Methods and terms of storage of red caviar at home. How much black caviar is stored in the refrigerator open and closed Storage conditions for salmon caviar

Red caviar is a product with a valuable composition. Protein, which is found in large quantities in caviar, is easily absorbed by the human body. According to nutritionists, only 10 g of salmon caviar in terms of the amount of nutrients is comparable to two glasses of whole cow's milk.

In the article we will tell you how to store red caviar, whether it can be frozen, which container is suitable for storing a delicacy and what the GOST says about it.

Optimal conditions and temperature for storing red caviar in factory cans

In shops and markets, red caviar is stored in factory banks. According to the established standard GOST 31794, the permissible storage temperature of the delicacy is from +2 to + 4 ° C - in this case, the shelf life of caviar is one year. In wholesale warehouses, it is also stored for no more than a year at temperatures from -6 to -4 ° C.

In a household refrigerator, the temperature ranges from +2 to + 5 ° С, in the freezer - from -18 to -24 ° C. Owners of modern refrigerators with a dedicated freshness zone are advised to store caviar in this zone, setting the desired temperature regime there.
General data on the storage condition of red caviar are given in the table.

What to store At what temperature (° С) How much to store red caviar
Sealed tin can0 … +6 up to a year
In plastic containers without air-4 … +4 no more than six months
Sterile dishes with a tightly closed lid-4 … +4 up to a month
In the freezer-24 … -14 maximum year
In an open tin can-4 … +4 no more than a day
If transferred from a tin can to a sterile container-4 …+4 about a week

Shelf life of red caviar


But if the freezing conditions are observed, the shelf life of caviar in the freezer will be about 12 months... It will not lose vitamins, taste, color and shape.

Re-freezing is categorically not recommended for red caviar, therefore, before freezing the batch, it is advised to divide it into small parts, which will be eaten immediately after defrosting. The portions are placed in containers - small jars or bags for freezing.

The best way to freeze caviar is shock freezing when the product “grasps” quickly, in 30-40 minutes.

Defrosting caviar is allowed only in the main compartment of the refrigerator... You cannot do this in the microwave, under cold water, or simply by putting it on the table at room temperature. Sudden defrosting will spoil the structure of the product and its taste.

Factory cans are usually not frozen, since in unopened packaging the delicacy is perfectly stored in the refrigerator for up to 12 months.


Leaving caviar for storage in the refrigerator, where there is no subzero temperature, is recommended follow a number of rules, in particular those prescribed on the packaging by the manufacturer.

If you put the jar in a container with ice, which is changed daily, you will be able to save appetizer in the best possible condition. And if the jar is wrapped with cling film or foil, then it will better keep the low temperature required for storage.

Important! Canned red caviar is best suited for long-term storage in a common refrigerator compartment. However, the shelf life does not always correspond to the data indicated on the container, since the safety of the product depends on the method of extraction and processing of the delicacy.

How much to store a weighed or open can of red caviar

Storing caviar in bulk or in an open can is different from storing canned food. where the manufacturer has specified a strict storage period.


Red caviar is a perishable product, therefore, purchasing it in a significant amount that will not be consumed in the near future, it is recommended to freeze it.

Freezing Algorithm:

  1. The hermetically sealed container is covered from the inside with a thin layer of vegetable oil.
  2. Caviar is placed in jars or bags (closed with a lock or a clothespin) in small portions, which are immediately eaten after defrosting.
  3. The product must fill the container evenly, without air bubbles.
  4. Jars are kept in a department that rarely opens. This is done in order not to lower the temperature there.
  5. If the product is frozen in bags, it is recommended to stack them in a row, and not one on top of the other. Then unnecessary pressure is eliminated, due to which the bags can break and the contents deform.

The allowed shelf life of the loose delicacy in the freezer is 10 months... The most suitable freezer containers are disposable plastic cups tightly covered with cling film, baby food jars and freezer bags with a zip lock or clothespin.

In the fridge

Long fresh preservation can be achieved even after opening the can or when buying caviar by weight. The product is poured over with salted boiling water and transferred to a glass container... Then the caviar is poured with a few tablespoons of olive oil and the container is tightened with cling film. After cooling it is closed with a lid.

The product is stored in the refrigerator for about six months.... If it was bought by weight and packed in plastic without air, then up to four weeks if the can with canned food was opened.

