Recipe for pasta with minced meat and cheese. Pasta with minced meat in the oven with cheese and tomatoes Spaghetti with minced meat and cheese

Pasta with minced meat and cheese can be cooked in different ways, for example in the oven. In this case, it is recommended to boil pasta until half cooked, and it is better to use minced meat at home.

Pasta with minced meat and cheese - a tasty and satisfying dish


Vegetable oil 1 tbsp Onion 1 piece (s) Carrot 1 piece (s) Garlic 1 clove Tomato juice 1 stack. Hard cheese 150 grams Ground meat 150 grams Pasta 450 grams

  • Servings: 4
  • Cooking time: 20 minutes

Pasta with minced meat and cheese recipe

It is advisable to use hard cheese.


  1. cut the peeled onions into cubes and fry in oil until golden brown;
  2. add meat to it and season with any spices, focusing on your taste;
  3. cut the carrots into small cubes and add to the minced meat as well. Continue frying;
  4. as soon as the vegetable becomes soft, add tomato juice to the meat and salt it to taste. Simmer the minced meat under a closed lid for 10 minutes;
  5. while the meat is cooking, boil the pasta.

Now you can shape the serving dish. Put pasta on a plate, a few spoons of minced meat on top and sprinkle with grated cheese.

"Lazy" lasagna

You can make an excellent imitation of lasagna: pasta with cheese and minced meat in the oven.


  • feather pasta - 500 gr;
  • minced meat - 750 gr;
  • bell pepper - 1 pc;
  • tomato sauce - 2 tbsp;
  • onion - 1 pc;
  • Cabernet - 55 ml;
  • parsley - 1 bunch;
  • hard cheese - 160 gr;
  • milk - 400 ml;
  • flour - 2 tablespoons;
  • olive oil - 2 tablespoons;
  • butter - 50 gr.


  1. cut the onion and bell pepper into small cubes;
  2. pour the olive oil into the pan and fry the onion first - 3 minutes - then put the pepper to it;
  3. fry the mixture for another 2 minutes and add the minced meat to it. Continue cooking for 10 minutes with constant stirring. There should be no large pieces of vegetables in the sauce;
  4. add wine to the pan and continue stewing the minced meat. Once the liquid has evaporated, add the tomato paste and chopped parsley. Season with salt and pepper;
  5. boil the pasta, rinse it and add a spoonful of olive oil. Stir;
  6. make the béchamel sauce. To do this, melt the butter in a saucepan and add flour to it. Stir and pour in the milk in a thin stream, while stirring continuously. While continuing to stir the sauce, bring it to a boil and wait for it to thicken. Then immediately remove from heating;
  7. Grease the form with butter and put half of the pasta in it. Then add half of the finished sauce. Flatten;
  8. spread the minced meat in the next layer and cover it with the rest of the pasta. Pour over the rest of the sauce;
  9. the top layer is grated cheese. Cook in an oven preheated to +180 degrees for 25 minutes.

Serve hot, in portions.

When preparing any variation of a dish, you should not skimp on cheese. The more it is, the tastier the pasta is.

One of the delicious hot dishes that you can tastefully refresh yourself with, and about which the recipe is pasta with minced meat and cheese in the oven. Cooking is not difficult, however, it will take time.


Servings: - + 4

  • Pasta 500 g
  • Chopped meat 700 g
  • Vegetable oil 100 g
  • Vegetable oil 2 pcs
  • Garlic 3 cloves
  • Tomato paste 100 g
  • Soy sauce 30 ml
  • Water 200 ml
  • Hard cheese 200 g
  • Ground black pepper
  • Nutmeg

60 minutes Seal

    To begin with, we put the water on the fire and wait until it boils, after which we salt and put the pasta there to cook, but only until half cooked, that is, they should remain a little hard inside, let's say in the Italian manner.

    We discard the boiled pasta in a colander, and then, as soon as all the water drains, we send them back to the saucepan and pour in two tablespoons of vegetable oil. We take the pan by the handles and shake well, first clockwise and then counterclockwise, so that the oil is completely distributed inside.

    Now we need onions and garlic, which we peel. Then we pass the garlic through a garlic press, and cut the onion into thin rings or half rings - it all depends on how you like it best.

    Next, in a volumetric bowl, mix the minced meat with garlic, salt and other spices, and then mix thoroughly with your hands and beat off. Now we take a frying pan with a small amount of vegetable oil and fry the minced meat on it, then pour the minced meat with a small amount of water, simmer for 10 minutes under the lid.

