The benefits and harms of tea. Useful properties of tea Tea harmful properties

Tea is considered to be the most widespread drink in the whole world. In some countries, it is highly valued and considered a vital, essential product, such as bread in Russia. And in our country it has taken root long and firmly, and many cannot imagine a morning without a cup of strong, invigorating drink. A cup of hot tea is so nice to drink in wet, rainy weather. It will refresh in summer and warm in winter.

And what could be easier than making a fragrant invigorating drink? Tea is truly democratic. He firmly entered our life and is not going to give up positions. And that is why it will be interesting to find out if it is useful? We rarely think about it when we pour tea leaves into a kettle. Or maybe he can do harm?

Let's figure out together whether everyone can drink tea, find out and discuss the beneficial properties and contraindications of the popular drink. It is known that there are many varieties of tea. But the most popular varieties are black and green. What is the difference between them? Let's find out:

Black or green?

The benefits of tea

Both green and black teas are known for their bactericidal properties. A cup of invigorating drink drunk in the morning has a detrimental effect on harmful microbes in the gastrointestinal tract. A substance like tannin can help normalize digestion.

It should also be noted that the tannin contained in the drink helps the body to remove heavy metals. Moreover, it should be noted here that green varieties most effectively destroy toxins in the digestive tract. They act like an adsorbent, cleansing not only the stomach and intestines, but also the kidneys.

Green varieties effectively protect against harmful radiation. For example, it is good to drink a cup of green tea if you sit in front of a computer monitor for a long time.

Green varieties are considered a preventive measure against cancer. These features are associated with the well-known property of green tea to cleanse the blood, removing heavy metals such as lead and mercury from the body. Tannin, which is part of tea leaves, strengthens the walls of blood vessels.

According to many experts, green varieties contribute to weight loss, as it has the ability to reduce appetite. Of course, drinking green tea is not enough for weight loss. At the same time, no one canceled a healthy lifestyle, proper moderate nutrition. But in the matter of eliminating body fat, green varieties will help you more than black ones.

Many experts point out the benefits of black tea for diabetes mellitus, as it helps control blood sugar. Black varieties contain polysaccharides - substances that prevent the body from fully absorbing glucose.

The beneficial properties of tea are known to stimulate metabolism. Tea leaves contain theophylline. It has the ability to dilate blood vessels, capillaries, and also reduces the level of bad cholesterol. In addition, both types of tea effectively cleanse blood vessels from cholesterol deposits, at the same time strengthening their walls.

Green, black tea - contraindications

It must be said that tea, the beneficial properties of which are indisputable, can cause serious harm to health. Therefore, you should also know about its contraindications. For example, black varieties can provoke an exacerbation of varicose veins, negatively affect the digestion process.

It is especially harmful to brew it with water with a high fluoride content. This can cause serious health problems. Regular use can cause palpitations, tinnitus, and constipation. Strong tea taken before bed is more likely to cause insomnia.

There are contraindications for drinking tea in case of peptic ulcer disease with high acidity. Both varieties of the drink, especially the green one, increase the acidity even more. This interferes with scarring of the ulcer and can cause various complications, worsening the condition of the patient.

Large amounts of green tea consumed can damage the liver. The polyphenols found in it negatively affect the work of this important organ.

Both types of drink can contribute to the formation of urolithiasis, especially when cold. Especially if you drink it in liters. Both black and green teas are high in purine, which forms uric acid.

This substance causes great harm to bones and joints, as it forms hard deposits (crystals) that destroy cartilage. Therefore, there are contraindications for the use of strongly brewed tea for gout, rheumatism, arthrosis, arthritis and other joint diseases.

Without detracting from the beneficial properties of an invigorating drink, you need to understand that you should not abuse it. Do not brew it too tightly and consider the presence of contraindications and be healthy!

Mint tea: useful properties and contraindications

A fragrant and pleasant drink that can be consumed regardless of the season is mint tea, the beneficial properties of which were described by Avicenna.

In those distant times, when the terms "hyperexcitability", "hyperactivity", "neurosis" were unknown to mankind, and all this was considered somewhat heightened emotionality, doctors advised patients who noticed deviations from the norm to put in order the state of mind with a bowl of mint tea.

Centuries flashed by, many new "fashionable" diseases, generated by stress, appeared. To get rid of them, a lot of new sedatives have been developed. But, before taking them, try to brew a cup of mint tea, rest, reflect - maybe you don't need it this way, this is an expensive medicine, maybe an amazing aromatic mint drink will be enough?

Equanimity is your middle name

Female drink

And yet this aromatic drink is more popular with the fairer sex. And not only because ladies prefer mint tea to other varieties. Its beneficial properties are most noticeable by the female body.

By relieving spasmodic pain on menstrual periods that are not the most comfortable for any of the women or relieving symptoms of menopause, peppermint tea becomes an effective and affordable pain reliever.

It can and should be drunk by pregnant women suffering from toxicosis. But at the same time, one should observe the measure - no more than one cup a day, since what is useful to the mother can harm the fetus, especially if the future baby is male.

But this is far from the end of the list of physiological problems that peppermint tea helps to fight. Beneficial properties for women also consist in the ability of this rather unpretentious drink to lower the level of male hormones. The property is very valuable for women suffering from excess body hair.

Mint tea is an irreplaceable aid for all those who are losing weight and dieters: the abundance of essential oils in the herb that dull the feeling of hunger allows you to use the drink as a "main drink" if you need to lose a few extra pounds.