Important! You should carefully transfer the delicacy into glass containers - the eggs are easily damaged, which can lead to a decrease in the shelf life.

You can also store red caviar in a plastic jar.... To do this, wash it without chemicals, then leave it in salt water (4 tablespoons per 1 liter of boiling water) for 7 minutes. The dried container is lubricated with oil, then the product is spread into it, avoiding air bubbles. Eggs should be tightly packed - this way they are stored longer.

Choosing the right container for storing weighed delicacies

Consider which jars and boxes are suitable for long-term storage of a delicacy.

Plastic containers

You can choose plastic jars and boxes with or without a tight lid.- in this case, the container is tightened with cling film, this storage option is allowed. It is recommended to pay attention to the labeling of the packaging: some type of plastic is not suitable for heating and freezing. There is also a material that is categorically unsuitable for storing food.

When examining the appearance of the container, pay attention to the PVC icon(PVC-polyvinyl chloride) or the number 3 in the triangle at the bottom of the package - these markers indicate toxicity and unsuitable for food storage.

Food grade plastic is labeled with letters:

  • PE (PE) - polyethylene;
  • PETF (PET) or PET (PET) - polyethylene terephthalate;
  • PP (PP) - polypropylene;
  • PS (PS) - polystyrene (its code is number 6);
  • safety is confirmed by the image of the plate and fork, as well as the numbers 5 and 1.

Glass jar

The jar is closed with a plastic or screw, or a lid that is attached to the jar- it is attached to the container with metal holders and has a rubber seal for special tightness. Such covers are locked.

Glass containers are considered the most environmentally friendly and safe for storing delicacies.... Glass does not oxidize the product, does not absorb or give off odors to food.

Minus of such a container- its fragility, so you need to handle it carefully.


Red caviar is stored both in the refrigerator and in the freezer. Subject to a number of conditions, the treat will retain its properties for up to a year - this is how much canned food and frozen caviar are stored. In plastic containers without air, the product is stored for up to six months, and in an open tin can - only a day.

There are several ways to prolong the freshness of the product - the jars are covered with ice, the kernels are poured with salted boiling water and poured with olive oil. When using such life hacks, it is recommended to take into account the date of production of the delicacy - the safety of the product largely depends on this, as well as on the method of its extraction.

Red caviar appears on the table in many families for the holidays. This is due to the high cost of the product; it is also rare for many regions of the country. We love this delicacy, so the housewives are trying to prepare it for future use. In order not to spoil an expensive product, carefully study how to store red caviar at home to preserve its taste and nutritional properties.

It is recommended to store red caviar under strict temperature conditions. The best condition for storing a capricious delicacy is a temperature of 4-6 degrees. Shelf life up to a year if you purchased a hermetically sealed container that has not been opened. When the temperature rises or after opening the package, when caviar comes into contact with air, the terms are significantly reduced.

The product is not stored at room temperature; after purchase, quickly put the product in the refrigerator. Put the caviar on the table in small portions, immediately place the excess back in the cold.

Storage in a closed jar

If the product was purchased in advance and is intended for a specific occasion, in any case, do not open the container in advance. Red caviar in a closed jar can be stored for up to a year. When storing the product in sealed packaging, there are no problems, since the storage conditions and periods are indicated on the packaging. As a rule, the product is stored for no more than a year.

Open bank storage

Open red caviar is stored in the refrigerator for a short time. It can withstand a maximum of 6 hours, so it is recommended to transfer the delicacy to another container after opening the can. After opening the sealed container, consume the food in the jar within 48 hours.

If you opened the food jar, but a small amount of the product remained, then a sterile glass jar will ensure the safety. Spread a couple of thin slices of lemon on the product and drip a couple of drops of olive or vegetable oil. Store for no more than a week.

Choose a glass container. After thorough cleaning, it is recommended to sterilize the dishes and seal them tightly. If the procedure is carried out correctly, then the shelf life will slightly decrease from the factory one. When storing, leave the labels from the caviar packaging, thus you will be able to control the production and shelf life.

Transfer the delicacy from an open can to a plastic container, fill it with vegetable oil on top. For this procedure, choose a container made of dense plastic, hold it under steam from water and salt and lubricate the sides and bottom with oil. Avoid getting air into the container. Always close the lid tightly and do not open it unnecessarily. With the minimum stay at room temperature, correct and quick packaging, the shelf life is extended up to 6 months.

