Beetroot salad with prunes and walnuts. Step by step recipe

Beetroot salad with prunes is a storehouse of useful vitamins. And how delicious it is! With pomegranate, apple, walnut - there are many options. Today we offer the best recipes for this uncomplicated but extremely enjoyable dish.

While the world is choking with delight, eating foreign caprese and Caesars, we suggest recalling the classic recipes of Russian cuisine. Beetroot salad with prunes, there is no doubt about it, should take its rightful place in the top of the best world snacks.

A light smoked prune note with a piquant sauce, a combination of sweet and slightly spicy, are wonderful on their own. Such a salad does not require exotic ingredients, and prunes, beets, sour cream (or mayonnaise) are available all year round.

What do we need:

  • a large beet root crop or two medium ones;
  • a handful of prunes;
  • salt to taste;
  • 2 tbsp. l. sour cream;
  • 2 tbsp. l. mayonnaise.

Boil the beets or bake in the oven, and then grate them on a coarse grater. Soak prunes in water and cut into pieces or thin strips. Combine, add salt, season with mayonnaise and sour cream. We will put the salad in portions in culinary rings - such a serving will not yield to the best houses, and the appetizer seems so tastier. Do not forget to cool the dish well - a warm salad is much inferior in taste to a cold one.

If the beets are not boiled, but baked, the taste will be richer.

With walnuts

Beetroot salad with prunes and walnuts is even tastier than the classic one due to the bitter nutty note. For many, this particular recipe is the basic one. We propose to master it too.

What we need:

  • 2 beets;
  • a handful of prunes;
  • a handful of walnuts;
  • salt to taste;
  • 2 tbsp. l. sour cream;
  • 2 tbsp. l. mayonnaise.

We bake the beets and cut them into cubes, the prunes into thin strips. and chop the walnuts with a knife. But you shouldn't grind it into dust - you won't feel the taste. Then it is important to dry the nuts in a dry skillet to reveal their flavor brighter. Combine the ingredients and season with sauce. Don't forget to salt! Serve in portioned bowls, garnished with a sprig of parsley.

With the addition of garlic

The garlic recipe will not inspire enthusiasm for those who decide to prepare a salad for their first romantic date. And we strongly recommend that everyone else add such a spice. Just be careful: garlic should not overwhelm the taste of the rest of the ingredients.

In this version, we propose replacing sour cream or mayonnaise with yogurt - this way the calorie content of the dish will significantly decrease.

Let's prepare:

  • 3 beets;
  • a handful of prunes;
  • 2 cloves of garlic;
  • salt to taste;
  • 3 tbsp. l. mayonnaise.

Three boiled beets on a coarse grater, and cut the prunes into cubes or strips. Add a little garlic to the vegetable and fruit mixture, and then season everything with yogurt sauce. Serve salad in portions to baked duck or chicken cooked on a salt pillow.

Beetroot, prune and apple salad

The Fitness salad with beets and prunes is a self-sufficient dish for lunch or a snack for everyone who wants to lose weight. In addition, such a salad can easily be called a detox dish, as it has a mild cleansing effect, improving bowel function. But its charm is still in the fact that it is elementary to prepare.

We need:

  • 3 beets;
  • a handful of prunes;
  • large sweet and sour apple;
  • 1 tsp lemon juice;
  • 2 tbsp. l. natural yogurt;

Boil the beets and grate or cut into strips. Let's turn the prunes into neat long slices. Rub the apple on a grater and lightly pour it with lemon juice - so it does not darken. We mix fruits and vegetables, season everything with yogurt. The salad is especially good when cold, and you can eat it as a side dish with baked fish or meat cooked in foil.

With chicken fillet

Meat eaters will not be forgiven if we do not tell you about the hearty meat version of this wonderful salad. It is better to boil the fillet or fry it, cutting it into steaks. We will season the salad by tradition with a mixture of sour cream or mayonnaise. But if you are not afraid of calories, then it is delicious to serve such a dish and just with good mayonnaise.

A cucumber will be appropriate in this salad - for freshness and light crunchiness.

Prepare in advance:

  • 2 large beets;
  • a handful of prunes;
  • chicken fillet - 200 g;
  • 3 tbsp. l. mayonnaise;
  • vegetable oil for frying;
  • 1 tbsp. l. sour cream.

