Proper nutrition for the new year recipes. New Year's menu - recipes pp

So, we choose a method of cooking products, plan a dressing, dessert and drinks.

It will be difficult for those who are forced to celebrate the New Year in the grip of "tough" traditions, surrounded by people who do not want to support the new way of life /

Then you can be advised to choose a "healthier" dish, control the amount eaten, and, if possible, sit less.

2019 budget holiday menu with recipes


Of course, it would be nice to give up mayonnaise and opt for sauces based on natural yogurt, olive oil, and egg yolk. You can use soy mayonnaise, it is less high-calorie (about 450 kcal per 100 g), but quite specific in taste.

But ... What is New Year without Olivier? Is it worth tormenting yourself like that? Is the New Year really going to pass without Olivier?

It is not at all necessary to give up the beloved and traditional salad for the New Year holidays, use the recipe for the low-calorie Olivier, which is very popular lately.

Replace sausages and smoked meats in the salad for boiled or baked chicken breast or other lean meats, reduce the amount of potatoes and use mayonnaise sauce for dressing, the recipe for which is described below.

The fact is that the taste of Olivier salad is formed mainly by potatoes, peas, pickles, peppers and dressing.

PP Olivier

Olivier Chicken Breast Recipe

    Sausage in salad can always be replaced with chicken breast / legs / thigh.

    If you are used to smoked salad, you can add a pinch of "smoked" spices in honor of the holiday. The rest of the ingredients can be added to your liking without compromising the dish.


    Green pea.

    It is better to replace pickled cucumber with lightly salted cucumber. Despite the fact that this increases the amount of salt in the salad, the taste of Olivier is not at all the same without pickles.

    Hard boiled eggs.

    Mayonnaise sauce: Mix equal proportions of low-calorie, unsweetened yogurt (you can find it in most major supermarkets) and dietary low-fat mayonnaise.

    Add a little mustard (1/2 teaspoon of mustard is usually used for a cup of prepared sauce), salt and spices to taste. Such a sauce in salads is almost indistinguishable from ordinary mayonnaise, and its calories are about 2-3 times less, depending on how low-fat ingredients you prefer.

    It’s likely that if you don’t tell the guests about the substitution, they may not even notice the difference.

    Salt and pepper to taste.

    Greenery for decoration.


Again, we choose low-fat varieties, it is better to refuse pork and duck! The best cooking method is baking (sleeve, foil, grill), festive cooking options are minced meat recipes, meat in pots, aspic.

Veal, rabbit, chicken, turkey preferable to pork or lamb, and red fish, pink salmon, salmon, trout, salmon, chum salmon, valuable for its high content of polyunsaturated fatty acids.

For side dishes, it is optimal to choose vegetables, but less potatoes, or potatoes should be boiled or baked, but not boiled in meat fat or fried.

Prepare an original, but very tasty dish: pink salmon in orange jam.

Pink salmon with orange jam

Ingredients for 2 servings:

  • 300 gr. pink salmon,
  • 0.5 orange
  • 25 gr. orange jam
  • 25 gr. mustard (better than Dijon),
  • 25 ml soy sauce,
  • ½ teaspoon ground coriander
  • sesame seeds to taste.


    Squeeze the juice out of the orange. If you will be making fish with salad, cut some zest for the salad.

    To make the marinade: stir the jam, orange juice, mustard, soy sauce and coriander. Leave some of the marinade for the salad, you will not regret it.

    Cut the pink salmon into portions, put it in a mold, fill it with marinade and let it stand for 30 minutes.

    Sprinkle with sesame seeds and send to an oven preheated to 180 degrees for 15 minutes. Everything!

One serving contains: 283 g., 25.8 g. squirrel, 14 gr. fat, 11.3 gr. carbohydrates.

Perfect snacks

    Caviar Is a wonderful healthy product. In a festive classic version with bread, butter, sour cream and mushrooms, it is a very heavy food. Do not combine caviar with meat dishes and sausages. Prepare dishes with caviar separately, preferably in the form of canapes.

    We know that this is not the cheapest option, but you must agree - once a year you can pamper yourself with such an exquisite delicacy!

    Salty fish... Our favorite and simplest recipe, while cheap and affordable for everyone, is this.

The drinks

Opt for water or cocktails based on water and fruits (lemon, orange, pear, apple, strawberry), add fruit puree (mango, passion fruit, melon), seasonings (ginger, ground cinnamon, vanilla). Such drinks are used both hot and cold.

Remember, store-bought juices are just as high in calories as soda and contain exactly the same amount of sugar.


With a well-designed menu, you can eat enough and not overeat, then the need for sweets will disappear by itself. If you want a holiday, then it is quite possible to eat a light dessert ( cheesecake, soufflé, jelly with fruit).

You can also cook a wonderful chocolate panna cotta with coconut milk! Panna cotta (panna cotta) is a delicate Italian dessert. Traditionally, it is cooked with milk, but you can cook panna cotta in an unusual vegan version - in coconut milk.

Instead of chocolate, you can add mashed dates, prunes or some berries to the dessert:


  • Milk of the highest fat content - 400 ml.,
  • water - 200 ml.,
  • sugar / stevia / other sugar. - 2 tablespoons,
  • bitter chocolate - 120 gr.,
  • agar-agar (gelatin) - 1 level tablespoon.


  1. Heat the milk to a temperature of about 70-80 degrees. Not to a boil!
  2. Pour chopped or grated chocolate with half of the milk.
  3. Stir well until the chocolate is melted until a smooth chocolate ganache is formed.
  4. Put the other half of the milk back on the fire.
  5. Top up with water, add sugar and agar. To stir thoroughly. Bring the mixture to a boil.
  6. Mix with chocolate ganache.
  7. Pour the chocolate mixture into molds and refrigerate for half an hour.

The finished dessert can be sprinkled with grated chocolate or nuts. Bon Appetit!

It is best to leave the cake / pastries / sweets the next day as a separate meal in the morning. At the same time, you must be sure that you eat only the required amount and do not "break out", as well as!

