Creamy pea soup l. Creamy soup with green peas and celery

Green peas are a real delicacy for adults and for children. It is satisfying and wholesome. It contains not only vegetable protein, but also quite a lot of fiber. Like all legumes, he rich in folic acid and B vitamins... Peas are also valuable because almost all of their nutritional properties are preserved during storage, including when frozen. Frozen green peas have a delicate and sweetish taste, so they occupy a worthy place in cooking, giving the dishes a special piquancy. Very tasty soups are made from it, and one of them is in front of you. Such a cream soup is prepared quickly, especially if you have a blender in your kitchen.

You will need:

  • frozen green peas 400 gr
  • potatoes 2 pcs
  • onion 1 pc
  • processed cheese 3 pcs

In season, you can replace frozen peas with fresh ones.

Step-by-step photo recipe for cooking:

Potato cut into cubes, pour boiling water (1 liter), bring to a boil, salt and cook on low heat 10 minutes.

Finely chop the onion and fry over low heat.

Add peas into a pot of potatoes, bring to a boil and cook for 10-15 minutes.

Free processed cheese from the foil and break it into pieces. Here's the processed cheese friendship, can be used Hochland- it melts better and can be thrown directly into the pan.

Put pieces of cheese in a small saucepan, pour boiling water (1 cup) and dissolve the cheese over low heat until smooth.

When the peas are ready, add the fried onions and melted cheese dissolved in boiling water to the saucepan, bring the soup to a boil and remove from heat. Whisk the soup with a blender until smooth. Carefully! Do not burn yourself with hot spray!

Return the soup to the fire and bring the soup to a boil again. Try it, add salt if necessary. Green pea cream soup is ready. When serving, add some olive oil and

Very delicate, rich soup with an unusual taste... Not at all like the soup that we cook from dry peas. Bon Appetit!

  • potatoes 2 pcs
  • onion 1 pc
  • processed cheese 3 pcs
  • vegetable oil for frying 50 gr
  • extra virgin olive oil 2-3 tbsp
  • Cut the potatoes into cubes. Pour boiling water (1 liter), bring to a boil, salt and cook for 10 minutes.
    Finely chop the onion and fry over low heat.
    Add the peas to a pot of potatoes, bring to a boil and cook for 10-15 minutes. Break the melted cheese into pieces, put in a small saucepan, pour boiling water (1 cup) and dissolve over low heat until smooth.
    When the peas are cooked, add the fried onions and melted cheese dissolved in water to the pan.
    Whisk the soup with a blender until smooth. Serve with croutons.

    The French say: "Lunch without soup is like a house without a front door." In French cuisine, various kinds of light soups and broths prevail, for example: ordinary, consommé (double strength), bain-marie (with a side dish), mashed soups. Puree soups are thick soups.

    Usually prepared from pureed foods. They are generally nutritious, look good and tasty, and are perfectly absorbed by the body. Pick up any dietary book and you will see that most of the first courses recommended by nutritionists are pureed soups.

    Usually, the technology of puree soup is simple: the ingredients are boiled, wiped through a sieve, or chopped with a blender. Then they are combined with the broth. Dressings, spices, etc. are added.

    Among the puree soups, cream soups are especially distinguished, i.e. thick cream-based soups, as well as velute - thick cream-based soups with egg yolks.

    What I like about mashed soups is that they can be made from anything, almost seasonal products that are in the fridge. As well as, especially! Or or . Today we made a creamy green pea soup.

    Ingredients (2 servings)

    • Green peas 400 g
    • Mint 2-3 sprigs
    • Parsley 2-3 sprigs
    • Butter 30 g
    • Cream (20%) 100 ml
    • Salt, sugar to taste

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    Green pea soup. Step by step recipe

    1. Green peas have long been out of the category of a summer vegetable; they can be eaten freshly frozen all year round. Usually packed in convenient "volumes", 400-500 grams each. Just one time. By and large, you don't even need to defrost it, it will cook quickly and efficiently anyway.

      Fresh frozen green peas

    2. Mint, the herb of Aphrodite, is a powerful and well-known aphrodisiac. Not only is it refreshing in the heat, but it is incredibly useful. And in general, given the monotonous and meager diet, you need to pay attention to fresh greens, and consume it all year round. Vitamins, you know.
    3. Wash the greens (mint and parsley) thoroughly, tear off all the leaves, and discard the stems. Chop the greens very finely. Put everything in a saucepan together with green peas.

