Kurnik dough is a royal dish of Russian cuisine. Homemade dough for kurnik Step-by-step recipes for kurnik with potatoes in mayonnaise

Homemade dough not every hostess can cook for a chicken house the first time, therefore many cooks prefer to buy this product in the store. But personally, I always try to use dough for cooking homemade, including for baking kurnik.

Today I bring to the attention of the readers a rather sensible, in my opinion, selection of options for cooking dough for a chicken, which includes those recipes that are most popular among experienced chefs... The following list is presented as simple and quick options cooking dough, and those that require a little more effort and time from you. As always, yeast dough needs time to grow, but yeast-free dough on kefir, milk or sour cream, it will be ready in 15-20 minutes.

Depending on the recipe, for cooking chicken dough, we need such affordable and cheap products as: flour, sugar, salt, eggs, butter, yeast, milk, sour cream, kefir and mayonnaise. Most of these ingredients are always available from hostesses, which allows you to cook chicken at home spontaneously and without prior planning.

After delicious dough for the chicken will be kneaded, before using it, he needs to be given half an hour of time for it to lie in the refrigerator. This time is quite enough for you to be able to prepare your favorite filling for the chicken coaster, thereby not losing a single extra minute while standing in the kitchen.

Shortcrust pastry for kurnik in a food processor

The first version of chicken dough is prepared using a food processor. Of course, if you do not have such an assistant in the household, then you can knead the dough with your hands, but I recommend entrusting this part of cooking to a man.


  • 500 g flour
  • 250 g butter
  • 2 pinches of salt
  • 2 eggs
  • 2 tsp water

Cooking method:

  1. Pour the pre-sifted flour into the bowl of a food processor.
  2. We take the butter out of the freezer / refrigerator, cut it into cubes and let it defrost slightly.
  3. After that, add salt and melted butter to the flour. We grind all the ingredients together to a crumb state.
  4. Then add eggs to the flour mixture and pour in water. Mix all the ingredients with a food processor until smooth.
  5. We form the resulting dough into a cake and wrap it in cling film.
  6. We put the dough in the refrigerator for 30 minutes, and after this time we use it to cook the chicken.

Elastic chicken dough with sour cream

The second most popular option for making chicken dough involves cooking it on such dairy product like sour cream. I cannot objectively tell you whether it is better or worse than the others, but from time to time I use this particular recipe.


  • 1 egg
  • 4 tablespoons sour cream
  • 50 ml milk
  • 100 g butter
  • 2 pinches of salt
  • 2 pinches of baking soda
  • 500 g flour

Cooking method:

  1. Drive an egg into a deep container and beat it with a fork or whisk until homogeneous mass.
  2. Pour sour cream into the egg mass and mix.
  3. Then add milk and melted butter to the main ingredients.
  4. We also add salt and soda, after which we mix everything well.
  5. After that, it's time to add sifted flour in small portions and knead the tough dough on the chicken.
  6. Ready dough wrap in plastic wrap and put in the refrigerator for half an hour. From this, the dough will turn out to be more plastic and it will be easier to work with it.
  7. After thirty minutes, remove the dough from the refrigerator, divide it into two equal parts and roll it out in a layer.
  8. We spread our favorite filling between the layers of dough and bake the chicken in the oven.

Kefir dough for kurnik

Perhaps, I will not be very mistaken if I begin to assert that the dough for the chicken with kefir turns out to be the most tender and soft. It is not only pleasant to work with this dough, but the chicken made from it turns out to be very, very tasty.


  • 150 g butter
  • 2 eggs
  • 7 tbsp Sahara
  • 2 tsp salt
  • 1 tbsp. kefir
  • 700 g flour

Cooking method:

  1. Transfer the oil to a saucepan and melt it over low heat.
  2. Drive the eggs into a deep bowl and beat them with a whisk until smooth.
  3. Add sugar, salt and melted butter to the egg mass. Mix everything well.
  4. Pouring in required amount kefir.
  5. Sift the wheat flour through a sieve and add it to the bulk in several stages, without stopping to stir it.
  6. We knead soft and elastic dough, roll it into a ball and wrap it in film.
  7. We keep the dough in the refrigerator for about 20-30 minutes, after which we use it to cook the chicken.

Homemade chicken chicken dough with margarine

Any dough cooked in margarine turns out to be short and crumbly. If you like these baked goods the most, then I advise you to take note of the recipe.


  • 2 eggs
  • ½ tbsp Sahara
  • ¼ tbsp. salt
  • 1 tsp soda
  • 250 g margarine
  • 150 ml milk
  • 1 tbsp baking powder
  • 4 tbsp. flour

Cooking method:

  1. Separate the egg yolks from the whites. We don't need proteins for cooking, so you can use them for cooking other dishes: meringues, protein glaze, etc.
  2. Add sugar, salt, soda and melted margarine to the yolks. We grind all the ingredients with the yolks.
  3. After the whole mixture becomes homogeneous, pour milk into it and mix everything well.
  4. Sift the flour through a hundred and mix it with baking powder. Slightly add the resulting mixture of flour and baking powder to the bulk.
  5. Knead the hard dough, which should be elastic and stick well from your hands.
  6. Wrap the finished dough in foil and put it in the refrigerator for 30 minutes.
  7. After half an hour, the dough will be completely ready for baking the chicken.