Also you can simply substitute stevia syrup or low-calorie sweetener for sugar in desserts... There are rumors around many artificial ones about their harm to health, but there is still no convincing evidence for or against.

But be careful when choosing a sweetener, in fact, not all of them are dietary, for example, agave syrup or corn syrup are not inferior in caloric content to sugar at all (you can read more at the link above). When in doubt, go for stevia syrup, but keep in mind that just a few drops of sugar replaces a spoonful of sugar.

In large quantities, almost any strong sweetener can add a bitter taste to food!

Advice: replace the usual butter cream in desserts with mascarpone cream or and.

To make the cream, you will need the cheese or cottage cheese itself, ripe bananas (the skin is covered with small brown dots) and a blender. Mix the ingredients thoroughly and add a couple of drops of stevia or a sweetener tablet if needed.

This cream is very tasty and, as a rule, children adore it. You can serve it as an independent dish in bowls, after decorating the dessert with mint leaves or pieces of fruit.


Be sure to place a fruit plate on the table. On New Year's holidays, there is a harvest of such yummy as tangerines, oranges, pineapples and bananas, which, accordingly, become cheaper during this period.

Take this opportunity to please yourself and your loved ones. And if bananas and citrus fruits are already boring for the New Year, then ripe pineapples served with low-fat yogurt can replace cakes or ice cream with great success at the same (if not less) cost.

How to behave

Before the feast

The main rule is no starvation! It is better to sit down at the table slightly full than hungry as an animal, since abstinence or a long break between meals during the day provokes a nightly overeating.

Half an hour before the meal, the best way out is to eat something rich, protein and a little sweet (an apple, a banana, some nuts or a few tablespoons of fresh vegetable salad, 200–250 grams of boiled lean meat) and drink sweetened tea or a glass of water.

This will provide a quick rise in blood sugar levels, some feeling of fullness, and a decrease in appetite. In addition, fiber binds fats and promotes good bowel function.


    To avoid overeating, try whatever you want, but try it - eat a little. According to the “palm rule” recommended by nutritionists, a single serving should not exceed 350 grams, and most of it should be fresh vegetables and meat.

    Be sure to make sure that in your New Year's kit there are drugs that improve digestion and help with heartburn, bloating, overeating, flatulence, excessive stress on the liver and pancreas: festal, smecta, activated carbon, mezim, creon, maalox, almagel.

    Observe the "rule of the degree". Remember, the degree of alcohol cannot be lowered! If you want to try several drinks, first drink the lighter one (wine, liqueur), and only then - vodka, whiskey or cognac.

For those who "I only eat chicken breast without skin, what should I do on New Year's Eve"

Exhale and loosen the reins. There is no need for the suffering of the holy zozhnik from the sect of the purest food!

For example, chicken - with or without skin - is still a diet food. This piece of skins with fat weighs 50 grams and is 55% composed of monounsaturated fatty acids, like olive oil, which everyone praises (). Yes, there are also 2.5-3 grams of saturated fat in the skin. But, believe me, you can survive it.

Happy New Year! Be healthy!

Therefore, many make up with such trepidation new year menu 2020 looking for recipes for the New Year 2020 with photos and rack their brains with questions " what to cook for the New Year 2020?"And" how to cook New Year's meals "? The menu for the New Year 2020, recipes for New Year's dishes, recipes for the New Year's table are thought out by prudent housewives in advance. If there are children in the family, New Year's recipes for children begin to be discussed. Some are looking for simple New Year's recipes, others are looking for original New Year's recipes, and still others are looking for traditional New Year's dishes. In the West, at this time, people are most often interested only in the recipe for New Year's cookies, but our people approach this issue more thoroughly and prefer to cook New Year's hot dishes, New Year's main dishes. The New Year's menu for 2020, in principle, must be composed with taste in the literal and figurative sense. If you have any unfulfilled culinary recipes and culinary desires, dreams, New Year's holidays - it's time for them. Dishes on the New Year's table 2020 can be very diverse.

For those who have already begun to compose the New Year's menu, select recipes, and those who are interested in the eastern calendar, we remind you that the symbol of the new 2020 according to the Chinese calendar is the Rat or Mouse, more precisely, this is the year of the white metal rat. Astrologers are already drawing up their horoscopes to predict what the year of the rat has in store for us. We will tell you what to cook for the year of the rat on the New Year's table. Read more about the New Year's menu in the year of the rat.

Preparing to celebrate the New Year is a very troublesome task, so it is better to pick up New Year's recipes for the Year of the Rat in advance. New Year's recipes for the year of the rat have a simple rule: this rodent should like them. The New Year's menu for the Year of the Rat must include various salads. Vegetable, fruit, meat - the rat is a gourmet and loves everything tasty, it eats vegetables, fruits, and meat, and fish. New Year's recipes for the year of the rat (2020) can be prepared using nuts, mushrooms, the rat loves them too. And, of course, s-s-s-s-rr! New Year's recipes for children for the year of the rat, you can cook from fruits and vegetables, you can bake cakes, cupcakes in the form of rats and mice. Original New Year's recipes for the year of the rat for children can be made from boiled eggs, cut out muzzles from vegetables and fruits, make a funny rodent from mashed potatoes. It would be good to decorate children's dishes for the year of the rat or the year of the mouse with an image of a mouse, draw a silhouette of a mouse with cream, lay it out of dried fruits, nuts.

Recipes for the New Year's table in the year of the rat (2020) do not require anything completely surprising, but, on the other hand, the rat loves to eat deliciously, and she is also very curious. New Year's meat dishes will also be appropriate, because rats are omnivorous animals. As a side dish for the New Year's table, you can offer guests and the rat some kind of cereal, grains that will surely please this rodent.

