How a pizza base is made. Delicious and simple pizza base

Once upon a time in Italy, pizza was considered a food for the poor.

Today, open pies are considered a real delicacy, and sometimes even a festive dish. There are hundreds of different fillings, but the base of all the basics is the tortilla.

If you prepare the dough correctly, then the pizza will be delicious with any filling. Italian culinary specialists are specially trained in this process.

The base is thin, tender, and does not dry out during baking.

Let's make a delicious pizza dough like in pizzerias in Italy?

Pizza dough like in a pizzeria - general principles of preparation

The peculiarity of pizza dough from a pizzeria is elasticity. It is soft but does not break. It is airy, but subtle. Do not use classic yeast dough for pies for making pizza. It will turn out not at all.

What the base is prepared from in pizzerias:

Flour. Used ordinary wheat flour of the highest or first grade. Sometimes a little cornmeal or starch is added, depending on the recipe.

Oil. Added in strictly limited quantities. Usually, no more than 2 tablespoons are used for 500 grams of flour.

Water or milk. Should be warm, slightly above body temperature.

Salt and sugar. Used to flavor and activate yeast.

Although the pizza dough should be thin, it is still allowed to stand for 15 minutes to an hour, depending on the recipe and ingredients.

Then a cake is formed with your hands. But not every housewife will be able to do this, so it is better to use a rolling pin.

When forming the base, the table is sprinkled with flour or oiled with vegetable oil.

Recipe 1: Pizza dough like in the Thin pizzeria

It is with such a dough that the base turns out to be thin, crispy. Despite the presence of yeast, the cake does not rise much. These ingredients will make three slices of thin pizza dough like in a pizzeria for three open pies.


250 grams of water;

500 grams of flour;

0.5 tsp. sugar and the same amount of salt;

20 grams of oil;

7 grams of yeast.


1. Take a bowl, pour warm water, gently pour dry yeast. We do not stop stirring so that they do not grab into lumps.

2. Add olive oil, salt and sugar. We mix everything thoroughly to dissolve the grains.

3. Now add flour, which must be sieved.

4. Knead the dough. It must be elastic. It is important to catch the right consistency. If the mass sticks to your hands, add more flour. But be careful, the base from too tough dough turns out tough.

5. Now divide the dough into 3 equal parts. Each will weigh approximately 270-280 grams. Put the koloboks back into the cup.

6. Cover with a cloth towel, put in heat for half an hour. If you do not plan to bake all 3 pizzas at once, then one kolobok can be put in the refrigerator and even in the freezer by placing it in an airtight bag.

7. After half an hour, take the "rested" dough, roll out the cake. Italians do it without a rolling pin, but we can use a helper.

Recipe 2: Pizza dough like in a pizzeria with aromatic herbs

Recipe for aromatic pizza dough like in a pizzeria, which goes very well with tomato and meat fillings. Ideally, you will need a mixture of Italian herbs for cooking. But if it is not there, then you can limit yourself to a duet of dried basil and oregano, which it is advisable to grind in a mortar.


250 grams of flour;

120 grams of water;

15 grams of oil;

0.5 tablespoons of Italian herbs;

1 tsp Sahara;

Yeast bag;

A pinch of salt.


1. You need to sift the flour, right on the table. Now we add aromatic Italian herbs to it. If the leaves are large, then rub with a pestle or just with your hands.

2. Dissolve salt and sugar in water, add yeast. Let the grains swell a little.

3. Make a depression in the flour, pour out the liquid and knead the Italian dough.

4. Let the lump lie down for about 20 minutes, divide it in half and prepare two thin pizzas. They will not turn out very large. Approximately 25-27 cm in diameter.

Recipe 3: Delicate pizza dough like in a pizzeria with milk

To prepare such a dough, you will need fresh milk, although baked milk can also be used. It is kneaded with yeast, tolerates freezing well, after thawing practically does not change its properties.


200 grams of milk;

0.5 tablespoons of sugar;

0.5 tsp salt;

Small bag of yeast;

400-500 grams of flour;

2 tablespoons of oil.