Storage of loose caviar

Caviar bought by weight is required to be consumed or to take urgent measures to prolong storage. Pick up a solid glass jar, sterilize, lay the delicacy tightly inside. Place a piece of paper well soaked in vegetable oil on top.

Place the container in the refrigerator, choose the coldest place in the chamber. More often this is the back wall. In this form, caviar should be consumed within a week. Glass containers differ from plastic ones in greater tightness and exclusion of foreign odors.


If it is supposed to be stored for too long, it is recommended to freeze the product. Place the caviar in the freezer of a regular refrigerator with a temperature of -18 degrees to -20. Gourmets believe that after defrosting the delicacy will lose its original taste and aroma. Despite a slight loss of quality, only freezing can extend the shelf life of red caviar up to 1 year.

Divide the product into small plastic containers, choose the volume for one use. Re-freezing is strictly prohibited. Before sending the container to the freezer, close it tightly with a lid, if not, wrap the surface with cling film.

Proper defrosting will keep the caviar in near-perfect condition. Do not put the container with the product directly into a room with room temperature, place it initially in the refrigerator closer to the back wall. It is better to defrost completely in the refrigerator. The process will take longer, however, the product will retain its beneficial properties and flavor characteristics.


The method helps to preserve the original properties and qualities of the delicacy. Caviar must be preserved in glass jars. The procedure is carried out as follows:

  1. Wash the baking soda cans, rinse thoroughly, pour over boiling water, then brush the bottom and sides with vegetable or olive oil.
  2. Pour water into a pot and toss in a piece of peeled raw potatoes.
  3. As it boils, salt the water well, as soon as the potatoes rise - the brine is ready. It needs to be cooled.
  4. Sprinkle the caviar on a gauze cloth, roll it into a bag and dip it in the brine for a few minutes.
  5. Remove the pouch and fold on a fine sieve to drain the liquid.
  6. Spread the caviar in jars, tightly, but do not press on the mass.
  7. To prevent air from entering, pour oil on top under the lid itself and close tightly.

This method extends storage up to six months in the refrigerator or any other cold place.

Combined way

It happens that it is impossible to set the correct temperature in the refrigerator or freezer. If you put the container in a plate of ice and regularly add ice and pour out the water, then the product can be stored longer. At the same time, other products in the refrigerator do not suffer, and the product can be consumed almost immediately, defrosting will not take much time.

When choosing this method, remember that you need a lot of ice, so make sure you have enough ice before purchasing a delicacy.

Inspect the ice plate once or twice a day, depending on the temperature set in the refrigerator compartment. Thus, without violating the technology, you can keep the caviar in the refrigerator for a couple of months. Many people prefer to eat slightly frozen caviar, it is believed that in this form it tastes better.

Caviar storage tank

In different containers, the product will be stored in different ways. The best option is considered to be a glass jar, into which it is imperative to transfer caviar from a metal jar immediately after opening it. The metal container contributes to the impregnation of caviar with a specific smell, oxidation and a decrease in shelf life. Glass does not allow foreign odors to pass through, and does not itself emit any aromas and substances. The plastic container with a tight-fitting lid is suitable for long-term storage.

Banks that sell baby food are great in volume, wash and sterilize them before storing.

Red caviar should be stored in the refrigerator, adhering to the rules. The manufacturer always indicates the norms and terms of storage, as well as the optimal temperature. It is better to store caviar not in the refrigerator door, but to put it on the shelf that is closest to the freezer, or to keep it near the back wall, where the temperature is usually 1-2 degrees lower. For long-term storage in the refrigerator, not loose caviar is more suitable, but a delicacy in a jar.

How long can you store bulk caviar?

Bulk caviar, which is usually packed in a plastic container, is best purchased for consumption in the next day, since it is not known exactly when it was produced. Caviar should be tasted before purchase to ensure the freshness of the product. It is recommended to store the loose delicacy in the refrigerator for a maximum of 2-3 days, provided that all norms were observed during the production, transportation and storage of caviar.

How long can you store red caviar in a tin can?

