Boil liquid buckwheat porridge. How to cook buckwheat porridge in water with mushrooms

Knowing how to cook buckwheat correctly based on ordinary drinking water, the hostess will be able to quickly prepare a delicious budget breakfast or side dish. The main thing is to observe the exact proportions of cereals and liquid. And, in addition, find out how long to cook the discussed dish.

Most often, an ordinary stove and a pan with thin walls are used to cook buckwheat in water. The liquid is filtered, unboiled.

Ingredients: 1 glass of buckwheat, 2 glasses of water, rock salt to taste, a little sugar, peasant butter.

  1. First of all, the cereal is carefully sorted out from unnecessary inclusions and debris, washed. Spoiled or dark tough grains will grind your teeth unpleasantly and spoil the taste of your food.
  2. Buckwheat is poured into the selected pot, and the top is filled with water at a comfortable temperature. Other components declared in the recipes (except for oil) are immediately added.
  3. When the contents of the pan boil, the heat of the stove is brought to minimum.

The dish will cook until the liquid is completely absorbed by the cereal. The finished cereal is flavored with a portion of butter.

How long does it take to cook buckwheat?

In order not to spoil the treat, you need to know exactly how long to cook buckwheat. Otherwise, you can easily cook burnt porridge or even leave the grains undercooked.

On average, 17-20 minutes is enough to cook the discussed cereal on the stove. The correct result is a crumbly buckwheat that has completely absorbed the liquid component.

It is advisable to wrap the ready-made porridge directly in the pan with a blanket. After half an hour, the dish will evaporate well and become even more appetizing.

Proportions of water and buckwheat

Equally important are the correct proportions of dry and liquid components. To make the treat crumbly, it is necessary to use 2 parts of liquid for 1 part of buckwheat.

If the porridge is cooked for the smallest family members, then the amount of water can be safely increased by 1.5-2 times. Otherwise, it will be difficult for the baby to use crumbly buckwheat, which is dry for him.

How to cook buckwheat in a slow cooker?

Ingredients: 280 g of buckwheat, 630 ml of filtered water, 1-2 pinches of table salt, granulated sugar to taste, butter or ghee. How to cook buckwheat in a slow cooker correctly and tasty is described below.

  1. First, the cereal is thoroughly washed from debris. In the process, the water changes repeatedly. All black grains are removed. But buckwheat is not required to soak.
  2. The prepared cereal is poured into the bowl of the device and immediately added. You can also add granulated sugar to taste.
  3. Not cold water pours out from above.

For cooking buckwheat, therefore, different Smart Pot programs are suitable. For example, "Porridge", "Pilaf" or "Groats". The treat will languish under the lid for a little less than half an hour.

Cooking in the microwave

Ingredients: half a glass of buckwheat, 2 times more filtered water, table salt on the tip of a spoon, 1 tbsp. a spoonful of refined oil, a small bunch of fresh dill and parsley, fragrant herbs.

  1. The dry cereal is immediately poured into a microwave-safe bowl. This can be a regular deep glass bowl.
  2. Buckwheat is poured from above with purified water of any temperature.
  3. The ingredients are mixed, the container is covered with a lid and sent to the microwave for 5-6 minutes at maximum power.
  4. Then a little more liquid is poured into the bowl, the mass is salted, poured with oil, sprinkled with aromatic herbs and salt. The container is sent back to the oven for the same amount of time.

The ready meal is served with chopped herbs.

Buckwheat in bags - cooking secrets

Today, among buyers, cereals packaged in portioned bags are very popular. This trick helps to protect the dish from burning, and, in addition, in general, it makes it possible to simplify the process of cooking your favorite porridge.

For two packets of packaged buckwheat, 1.5 liters of filtered drinking water are taken. The liquid is simply salted to taste, brought to a boil, after which bags with cereals are dipped into it. Some housewives also immerse 1-2 bay leaves in water for a brighter porridge aroma.

The cereal is cooked in special bags for only 17-20 minutes. In this case, it is not at all necessary to cover the pan with a lid.

Next, the bag with ready-made buckwheat is simply folded back into a colander. When the liquid has drained, you can cut the packaging and put the dish on a plate. At this stage, if desired, the treat is flavored with melted butter and other mouth-watering additives. You can use crushed garlic, olive oil, chopped herbs, etc.

