How to scare a drunk person with improvised means. How to Ease Symptoms of Alcohol Intoxication

To quickly bring a drunk person back to normal at home, there are a number of simple but effective ways. Folk remedies, medicines, vitamins, alcoholic cocktails, fresh air, massage and water procedures come to the rescue. All of them are aimed not only at restoring clarity of consciousness to a person, but also at eliminating the negative consequences of intoxication for the body.

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    Ear rub and massage

    You can sober up a drunk person with a terry towel. It is moistened with cold water and rubbed with the earlobes of the drunk for 10-15 minutes.

    The effectiveness of this measure is based on the fact that it enhances the blood circulation process, and this leads to a rapid sobering up. To be more effective, the rubbing must be very vigorous.

    Massage of the palms and feet is also used. These parts of the body are replete with nerve endings, a hard influence on which can be achieved to return the drunk to its original position.

    The use of ammonia

    You can give a drunken person the original look with the help of ammonia, namely a cotton swab dipped in ammonia and brought to the nose. For a couple of seconds, it is held by the person's face at a distance of 1 cm. The effect can be enhanced by wiping the temples with the same solution. A powerful specific smell of a colorless liquid can bring a person to life at any stage of alcohol intoxication.

    For a similar purpose, you can give the victim an alcohol solution to drink. For this, a certain amount of ammonia is diluted in 200 ml of still water (no more than 6 drops, so as not to harm the gastrointestinal tract).

    Water procedures

    The classic way to sober up is a cold or contrast shower. After it, it is necessary to give the person a drink with several mugs of strong hot coffee without sugar and cream.

    It is also allowed to pour cold water on the back of the head of a drunk. In this case, it is necessary to ensure that it flows down the spine.

    Drinking plenty of fluids is useful for sobering up. When alcohol is consumed, the body becomes dehydrated, due to which alcohol intensifies its effect. Ordinary water taken internally will restore balance and sober up.

    Peppermint and Vitamin C

    A cup of mint tea or a glass of water with 15-25 drops of peppermint extract can help with intoxication. Usually this measure is taken after a short sleep.

    This method is effective only in mild stages of intoxication. In other cases, it will be useless.

    You can quickly revive a drunk with the help of various natural helpers. One of them is vitamin C.

    The drinker should be given fruits containing this beneficial element - grapefruits, oranges, lemons and other citrus fruits. The vitamin is also available in pill form. However, pharmaceutical drugs do not work well with aspirin, which is part of various hangover remedies.


    This is the easiest and least expensive way to restore the working condition. During a walk, the hops disappear from the head, and the person becomes sober.

    Walking will work best in cool weather.

    But if you take a drunk out of a warm room into the street into a severe cold, this will have a bad effect on the work of the cardiovascular system. When the drunk returns to the room, his condition may worsen. In winter, you can rub a person's face, neck and hands with snow. At the same time, one should not let a heavily drunk one go out into the street.

    Activated carbon

    The substance belongs to sorbents that absorb all the harmful elements in the body. This property is associated with its use for sobering up and fighting hangover.

    8-10 tablets are able to absorb all alcoholic toxins formed as a result of intoxication. Thanks to this, the person will begin to feel better within an hour.

    When using activated carbon, you must carefully read the instructions. The number of tablets depends on the person's weight.


    Mixtures of strong drinks help to sober up a person at home.

    There are many recipes that include not only alcohol, but also other ingredients that improve the well-being of the drunk.

    Pepper cocktail

    To prepare it, you will need the following components:

    • a drop of sunflower oil;
    • 2 teaspoons ketchup or sauce
    • ground red and black pepper;
    • 1 tablespoon of vodka with pepper;
    • 4-5 drops of lemon or lime juice.

Relatives and friends of hard drinking people often face the question: how to sober up a person in a short period without using the help of specialists? There are many options, but you should choose only those that can be used without harm to health. It should be understood that with severe intoxication, it is difficult to quickly sober up a person, but it is worth trying.

Options for bringing a drunk person to life

If you urgently need to bring a very drunk person to your senses, there may be several options:

  • active massage of the auricles, hands;
  • wiping with a cold wet towel;
  • dousing with cool water;
  • the use of ammonia;
  • drinking strong tea with ginger or coffee;
  • chewing fresh mint.

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All of these methods are time-tested, but not every one of them will work for a specific person. Since it is required to sober up a drunk quickly, drastic measures and unexpected actions are needed. Inhalation of ammonia vapors is effective. But be careful when using this remedy. It is forbidden to bring a cotton swab dipped in ammonia, close to the nose - keep it at a distance of 20-30 centimeters. Otherwise, a quick sobering up at home can result in a mucosal burn.