To quickly and correctly prepare delicious New Year's dishes, use New Year's recipes with a photo for the year of the rat. We have specially selected New Year's dishes with a photo for the year of the rat. Recipes for the new year 2020 with a photo will tell you step by step how to make any dish you like. We hope that our New Year's recipes will help you prepare really delicious New Year's dishes, no matter whether you used complex New Year's recipes or simple New Year's recipes. The year of the rat will bring you happiness on January 1, when family members and guests will thank you for a wonderful New Year's table. And it would also be nice for yourself and for guests to come up with the appropriate New Year's names for dishes, this will make the New Year's table 2020 even more original and mischievous, recipes with photos will show how you can show your creative abilities, and make this process even more fun. And do not forget to make New Year's recipes with photos during the cooking process.

Many ladies, and not only women, complain about extra pounds after the holidays. Still: on such days, the table is literally bursting with all kinds of food. However, it is very problematic to drive off the resulting fat later, and it is harmful to health. In order not to be painfully ashamed of the indefatigable appetite for the New Year, we suggest setting the table with delicious, but dietary dishes that will appeal to all guests.

It is also worth remembering that alcohol in large quantities increases hunger, can increase the calorie content of meals and cause a dietary plateau.

The best holiday diet recipes

1) Green rolls in lettuce

Ingredients: 5 large leaves of romaine lettuce (it is better to cut the core, it is tough); 5 strips of smoked salmon; 5 pieces of cherry tomatoes; about 50 gr. fresh dill; 2 tbsp chopped green onions. For the sauce: half a ripe avocado; 1 tbsp. l. goat cheese; fresh juice of half a lemon; a quarter teaspoon of sea salt; pepper to taste.

Cooking. In a bowl, mash half an avocado until smooth (you can finely chop it first to make it easier to knead). Add goat cheese and continue kneading until smooth. Season with lemon juice, salt and pepper. Take lettuce leaves and overlap them on cling film. Brush them liberally with our avocado paste. Spread the rest of the ingredients evenly on top. Cherry, of course, will need to be cut. Roll the salad with plastic wrap like sushi. Secure the resulting rolls with a toothpick so that they fall apart.


2) Delicious fish

Ingredients: sea bass fillet - 500 grams; lettuce leaves, dill (fresh), fish spices and bay leaf.

Cooking. Take the sea bass fillet, rinse under running water, sprinkle with fish spices on top and place in a double boiler on lettuce leaves. Place dill sprigs and bay leaves on top of the fish. Cooking time in a double boiler is 15-20 minutes. Any other fish can be used.

If desired, line the edges of the fish with diced carrots and drizzle with lemon juice.


3) Vegetable casserole

Ingredients: 3-4 boiled potatoes, 3-4 tomatoes, 2 eggplants, garlic, onions, grated cheese, herbs, 1 egg, vegetable oil - 30 grams.

Cooking. Chop the eggplants and fry them with onions in a little vegetable oil. Place chopped potatoes in a baking dish, top with a layer of eggplants fried with onions, then chopped tomatoes and pour it all over with one beaten egg, which should be mixed with spices, garlic and herbs. Grate the cheese and sprinkle on top. Manufacturing time is approximately 25-30 minutes. If you want to further reduce the calorie content of the dish, you can skip the potatoes.


4) Salad with feta, olives and mushrooms

Ingredients: fresh champignons - 150 g; stuffed olives with lemon - 1 ban.; feta - 120 g; olive oil - 3 tbsp l .; Lettuce leaves - 4-5 pcs.

Cooking. For the salad, you need to take the freshest champignons, wash them and cut them into thin slices. Put the mushrooms in a deep bowl, open the jar of olives and drain the brine. Pour the mushrooms with this brine for 15-20 minutes. While the mushrooms are marinated in brine, cut the feta into cubes. After a while, pour the mushrooms into a sieve so that the excess brine will drain. Mix whole olives with mushrooms, then add feta and mix gently. Tear the lettuce leaves at the bottom of the bowl with your hands, add the mixed ingredients and pour over with olive oil, or sprinkle with fresh dill on top.


5) Steamed curd soufflé with cherry confiture

Ingredients: cottage cheese - 200 g; egg - 1 pc; vanilla sugar - 1 tsp; baking powder - a pinch; natural yogurt - 1 tbsp. l .; semolina - 1 tbsp. l .; cherry jam (low-calorie) - 5-6 tsp; butter (for lubricating molds); confectionery sauce (optional).

Cooking. Separate the yolk from the protein. Rub the cottage cheese through a sieve. Add egg yolk, semolina and vanilla sugar, yogurt, a small pinch of baking powder. Beat the egg white with a mixer and gently stir into the curd. Lightly grease the silicone molds with butter, put the curd mass, make indentations in the center. Put in the grooves for 1 tsp. cherry jam. Place the tins on the steamer rack. Steam in a double boiler or slow cooker for 15 minutes. Remove the soufflé from the molds, put on a warm plate, pour over the pastry sauce, put the remaining jam on the plate.


6) Zucchini rolls

Ingredients: 2 zucchini; chicken fillet, 2 cloves of garlic; 50 gr. hard cheese; paprika sauce; a couple of fresh basil leaves; salt and pepper to taste; olive oil.

Cooking. Cut the zucchini into strips of 0.5 cm. Line a baking sheet with baking paper, spread the zucchini strips evenly, season with salt and drizzle with olive oil. Bake for 5-7 minutes in an oven preheated to 180 degrees.

Cut the fillet into thin strips, beat off slightly, season with salt and pepper. Fold in a bowl, add the squeezed garlic and leave to marinate for a while. Grease baked zucchini strips with sauce, top with chicken strips, sprinkle with grated cheese and chopped basil. Roll each strip into tape measures, secure with a skewer or toothpick and bake for 25 minutes in the oven at 180 degrees.


7) Lightly salted salmon

Ingredients: salmon fillet - 800 gr; salt and sugar in a 2: 1 ratio (2 teaspoons of salt and 1 teaspoon of sugar); 1 teaspoon of brandy; 1 bunch of fresh dill; a mixture of red and black ground pepper.

Cooking. Mix all the ingredients and grate the salmon with the resulting mixture, wrap the fish in a canvas cloth, put in a container and leave in the refrigerator overnight. In the morning the salmon will be ready.