Yeast dough on kurnik with mayonnaise

Connoisseurs of yeast baked goods can rejoice, as chicken can be made even from yeast dough. The whole cooking process, of course, will take a little more time, but the result is worth all the effort and time spent.


  • 1 tbsp. water
  • 25 g yeast
  • 3 tsp Sahara
  • 150 ml mayonnaise
  • 1 pinch of salt
  • 4 tbsp. flour

Cooking method:

  1. We slightly warm the water and dilute the yeast in it.
  2. Add 1 tsp to yeast. sugar and flour. We leave the dough alone for 10-15 minutes.
  3. After a quarter of an hour, add mayonnaise, salt and the remaining granulated sugar to the dough. Mix well.
  4. In several approaches, add wheat flour to the dough.
  5. We send the container with the dough into an oven preheated to 30 degrees for 30-40 minutes.
  6. After the specified time, the dough will rise well, increase in volume, and it will be possible to cook chicken from it.

Now you know how to prepare chicken dough. Bon Appetit!

Chicken dough is much easier to prepare than is commonly believed by many hostesses. The whole cooking process will not take very much time and effort, unless, of course, we are talking about the yeast dough variant. Despite the fact that today any dough can be bought in a store, I recommend that my readers try at least once to make such a chicken dough at home on their own. In order for all the cooking to go through simply and without problems, I want to give a few tips in the end:
  • In all the proposed recipes, ingredients such as butter and margarine can be substituted for one another, without any harm to the final result;
  • Butter and margarine, before adding to the dough, should be softened, and even better melted in a saucepan;
  • In order for the dough to breathe, and ready-made baked goods was lush, do not forget to sift the wheat flour through a sieve without fail;
  • Before proceeding to the direct cooking of the chicken, the dough should lie in the refrigerator for half an hour;
  • If you did not have cling film available, then the dough ball, before being sent to the refrigerator, can be put in a regular pan, having previously greased it with a small amount of vegetable oil along the bottom and sides.

Table. He was called the king's pie for the beautiful appearance, high taste and difficulty in preparation.

Every modern housewife can surprise guests or household members with a chicken from shortcrust pastry... To do this, you need to have a desire to please others with your culinary talent and a couple of hours of free time.

Kurnik recipe on sour cream made from shortcrust pastry

It's worth cooking this hearty and tasty dish to hear the praises of those who will eat the wonderful cake.


410 g flour;

210 g plums. oils;

200g sour cream;

2 chicken yolks;

10 g of sugar;

· A pinch of soda and salt;

For chicken filling

750 g of chicken;

2 onions;

15 g of salt;

· Ground black pepper on the tip of a knife;

· 20 g of vegetable oil.

For rice filling

· A glass of rice;

Half a glass chicken broth;

· Art. a spoonful of butter;

· Half a teaspoon of salt;

· Yolk for greasing the cake.

Cooking steps

1. First prepare the meat filling. Cook chicken broth in salted water with the addition of peeled carrots and a whole onion. Remove the prepared meat from the water, cool and cut into small pieces. Fry the chopped peeled onion over low heat until golden brown. Add chicken pieces to the onion, salt and pepper the mixture, gradually pour in half a glass of broth. Remove from heat.

2. Boil rice in salted water and eggs separately. Combine cereals and finely chopped eggs. Slowly pour the broth into the mixture so that the resulting filling is not runny. Lightly add salt and butter. The rice filling is ready.

3. For dough combine chicken yolks with butter, add sour cream. Stir the mixture well, gradually add flour with baking powder. Send the finished dough to the refrigerator.

4. Take out a cake of their cold, divide it into two parts, one of which should be half the size of the other. From a large piece of dough, roll out a crust about half a centimeter thick and place it in a baking dish, leaving the sides.

5. On the prepared shortcrust pastry for the chicken, put half of the rice filling, then the same part of the meat. Pour the rest of the rice on top, and then the chicken.

6. Roll out the rest of the dough, making a hole in the center of the resulting crust. Cover the cake and pinch the edges. Brush with egg on top.

7. Bake shortcrust pastry chicken in a preheated oven for about 45 minutes at 190 ° C. After about 15 minutes after cooking, you can take the finished dish out of the oven.

Classic shortcrust pastry chicken

The simplest and most affordable products are used for the test.

500g flour;

300 g of butter;

· 2 small spoons of water;

· A few pinches of salt.

For the filling you will need

· 300g chicken fillet;

250g potatoes;

150 g onions;

60 g hard cheese;

· A tablespoon of butter.

Cooking process

1. First make the chicken pastry. Add salt to flour and stir. Mash the softened butter with flour, grind the mixture with a fork. Beat the eggs into the resulting mass, slowly pour in the water. Knead all ingredients with your hands until smooth and divide into 3 parts. Wrap the resulting dough in plastic wrap and place in the refrigerator. You can use it in an hour.

2. Prepare the filling. Finely chop the onions, potatoes and chicken fillet... Salt, add soft butter. Stir the filling thoroughly. Rub the cheese, but do not mix it in.

3. Remove the chilled dough, halve and roll out. Cover the bottom of the baking sheet parchment paper... Place one crust on the bottom, place the meat filling on top. Spread grated cheese evenly over it, wrap the mass with the remaining crust on top.

4. Pinch the dough in a circle and place in the oven. It takes about 50 minutes to cook at 220 ° C.

Any variant of shortcrust pastry chicken can be served with a suitable gravy.