A simple, proven method is massage. During active grinding, local heating of tissues occurs, blood actively rushes to the head, control over brain activity is restored. It is best to massage the auricles, which are rich in active points that are responsible for the functioning of many internal organs.

If you are unsure of how to quickly sober up someone at a party, try sprinkling them with cold water. This action works well in contrast, brings you to your senses for a while. But remember that after about 10-20 minutes after that, the drunk will turn off again. Use the time to walk or drive home. If this happens in winter, then before going outside, wipe dry the hopped person's face so as not to provoke hypothermia and damage to small capillaries on the face.

When do you need a quick sobering up?

How to bring a drunk person to their senses and when is it necessary to do it? Situations are different, and sometimes urgent sobering is required. Most often, it is necessary during long gatherings at a party, when the drunk one loses control, begins to behave inadequately, allows excess, does not break away from alcohol for a minute. First of all, it is necessary to close access to alcohol.

But how to sober up a drunk person if he is in a common company? Asking him to stop drinking is useless, and spoiling the evening for everyone present by actively protecting the drunkard from bottles is also not an option. Better to pack up and leave right away. Under any pretext, take the drunk outside, where the fresh air will sober him up a little, and just take him home by taxi or your own car.

How long does it take for a person to sober up on their own? You will have to wait at least a day if the drunk will no longer drink during the day. You have to act quickly when the drinker risks losing a well-paid job. It so happens that after an anniversary or a banquet, it is difficult to get up in the morning for work or come to the boss in a decent form. Relatives do not know how to sober up a drunk person at home for the rest of the night. The first thing to do is give up alcohol. Then, help the drunk take a cool, energizing shower. You can add mint leaves or essential oil to the water. After that, you must immediately go to bed. In the morning, be sure to give the person strong tea or coffee to drink, you can use ready-made sobering drugs that eliminate the hangover syndrome.

If these methods do not work and you do not know how to revive a severely drunk person, seek medical attention. Through the drip introduction of detoxifying agents and supportive therapy, it is possible to quickly remove the residues of ethyl alcohol and its decay products from the body. Since it is impossible to quickly sober up a drunk person in a state of binge in another way, it is recommended to immediately call doctors at home or take the patient to the clinic.

When does a drunk person need help from specialists?

You should not get carried away with home methods, try to quickly bring a drunk person to his senses if he:

  • does not come to his senses for a long time;
  • complains of severe headaches;
  • has trouble breathing;
  • complains of pain in the chest and stomach;
  • has chronic gastrointestinal diseases, especially a history of peptic ulcer disease;
  • experiences physical suffering, behaves aggressively;
  • has hallucinations.

When these signs appear, it is better to immediately call specialists. Alcohol intoxication, especially in chronic pathologies, can provoke strokes, heart attacks, perforation of ulcers and other emergency conditions. Better not to risk the health of a loved one!

Treatment for alcoholism is necessary!

It is not enough just to learn how to quickly sober up a person and use these methods all the time. Regular drinking of alcoholic beverages indicates the development of the disease and the appearance of symptoms of alcoholism, which requires appropriate treatment. In our rehabilitation center, patients receive qualified assistance and can finally give up their addiction in favor of a healthy lifestyle and the joys of a sober person. If you don't know how to get an alcoholic into treatment, read on. Motivation is an important prerequisite for starting rehabilitation.

Our specialists know how to overcome all difficulties and start treatment consciously. Treatment is compulsorily prohibited by law, but motivational work helps in understanding the problem and making the right decision. Not sure how to sober up a person? In our center they will find the right solution.

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The husband and wife are talking: "Honey, today we have a corporate party, I will come home drunk!" Wife: "Not drunk, but drunk !!!" - All, all, drunk! "Yes, not all - all drunk, but a little!". Even the most exemplary men come home sometimes "A little bit" (and even "all, all"!) After drinking! And what should we women do with them ?! How to sober up a drunk and how to behave with him- advises the site Beautiful and Successful.

What to do with a drunken man?

If a man is not drunk to smithereens, you can sober him up. "Non-medicinal" means:

  • Strong unsweetened coffee or tea... In general, it's good if a person can drink more. non-alcoholic sour liquid(juice, fruit drink, tea with lemon) - this promotes the elimination of alcohol from the body, pardon the physiological details, with urine.
  • Cool or contrast shower.
  • Hot food(albeit a little).

