Crispy shrimps in garlic sauce (recipe with photo). Crispy fried shrimp (recipe with photo)

Cooking technology

Shrimp is an excellent food with many health benefits. There are several generally accepted methods of preparing them, almost all of them are simple. They are baked, deep-fried and grilled, boiled, pickled. Fried shrimp in soy sauce are very tasty (recipe options will be given in this article).

Popular international dishes

They are actively used both independently and as a side dish and an additional ingredient in recipes of Asian, Mediterranean, Latin American cuisines. For example, among the components for okonomiyaki, paella de marisco, kachukko, jambalaya, pun choi, bagung. Some well-known international dishes include Japanese yoshoku, which means Western style, ebi furai kare (or fried shrimp in curry sauce), and Brazilian watapu. Soup with egg noodles ("xia mian") is extremely popular in China and southeastern countries. It is prepared on the basis of dried shrimp broth with white pepper, garlic and other spices, with pieces of pork, fish croquettes and bean sprouts. Serve topped with fried shallots and green onions. Watapu is made from bread, shrimp, coconut milk, ground peanuts and palm oil. All ingredients are mixed into a paste until creamy.

Favorite Chinese Recipe - First Option

How to cook fried shrimp with soy sauce? The preparation of crustaceans for food, as a rule, includes the removal of the head, tail, shell, as well as the alimentary tract (special tools are used for this procedure, although a thin knife, sharp scissors or even a toothpick can be dispensed with). Fried shrimp in soy sauce is a favorite dish at Chinese wedding banquets. Aromatic, juicy, tantalizing appetite! It will require the following ingredients:

  • Olive oil - about half a glass.
  • Peel, rinse, dry and marinate half a kilogram of large (sea) shrimp in one tablespoon of sugar and three finely chopped cloves of garlic for about five minutes.
  • Two to three tablespoons of soy sauce (light).
  • A tablespoon of brown sugar.
  • A tablespoon of Chinese rice wine (such as Shaoxing).
  • A teaspoon of cornmeal mixed with 3 teaspoons of water.
  • For garnish, green onions and red bell peppers, cut into thin strips.

It's easy to prepare them, but it's important to follow a step-by-step process. So, first you need to heat the oil in a wok over the fire. Fry the pre-marinated product until half cooked, then remove and leave for a while. Leave a little oil in the pot (maximum three to four tablespoons), in which to fry the garlic. Add shrimp, then soy sauce, sugar. Continue simmering over medium heat until tender. Add wine and mix everything thoroughly. Thicken the sauce with corn flour. Decorate the finished dish with chopped green onions and paprika.

Fried shrimp in soy sauce in Chinese - the second version of the recipe


  • 100 ml of vegetable oil;
  • 750 grams of shrimp (peel, rinse and dry);
  • Chinese rice wine - one tablespoon;
  • soy sauce - two teaspoons;
  • chicken broth - two tablespoons;
  • 25 grams of green onions and fresh ginger (finely chopped);
  • salt - literally a pinch;
  • sugar - two tablespoons;
  • chicken pellets can be added for flavor if desired.


  1. Heat the oil (75 ml) in a wok.
  2. Put shrimps in it and fry them until they turn pink, then remove them, setting aside for a few minutes.
  3. Pour in the remaining oil (25 ml) and heat.
  4. Pour onions and ginger into it, and fry until aroma appears.
  5. Return the shrimp to the wok.
  6. Fry the mixture for about a minute, stirring occasionally.
  7. Then add chicken broth, rice wine, soy sauce, salt, sugar and chicken granules.
  8. Bring to a boil and reduce heat to low.
  9. Let the dish simmer for a few more minutes so that the sauce thickens well.
  10. Serve with freshly cooked rice.

Do you know that Norwegian shrimp are pink in color and look very appetizing.

In China, shrimp are called - chillims and their color is pale yellow, inedible.

Everyone loves pink shrimp, but in order for them to become pink and have a more attractive color, their meat is first painted in a special dye, and then thoroughly soaked in a sodium tripolyphosphate solution to fix a beautiful color and so that the meat absorbs more moisture and, thereby, weighed more. This chemical solution is a salt of tripolyphosphoric acid, which is a food stabilizer better known as E451, and is used to increase the moisture binding properties of proteins.

E451 is most likely to adversely affect human health, since it leads to a deterioration in the absorption of calcium, which leads to the deposition of calcium and phosphorus in the kidneys, and contributes to the development of osteoporosis.