1. We heat milk to body temperature, no need for warmer.

2. Add yeast with granulated sugar, mix.

3. Mix the eggs with the addition of salt, then combine with the milk mixture.

4. Add vegetable oil, it is better to use olive oil.

5. Sift the flour, send it to the total mass and knead the dough. You don't need to pour it all out at once, add it gradually so as not to overdo it. The dough according to this recipe will turn out soft, but not sticky to hands and a bowl.

6. Cover with a napkin, let stand for an hour.

7. Divide into two equal parts and use as intended.

Recipe 4: Quick pizza dough like in a pizzeria

It will take no more than 10 minutes to prepare a pizza dough like in a pizzeria. Therefore, you can immediately turn on the oven and prepare the filling. Then you will not have time! Dough without yeast, porosity is achieved by adding baking powder. Instead of it, you can use ordinary soda, but so that the finished product does not acquire an unpleasant odor, it must be extinguished with any acid.


1 teaspoon of sugar, ripper and salt;

2 cups of flour;

200 grams of water;

20 grams of butter.


1. Sift the flour and baking powder directly onto the table.

2. Separately mix the egg with granulated sugar and salt until the solids are completely dissolved.

3. Add oil.

4. Pour in warm water.

5. We make a depression in a hill of flour, pour out the water with the products diluted in it and knead the dough.

6. Divide into 2 parts, roll out, lay out the filling and send to the oven!

Recipe 5: Pizza dough like in a pizzeria

One of the most common options for making pizza dough like in a pizzeria. The base is very soft and airy. The recipe is universal, it is combined with any fillings from sweet fillings to salty and spicy.


250 grams of flour;

20 grams of oil;

7 grams of yeast;

200 grams of water;


1. Pour water (about 40 degrees) into a bowl, dissolve the yeast and salt. If compressed yeast is used, then the amount should be increased by 3.5 times.

2. Pour 5 tablespoons of flour, stir with a whisk. It will turn out to be a chatterbox. Cover the bowl with a napkin and leave it alone for 10 minutes.

3. Add flour, add oil, mix well. The dough should be soft.

4. Cover again with a towel and leave for 45 minutes.

5. Once the mass rises well, you can make pizza. This amount will make 2 large bases. It is important to roll them out as thin as possible.

Recipe 6: Pizza dough like in a pizzeria on kefir

If the yeast dough does not work or it simply does not work, then cook it with kefir with the addition of soda. It also turns out to be thin and very similar to real dough, as prepared for pizza in a pizzeria.


300 grams of kefir;

1 incomplete teaspoon of salt and soda;

15 grams of oil;

How much flour is needed.


1. Pour soda into warm kefir, mix. The mixture will start to sizzle, foam, so do not use a small bowl.

2. Break the eggs into another cup, add salt and beat well with a whisk until a light foam appears.

3. Combine the egg mixture with kefir, add butter.

4. Pour in the sifted flour. Knead the dough. We use as much flour as will be absorbed. The dough will be pretty steep.

5. Roll up the bun, cover with a napkin and leave for a quarter of an hour for the gluten to swell. This dough can be used right away, but it is better to let it rest so that it is easier to roll it out.

Recipe 7: Pizza dough like in the Tomato pizzeria

Very tasty and aromatic pizza dough that does not crumble, it turns out elastic and easy to work with. And, of course, it has a pleasant color, which is given by the tomato paste included in the composition.


20 grams of tomato paste or any ketchup;

15 grams of sugar;

300 grams of water;

Yeast bag;

20 grams of oil;

500 grams of flour.


1. Combine flour sifted with a sieve with yeast and salt. It is advisable to use fine extra salt.

2. Dilute tomato paste in warm water. Add liquid a little at a time, grind the sauce well so that no lumps form.

3. Add sugar to tomato water, stir until dissolved.

4. Put butter, flour with yeast, make an elastic dough. We roll 2 balls out of it.

5. Put the koloboks in bags, put them in the refrigerator for an hour.

6. We take out, roll out and prepare pizza!

Recipe 8: Pizza dough like in a pizzeria with garlic

In Italy, such dough is most often combined with meat fillings. Dried and minced garlic is ideally used. It is simply mixed with flour. But we will do it on fresh cloves so that the process is clear.


175 grams of water;

2 tablespoons of oil;

280 grams of flour;

1 tsp Sahara;

3 cloves of garlic;

0.5 tsp salt;

7 grams of dry yeast.