Steamed buckwheat in a thermos

This version of the dish is usually prepared during a therapeutic diet or for weight loss. Steamed buckwheat turns out to be especially low-calorie. In addition, it retains all the nutrients in it. You can use the finished product only during the day. Therefore, you should not use too much cereal with a margin.

Ingredients: 1 part buckwheat, 2 parts pure boiled water, table salt to taste.

  1. First of all, buckwheat is carefully sorted out and washed under running water. This will rid it of debris and dark burnt kernels that are unusable.
  2. Buckwheat is poured into a clean thermos. The declared amount of purified salted water is poured from above. The liquid is used at a slightly warm temperature.
  3. Then the container is tightly closed with a lid and left overnight in natural conditions.

According to this recipe, the dish turns out to be as healthy as possible, but slightly dry and harsh. If you want to cook a porridge that is more reminiscent in structure, then you need to steam the cereal not with warm water, but with boiling water. Further, buckwheat is also left overnight. In general, breakfast will be fully ready in 7-8 hours.

On water to make it crumbly and very tasty? This question is of particular interest to those who like to use such a lean and healthy dish, but do not know how to do it. It is worth noting that you only need half an hour of free time to prepare this lunch.

We cook on water

Required Ingredients:

  • odorless vegetable oil - 45 ml (for frying vegetables);
  • buckwheat groats - 1.5;
  • purified drinking water - 3 glasses;
  • sea ​​salt, allspice black pepper - add at personal discretion;
  • medium-sized onions - 3 pcs.;
  • dill and parsley - 1/3 bunch each (for decoration);
  • fresh butter - 45 g (to be added to the finished dish);
  • medium-sized carrots - 2 pcs.

Cereal processing

Before boiling buckwheat porridge in water, be sure to process the purchased groats. After all, such a product is not always sold in a store in a purified form. Thus, buckwheat must be sorted out, and then put in a fine sieve and thoroughly washed in hot water. In this case, it is recommended to intensively knead the cereals with your hands. So all the dirt and dust deposited on the product will be completely washed off.

Heat treatment of cereals

How much and to make it crumbly? To do this, you need to take a small saucepan, put the previously processed cereal there, and then pour it with three glasses of drinking water. If you want to get a more liquid dish, then it is better to increase the amount of liquid a little (by about 0.5-1 glass). After that, the water must be brought to a boil, add sea salt, close the lid tightly and do not open it for the next 25 minutes. It is during this time that buckwheat will absorb a sufficient amount of liquid, become soft and crumbly.

Processing vegetables

You already know how to cook buckwheat porridge in water. But what measures should be taken to make such a dish more satisfying and tasty? For this, experienced housewives recommend using sauteed vegetables, which are added to a ready-made lunch.

To prepare such a fragrant dressing, you need to peel the carrots and onions, and then grate them on a large grater and chop them with a knife, respectively. Next, the vegetables need to be placed in a saucepan, seasoned with vegetable oil and fry until golden brown. After that, the food must be seasoned with salt and pepper.

The final stage in the preparation of lunch

As you can see, the water does not include any hard-to-find and expensive ingredients. To complete the preparation of such a healthy lunch, you need to add all the browned vegetables to the boiled cereals, as well as a small piece of fresh butter. Next, all components must be mixed with a spoon and placed on portioned plates.

How to serve correctly

Buckwheat porridge with fried vegetables should be served hot for dinner. If desired, such a dish can be decorated with fresh chopped herbs. It is also recommended to add some meat product or sausage to this side dish.

Liquid buckwheat porridge is cooked exclusively in milk. Usually, unground buckwheat is used for such porridge, and for viscous (it is also quite liquid), it is better to take buckwheat. Such porridge is one of the first to be introduced into the diet of a baby-infant, but even as adults, we do not give up this healthy, nutritious and very tasty porridge. It should be noted that milk in combination with buckwheat enhances the beneficial properties of buckwheat, since milk protein improves the quality of cereals. No wonder, probably, the famous physiologist I.P. Pavlov believed that buckwheat milk porridge contains all the necessary substances for the human body.

Ingredient List

  • buckwheat unground- 1/2 cup
  • water - 1 glass
  • milk - 1 glass
  • butter - to taste
  • sugar - to taste
  • salt to taste

Cooking method

Heat the water to a boil, and rinse the buckwheat thoroughly. Put the buckwheat in boiling water and heat to a boil. Reduce heat to very low and simmer, covered, until water evaporates. Reduce the heat and pour in the milk heated separately.