As you can imagine, these actions require a certain amount of control over oneself, therefore they are inapplicable or ineffective to the dead drunk.

And if he came drunk "as a lord"?

To "In the insole", several tools have been developed and tested:

  • A glass of water + 5-6 drops of ammonia... Nasty stuff is rare, especially if you feel nauseous, but you can sweeten it. Effectively!
  • Hot Pepper Cocktails... The most common recipe is to put a couple of tablespoons of ketchup in a greased glass, pour raw yolk on top, and then sprinkle the composition with a mixture of red and black peppers (they contain alkaloids). They say that it tastes better than water with ammonia!
  • You can sober up a drunk for a short time if put it on your back and rub your ears with your palms... The effect is based on the rush of blood to the brain.

No need to drag a drunk sober"In the cold", if it is actually frosty outside, it may end in a fainting spell!

In principle, any strong intoxication ends with a person falling asleep - just for someone this phase comes quickly, and someone can rage for a long time!

If a drunk is in a violent stage - do not try to calm him down with physical efforts(to seat or lay down, force to stop the performed actions, etc.) - this is ineffective, and sometimes dangerous: a person in such a state can be aggressive!

But then sleep comes, and sometimes it is instant. Drunk can fall asleep in any, most inappropriate place(including under the fence on the way home!).

If you got it in this state, and there are no assistants who can drag the "lifeless body" into your own bed - assess the situation soberly!

Men are heavy creatures, especially when they are out of control. Do you need a hernia or spinal problems ?!

Is it happening within the walls of the apartment? Perhaps the best way out is to take off shoes and, if possible, change the sleeping clothes, put on one side, slip a pillow under the violent head, cover with a blanket and leave to fill up"At the scene" (even if on the floor).

Is it cold indoors? Try to roll the drunk on a mattress or blanket.

What you shouldn't talk about with a drunk

Do you remember the song "If I were a Sultan" from the film "Prisoner of the Caucasus" performed by Yuri Nikulin, where it was about the dream of having three wives? So, initially there was another verse in it, which was not included in the film due to the efforts of the Soviet censorship:

“If all three wives pour me a hundred -
Total - three hundred grams: something too!
But when I come home on my brows -
We will have a conversation with every wife! "

I hope your faithful is lucky - only one wife is waiting for him at home 🙂

But even one angry spouse is capable of making such a scandal that it will be enough for three!

However, the site does not advise talk to a drunk about something until he sleeps. The reason is simple - he simply will not remember, and if some passages are engraved in his memory, then it is far from in the context that was put into them!

Although before the drunk sober up, he and in monologue mode able to utter a lot of interesting revelations!

But, in spite of the saying “what is on the mind of a sober, is on the tongue of a drunk,” take them as carefully hidden truth in a sober state not worth it. The fact is that the consciousness, clouded by alcohol, akin to sleep- a person can "float to the surface" individual memories, carefully suppressed complexes, fears, etc., nightmares can be fancied ...

For example (in the most modest version), he can yell at the whole house that he hates mother-in-law's pickle - although in fact he did not like him only once, when the dish failed. When, he surely it will be a shame(and it is not clear to yourself!) Why he fences such a thing!

It's good if you have "keywords", which mean a lot and are rarely used in everyday communication (for example, affectionate nicknames that you call each other only in moments of greatest frankness) - the subconscious of a drunk can respond to them better than to a cry!

Use this tactic whenever you need a little bit of a drunk man. own will- drink the aforementioned water with ammonia, crawl out of the taxi, etc.

You can't scare a drunk, counting on an instant sobering up due to the shock effect (for example, telling him shocking news, jumping out of the corner, arranging rallies with a "ghost", etc.)! Mental reactions during intoxication are inadequate- a person can get scared up to stuttering, show aggression (up to a fight with a joker), generally react with any, most meaningless, action!

In general, I wish all our readers that such force majeure in their lives happened less often!

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When one of the guests has clearly gone over too much and begins to behave inappropriately, there is only one way out - to bring him to a sober state. This skill is also useful in an extreme situation, when you need to urgently take someone to the hospital, and only a sober person can get behind the wheel of a car. It is clearly too late to read the notations to a drunken guest, you just need to know how to bring a person to a sober state at home.


Intoxication is the narcotic effect of alcohol on the human nervous system. The task of sobering up is to minimize or stop this process. The narcotic influence of alcohol leads to a loss of pain sensitivity. If this happens, the person is on the verge of an alcoholic coma and it is already useless to bring him to his senses. It is necessary to remember the difference in the effects of alcohol on men and women. After sobering up, it's still better to put a man behind the wheel. This is due to the fact that women are characterized, first of all, by motor problems, while men are characterized by psychoemotional problems.