1. Pour warm water into a bowl, put salt, sugar, butter, stir everything well.

2. Now you need to chop the garlic. This is best done with a blender. We put the peeled cloves, interrupt in mashed potatoes.

3. Add the garlic mass to the previously prepared liquid, stir.

4. Sift flour, mix with dry yeast.

5. Pour the garlic water into the flour, knead the dough.

6. Cover with a towel, let sit for 40 minutes.

7. Divide into 2-3 pieces, depending on the desired pizza size. Roll out, put the filling and bake.

No rolling pin at home? You can find a worthy replacement! Take any glass bottle with a flat surface, remove the labels, wipe and you're done! You can also use a foil or cling film roll sleeve. Of course, these objects are not very convenient to wield, but it is quite possible to roll out several even pizza cakes.

A real dough will turn out only if the proportions of the products are observed. Do not pour oil or water "by eye". The result may be disappointing.

The longer the dough lies, the softer it becomes. Consider this if you need to cook it long before baking. In this case, it is better to add a little more flour or sprinkle the table well when rolling out the base.

Dry yeast gradually replaced pressed yeast, since they fit much faster, are not capricious in storage, and are not subject to mold. But if they need to be replaced with raw ones, then increase the amount by 3 times. Conversely, if compressed yeast is indicated in the recipe, then when replacing it with a dry product, you need to reduce the amount.

I wanted to make pizza, but I’m so lazy to go to the store, and there are always ingredients for its base at home. With my step-by-step recipe for pizza basics, you no longer want to buy ready-made dough, but you can easily make it yourself. And so, see how to prepare a pizza base.

Base ingredients:

  • 250 ml. warm water (35-40 degrees)
  • 500 g wheat flour
  • 8 g dry yeast
  • 25 g olive oil
  • 1 tsp Sahara
  • 0.5 tsp salt

Step-by-step method for preparing a pizza base:

1. We take a container and prepare the dough in the following order: pour water into it, put our yeast, sugar, salt and dissolve everything well in water. Next, add olive oil and mix everything again.

2. Sift the flour through a sieve into a container. Knead the dough so that it stops sticking to your hands, you get an elastic, soft and resilient dough.

3. Take part of the dough and put it in a warm place under plastic wrap to fit a little. The rest of the dough can be put into the freezer so that you can cook the pizza again later, or you can make several pizzas at once. Then we will put all the parts in a warm place under cling film.

4. When our dough comes up, cover the surface with parchment, lightly sprinkle with flour and roll out our base. Grease the base with tomato paste and you can spread the filling.

Prepare the base at home and have delicious DIY pizzas.

Pizza base
I wanted to make pizza, but I’m so lazy to go to the store. With my step-by-step pizza base recipe, you no longer want to buy ready-made dough, but you can easily make it yourself.


Homemade pizza - the best recipes

Are you waiting for guests, but you have barely enough time for cooking? What can you cook to make it satisfying and tasty, and most importantly, quickly? Well, of course, pizza! A native of sunny Italy, this dough feed with various types of fillings quickly spread all over the world.

The popularity of the dish in our country is very high. And if more recently we went to try a curiosity in a pizzeria, now you can easily cook it yourself. We have chosen from a variety of options the 5 best pizza recipes that you can make yourself at home without any problems.

5 best homemade pizza recipes

The classics always remain at the peak of popularity and the Italian recipe for pizza Margarita is once again proof of this. To prepare a delicious masterpiece at home, you will need the following set of products:

  • flour 800 g;
  • water 500 ml;
  • fresh yeast 10 g;
  • canned tomatoes 150g;
  • mozzarella cheese 150 g;
  • Parmesan cheese 50 g;
  • basil;
  • salt;
  • olive oil;
  • ground black pepper.