Add sugar, salt and butter to the porridge. Let the porridge boil, remove it from the stove and let it brew under the lid. Arrange the prepared porridge in plates and put a piece of butter in each serving.

Bon Appetit!

Buckwheat porridge, according to William Pokhlebkin, was almost the most popular dish in Russia, second only to cabbage soup. Love for buckwheat is explained not only by its unique organoleptic qualities, but also by its beneficial properties. Porridge made from this cereal is useful at any age, it can be used for feeding small children, included in the diet of the elderly. It is eaten with pleasure by pregnant women and lactating mothers, athletes, as well as those who seek to lose weight without harming their body. Exactly the same buckwheat porridge that our ancestors loved to eat can hardly be cooked under modern conditions, because they simmered it in a Russian oven, that is, at a temperature of about 90 degrees, for two hours. But if you know how to cook buckwheat porridge correctly, you will still be able to feed your loved ones with a truly delicious dish. Buckwheat porridge can be made sweet and savory, used as a side dish, or served as a main course. It is made with water and milk, with the addition of mushrooms, vegetables, meat. The inclusion of buckwheat porridge in the family's diet will make the menu varied and help improve the health of the household.

Cooking features

Cooking buckwheat porridge is not a difficult process, but if you do not know the peculiarities of the technology, the result may not be exactly what the cook is counting on.

  • Before cooking porridge, buckwheat must be carefully sorted out. Often there are blackened grains or even pebbles in it, not to mention plant litter.
  • After going through, buckwheat must be washed. To do this, it is placed in a bowl, poured with cool water, grains are rubbed against each other. Then the water is drained. The manipulation is repeated until the water drained from the cereal remains clear.
  • Most cooks believe that sorted and washed buckwheat should be fried in a pan for 3-4 minutes. Then the porridge will come out of it more fragrant and crumbly. This is true. However, housewives who strive to cook not only tasty, but also healthy meals, often refuse to roast buckwheat so that it does not lose some of its useful properties.
  • If you follow the classic technology of cooking buckwheat porridge, pour the cereal with cold water, heat over medium heat, remove the foam, reduce heat and cook for 15–20 minutes until tender. The technologies for preparing buckwheat porridge using modern technology and other devices may vary. Otherwise, sometimes buckwheat milk porridge is also boiled.
  • Stirring buckwheat porridge during cooking is not recommended, so as not to violate the temperature regime. But it makes sense to adhere to this recommendation only when you cook porridge in the right dish. A pot, a thick-walled saucepan, a cauldron will do. A similar effect can be achieved by preparing food in a multicooker.
  • You need to salt buckwheat at the first stage of cooking, when pouring it with water.
  • Buckwheat porridge cooking time depends on its method and the chosen recipe. Ordinary porridge in water in a saucepan is cooked for 15–20 minutes, in a multicooker - 30 minutes, if the manufacturer of the device has not set other settings. Porridge in milk is boiled for 35 minutes in a saucepan and 40–45 minutes in a slow cooker. Sometimes buckwheat is first boiled in water until half cooked, then poured with milk and boiled, then the total cooking time will be 25-30 minutes.
  • After removing the pan with buckwheat porridge from the stove, they do not rush to lay out the food on plates and serve it to the table. Add butter or vegetable oil to it, mix. Then wrap the pan and leave the porridge to simmer in it for another 20-30 minutes.

If you cook buckwheat porridge without violating the technology and recipe, the taste of the finished dish will definitely not disappoint you.

Grain and liquid proportions

To obtain the expected result, it is important to maintain the correct proportions of cereal and liquid.

  • Most often, buckwheat is boiled in water. Then take 2 glasses of water for a glass of cereal.
  • Milk porridge is also most often prepared not with milk alone, but with the addition of water. First, buckwheat is boiled in water, taking 1.5 cups of water to a glass of cereal, then 1.5–2 cups of milk are added and the porridge is continued to cook until there is almost no milk left in the pan. The ratio of cereal and liquid in this case will be 1: 3 or 1: 3.5.
  • When cooking buckwheat milk porridge on one milk, a ratio of 1: 4 is observed.
  • When cooking buckwheat porridge in a slow cooker, the same ratio of cereal and liquid is used as when cooking this dish in a saucepan.
  • If a double boiler is used, liquids are taken 20–25% less than is required when cooking porridge in a saucepan.