    Meanwhile, while the minced meat is fried, we make the gravy. To do this, take a bowl and mix soy sauce, tomato paste, sugar, water and spices in it. Then beat until sugar dissolves.

    Next, take a baking dish, grease it well with oil and put 1/2 of the pasta there, then fill it with minced meat, the minced meat will cover the onion layer, on which the minced meat will again lie, and on top - pasta. Fill with a mixture of tomato paste. Our gravy should be just a little peeking out from under the top layer of pasta.

    We put the form with pasta on a baking sheet, and send the baking sheet to the oven, which we preheat to 180 C, and we will bake this business for about 10 minutes.

    Now we are starting to grate the cheese, it is best to do this not on a fine grater.

    After 10 minutes of cooking, take out the pasta from the oven. Sprinkle with grated cheese, then send it back to the oven, and for the cheese to be fried, I advise you to slightly increase the temperature. Minced meat, pasta and cheese in the oven are almost ready to complete the recipe, we will bake the pasta for about 10 minutes more.

    As soon as the pasta with minced meat under the cheese in the oven is ready, take out the mold and cover with a damp towel for 5 minutes, then cut the dish and serve. White garlic sauce and fresh vegetables work best with it.

Having once again opened the Internet in search of some interesting fact about the history of the origin of dishes, I came across a rather interesting article. In it, the author refuted the prevailing opinion that naval pasta is a sailor's dish that came to our kitchens from Italy. He argued, citing various evidences, that this is a simplified version of pasta, a primordially Russian dish, prepared from pasta and minced meat, only during its preparation these components were stacked in layers and baked in the oven.

In general, after reading the article, I have an additional topic for thought to believe or not. But I confess honestly, it doesn't matter to me who and under what conditions came up with this dish, the main thing is that the naval pasta recipe has firmly taken its place among other popular dishes. Although, if they hadn't thought of it 100 years ago, I'm sure our zealous hostesses would have come up with it themselves.

Well, this article made me think that I need to cook navy-style macaroons, which I have not made for 8 years, since graduation. And at that time it was almost a favorite food. I believed that such a dish was the most student dish. It is understandable: satisfying, fast, tasty and from a minimum set of products.

Now I understand that even navy-style pasta can be cooked and served in such a way that the most exquisite dishes will fade against its background. Maybe I went a little too far about "fading", so to speak, for a catchphrase, but in general, the point is this: simple food does not mean bad food. It depends only on us whether it will stand on the table in a saucepan with a total mass, or will be laid out in portions on plates.

I suggest that you, together with me, refresh your memory on the naval pasta recipe. If your hand is full, you can easily remember it, but if you have never prepared such a dish, you are welcome to my kitchen. I would be glad if my experience and advice would be useful to anyone.

navy pasta recipe


  • minced pork - 250-300 g,
  • onions - 1 large head,
  • garlic - 1 clove,
  • tomato sauce - 2 tablespoons,
  • pasta - about 300 g,
  • hard cheese - 50-70 g,
  • greens - a small bunch (I had green onions and parsley),
  • sunflower oil for frying,
  • salt or other spices to taste.

Cooking process:

Pour water into a saucepan and put it on the stove, peel the garlic clove. Pour a little sunflower oil into the pan and also send it to the fire. Cut the garlic into thin slices, put in a bowl. We need his scent. So deep-fry over medium heat until the pieces are browned.

During this time, we quickly peel the onion, finely chop it. When the garlic has saturated the oil with its smell, we take it out of the pan and throw the onion into it.

Over medium heat, stirring constantly, fry it until transparent. The onion simply has an amazing property to burn in a matter of seconds, so we don't go anywhere, but look after it. We shift the tomato sauce to the slightly gilded onion.

Stir and continue to simmer for another 2-3 minutes. It's the turn of the minced meat. We put it in a frying pan and knead it well (do not forget to throw in a pinch or two of salt).

During the frying process, the minced meat will all the time get lost in lumps, so we constantly disconnect them with a spatula.

Pour pasta into slightly salted boiling water. Cook over low heat for 8-12 minutes, depending on their variety and the time indicated on the package. While the macaroons are boiling, under a frying pan with minced meat, reduce the heat to minimum, cover with a lid and simmer for these 8-12 minutes. Then we discard the finished pasta in a colander and, without waiting for all the liquid to drain from them, put it in a frying pan. This broth will give the minced meat extra juiciness.