The cooking process begins with kneading the dough:

  1. Pour the water into a bowl and knead the yeast thoroughly in it until they are completely dissolved.
  2. Sift the flour and begin to add a little to the diluted yeast, stirring gradually. In total, at this stage, two-thirds of the total amount of flour is used, now you can salt the mass.
  3. Next, you should lay out the still thin dough on a table sown with flour and knead with your hands. As a result, all the flour will go away, do not forget to leave some for rolling out the dough.
  4. While the dough is resting, you need to prepare the tomato sauce. We use canned tomatoes and part of the basil, freeing the vegetables from the skin, grind with herbs in a blender.
  5. Cut the cheese for the filling into small cubes or grate, chop the basil with a knife.
  6. Knead the rested dough and stretch it with your hands to a thickness of no more than 2 cm, the outer dimensions should correspond to the dimensions of the baking sheet.
  7. Put the dough on a greased sheet, distribute the sauce over the surface, sprinkle with Parmesan with mozzarella and put in an oven preheated to 200 ° for 10 minutes.

Sprinkle with basil and black pepper before serving.

Home-style pizza

Lovers of lots of toppings will love this homemade pizza recipe. Products you need:

  • dry yeast 1 tbsp. l .;
  • warm water 200 ml;
  • flour 2.5-3 tbsp.;
  • hard cheese 200 g;
  • tomatoes 2-3 pcs.;
  • champignons 150 g;
  • ham 250 g;
  • olives;
  • pickles;
  • olives;
  • onions 1-2 pcs.;
  • ketchup;
  • olive oil;
  • salt;
  • ground black pepper.

The dough can be prepared as suggested in the previous recipe, or you can do this:

  1. Dissolve the yeast in warm water and pour half of the total amount of flour into a container. Mix thoroughly. Pour out the remaining flour, add olive oil and salt to the mass. Now you need to thoroughly knead the dough on the table until it starts to lag behind your hands. Leave in a large oiled dish and cover with a towel for 1 hour. Stir in periodically.
  2. While the dough is coming up, we will prepare the filling. We clean, chop and fry the mushrooms with the addition of onions.
  3. We grate hard cheese. Cut the ham into strips. We wash and cut the tomatoes into thin slices. Cut the olives in half. Cucumbers can be chopped into cubes.
  4. Now we roll out our dough and start filling its surface with the filling. First, grease with ketchup, then sprinkle with cheese, lay out tomatoes, ham, fried mushrooms, halves of olives and cubes from cucumbers.
  5. We put the pizza in a preheated oven for 15-20 minutes at a temperature of at least 180 °.

Thrill-seekers will appreciate your Diablo, as it is not for nothing that this one of the most popular pizza recipes enjoys immense love around the world. So, you will need:

  • dough for the cake;
  • smoked sausage or ham 200 g;
  • mushrooms champignons 200 g;
  • mozzarella cheese 200 g;
  • salted cucumbers;
  • olives;
  • tomato paste;
  • garlic 2 cloves;
  • bell peppers and chili peppers;
  • tabasco sauce;
  • olive oil.

In order to save time, the pizza dough can be purchased ready-made in the supermarket or prepared according to the recipes laid out above.

  1. Roll out the dough into a thin crust and make sides around the edges.
  2. To prepare the sauce, you need to mix the tomato paste and olive oil one tablespoon at a time, and add chopped garlic here. To make our sauce get spicy, you can put a little tabasco in it, literally on the tip of a teaspoon. We put a layer of ready-made sauce on the cake.
  3. Put the pre-cut and grated ingredients in layers in the following order: mushrooms, sausages, bell peppers, cucumbers, olives, grated cheese and chili pepper completes the layers.
  4. We bake in the oven for no longer than 25 minutes, at a temperature of 180 °.

The finishing touch will be the dyeing of the dish before serving with leaves of fresh herbs.

Very tasty pizza that you can cook at home and are not afraid to treat even the smallest gourmets to 4 cheeses. One of the classic recipes of Italian cuisine is firmly established in our diet. You should stock up on such products:

  • water 100 ml;
  • dry yeast 0.5 tsp;
  • sugar 2 tsp;
  • flour 1.5 tbsp.;
  • cream or sour cream 2 tbsp. l .;
  • Roquefort or Gorgonzolla 100g;
  • mozzarella 100g;
  • cheddar 100 g;
  • parmesan 100 g;
  • olive oil;
  • salt.

Uncomplicated in its simplicity of preparation, the recipe for a pizza base gives an excellent result as a result.