To correctly determine the required amount of liquid, it is useful to know that a 200-milliliter glass contains about 170 g of buckwheat, 200 g of cereal is included in a glass with a capacity of 0.25 liters.

Important! Buckwheat porridge improves digestion, helps cleanse the body, strengthens capillaries.

Buckwheat contains a significant amount of phosphorus, calcium, iodine, vitamins of group B. At the same time, it does not contain substances that impede the absorption of micro- and macroelements, as in some other cereals.

A 100-gram portion of porridge cooked from buckwheat in water without added sugar contains only 90 kcal... However, it is based on complex carbohydrates, due to which even a few spoons of buckwheat porridge energize for a long time.

If you add butter or sugar to buckwheat porridge, boil it in milk, the energy value of the dish can increase by 1.5–2 times.

Buckwheat porridge on water in a saucepan

  • buckwheat - 0.2 kg;
  • water - 0.5 l;
  • salt to taste;
  • refined vegetable oil - 20 ml.

Cooking method:

  • Pour the cereals on the table, sort them out, removing debris and spoiled grains.
  • Rinse with clean water.
  • Place the cereals in a preheated skillet. Fry it until the characteristic aroma appears. This will take 3-4 minutes.
  • Pour buckwheat into a saucepan, fill with water. Add salt.
  • Place the saucepan on the stove and bring to a boil over medium heat. Remove foam from the surface of the water, reduce the intensity of the flame.
  • Cover the pot with a lid and simmer the porridge for 15–20 minutes over low heat. Check the readiness of the porridge with a spoon by sliding it over the bottom. If you can see that the grains are already beginning to stick to the bottom, it is time to remove the pot of porridge from the heat.
  • Pour oil over the porridge, stir. Wrap a blanket over the pot and simmer the porridge for another 20 minutes.

Porridge according to this recipe will turn out crumbly and fragrant. The grains will be soft but retain their shape.


  • buckwheat - 0.2 kg;
  • water - 0.5 l;
  • salt - 2-3 g;
  • sugar (optional) - 5-10 g;
  • butter - 20 g.

Cooking method:

  • Go through, rinse the buckwheat, pour into the multicooker bowl. Sprinkle it with sugar and salt. It is not necessary to add sugar, it is only needed for making sweet porridge, but buckwheat must be salted in any case.
  • Pour water into the multicooker bowl. Switch on the unit by selecting a program designed for cooking cereals. It can be called "Krupa", "Buckwheat", "Rice" or something else. Set the timer to 30 minutes.
  • Wait until the main program finishes, add oil to the porridge, stir it.
  • Leave the porridge to simmer for 20 minutes in the heating mode.

Porridge prepared according to this recipe will be an excellent breakfast option that will appeal to both children and adults.

Milk buckwheat porridge in a saucepan


  • buckwheat - 170 g;
  • water - 0.3 l;
  • milk - 0.4 l;
  • salt - a pinch;
  • sugar - 10–20 g;
  • butter to taste.

Cooking method:

  • Put the prepared cereal in a saucepan, fill it with water.
  • Place on the stove and simmer until there is almost no water left in the pot.
  • Heat milk, dissolve salt and sugar in it. Pour it over the buckwheat. Stir gently. Continue simmering the porridge over low heat. When there is very little milk left in the pan, add butter to the porridge, stir. Remove the pan from heat, wrap up. Leave it as it is for 20-30 minutes.

According to this recipe, buckwheat porridge turns out to be very tasty, but quite high in calories. For children, this dish is prepared more often than for adults. Porridge cooked in milk with added sugar is not suitable for dietary nutrition.


  • buckwheat - 0.2 kg;
  • milk - 1 l;
  • salt - a pinch;
  • sugar - 10-20 g;
  • butter - 30 g.

Cooking method:

  • Put the prepared buckwheat in a multicooker container.
  • Add sugar and salt.
  • Draw a line with a piece of oil on the sides of the multicooker bowl, placing it just above half the height of the container. This will be the border that milk cannot overcome when boiling.
  • Put the remaining oil on the cereal.
  • Pour in milk.
  • Start the unit by setting the "Milk porridge" mode, and in its absence - any other mode, intended for cooking cereals. If you want to set a cooking time, set the timer to 40 minutes.
  • After the end of the main program, let the porridge sweat for another half hour in the heating mode.