In the process of losing weight, there are options for using mint tea - a pure drink or well-known mixes: green tea + mint, black tea + mint.

So is it soothing or invigorating?

Why are men afraid of drinking mint tea?

Mint as an additive

Not only pure mint tea is honored by his fans. Many people enjoy using this plant as an additive to other teas. Linden, thyme, currant leaves, chamomile, herbal preparations are the most common teas, drinks and infusions in which mint may be present. Tea, the beneficial properties and contraindications of which must be taken into account in each individual case, should be used with caution, but never deny yourself the pleasure or, even more so, the need to drink a cup of a healing drink.

One of the recipes that have come down to us from time immemorial consists of mint, thyme, St. John's wort, valerian root, rose hips and currant leaves and is the best remedy for malaise and fatigue.

Not only aroma is given by tea with thyme and mint - useful properties in this case are accentuated on the antiseptic and analgesic effects of herbs. Double hit on pain - this is mint and thyme tea.

Take during an epidemic

What else can mint do?

Useful properties of black tea

About the healing properties of black tea

This drink has a unique effect on the human body. Scientists have proven that it can help normalize the functional activity of the entire cardiovascular system. Black tea restores normal blood circulation in our body. In comparison with green, of course, it has less antioxidant properties, but the elements it contains effectively increase the level of resistance of the human body to various ailments of a cold nature.

The immune system is strengthened, and it effectively resists viral and infectious attacks. It is not for nothing that there is confidence that a cup of black tea adds vigor, strength and energy. The substances that are in this drink saturate every cell of our body with vitality.

Doctors have come to the conclusion that moderate consumption of black tea is a good prevention of various diseases of the oncological group. The regular presence of a real high-quality drink on the menu significantly reduces the likelihood of developing stomach, intestinal and breast cancer. This is due to the fact that tea contains a special substance TF2, which stops the formation of cancer cells in the body.

Black tea also helps to get rid of extra pounds, it should be drunk without sugar, but not exceeding the recommended daily dose. Regular consumption of such a drink will speed up the process of losing weight.

Black tea will benefit those people who have experienced food poisoning. With its help, you can neutralize the harmful effects of various pathogenic microbes, thereby reducing the total amount of toxins in the body. Drinking just one cup of tea can reduce the pain of diarrhea, cystitis and indigestion. Consuming this drink will be beneficial for pneumonia, as it destroys the germs and bacteria that cause this ailment. Various skin ailments that occur at the stage of puberty respond well to black tea treatment. Also, this product has a mild diuretic effect.

Safe dosage and contraindications

Proper preparation

Useful properties of ivan tea (fireweed) and contraindications

Description of Ivan-tea

Useful and medicinal properties of fireweed

In the leaves and branches of fireweed are present iron, copper, manganese, potassium, sodium, boron, calcium, magnesium, nickel. Ivan tea is rich in vitamin C, B vitamins, polysaccharides, pectins. For comparison: the plant contains three times more vitamin C than oranges.

Regular use of the herb in the form of a decoction, infusion or tea has a beneficial effect on the body. The following useful properties of fireweed:

  • Ivan tea, rich in vitamins and microelements, strengthens the immune system, increases vitality.
  • Constant intake of food helps to increase hemoglobin... This is true for people with anemia. In addition, the beneficial composition of the plant improves the hematopoietic function.
  • Helps to assimilate nutrients from foods, improves carbohydrate and lipid metabolism.
  • Renders anti-inflammatory action, contributes to the treatment and prevention of certain infectious diseases.
  • It has diuretic action, normalizes blood pressure.
  • Positively affects the condition of the prostate gland, improves potency, good prevention of erectile dysfunction. Our ancestors considered ivan tea to be a herb that favorably affects the "male" strength.
  • A good remedy for insomnia, chronic fatigue. Reduces the excitability of the central nervous system, relieves the effects of stress. Unlike medicines, it has no side effects and is not addictive.
  • Favorably affects the gastrointestinal tract, eliminates constipation, restores intestinal microflora.
  • Has a choleretic effect.
  • Fights viruses, allergies, has a wound healing and analgesic effect.
  • Women after childbirth can use it to increase lactation, besides, the plant improves the quality of breast milk.
  • Ivan tea has a beneficial effect on the endocrine system.
  • Fireweed cleanses the body of toxins and toxins, such an action is caused by containing pectins.
  • In folk medicine, the plant was used as antineoplastic agent... Ivan tea reduces the risk of oncology, has an antioxidant effect.
  • Healing herb used in cosmetology... It improves the quality of the skin, increases elasticity.

In addition to the basic qualities, ivan tea does not absorb harmful substances; a drink made from grass wonderfully quenches thirst in the heat. In addition, fireweed does not contain caffeine, and this substance is present in regular tea and coffee.

Naturally, Ivan tea is very useful and has a positive effect on our body, but losing a large amount of extra pounds with it is problematic. We believe that losing weight with activated charcoal is more suitable for this, or it is worth considering the medicinal properties of turmeric. If you are one of those people who do not want to load themselves too much, but want to throw something in their mouth and at the same time lose weight, perhaps diet gum chewing gum is for you.

The use of ivan tea

Contraindications to the use of ivan tea

Features of the preparation of Ivan-tea

Thyme tea - useful properties and contraindications

Thyme tea is an unusually healthy and tasty drink. From ancient Greek the word "thyme" is translated as "strength of mind", and this name perfectly characterizes this herb. The herb thyme has been known since pagan times in ancient Egypt and the Sumerian tribes. Even then, the beneficial properties of thyme tea were known to priests and healers.

