything is mixed to a very thick sour cream and cooled in the refrigerator. Optionally, the dressing can be enhanced with nutmeg and cardamom. They should be added along with salt and pepper, the recipe will only benefit from them.

    Soy sauce dressing option

    Nowadays there are many lovers of oriental cuisine who love soy sauce. It is perfect as a dressing for Greek salad, giving fresh vegetables a little salt and astringency.

    It is better to choose a natural sauce obtained by the fermentation method, it is much tastier and healthier for the body. Gourmets will oppose this kind of sauce, considering it a traditional element of Japanese cuisine, which has no place in a Greek salad. Lovers of experimentation and unusual combinations can venture into this recipe.

    Moreover, fusion-style cuisine (a mixture of different techniques and cultures) is now in vogue. An excellent ratio of olive oil to soy sauce is 3: 1. It should be borne in mind: soy sauce gives a brown tint to the components of the salad, especially cheese such as feta cheese or feta, which visually changes the salad.

    For the classic soy sauce dressing you will need:

    • olive oil - 4-6 tablespoons;
    • soy sauce - 2 tablespoons;
    • lemon juice - 2 tablespoons;
    • liquid honey - 1 tablespoon.

    Combine honey and soy sauce, add lemon juice, mix thoroughly and gently pour in olive oil. While stirring constantly, bring the sauce until completely dissolved.

    Greek salad itself is a unique, vibrant and delicious dish. If instead of lemon juice, as required by the classic recipe, you add balsamic vinegar to the composition, then this will already be a real masterpiece. Your whole family will love the Greek Balsamic Vinegar Salad!

    Also on our site you will find other, equally delicious recipes for dishes, such as, or.

    Soy sauce in combination with expensive and exquisite vinegar gives an already gorgeous dish a special, delicate and at the same time spicy taste.

    Seasoning for Greek Salad - Ingredients:

    • 1 yellow sweet pepper;
    • 400 gr. cherry tomatoes;
    • 200 gr. cucumbers;
    • 1 onion;
    • 1 clove of garlic;
    • 200 gr. feta cheese;
    • 100 g olives;
    • 7 tbsp. l. olive oils;
    • 11 Art. l. soy sauce;
    • 1/3 tsp ground pepper;
    • 1/4 tsp Sahara.

    How to cook and how to season a Greek salad:

    1. Rinse the vegetables thoroughly and dry on a paper towel.
    2. Extract all the seeds from the pepper, after which the fruit is cut into neat pieces.
    3. Cut the cherry into pieces.
    4. If necessary, cut off the peel from the cucumbers (if bitter) and chop.
    5. Peel the onion, cut into halves of rings.
    6. Cut the cheese into compact, even cubes.
    7. Peel the garlic, chop it with a press.
    8. Mix the vinegar in a dish suitable for making the sauce with sugar, olive oil, soy sauce and pepper.
    9. Put all the products in a salad bowl and pour abundantly with the dressing, add the olives.

    Important! There are no specific rules for cutting vegetables. If desired, the fruits can be cut into cubes or strips.

    Greek salad - description

    Cottage cheese, of course, was not used in the preparation of the original dish. But such a replacement of components allows you to make the finished salad cheaper and at the same time tastier and easier.

    Products and spices for Greek salad:

    • 0.5 kg. tomatoes;
    • 0.5 kg. cucumbers;
    • 50 gr. greenery;
    • 20 gr. olives;
    • 2 tbsp. l. olive oils;
    • 100 g cottage cheese with a minimum fat content;
    • 4 tbsp. l. balsamic vinegar;
    • 1/4 tsp ground pepper.

    Greek slimming salad:

    1. Wash cucumbers, cut into large enough cubes.
    2. Rinse the tomatoes, chop them into pieces.
    3. Remove the olives from the jar.
    4. Rinse the greens, chop.
    5. Mix the chopped ingredients with pieces of cottage cheese and olives.
    6. To make the sauce, the vinegar should be mixed with oil and pepper.
    7. Pour the freshly prepared sauce onto the finished dish.

    How to make Greek salad without cheese

    It is very, very difficult to imagine a Greek salad without cheese. This, it would seem, is an integral component in the composition. For those who have never tried this dish without adding this dairy product, the following recipe.