If you want to cook milk porridge faster, you can pre-soak the cereals in water for 30–40 minutes. But you still won't be able to save a lot of time: you will win only 5-10 minutes.

A quick way to cook buckwheat porridge in the microwave


  • buckwheat - 0.2 kg;
  • water - 0.5 l;
  • salt to taste.

Cooking method:

  • After going through and rinsing the buckwheat, place it in a dish suitable for use in a microwave oven. The capacity of the dishes must be at least 1.5 liters. If you do not have one, reduce the amount of ingredients while maintaining the proportions.
  • Add salt, stir.
  • Place the container in the microwave. Turn the oven on at maximum power for 5 minutes. If you have taken 2 times less food, you can set a shorter time (3-4 minutes).
  • Stir the buckwheat and turn on the microwave again for the same time.
  • Remove the container with porridge from the microwave, wrap it up and leave for 10-15 minutes.

By resorting to the help of a microwave, you will reduce the cooking time of buckwheat porridge by 2 times, but still gourmets claim that, made using traditional technology, it turns out to be more tender and tasty.

Buckwheat porridge in a double boiler

  • buckwheat - 0.2 kg;
  • water - 0.4 l;
  • salt to taste.

Cooking method:

  • Place the supplied rice container in the steamer. Pour the prepared buckwheat into it. Add salt to it.
  • Pour in water.
  • Start the device. Set the timer for 40–45 minutes.

After the appliance has finished working, wait a little while the steam has gone down, after which you can put the porridge on the plates and call the household to the table.

Buckwheat porridge in a thermos

  • buckwheat - 100 g;
  • water - 0.25 l;
  • salt - a pinch.

Cooking method:

  • Rinse the buckwheat, heat it in a pan, pour it into a thermos.
  • Boil water, add salt, stir.
  • Pour boiling water over the cereal.
  • Close the thermos tightly, leave overnight. The porridge will be ready by morning.

You can infuse porridge not all night, but only 3-4 hours. If you put food in a thermos in the morning, then buckwheat porridge can be dined at work, it is convenient.

Buckwheat porridge with meat in pots

  • buckwheat - 0.2 kg;
  • meat - 0.2-0.3 kg;
  • onions - 100 g;
  • carrots - 100 g;
  • salt, spices - to taste;
  • water - 0.5 l.

Cooking method:

  • Wash the meat, pat dry with a towel. Cut into small pieces, as for beef stroganoff.
  • Peel the onion, cut into small cubes.
  • Scrape the carrots, wash, chop on a grater.
  • Heat oil in a frying pan, put vegetables in it. Fry them until golden brown.
  • Add meat, fry it until tender.
  • Divide the meat and vegetables into the pots.
  • Spread the prepared cereals over them. Add salt and spices.
  • Fill the food with water.
  • Place the pots in the oven. Cover them with lids, leaving slots for steam to escape.
  • Turn on the oven. Cook the porridge for 40 minutes after the temperature in the oven reaches 180 degrees.

After turning off the oven, it will not hurt to leave the pots of porridge in it for another 10–20 minutes. The food made according to this recipe turns out to be hearty and tasty, it is not a shame even to offer it to guests.

Buckwheat with mushrooms and onions

  • buckwheat - 0.2 kg;
  • water - 0.5 l;
  • onions - 150 g;
  • fresh mushrooms (champignons or porcini) - 0.3 kg;
  • salt, spices - to taste;
  • fresh herbs to taste;
  • refined vegetable oil - 40 ml.

Cooking method:

  • Cut the onion into small pieces.
  • Wash the mushrooms, blot with a napkin, cut into plates or strips.
  • Heat oil in a frying pan, fry the onion in it until golden brown.
  • Add mushrooms to the onion, fry them until excess liquid evaporates from the pan.
  • Prepare buckwheat by sorting through it and rinsing it.
  • Place the buckwheat in a cauldron or in a thick-walled saucepan with a high-quality non-stick coating.
  • Salt the cereals, cover with water.
  • Bring to a boil over low heat, cook for 15 minutes.
  • Put the onion with mushrooms on the buckwheat, continue to cook it for another 5 minutes.
  • Stir buckwheat with mushrooms. Wrap the pan, wait 15–20 minutes.