Universal cream sauce

To prepare it, you need such products.

25 g flour;

400 ml of chicken broth;

· Half a glass of cream;

2 yolks;

· 70 g butter.

Cooking steps

1. Boil flour, broth, cream and half butter over low heat until thick sour cream.

2. Remove the mixture from heat.

3. Add the yolks, ground with butter, to the cooled mass.

4. Mix everything well, you can add spices and herbs. The sauce is ready.

Instead of such a basic sauce, mushroom, tomato or cheese are prepared as desired. It all depends on personal preference, the imagination of the chef and availability the right products... The sauce is served in a separate small bowl.

Portion mini-kurniki

Comfortable little triangles with meat filling will delight you with their taste and aroma.


· 2 tbsp. tablespoons of butter;

450 g flour;

· A third of a large glass of milk;

Chicken (fillet needed);

5 potatoes;

3 onions;

Dill, a little salt and pepper to taste.

Cooking mini-kurniki like this

1. For the dough, stir the grated butter with lightly salted flour. Whisk the mayonnaise and milk separately with the egg. Pour the mixture into the flour, knead the dough. Ready cake put it in the refrigerator, let it lie there for at least half an hour.

2. Prepare the filling at this time. Twist the meat removed from the chicken breast and legs in a meat grinder, cut into small pieces raw potatoes and onions. Mix the filling by adding the egg, dill (optionally, frozen), a little salt and ground black pepper.

3. Take the dough out of the refrigerator and form a long, thick rope out of it. It needs to be cut into pieces of the same size. Roll out each piece, fill the resulting pancakes with the filling. Form the mini-kurniki into a triangular shape with a small hole at the top.

4. Place the food on a greased baking sheet with vegetable oil. Bake in an oven preheated to 210 degrees for about half an hour. For added juiciness, you can apply a small piece of butter to the surface of each mini-chicken after baking.

Kurnik with "raw" filling

Relatively quick way prepare a delicious dish.


3.5 cups flour;

250 g margarine;

· A glass of kefir;

· A teaspoon of baking soda without a slide;

· a pinch of salt.


4 medium-sized potatoes;

Fillet 2 chicken breasts;

2 large onions;

· Salt and pepper to taste.

Sequence of work

1. First prepare the dough. In the center of a sifted and slightly salted slide of flour, make a hole in which pour soda, and then pour in kefir. Stir, add melted margarine. Place the finished plastic dough in the refrigerator for about 50 minutes.

2. At this time, cut the raw potatoes and chicken into cubes and the onion into half rings. Lightly salt and pepper all products without combining.

3. Take the dough out of the refrigerator, divide it in half. Line a baking sheet with parchment paper. Lay the pre-rolled half of the dough on top. Place the filling in layers on the resulting cake. Bottom - potatoes, then onions and chicken. Roll out another cake, cover the cake with it. Make a hole in the upper central part of the chicken with your hands, brush the surface of the pie with a beaten egg.

4. Bake the food in an oven preheated to 230 ° C for about 50 minutes. Remove the finished cake and cover with a towel, let stand for at least 20 minutes before use.

Kurnik with mayonnaise and sour cream dough

An excellent option, such a shortbread dough for a chicken chicken is very pliable, and after cooking it resembles a puff pastry.

Looking for such products

· Half a glass of sour cream;

· A third of a teaspoon of baking soda;

3 cups flour;

100 g of butter;

· Half a glass of mayonnaise;

· Half a teaspoon of salt.


1. Combine sour cream and soda, pour in mayonnaise.

2. Grind flour and softened butter in a bowl.

3. Add sour cream to the butter and flour.

4. Knead the dough, send it to the refrigerator. After half an hour, you can use it.

Filling composition

320 g chicken fillet;

200g champignons;

100g onions;

· Greens of onions or dill;

· a pinch of salt;

· A little black pepper;

· Lean oil for frying.

We do it like this

1. Fry small pieces of chicken fillet in vegetable oil until tender.

2. Separately lightly brown the chopped onions in a skillet.

3. Fry mushrooms, lightly chopped, beforehand, lightly salt and pepper.

4. Combine the food, beat the egg into the mixture, add a little salt and pepper, mix thoroughly.

Moving on to the last stage

1. Remove the dough from the refrigerator. Divide it into two pieces of different sizes, one of which should be larger.

2. Roll out a large tortilla about 5 mm thick and place on a greased baking sheet.

3. Spread the filling, leaving the edges of the crust empty.

4. Roll out a small cake, make a small hole in its center.

5. Cover the cake with the resulting crust and pinch the edges of the cake.

6. Bake the chicken at 190 degrees for 45 minutes.

7. When the finished dish has cooled slightly, remove from the oven, cover with a cloth towel before serving.

Simple chicken chicken with potatoes

An easy-to-make pie of the available products.


320 g of potatoes;

320 g chicken fillet;

1 onion;

440 g flour;

100 g from butter;

100 g of kefir;

30 g of sugar;

· Salt to taste;

1 pinch of baking soda;

Ground black pepper to taste;

· Greens to taste.

Stages of work

1. First prepare the filling: cut the chicken fillet and potatoes into small cubes, add chopped onions, salt and pepper to taste.

2. Grind lightly melted butter with sugar and salt. Combine them with kefir and eggs, mix well. Add flour and baking soda to the mixture. Knead the dough well and send it to the refrigerator for 20 minutes, wrapped in plastic wrap.