Photo: Your Cook

8) Tomatoes with soft cheese

Ingredients: 10 medium tomatoes; 200 gr. Adyghe cheese; 1 bunch of fresh green onions - a small bunch of fresh dill and a bunch of fresh parsley; 1-2 cloves of garlic; 2 tablespoons of thick sour cream; salt and pepper to taste.

Cooking. Using a sharp knife, carefully cut off the tops of the tomato. Take out the pulp with a small, sharp spoon. Rub each tomato inside with salt and place on paper towels for 20 minutes, holes down. At this time, knead the cheese in a bowl with a fork. Chop the herbs finely and mix with the cheese. Arrange the filling over the tomatoes and arrange nicely on a platter.


9) Diet Ice Cream Cake with Berries and Yogurt

Ingredients: 400 ml natural yoghurt; 100 g strawberries; 150 g raspberries; one banana; 150 g blueberries; liquid honey - to taste; berries and fruits - for decoration.

Cooking. Chop fruits and berries, mix each ingredient separately with yogurt and pour into a mold. First, one layer is frozen, and when it grasps, the next one is poured. After all the layers have hardened, the diet ice cream cake with berries on yogurt needs to stand for a few more hours so that it cools well. Then serve with honey and berries.


10) Minced turkey cutlets

Ingredients: oatmeal - 2 tbsp. spoons, - natural kefir (not fatty) - 3 tbsp. spoons, - salt - to taste, ground black pepper - to taste, olive oil - 1-2 tbsp. spoons, chicken egg (medium) - 1 pc., minced turkey - 450 grams.

Cooking. We send the minced meat into a deep prepared container. Add one medium chicken egg and kefir, salt and pepper to it. Pre-grind the oatmeal and add to the minced meat. Pour two tablespoons of olive oil into a frying pan, heat over medium heat, as soon as it is half heated, form and lay out the patties. Fry them on one side for about 5-7 minutes. You can lightly cover the pan with a lid. Then turn over. The dish is ready.


New Year is just around the corner, there are a lot of corporate events ahead, all kinds of friendly and family gatherings, feasts with tempting snacks. and compiled. And, it would seem, thought out to the smallest detail. However, something is wrong with the. That's right, almost all of them are very high in calories. Why not take care of your figure on the night from 2014 to 2015? After all, it is not for nothing that they say how you will celebrate the New Year, so you will spend it. In order, so to speak, not to round out in unnecessary places at the time of such fierce feasts, we have collected for you dishes that will decorate your New Year's table, while they have very few calories.

Hot dishes

Mushroom cutlets

In ancient times, mushrooms were used in witchcraft. With the help of these miraculous plants, sorcerers performed their mysterious rituals, healers provided people with a healthy life. Today the attitude towards this product has changed. Mushrooms are used in delicious dishes, and nutritionists recommend them for weight maintenance.

Caloric value: 131 kcal


1 kg of any fresh mushrooms

2 onions

4 eggs

4 tablespoons bread crumbs

4 tbsp. l. sunflower oil

Salt, black pepper to taste


  • Rinse and peel fresh mushrooms. Then chop finely, add raw eggs, chopped onions, 2 tablespoons of bread crumbs, black pepper, salt to the mushrooms. Mix everything well.
  • Make cutlets from the prepared mushroom minced meat, roll them in breadcrumbs and fry in hot sunflower oil for 10 minutes.

Steamed trout with cranberry sauce

Trout, of course, is a fatty fish, but, as they say, there is no difference between fat and fat. Trout contains substances that greatly help us women look more attractive, promote skin rejuvenation, delay the aging of the body and enhance sexual functions.

Caloric content: 208 kcal.


300 g trout
300 g fresh cranberries
1 glass of water
1 lemon
1 lime
3 tbsp honey
Sea salt to taste
Mix of peppers to taste


  • Salt and pepper two pieces of trout and put in a double boiler. Cook for 15 minutes.
  • Pour water into a saucepan, add 2-3 tablespoons of honey and bring to a boil. Put cranberries there.
  • Remove the zest from half a lemon and a whole lime and squeeze out the juice. Add the zest and juice to the cranberry saucepan. Cook, kneading the cranberries, for about 15 minutes.
  • Rub the finished sauce through a sieve until smooth.
  • Serve the fish hot with sauce and a slice of lemon. As a side dish for trout, you can serve fresh vegetables or steamed Brussels sprouts.

Chicken breasts in almonds with blue cheese sauce

Chicken breast has long been known for its dietary properties. It is also a real storehouse of vitamins. Constant consumption of this product in food helps to restore physical strength and strengthen immunity. In addition, breast is useful for people with diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, stomach ulcers, and gastritis. The fibers of meat contain substances that reduce the acidity of the stomach. In addition, the low cholesterol content makes you compete with fish and some seafood.

Caloric value: 200 kcal


4 halves of skinless, boneless chicken breasts
2 tbsp flour
1.5 tsp garlic powder
2 egg whites
1/2 cup chopped almonds
2 tsp olive oil
1.5 cups low-fat milk
1/2 cup crumbled blue cheese
1/8 tsp ground nutmeg
1/4 cup chopped fresh parsley
Salt, pepper to taste


  • Season the chicken breasts with salt and pepper on both sides. First, they need to be rolled in a mixture of garlic and flour, then in egg whites and almonds (so that the nuts do not fly off, you can press them into the meat).
  • Fry the chicken on each side for 1 minute in a greased skillet, until the almonds are golden brown. Then pour in milk, bring to a boil.
  • Reduce heat and cook for 8 minutes. Arrange the breasts on plates.
  • Pour the crumbled cheese and nutmeg into the boiling milk remaining in the pan. Cook over low heat until the cheese is melted. You can add parsley to taste.


Potato salad with tuna and beans

The medicinal composition of tuna and the pleasant taste properties of this fish have long won the trust of many doctors and nutritionists. Everyone knows that sea fish contains several times more useful microelements than river fish. This product contains those essential amino acids that are not produced independently by the human body and are necessary for a healthier maintenance of all functions of the brain, circulatory and cardiovascular systems. It also contains an inexhaustible wealth of magnesium and iron. Only with such an approach to nutrition, the figure will soon acquire harmony, the skin will become elastic, and the nervous system will be in perfect order.