It was used as a very strong antiseptic, and the herb itself was used in cooking and cosmetology. Mention of this herb is found in the works of Avicenna "Canon of Medicine".

Due to the presence of thymol in the substance, thyme also received a second name - thyme. Thyme teas will help warm or refresh you, depending on the weather, and will also envelop you in their delicate aroma. This herb grows in the south of Russia, Ukraine and other European countries with a warm climate, as well as in the Caucasus and Crimean mountains.

Composition of thyme tea

Useful properties of thyme tea

Thyme tea is a wonderful remedy that will help you fight a huge number of ailments. This drink is very good for treating throat problems. You just need to throw a few sprigs of thyme into boiling water. After the tea is brewed and cooled, add honey of your choice and drink this drink a little during the day.

This tea has a wonderful warming effect in cold weather and just as well quenches thirst when the summer heat is scorching outside the window.

Tea with thyme is also useful if you have a cold. In order to quickly get yourself back on your feet, simply prepare a drink from a mixture of thyme, mint, St. John's wort, valerian root, currant leaves and rose hips. This tea has a powerful composition, rich in vitamins and a huge amount of other useful substances, which is easy to cope with any viruses and colds.

The beneficial properties of thyme tea also extend to the human nervous system. If you feel tired and overwhelmed, you are overcome by depression, then this aromatic, tonic drink will come in handy. A drink made from thyme can not only bring a person out of depression, but is also actively used in rehabilitation after brain injuries.

Traditional medicine claims that thyme tea helps cure cystitis and prostatitis, and is also a wonderful remedy for those with sand or kidney stones.

Thyme tea can help you get rid of bad breath. In addition to keeping your breath fresh, this drink will help normalize the digestive tract.

First, let's figure out what the benefits of tea are in general:

  • tea is an excellent remedy for fatigue;
  • tea infusion is used for dysentery as an antimicrobial agent;
  • tea is used for the prevention of gallstone and urolithiasis;
  • tea keeps the body in good shape;
  • tea individually affects appetite - it can both relieve hunger and arouse it;
  • tea has a diuretic property (however, it should not be used as a diuretic due to its stimulating effect);
  • tea helps to cope with cancer (including thanks to vitamin C);
  • tea strengthens the walls of blood vessels;
  • tea is great.

Most of these useful qualities are possessed by black tea, green tea, or special Chinese types (white, yellow, "completely black" heicha, light and dark pu-erh tea and turquoise oolong tea) - and all thanks to the huge amount of vitamins and elements necessary for the body that are contained in this noble drink of all varieties and colors.

But still, despite the long history of tea and all its beneficial properties proven by everyday experience and scientific research, there are still some categories of people who should not drink tea.

Navigating the article

Tea contraindications. Why is tea harmful and who should not drink it?

Tea is bad for stomach problems

In general, everyone knows and everyone has proven that tea is normal for the stomach. But only if you do not suffer from a stomach ulcer, or a duodenal ulcer, or if your stomach is not acidic. Otherwise, tea is not your friend, neither black, nor green, nor red, nor even, God forgive me, pu-erh is beautiful.

What's the matter? The fact is that the stomach of a healthy person contains phosphoric acid, which in the cells of the walls of the stomach lowers the secretion of stomach acid. While each cup of tea contains theophylline, which morally and physically suppresses the phosphoric acid compound in the stomach. As a result, stomach acid accumulates, the acidity of gastric juice increases, ulcers form - in general, the sea is worried once.

Therefore, to avoid “the sea is worried two”, you should not drink tea for people who have stomach problems.

You can not drink tea with hypertension and atherosclerosis

For hypertensive patients, it is generally not advised to consume black or strongly brewed green teas. The point is all the same theophylline and caffeine, besides, which stimulate the nervous system.

How it works? The cerebral cortex becomes excited, the vessels of the brain narrow, which is fraught with the formation of blood clots.

Tea is contraindicated for insomnia

There are many reasons for insomnia, but whether it is an illness or psychological problems, stress - it does not matter, one way or another, you should not drink tea if you have problems with sleep. Even weak! Even sweet! In one way or another, tea contains caffeine, caffeine is not bro. A thimble of tea before going to bed and now - the central nervous system and the brain were excited, the pulse became more frequent, the blood flow accelerated, and now count the sheep to the point of stupidity, but there is no sense.

The last time during the day, you can drink tea for 2 hours before sleep, so that tea will bring only benefit and no harm.

Do not drink tea at high temperatures

How does it all happen? You have a fever, fever dilates superficial blood vessels, increases sweating, overexpenditure of nutrients, water and dielectrics occurs, there is a feeling of thirst, which you just want to quench with hot black tea, which, as everyone has heard from somewhere, perfectly quenches thirst ... only this bullshit.

In fact, black tea not only does not relieve thirst, but on the contrary - it raises the temperature even more. It turns out a vicious circle. Who's to blame? That's right - theophylline. It not only raises the body temperature, but also has a diuretic effect, and therefore quickly removes all antipyretic drugs from the body, nullifying all their actions.

Don't drink tea during pregnancy

Tea is not coffee, that's understandable. Likewise, coffee is not tea. But any tea contains caffeine (along with its best friend theophylline), and caffeine is bad for minus children.

At the same time, some people argue that red tea contains caffeine with a gulkin's nose, which means that pregnant women can drink it, but don't believe them - the birds are lying.

In fact, the entire semaphore of tea varieties - black or green - contains caffeine.