3. Take out the dough, conditionally divide it into three equal parts. Separate one piece and set it aside. Big piece roll out about half a centimeter thick and place on a greased baking sheet.

4. Spread the filling evenly on the cake. Roll out a small piece of dough and cover the chicken. Pinch the edges, put the preheated oven at 200 degrees for about 40 minutes.

5. At the end of cooking, check that the cake is cooked, you may need to keep it in the oven for a longer time.

Tricks of a successful shortbread dough for kurnik

Instead of sugar, you can take powdered sugar, in this case, when kneading, the mixture will become homogeneous faster, and the finished dough will simply melt in your mouth.

· Baking soda is often replaced with baking powder, with which quality dough is almost always obtained.

· Flour must be sieved before use.

Natural butter with high fat content is taken as fat, with it it turns out to be more tasty and crumbly baked goods... To save money, you can take margarine, but it is not so healthy, it is less well absorbed by the body. Or replace some of the butter in the recipe with margarine.

Remove the butter from the refrigerator in advance, before kneading the dough, it must be room temperature.

To set off the taste unleavened dough, it must be salted.

They try not to knead the dough for a long time, but to do everything energetically and quickly. It can be cooked in the evening, put in the refrigerator (not in the freezer), and used in the morning.

Be sure to cook shortcrust pastry chicken! A dish made with love will fill the house with coziness and will be rewarded with words of gratitude from relatives and friends.

Hello chefs! Since you are looking for a recipe for chicken chicken dough with mayonnaise, then you have come to the right place! In the list of recipes, which are posted a little below, you will no doubt be able to choose exclusively it. However, if there is no way to prepare a dough recipe for a chicken with mayonnaise in the column below, then use the usual site search.

700gr. pork
1 onion
1gr. citric acid
80gr. frying fat
parsley to taste
For the test:
1 tbsp. flour
2/3 st. milk
4 eggs
1 tbsp. a spoonful of vegetable oil
salt to taste

1. Cut the pork into pieces, beat lightly, add milk and chopped onion, parsley.
2. Drizzle citric acid diluted in water and marinate for 2-2.5 hours.
3. For the dough, dilute the flour with warm milk, add vegetable oil, eggs, salt, stir and leave to swell ...

Pelmeni "Korotaevskie"

1. Pork - 700 gr.
2. Beef - 1300 gr.
3. Garlic - 6 cloves
4. Onion - 4 onions
5. Chicken eggs - 4 pcs.
6. Flour
7. Water - 2 glasses.


Dough preparation:
Pour 2 cups of water into a container, add 2 eggs, add salt. Stir constantly, add flour. Knead the dough. I recommend to get exquisite taste future dumplings, hold the dough a little in the refrigerator.

Minced meat preparation:

Chicken legs in "Mummy" dough

puff pastry (1 layer)
chicken drumsticks
a little cheese
garlic - 2-3 cloves
salt, pepper to taste

1. Put the puff pastry out of the freezer and while it is defrosting, do the following. Rub the shins with a mixture of crushed garlic, salt and pepper. And the legs will infuse a little, just while the dough is defrosting, probably 30 minutes.

2. After the dough has defrosted, roll it out and cut into strips.

Dough per 1 kg of minced meat:
4 cups flour
1 tsp salt
1 tsp Sahara
2 eggs
1.5 cups of water
3-4 tablespoons sunflower oil
For minced meat:
1 kg of meat (preferably pork)
3-4 large onions
3-4 cloves of garlic
1 glass of milk

1. Break 2 eggs into a glass and add water to the top, pour into a bowl for kneading the dough. Take another glass of water, dissolve salt and sugar in it and pour into a bowl for dough. Then mix all this.

2. Add 4 cups flour there. When...

400 gr. ready-made puff pastry
3 eggs
300 gr. cottage cheese 5%
50 gr. butter
2 tbsp. tablespoons of sugar
1/2 lemon
1/2 cup raisins

1. Defrost the puff pastry. Rub the cottage cheese through a sieve, add eggs, lightly beaten with sugar.

2. Sort out the raisins, wash and soak in hot water for 15 minutes, then drain the water and dry the raisins slightly. Remove the zest from half of the lemon and chop it. Add raisins and zest to the curd mixture.

3. Roll out the dough into a layer, cut it out to ...

For cooking you will need:
store-bought puff pastry (yeast-free or yeast-free)
1 cup granulated sugar
2 cups ground walnuts
2-3 eggs
3-4 tablespoons honey

1.Roll out a sheet of dough approximately to the size of the baking sheet and put in a baking sheet so that you get a trough with sides:

2. Separate the whites from the yolks. Do not throw away the yolks (useful). Beat the whites with a mixer until a thick foam that holds its shape. Then gradually pour sugar there, without stopping whipping ...

Tiramisu cake with white chocolate

6 egg yolks
130 g sugar
4 egg whites
60 g starch
70 g flour
icing sugar for dusting
450 g mascarpone
1 tsp vanilla extract
1 1/2 cups whipping cream
100 g white chocolate
100 grams (1/2 cup) sugar
1 cup strong, freshly brewed coffee
50 g (1/4 cup) sugar
1/3 cup dark rum
Cocoa powder

1. To prepare the biscuit mass, grind the yolks with 1/4 sugar into a white foam. Then beat the whites with the remaining sugar and starch in a puff ...