The shelf life of an open can of caviar in the refrigerator is only one week, experts at Roskachestvo say. Experts recommend that after opening the jar, transfer the caviar to another dish. It is not recommended to store it in its original packaging due to metal oxidation. An unopened jar of caviar can be stored strictly until the specified date. The temperature should be between +2 and +4 degrees.

How long can you store red caviar in a glass jar?

Caviar in a glass jar should also be stored with a tight-fitting lid, maintaining a temperature range of +2 to +4 degrees. To ensure the maximum shelf life for food, it is advisable to place a jar of caviar in the coldest zone of the refrigerator. The shelf life of an open can is also no more than one week, unopened - for the entire shelf life printed on the package.

Can caviar be kept in the freezer?

Caviar should be frozen only as a last resort, since during the freezing process it loses many useful properties. For freezing, it is best to use a vacuum food bag. You can store caviar in the freezer for no more than a year. You cannot re-freeze it, so you must first divide it into portions and freeze it, ideally using the shock freeze function. To do this, the caviar is kept for 30-40 minutes at the lowest possible temperature, and then transferred to a regular compartment of the freezer.

Now black caviar is classified as a gourmet product. This is due to the fact that it can only be obtained from sturgeon fish, which are considered an endangered species. Fishing for them is currently prohibited, but poachers do not give up their trades. The product is expensive, because the question of how to store caviar in the refrigerator is of concern to people only during the holidays. The basic rules for storing such a product - you need to know. So you can protect it from damage, and yourself from food poisoning. The basic rules for choosing and storing in the refrigerator are further in the article.

The high cost of the gourmet product pushes manufacturers to commit crimes. Unscrupulous suppliers counterfeit caviar for profit. Pay attention to the fact that there are now enough sturgeon farms. There the fish is grown in atypical habitat conditions, therefore it is considered less valuable. Unscrupulous breeders save on fish nutrition, which leads to a decrease in the quality of meat and caviar. Nevertheless, buying industrial black caviar is not the worst option, it costs less and is completely natural.

Remember! Illegal production of black caviar is widespread. Thus, according to statistics from Russian law enforcement agencies, the Russian black caviar market is 90% poaching.

To buy a quality product, you need to know the basic selection rules, which we will now familiarize ourselves with:

  1. When buying caviar by weight, ask the seller to give it a try. When tasting, pay attention to the aftertaste, it should be fishy, ​​without extraneous impurities. The presence of acid or bitterness in the taste is unacceptable. A rancid taste indicates that caviar has not been properly stored or processed properly.
  2. The product should be grainy (crumbly), have a glossy surface without any plaque.
  3. The quality of the product and its benefits can be compromised by the use of a variety of preservatives. Carefully study the composition, there should only be caviar, salt; in some preservation options, the use of vegetable oils is permissible.
  4. Sturgeon caviar can be obtained from fish in natural conditions only at the end of August, it is at this time that spawning occurs. Immediately after receipt, the product is processed, canned and packaged in cans, therefore if the packaging date on the label does not correspond to the season, most likely the product was repackaged. Its taste and health benefits will be lost.
  5. Caviar in a jar should be laid with linen. If the jar is shaken, the product inside it should not wobble from side to side. If you hear a gurgling sound. There is air inside the package. Keep in mind that caviar undergoes oxidation upon contact with it.
  6. A quality delicacy with a fresh fish scent. If the aroma emanating from the mass after opening the jar seems unpleasant and harsh to you, you should not use such caviar.
  7. The quality of the container. The jar containing the caviar must be intact. Any damage, dents are unacceptable. Also, there should be no traces of machine oil on the packaging, their appearance indicates that the product was not transported correctly to the place of sale.

Attention! In some cases, the consumer has doubts about the naturalness of the product. It is very easy to check this. Take the egg carefully with two fingers and try to see it in the light. If there is a dark spot inside the egg, it is real.

Fake caviar is a mixture of gelatin with a flavor enhancer. Such a product will quickly dissolve in warm water and has nothing to do with natural. You should refuse to use it, because it will not benefit the body. The only similarity is external.

How long can black caviar be stored in accordance with GOST

GOST is a regulatory document predetermining the terms and rules for storing various products, but manufacturers often neglect the rules described in such instructions. Please note that a standard called GOST works if the caviar has been processed and preserved according to established methods. Any deviation from them increases or decreases the shelf life of the product, but the manufacturer must indicate on the packaging that the product is prepared according to TU (technical conditions). Caviar, canned in accordance with GOST, is more appreciated.