Drinking abundant tea during pregnancy can lead to premature babies. In general, the caffeine contained in tea raises the heartbeat, has a strong diuretic effect, loads the kidneys and heart, and thus can lead to toxicosis.

Tea drinking mistakes that make the drink harmful

Some more contraindications for drinking tea. They are not related to your condition, but rather to the condition of the tea itself.

You can't drink tea too hot

If the tea is too hot, then it is extremely unnecessary (well, no need to!) Burns the throat, esophagus, stomach, and can even burn the mucous membrane of the mouth, after which it will no longer matter how many spoons of sugar there are.

You shouldn't drink iced tea

What does warm tea do? Gives vigor, clarifies consciousness and has a beneficial effect on vision.

What does iced tea do? Causes accumulation of phlegm and cold stagnation.

Warm tea - bro.

Iced tea is not bro.

Don't brew the tea too hard

Strong tea is caffeine squared, which means hello, headache and hello, insomnia.

Don't drink tea half an hour before meals

If you drink tea before a meal, then saliva liquefies, making the food seem tasteless. Why do we need this? So it's better to drink tea for minutes that way for 30 before a meal.

Don't drink tea for half an hour after eating

Tea contains tannin, tannin causes iron and protein to harden, making them poorly absorbed. And nobody needs it. So it's better to drink tea in minutes that way through 30 after meals.

Do not drink tea on an empty stomach

Strong tea on an empty stomach is bad for the stomach and spleen. Everything.

Don't drink yesterday's tea

"Yesterday's tea is like poison ..." and all that. But the truth is that if you have tea for more than a day, then it is better to give it to the flower on the windowsill than to drink it yourself, because all the vitamins have escaped from yesterday's tea and, on the contrary, various bacteria have settled, seduced by the abundance of sugars and protein.

Yesterday's strong tea, if nothing has sprouted out of it, can be used as a medicine - but only for external use. Properly infused tea is full of fluoride and acids, the two of them prevent capillary bleeding, which means that yesterday's tea will be an excellent healing remedy for:

  • bleeding gums;
  • abscesses;
  • inflammation of the oral cavity;
  • eczema;
  • pain in the tongue;
  • superficial skin lesions.

If you rinse your eyes with yesterday's tea, then you will relieve the unpleasant sensations from the manifestation of blood vessels in proteins, and after tears.

And if you rinse your mouth with yesterday's tea before brushing your teeth, you will strengthen your teeth and achieve a feeling of freshness in the mouth.

Don't brew tea for too long

If you brew tea for a long time, then phenol, lipids, essential oils, vitamins and any other valuable substances are automatically oxidized, which makes the tea cloudy, the smell and taste come to naught, as well as the entire nutritional value of the drink in general.

Don't brew tea too many times.

"British" scientists have deduced the following scheme: the first tea infusion draws out 50% useful substances from tea leaves, II-nd tea infusion - 30% , III-th - 10% ... Subsequent brewing will remove only harmful substances from the tea leaves into the infusion.

But here it all depends on the brewing method and the quality of the tea. For example, if you brew tea according to the Chinese tradition - that is, in a relatively large amount ( 7 grams on the 150 milliliters water), but in short infusions (it happens in different ways - from 15 or even from 10 Seconds) - then, of course, the tea will withstand much more spills, while continuing to give exactly useful substances. But brewing tea according to the Russian or English tradition more than four times can be harmful.

Do not take pills with tea

As already mentioned, tea contains tannin, due to which drugs will sediment and are poorly absorbed. So tea, consider, kills the healing effect of drugs.

Truth and fiction about the benefits and harms of tea

“What if I often drink tea?”

Tea is good, but a little bit of good. Tea in moderation invigorates and stimulates, and in excess - loads the kidneys and heart. Strong tea in itself excites the brain, raises the heartbeat, causes insomnia and the desire to visit the meditation room more often. And caffeine in large quantities can generally lead to the development of various sores.

Average daily intake of a healthy middle-aged person without any mutations - cups 5 good not very strong tea during the day. If a person definitely needs strong tea so that the spoon stands right, then he needs to do 3 cups for the day. It is better to drink tea in small quantities, but good and freshly brewed.

And before going to bed (especially for elderly people) it is better to drink a mug of boiled, but cooled to room temperature, water.

"What if I drink alcohol with tea?"

No way! Alcohol itself is a rather harmful thing, and tea after alcohol is already a control automatic machine for the kidneys. Our old friend theophylline quickly produces urine in the kidneys, which is why there is a risk that unbroken acetaldehyde may leak into the kidneys, which, in turn, is harmful to the kidneys so much that it can even die directly.

In short: alcohol and tea - no, strong alcohol and strong tea - amen in general.

The fact is that alcohol is alcohol, and alcohol is a terrible anxiety for a lot of organs of the human body, including the heart, kidneys and all kinds of vessels. And tea, especially strong, especially in large quantities, has a similar effect. So mixing them is more expensive for yourself.

Therefore, if you need some kind of "snack" or "zapivon", in the sense that not to harm this body even more, then it is better, after libations, to eat fruit or drink juice.

In general, it is better to just not drink. Only tea. And only in moderation. Otherwise, you can spoil your health with tea, or even get into the habit of “chifirit”, a kind of substitute for drinking alcohol with abundant insane teas.

The harm from tea intoxication is mild (at least on a full stomach), but this is not a reason to experiment with health. Such impartialities as dizziness, weakness in the limbs and anxiety will not bring joy to anyone.

"Is tea harmful to children?"

