Recipe for pancake stuffed with cottage cheese. Ingredients for cottage cheese filling

Thin pancakes with holes are a favorite dessert of many sweet tooths. After all, such a dish can be served with honey and jam, or stuffed with any kind of filling.

Thin Pancakes Recipe: Required Ingredients for the Dough:

Thin Pancake Recipe: Kneading Process

To make such a dessert with holes, it is very important to knead the dough correctly. To do this, pour one liter of fresh milk into a metal bowl, and then slightly heat it up. Then add baking soda, salt, and granulated sugar to the pot. All ingredients must be dissolved in warm milk. Next, add three beaten eggs, some sunflower oil and wheat flour. The dough should be kneaded so that it is slightly thick. However, then it is necessary to pour a little drinking water into it and make it more liquid. It is worth noting that to get thin and tasty pancakes, it is advisable to knead the base with a blender. This will help prevent clumps from appearing.

Thin pancakes with milk: the process of frying pancakes

In the absence of a special pancake maker, you can use a regular frying pan to prepare dessert. The dishes need to be put on fire, add a small amount of sunflower oil there and heat it red-hot. Then, using a soup ladle or large spoon, cover the surface of the pan with the batter. To distribute it evenly, it is recommended to tilt the dishes in a circular motion in different directions. After the surface of the thin pancake is covered with holes, and the base is slightly browned, the dessert should be turned over using a spatula. It is worth noting that each subsequent pancake must be generously greased with butter. To do this, melt the butter over the fire, and then apply it to the surface of the prepared dessert using a culinary brush.

Recipe for Thin Pancakes - Required Ingredients for the Filling:

  • coarse cottage cheese - 400 grams;
  • pitted black raisins - 100 grams;
  • egg - 1 piece;
  • sugar - three large spoons.

Thin Pancake Recipe: Dish Shaping

Pancakes with holes stuffed with sweet cottage cheese are very tasty. To do this, it is necessary to add raisins, granulated sugar and a beaten chicken egg, carefully washed and scalded with boiling water, to the cottage cheese. All ingredients should be mixed and then put in the middle of a thin pancake. Next, the dessert needs to be wrapped in an envelope and put in a frying pan coated with oil, which must then be placed in a very preheated oven for ten minutes.

Correct presentation to the table

Serve thin pancakes to the table along with sour cream, honey or jam. In addition, for such a dessert, it is imperative to prepare freshly brewed strong tea.

Of the sweet pancakes with filling, curd is probably the most popular. It is universal, you can cook for breakfast and just drink tea. What's the most important thing about a recipe? Of course, the pancake dough itself, it should be thin enough so that when curling up, the pancakes do not break. So today there will be pancakes with cottage cheese, the recipe with a photo step by step, firstly, will show how to bake the pancakes themselves, secondly, how to roll them, and thirdly, what can be done with them further. And for "dessert" there will be a recipe for chocolate pancakes with curd filling.

Thin pancakes with cottage cheese - a step by step recipe with a photo

We will start cooking with the pancakes themselves. I have already posted this one earlier, but for convenience I will repeat it again below.


  • kefir 1% - 500ml;
  • eggs - 2 pcs;
  • flour - 2 cups (320g);
  • water - 1 glass (250ml);
  • soda - 1 tsp;
  • salt - a pinch;
  • butter - 60-70g;
  • sunflower oil - 1 tablespoon;
  • cottage cheese - 200g;
  • sugar - 2 tablespoons

How to make pancakes with cottage cheese

  1. If you have never baked pancakes or baked thin pancakes before, then you will definitely appreciate this recipe. He is very successful, everything turns out well from the very first time. First, let's melt the butter in a frying pan or in a bowl in the microwave. It is needed to grease baked pancakes.
  2. Now we pour kefir into a large bowl. We put a pinch of salt. We break eggs. Shake slightly to spread the eggs.
  3. Add flour. All at once. Do not be afraid of lumps, they will disperse later. Stir and get a thick dough, not at all like a pancake.

  4. Not scary! Pour soda into a glass, boil water and pour boiling water from a kettle with soda. First, half a glass, and when the bubbles settle down another half a glass.
  5. Pour water and soda in a thin stream, mix the dough continuously and intensively.
  6. And now this is it - a good pancake dough. Pour sunflower oil into it and leave to stand for 10 minutes.