Cut the beets into strips and give the boiled chicken and prunes exactly the same shape. Mix all the ingredients and season with the sauce. Serve the finished salad chilled in a large transparent salad bowl. You can also squeeze a little garlic here for piquancy. But this decision is up to you.

Cooking with beans

Beans - a source of protein, beets - iron, and prunes - rare trace elements. So why not put them together? It remains to supplement the appetizer with crackers and you can safely treat the guests. For complement and harmony of taste, be sure to cut fresh parsley into the dish.

We will need:

  • 2 large beets;
  • a handful of prunes;
  • a can of beans in its own juice (but not tomato!) - 200 g;
  • a pack of crackers;
  • 3 tbsp. l. mayonnaise;
  • a bunch of parsley.

Cut the boiled beets into cubes and grind the prunes in the same way. When everything is mixed, add the beans (pre-drain the juice from the can), parsley and mayonnaise. We put the croutons just before serving, and then they will not turn sour. We stir and treat guests.

Garlic or curry spice will add piquancy to the salad - you will see that it "looks" here unusual and very decorates the appetizer.

Puff salad with carrots, cheese, beets and prunes

Puff salads are considered hearty and quite heavy. We assure you that this is a myth, if you cook a purely vegetable version, but slightly "thicken" it with Feta cheese. You can of course use any other type of cheese. But try it with Feta - you won't regret it.

Baked beetroot with Feta is a self-sufficient snack. Moreover, Feta is easy to replace with goat or sheep cheese.

Required components:

  • 2 large beets;
  • a handful of prunes;
  • a pack of feta cheese - 200 g;
  • large sweet carrot;
  • natural yogurt - 150 g;
  • salt to taste;
  • a bunch of parsley for decoration.

Three vegetables and lay in layers in the following sequence: beets, feta, carrots, prune wedges. Season the layers with yogurt (otherwise the appetizer will come out too greasy) and decorate with herbs. Be sure to let the salad sit for 2 hours. Then cut like a cake and savor each bite.

Cooking recipe with pomegranate

The sourness of the pomegranate sets off the sweetness of the finished salad. Especially if you are lucky enough to find a pomegranate without pits. In the East, pomegranates are added to many salads, because this combination is very pleasing. You can fill the dish with ordinary odorless vegetable oil. It's also useful.

What do we need:

  • 2 large beets;
  • large ripe pomegranate;
  • a handful of prunes;
  • a pinch of salt;
  • vegetable oil for dressing;
  • a bunch of parsley or cilantro for garnish.

Cooking like this:

  1. Rub the beets on a grater and mix with prunes, previously chopped into cubes.
  2. Chop the greens finely.
  3. Free the pomegranate from the veins and get a good portion of the grains. We do not give proportions on purpose - adjust everything to taste. Love sourness - add more nucleoli. You don't even need to mix the components - leave this occupation to the guests.

It turns out to be a very interesting appetizer, perfect for young wine and barbecue.

Despite the simplicity of preparation, such a salad turns out to be non-trivial. For those who like to experiment, we suggest supplementing beets with mushrooms, chicken liver, oranges, pine nuts ... Try different tastes! Availability, good taste and benefits make it possible to make beetroot salads even every day. And every time you will not be disappointed!

Healthy, very tasty, vitamin salad of beets with nuts - a classic of the festive table! Add sour cream, cheese, herbs, raisins to the salad!

Healthy, tasty and vitamin-rich, beetroot salad with nuts and garlic will appeal to everyone. Soft beet salad filled with vitamins is good at any time - both winter and summer. Beets for making salad, of course, are taken not for fodder, but for dining, with a pronounced color.

  • table beets - 5-6 small pieces,
  • a handful of walnuts, 150 grams,
  • a couple of cloves of garlic,
  • a tablespoon of mayonnaise.

My vegetables. Boil the beets, after washing, in slightly salted water until tender. The cooking time depends on the size of the root crops - small ones are cooked faster (forty minutes), larger fruits take longer. Fill the finished beetroot with cold water for ten minutes so that it cools down quickly, and it is easier to clean. Rub the peeled vegetables on a coarse grater or cut into thin strips.

Chop the garlic finely and finely or squeeze through the garlic. Mix with beets.

Chop the nuts with a knife or chop them in a blender. Don't forget to leave a few kernels to decorate the dish.

