Salads with Bulgarian pepper, with chicken - for the most refined taste. Chicken liver and pepper salad Baked bell pepper and chicken salad

Calories: 705
Proteins / 100g: 10
Carbohydrates / 100g: 5

When all the worst is over, the weight is lost, the waist appears, you need to consolidate the result. In the stabilization phase, you need to teach your body to eat properly. The right food can be very tasty, you also need to learn how to cook such food.

To make a salad with baked pepper and chicken, it will take 60 minutes, and from the ingredients listed in the recipe, 2 servings will turn out.

- chicken breast - 400 g;
- bay leaf - 1 pc .;
- garlic - 1 tooth;
- onion - 1 pc .;
- leeks - 30 g;
- apple - 1 pc.;
- bulgarian pepper - 2 pcs.;
- radish - 20 g;
- pomegranate - 1 \ 3 pcs.;
- lemon juice - 5 g;
- mustard - 5 g;
- yogurt - 100 g;
- parsley (greens) - 10 g;
- apple cider vinegar - 15 g;
- salt - 5 g.

How to cook at home

For the salad, first marinate the onions. Mix 100 ml of cold boiled water, vinegar and a teaspoon of salt. Cut the onion into thin rings, put in the marinade, put in the refrigerator for 30 minutes.

While the onions are marinated, prepare the breast. Remove the skin, cook in salted water for 30 minutes with a clove of garlic and bay leaves. Cool, separate from the bones, tear into pieces.

Cut the leek into rings and mix with the chicken.

Drain the marinade from the onion. We shift the onion to the chicken. Stir the ingredients to soak the chicken with the pickled onions.

Cut the apple into thin slices, fan out over the chicken meat.

We prick two bell peppers with a fork and burn over an open fire. After the peppers are burned on all sides, put them in a plastic bag and close tightly. After 5 minutes, the peel from the pepper will be easily peeled off.

Cut the peppers, peeled from pulp and seeds, into slices, put them on a layer of apples.

Peel 1/3 of the pomegranate, sprinkle the salad with grains. Finely chop the radish.

Cooking sauce for baked pepper salad. In a bowl, combine 100 grams of low-fat yogurt, mustard and lemon juice... Season the mixture with salt and ground pepper. Finely chop the parsley. We mix all the ingredients.

We fill the salad with sauce, let it stand for a while and soak in the juices. Serve with a slice.
The salad contains only natural and healthy foods with a minimum amount of salt. This salad will help you maintain your ideal weight during the stabilization phase.

Wash the bell peppers, remove seeds and partitions, cut into thin strips.

Heat a little olive oil in a frying pan, put the strips of pepper and fry over medium heat for 5-7 minutes, stirring occasionally.

Rinse the chicken liver, dry it, clean it from films and streaks.

Cut in half and roll in flour. Heat some olive oil in a skillet. Put the chicken liver (in one layer) and fry over medium heat for 3-5 minutes on each side. Season with salt, pepper, add your favorite spices to taste.

Put the finished liver on a napkin or paper towel to remove excess oil.

Rinse lettuce leaves, dry, tear with hands into small pieces. Place the lettuce leaves on a flat dish.

Top with washed, cut into quarters cherry tomatoes.

Place the fried peppers and chicken liver.

In a chaotic manner, arrange the onion, cut into half rings. Drizzle over salad olive oil with the addition of Italian herbs and garlic passed through a press. Serve immediately.

Here is such a bright and incredibly tasty warm salad with chicken liver and I got it with pepper. Try this delicious dish too.

Bon Appetit!

Among all the variety of the snack bar, salads will never lose their attractiveness: with chicken, with fresh vegetables- yes, in fact, with any components that your imagination is only capable of. will always bring juiciness and zest to any dish. And the chicken will never get tired of surprising us with its diversity, especially since in salads it can participate in completely different types: boiled, smoked, baked, fried, and sometimes even raw, pickled. Although the latter option is, of course, for extreme lovers.