  7. This time is just enough to heat the pan well. This is the most important step in a pancake recipe.
  8. When it warms up well, pour the dough with a ladle, rotating the pan so that it is evenly distributed over it.
  9. Bake first on one side, turn over and bake on the other. By the way, many, for some reason, when preparing pancakes with cottage cheese or any other filling, do not bake the second side of the pancakes. But I like it when they are rosy on all sides.
  10. Put the finished pancakes on a flat plate and grease with melted butter.
  11. When all the pancakes are ready. You can fill them with cottage cheese. We love it when it's sweet. Therefore, I pre-mix it with sugar.
  12. We put the first pancake on a cutting board, on one edge of it, which is closer to ourselves, lay out 1-1.5 tablespoons of cottage cheese. The amount depends on the diameter of the pancakes. I have two pancake pans, one large 22 centimeters, the other less than 18 centimeters. For pancakes from the first frying pan, I put at least 1.5 tbsp. with a slide of curd filling, for small ones - maximum 1 tbsp.
  13. If you do not plan to further fry pancakes stuffed with cottage cheese in a pan or bake pancakes with cottage cheese in the oven, then you do not need to fold such an envelope. You can simply roll up and serve. Which I often do, since I myself do not really like hot cottage cheese.

Well, for lovers of crispy pancakes - the continuation of the banquet.

Pancakes with cottage cheese baked in the oven

I will not tire you with retelling how to bake pancakes, just show you how to roll them up and bake them in the oven.

For baking we need:

  • sour cream - 2 tablespoons;
  • jam, jam - for serving.

How to bake:

Chocolate pancakes with cottage cheese

For lovers of chocolate that goes very well with the curd filling. We will cook these pancakes. From the number of products listed below, 14-16 pancakes are obtained.


  • milk - 2 glasses (500ml);
  • eggs - 2 pcs;
  • softened butter - 3 tablespoons;
  • flour - 1.5 cups (240g);
  • cocoa powder - 50g;
  • sugar - 50g;
  • salt - a pinch.

Cooking chocolate pancakes with curd filling

  1. With a mixer (or in a blender), mix milk, eggs, softened butter, flour, cocoa, sugar and salt.
  2. We put the dough in the refrigerator for a couple of hours.
  3. After 2 hours, heat the pan, grease it with butter and pour some dough on it. Distribute and bake the pancake evenly on one side, and then on the other.
  4. Ready-made stuffing with cottage cheese. We put it on one side, wrap the sides and twist it with a tube.

You can serve chocolate pancakes with cottage cheese with sour cream, with chocolate topping, with condensed milk, with fresh berries, with whipped cream.

You know how delicious it is! Want to check it out? Print yourself a recipe with step by step photos, cook and ... bon appetit!

I like pancakes with cottage cheese and in general all pastries and desserts where cottage cheese is contained as an ingredient are very tasty! In this article, we will only talk with cottage cheese!

Pancakes with milk recipe with cottage cheese

  • - flour 250 g,
  • - milk 300 ml,
  • - egg 1 pc,
  • - cottage cheese 200g,
  • - sugar 50 g,
  • - vanilla sugar 5g,
  • - vegetable oil 2 tablespoons.

Prepare pancake dough with cottage cheese from flour, milk, eggs, half a teaspoon of salt and 2 tablespoons of sugar. Beat all the ingredients well so that there are no lumps, add vegetable oil at the end and beat again. Set the dough aside for 20 minutes in a warm place.

The cottage cheese filling for pancakes is made with the addition of sugar, vanillin, lemon zest or cinnamon. If the cottage cheese is dry, then you need to add sour cream to the filling. Some people add 1 egg to the cottage cheese filling if it is dry. Then, when the filling is wrapped in a pancake, it is not subjected to any heat treatment. I think it is better to bake such pancakes later in the oven or fry in a pan to be sure that they did not pick up salmanela.

When the pancake dough has stood for 20 minutes and swelled, then you need to bake pancakes from it on both sides. It is advisable to bake them thin. And if you have a frying pan with a ribbed bottom, then the pancakes come out with a curly pattern. Put the cottage cheese filling on the edge of the pancake and wrap it in an envelope. You can serve pancakes stuffed with cottage cheese with sour cream, jam or honey.

How to make pancakes with cottage cheese so that they are not so high in calories? Very simple. We need to make pancakes on the water! The recipe for pancakes stuffed with cottage cheese on water is not so different. Rather, it differs only in one ingredient - pure warm water is taken instead of milk. The only way is to wrap pancakes in water with cottage cheese in different ways. You can make the cottage cheese filling thick and wrap in the form of triangles. To do this, spread the filling along one edge of the pancake, fold it in half, and then again in half. You can wrap thin pancakes with curd filling inside in the form of tubes. Then cut in the middle and serve like this to the table. You can serve pancakes on water with cottage cheese and condensed milk.

They also make cottage cheese from cottage cheese. Nalistniki is a dish of Ukrainian cuisine. You can cook cottage cheese cakes or pancakes with cottage cheese - but they are one and the same dish! The difference here is that the dough for the doughs is prepared unleavened, the pancakes are more elastic, thin and tasteless. This is done so that the taste of the filling manifests itself and conveys all its aroma.