In order not to get into a similar situation, it is enough to follow some rules:

  • Do not mix different alcoholic beverages. If this cannot be avoided, then alcohol should be taken in the direction of increasing the degree, that is, first drink a drink with a lower alcohol content, then with a higher degree. Failure to comply with this law will lead to too sharp intoxication, and then a severe hangover.
  • A cocktail is not at all a weak alcoholic beverage if consumed through a straw. This contributes to the retention of alcohol in the oral cavity, where it begins to be immediately absorbed into the bloodstream. This leads to very rapid intoxication.
  • It is necessary to observe an interval of at least twenty minutes between glasses.
  • The snack should contain mayonnaise and vegetable oil, as these foods slow down the absorption of alcohol into the bloodstream. There should also be hot meat dishes, salads and fatty fish on the table. Potatoes are very useful in terms of reducing the degree of intoxication.


How to quickly sober up a person after a stormy feast at home? Sobering up at home requires a special approach and knowledge of some of the nuances. It is advisable to determine in what phase the body of the drunk person is. The resorption phase is characterized by the continuing flow of alcohol into the bloodstream, and the elimination phase is characterized by its withdrawal and destruction.

An hour and a half after the last glass or shot, the proportion of alcohol in the blood is maximum. Such drinks as champagne, sweet, warm are distinguished by the speed of absorption and withdrawal. If you keep alcohol in the mouth for a long time, taken in small portions, then it will also be quickly absorbed. The withdrawal of alcohol from the body is marked by the appearance of a fume smell and frequent urge to urinate.

After an hour and a half after taking alcohol, you can make a person recover for a while. Washing with cold water or an invigorating shower will help. Massage of the feet and ears increases blood circulation, which leads to the activation of all processes in the body. Refreshing the mouth with a rinse, brushing teeth also help to sober up a person. You can chew on a mint or laurel leaf. A couple of cups of coffee without additives or very strong tea helps to cope well with the problem at home. It is better to pre-empty the stomach by inducing vomiting.

At the same time, it is necessary to make attempts to enhance his brain activity. You need to talk with a sober person, ask him to solve any arithmetic operations, make him remember something. You should not forbid a person to sing, because this allows you to ventilate the lungs. The respiratory system helps to remove alcohol from the body. At home, you can use reflexology to provide at least five minutes of sobriety. Pressing the point between the lip and nose, and between the base of the thumb and forefinger, helps bring a person to their senses for a short time.


How to sober up a drunk person for a more serious purpose, such as driving in an emergency? If it is necessary to bring a drunk guest to a normal state for a longer period, then you will have to take measures to cleanse his gastrointestinal tract. The very first thing to do at home is to induce vomiting in a person. Cleansing the stomach will help him get back to normal. This method is not for the squeamish, but in an extreme situation, one does not have to choose. The drunk is brought to the toilet and asked to squat down. Next, the two fingers in the mouth method is used, which is carried out by light pressure on the root of his tongue until all the poisons and undigested alcohol are completely out of his stomach. Then you should dilute potassium permanganate at the rate of one teaspoon per one and a half liters of water. The sobering person should drink the solution in one gulp. Now you need to make him vomit again until he feels better.

For squeamish people, this method may seem unacceptable, in which case you can use table salt. The procedure should be carried out in the bathroom or toilet. We need a glass of warm water. Better to take distilled or filtered water. It is mixed with four tablespoons of any salt. A person should drink a salty solution in one gulp, and after that also three glasses of boiled water. After the cessation of vomiting, the drunk is given activated charcoal. The number of tablets is determined by body weight. For every kilogram of weight, one tablet is relied on.

After the cleansing procedure, it is recommended to let him smell the ammonia. Inside, you should take ascorbic acid. For seventy kilograms of weight, 2.5 grams is enough. Fifteen minutes later, take ten milliliters of a 5% solution of vitamin B1. In order to remove the smell of alcohol from the mouth, you should chew coffee beans, or parsley leaves. Lemon helps a lot.

Mint infusion, prepared in advance, effectively fights intoxication at home. One teaspoon of dried mint is added to a glass of vodka. After a week, the infusion can be applied. Twenty drops of mint tincture are dissolved in a glass of cold water and given to a drunk. If there is an opportunity to get raspberries, then its fresh berries are also helpful.