Tiramisu cake

For cookies:
4 yolks
125 g sugar
4 egg whites
50 g potato starch
100 g premium flour
4 st. l. icing sugar
parchment paper on a baking sheet

For cream and impregnation:
500g mascarpone cheese
80g icing sugar
5 eggs
250g savoyardi cookies
2 cups of strong coffee
8 table. tablespoons of Baileys liqueur, Amoretto or some coffee, as a last resort, salute or martini for impregnation
3 table. tablespoons of liquor in cream

1. We bake cookies. Alone or ...

For the test:
wheat flour - 170 gr.
margarine - 100 gr.
sugar - 60 gr.
egg - 1 pc.
soda on the tip of a knife
berries and fruits

1. Prepare the dough. Mash the egg with sugar until it is white. Beat the margarine until fluffy and combine with the egg. Then add flour mixed with baking soda and quickly knead the dough. Soak the finished dough in the refrigerator for 30 minutes.
2. Bake in a mold until golden brown so that the dough does not rise in the center and retain its shape before placing in the d ...

1 egg
2/3 cup water
races. frying oil
powdered sugar

1. Mix egg, salt, water, flour. Making the dough.
2. Roll out the dough as thin as possible and cut out round dough cakes from it.
3. Sprinkle half of each flat cake with granulated sugar and cover with the other half. Unless you roll them very thinly, they won't be crispy.
4. Fry in a well-heated frying pan in vegetable oil.
5. Sprinkle with powdered sugar.

Metel recipe ...

In September, many have harvested a decent harvest of apples. In this recipe, we will make apple pie from them.

150 g flour
200 gr. decoys
200 gr. powdered sugar (exactly powdered)
1 bag of vanilla sugar
1 teaspoon baking powder for dough
80 gr. butter (do not substitute for margarine)
800 gr. apples
100 g sugar for apples

1. Mix flour, semolina, icing sugar, baking powder and vanilla sugar.
2. We wash the apples, cut them in half, take out the seeds and remove the peel. We rub on a grater.

How do they differ from syrniki? Firstly, the shape: these are no longer yellow cutlets with a brown oily crust, but elastic golden mounds, warm curd buns. Secondly, the content: fragrant and non-greasy.

For the test:
1/2 cup fructose
3 eggs
cottage cheese (about 12 heaped tablespoons)
2 cups of flour
a bag of baking powder
a pinch of ground nutmeg, ginger, cloves, cinnamon and half a pinch of allspice

For filling:
berries, nuts, chocolate - whatever you want! But the filling doesn't have to ...

For the test:
egg - 1 pc
kefir - 200 ml
mayonnaise - 1 tbsp. spoon
sour cream - 1 tbsp. spoon
soda - 1 tsp
flour - 3-4 cups
salt - a pinch
sugar - 0.5 tsp

1. Break an egg into a bowl, add sour cream, mayonnaise, salt, sugar and mix until smooth.
2. Add kefir, then soda and mix well again.
3. Gradually add flour to form a doughy dough. Cover the dough with a plate and leave ...

For the test:
wheat flour - 1 glass
eggs - 2 pcs.
salt to taste

For filling:
Adyghe cheese - 400 g
egg - 1 pc.
chopped parsley - 2 tbsp. spoons
butter - 1 tbsp. spoon
ground black pepper - to taste
salt to taste

1. Use flour, eggs, salt and 1/2 cup water to make a dough. Chill the dough for 30 minutes.
2. For the filling, chop the cheese, add the egg, butter and chopped herbs, stir.
3. Roll out the dough so that you get 2 ...

Products for 3 khachapuri:
premium wheat flour - 2 cups (200 g each);
soda - 0.5 tsp;
kefir - 200 ml;
egg - 1 pc.;
butter - about 70 g;
salt - 0.5 tsp;
sugar - 0.5 tsp;

feta cheese - 300 g;
cilantro - optional;
egg - 1 pc.

1. Sift the flour, add all the other ingredients (melt the butter, of course) and knead the dough. It will be soft and comfortable to work with. We form a ball out of it and place in the refrigerator for 1 hour.

2. Meanwhile, three cheese, rub ...

For the test:
1.1 kg flour
25 g dry yeast
1 glass of milk
150 g Sahara
1 pack of margarine
2-3 eggs

For filling:
20 eggs
600 gr spinach
600 gr salmon fillet
100 gr cream 25%
2-3 medium onions

Video recipe:

1. Making the dough. We mix flour, salt, warm milk, sugar, eggs, water, yeast, oil. Roll the dough into a ball, leave it covered. Cooking the filling.
2. Fry the onion, add spinach (preliminarily put it on a sieve, so that ...

2 cups of flour
0.5 cups sugar
0.5 cups milk
2 tbsp. l. oils
2 eggs
10 g yeast
0.25 teaspoons of salt

For filling:
200 g cottage cheese
1 egg
1.5 tbsp. tablespoons of sugar
1 tsp flour
a pinch of vanilla sugar
a pinch of salt
50 g raisins
6 tbsp. poppy spoons
3 tbsp. spoons of honey

1. Boil milk, cool to room temperature. Dissolve yeast in warm milk. Add salt, sugar and eggs.

2. Sift flour, add to milk and egg mixture... Knead 8-10 ...

For the test:
400 gr. flour
1 tbsp soft sl. oils
1 tsp no top of salt
1/2 tsp Sahara
1/2 cup warm water
25 gr. yeast

For filling:
3 onions
smoked brisket
1 kg. a tomato
250 g grated cheese
salt, black pepper, 1 tsp. coriander
1 tbsp finely chopped parsley

1. Knead flour with butter, salt and sugar. Dissolve the yeast with water, mix with the dough, cover and put the dough for 2 hours to rise.
2. Sprinkle the dough lightly with flour and roll out 4 thin slices ...