Many parents believe that tea is harmful to children because of its stimulating effect, but why should the spinnogs, which are already running around the apartment with periodic bends along the ceiling? In addition, gentle parents are afraid for the same tender spleen and stomach of the child.

In fact, there are no objective reasons for such paranoia.

Let's plunge into a cup of tea with a microscope, and what will we see there? Vitamins, fluoride, zinc, phenol, caffeine, protein and sugars - all this is simply necessary for the healthy development of a small person.

In general, tea is good for children. In moderation, of course. 2-3 small cups a day, not strong, not hot or cold, not in the evening. That's all science.

In addition, very, very little kids often overeat, still not being able to control their appetite. In this regard, tea is also useful, as it dissolves fats and improves intestinal motility. And the vitamin set in each cup of tea regulates the metabolism of fats in the child's body, thereby relieving discomfort after eating a rich meal, reducing gas production and facilitating the process of defecation.

In general, children are small adults, and in the case of drinking tea, the same principles work with them - a little bit of good.


Tea is an ancient drink, like the statues of Easter Island. Wise like the emperor of China. Proud as an English lord. And a person who knows when to stop, has a sense of style and does everything sensibly, will be able to appreciate the wonderful taste of tea as well as prolong his healthy life, absorbing everything useful that can only fit in one teacup. The main thing is to remember: a little bit of all the best. Indeed, in large quantities, even water is poisonous.

Many inhabitants of the planet cannot imagine their life without black tea. We drink this drink every day: at home, at work, in a cafe or at a party. According to statistics, on average, a person consumes about 650 liters of tea per year. And this is not surprising: the drink has a unique taste, is soft to drink and has an invigorating effect.

Moreover, black tea has no secret of preparation. It brews very quickly: five minutes is enough - and you can pour the delicious liquid into cups!

The leafy drink has a rich composition, which brings undeniable benefits to the human body. However, in some situations, its consumption can be harmful. And today I will raise the topic of the benefits and harms of black tea, consider its positive and negative properties.

The benefits and harms of black tea

With or without lemon?

Black tea has been known to mankind for a long time. It can be loose (loose), granular, packaged and tiled. Also, various food ingredients can be added to it to enhance the taste and aroma.

Many are interested in why the tea is black, if green leaves are plucked from the tree? It all depends on the technology to which the plant product is exposed. It is collected from the tops of plant shoots, then the vegetation is wilted, twisted and oxidized (this is necessary for long-term storage). Next, the resulting product is sorted: it is sorted by the size of the tea leaves - the more homogeneous the mass, the higher the quality will be.

Useful properties of the drink

Numerous studies have proven that the leaf drink contains trace elements, vitamins and amino acids necessary for the body. We suggest that you familiarize yourself with the table "Useful properties of black tea".

Useful ingredients Positive effects on the human body
Tannins This is tannic acid, which improves blood clotting, also strengthens blood vessels and increases the absorption of vitamin C. Tannins help to heal wounds in the oral cavity, accelerate the elimination of heavy metals from the body.
Caffeine Stimulates the work of the central nervous system, increases heart rate, increases vitality.
Amino acids They take part in the production of hormones, enzymes, strengthen the immune system, inhibit the aging process, maintain a normal level of material metabolism.
Carotene This is an important component for vision - thanks to it, the development of cataracts and glaucoma slows down, the healthy state of the retina is maintained. In addition, beta-carotene supplies retinol to the tissues of the body, and this substance is a powerful antioxidant that can protect cells from cancer.
Vitamin C Strengthens the walls of blood vessels, thereby facilitating the course of varicose veins and hemorrhoids. Vitamin C kills the causative agents of caries, also helps to strengthen the tooth enamel. The substance has a positive effect on the immune system, protects the body from infectious diseases.
Vitamins B1 and B2 Vitamins have a positive effect on the nervous system, increase intellectual abilities. They also participate in the maturation of red blood cells, increase the absorption of iron, regulate the adrenal glands and protect the retina from the harmful effects of ultraviolet rays.
A nicotinic acid Reduces the level of "bad" cholesterol in the blood, activates enzymes that provide energy production in cells from fats and carbohydrates, participates in the production of important hormones - insulin and thyroxine.
Pantothenic acid Or in other words - vitamin B5. Pantothenic acid helps in hair growth, maintains good skin condition, regulates bowel function, and accelerates wound healing.
Fluorine Improves the condition of bone tissue (increases hardness and structural density), prevents the development of caries (penetrates into microcracks of tooth enamel and smoothes them).
Potassium It has a beneficial effect on the muscular, cardiovascular and urinary system, prevents the development of atherosclerosis, normalizes blood pressure, and increases physical endurance.
Vitamin P Restores the violation of the cellular structure, normalizes the functionality of small vessels, also prevents the formation of varicose veins, the occurrence of puffiness and impaired blood circulation.
Vitamin K The element is necessary for normal material metabolism in bone and connective tissue, improves kidney function and assists in the absorption of calcium.

It is not for nothing that nutritionists recommend using a miraculous drink for people who are losing weight: due to the fact that it contains absolutely no proteins, fats and carbohydrates, the energy value is zero kilocalories. However, drinking from the leaves is not always dietary. The fact is that many people prefer to add various additives to tea, which can become a real obstacle to losing weight.