After the specified time, buckwheat can be laid out on plates and eaten. It does not hurt to sprinkle the dish with finely chopped herbs. This hearty meal can be consumed during fasting. Vegetarians will also like it.

Buckwheat porridge with salmon

  • buckwheat - 0.2 kg;
  • salmon fillet - 0.3 kg;
  • onions - 100 g;
  • refined vegetable oil - 40 ml;
  • salt, seasonings - to taste;
  • water - 0.5 l.

Cooking method:

  • Peel the onion, cut into thin half rings.
  • Cut the salmon into small pieces.
  • Pour the prepared buckwheat with water, salt, bring to a boil and cook for 15 minutes.
  • While the porridge is boiling, fry the onion until golden brown, add the salmon to it and fry it, stirring occasionally, for 10 minutes.
  • Transfer the porridge to a bowl with salmon, season, stir. Continue cooking for another 5 minutes.

Having tried this dish, you will see that buckwheat goes with fish as well as with mushrooms, vegetables and meat.

Buckwheat porridge is one of the most traditional dishes of Russian cuisine. Usually it is boiled in water, often with the addition of vegetables, mushrooms, and meat. But no less tasty is sweet buckwheat porridge cooked with milk.

Porridge is eaten with pleasure even by those who follow the figure. Porridge for breakfast is one of the nutritional rules for athletes who maintain a balance of complex carbohydrates in the diet. And, as a rule, preference is given to buckwheat porridge: extremely rich in protein, vitamins and valuable iron.