Caloric value: 308 kcal


500 g young potatoes
4 tbsp. l. olive oil
1 tbsp. l. lemon juice
1/2 tsp chili powder
1 garlic clove, minced
400 g canned white beans
1 red onion, finely chopped
1 bunch of parsley, chopped
200 g canned tuna
110 g green salad


  • Boil potatoes for 15 minutes until tender.
  • In the meantime, refuel. Mix oil, lemon juice, chili powder and garlic in a salad bowl. Add beans, onion and parsley.
  • Drain potatoes, chill and cut in half. Dip the salad in the dressing and mash the tuna with a fork. Place on lettuce leaves and drizzle with a little more olive oil.

Vietnamese Shrimp Salad

A healthy lifestyle has always been valued and appreciated in Vietnam. It is not for nothing that to this day you will not find a complete Vietnamese anywhere. This suggests that they always monitor their diet and maintain a healthy lifestyle. During the preparation of their masterpieces, chefs use oil and fat to a minimum, try to add as much vegetables and herbs as possible, thanks to which the dishes acquire a fresh aroma and piquant taste. Vietnamese salad will serve as a bright and healthy decoration for your New Year's table.

Caloric value: 199 kcal


Serves 4:
24 large raw shrimps
1 serving of balsamic vinegar
1 tbsp. l. vegetable oil
2 carrots, peeled and cut into thin cubes
1 red pepper, peeled and cut into thin cubes
1 small red onion, peeled and chopped thinly
2 cucumbers, seeded and finely chopped
20 g finely chopped fresh mint
20 g finely chopped fresh coriander
1 large red chili, seeded and finely chopped
1 serving of fried onions


  • Mix the shrimp with 4 tablespoons of balsamic vinegar and marinate for 15 minutes. Dry and stir with oil.
  • Fry the shrimp for two minutes on each side until pink. Transfer to a salad bowl and stir with vegetables.
  • Before serving, season and sprinkle with herbs. Place on a platter and garnish with fried onions and chili.

Turkey, avocado and apple salad

Turkey meat is highly valued both in cooking and in dietetics. Also, meat is considered the record holder for the content of iron and phosphorus, which is so necessary for the work of the kidneys and heart. In addition, phosphorus is a component of bone tissue and proteins and is indispensable for physical and mental work. The turkey diet is the fastest and most effective. You can lose weight by 5-7 kg in 4 days. This short-term protein diet is truly amazing.

Caloric value: 180 kcal


300 g turkey fillet
Large bunch of lettuce
1 avocado
1 large apple
1/4 lemon juice
1 red bell pepper
1 tbsp wine vinegar
0.5 tsp mustard
1 tsp soy sauce
5 tbsp olive oil
2-3 tbsp pine nuts


  • Wash the turkey fillet, cut into strips, mix with 1 tsp. soy sauce and 1 tsp. olive oil, brush the turkey with this mixture and fry in a dry grill pan.
  • Wash the salad, dry and cut into strips. Peel the avocado, remove the pit, cut the pulp into cubes. Place in a bowl and drizzle with lemon juice. Wash, peel, core and cut the apple into strips. Cut the pepper into thin strips.
  • For the sauce, mix well the vinegar, mustard and olive oil. Mix all the ingredients of the salad, season with salt, pepper and sprinkle with nuts.


Lightweight stevia panna cotta

Strawberry Panna Cotta is an Italian milk jelly dessert with berry sauce. Make your children or guests happy for the New Year, and your figure will remain in perfect condition.

Caloric value: 300 kcal


220 ml cream10% -fat content
220 ml skim milk
1.5 tbsp. l. instant gelatin
50 ml of water
1 tsp stevia powder
Pinch of vanilla
150 g fresh strawberries


Pour the cream into a saucepan, dilute with skim milk. Heat the cream over low heat to about 60-70C, stirring constantly, making sure that it does not curl and under no circumstances boil. Add a pinch of vanilla for flavor, dissolve the stevia powder.

Pour gelatin with cold water, without stirring, leave for 10 minutes. Then add the swollen gelatin to the warm milk mass. Stir well until the gelatin is completely dissolved.

Pour cooled panna cotta into glasses and refrigerate for 1.5-2 hours.

Prepare the sauce. Beat the strawberries in a blender. Pour the strawberry sauce into the frozen panna cotta glasses.

Marble Angel Cupcake

Don't worry that these are baked goods and must be high in calories by nature. This is wrong! You can enjoy this cupcake without worrying about your figure - it is almost fat-free. A nice bonus will be the game of drawings on it, where everything depends on your imagination!

Caloric value: 160 kcal


125 g flour
185 g sugar
7 egg whites
1 tsp tartar
1 tsp vanilla essence
A few drops of pink food coloring
1 tbsp. l. cocoa powder
Powdered sugar


  • Grease a round springform pan with a hole in the middle 23 cm in diameter. Preheat the oven to 180 degrees.
  • Mix flour, a pinch of salt and 7 tbsp. l. sugar in a bowl. Place the whites in a large, oiled bowl and beat until fluffy.
  • Add the tartar and 2 tbsp. l. sugar, then beat the egg whites until soft peaks.
  • Add vanilla essence and remaining sugar and stir with a metal spoon.
  • Sift flour and sugar into proteins, stirring on the go; divide the mixture between 3 bowls. Add the pink color to one bowl, leave the second bowl as it is, and add the cocoa in the third.
  • Pour all parts into the mold, stirring to get the designs as you like.
  • Bake for 25-30 minutes. Chill in the mold for 10 minutes. Sprinkle with icing sugar and serve with berries.

Baked apples with meringues, oranges and raisins

This delicious dessert will be a godsend for those who are serious about their figure, due to the lack of fat and sugar. Depending on how seriously you are monitoring your weight, you can use sugar instead of a substitute.