Add chopped nuts to beets and garlic, add mayonnaise, mix.

Put the beetroot salad with nuts and garlic in a salad bowl, decorate with halves or quarters of whole nuts. We serve such an appetizer with absolutely any dishes - fish, meat, poultry, vegetables. It will be appropriate in all cases. Bon Appetit!

Recipe 2: beetroot salad with nuts and wheat germ

Beetroot salad with walnuts, garlic and wheat germ is delicious and as healthy as possible. Follow carefully the step-by-step photos of each cooking stage and follow the recipe. Beetroot salad can be made just for one or two, you will see for yourself. The only prerequisite for the fast preparation of a dish is pre-cooked beets.

  • boiled beets - 1 pc .;
  • chopped walnuts - 2 tablespoons. spoons;
  • sprouted wheat grains - 2 tablespoons. spoons;
  • garlic - 2 teeth;
  • mayonnaise - 3 tablespoons;
  • sour cream - 3 tablespoons. spoons;
  • green onions - 2-3 feathers;
  • salt.

We start by chopping medium-sized boiled beets. The photo shows how it should be rubbed.

For a delicious recipe, we need walnuts, which we grind.

Season the beetroot salad with crushed garlic, sour cream and mayonnaise, taken equally. For lean days, we use only lean dressing. Alternatively, use lean mayonnaise.

Add sprouted wheat, green onions and salt if necessary.

Voila, beetroot salad with nuts, garlic and wheat germ is ready! The dish is universal, it can be prepared for any occasion.

Recipe 3, simple: beetroot salad with nuts and prunes

Homemade beetroot salad is attractive because it has a mild, pungent taste and is very healthy. Walnuts are good for the brain, prunes and beets are good for the intestines. In addition, such a salad is quite dietary and budgetary. Let's look at a simple photo preparation of a beetroot salad with prunes and walnuts for a delicious lunch.

  • Boiled beets (sweet) 200 g
  • Peeled walnuts 30 g
  • Prunes 50 g
  • Garlic 2 cloves
  • Mayonnaise 2 tbsp l.

Peel the boiled beets and grate on a coarse grater.

Cut the pitted prunes into small pieces.

Chop walnuts in any way possible.

Chop the garlic cloves.

In a separate bowl, combine the beets, prunes, walnuts, and garlic. Add mayonnaise. Taste the beetroot salad and season with salt and pepper if desired. Stir.

Place the salad in a salad bowl. Garnish with walnuts and herbs.

Recipe 4: beetroot salad with prunes and walnuts

The simpler, the tastier. Gourmets adhering to this principle will surely enjoy a light salad of incredibly healthy beets, fragrant prunes and walnuts.

The best dressing for such a salad, of course, will be sour cream, but if you cannot imagine your life without mayonnaise, you can use it too - the benefits of the dish will not decrease much.

  • 1 small beet
  • 3-4 pcs. prunes
  • 2-3 peeled walnuts
  • 1-2 tablespoons of low-fat sour cream

Prepare boiled beets, nuts, prunes and a little sour cream for the salad.

Lovers of fresh vegetables can use thermally unprocessed beets for making salad, but those who do not understand or even dislike its taste should first bake the healthy vegetable in the oven or boil until cooked in plenty of water.

Allow the finished beets to cool completely, and then chop with a grater.

Pour the prunes over with boiling water and dry them slightly, cut into small cubes.

Grind the walnut kernels with a blender.

Add both ingredients to the salad and mix everything carefully.

Season the finished salad with beets, walnuts and prunes with low-fat sour cream and start eating right away - it’s easier, healthier and tastier to find a dish.

Recipe 5: raw beetroot salad with nuts and raisins (with photo)

Beetroot salad is perfect for lunch or dinner, and spicy lovers can add a couple of pressed garlic cloves to it for flavor!

  • beets - 1 piece
  • raisins - 1 tablespoon
  • walnuts - 1 tablespoon
  • mayonnaise - 1 tablespoon
  • salt to taste

The salad is prepared quickly, since the beets do not need to be boiled - they are rubbed fresh.

To do this, peel the vegetable and rinse it in water. Grate on a coarse grater.

Add the steamed raisins to the container with grated beets.

Then lightly chop the walnuts, but so that they do not turn into dust, and add to the rest of the products.