Stir, add salt to taste and bring the dish to full readiness. 5-7 minutes under a lid on a low fire will be enough. Sprinkle on top with finely grated cheese and chopped herbs, turn off the heat, let the cheese melt simply under the influence of the high temperature inside the pan.

We serve navy-style pasta hot.

Bon Appetit!

Alexander Gushchin

I can't vouch for the taste, but it will be hot :)


This dish is quite simple to prepare, so it is an ideal option when you need to feed a lot of people, and there is very little time left. If you are not yet familiar with how to bake pasta, then do not miss the chance to please your household with such an original meal.

How to cook minced pasta

The baking process is not at all laborious, as some housewives might think. It is also worth noting that a wide range of sauces and spices allows you to cook pasta with minced meat in the oven so that they have a new taste every time. To get a fragrant dish, you just need to choose the right products and do everything step by step, as experienced chefs recommend.

For baking

The dish came to you from Italy, where it is called pasta. It is known that pasta is a product made from wheat, flour and plain water, and sometimes other ingredients are added to the dough, for example, natural dyes or eggs (chicken or quail). For food, including for baking, it is better to use products made from durum wheat, which, moreover, have a lower calorie content than ordinary ones. Baked varieties such as cannelloni and lasagna are recommended.


Housewives who want to surprise their household will learn how to prepare an original dish from what is available in the refrigerator. Many will appreciate the recipe for baked pasta with ground meat in the oven, because the main ingredients are found in almost every kitchen. Be sure to try experimenting and you will end up with a delicious and unusual dish.

Oven casserole

When you need to prepare a dish as quickly as possible, then this option is the perfect choice. The casserole is very simple and requires a minimum of products. Diversify your usual menu with delicious new food, but with the usual ingredients. Casserole with pasta and minced meat in the oven will appeal to adults and every child.


  • flour - 3 tbsp. l .;
  • onion - 1 pc.;
  • ground meat - 0.5 kg;
  • salt - 1 tsp;
  • pasta - 0.5 kg;
  • oil (drain) - 50 g;
  • tomato paste - 3 tbsp. l .;
  • cheese - 200 g;
  • nutmeg - 0.5 tsp;
  • milk - 400 ml.

Cooking method:

  1. Cut the onion into small cubes.
  2. Cook pasta, but follow the recommendations written on the package. Better to make them a little undercooked. Use a colander to rinse and set aside the dishes to completely drain the liquid.
  3. Fry the onion cubes until golden brown.
  4. Add the meat product to the pan, fry everything together for about 15 minutes, while stirring the ingredients all the time. Add a few tablespoons of tomato paste, stir, then simmer for another 5 minutes.
  5. Prepare the sauce: melt the butter over medium heat, add flour to it, stirring quickly with a whisk. Then pour in the milk and season with nutmeg. Stir the sauce until it boils.
  6. Fill an ovenproof dish with half of the pasta, sprinkle with a little grated cheese, add a little white sauce. Pour half of the minced meat on top, then repeat the layers from the beginning, and pour the cheese on the last.
  7. Place the future casserole in an oven preheated to 180 degrees, bake for 40 minutes.

Egg casserole

If you decide to bake noodles, then be sure to try to do everything according to this step-by-step recipe. The cooking time of the dish is about half an hour, and in return your whole family will receive a hearty, aromatic and indescribably delicious dinner. Oven pasta casserole with eggs is a great option to diversify your daily routine.


  • milk - 50 ml;
  • vermicelli - 300 g;
  • oil (drain) - 20 g;
  • salt, seasonings - to taste;
  • cheese - 150 g;
  • eggs - 3 pcs.

Cooking method:

  1. Boil the pasta until half cooked, drain from the water, grease with oil.
  2. Beat eggs with milk, add most of the grated cheese to the mixture.
  3. Salt the ingredients, season with your favorite spices.
  4. Mix the pasta with the egg-cheese mass, pour into an ovenproof dish. Such a blank can also be used as a basis for pasta.
  5. Sprinkle the base with sugar, crush the vanilla and pour over the sour cream.
  6. Bake the dish in the oven for about 25 minutes.

Stuffed seashells

This option is perfect if you have a remnant of minced meat, but they already have nothing to stuff. Stuffed shells taste even better than casseroles. It is worth noting that such pasta can be found in few places, but the dish that is obtained from them is worth looking for the necessary ingredients well.