Buns "Buchteln"

125 ml warm milk
about 400 g flour
50 g sugar
20 fresh yeast(or 3.5 grams dry)
2 yolks, 1 egg
a pinch of salt
a little lemon zest
1 tsp rum
1 bag of vanilla sugar
50 g butter
125 ml whipping cream

1. Mix milk, yeast, 50 g flour and 20 g sugar and leave in a warm place to come up.
2. 200 g of flour, melted and slightly cooled butter, yolks, an egg, 20 g of sugar, a pinch of salt, zest, rum and vanilla sugar, mix with dough into a smooth dough. Cover and put in those ...

Products for 50 pcs. shekarbury

1 kg. flour,
500 gr butter
5 yolks
250 gr sour cream

1 kg walnuts, pre-fried, peeled and ground
1 kg of granulated sugar

Chop flour and butter until separate grains of sand are formed, and not lumps, then add sour cream and yolks and collect everything.

Put the dough in the cold, and in the morning you can start baking. The dough is taken from the cold in advance. Divide the dough into small balls about the size of Walnut(50 gr). Roll the ball with a rolling pin ...

We believe that the recipes provided for the mayonnaise chicken dough recipe are exactly the material you were hoping to see. Come to us again!

Also don't miss:

Step-by-step recipe for kurnik dough with mayonnaise with photo.
  • National cuisine: home kitchen
  • Type of dish: Baking, Kurnik
  • Complexity of the recipe: Simple recipe
  • Prep time: 7 minutes
  • Cooking time: 50 minutes
  • Servings: 6 servings
  • Calorie count: 252 kcal
  • Occasion: Hastily

Good, long-lasting and non-hardening dough for chicken with mayonnaise. Perfect for baking not only chicken, but also pies of any complexity.

It is a pleasure to work with a ready-made mayonnaise dough. You don't need to sprinkle the table with flour, the dough itself is olive and elastic. Try this mayonnaise chicken dough recipe at home. The pies are delicious and rich.

Servings: 6

Ingredients for 6 servings

  • Flour - 4 Glasses
  • Yeast - 25 Grams
  • Salt - To taste
  • Sugar - 3 Teaspoons
  • Mayonnaise - 150 Grams
  • Water - 1 Glass

Step by step

  1. Dissolve yeast in warm water. Add a teaspoon of flour and sugar. We wait 5 minutes for the yeast to rise.
  2. Add 150 grams of mayonnaise.
  3. Add salt and 2 teaspoons of sugar. Stir.
  4. Gradually add the sifted flour.
  5. Insist the dough for half an hour so that it comes up. Dial warm water in a saucepan, place the dough in a bag. Dip into water.
  6. After half an hour, the dough will rise and you can work with it!

Kurnik is a traditional Russian pie that has retained its popularity over time. There are many ways to prepare this truly royal pie, and they differ in both the variations of the filling and the type of dough used. Some cook chicken from puff or yeast dough, using several types of fillings, separated by pancakes, others prefer a simpler version of it and are prepared from unleavened dough. Today we will consider options for making a dough for a chicken chicken on kefir. It turns out to be delicate in taste, airy, very easy to prepare and does not require special culinary skills.

How to make dough for chicken coral with kefir - recipe

  • kefir with a fat content of 3.2% - 250 ml;
  • cream margarine - 250 g;
  • salt - 1/2 tsp;
  • soda - 1/2 tsp;
  • vinegar 9% - 1 tsp;
  • wheat flour.

Mix kefir with a fat content of 3.2% or more with soda quenched with vinegar, salt, melted and cooled margarine and mix well. Now add a little sifted wheat flour and start a soft, but not sticky dough.

We wrap it with cling film and set it in a quiet place at room temperature for one and a half to two hours. After the time has elapsed, the dough for the chicken on kefir is completely ready, you can start forming the pie.

Recipe for dough for chicken on kefir with eggs

  • kefir 3.2% - 250 ml;
  • butter - 150 g;
  • eggs - 1-2 pcs.;
  • salt - 10 g;
  • soda - 10 g;
  • vinegar - 10 ml;
  • granulated sugar - 35 g;
  • wheat flour - 700 g or how much the dough will take.

Beat eggs with granulated sugar until light and fluffy, add salt, soda quenched with vinegar, melted butter, pour in kefir and mix. Now add the sifted flour in small portions and start soft dough... We wrap it with cling film, put it in a bowl and place it in the refrigerator for a couple of hours to ripen. After the expiration of time, we proceed to the formation of the product.

We offer the most common recipe for making a chicken from such a dough.

Kurnik with kefir dough potatoes in the oven

  • dough with kefir;
  • chicken meat (pulp) - 450 g;
  • potato tuber - 700 g;
  • onions - 120 g;
  • butter - 75 g;
  • ground black pepper - to taste;
  • salt to taste;
  • egg - 1 pc.;
  • spices to choose from - to taste.