Please note that the product can be:

  • pasteurized;
  • unpasteurized.

This information can be found on the packaging. Storage periods differ depending on the processing carried out:

  • without preservatives - up to 3 months;
  • with LIV-1 preservative - about 9 months.

It is worth opening the package before direct use, because the aseptic package protects the caviar better.

On the territory of the former CIS countries (Russia, Belarus, Ukraine), there is a regulatory document (GOST) 7442-2002. The rules described in it govern the storage and sale of the product. Raw caviar (grain) is treated with table salt or a mixture of table salt with a preservative. By quality, granular caviar is subdivided into grades: superior, first and second. In terms of organoleptic and chemical characteristics, granular caviar must meet the requirements. (GOST) 7442-2002 ...

Remember: the terms and norms of storage of red and black caviar are different.

Rules for storing caviar in a bank

After opening the tin packaging, transfer the caviar to a glass container, so you can prevent the onset of oxidative processes. Place the caviar on the coldest shelf of the refrigeration unit, where the temperature is around + 1-2 degrees. In older refrigeration units where the freezer is located as the top compartment, place the jar on the topmost shelf. In new chambers - on the bottom, where the user manual recommends storing all perishable food.

You can find out the shelf life of hermetically packed caviar on the label. There, the manufacturer indicates the end date of consumption and indicates the recommended storage rates. If the jar is closed, it is permissible to keep it at room temperature. After opening the package, caviar can stand on the table for no more than 5 hours. Then oxidative processes begin.

Attention! After opening the can, the caviar must be used within 3 days. To preserve the unique taste of the product, transfer it to a glass jar. It should match the volume of the content. Remember, the presence of air can cause spoilage. It is important that the container is tightly closed with a rubberized lid.

If caviar is purchased by weight, it is considered less safe. This product has already been in contact with air, therefore oxidative processes can proceed rapidly. The shelf life of such a product in a store is about 3 months. When buying, pay attention to the sticker on the container. The longer the product is stored, the less pronounced its taste characteristics will be. Remember the main thing, if the product, regardless of the storage conditions created, has acquired a pungent and unpleasant odor, it is prohibited to eat it. Poisoning with a delicacy is extremely dangerous.

Storage of loose caviar at home

When buying bulk black caviar, one cannot be completely sure of its quality and compliance with storage conditions during transportation and sale. Never buy a product stored in an open container, it is irrevocably damaged.

If you are lucky enough to buy a good product, but you do not plan to use it right away, but want to save it for some time, follow these rules:

  1. I recommend making a saline solution. Dissolve 1 tablespoon of salt in water with a temperature of 95 degrees (almost boiling water). Put the caviar in a colander and rinse it with the resulting solution, let the liquid drain completely.
  2. After that, pack the product into glass jars, sterilize the lids. Try to lay as tightly as possible without tamping. There should be no voids inside the container.
  3. Fill the contents of the jar with odorless vegetable oil. I recommend using olive, it will not change the taste of caviar.

Place the lid on the jar or cover it with oiled paper. If the caviar on the surface dries up, add a little more oil and gently stir the contents of the container.

Attention! Using this method allows you to preserve caviar for up to 4 months, but remember that before each use you need to carefully examine the product and evaluate its smell.

Is it possible to freeze caviar

It is possible to freeze caviar, but it is not recommended to do this. It can be stored in the freezer for a long time, but it will irrevocably change the taste and consistency not for the better. After freezing, the eggs will stick to each other, begin to burst, and form a single monolithic black mass.

It is also worth mentioning that freezing leads to a partial loss of beneficial qualities. If there is a lot of black caviar and it is impossible to use it in a short period of time, storage in the freezer becomes the only way out. In this case, follow these rules:

  1. Divide the caviar into small plastic food containers.
  2. Fill the delicacy with vegetable oil to the top and cover with a tight lid.
  3. Use the shock freeze function.

Defrost caviar in the refrigerator. A day before use, move the container to the compartment, this is the only way to keep the structure and taste to the maximum. You can store the product frozen for no more than 2 years.