    You will need:

    • 150 g tomatoes;
    • 1/2 red onion;
    • 20 olives;
    • 2 cucumbers;
    • 1.5 tbsp. l. olive oils;
    • 1.5 tbsp. l. balsamic vinegar;
    • 50 gr. lettuce leaves;
    • 1/4 tsp ground pepper.

    Balsamic Greek Salad Dressing:

    1. Peel the onion and cut into very thin halves of rings.
    2. The washed tomatoes and cucumbers should be chopped into thin slices.
    3. Rinse and dry the salad. Place the leaves on the bottom of the dish.
    4. Remove the olives from the jar
    5. Put all components on lettuce leaves, mix gently.
    6. Combine olive oil, vinegar and pepper, stir. Pour the resulting dressing over the salad and serve to the guests.

    Tip: The olives used in the preparation of the dish must be pitted. It is quite difficult to extract them on your own, and this process will take a lot of time.

    Greek cheese salad recipe

    Another variation of a chic salad, which is maximally adapted to the Slavic taste. What kind of cheese is needed for a Greek salad? The Feta variety is somehow not at all in this spirit, but the feta cheese is dear and painfully familiar.

    You will need:

    • 3 cucumbers;
    • 4 tomatoes;
    • 250 g feta cheese;
    • 20 pcs. olives;
    • 4 tbsp. l. olive oils;
    • 1 Crimean red onion;
    • 1 tbsp. l. balsamic vinegar.

    Greek salad original recipe:

    1. Initially, all vegetables must be thoroughly rinsed.
    2. Cut the tomatoes into large wedges.
    3. The tips are cut from the cucumbers, and the fruit itself is cut into pieces.
    4. Peel the onion, then chop it into rings.
    5. Combine prepared vegetables in a salad bowl, stir.
    6. It is required to drain all the liquid from the olives and then put on top of the ingredients.
    7. The cheese must be cut into large pieces and also transferred to the rest of the salad components.
    8. Mix vinegar with olive oil, add pepper and salt if desired.
    9. The prepared dressing is poured into the salad.
    10. If you wish, you can sprinkle the dish with herbs and serve.

    Also try to cook, such a dish is no less tasty than the classic version.

    Greek salad with Chinese cabbage

    Due to the fact that Chinese cabbage itself is much juicier than lettuce leaves, this variation of the dish is even more tender and rich.

    You will need:

    • 250 g Beijing cabbage;
    • 150 g tomatoes;
    • 200 gr. feta cheese;
    • 2 cucumbers;
    • 1 sweet pepper;
    • 1 onion;
    • 100 g olives;
    • 1/3 lemon;
    • 1 tbsp. l. balsamic vinegar;
    • 1 clove of garlic;
    • 1/2 tsp spices "Italian herbs";
    • 1/4 tsp salt.

    Cooking steps:

    1. In advance, you should take care of the preparation of the sauce, as it takes time to infuse. For this purpose, the garlic is peeled from the husk, crushed with a press and mixed with herbs, olive oil, vinegar, lemon juice and salt.
    2. The cheese is cut into relatively small cubes and mixed with the sauce, in which it is infused while the rest of the products are being prepared.
    3. The onions are peeled and then cut into thin halves of rings.
    4. Peking cabbage is divided into leaves, rinsed and torn by hand into pieces.
    5. Cucumbers and tomatoes are washed, dried and then cut into pieces.
    6. Seeds must be taken out of the pepper, the fruit is rinsed and crushed.
    7. The liquid is drained from a jar of olives.
    8. In a suitable salad bowl, mix cucumbers, cabbage, dried olives, tomatoes and sweet peppers, add a dressing with pieces of cheese.

    Important! It is advisable to use the red, so-called "Crimean" onion in the cooking process, but if desired, it can be replaced with a regular onion, and even green.

    Greek salad origin history is rooted in the history of the Middle Ages, where it is customary to prepare this dish with lemon juice. But balsamic vinegar is already a luxury. Such a dressing is used only in special cases, at the brightest and richest celebrations. Greek salad with croutons recipe is a pleasure to cook. And the taste of the appetizer is simply delicious.

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    Fabulous Greece invariably evokes associations with the warm sea, magnificent landscapes and aromatic Mediterranean cuisine. Greek salad is rightfully considered the crown national dish. A light and hearty snack can be found on the menu of all cafes and restaurants. This is the first thing that tourists and locals order, wanting to quickly refresh themselves. The delicious Greek salad dressing is exactly what gives this dish the amazing Mediterranean flavors at home.