A WARNING!!! When buying shrimp in the store, pay attention to the label, because high quality shrimp will only benefit you. If you see orange shrimp on the counter, it is better to go around and always buy in a package to identify the country of origin.

After boiling shrimp, the substance that makes them red is hundreds of times greater than the youthful vitamin E and gives us all Japanese longevity (according to Japanese scientists from the University of Osaka).

Despite the fact that Chinese craftsmen make a lot of effort and work to turn their yellow shrimp into a quality product, they learned to use them to the fullest in cooking, delighting all tourists with their culinary masterpieces.

Let's prepare an exotic dish - shrimp in Chinese.


1400 g - medium-sized raw shrimp;
50 g - dried shrimp;
500 g - soybean sprouts;
200 g - rice noodles;
1 small green pepperoni pod
1 medium pod of red pepperoni
2 eggs;
100 g - tofu cheese;
100 g - peanuts;
2 limes;
4 tbsp. spoons of finished fish sauce;
2 tbsp. spoons of light soy sauce;
6 tbsp. tablespoons of vegetable oil;
2 tbsp. spoons of rice or wine vinegar;
2 tbsp. tablespoons of granulated sugar;
½ h. Spoons of ground black pepper;
ground chili to taste;
3 leek leaves;
5 heads of shallots;
3 cloves of garlic;
125 ml rice vinegar;
Greens - 20 g.


Peel the shrimp, remove the heads. Slice the shrimp along the back and remove the insides.

Mix the fish sauce and ground black pepper and put the shrimps in the mixture for 10 minutes. Wash the leeks and cut into 4 cm strips.

Chop the shallots and 3 garlic cloves.

Rinse the soybean sprouts in a colander under running water and set aside.

Cut the tofu into 0.5 cm cubes.

Using a mixer, lightly chop the roasted peanuts.

Wash the limes and cut them into quarters.

Boil rice noodles in boiling water for 2 minutes, put it in a colander and rinse with cold water.

Heat vegetable oil in a skillet and lightly sauté shallots, garlic and dried shrimp over high heat. Then add shrimp soaked in fish sauce, tofu, nuts and fry this mixture with continuous stirring for 1 minute over high heat. Move the stew to the edges of the pan. Break the eggs into the vacant center, mix them well and fry over medium heat until a light brown color appears (about 3 minutes).

Then add boiled rice noodles, half soy sprouts, leek strips, rice vinegar, granulated sugar, 2 tbsp. spoons of fish sauce and light soy sauce. Mix all components thoroughly and warm up.

Blanch the remaining soybean sprouts in a large amount of boiling water for 1 minute, discard them in a colander, rinse with cold water and let it drain well.

Wash the pepperoni and remove the seeds. Cut the pods into rings, put in a deep salad bowl, pour 125 ml of rice vinegar, top with the cooked shrimps from the pan on a dish with soy sprouts and lime slices sprinkled with chili and sugar, garnish with herbs.

Bifeng Tang Chao Xia, or Crispy fried prawns, is a Cantonese dish, original and very curious. It harmoniously combines salty and sweet flavors, as well as the aromas of roasted garlic and fermented soybeans. Fried shrimp perfectly fit into this range of flavors with their elastic texture - exactly elastic, with a light crunch, and not with the stiffness of a car tire. Some of my friends are still surprised that shrimps need to be cooked for only a few minutes. This dish is served hot and eaten right away - when it cools down, it will lose its taste. Crispy fried prawns are a great option for a light spring seafood lunch.

INGREDIENTS (for 2 servings):
peeled headless king prawns - 250 g,
garlic - 8-9 cloves,
green onions - 1 arrow,
green paprika - ¼ pod,
red paprika - ¼ pod,
fermented soybeans - 1 tbsp.,
dried chili- 2 pcs.,
breadcrumbs - 2 tbsp.,
wheat flour - 1 tablespoon,
white sugar - 1 tablespoon,
peanut butter - 1 tablespoon (peanut is preferred, but any other vegetable oil can be used),
deep fat oil - 200 ml.

The dish is easy to prepare. The whole process can be roughly divided into two parts - preparation of ingredients and preparation of the dish itself. In the preparatory stage, you need to wash and clean the ingredients, cut them into pieces and deep-fry some of the components of the future treat. During the cooking stage, you need to add the ingredients to the wok in a certain sequence, while stirring them in the wok.
Defrost the shrimp at room temperature and peel them from the shell (leave the tail), at the same time removing the back vein - this is if the shrimp are not peeled. If the shrimp are already peeled, then simply defrost them and rinse with water. It is highly advisable to use shrimps at least raw-frozen (or even better, chilled, or absolutely perfect - fresh).
Wash the paprika and the green onion arrow, peel the garlic, rinse the fermented soybeans with water.
Cut the dried chili into rings 1 cm wide with scissors.
Cut green onions into rings, paprika - into cubes with a side of 1 cm.
Chop the fermented soybeans and garlic into small cubes, then soak the garlic in cold water for 30 minutes, then fold on a sieve and let the water drain. Put on a napkin to absorb excess moisture.
Breaded shrimps in wheat flour.