  • carrots, onions - 1 pc.;
  • chopped meat - 0.4 kg;
  • a mixture of dry herbs to taste;
  • garlic - 3 teeth.;
  • dill, salt, pepper - to taste;
  • cheese - 100 g;
  • sour cream - 4 tbsp. l .;
  • tomato - 1 pc.;
  • ketchup - 3 tbsp. l .;
  • oil (vegetable) - 4 tbsp. l .;
  • shells for stuffing - 250 g.

Cooking method:

  1. Boil the shell pasta until half cooked, salting the water. It is advisable to lay them one by one.
  2. Prepare the filling: pour a little water into the pan, put the meat product and simmer it. After 10 minutes add chopped onion there.
  3. Grate carrots, garlic - on a fine grater, send them to the pan.
  4. Peel the tomato, then cut into small cubes, chop the herbs, pour everything into the pan.
  5. Add spices to the onion-meat mixture, but leave a small part to season the sauce later. Simmer until liquid evaporates.
  6. To make a sauce: add sour cream, chopped clove of garlic, spices to ketchup (or pasta).
  7. Grate the cheese.
  8. Stuff each shell, put them in a mold. Pour in a little sauce, grind with cheese, pour a little water into the mold.
  9. Bake until a delicious golden crust forms on top. It will take about 20 minutes.

With minced meat and cheese

A casserole of pasta, minced meat and cheese can also be made using chicken meat, it also turns out appetizing and satisfying. Don't waste this easy step-by-step recipe as you can quickly feed your family with it. This hearty and tasty dish will please even picky gourmets.


  • cream - 150 ml;
  • minced meat - 0.4 kg;
  • egg - 3 pcs.;
  • tomato - 1 pc.;
  • horns or feathers - 400 g;
  • onion - 1 pc.

Cooking method:

  1. Cut the tomatoes, chop the onion to make cubes.
  2. Grate cheese, beat one half with cream and eggs.
  3. Boil pasta with salt water.
  4. Fry the onion for 5 minutes, then add the minced meat to it, then fry for another 7 minutes. Season with salt and season.
  5. Cover the bottom of the mold with a third of the pasta, then make a layer of the creamy cheese mixture. Put the meat product on top, spread half of the tomatoes on it. Fill in the remaining horns, then again with the tomatoes. Shake the dish with cheese, send it to a hot oven for 15 minutes.

Stuffed tubules

Stuffing pasta tubes with meat or minced meat is ideal if you need a hearty and fast food for the whole family. Products with filling are thick, so you can eat just a few pieces. Find out how to make this dish and hurry up to surprise your household with an appetizing original and unusual taste.


  • tomato - 2 pcs.;
  • water - 0.5 cups;
  • meat - 200 g;
  • pepper - 0.5 pcs.;
  • onions - 0.5 pcs.;
  • salt, spices - to taste;
  • garlic - 2 teeth.;
  • oil - 2 tbsp. l .;
  • stuffing tubes - 250 g.

Cooking method:

  1. Salt the minced meat, season, fry. When cool, mix it with most of the grated cheese.
  2. Skinless tomatoes, cut into cubes, send to a preheated pan, add half rings of onions, pepper cubes, fry until soft. A minute before turning off, add the garlic chopped with a crusher.
  3. Boil the tubes until tender, drain, grease with oil.
  4. Stuff each tube with the prepared cheese and meat mixture, put them in a mold that is already oiled.
  5. Put ready-made vegetables on top, season, add water and bake in the oven.


Who said that different types of pasta cannot be used to create beautiful, mouth-watering and delicious culinary masterpieces? That only there are nests of noodles with meat in the oven. If you really want, but do not know how to cook such a dish as in the photo, then be sure to keep this recipe for yourself in order to please your family and friends with an original dinner at the first opportunity.


  • onion - 1 pc.;
  • minced pork - 0.5 kg;
  • "Nests" - 450 g;
  • cheese - 350 g;
  • a mixture of Provencal herbs to taste.

Cooking method:

  1. Add grated onion to the meat, add a little pepper and a mixture of herbs there. Salt, knead well, roll up small cutlets, the number of which is equal to the number of "nests".
  2. Boil water, salt. Put one "nest" in a colander, immerse it in the bubbling liquid for 1.5 minutes, then take it out and let the water drain. Use a spatula to transfer each nest to a greased baking sheet.
  3. Put a cutlet in the middle of each product, then pour water into a baking sheet so that it half covers the "nests".
  4. Send the mold to the oven, after half an hour, grind each "nest" with grated cheese, then return the dish back to melt the sprinkling.