When the pancakes with cottage cheese are all wrapped, then they must be fried in vegetable oil in a pan. This is all the more necessary if you added an egg to the pancake filling in the curd to make it soft. Fry is necessary by first dipping the wrapped pancake with filling in a beaten egg on both sides and roll in breadcrumbs. These cottage cheese spreads will be delicious and crispy red. They must be served with sour cream.

How to cook pancakes with cottage cheese in the oven is probably no secret to anyone. I propose my own way of baking, or rather, bringing pancakes with cottage cheese to readiness in the oven. The calorie content of pancakes with cottage cheese will not be so high if pancakes are cooked in water, because We will pour cream and they will become even more high-calorie. Grease a deep baking sheet with butter, put all the pancakes in one layer and pour over the prepared sauce. You can make a sauce for pouring such pancakes with sweet curd filling with cream, vanilla sugar and cinnamon. If lemon zest was added to the curd filling, then lemon zest should be added to the sauce, not cinnamon. Serve hot pancakes with cottage cheese in the oven!

Pancakes on kefir recipe with cottage cheese

The recipe for stuffed pancakes with cottage cheese on kefir is the easiest. To prepare a dough for such pancakes, you need to take:

  • - any kefir 1 glass,
  • - 1 egg,
  • - 2 tablespoons of sugar,
  • - 1.5 cups flour,
  • - 2 tablespoons of vegetable oil
  • - half a glass of boiling water.

Mix everything and beat with a whisk. At the end of whipping, if you wish, you can add 1 tablespoon of vodka. Pancakes with cottage cheese and kefir turn out to be more fluffy and porous. They are baked as usual on both sides.

The pancake curd filling is made from soft curd and sugar. It is best to wrap them in an envelope and then fry in butter right before serving.

Discussion: 10 comments

    Wow, how many options. I also love pancakes with cottage cheese and raisins. There may be other variations though.

    To answer

    1. Thank you Alla. 🙂 I also love pancakes with cottage cheese.

      To answer

    Pancakes in any form is a very tasty dish. And with a filling it is even tastier. But I have never tried pancakes with hot baking ...

    To answer

    1. And pancakes with hot pot are also very tasty !!! And depending on what kind of heat.

      To answer

    The pancakes on the water are so beautiful! I am sure it will be as tasty as it is beautiful!

Welcome to the pancake maker site. In this educational video recipe, you can familiarize yourself with such an interesting recipe for pancakes stuffed with cottage cheese.

Prep time: 20 mins

Cook time: 30 mins

Total time: 50 mins

Serves: 4 people

We suggest that you familiarize yourself with the recipe for pancakes stuffed with cottage cheese. This recipe will help you learn how to properly prepare such pancakes.

  • Flour - 500 grams
  • Starch - 1 tablespoon
  • Sugar - 1 tablespoon
  • Salt - 1/3 teaspoon
  • Egg - 2 pieces
  • Milk - 500 grams
  • Cottage cheese - 500 grams
  1. Dough preparation. Add 500 grams of flour, starch, salt, sugar to a bowl. Mix all the dry ingredients, add the egg, gradually pour in the milk, you can add water. Mix all this until smooth, do not forget to add 1 tablespoon of vegetable oil and leave everything for 20 - 30 minutes.
  2. We bake pancakes. We heat the pan over the fire, pour the dough and pour the dough in a circle and start baking the pancakes. Our pancake will be ready within 1 minute.
  3. Cooking the filling. When all the pancakes are completely cooked, you can start making the filling for them. We take 1 pack of cottage cheese, add an egg, 1 tablespoon of sugar and mix it all. Next, wrap the filling in pancakes and fry in a pan for about 30 seconds on each side. Now our pancakes are ready and served with sour cream. Bon Appetit.


  1. Flour - 500 grams
  2. Starch - 1 tablespoon
  3. Sugar - 1 tablespoon
  4. Salt - 1/3 teaspoon
  5. Egg - 2 pieces
  6. Milk - 500 grams
  7. Vegetable oil - 1 tablespoon
  8. Cottage cheese - 500 grams

Cooking method.

Add 500 grams of flour, starch, salt, sugar to a bowl. Mix all dry ingredients. Now add one egg and gradually pour in milk and mix it all. If you don't have enough milk, you can try adding water. Stir this dough to a liquid state similar to thick sour cream. Add vegetable oil, mix and leave the dough for 20 - 30 minutes. This is necessary so that our flour swells and gluten forms, and the dough becomes elastic and lumps disappear.

We bake pancakes.

Heat the pan over a fire. Pour the dough into the pan with a ladle and pour the dough in a circle. We turn it over with a spatula from one side to the other, when we see that it begins to become covered with a crust. Within one minute, our pancake will be ready and so we continue to make thin pancakes in a pan.

Cooking the filling.