Take a small saucepan, pour vegetable oil into it, the oil layer should be 4 cm (in my saucepan, 200 ml of vegetable oil was enough for this). Heat it up to 160 ° C. First, fry the shrimps in oil in batches - not for long, 10 seconds or a little more. You do not need to fry them until tender - you need a crispy crust on the shrimp. Put the finished shrimps on a paper towel to get wet from excess oil.

Dip the garlic into the same oil and fry until the color changes, add the breadcrumbs and then very quickly fry them in oil, only until they smell.

Strain the fried garlic and bread crumbs immediately from the oil and put on a paper towel so that the excess oil is absorbed into it.

In a wok, heat the peanut butter and fry the fermented soybeans until aroma, add chili and onion rings and quickly fry until chili aroma. Add the paprika cubes to the wok and fry for about a minute.

Add white sugar, sauteed garlic and bread crumbs to the wok, mix the contents of the wok. Add shrimp and stir again and fry for about a minute. Try and add salt if necessary. Remove the wok from the heat.

Step 1: let's talk about shrimp.

Shrimp is one of the healthiest and most harmless seafood. Shrimp plays an important role in cooking because its flavor is largely determined by the way it is cooked. For this dish, the most common shrimps are quite suitable. If you buy peeled and frozen shrimp, leave the bag to warm to room temperature. Then open it, pour the shrimp into a colander and rinse with running or boiled water. Shake and pour on a towel. They need to dry. If you find unpeeled and chilled somewhere - so much the better! You can peel them to the tails, leave those same tails, and later it will be much more convenient to both cook and absorb. Thanks to this tail, we will dip the shrimp in the breading.

Step 2: prepare the breading.

Into a deep plate break the egg and beat with a pinch of salt. Add black pepper to taste and measure out dry ginger. Squeeze lemon juice on a teaspoon - a quarter is enough for this - and beat again. In different plates measure out bread crumbs and sift wheat flour... In them, in turn - first flour, then crackers - we will dip the shrimp.

Step 3: fry the Chinese shrimp.

Now the most interesting and delicious thing is to roll the breaded shrimps and fry! For this each shrimp is first dipped into the egg mixture, from it into flour, roll over. Then back into the egg and breadcrumbs. If the shrimp were already peeled, it will be somewhat inconvenient to do this, in my opinion. And using forks is also not an option, shrimps are very tender and vulnerable in the literal sense of the word: raw they can fall apart under a fork. Much easier if there is a tail left during self-cleaning. It turns out a double breading, which will be baked in oil as in deep fat, and will be crispy on the outside, and very juicy and tender on the inside. By the way!
Put the pan on the fire and pour in the oil. Finely chop the garlic cloves and put them in the oil. Heat it up and fry the shrimp for about 3-5 minutes, if over high heat; and 5-7 minutes over medium heat. The main criterion for assessing readiness is a golden crust. I strongly advise you not to fry all the shrimps at once. They can stick together, and you get an unremarkable porridge. Small portions of 5-7 shrimp at a time will fit comfortably in a small skillet.

Step 4: Serve the Chinese shrimp.

On the dish in which you will serve, you can put fresh lettuce leaves and lemon wedges around the edge. To do this, separate the salad leaves from each other and rinse them under cold water to keep them fresh. They need to be dried. To do this, use either a towel or shake it well several times. Line the dish and decorate with lemon. Remember we had a colander? So, we need him again. We put the fried shrimps into it as soon as they are ready, removing them from the frying pan either with culinary tweezers or with a spatula. Thus, there will be no excess oil in the dish... After the colander, put the shrimp on a platter and serve! Bon Appetit!

Chinese shrimp can be served with soy sauce and wasabi in sauce bowls; or the sweet and sour sauce "Saint-Soy" (the most common), for example. What do you prefer.

Instead of dry ginger in an egg mixture, you can use pickled ginger as an addition to shrimp or sauce;

If you want to use fried Chinese shrimp in a salad, pay special attention to the amount of salt and pepper, perhaps it is better to reduce their share a little.