  1. Dissolve dry yeast in water and add sugar there and leave aside for ten minutes.
  2. Now you can add flour, salt, olive oil and knead the elastic dough. After kneading well, leave it warm for an hour.
  3. Knead the finished dough and gently stretch it into a thin cake. Put on a greased baking sheet.
  4. Instead of tomato sauce, this type of pizza uses sour cream or cream. We lubricate the entire surface thoroughly.
  5. Sprinkle with pre-grated cheddar. Pinch the mozzarella in small pieces, which alternate with diced Roquefort.
  6. We put in the oven and let stand for 10 minutes, if the temperature is at 220 °.

Hawaiian pizza

Hawaiian pizza, or as it is called chicken with pineapple, is liked due to the unusual flavor combination of ingredients. You will get a very tasty and tender pizza at home, from which you will not drag your family by the ears.

  • flour 200 g;
  • water 100 ml;
  • sugar 10 g;
  • yeast 7 g;
  • hard cheese 150 g;
  • chicken egg 1 pc .;
  • chicken fillet or ham 200 g;
  • canned pineapple 150 g;
  • tomato sauce 30-40 ml;
  • vegetable oil;
  • salt;
  • ground red and black pepper;
  • greens.

The base for Hawaiian pizza is made from yeast dough.

  1. Combine yeast, salt and sugar in a deep, convenient bowl. Fill with warm water, stir. Drive in an egg and add a small amount of vegetable oil and mix again. Now you can slowly add flour and knead the tough dough. After standing and resting a little, it will become softer and more elastic.
  2. If chicken fillet is used, remove veins and fat from it. Cut into thin slices. In the case of cooking a dish with ham, cut it into thin slices. The syrup is drained from the pineapples and chopped into cubes.
  3. Spread tomato sauce on the prepared base, carefully lay out all the chopped foods and sprinkle with cheese.
  4. It remains to put the baking sheet in a preheated oven and follow the baking process. At 200 °, the baking time is 20 minutes.

But remember to look in the oven to prevent the pizza from burning. Feel free to experiment with recipes and add something new.

Pizza at home
Are you waiting for guests, but you have barely enough time for cooking? What can you cook to make it satisfying and tasty, and most importantly, quickly? Well, of course, pizza! Coming from ...


The pizza was cut with a special circular knife on a round bamboo cutting board - very convenient! This is all that the children left to dad.

One of my family's favorite foods is pizza. How to cook pizza at home so that it tastes better than Italian?

This is possible and this is not a recipe for instant cooking in a pan, although it is also done quickly and easily. But the taste and appearance will not differ, and possibly surpass the original.

Target: on the way out, get a thin real pizza like in a pizzeria.


So, for the best homemade pizza recipe you need:

  1. buy yeast dough in a hypermarket (500 gr. for 2 pizzas);
  2. tomato paste - no preservatives (4 tablespoons);
  3. tomatoes - 2 pcs.;
  4. champignons - 10 pcs. large;
  5. ham - 300-400 gr.;
  6. onion-1 large;
  7. cheese - hard 200 gr. 30-45% fat;
  8. garlic - 4 cloves;
  9. spices - basil, black pepper, oregano.

Pizza cutlery

We have special devices for baking delicious thin homemade pizza.

Special shape with holes- the pizza is baked evenly.

Cooking brush- for even spreading of the paste over the dough.

Bamboo round board for ready-made hot pizza - it is very convenient to take out and serve hot pizza.

Round disc knife- cuts the pizza without breaking the layers into any segments.

  1. Grease a baking sheet with oil;
  2. Roll out the dough thinly;
  3. Lay out the pizza base carefully;
  4. Lubricate the base with tomato paste (you can use ketchup + mayonnaise).

Most importantly, all pizza products must be of excellent quality, fresh, no thoughts like: "The cheese has been there for 5 days already - I would need it for pizza, or - I will cut off 3 rotten tomatoes - it will do for pizza".

Cooking steps

Stage I: Preparation and processing of ingredients

  • Wash the champignons thoroughly and set them to simmer.
  • At this time, we divide the dough into 2-3 parts (who has some kind of baking tray).
  • Flour the table and roll out a large, thin pancake to the size of our pizza.
  • Grease the pizza mold with olive oil and put our pancake on it.
  • We wash and cut the tomatoes into half slices, put them in a plate.
  • Remove the champignons from the heat, let cool, and cut into thin slices.
  • We put a frying pan on the fire, add sunflower oil, tomato paste and cloves of garlic cut in half.