    The components of the popular dish are simple - Feta cheese, tomatoes, cucumbers, onions, peppers. It will not be difficult to buy them in any corner of the planet where civilization is more or less developed. The main secret of taste lies precisely in the dressing for the Greek salad. Lightness, nutritional value and amazing flavors depend on it.

    Features of the preparation of dressing for Greek salad

    How do you prepare a Greek salad dressing to highlight the rich flavor of your dish? This question is asked by most travelers who have tried the snack in local catering establishments and have become a fan of it forever. Despite the fact that in the coastal restaurants the dish is seasoned differently than in the restaurant on the mainland, the taste always turns out to be very harmonious.

    To reproduce a culinary masterpiece at home, you do not need to have special cooking talents and skills. It is enough to know a few subtleties and the recipe for the "correct" Greek salad is ready.

    • Olive oil is the base of the dish. You should choose unrefined, cold pressed and, of course, the freshest.
    • You can fill the salad with natural yogurt or mayonnaise. Preferably, homemade, from quality products. But in this case, adhere to the rule - it is better to add less sauce than more. And if yogurt does not greatly affect the overall taste of the dish, then mayonnaise can completely change it.
    • Spices, especially spicy and highly spicy, should be kept for preparing other culinary masterpieces. Greek salad with a classic dressing emphasizes the natural flavor of the ingredients, this is the main focus. Intense aromas can ruin the taste hopelessly.
    • In all recipes for sauces, use only fresh herbs (basil, oregano, rosemary). Dried greens can also be added if there is confidence in the quality and freshness of the blanks.

    Even big fans of all sorts of gravies should remember that dressing for a Greek salad is a light touch of taste, and not a way to fix an unsuccessful dish.

    Classic Greek salad dressing

    The classic dressing for Greek salad consists of only two components - olive oil and oregano (oregano). It is in this form that the dish has been served since the moment of its invention. The sauce doesn't even have salt. A slightly salty cheese completely compensates for the absence of the main ingredient in any food.

    The tourist boom has contributed to the fact that sauce in Greece for salad is prepared according to several recipes. This is due to the national preferences of millions of tourists visiting the shores of the ancient country. Asians love aroma, French people love piquancy, southern people love spice. Over time, the dressing was overgrown with components that meet the tastes of any person.

    But the classic recipe for the sauce remains the basis of the Greek salad. It is the tastiest and best suited to the definition of Mediterranean cuisine. To make a simple 4-portion Greek salad dressing, you will need:

    • Freshly squeezed olive oil - 50 mg;
    • Oregano recently plucked - 20 grams;
    • Salt is on the tip of a teaspoon.

    Oregano (oregano) finely chop with a knife or chop in a blender, pour in a thin stream of oil, salt and mix gently. Just 5-10 minutes, and the salad can be poured with a delicious, and such a simple, classic dressing.

    Other Popular Greek Salad Dressings

    Homemade Greek salad dressing is exactly what is right for you. Its self-preparation gives complete creative freedom. You can experiment endlessly with the ingredients until you get the perfect culinary combination of taste, color and smell. Sauces can drastically affect the perception of a dish. By adding condiments, spices that act differently on the main ingredients of the Greek salad.

    Dressing with lemon and olive oil

    One variation of the classic Greek salad dressing is a mixture of olive oil and lemon juice. It is popular for its original sour taste and simple recipe. To make the sauce you will need:

    • Olive oil - 150 mg;
    • Freshly squeezed lemon juice - 50 mg;
    • Oregano (can be replaced with basil) - 30 mg;
    • Salt - 1 teaspoon.

    Read also: Greek Salad - Recipes, History and Traditions of Mediterranean Cooking

    Place the oil in a glass container (ideally, a special bottle with a spout, up to 250 ml), add finely chopped greens (chopped with a blender), a little salt, pour with lemon juice. Stir and let it brew, for at least 20 minutes, so that the components give off their full aroma.

    Balsamic Vinegar Dressing

    You can add spice to the Greek salad with vinegar from wine must. The sweet and sour seasoning must be of impeccable quality. This is key for the sauce, otherwise the dressing will ruin the whole salad. When choosing, you should pay attention to the marking. "Aceto Balsamico Tradizionale di Modena", "Aceto Balsamico Tradizionale di Reggio Emilia" - the best traditional spices.