Caloric value: 160 kcal


2 medium apples, peeled
4 egg whites
Grated zest and juice of 1 orange
110 g raisins
2 tbsp granulated sugar substitute
A little oil to lubricate the mold


  • Mix raisins, orange juice and zest in a bowl and leave to rest for 30 minutes.
  • Cut each apple in half horizontally, arrange the halves on a greased baking sheet and place them in the center of the oven, preheated to 190 degrees, for 30 minutes. After that, pour over each half with orange juice and raisins and bake for another 15 minutes.
  • When the apples are almost ready, place the egg whites in a clean bowl and beat until soft foam with an electric mixer. Then, whisking, add a little sugar substitute, setting aside 1 tsp. Place the fluffy white mass on top of the apples, sprinkle with the remaining sugar substitute and return to the oven for 10-15 minutes until golden brown.

And what dietary dishes will you choose for the festive table?

Many housewives approach the New Year thoroughly, preparing 12 dishes for the festive table, as tradition dictates. And the participants of the feast, so as not to break the same tradition, try to try all these dishes. Is it any wonder that some eaters are taken away by an ambulance right on New Year's Eve with an attack of ulcers or pancreatitis? But those who have resisted and were able to taste everything that is on the table, without being in a hospital bed, experience a heaviness in the stomach or gain extra pounds that do not paint anyone. How to be? We offer the readers of "Beauty in You" 12 recipes for dietary dishes that can be prepared for the New Year - 2020. And we strongly advise not to eat everything that is looking at you, but to choose several options for an appetizer or dessert that you prefer, leaving the rest to others. guests.

How to set the table for the 2020 Year of the Rat if you're on a diet

Here are some tips on how to set the holiday table for New Year and Christmas if you're on a diet.

  1. When choosing recipes for dishes for the New Year's table, make sure that they do not include:
  • pork (it is fatty);
  • potatoes, white rice, soft wheat pasta, sugar (they contain a lot of "fast" carbohydrates);
  • mayonnaise (fatty, spicy and of little use);
  • hot spices (whet the appetite and can exacerbate ulcerative diseases of the gastrointestinal tract);
  • pickles (salt, sugar and vinegar included in the marinade are capable of turning any product from useful to harmful).

You must also give up other foods if they do not correspond to the diet prescribed by your doctor. For some, these are onions and garlic, for others - beets and bananas, for others - lemons and other sour fruits. There are other restrictions, you should not forget about them even on New Year's Eve.

  1. Give preference to dishes, the main ingredients of which are:
  • fresh or frozen vegetables;
  • fruits and berries (excluding canned ones);
  • chicken breast, turkey, lean veal;
  • Fish and seafood;
  • fermented milk products (cottage cheese, cheese, sour cream, yogurt).

Dress them in sauces with the least amount of fat: unrefined butter plus lemon juice, Greek yogurt with mustard and / or lemon juice, sour cream with similar additions. By mixing natural yogurt or low-fat sour cream with mustard, lemon juice, a little salt and pepper, and the yolk of a boiled egg, you get a sauce that will serve as a healthier and less nutritious substitute for mayonnaise.

  1. Prepare dishes in small quantities, filling small plates, vases, salad bowls with them. You can serve snacks in small glasses - serving in portions will make it difficult to overeat, as it is awkward to ask for more (and it may not be available).
  2. If you are worried that the table you set may seem "poor" to some of the guests, compensate for the size of the dishes by serving them. It is worth decorating food in an unusual, modern style. For inspiration, you can watch the TV series "Kitchen" or a culinary show.

And one more tip: do not concentrate on food, because a holiday is not only a feast, but also entertainment. Let fun, not food, be the centerpiece of your holiday. And the table can even be made for a buffet table.

To make it easier for the readers of our online magazine "Beauty in You" to compose a New Year's menu, we have prepared for them a selection of dietary recipes that will be appropriate on the table set on the occasion of the New Year 2020. Among them you will find hot and cold snacks including salads and low-calorie desserts.

Hot snacks for the New Year's table - 2020

The symbol of 2020 (Rat) is thrifty, she likes to have at least a little of everything. In the composition of hot dishes, it is desirable to have several ingredients. If you are preparing several options for snacks, the main foods in them should also be different. The recipes we have selected meet these requirements.

Trout "under a fur coat"


  • trout fillet - 0.2 kg;
  • tomatoes - 50 g (can be replaced with a spoonful of tomato paste, but it will turn out less tasty);
  • onions - 50 g;
  • carrots - 50 g;
  • sour cream - 20 ml;
  • salt, white pepper - to taste.

Cooking algorithm:

  1. Cut the fish fillets into several slices, place them in a baking dish, lightly place and pepper.
  2. Spread thin slices of tomatoes on the fish or brush with a paste of these vegetables.
  3. Put chopped carrots and finely chopped onions in a cup, salt and pepper them slightly, mix with sour cream.
  4. Cover the red fish with a vegetable coat.
  5. Place the salmon dish in an oven preheated to 200 degrees for 20-25 minutes.

The dish is served hot. If you do not count the calories, you can sprinkle grated cheese on the trout 10-15 minutes before it is ready - the dish will turn out to be even more delicious and appetizing.

Low calorie julienne with mushrooms and chicken


  • boiled chicken breast fillet - 150 g;
  • fresh champignons - 100 g;
  • low-fat cheese (optimally 11%) - 150 g;
  • Greek yogurt - 0.25 l;
  • onions - 75 g;
  • salt to taste.

Cooking algorithm:

  1. Cut chicken fillet boiled in salted water into small pieces.
  2. Wash and dry the mushrooms, cut into cubes.
  3. Peel the onion and cut it into small cubes.
  4. Place the onions in a non-stick skillet and lightly brown without adding oil.
  5. Put the mushrooms on the onion. Fry them, stirring with a spatula, until the mushrooms are tender.
  6. Add chicken, continue cooking for a couple more minutes.
  7. Divide the food into the cocotte makers, about half full.
  8. Mix yogurt with grated cheese, place in a saucepan and heat over low heat, stirring occasionally, until the cheese is melted. Cook for another 5 minutes, the mixture will thicken during this time.
  9. Pour the melted cheese yogurt over the chicken and mushroom mixture.
  10. Place the cocotte makers in the oven. Cook the dish for 15-20 minutes, until it is browned.