Stage II: Baking pizza

Everything - the ingredients are ready - we begin to collect our pizza in layers. Here you can call the children - they will be happy to help you complete the masterpiece.

Before putting into the oven.

  1. Lubricate the pancake with fragrant tomato paste using a brush.
  2. Then we lay out the mushrooms and onions, sprinkle with spices.
  3. Add tomatoes and ham.
  4. Arrange the cheese nicely and evenly on top.
  5. We put in an oven preheated to 160 degrees.
  6. In 12-15 minutes, your delicious, thin, aromatic pizza is ready.
  7. We take it out on a round board and you can immediately cut it into segments with a knife.

For those who do not have the opportunity to buy ready-made fresh yeast dough for pizza, time to make the dough, or just want to make it myself, I will share how to make it correctly.

Yeastless dough recipe for thin pizza

The photo shows the hands of the future mistress - my daughter Dasha.

  1. sifted flour - 300 gr.;
  2. cold water - 200 gr.;
  3. olive oil - 1.5 tablespoons;
  4. salt - a pinch.

Pour flour with a slide, make a depression and pour water, olive oil, and salt there. We mix everything several times. 0 put in a deep glass dish, cover with cling film on top and refrigerate for 2 hours. We take out and knead again. Let it lie on the table for about 20 minutes, so that the dough will release the gluten and become elastic. It is easy to roll such dough into a thin layer for pizza - there will be no breaks. That's all. Use this dough recipe and you have a fine Italian homemade pizza. Bon Appetit!

Pizza base recipe at home
Cooking delicious thin pizza according to the recipe like in a pizzeria. It contains yeast-free dough, mushrooms, cheese, ham, tomatoes and other spices.


Pizza is one of the most affordable (and at the same time delicious!) Dishes invented by mankind. Surely, not far from your home, you can find at least one pizzeria; pizza is easy to order delivered to your home or place of work. Finally, it's not hard to make it yourself, even if you've considered your culinary skills to be very poor all your life. This article will focus on how to make your own unique pizza in everyday life, in order to please your friends and loved ones with it, or, for example, impress the other half.

Perhaps the most difficult component of a pizza is the dough. There is, of course, no one well-established method of preparing it. To make the pizza more like Italian, the dough is made unleavened, and the base is rolled out thin enough - no thicker than 0.5 cm. Although no one forbids making the cake more magnificent. For a pizza with a diameter of 30 cm you will need (for a more lush base, multiply by one and a half to two times):

  • flour of the highest grades - 175 g
  • salt - 2 teaspoon
  • dry yeast - 1 tsp
  • warm water - 125 ml
  • olive oil (in the absence of, sunflower is also suitable) - 1 tbsp.

Sift flour through a sieve with a slide. Dissolve the yeast in a small amount of warm water, add salt and oil to it, make a small hole in the flour, and pour everything into it. Mix thoroughly, adding a little more water to make the dough tender. Knead on a floured table for a few minutes, until soft and firm. Form a ball out of the dough, transfer it to a bowl, grease the outside with oil.

Cover the bowl with cling film and leave in a warm place for an hour or two, until the dough doubles in volume. Holes need to be made in the foil so that the dough “breathes”. Then it must be kneaded again and rolled out in the shape of the dishes in which the pizza will be baked, to a thickness of half a centimeter (or 1 cm if you are thinking of a “thick” pizza).

Then the dough is placed on a greased baking sheet and placed in the heat for another 10 minutes. Before placing it in the oven, make punctures with a fork over the entire surface of the sheet so that the dough does not lump during baking. First, a “bare” sheet of dough is placed in an oven preheated at 200-250 degrees - for 10 minutes, then all the provided filling is taken out and placed on it. And they bake in the oven for another 10 minutes.

For homemade pizza, a fatty dough is often made by adding butter, eggs, milk to it. The pizza base then turns out to be fluffier and softer.