      Put the peas and chopped greens in a saucepan

    4. Add 1 tsp. top with sugar, salt to taste and pour cold water so that it barely covers the peas. Sugar is a must, it does not allow the peas to change color during cooking. Otherwise, the soup will become the way we see peas in a jar when we cook it - gray-olive, unappetizing.
    5. Put the saucepan on fire, bring to a boil, and simmer over low heat for 15 minutes. During this time, the peas will be completely ready. By the way, to decorate the soup, leave 1 tbsp of boiled peas. Just put it off.

      Put the pan on the fire, bring to a boil

    6. Drain the broth into a separate bowl, and transfer the peas with herbs to a chopper or blender. Mash the peas. It is important that the shells of the peas are ground, to be sure, you can rub the peas through a sieve. The presence of remnants of pea shells in the puree absolutely unacceptable.

      Grind the peas in mashed potatoes and rub through a sieve

    7. Transfer the mashed peas to a saucepan. Add butter, cream and half of the broth that remained after cooking to the pea puree.

      Add butter to the pea puree

    8. Put the pan on fire, and, stirring constantly, bring to a boil. If the soup is too thick, add more broth. Actually, usually the whole broth is used. The consistency is at your discretion, green pea soup can be quite thick.

      Add cream and bring to a boil

    9. Cook the cream soup over the lowest heat for no more than 5 minutes, preferably stirring continuously.

    I got acquainted with this delicious dish thanks to the book "The Best Recipes of Moscow Chefs". The recipe for the creamy soup belongs to the excellent chef Dolph Michel. However, I changed the original recipe a little. In the original version, the soup is proposed to be made with the addition of smoked salmon and without potatoes. I did not add salmon, but with potatoes, in my opinion, the soup turns out to be thicker and richer. You can do it either like mine, or just do not add potatoes, and at the end of cooking the soup, garnish it with a slice of smoked salmon. The soup has the most delicate texture with a pleasant, barely noticeable aroma of fresh spring peas. Cream is great for dressing, giving the soup an even more delicate flavor. The dish is cooked in about 25 minutes. It is best to cook it once, as the warmed-up soup will no longer be as tasty.

    Recipe Information

    Cooking method: cooking.

    Total cooking time: 25 min.

    Servings Per Container: 2-3.


    • 400 ml of water or vegetable broth (if you want the soup thicker, then take a little less water)
    • 190 g green peas (frozen or fresh)
    • 1 medium potato
    • 2 shallots (if not, you can use leeks)
    • 30 g butter
    • 30 g cream
    • salt, pepper to taste


    • 30 g smoked salmon.


  • Fry finely chopped shallots in butter for about three minutes over low heat.
  • We transfer the fried onions to a saucepan, where we will cook the soup. Put the diced potatoes there, fill with water or broth and cook for about 15 minutes.
  • Then pour green peas into a saucepan and cook for about 7-10 minutes. It is advisable not to cook for longer than this time so that the peas do not lose their beautiful color and do not boil.
  • Then grind everything with a blender. The chef suggests then strain the soup through a sieve, but since I chopped everything very hard with a blender, I skipped this step. You can do as the chef advises to make the soup even more tender.
  • Then add warm cream to the soup and stir.
  • The soup is ready! Can be served at the table.
    • Garlic croutons or crispy baguette slices fried in garlic or olive oil are perfect for the soup.
    • Sprinkle with finely chopped herbs before serving.
    2016-04-24T13: 20: 05 + 00: 00 admin first meal

    I got acquainted with this delicious dish thanks to the book "The Best Recipes of Moscow Chefs". The recipe for the creamy soup belongs to the excellent chef Dolph Michel. However, I changed the original recipe a little. In the original version, the soup is proposed to be made with the addition of smoked salmon and without potatoes. I didn't add salmon, but with potatoes, in my opinion, soup ...

    [email protected] Administrator Feast-Online

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    The French say: "Lunch without soup is like a house without a front door." In French cuisine, various kinds of light soups and broths prevail, for example: ordinary, consommé (double strength), bain-marie (with a side dish), mashed soups. Puree soups are thick soups.