Both externally and in taste, this hot appetizer hardly differs from the traditional julienne with chicken and mushrooms, but its calorie content is much lower.

Champignon and vegetable kebabs


  • fresh champignons - 0.25 kg;
  • eggplant or zucchini - 150-200 g;
  • cherry tomatoes - 150 g;
  • sweet pepper - 150 g;
  • sour cream - 60 ml;
  • ground black pepper - to taste;
  • balsamic vinegar - 10 ml;
  • soy sauce - 10 ml.

Cooking algorithm:

  1. Wash the food, pat dry with a paper towel.
  2. Cut the zucchini or eggplant into circles about 1 cm thick.
  3. Cut the peeled peppers into large squares.
  4. Mix sour cream with sauce and vinegar, pepper.
  5. Spread the resulting sauce over the vegetables and mushrooms.
  6. Marinate food for 6-8 hours. Keep them in the refrigerator at this time.
  7. String on wooden skewers after soaking them in water. For the amount of ingredients specified in the recipe, 5-6 skewers are required.
  8. Place the skewers over the pan with the vegetables and mushrooms over it.
  9. Place water on the bottom of the mold.
  10. Preheat the oven to 200 degrees. Send a form with kebabs to it. Cook them for 35-45 minutes, until they are browned.

This appetizer will be delicious both hot and cold. This dish is not only low-calorie, but also almost vegetarian (except for sour cream). Those who do not eat sour cream can replace it with lean mayonnaise. Then festive kebabs are suitable for both lean and vegetarian New Year's tables.

Cold appetizers and salads for the New Year's table - 2020

Our hostesses prepare even more cold appetizers, which include salads, than hot ones. If we talk about New Year's Eve, then this is justified: at night, cold snacks are better than hot ones. Therefore, we have prepared a lot of recipes for cold appetizers and salads for our readers.

Lavash rolls with curd cheese and salmon


  • thin Armenian lavash - 1 pc .;
  • curd cheese - 120-150 g;
  • slightly salted salmon (fillet) - 150-200 g;
  • lettuce leaves (optional) - how much it will take;
  • fresh herbs (instead of lettuce leaves) to taste.

Cooking algorithm:

  1. Brush the pita bread with cheese.
  2. Spread out thin slices of salmon.
  3. Cover the fish with torn lettuce or chopped herbs.
  4. Roll the pita bread into a tight roll, wrap it in foil, put it out in the cold for several hours.

Before serving, all that remains is to remove the foil, cut the workpiece with a sharp knife, and lay it out on a platter. Bright pieces with salmon-colored fish and greens look bright and appetizing. In this case, the dish turns out to be not too high in calories. If you limit yourself to one roll or even a couple, nothing bad will happen to your figure.

Boiled red fish snack balls


  • fresh frozen salmon fillet - 0.3 kg;
  • lightly salted salmon fillet - 100 g;
  • lemon juice - 5 ml;
  • butter or olive oil - 20 g;
  • sour cream - 60 ml;
  • orange - 0.5 pcs.;
  • hard cheese - 50 g.

Cooking algorithm:

  1. Remove the freshly frozen fillet from the refrigerator, wait until it thaws, and boil until tender in salted water.
  2. Cut the boiled and lightly salted fish into small pieces, put in a blender bowl.
  3. Add to them the juice and zest of half an orange and lemon juice, a spoonful of sour cream and butter.
  4. Grind until smooth.
  5. Grate the cheese finely.
  6. Form the fish mass into balls. Spread them with sour cream and roll in cheese shavings, put on a dish.

If the dish is covered with lettuce leaves, the salmon balls on it will look even more festive. Rumor has it that the 2020 totem likes different small round things that look like grains, so the snack that resembles Rafaello sweets will almost certainly be to the Rat's taste.

Diet version of the "Mimosa" salad


  • tuna canned in its own juice - 180-200 g;
  • chicken egg - 3 pcs.;
  • carrots - 1 pc.;
  • fresh cucumber - 1 pc .;
  • green onions - 0.5 bunch;
  • processed cheese - 60-70 g;
  • white yogurt - 0.2 l;
  • soy sauce - 20 ml;
  • lemon juice - 5 ml.

Cooking algorithm:

  1. Boil carrots and eggs, cool, peel.
  2. Prepare the rest of the ingredients.
  3. Finely chop the cucumber.
  4. Mash canned food with a fork.
  5. Grate the cheese coarsely.
  6. Separate the yolks from the proteins. Grind them too, but separately from each other.
  7. Combine yogurt, lemon juice, and soy sauce.
  8. Chop the onion.
  9. Collect the salad by laying out the products in the following sequence: proteins, canned food, cheese, carrots, cucumbers, yolks. Cover all layers except the last one with sauce.

Sprinkle the salad with green onions before serving. Mimosa salad is one of the appetizers traditionally prepared for the new year. Diet options "Olivier" and "Herring under a fur coat" can be found in , which we advised to prepare for the last New Year.

Snow Queen salad with crab sticks and chicken breast


  • boiled chicken breast (fillet) - 100 g;
  • crab sticks - 100 g;
  • onions - 75 g;
  • lemon juice - 20 ml;
  • water - 20 ml;
  • salt - a pinch;
  • sugar - a pinch;
  • dried basil - a pinch;
  • ground black pepper - a pinch;
  • apple - 100 g;
  • processed cheese - 60-70 g;
  • chicken egg - 3 pcs.;
  • peanuts - to taste;
  • sour cream - how much will it take.