Calorie content of black tea with different preparation methods:

  • With the addition of lemon. One hundred grams of this citrus product accounts for about 34 kilocalories. Considering that the average weight of a lemon is 100-150 grams, then a slice of sour "fruit" has a minimum amount of kcal. Hence the conclusion: if you want to lose weight, you can add lemon to tea, but not often.
  • With sugar. Everyone knows that a spoonful of sugar gives tea flavor and reduces a little bitterness. But not everyone knows that this threatens with excess body fat. A spoonful of sugar is 15 kilocalories, so those who are overweight should consider adding carbohydrates to a delicious drink.
  • With milk. Skim milk contains 30 kcal, 1.5% - 45 kcal, 2.5% - 54 kcal, 3.2% - 60 kcal (taken into account per 100 grams of product). Thus, if a person counts calories, then he needs to take them into account when adding a nutritious liquid to tea.

It is also worth remembering that tea contains vitamin C. It promotes weight loss, as it participates in the production of hormones that eliminate body fat.

Special benefits of tea for humans

In some cases, the drink can even provide medicinal properties. The use of tea in the treatment of various diseases:

  • if sugar and milk are added to the drink, then it can be used as an auxiliary therapy for poisoning with chemicals and alcohol;
  • with conjunctivitis, you can wipe your eyes with tea without any additives - it will relieve inflammation and speed up the healing process;
  • adding raspberries or natural honey, the drink will have an antipyretic effect.

The benefits of black tea for men have also been proven. Nicotinic acid, which is part of the drink, produces certain enzymes that are involved in the synthesis of sex hormones. Thus, the drink helps to improve the quality of semen and increase potency.

When is black tea contraindicated and harmful?

Numerous studies confirm that tea that is brewed for more than 10 minutes (especially yesterday's) is poison. That is why it is recommended to consume only freshly brewed drink.

Contraindications to consumption:

  • hypertonic disease;
  • insomnia;
  • exacerbation of stomach and duodenal ulcers;
  • increased excitability, irritability, depression;
  • constipation and a tendency to retain stool.

It is also worth remembering that tea leaves, especially strong ones, provoke darkening of the teeth. In this regard, it is necessary to thoroughly rinse the oral cavity with plain water after drinking the drink.

The benefits of black tea with milk

Experts are sure that black tea with the addition of milk can have a positive effect on the body:

  • improves brain function, activates thinking processes;
  • the caffeine in black tea is partially neutralized under the influence of milk, so the drink (in small quantities) can be used for depressive disorders and nervous excitement;
  • restores the work of internal organs after colds;
  • normalizes the microflora in the intestine.

In winter, a warm drink will warm you up, and in summer it will quench your thirst. However, it is important to drink it fresh, as the milk in tea tends to turn sour quickly.

Does black tea affect blood pressure?

The composition of the miraculous drink contains alkaloids, which give a slight excitement and increase the frequency of heart beats. In addition, caffeine is present in tea, which can increase blood pressure.

Thus, regular consumption of the drink is recommended for people suffering from hypotension. At the same time, high blood pressure is an important contraindication to tea drinking.

Can children eat black tea?

Many mothers often ask the pediatrician: "Is it possible to give the child black tea?" In fact, the widespread belief that the drink is an excellent drink for a baby is wrong.

The fact is that caffeine is contraindicated for the child's body, which is found in considerable concentration in the tea leaves. Regular consumption can lead to increased excitability of the central nervous system, which causes restless sleep in the baby, moodiness, tantrums, the inability to sit in one place for a long time.

  • chamomile - inhibits inflammation, improves digestion;
  • dill or fennel - eliminates increased gas formation, normalizes bowel function;
  • linden - promotes calm falling asleep and prolonged sleep;
  • mint - soothes the work of the central nervous system, reduces emotional disorders.

Black tea can be given to a child at the age of three. A single amount of a drink should not exceed 50 ml. The permissible frequency of use is no more than four times a week. Its concentration should be moderate, since the harm of strong black tea will manifest itself very quickly (see above what adverse symptoms a drink can cause in children).

Can pregnant women take black tea?

Future mothers are well aware that they cannot drink coffee in their position. But what about black tea?

Obstetricians-gynecologists do not prohibit women in position from drinking weak black tea. The only thing doctors recommend is to add milk to it to reduce the activity of caffeine.

The number of cups also matters - no more than one per day. In addition, it should be borne in mind that a warm drink can provoke fluid retention, therefore, with puffiness (it often occurs in the last months of pregnancy), it is necessary to reduce its amount or completely refuse additional drinking.

So, in the end it remains to make a short summary. Tea lovers should think again whether it is really harmless to their body. If there are no contraindications to use, then drink it to your health and get a sea of ​​vigor and energy from the drink!

A traditional tea drink is prepared from dried leaves of a tea plant, which have a completely unique natural composition and a combination of substances that have a general tonic and positive effect on all human organs and systems.

The beneficial properties of tea have not yet been fully studied, but even the discoveries that were made by scientists, studying the features of the effect of tea on human health, suggest that a tea drink in moderation is extremely useful.

Useful substances that make up tea:

  • proteins;
  • minerals;
  • essential acids.

The qualitative and quantitative composition of these substances depends on the method of brewing tea and its type (). Strong tea can improve digestion, eliminate signs of diarrhea. In the treatment of intestinal infections, green teas were used in ancient times. Tannin, which is part of tea leaves, has a beneficial effect on the secretory function of the stomach and the tone of the gastrointestinal tract.

In addition, in case of food poisoning, the tea drink acts as an adsorbent and removes various harmful compounds.

Properties of caffeine and tannin

Moderate exposure to tannin and caffeine in tea normalizes heart function, dilates blood vessels, helps relieve spasms and normalize blood pressure.