Salt and season with mayonnaise. If you are on a diet - choose a low-fat composition of mayonnaise, for example - light!

Mix everything well, put the salad in bowls or bowls and serve, garnished with sprigs of herbs. Enjoy!

Recipe 6: delicious salad with cheese and beet nuts (step by step)

A simple, quite hearty and healthy beetroot salad with cheese, garlic and walnuts. Such a salad may well replace dinner for almost all family members, since it contains almost everything the body needs.

  • 5-6 pcs beets of medium size
  • 300 gr hard cheese
  • 4-5 pieces of garlic cloves
  • 50 gr peeled walnuts
  • 200-250 gr mayonnaise
  • Salt to taste

Put the beets in a deep bowl, cover with water and leave for a few minutes, so that the stuck earth gets wet. This will make it easier to clean. Thoroughly wash the beets, clean them from the ground. In addition, we cut off the tail and leaves, if any. We put the beets in a saucepan, fill it with water and put on the fire to cook. Let's wait for a boil and let the beets cook for about forty minutes.

After our beets have boiled, drain the water and leave it to cool right in the saucepan. While the beets are cooling, peel a few cloves of garlic and crush them in a garlic press. Now let's get to the walnut. If it is in a shell, then we will clean it and then grind it a little. Cheese must be from hard varieties. It must be grated on a coarse grater.

So the beets are cold. Peel it and rub it on a coarse grater. That's all. Now, in a deep bowl or salad bowl, combine all the ingredients, beets, cheese, garlic and walnuts. Salt a little, season with mayonnaise and mix thoroughly. We lay out the finished beetroot salad with cheese garlic and walnuts in smaller salad bowls or in small individual vases, decorate with herbs and serve.

Recipe 7: beet salad with walnuts (step by step photos)

  • 200 g nuts
  • 3 beets
  • 3 tbsp mayonnaise

Boil the beets, peel and rub on a coarse grater.

Then chop the nuts and add to the beets.

Add mayonnaise to the salad and sprinkle with salt to taste.

We mix everything and serve, the beetroot salad with nuts is ready.

Recipe 8: puff salad with beets, nuts, prunes

Layered salad, the recipe from the photo of which is in front of you, is suitable for those who adhere to the principles of healthy eating. It is based on healthy products - beets, walnuts, prunes. Such a salad is, first of all, a source of vitamins and minerals, and then an appetizer. Prepare this beetroot salad for the family and you will see that healthy can also be delicious.

It is best to use sour cream as a dressing for a dish, not mayonnaise. It is she who helps to assimilate all the useful from the products used in this recipe.

If you prepare all the products in advance, it will take no more than half an hour to prepare a salad with beets, prunes and walnuts.

  • beets - 1 pc.;
  • sweet and sour apples - 2 pcs.;
  • prunes - 100 gr.;
  • walnut - 100 gr.;
  • sour cream - 200g.

In order to prepare a salad of beets with prunes and walnuts, rinse the pitted dried fruit with cold water and pour over with boiling water. It happens that prunes are slightly harsh, in which case you can leave them in hot water for 10 - 15 minutes. Dry it slightly, you can use a paper towel or leave to dry for a few minutes.

Rinse the walnuts and dry them by pouring them into a frying pan, dry them over low heat for about 10 minutes.

Boil and cool the beets. Beets are cooked for a long time, about 2-3 hours, so it is better to cook them in advance and store them in the refrigerator.

Peel apples and boiled beets.

Grate the beets on a coarse grater.

For our beet salad, grate the apples just as coarsely. To prevent them from darkening, you can sprinkle them with lemon juice.

Grind the nuts in a blender to coarse crumbs.

Cut each prune berry into 5-6 parts.

Lay out the first layer of beets.

Pour sour cream evenly.

Put a layer of crushed apples on the beets.

And put the beets again in the last layer.

If desired, you can duplicate all layers in a salad with beets and nuts. Pour sour cream on top of the salad.

Gourmet, sweet beet-nut puff salad with prunes is ready. It can be prepared on a regular day or on a festive table. The simplest dinner can be made special by offering your family this simple salad - a storehouse of nutrients and minerals.

With a sweet, slightly earthy flavor, beets are a great base for salads. In the West, it is often paired with crispy nuts and salted cheese. The Russian culinary classic is beet salad with prunes.