An exotic dish came to us from the Italian city of Bologna. Minced pasta lasagna has many different cooking methods, but the main ingredient is special sheets. If they are not at hand, take any bulky pasta. Hearty, appetizing-looking and delicious food is loved not only in Italy, but also on our continent, try it too.


  • cheese - 100 g;
  • oil (drain) - 2 tbsp. l .;
  • tomato sauce - 3 tbsp. l .;
  • nutmeg - to taste;
  • onions - 2 pcs.;
  • milk - 0.5 l;
  • beef meat - 0.5 kg;
  • pasta - 250-300 g;
  • flour - 1.5 tbsp. l .;
  • Italian herbs, salt to taste.

Cooking method:

  1. First, prepare the filling: fry the onion half rings, then pour the ground beef into the pan, season with spices, and simmer. Pour the tomato sauce over the contents of the dish, leave to simmer.
  2. Make a white sauce: wait for a piece of butter to melt in a hot skillet and fry the flour in it. While stirring the mass, pour in the milk. Season the mixture with salt, pepper, and sprinkle with nutmeg and Italian herbs. Remove thickened sauce from heat.
  3. Rub or cut the cheese into very thin slices.
  4. Boil the pasta so that they are half cooked.
  5. Cover the bottom of the heat-resistant form with foil, lay the prepared foods in layers in the following sequence: pasta, cheese, white sauce, meat product.
  6. Bake for about half an hour at 180 degrees.

With minced chicken

Products made from flour, water and wheat are very popular with many people, because it is very simple to prepare various dishes from them. It is worth noting that pasta with minced chicken are ideally combined, while if you make minced meat yourself, the dish will turn out to be less high-calorie than with a purchased semi-finished product. Try making a delicious dinner like the one pictured.


  • salt, pepper - to taste;
  • nutmeg - to taste;
  • onions - 2 pcs.;
  • cheese - 200 g;
  • water - 1 glass;
  • soy sauce - 3 tbsp l .;
  • oil (vegetable) - 100 ml;
  • garlic - 4 teeth.;
  • meat - 1 kg;
  • tomato paste - 100 g;
  • sugar - 1 tsp;
  • pasta - 0.5 kg.

Cooking method:

  1. Boil pasta in salted water, drain from water, transfer to a saucepan. Add a couple of tablespoons of oil, stir.
  2. Cut the onion into half rings, chop the garlic using a special device - a garlic press.
  3. Put the minced meat in a small bowl, add onions, garlic, seasonings, salt to it. Stir the mass, fry for a few minutes, then cover the pan, and then simmer for 10 minutes.
  4. Prepare the fill: mix water with soy sauce, sugar, spices, tomato paste, salt. Stir until the sugar is completely dissolved.
  5. Grease a baking dish, add some of the pasta, then some of the meat, then spread the onion half rings. Put the remaining meat product on the onion, and pour the other half of the pasta on top. Pour out the fill.
  6. Bake the casserole in the preheated oven for 15 minutes.
  7. After 10 minutes, sprinkle with grated cheese.
  8. Hold the finished casserole before serving for 10 minutes under a damp towel.

With mushrooms

Such a dinner will be appreciated by every lover of meat casseroles, because the products in the dish are very successfully combined with each other, creating a unique taste. Mushroom casserole is easy and very simple. If you are thinking how to cook such a dish so that it turns out to be appetizing, as in the photo, then use this step-by-step recipe.


  • tomatoes - 2 pcs.;
  • garlic - 2 teeth.;
  • carrots - 1 pc.;
  • onion - 1 pc.;
  • beef meat - 680 g;
  • oil - 4 tbsp. l .;
  • sweet pepper - 1 pc.;
  • mushrooms - 250 g;
  • pasta - 250 g;
  • Cheddar cheese - 100 g;
  • brown sugar - 1 tbsp l .;
  • tomato sauce - 2 tbsp. l .;
  • seasonings to taste.

Cooking method:

  1. Place the minced meat in a hot frying pan, season with salt and pepper. Fry until crumbly. Add onions, garlic, peppers, carrots to the ground beef and fry the food for another 15 minutes.
  2. Mix tomatoes, tomato sauce, mushrooms, brown sugar with a mixture of meat and vegetables, season with salt and pepper. Simmer for 45 minutes.
  3. Preheat the oven, it is advisable to set the temperature to 180 degrees.
  4. Boil pasta. Rinse, drain off excess water.
  5. Form a casserole in layers: pasta, tomato and vegetable meat mixture, grated cheese.
  6. Bake in a preheated oven for about 45 minutes.