The beneficial effect of tea on the cardiovascular system is explained by the presence of vitamin P, which strengthens the vascular walls and increases their elasticity. This vitamin has a positive effect on the human liver, thereby purifying the blood and saturating it with vitamins. In addition, funds with its content are used to treat burns.

Ancient sages rubbed tea leaves and applied gruel from them to damaged skin.

Scientists' findings on the benefits of tea

Chinese scientists have come to the conclusion that high-quality oolongs eliminate blood clots and lower blood cholesterol levels. During respiratory viral infections, tea acts as a diaphoretic.

Tea leaves contain theobromine, which has a diuretic effect and stimulates kidney function. In China, the quality of tea is given increased attention and its use is widespread.

  1. It is noticed that the appearance of disorders of the urinary system is reduced there, and stones in the internal organs are formed much less often in other countries of the world.
  2. Tea has adsorbing properties, promotes the accumulation of vitamin C, increases the body's defenses. Green teas remove radioactive substances and compounds from the body.
  3. The tea drink has a beneficial effect on the human nervous system, increasing stress resistance and performance, and has a gentle and safe effect.
  4. It relieves headaches, increases creativity.
  5. Xanthines in tea make thinking easier, while tannin, theophylline and theobromine soothe and relieve anxiety.
  6. Tea enhances blood supply to the brain and enrichment of tissues with oxygen, increases brain activity, and improves mood.

In the morning, this widespread drink allows you to wake up faster, it is easier to endure difficulties at work, and to have a more active life position. Of course, the intensity of its effect on the human body directly depends on the quality of tea.

For more than 5000 years, the main drink of mankind has been tea, which appeared in China and from there scattered throughout Asia and, subsequently, throughout Europe. Tea reached Russia in 1638, and became popular among the people in the 19th century. Today, the key tea "tycoons" are Japan with China, Sri Lanka and India, and the production of the drink around the world has grown 30 times over the past hundred years.

True, when brewing a cup of tea in the morning, few people think about its ancient history, breadth of distribution, varieties and properties. Is there any benefit from tea, how it can be harmful, and what you need to know about it?

The main types and varieties of tea - which one is tastier and healthier?

According to the processing of the leaves, tea is divided into:

    • Black

These leaves have gone through every stage of processing - from withering and rolling to drying and sorting.

    • Green

It is also called unfermented (tea does not go through this stage, only curling and drying).

  • Red and yellow Are tea varieties in which fermentation is partial.

As for the type of mechanical processing of the future drink, tea is "sorted" into extracted, pressed and loose.

The last, long-term- the most popular, they are divided into:

  • Leafy and broken: FP (not very curled leaves), OP (with additional leaves giving an orange blossom), P (with thick and tough, not very curled leaves), PS (with the largest parts of the leaves).
  • Broken (medium) black: BOP (the main one among this species, with an admixture of leaf buds), BP (with leaf veins), BPS (with the largest leaves coiled into balls), PD (the smallest of these broken lines).
  • Small black: Fngs (powdery, from old leaves), D (very fine, for packaging).
  • Floral. This tea belongs to the highest grade, contains tips (buds), has a delicate taste.

Also on tea packages you can find the following designations:

  • T (top quality).
  • F (floral, with young shoots).
  • Oh (from the second leaves).
  • B (strong, from broken leaves).
  • G (1st grade).
  • P (the cheapest, of the coarse leaves).
  • S (weak tea, from coarse leaves).

The following markings are also used:

  • For loose tea - Orthodox or Leaf Tea.
  • For a blend of different teas - Blended.
  • For pure tea, no additives - Pure.

On a note :

  • All pressed tea is made from unsatisfactory raw materials ("substandard"). That is, from tea dust, very old leaves and stems.
  • Tea with fruit or herbal ingredients is not considered real tea.
  • Flavored teas are usually low / medium quality teas.

How many calories are in tea?

Classic long tea.

  • Caloric content - 151.8 kcal.
  • Nutritional value: 5.5 g ash, 8.5 g water, 4 g di- and monosaccharides, 5 g fat, 1.2 g organic acids, 6.9 g carbohydrates, 20 g protein and 4.5 g dietary fiber ...
  • Vitamins: A and PP, B1 and B2, C.
  • Macronutrients: sodium with phosphorus, potassium and calcium, magnesium.
  • Trace elements: 82 g of iron.

Green tea.

  • Caloric content: 140.9 kcal.
  • Nutritional value: 20 g of proteins, 4 g of carbohydrates and 5.1 g of fat.

Tea with milk.

  • Caloric content: 43 kcal.
  • Nutritional value: 0.2 g of ash, 3 mg of cholesterol, 90.1 g of water, 8.2 g of di- and monosaccharides, 8.2 g of carbohydrates, 0.5 g of saturated fatty acids, 0.7 g of proteins and 0, 8 g fat.
  • Vitamins: PP and C, B1, B2.

Tea with sugar.

  • Caloric content: 28 kcal.
  • Nutritional value: 6.8 g of di- and monosaccharides, 0.1 g of ash, 6.8 g of carbohydrates, 92.7 g of water, 0.1 g of proteins, 0.1 g of dietary fiber, 0.2 g of organic acids.
  • Vitamins: C and PP.

Tea with lemon.

  • Caloric content: 28 kcal.
  • Nutritional value: 6.8 g of di- and monosaccharides, 0.2 g of organic acids, 0.1 g of ash, 0.1 g of proteins, 92.7 g of water, 6.8 g of carbohydrates, 0.1 g of dietary fiber.
  • Vitamins: C and PP.