    Usually prepared from pureed foods. They are generally nutritious, look good and tasty, and are perfectly absorbed by the body. Pick up any dietary book and you will see that most of the first courses recommended by nutritionists are pureed soups.

    Usually, the technology of puree soup is simple: the ingredients are boiled, wiped through a sieve, or chopped with a blender. Then they are combined with the broth. Dressings, spices, etc. are added.

    Among the puree soups, cream soups are especially distinguished, i.e. thick cream-based soups, as well as velute - thick cream-based soups with egg yolks.

    What I like about mashed soups is that they can be made from anything, almost seasonal products that are in the fridge. As well as, especially! Or or . Today we made a creamy green pea soup.

    Ingredients (2 servings)

    • Green peas 400 g
    • Mint 2-3 sprigs
    • Parsley 2-3 sprigs
    • Butter 30 g
    • Cream (20%) 100 ml
    • Salt, sugar to taste

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    Green pea soup. Step by step recipe

    1. Green peas have long been out of the category of a summer vegetable; they can be eaten freshly frozen all year round. Usually packed in convenient "volumes", 400-500 grams each. Just one time. By and large, you don't even need to defrost it, it will cook quickly and efficiently anyway.

      Fresh frozen green peas

    2. Mint, the herb of Aphrodite, is a powerful and well-known aphrodisiac. Not only is it refreshing in the heat, but it is incredibly useful. And in general, given the monotonous and meager diet, you need to pay attention to fresh greens, and consume it all year round. Vitamins, you know.
    3. Wash the greens (mint and parsley) thoroughly, tear off all the leaves, and discard the stems. Chop the greens very finely. Put everything in a saucepan together with green peas.

      Put the peas and chopped greens in a saucepan

    4. Add 1 tsp. top with sugar, salt to taste and pour cold water so that it barely covers the peas. Sugar is a must, it does not allow the peas to change color during cooking. Otherwise, the soup will become the way we see peas in a jar when we cook it - gray-olive, unappetizing.
    5. Put the saucepan on fire, bring to a boil, and simmer over low heat for 15 minutes. During this time, the peas will be completely ready. By the way, to decorate the soup, leave 1 tbsp of boiled peas. Just put it off.

      Put the pan on the fire, bring to a boil

    6. Drain the broth into a separate bowl, and transfer the peas with herbs to a chopper or blender. Mash the peas. It is important that the shells of the peas are ground, to be sure, you can rub the peas through a sieve. The presence of remnants of pea shells in the puree absolutely unacceptable.

      Grind the peas in mashed potatoes and rub through a sieve

    7. Transfer the mashed peas to a saucepan. Add butter, cream and half of the broth that remained after cooking to the pea puree.

      Add butter to the pea puree

    8. Put the pan on fire, and, stirring constantly, bring to a boil. If the soup is too thick, add more broth. Actually, usually the whole broth is used. The consistency is at your discretion, green pea soup can be quite thick.

      Add cream and bring to a boil

    9. Cook the cream soup over the lowest heat for no more than 5 minutes, preferably stirring continuously.

    Puree soups are becoming more and more popular in my family. Hearty, smooth texture and very creamy, this is how I make mashed soups.

    Today I suggest making a quick, frozen green pea puree soup for lunch. I will share the secrets of the beautiful color of this soup and its special aroma.

    Let's prepare all the products for making the puree soup.

    Put frozen green peas in a saucepan without preliminary defrosting. Add finely chopped mint leaves, which will add an interesting flavor to the soup.

    Add salt and sugar, it is the sugar that will keep the rich color of the peas in the soup.

    Pour enough water into the saucepan so that it only covers the peas.

    Cook the peas for 15-20 minutes - until tender. Drain the liquid from the finished peas and set the liquid aside (do not pour it out!).

    Using a blender, puree the boiled green peas.

    Pour in the cream and put the butter in a saucepan with mashed potatoes. We put the pan on the fire again, warm up the contents of the pan and gradually pour in the liquid in which the peas were cooked until the consistency of puree soup you need is obtained.

    Serve the ready-made puree soup from frozen green peas in portions with croutons or crackers.

    Bon Appetit!