No matter how varied they are with chicken, with other components, there are more successful combinations, and there are ordinary, "pass-through" options (of course, no one shares unsuccessful experiments). Consider one of the proven recipes. Small chicken breast, two hundred grams, cooked and chopped into strips (if you like the "wrong" pieces, you can disassemble it with your hands). A piece of ham of the same weight is cut into cubes, two bell peppers - in strips or squares, canned mushrooms, if they are small, are poured in whole. Juice is poured from a small jar of pineapples, and the fruit is chopped into small cubes. Steamed raisins and crushed nuts (a couple of spoons each) are added to the salad, and it is seasoned with mayonnaise. Salads prepared in this way with bell pepper, with chicken will decorate not only everyday, but also festive table... The rather diverse ingredients of the dish do not negate, but complement each other's merits.


An absolutely unique salad! bell pepper, pomegranate, nuts and tomatoes make just a wonderful culinary "sound". Which part of the bird you put into the dish is a matter of taste, both legs and breast will do. The main thing is that in the already cut form (without bones) chicken turns out to be two hundred grams. Four medium tomatoes, one hundred grams hard good cheese and three fleshy bell peppers are cut into cubes. For dressing, light mayonnaise, nuts passed through a blender, crushed garlic and parsley are mixed. All seasonings are taken in quantities that will not offend your personal taste. The salad is mixed and seasoned. If necessary, you can add salt and pepper it. Already in a salad bowl, the dish is generously sprinkled with pomegranate seeds.

Stunned salad

It would seem that the most simple products This salad includes: chicken, bell peppers, tomatoes, eggs - and the taste is amazing. There are several tricks here: first of all, raw medium-sized fillets are cut into pieces of salad and fried in olive or butter (and this is the first secret). Three eggs are hard boiled and cut into cubes. The large bell pepper is freed from unnecessary entrails and chopped into squares. Pitted olives are cut in halves (those who like smaller pieces can cut them into rings, but the author of the recipe considers this to be superfluous). Three tomatoes are crumbled into cubes or sticks. All components are mixed, salted, peppered and flavored with olive oil, if the fillet was fried on it, or low-fat mayonnaise, if used butter(this is the second secret). And the third trick: washed lettuce leaves are dried, poured with lemon juice and sprinkled with a pinch of sugar. The finished salad is laid out on them.

"Spring joy"

For an organism that is yearning for all kinds of vegetables over the winter, this will be the best choice. The dish is prepared quickly, and there are plenty of vitamins in it. The only thing you have to tinker with is chicken. Fillet is cut into very small pieces, each of them is breaded in breadcrumbs and fried - due to the size very quickly, a couple of minutes on each side. While the pieces are cooling, two peppers are cut into cubes (for beauty, it is better to take multi-colored ones). A quarter of a head of Peking cabbage is chopped, everything is mixed (and chicken too), added and seasoned with any vegetable oil. The look, smell and taste of this salad gives the feeling that spring has come.

Warm Chinese salad

The Chinese, as always, are on top. The products included in the dish are in perfect harmony with each other and create a simply unforgettable salad: bell peppers, cucumbers, carrots, eggs - nothing more. Mushrooms are taken dried, pressed Chinese, 25 gram sachet. They need to be poured with boiling water for a quarter of an hour to "bloom". Then the water is drained (to a drop: black mushrooms are already "spitting" in the pan, they do not need to add additional liquid), and the product is quickly fried in vegetable oil... Two chicken fillets are cut into thin long pieces and also fried, separately - 5-7 minutes. Then two garlic cloves are squeezed into the meat, after a minute the carrots cut into strips are poured, after another two - strips of sweet pepper. After another minute, half-rings of onions and fried mushrooms are poured in, a couple of spoons are poured soy sauce, and after stirring, the salad is removed from the heat. When it cools down a little, a cucumber is cut into bars into it - and immediately brought to the table. In a warm state, it is delicious, however, in a cold one, it is also very good.

Baked chicken

Another very attractive salad recipe. Chicken, bell peppers, olives and eggs are dressed with mayonnaise flavored with a few drops of lemon (or lime) juice. However, to begin with (about a third of a kilogram), it is rubbed with olive oil, combined with salt and your favorite spices, and baked in the oven until soft and beautiful crust. When the chicken has cooled down, it should be cut into even cubes. A large bell pepper and two hard-boiled eggs are cut in the same way. Olives (one hundred grams) and a bunch of onions crumble into rings. The salad is poured with dressing and served on the table.

We have offered you the most varied and most tempting salads with bell peppers, with chicken - choose what you like!