    Recipe composition:

    • Extra Virgin olive oil - 200 ml;
    • Balsamic vinegar - 70 ml;
    • Garlic - 3 large teeth;
    • Fresh oregano - 30-40 grams;
    • Salt, ground black pepper - if necessary;
    • Crystalline sugar - 1 dessert spoon with a slide.

    Mix sugar with wine vinegar (6%) until the crystals are completely dissolved. It is better to give preference to brown sugar. Crush the garlic with a press and chop finely, add to the mixture. Grind fresh herbs with a blender (chop), mix with prepared butter. Combine all ingredients and beat with a fork (only by hand). Finally, add salt and pepper to taste (optional). Season with Greek salad and serve for a family dinner or holiday feast.

    Soy salad dressing

    The recipe for Greek salad with soy sauce will appeal to fans of Asian cuisine. The sweet, hearty dressing bears little resemblance to classic freshness. Nevertheless, it is popular due to its unusual flavor combination. In the salad itself, you should replace the traditional feta with a more bland cheese, because the sauce will increase the salinity of the cheese.

    • Mustard honey - 40 ml;
    • Soy sauce - 75 ml;
    • Extra Virgin olive oil - 150 ml;
    • Lemon juice - 75 ml.

    Mix liquid honey (frozen in a steam bath) with soy sauce until smooth. Add olive oil - pour in a thin stream, stirring constantly. Squeeze lemon juice into the finished mixture. Sweet and sour sauce for Greek salad with oriental notes is ready.

    French Mustard Dressing for Greek Salad

    You can add some French charm to a Greek salad with mustard. Traditional Russian seasoning will not work - it will overwhelm the taste of cheese and vegetables with its specific aroma. Conversely, the sweet, spicy, delicate grains of Dijon sauce make the dressing incredibly tasty.


    • Extra Virgin olive oil - 150 ml;
    • Wine (balsamic) vinegar - 75 ml;
    • Oregano (basil) - 20 grams;
    • Dijon mustard - 5 ml;
    • Garlic - 2 cloves;
    • Salt - 1 level teaspoon.

    Crush the garlic with a knife and chop finely. Add to the mustard and let it brew a little (2-5 minutes). Mix balsamic vinegar, herbs and salt with garlic-mustard paste. Pour olive oil in a thin stream and beat with a whisk until a thick, homogeneous mass is obtained. Season the Greek salad with the resulting sauce and enjoy the extraordinary taste sensations.

    Dressing with natural yoghurt

    Yogurt dressing is widely used in Caucasian cuisine. Greek salad with this dressing is a symbiosis of two national tastes. Lovers of “passionate” dishes will appreciate it. For cooking you will need:

    • Natural yogurt (optimally - from sheep's milk) - 300 ml;
    • Fresh cucumber, large - 2 pcs.;
    • Balsamic (wine, apple) vinegar - 150 ml;
    • Extra virgin olive oil - 75 ml;
    • Garlic - 2-3 cloves;
    • Fresh dill - 20 grams;
    • Salt, black pepper - to taste.

    Remove the peel from the cucumber and grate on a fine grater. Pass the resulting puree through a sieve to remove the juice. Mix cucumber cake with yogurt. Add garlic, passed through a press, to the mixture. Finely chop the washed and dried dill (you can grind it with a blender). Stir the mixture well until the herbs are completely distributed, salt and pepper. Pour olive oil and selected vinegar into the sauce. Beat by hand until a thick, creamy mass is obtained. The dressing perfectly complements the taste of cheese and fresh vegetables in a Greek salad.

    Greek salad dressing with homemade mayonnaise

    It is worth mentioning that mayonnaise in a dressing for a Greek salad completely changes the traditional taste of a light snack. But many gourmets like this sauce the most. Perhaps this is a tribute to long-term gustatory habits. There are several ways to soften the weight of the sauce and add a Mediterranean flavor to the salad: prepare mayonnaise yourself, add good wine vinegar and only fresh olive oil.

    When preparing dressings, use:

    • Homemade mayonnaise - 50 ml;
    • Olive oil - 70 ml;
    • Lemon juice - 50 ml;
    • Honey - 1 teaspoon;
    • Garlic - 2 cloves;
    • Balsamic (wine) vinegar - 5-10 ml;
    • Nutmeg - small pinch;
    • Salt, black pepper - optional.