With vegetables

Any sauces can be added to pasta: vegetable, meat, seafood sauces. Each option is good in its own way, so it is advisable to try everything. Pasta with minced meat and vegetables is a versatile dish, the taste of which will be appreciated by both adults and younger family members. If you want to feed your family with a hearty but unusual dinner, then you should give preference to this recipe.


  • garlic - 3 teeth.;
  • onions, carrots - 1 pc.;
  • tomatoes - 6 pcs.;
  • meat - 0.5 kg;
  • mayonnaise - 1 tbsp. l .;
  • salt, seasonings - to taste;
  • red, yellow, green pepper - 1 pc .;
  • pasta - 300 g;
  • cheese - 150 g.

Cooking method:

  1. Simmer grated carrots with diced onions. Add more salt to the skillet, then cover the vegetables and simmer.
  2. Boil the pasta, rinse under the tap, use a colander to drain the liquid.
  3. After 20 minutes, add the pepper, cut into small cubes, to the vegetables. Simmer for another 20 minutes.
  4. Fry the minced meat with a little salt and oil.
  5. Remove the skin from the tomatoes, chop, send to the pan. Put chopped garlic after the tomatoes too. Simmer for another 5 minutes.
  6. Toss the stewed vegetables with the tomato and meat mixture.
  7. On the bottom of the dish in which you will bake the dish, put a layer of pasta, then the contents of the pan.
  8. Dissolve mayonnaise with water, season and pour into a mold.
  9. Bake at 180 degrees for 20 minutes, then grind with grated cheese and wait another 5 minutes until it melts.

Cooking secrets

If you cook pasta according to the recipe, then you will get a hearty, aromatic and original food. Before baking pasta in the oven with minced meat, read the recommendations of experienced chefs:

  1. Fry the selected minced meat along with the onions or other ingredients indicated in the recipe before use. Form cutlets from the raw product, which you will lay in "nests" or stuff large pasta with them.
  2. Take those products that are indicated in the recipe. You can bake half-boiled pasta in the oven: fill them with filling or layering, then pour the prepared meat gravy.

Calorie content: Not specified
Cooking time: Not specified

A practical, healthy use of a pasta side dish is to make pasta and minced meat in the oven with cheese and tomatoes. It is about this recipe that our master class with a photo will tell you. Having supplemented the pasta with minced meat, tomatoes and cheese, we solve two problems at once - we add yesterday's side dish and get a hearty, tasty dish for dinner or lunch. Pasta with minced meat can be baked in the oven in portioned tins, a frying pan, or in one large pan. For the filling, which holds all the ingredients together, beat the egg with sour cream or milk, and sprinkle the top of the casserole with grated cheese for an appetizing golden crust. any - chicken, meat or cooked from several types of meat will do. It is advisable to take small pasta, if there are large tubes, then cut them into small pieces.


- pasta - 200-250 gr (or a bowl of boiled);
- minced meat - 150-200 gr;
- egg - 2 pcs;
- sour cream - 3-4 tbsp. l .;
- salt - to taste;
- vegetable oil - 3 tbsp. l;
- onions - 1-2 pieces;
- tomatoes - 1-2 pcs;
- ground paprika - 1 tsp;
- hard cheese - 100 gr.

Recipe with photo step by step:

Cook pasta in accordance with the manufacturer's recommendations on the packaging. We drain the water through a colander, rinse the pasta and leave in a colander. If there are ready-made pasta, skip this stage of cooking.

Cut the onion into small cubes, fry in a pan in hot oil. When the onion begins to brown, add the minced meat, paprika and salt. Fry, kneading the lumps, 5-6 minutes, almost until the minced meat is ready.

At the same time, preheat the oven to 180 degrees and prepare the egg filling. Beat eggs with salt and sour cream. You can replace sour cream with milk or make a filling only from eggs.

Put the pasta in a large form or in portioned molds (do not forget to grease the bottom and walls with oil).

Put the minced meat fried with onions on the pasta. Slightly compact.

Pour out the filling, make punctures with a knife or fork to completely saturate the pasta.

Cut the tomatoes into slices or slices. We spread it with the top layer. We put the pasta dish in the oven for 30-40 minutes. We bake until tender.

Grind the cheese through a coarse or fine grater. We take out the form. Fill the top with cheese, put it in the oven for a few more minutes, just until the cheese melts.

As soon as the cheese has melted and formed an even crust, remove the mold from the oven. Let cool slightly and serve in portions or cut into pieces and put on a plate. Bon Appetit!
If you don't have an oven, you can cook