Classic black tea has many beneficial properties:

  1. Strengthens the circulatory system and heart muscle.
  2. Tones up, thanks to the caffeine in the composition.
  3. Is a diaphoretic product.
  4. It has an antiseptic effect in case of diarrhea (eliminates harmful intestinal microflora in a tightly brewed form).
  5. Removes toxins from the body.

Benefits of milk tea:

  • Increasing the general tone of the body.
  • Better assimilation of vitamins and minerals in tea.
  • Diuretic properties.
  • Acceleration of metabolism (when drinking green tea with milk).
  • Strengthening bone tissue.
  • Assistant in the treatment of tumors (tea antioxidants, fortified with milk).
  • Relief in a state of fatigue, overexertion, exhaustion of the nervous system, kidney disease.
  • Improvement of the condition in diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.
  • Effective fight against infections and relief from poisoning.

The benefits of lemon tea:

  • Thinning blood and beneficial effects on the walls of blood vessels.
  • Increased appetite.
  • Lowering blood cholesterol after a "fatty" dinner.

The benefits of green tea:

  • Decrease in temperature with fever.
  • Cleansing from toxins.
  • Useful for diseases of the kidneys and genitourinary system.
  • Help in the treatment of colds.
  • Removal of radionuclides from the body (including strontium-90).
  • Improving metabolism and work of the gastrointestinal tract, liver, pancreas.
  • Restoration of intestinal microflora.
  • Increased alertness and improved memory.
  • Getting rid of the state of drowsiness and depression.
  • Reducing the risk of atherosclerosis, improving the elasticity of the arteries and increasing the strength of the capillaries.
  • Improving the absorption of vitamin C.
  • Toning effect and cleansing the skin from rashes (external use).
  • Anti-inflammatory effect, caries prevention.
  • Weight loss aid.

Harm and contraindications

Classic black tea has practically no contraindications.

Black tea will be harmful when:

  • Ulcers of the stomach and duodenum. With increased acidity of the stomach, you should limit the intake of tea.
  • Atherosclerosis and hypertension. The main harm is from caffeine and theophylline, which stimulate the cerebral cortex and, as a result, contribute to the narrowing of the blood vessels of the brain. this is dangerous due to the appearance of blood clots in the brain.
  • For insomnia. Not recommended due to its stimulating effect, increased blood flow and increased heart rate.

Also, do not drink black tea:

  • On an empty stomach (this is harmful to the gastrointestinal tract).
  • Too strong (especially with hypertension, stomach ulcers, glaucoma).
  • For drinking medications (they will be less absorbed).
  • In yesterday's form (it is not only not useful, but also harmful).

Why is green tea harmful? Contraindications for this type of tea are:

  • Insomnia and nervous exhaustion, increased excitability.
  • Tachycardia, hypotension (it lowers blood pressure) and acute hypertension (a categorical contraindication).
  • Chronic illness (tea can aggravate symptoms).
  • Stomach ulcer (increases acidity).
  • During pregnancy, menstruation and lactation, the consumption of this tea should be reduced to a minimum.

Drink green tea only on a full stomach, only in the first half of the day, and never drink alcohol with it (this is a double blow to the kidneys). Also, be careful with your choice of tea. Its main harm is in fakes and in the form of tea bags (quality tea is never poured into them).

As for tea with sugar, the main thing here is to remember the consumption rate. It is 50-60 g / day per adult. That is, 10 tsp per day, including sweets, fruits and other desserts that already contain it.

Tea in the diet of nursing mothers, pregnant women, allergy sufferers and diabetics - SF answers all questions

Can children be given tea and at what age?

Classic black tea is given to children no earlier than from 5-6 months for artificial, and from 9 months - for infants. And then - extremely weak, with a minimum of sugar.

Is it good for pregnant women to drink tea?

For expectant mothers, tea intake should be limited to 2 cups a day (tea is not recommended, but also not contraindicated - both black and green). It is recommended to drink it in a weak form, and dilute it with milk.

Chamomile tea with thyme and mint will be most useful during pregnancy.

Can a nursing mother drink tea?

The rules for drinking black tea are the same as for expectant mothers. As for green, limit it to 2 cups a day and observe the condition of the crumbs. If the child has become restless, remove tea from the diet.

Adding milk to tea also depends on the child: if there is no tendency to allergies, then tea with milk is not prohibited (this also applies).

And remember that the concentration of caffeine in mother's milk during breastfeeding is highest one hour after drinking tea. The best option is tea with chamomile (increases lactation, reduces colic in crumbs), ginger tea, from linden flowers, from rose hips (it contains additional vitamin C), tea with cinnamon, raspberry.

Can diabetics drink tea, and what kind?

For diabetics, tea is only beneficial, thanks to the polyphenols that help maintain normal insulin.

The second plus of tea is in reducing the side effects of drugs. Black tea will be the most beneficial, especially for type 2 diabetes.

The effect of the tea can be enhanced by adding st / l of blueberry leaves or the berries themselves (lowering glucose levels). In addition to blueberries, adding chamomile and sage to tea will be beneficial.

Green tea for diabetes is useful in reducing the level of visceral fat formed around the organs, normalizing weight, and reducing eye strain.

And red tea, thanks to linoleic acid, cleanses the blood and dissolves fats, normalizes weight. Does not lag behind in the usefulness of hibiscus (reduces the risk of developing hypertension).

Could tea be allergic?

This type of allergy is caused by a specific protein F222. Although most often the body reacts to aromatic additives, synthetic fibers and tea dyes.

May cause allergies and herbs in the product. There is no need to talk about the expiration date.