Now for the filling. Here, just give free rein to imagination, everything that is lying in the refrigerator can be used: meat, pickled mushrooms, canned vegetables, all kinds of sauces, sausages, sausages, ready-made salads, seafood - there are a million options. Traditionally, the pizza base is smeared with tomato sauce: it can be a sauce made from canned tomatoes, tomato paste with spices, ready-made ketchup, or just a thin layer of fresh tomatoes cut into slices.

When piling up the filling, you should be guided by the rule: for a thin base - a thin layer of filling, otherwise, the dough may get wet in the center, the filling will burn, and it will be inconvenient to eat the resulting porridge.

And one more ingredient, without which it is difficult to imagine pizza - cheese. In classic recipes, mozzarella or parmesan appears, but in principle, any will do. It is advisable to choose hard cheeses so that they rub well. The cheese is rubbed on a coarse grater, evenly applied to the rest of the filling. It is recommended to sprinkle the pizza with oregano or basil on top, this will give the dish a special delicate flavor.

Further on the methods of preparation. Since it is unlikely that you have a wood-burning stove in your home, an oven is the most preferable method. The oven is heated to a temperature of at least 200 degrees. Place the pizza on a greased baking sheet or in a frying pan. The pan must be at least 2 mm thick. The average baking time is 30-40 minutes at a temperature of 250 degrees. The thicker your product is, the longer it takes to bake. It is advisable to do this in two sessions, as described above: first, just the dough, and then with the filling, so the base will bake better, and the filling will not burn or dry out.

You can bake pizza in a gas pan. In a greased frying pan, lightly fry the dough on one side, then remove, turn over, spread the filling on the toasted side and bake until tender. It is better to cover the pan with a lid so that everything is baked evenly. If you are not sure that the filling will have time to bake along with the dough, you can pre-fry it in another pan.

When cooking pizza in the microwave, the dough is made softer than usual, and if it is yeast, then you do not need to keep it warm beforehand. Kneaded, rolled out - and into the oven. In the microwave, pizza cooks much faster, warms up more evenly, this allows you to apply more topping.

Finally, a few more tips for cooking:

  • After taking out the pizza from the oven, you need to put it in the form on a rag soaked in cold water and cool. After that, it can be easily removed from the mold.
  • Pizza with fish is best eaten right away, before it has cooled down, and should not be stored in the refrigerator.
  • You do not need to roll the pizza crust, but use your fingers to evenly stretch it over the baking sheet so that its edges hang down a little. Let the dough stand for 5-7 minutes before placing it in the oven.
  • To make the base thin, heat two baking sheets in the oven. There will be pizza on the top shelf and an empty baking sheet underneath. When it gets hot, the heat from it will further speed up the dough preparation.
  • If you prefer to bake pizza in a frying pan - the classic round shape, generously grease the bottom and edges with vegetable oil, as the dough will rise a lot, and then sprinkle a little with semolina - so that the finished pizza can be freely removed from the mold.
  • If different types of fillings are used, then the more moist must be put on top, so it will cook faster. In this case, it is advisable to sprinkle it with cheese so that it is not open, but languishes, as if under a lid.

We hope, thanks to our tips, homemade pizza will become a part of your everyday menu. Bon Appetit!

Making delicious pizza at home
Delicious pizza can be easily prepared at home. There are many different ways and recipes for making pizza. Real Italian pizza is cooked in the oven, but you can also cook it in the microwave. The pizza dough has a classic range of products.

Pizza in the oven on a ready-made basis, one of the few dishes that cook quickly and turn out delicious. The flight of fantasies on how to decorate pizza is not limited. You can experiment, try to put any ingredients in the pizza, decorate it as you like, but the result will always be the same ... This dish turns out to be amazingly tasty, appetizing and beautiful, and most importantly, it is a godsend for any housewife. With this recipe, you will not spend half a day in the kitchen making pizza, only 20 minutes will be enough for you. So try, fantasize and have fun cooking pizza in the oven from ready-made dough.

For cooking, we need

  • 1 PC.
  • 100 g boiled-smoked
  • 100 g
  • 2-3 pcs. fresh
  • 4-5 pcs
  • 200 gr. hard varieties
  • 0.5 tbsp
  • 0.5 tbsp
  • 1 tsp
  • parsley for decoration

To prepare

  1. First, let's start preparing the ingredients: cut the pork neck into thin plastics; cut the salami into thin slices; cut the champignons into thin plastics; Cut the cherry tomatoes into two pieces.