Sturgeon fish are now grown industrially in order to obtain valuable meat and caviar. Only poaching is prohibited, therefore, when buying caviar, ask the seller for a certificate, if it is not there, most likely the product is contraband and is not worth buying. He might not have passed the required safety studies.

Red caviar is not just a delicacy. This is a very useful product that supplies the body with the components necessary for the normal formation of muscle tissue, for the strength of nails and hair, for general health and good immunity.

If stored incorrectly, the useful properties of the product are lost first of all, and later this affects the taste.

In addition to storage, the quality of red caviar is affected by:

  • the time interval between catching fish and cutting it;
  • the conditions in which the caviar harvesting was carried out;
  • observance of the temperature regime during transportation;
  • correct storage in the store.

Store red caviar in the refrigerator at a temperature of about minus 3-5 degrees. This is the first problem. On the bottom shelf of the refrigerator, it is zero-minus one, and in the freezer - minus 8-10 degrees.

It is best to place the product on the middle shelf closer to the wall.

You can chop ice, put it in a deep bowl, and put a jar of caviar on top of it, put everything together in the refrigerator.

Methods for storing red caviar

Even the freshest caviar can be spoiled if stored incorrectly. Today, customers are offered traditional canned caviar in cans, as well as bulk products, packaged in plastic jars. If the product is salted on its own, most often it is stored either in glass jars or simply frozen.

In a plastic jar

Have you decided to buy loose caviar? Remember, such products are not poured into bags! If the seller tries to measure your eggs in this way, immediately refuse to purchase. It is possible to lay out red caviar only in new sterile plastic containers, which, after a plumb line of the required amount, are hermetically sealed.

The responsible seller always weighs the caviar in front of the buyer.

You can buy small plastic jars and store them in the refrigerator at minus 3-5 degrees until the holiday. And you can buy a large container with caviar. The second option is, of course, more profitable. But only if the caviar is not eaten at a time, but will be taken in parts, you must first put it all in a clean, dry plate. Coat a plastic bowl with odorless vegetable oil, send the caviar back, and cover with an oiled napkin on top. Seal the top again hermetically with a lid.

In a tin can

Tin cans with caviar can be stored not only in the refrigerator. The products placed in them undergo additional processing, so they do not deteriorate as quickly as other options.

Please read the information on the package carefully before purchasing. The composition should not contain E239 preservative. It is banned, but a barn batch may appear on sale.

Closed canned food can be kept at room temperature. The main thing is that they should not be exposed to direct sunlight. But after opening, the caviar must be immediately transferred to a ceramic or glass container, after having poured boiling water over them. If this is not done, and the caviar is not used immediately, it will begin to oxidize. In this case, the product will completely deteriorate in three days, but even after 12 hours it can already be dangerous to eat it, although caviar will not taste different from normal.

In a glass jar

Glass containers are often used by residents of Sakhalin and Kamchatka for preserving their own salted red caviar. After processing, the workpiece is removed to the cellar or cool storage room. If you manage to buy a large amount of caviar, fresh or by weight, you can also take glass containers for storage.

The jars must be washed and dried well, and then smear the walls, bottom and inner surface of the lid with high-quality vegetable oil (it is desirable that it almost does not smell).

Spread the caviar so that there is no free space in the jar. Air in the can will damage the product. But it is not worth pressing the eggs either. So they will burst and lose their quality characteristics.

In the freezer

They say that you cannot freeze red caviar. This is only true if the freezer containers are large. The fact is that repeated freezing is detrimental to the eggs. They burst and turn into a completely unappetizing mass. Therefore, it is possible to freeze red caviar, but only to the extent that after defrosting it will be immediately eaten.

Red caviar can be spoiled very quickly if you do not provide it with the right storage conditions. In order for one of the main treats of the holiday to retain its taste and benefits, take note of the following recommendations:

  1. You only need to remove caviar from the jar with a clean, dry spoon.
  2. It is important that no water gets into the container with the product.
  3. When buying, you need to pay attention to the integrity of the eggs and the amount of liquid, it should be minimal. If the eggs are whole, then they were prepared immediately after the fish was caught. If spoiled, most likely they were taken to the plant for at least three to five days.
  4. Buying in cans can only be carried out with full confidence in the manufacturer and the seller.
  5. If plastic jars are used for storage, then only food and sterile ones. Otherwise, there is a risk that the product will acquire a foreign smell.