And there is no better way to make buckwheat even healthier and more nutritious than to cook milk buckwheat porridge. Milk makes porridge more caloric and supplements protein with amino acids. But this is not the main thing either. Much more important is the taste of buckwheat porridge with milk: soft, sweetish, like from childhood. It is no coincidence that this dish is considered a classic breakfast before kindergarten or school. We invite you to remember your childhood or prepare milk buckwheat porridge for your little ones. And make it no worse than your grandmother or mother once cooked. How to cook buckwheat porridge: in milk or in water?
Milk porridge, buckwheat and any other is a source of energy, minerals and vitamins, and, of course, gastronomic pleasure. It would seem that the dish is completely uncomplicated. But its popularity has remained unchanged for many hundreds of years. What is good about milk buckwheat porridge?
  • Buckwheat porridge with milk is never crumbly, it is always liquid or viscous porridge. By changing the amount of liquid, you can adjust the consistency of milk buckwheat porridge, and make it a dish for both breakfast and lunch.
  • For the preparation of milk buckwheat porridge, you can use different types of buckwheat groats: not only a kernel, but also made. Buckwheat milk porridge turns out to be more tender, suitable for feeding children and the elderly, as well as everyone who loves more homogeneous cereals.
  • Milk buckwheat porridge for baby food can easily be supplemented with sugar, jam, honey, fruit and / or fruit puree - and this will not spoil its taste, as it would with crumbly buckwheat boiled in water.
  • You can cook milk buckwheat porridge for a child even in breast milk or with its addition.
  • To reduce the calorie content of buckwheat milk porridge, choose skim milk or simply mix milk and water in any desired proportion. This will preserve both the taste of the porridge and your figure.
In general, buckwheat milk porridge allows you to get almost incompatible food pleasures. On the one hand, lovers of the taste of buckwheat can enjoy sweet and liquid porridge. On the other hand, the range of viscous cereals is expanding due to buckwheat groats. Lactose intolerance can be the only obstacle. But in this case, you can cook buckwheat porridge in soy milk, getting all the benefits of this nutritious dish. Milk buckwheat porridge recipes
If you love and know how to cook ordinary buckwheat in water, then it will not be difficult for you to cook milk buckwheat porridge. Choose the type of cereal and the fat content of the milk to your taste. But do not rush to cook buckwheat in "pure" milk, otherwise it can easily burn to the pan. Use this method of preparing milk buckwheat porridge:
  1. Prepare milk, buckwheat and drinking water in a 1: 1: 1 ratio, that is, for a glass of buckwheat you will need a glass of milk and water. Salt and sugar are optional, but you can use them as desired, adjusting more or less to your liking.
  2. Sort out buckwheat, carefully selecting and removing not only specks and impurities, but also darkened kernels.
  3. Pour water into a small, unenamelled saucepan or heavy-bottomed saucepan and bring to a boil.
  4. When the water boils, pour the cereal into it and reduce the heat to low. Cover loosely and let the liquid evaporate completely.
  5. Now pour a glass of room temperature milk into a saucepan. To make the porridge sweet, add sugar along with milk.
  6. Boil buckwheat in milk, stirring occasionally, for 10 minutes. Then remove from heat, close tightly and leave for another 10-15 minutes to infuse porridge.
Add butter, honey or jam to the porridge just before serving. Use a deep bowl, such as a muesli bowl or small bowl. Milk buckwheat porridge can be warm up, but it is better to cook it in the amount that will be eaten at one time - it tastes better. How to cook milk buckwheat porridge for a child
Children three years old and older, who hold a spoon on their own, happily eat sweetened milk buckwheat porridge, cooked according to the recipe described above. But for younger kids, it is better to cook buckwheat separately, according to a special recipe. Moreover, such milk buckwheat porridge is suitable even for babies from about six months:
  1. One serving of baby porridge is made from 1 full tablespoon of buckwheat and 0.5 cup of milk diluted with water. As mentioned above, milk can be breastfed.
  2. Sort the buckwheat with special care, rinse and dry slightly. Grind buckwheat grains into flour using a coffee grinder or food processor.
  3. Pour milk or milk with water into a ladle, heat up and add buckwheat flour.
  4. Reduce heat to low level and stir the porridge continuously throughout the cooking time, about 10 minutes.
  5. If the porridge is thick, dilute it with milk. The older the child is, the thicker the milk porridge can be. After 8 months of age, cook not 1, but 2 tablespoons of buckwheat in 0.5 cups of milk.
Babies are happy to eat liquid milk buckwheat porridge from a bottle. Older kids can add fruit puree, a little sugar or boiled pumpkin pulp to the porridge. How to cook milk buckwheat porridge in a slow cooker
The multicooker greatly simplifies the task of boiling milk buckwheat porridge. Most models provide a special mode, which is called "porridge", "buckwheat", and sometimes even "milk porridge". You just have to prepare the ingredients in the right amount and follow the instructions:
  1. For 1 glass of sorted buckwheat, 3 glasses of milk are enough, but you can use 4 glasses if you want to get a thinner porridge.
  2. To prepare milk buckwheat porridge in a multicooker, milk can be left alone with water. Sugar and butter are also optional.
  3. Pour the cereal into the multicooker bowl. If you are using butter and / or sugar, add them at once. Pour in milk and stir.
  4. Close the device and turn it on in the "milk porridge" or simply "porridge" mode. This usually means boiling for 40-45 minutes.
  5. At the end of cooking, leave the porridge for a while under the lid to infuse.
Cooking buckwheat milk porridge in a multicooker is very convenient. Moreover, it is not necessary to eat it right away - cold buckwheat in milk also tastes great, especially in combination with berry jam and / or compote. How to cook milk buckwheat porridge deliciously
The older the child becomes, the more whims and requirements for food he makes. And adults often do not mind diversifying the daily menu. Here are some ways to make buckwheat milk porridge even tastier:
  1. Use condensed milk instead of sugar.
  2. In the absence of whole milk, take milk powder and reconstitute it according to the instructions.
  3. Sweet buckwheat porridge is perfectly complemented by raisins, dried apricots and / or other dried fruits, which should be placed in a saucepan about 10 minutes before the porridge is ready.
  4. Try boiling spicy milk buckwheat. To do this, put a cinnamon stick, some cardamom and / or nutmeg in milk (or milk diluted with water). When the milk boils, remove the cinnamon and only then add the buckwheat.
  5. A more versatile option is to replace sugar with vanilla sugar, or simply add vanilla extract while cooking milk porridge.
After you learn how to cook milk buckwheat porridge, experiment with these subtleties and look for your own original supplements. With or without them, buckwheat is very useful for the human body, it cleanses it and activates metabolic processes. Milk, in turn, makes porridge even healthier due to additional protein with a rich amino acid composition. And when you feed your child with milk buckwheat porridge, tell him about the heroes and mythical characters who possessed strength and dexterity thanks to milk and cereals. Epic heroes, Romulus and Remus, Olympic and Slavic gods - perhaps they became great precisely because their mothers and nannies knew how to cook milk buckwheat porridge.