When the pancakes are completely cooked, you can start preparing the filling. To do this, we need one pack of cottage cheese, add the egg and sugar there and mix it all thoroughly. Next, put this filling on the pancake and roll it up. When we wrap all the cottage cheese in pancakes, they should also be fried in a pan with the addition of oil. In time, it is worth approximately holding about 30 seconds on each side. Such pancakes can be served with sour cream and we get such pancakes stuffed with cottage cheese. Bon Appetit.

Pancakes belong to the category of universal dishes that are always relevant both on weekdays and on the festive table. They can be served simply greased with butter, with salty and sweet fillings, and used as decoration for salads. But, the most delicious pancakes are obtained if they are stuffed with various fillings.

1. Stuffed pancakes with cottage cheese - a classic recipe

Pancakes with curd filling belong to the category of classic recipes. It is difficult to meet a person who would not love them. To prepare this delicacy, you do not need any special culinary skills. A beginner will also cope with this task.


Break eggs into a container, add 2 tablespoons of sugar, salt and mix with a whisk. Pour half of the milk and stir again.

Sift flour and add to the dough. Knead the mixture well until the lumps disappear and add the sunflower oil. The dough should turn out like thick sour cream. If the dough is too thin, you can add a little more flour to it. After that, add the remaining milk.

For the filling, pour vanilla sugar, sugar (about 3-4 tablespoons), cottage cheese into a bowl. We wash the raisins with clean, running water, then pour boiling water for 10 minutes. Further, it must be added to the curd. Mix everything thoroughly.

We start to fry pancakes. Pour the dough into a preheated pan. When the edges become rosy, turn the pancake over to the other side.

Ready pancakes are coated with filling around the entire perimeter.

And wrapped in a tube.

The edges can be cut obliquely. Pancakes are laid out on a plate with a slide, several pieces of butter are placed between them.

2. Recipe for making curd pancakes with herbs

These pancakes have a delicate taste and aroma of fresh herbs. They can be stuffed and also used as pancake cakes.


Flour - 150 gr.;

Milk 150 ml .;

Eggs - 3 pcs.;

Sunflower oil - 1 tablespoon;

Green (parsley, dill);

Cottage cheese - 200 gr.;

Butter - 30 gr.

Pour the cottage cheese into a bowl, add milk to it and interrupt with a blender. Sprinkle flour and mix again.

Now, add eggs, a pinch of salt and butter. Pour vegetable oil into the dough.

Grind the herbs and add to the dough. We leave it for 20 minutes.

At the end of this time, you can start baking. The finished pancake is laid out on a dish and greased with butter.

3. Video lesson from Olga Matvey - how to cook pancakes (pancakes) with cottage cheese

From this video you will learn all the intricacies of making delicious curd pancakes. It describes in detail and step by step all the secrets of this dish.

4. Pancakes with curd apple filling

The success of the dish itself depends on how tasty the filling is. How to prepare a delicate and tasty filling for pancakes from cottage cheese and apples - you will learn from this recipe.


Cottage cheese - 200 gr.;

Half an apple;

Sugar - 100 gr.;

Butter - 10 gr.;

Sour cream - 2 tablespoons

The apple is peeled and cut into small slices. In a saucepan, melt the butter and pour our apples and 1 tablespoon of water and the same amount of sugar into it.

Knead the cottage cheese or grind it with a blender, add sugar and sour cream to it.

Add the apples after they have cooled well. Mix everything thoroughly. Lubricate the surface of the pancakes with the filling and roll them up with an envelope.

5. Cooking pancakes with banana curd filling - video

6. Delicious pancakes with strawberries and cottage cheese

Curd pancakes with strawberries will give you a real taste of summer. They just melt in your mouth, leaving behind a pleasant aftertaste.


To prepare the dough, take the eggs and beat until thick white foam. Add sugar to them, beat the owl.

The next component in the dough will be salt, vanilla, ground nutmeg (to taste) and interrupt until a thick homogeneous mass.

Pour milk, pour sifted flour, and vegetable oil. Mix again until the lumps disappear.

We put the pan to warm up. Using a silicone brush, grease the surface of the pan with vegetable oil and pour out the first pancake. As soon as the edges are browned, turn over. We do this with the whole dough.

Rub the cottage cheese through a sieve. Add powdered sugar to it and stir until smooth, add a little vanilla essence, and mix again.

We heat the chocolate in a water bath. For the best taste, you can add heavy cream to it. Pour the chocolate into a bag and set aside.

We grease the pancakes with curd mass and fold them in an envelope.

Cut the strawberries into slices and place them side by side. Cut off a corner in a bag of chocolate and pour the pancakes with a thin stream.

Here, we have learned how to cook pancakes with and without a spring. But, going to serve the dish to the table, the question arises - "What is the best way to wrap the pancakes to make it beautiful?" From the video lesson, you will learn how to do this so that the pancakes look aesthetically pleasing and can even decorate the festive table.