There is a recipe for a quick sobering drink made at home. The wide container is rinsed with vegetable oil. Then the following ingredients are added there: one raw yolk, ground pepper in the amount of two pinches, tomato sauce - two teaspoons, and also a little salt.

It is advisable to remember all these ways of bringing a drunk person back to normal at home, since such situations are not uncommon in everyday life. When the critical situation has passed, the sober person needs at least three hours of sleep.

To reduce such cases, you need to know the sense of proportion and be more careful with alcohol-containing drinks.

Holidays with plentiful feasts are often accompanied by excessive alcohol consumption. Not all people are able to calculate their strength and observe the measure. A heavily drunk person becomes inadequate, and sometimes even aggressive. In addition, intoxication is fraught with serious health consequences. Having quickly sobered a person, you can not only alleviate his condition, but also get rid of the consequences of alcohol intoxication.

Before removing a person from the state of alcoholic intoxication, it is necessary to determine the degree of its severity. It is impossible to do this without special equipment with an accuracy of ppm, but the following external signs will help to roughly assess the condition:

  • I degree. A person is cheerful, lively, relaxed, shows increased sociability, self-confidence, activity. The coordination of movements and the clarity of diction are slightly reduced.
  • II degree. Speech becomes monotonous, less intelligible and expressive. The mood worsens, aggression may appear, a person is inclined to enter into disputes and start conflicts. The gait is uneven, coordination suffers noticeably.
  • III degree. Speech is greatly slowed down, illegible, coordination of movements is seriously impaired. Possible epileptic seizures or loss of consciousness, involuntary urination. Partial amnesia sets in.
  • IV degree. There is no speech, the person emits inarticulate mooing, cannot stand, does not recognize those around him.
  • V degree. A person ceases to react to other people, does not understand what is happening around or to be in a fainting state, heart rhythm disturbances occur. Respiratory or cardiac arrest may occur.

It is impossible to take any independent measures in case of a severe degree of intoxication, you must call an ambulance. If the stage of intoxication is not higher than the third, then you can bring a drunk person to life.

Sobering instructions

Sobering someone against their will is useless, so you have to start with persuasion. If you can convince a person that he needs help, then the following sobering procedures will help you quickly sober up a drunk.

Gastric lavage

Gastric lavage is a rather unpleasant procedure, but this is the first thing to do, otherwise alcohol will continue to be absorbed from the stomach into the bloodstream, and sobering will be delayed.

Washing is done like this:

  • a soda solution is prepared at the rate of 1 tsp. per liter of water;
  • a person sits down on a straight-backed chair;
  • he is asked to drink as much of the solution as possible;
  • with fingers or the handle of a spoon, press on the root of the tongue and induce vomiting.

Vomiting relieves the condition and stops the further absorption of alcohol from the stomach. Therefore, it is so important to ensure that the stomach is freed as much as possible from food and alcohol debris.

Important! It is necessary to flush the stomach until the nausea completely stops.

Cold shower

When the stomach is clear and there is no nausea, the person should be taken to the shower. Cold water perfectly tones the depressed nervous system. A contrast shower works even better.

Stimulating blood circulation

After showering, rub it vigorously with a hard towel. In this case, special attention should be paid to the feet and palms - there are many biologically active points, the stimulation of which increases the tone. It is also helpful to massage the auricles starting from the top. The rush of blood to this area has a pretty sobering effect.


Then you should take an increased dose of vitamin C (at least 2.5 g per 70 kg of body weight) and after 15 minutes supplement it with a dose of thiamine (vitamin B1). The latter is available in ampoules for injection, but you can drink it. You need to take 1 ampoule (10 ml). Vitamins help to eliminate alcohol breakdown products.

Some products complement pharmacy vitamins well. These include:

  • citrus juices;
  • fruits, berries;
  • rosehip broth;
  • sauerkraut.

Sauerkraut can be combined with boiled potatoes. It will have a sorbing effect, cleansing the intestines of toxins.

Toning drinks

In the process of sobering up, one should not forget about the tonic effect of tea and coffee. These drinks do not remove alcohol, but help bring a drunk person back to normal, neutralizing the depressing effect of ethanol on the nervous system. Coffee may be contraindicated for hypertensive patients, so it would be better to brew a large mug of strong tea with honey and lemon.

Fact! A large amount of liquid allows you to quickly clear alcohol from the blood. Drink them after cleansing the stomach.

The final stage

After all the sobering procedures have been carried out and the person feels better, you should feed him with hot soup or meat goulash with potatoes or vegetable stew. After that . Do not allow him to smoke: nicotine enhances the toxic effect of alcohol.