Let's prepare the dough on kefir, taking as a basis one of the above recipes and while it is infused, we will prepare all the components for the filling. We wash the chicken meat, dry it well with a paper towel and cut into medium-sized slices. We remove the skins and cut the potatoes into small cubes. Onion peel and chop into small cubes.

When the dough is ready, divide it into two parts, roll one out and place in an oiled baking dish. We lay out the potato cubes on the bottom, having previously salted them, pepper and seasoned with spices. Then we distribute the chicken meat with onions... Do not forget to season it with salt, pepper and spices. Lay out pieces of butter on top and cover with a second layer, rolled to the desired size. We seal the chicken very carefully, closing the two layers together and tucking the edges, coat the top of the cake with a beaten egg and make a small hole on top for steam to escape.

We define the dish in an oven preheated to 170 degrees for about one hour or until tender and golden brown. Cooking times may vary depending on the capabilities of your oven.


Kurnik on kefir

I will tell you how to cook a chicken on kefir, delicious and satisfying. It's even tastier than you think! So it melts in your mouth. Hearty, tender and hot, incredibly aromatic, you will definitely like it! I advise!


  • Kefir 250 Gram
  • Flour 300 Gram
  • Butter 250 Gram
  • Chicken 500 gram
  • Potatoes 4 Pieces
  • Onion 5 Pieces
  • Soda 0.5 Teaspoons
  • Salt 1 To taste

1. Let's make the dough: dissolve the soda and salt in kefir, wait until the bubbles start. This means the soda has reacted. Add the melted butter and start adding a little flour. Mix thoroughly.

2. We clean the potatoes, wash the chicken, cut these ingredients into small cubes. We combine them, not forgetting about spices and chopped onions. Let's mix.

3. Roll out the dough and form the sides. We spread the filling, and from the rest of the dough we make a "top". If desired, we decorate it with patterns, laying them out of dough. We leave a hole in the center so that the excess liquid from the filling can evaporate.

4. We bake the chicken at 200 degrees until golden brown about an hour.

5. And this will be the beauty! Bon Appetit!


Kurnik on kefir

Strike down your guests and loved ones on the spot by preparing for festive table delicious chicken on kefir. Today I will reveal to you all the secrets of making this delicious cake according to the classic recipe. I am sure you will get it no less tender and fragrant. We will make chicken dough according to a popular recipe with kefir and butter or margarine (optional).

Before preparing the chicken, we need to make all the fillings for the pie. For the first filling, boil the chicken fillet until half cooked. We will wash it and clean it from films and grease. To keep the meat juicy, dip it into boiling water.

Thanks to this, the top layer of the meat will be sealed and the juice will not leak out of the meat during cooking. We will boil the meat in one piece for 10 minutes. Then take it out of the broth and cool it completely. We will not pour out the broth, it will be useful for our recipe in the future. While the fillet is cooling, we will deal with onions. Peel the onion head and cut it into small cubes.

Pour some refined sunflower oil into a non-stick skillet. When it heats up, put the chopped onion into it. Stir occasionally, fry the onion until transparent. It is important that the onion is soft and does not crunch on the teeth.

Cut the chicken fillet cooled to room temperature into medium-sized cubes.

Add the chopped chicken to the toasted onion and stir. Sprinkle the mixture with black pepper and fine salt. We will simmer the ingredients over low heat for 3-4 minutes, as required by the recipe.

Then add 5 tablespoons of sour cream to the mixture and mix. Sour cream will bind all the ingredients and make our filling tender and juicy.

When the sour cream boils, add finely chopped dill to the filling, mix and remove the pan from the heat.

The chicken filling is ready.

Now let's start preparing the second filling. To do this, thoroughly rinse the rice, changing the water several times. Pour purified water into a saucepan in a ratio of 1: 2, that is, 300 ml and put it on fire. When the water boils, add a little salt, pour the washed rice into the pan. Boil it for 10 minutes under a lid over low heat, so that it reaches half cooked. Due to the fact that we added cereals to boiling water, the starch will remain inside the rice, it will turn out to be viscous, and the filling will not crumble. Let the rice cool down to room temperature.

While the rice is cooking, wash three chicken eggs and boil them for 7-8 minutes after boiling. Then cool the boiled eggs in cold water and peel them off. Grate eggs on a fine grater. Thanks to this, the rice filling will become creamy, homogeneous and will not spill out of the finished piece of chicken.

Mix the cooled rice and grated boiled eggs.

According to the recipe, wash and finely chop the green onion feathers.

Add it to the filling, add a little salt and mix all the ingredients.

Wash and clean the mushrooms. Cut the mushrooms into medium-sized pieces as required by the step-by-step recipe.

Pour a tablespoon of refined oil into a frying pan and wait until it warms up. Then put the mushrooms in it and, stirring, fry them until half cooked. The champignons should be slightly gilded, but at the same time remain elastic. Season them with salt and pepper. Fry the mushrooms over medium heat for 5 minutes and remove from the stove. Now they also need to be cooled to room temperature.

In order for the pancakes inside the chicken to retain their shape, we will cook them in water. Thanks to this, the pancakes will be denser, will not break and will hold the filling well. To prepare a classic chicken, we need 4 pancakes. I usually make double the amount of dough in case the pancake breaks. In addition, a few pancakes must be tasted well, so that the kefir chicken will surely be a success. For pancake dough Drive two eggs into a deep bowl.