Beetroot salad with prunes

Photo by Shutterstock

How to cook beets

Before cooking the beets, cut the roots and stalks of the root vegetable, rinse it with cool water. Use kitchen gloves to handle beets, or be careful as beet juice stains the skin and is difficult to clean. If you don't want to tweak it, cook the beets in the skins for the most concentrated flavor. Finished beets can be stored in the refrigerator for up to 2 weeks.

To boil the beets, place them in a large deep saucepan, cover them with cold water, add about 1 teaspoon of sugar and 1 teaspoon of salt for every half liter of water. Add 1/4 cup white vinegar for every 8 cups of water to brighten the root vegetable color. Bring water to a boil, reduce heat to medium, and cook for 45 minutes to 4 hours. Cooking time depends on the size of the tubers and how long they have been stored. When the beets are easy to pierce with a narrow, long-bladed knife, remove the pan from the heat, drain the water and pour a new, cold one into the pan. Drain it too and peel the beets. The peel will easily peel off without a knife by simply rubbing it with a damp cloth.

You can also bake beets, for this you need to wash the root vegetable, peel and cut into quarters. Put on a sheet of foil and drizzle with 2 tablespoons of vegetable oil, season with salt and pepper, wrap and bake in the oven for about 45 minutes. You can also roast whole unpeeled beets, but may take longer to cook.

You can soak tough and old beets in cold water for 10-12 hours without peeling. Then the root vegetable will be ready faster.

How to prepare prunes

Usually, dry prunes are added to prune dishes such as veal rolls, dried fruit compote or chicken with prunes and apples. When cooked, it softens. For a salad of beets and prunes, the dried fruit should be soaked beforehand. This can be done by simply pouring boiling water over dried plums at the rate of 1 cup for every 250 g, but you can add a spicy touch to the salad. To do this, take:

250 g prunes; - 1 glass of boiling water; - 1 glass of orange juice; - a pinch of nutmeg; - a pinch of ground cinnamon.

Place the prunes in a bowl and cover with boiling water. Leave for an hour, then drain, transfer the dried fruit to a small saucepan and pour in orange juice (can be replaced with dry white wine), season with cinnamon and nutmeg, bring to a boil and cook for about 20-25 minutes. Remove with a slotted spoon, dry and use in salad.

Classic Beet and Prune Salad Recipe

For the classic version of the salad, take:

2 medium boiled or baked beets; - 100 g of prunes; - 2 cloves of garlic; - 3 tablespoons of thick mayonnaise; - 70 g of shelled walnuts: - salt.

Photo by Shutterstock

Peel the beets and grate them. It is better to use a food processor with a special attachment, as beetroot pieces can stain not only your hands, but also the kitchen. Cut the prunes, previously soaked in boiling water, into small cubes. Put the walnuts in a tight plastic bag and go over it several times with a rolling pin. Put the crushed nuts in a bowl along with the grated beets and chopped prunes, add the garlic passed through a press, salt and season the salad with mayonnaise. Stir and refrigerate for 1-2 hours. Serve garnished with fresh parsley.

Before adding walnuts to your salad, taste them. If they are rancid, replace with new ones or do not use them at all, as such nuts can spoil the taste of the whole dish.

Variations of the classic salad with prunes

While the beetroot and prune salad doesn't contain many ingredients, it has many variations. You can substitute sour cream for half of the mayonnaise, but do not use a low fat product, as it is too liquid. If you want to make your salad less nutritious, cook it without nuts and with a vegetable oil and vinegar dressing. For 2 tablespoons of oil (vegetable, olive, walnuts, grape seed), take ½ teaspoon of vinegar. For the best flavor, go for apple or balsamic. You can substitute the same amount of freshly squeezed lemon juice for the vinegar.

If you don't like garlic, you can simply skip adding it or replace with finely chopped onions, about ½ a head or 1 head of a shallot. Replace walnuts with pine nuts, unsalted crushed pistachios, chopped almonds, or macadamia nuts. Prunes can be soaked or boiled, as described above, in juice or white wine. You can also replace it with fine golden soft raisins. When choosing beets, remember that in addition to purple and red varieties, there are pink and yellow beets.