  2. Rub the cheese on a coarse grater.

  3. Take the finished pizza base and place it on a round, flat dish.

  4. Put tomato paste, mayonnaise, mustard in a small cup and mix thoroughly with a spoon.

  5. We smear the finished pizza base with a silicone brush or spoon.

  6. Grated cheese on a coarse grater, divide into approximately two equal parts. Sprinkle one part of the pizza base greased with sauce.

  7. Put the boiled-smoked pork neck cut into thin plastics on the cheese. Place the salami cut into thin slices on the neck and next to it, where there are empty spaces. Put the champignons, cut into thin plastics, in a circle closer to the center of the pizza. We also lay the cherry cut into two halves in a circle. Sprinkle with cheese on top.

  8. Preheat the oven to 180 degrees and set the pizza to bake for 10 minutes. After 10 minutes we take our pizza out of the oven, cut into pieces and decorate with parsley.

Many housewives prefer pizza to any other baked goods. This is due to the fact that this dish is hearty and tasty, suitable both for a quiet family dinner and for a festive menu. It uses various ingredients: meat, mushrooms, fish, vegetables, fresh and pickled. The pizza base can also be prepared according to various recipes. Depending on this, the taste of the finished baked goods also changes.

So, in Italy, where this dish came from, it is believed that the base for the pizza should be thin, as well as the layer of the filling. To make this dough, you need 175 grams of flour mixed with a teaspoon and a pinch of salt. 125 ml of warm water is combined with a tablespoon of olive oil, the liquid is poured into the dry ingredients, the dough is kneaded. It is transferred to a bowl, greased with oil on the outside, covered and left for 40 minutes. During this time, the dough should increase significantly. After that, the base for the pizza is rolled out of it in a thin layer, the ingredients for the filling are placed on top, and everything is sent to the oven.

For the dough to rise, there should be no drafts in the room. Also, one of the housewives' tricks: grease the bowl in which the dough is placed with sunflower oil, this contributes not only to the fact that the mass does not stick to the edges, but also to the fact that it will increase in size faster. For those who prefer a thin and crispy pizza base, we recommend placing 2 trays in the heated oven, top and bottom. It is necessary to bake the dish on the top, while heat will emanate from the bottom, due to which the dough will bake faster.

For those who love a lush base, the following recipe is recommended. Mix a glass of flour with 3-4 teaspoons of yeast. A spoonful of baking powder and a pinch of salt are also added here. A glass of kefir is slightly warmed up over the fire, poured into the rest of the ingredients. A couple of tablespoons of vegetable oil is added here (preferably olive oil). The dough is kneaded and left for an hour. Then it is rolled out, smeared with tomato sauce, ingredients for the filling are laid out on top. This dish is baked for 40 minutes in a well-heated oven. According to this recipe, it is quite easy to make pizza at home, since for the filling you can take almost everything that is currently in the refrigerator. In most cases, they use sausage, mushrooms, olives, pickled cucumber, meat, fish, etc. Top the ingredients are sprinkled with grated cheese.

The following recipe will help those who do not know how to make a pizza base from shortcrust pastry. To do this, half a kilogram of flour is mixed with 50 grams of sugar and a pack of chopped margarine. Add 2 raw egg yolks and half a glass of sour cream to this. After the ingredients are mixed, the juice of half a lemon and chopped zest are poured into the dough. The dough is wrapped in and can be stored in the refrigerator, it is used as needed. If there is not enough flour to make the mass tight, add a little more.

Unleavened pizza dough is made as follows. Mix a tablespoon of sour cream and mayonnaise with an egg, add salt (half a teaspoon) and the same amount of sugar. Everything is whipped. A spoonful of soda is placed in a glass of kefir, the resulting mixture is poured into an egg-mayonnaise mass. Flour is spread in small particles until a thick dough is obtained. It is left to "ripen" for a few minutes, after which it is used as a base for baked goods.

It should be noted that Italian chefs recommend making pizza dough by hand only, without using food processors or similar devices. It is also advised not to use a rolling pin when rolling out the dough, but to "pull" it in the necessary directions until it gets the desired shape.