Cooking algorithm:

  1. Grind frozen crab sticks on a coarse grater.
  2. Do the same with cheese, put it separately.
  3. Finely chop the onion, cover with a mixture of lemon juice, water, salt, pepper and basil. Marinate it for 20 minutes. Squeeze out.
  4. Peel the apple, grate, sprinkle with lemon juice so that it does not darken.
  5. Hard-boiled eggs, cool in cold water. Rub the whites and yolks separately.
  6. Chop the chicken finely.
  7. Mix chicken, surimi and cheese with sour cream, adding it to them literally in a spoon.
  8. Place a detachable baking dish or a small diameter culinary hoop on the dish.
  9. Arrange the food in layers, if desired, cover the layers with sour cream in addition to the one already added to the dish. The sequence is as follows: cheese, yolks, onions, crab meat, apple, chicken, crushed peanuts, proteins. Do not cover the squirrels with sauce.

The salad looks tender and majestic at the same time. An unusual combination of surimi and poultry meat makes its taste unique. The name of the appetizer corresponds to its appearance and the reason for which we are setting the festive table today.

Swan's fluff salad with chicken fillet, Chinese cabbage and celery


  • boiled chicken fillet - 150 g;
  • celery root - 50 g;
  • Chinese cabbage - 0.25 kg;
  • ginger root - 20 g;
  • lemon juice - 20 ml;
  • soy sauce - 40 ml;
  • sesame or linseed oil - 5 ml;
  • sesame seeds or flax seeds - to taste.

Cooking algorithm:

  1. Peel and grind the roots.
  2. Disassemble the chicken fillet (after boiling and cooling) into fibers.
  3. Chop the cabbage finely.
  4. Stir in cabbage, celery and ginger, and chicken.
  5. Place the snack in a salad bowl.
  6. Combine soy sauce, oil, and lemon juice.
  7. Drizzle over lettuce and sprinkle with flaxseeds (or sesame seeds).

The salad looks light and airy, like a perinka. You can eat it without fear, even if you are on a weight loss diet. It will cost, by the way, inexpensive.

"Five minutes" salad with pineapple and squid


  • pineapples (pulp) - 0.2 kg;
  • squid - 0.3 kg;
  • purple onions - 100 g;
  • sour cream, black pepper, salt - to taste.

Cooking algorithm:

  1. Pour boiling water over the squid, peel and rinse well. Don't forget to remove the chords.
  2. Cut the cephalopods into strips.
  3. Dip in boiling water for 2 minutes, discard in a colander. Be careful not to overcook or the squid will become tough.
  4. Finely chop the pineapple pulp. There were actually canned fruits in the original recipe, but we decided to replace them with fresh ones for dietary reasons.
  5. Cut the onion into thin half rings.
  6. Mix sour cream with salt and pepper, season the salad.

Perhaps the name of the salad has nothing to do with the New Year and the optimistic song from the movie "Carnival Night", but it still has the right to take a place on the New Year's table.

Many of the snacks that we are used to seeing on the festive table are overly satisfying and high in calories, but it is worth slightly changing the recipe, and they turn into diet meals. And their organoleptic qualities sometimes even benefit from this.

New Year's desserts - 2020

People on a diet rarely indulge in sweets, even if they are still gourmands. On New Year's Eve, you can afford this weakness, especially if you use the recipes for healthy desserts we have proposed.

Fruit kebab


  • kiwi - 0.3 kg;
  • pitahaya (dragon fruit) - 0.3 kg;
  • bananas - 0.3 kg;
  • powdered sugar (optional) - for sprinkling the dessert.

Cooking algorithm:

  1. Cut the dragon fruit in half and carefully remove the pulp.
  2. Peel the kiwi and bananas.
  3. Cut the fruit into cubes of the same size (one and a half to two centimeters).
  4. String, alternating, on wooden skewers.
  5. Grill in a skillet (1-2 minutes on each side).
  6. Place on a serving dish and sprinkle with powdered sugar.

If you do not have any of the listed fruits, you can replace it with any other tropical fruit or limit yourself to two types of fruits.

Baked pears with Ricotta cheese


  • pears - 3 pcs.;
  • Ricotta cheese or cottage cheese - 150 g;
  • biscuit cookies - 3 pcs.;
  • honey - 15 ml;
  • butter - 5 g;
  • cinnamon to taste.

Cooking algorithm:

  1. Cut the pears in half, remove the seeds - just get the grooves.
  2. Place cottage cheese or cheese in the pears.
  3. Drizzle with melted honey.
  4. Lubricate the form with oil, put pears in it.
  5. Send to an oven preheated to 200 degrees.
  6. Sprinkle with crumbled cookies and cinnamon.
  7. Return to oven for 5-10 minutes. At this point, it is a good idea to turn on the grill setting.

A tasty, healthy and hearty dessert according to this recipe can be prepared not only for the holiday, but also for breakfast.

Mango sorbet


  • mango - 2 pcs.;
  • sugar (or the corresponding amount of low-calorie sweetener) - 100 g;
  • orange - 1 pc.;
  • lemon - 0.5 pcs.;
  • water - 50 ml;
  • starch (preferably corn) - 15 g.

Cooking algorithm:

  1. Cut the mango, remove the seeds, remove the pulp with a spoon or glass, turn it into puree with a blender.
  2. Make a syrup from orange juice, half a lemon and sugar.
  3. Dissolve the starch with cool boiled water, pour into the syrup, cook for 2-3 minutes.
  4. Remove the jelly from the heat, mix with the mango puree.

Next, the sorbet is prepared in an ice cream maker according to the instructions of the manufacturer of the unit, then it is finally cooled in the refrigerator. Before serving, the sorbet is recommended to be removed from the refrigerator (in a quarter of an hour), then spread over the bowls with a special ice cream spoon, which allows you to form beautiful balls.

As you can see, desserts that are prepared according to the recipes we have collected are at least healthy and tasty, lower in calories compared to most traditional delicacies.

Diet meals are quite appropriate on the New Year's table set for the 2020 meeting. The above recipes will allow you to prepare well for the holiday and not regret the consequences.

In conclusion, I would like to say about drinks. Alcohol is not considered an attribute of a healthy diet, but if you cannot imagine a holiday without it, give preference to high-quality and light wines, which, however, should not be too heavy. Do not forget that alcohol dulls the feeling of fear, including making you forget about the danger of eating too much and gaining weight. Enjoy your holidays without an unpleasant aftertaste!