Homemade "salad beetroot with prunes, walnuts and cheese" is a bright, tasty, spicy and simple salad, which is prepared from inexpensive, affordable, and most importantly, seasonal products, which is easy to find on sale in any store or in the vegetable rows of the grocery market ... The cost of a ready-made salad is a penny, but how many benefits and vitamins are contained in one serving and even in one spoon!

Beetroot salad with prunes is definitely worth adding to your winter diet! It is prepared without mayonnaise, although, if desired, you can season it with it. The calorie content of the salad is small, which makes it popular for “dieters” who include only healthy and low-calorie foods in their meals.

And it's also a great option to diversify the gray and boring everyday life. In addition, now, when there are not so many vegetables on the shelves, such a dish will be very useful, because it turns out to be very tasty and satisfying, and so beautiful that it can even be served on a festive table. Especially if you decorate it beautifully, like this one.

All the ingredients (and they are very simple and affordable) are perfectly combined with each other and complement each other's taste. And I must say that even men, who for some reason do not really like beets, gobble up such a salad for both cheeks 😉

It takes very little time to cook, provided, of course, that the beets are already ready. It can either be boiled or baked in foil in the oven. Well, there is already a small matter - just grind and combine all the products.


  • Beets - 2 small
  • Walnuts (peeled) - half a glass
  • Garlic - 1-2 cloves
  • Sour cream (mayonnaise) - 1-2 tablespoons
  • Cheese - 150 g
  • Prunes - 5-7 pcs.

Beetroot salad with prunes, nuts and garlic - a step by step recipe with a photo

Peel and grate the finished beets.

Next, chop the walnuts - just chop the kernels with a knife.

Cut the cheese into cubes. I had feta cheese - I love the combination of this cheese and beets. However, you can take any other cheese of your choice - hard, melted, suluguni.

We pass the chives through the press.

And cut the washed prunes into cubes. I recommend taking dried prunes for the salad - it is more tender, and it is just perfect for such appetizers. Smoked is more suitable for hot dishes, for example, to bake potatoes with it, stew cabbage or cook borscht.

Add sour cream or vegetarian mayonnaise to taste. We mix.

So the salad with beets, nuts and prunes is ready! And, despite the simplicity of the ingredients, the salad turns out to be very tasty and delicious. And quite satisfying, so it can be used as a healthy snack.

Bon Appetit!

Beetroot salad with prunes and nuts - calories

The components of beet salad are dietary, but not all products are low-calorie. Nuts contain oils, and sour cream or mayonnaise dressing and cheese also add "fat content". Despite this, the salad is ideal for lovers of healthy food, in general, everyone who is on pp. After all, vegetable nut oil and animal protein (cheese and sour cream) are also necessary for the proper functioning of the body and good health.

Calorie content of beetroot salad - 178 kcal / 100 g.

  1. Fat: 13 g.
  2. Proteins: 4 g.
  3. Carbohydrates: 14 g.

  • Beets are tastier when baked rather than boiled. Wrap well-washed vegetables in foil, place in the oven and bake until tender (30 minutes - 1 hour, depending on size). This will give the beets a richer flavor.
  • Young, small beets are sweeter than larger fruits.
  • Prefer dried prunes over smoked ones. Choose berries that are soft, with a delicate structure.
  • To reduce the calorie content of the dish, season the salad with olive oil mixed with mustard or just any vegetable to taste.

Bon Appetit!

I think this salad of beets, prunes and walnuts is familiar to many, but if not, try it! The recipe was sent by Anastasia Bordeyanu (asika):

This salad is especially good in the cold season, when there are few vitamins and you want something useful, but at the same time nourishing. The combination of beets, prunes, walnuts and sour cream makes the salad very nutritious. And sour cream dressing with black salt gives it a unique taste and aroma!

Beetroot, Walnut and Prune Salad


  • 4 small beets (about 180 g peeled)
  • 8 prunes (about 70 g pitted)
  • 10 pcs of walnut kernels (about 50 g)
  • 200 g sour cream (the fatter the better)
  • spices to taste: black salt, black ground pepper

Recipe for salad with beets, prunes, nuts:

Our salad is ready! It can be served immediately, or you can put it in the refrigerator for a couple of hours and let the sour cream freeze. Both options are tasty and interesting in their own way.

Salad with beets, prunes and walnuts

Bon Appetit!

P.S. If you liked the recipe,!

Juliya recipe author