Beat them well with a whisk.

Then add some water to them (about ¼ cup) and stir the mixture again.

Then add sifted wheat flour, granulated sugar and a little salt. Stir the mass with a whisk until all the lumps are gone.

Then pour in the remaining milk, a spoonful of vegetable oil and mix the dough. Due to the fact that the milk was introduced in parts, the dough is homogeneous.

According to the recipe, let the finished dough rest for 10-15 minutes.

For baking pancakes, it is advisable to use a pan of the same diameter as the baking dish. Then the pancakes will completely cover the fillings and they will not mix. Before baking the first pancake, brush the non-stick pan with a cooking brush dipped in sunflower oil... Pour half a ladle of dough into the pan. Rotating the pan in a circular motion, distribute the dough around its perimeter.

When the pancake is fried on one side, gently turn it over to the other, helping ourselves with a spatula. We will bake pancakes over medium heat until tender. Put the finished pancakes in a pile on a plate and cover with a towel so that they do not dry out.

Sift wheat flour into a deep dry bowl so that it is saturated with oxygen.

According to the recipe, cut the chilled butter into small cubes and add it to the sifted flour.

Use your hands or with a fork to grind the flour with butter until fine crumbs are formed.

In a separate bowl, mix room temperature kefir with a chicken egg.

Add a tablespoon of fatty sour cream to the mixture (I have sour cream with a fat content of 20%). V classic recipe there is no pie of this ingredient, but I always add it to make the dough tastier and more elastic. Next, add some salt and sugar to the mixture.

Whisk everything until smooth. It is not necessary to beat the mass for too long and diligently, the main thing is that all the components are mixed.

Quench the baking soda with vinegar and add it to the kefir and egg mixture. Mix the ingredients and pour them into crumbs from wheat flour and butter.

Knead a soft and elastic dough, kneading it until smooth for 8-10 minutes. You may need more flour. As needed, you can pour it into the dough so that it does not stick to your hands.

From finished dough cut off ⅔ parts. This will be the base of our pie. Roll out the dough into a circle with a diameter of 35 cm and a thickness of 5 mm.

Cover the bottom of a split metal baking dish with parchment. We will not grease the mold with oil, since the dough already contains a sufficient amount of fat. According to the recipe, put the rolled dough on the bottom of the mold so that it reaches the edges of the mold. These will be the sides of our pie.

Put one pancake on the dough. It will not miss the hot juices that form from the filling during baking, so the dough will not be wet and will bake well.

Put the least on top of the pancake juicy filling- a mixture of rice and boiled eggs... Tamp the filling tightly so that the layer is even and dense.

Now cover the egg and rice filling with a second pancake. Put the filling with chicken on top of the pancake, forming a slide. In the center, the layer should be thicker - 3-3.5 cm, and thinner at the edges - 1.5-2 cm.

Cover the filling with the pancake again.

Lay out the last filling from fried mushrooms... Distribute the mushrooms in an even layer.

Roll out the second part and cut out a circle of the same diameter as the baking dish (I have 22 cm). Cover the cake with rolled dough and pinch the edges, forming a beautiful pigtail. In the center we will make a small hole so that there is a place to go out during cooking. From the remaining dough, we will form decorations for the chicken coaster.

Lubricate the finished chicken with whipped yolk so that the cake turns out to be rosy.

Put the chicken dish on a baking sheet and put it in the oven for 20-25 minutes. We will bake it at 220 degrees. After 10 minutes, remove the chicken from the oven, pour 100 ml of chicken broth into the hole in the center and cover it with foil so that the top does not brown too much.

Gently remove the finished cake from the oven, cover with a towel and cool. Then take the baked goods out of the mold.

Kurnik with chicken, rice and mushrooms is traditionally served warm.


Kurnik dough - a modern interpretation of an old Russian pie

The chicken dough can be made unleavened, flaky, shortbread, because the main thing in this pie is the filling.

Kurnik is an old Russian pie, the pinnacle of culinary art with a long history. In the days of Ivan the Terrible, chicken was served at the royal table on especially solemn occasions, and then for centuries it was an obligatory treat on the wedding table.

The kurnik of our ancestors was a tall, closed pie made from unleavened butter dough with a complex puff filling- chicken meat, porridge, mushrooms, eggs, thick milk sauce... The preparation took a long time. Various fillings layered with pancakes. The pie was baked in a Russian oven on birch woods. Served with thick milk sauce. The dish is really royal. It simply could not be disliked.

Modern chicken pies are made in a simplified way. Buckwheat and millet in them replaced rice or potatoes with onions, fewer layers of filling are used, different types test. Kurniks made from yeast, puff or shortcrust pastry are no worse. How to make delicious chicken dough will be discussed below.

Simple dough for kurnik on kefir

Photo # 1. Delicious recipe simple test for kurnik on kefir

The simplest dough for kurnik is with kefir. Prepares quickly and easily, it turns out soft, does not lose taste if it has been in the refrigerator for some time.

Ingredients for the recipe:

  • flour 500 g
  • eggs 2 pcs.
  • kefir 250 ml.
  • margarine 100 g
  • salt 1 tsp
  • sugar 2 tsp

Method of preparing a dough for chicken coral with kefir:

  1. Melt the margarine. Let it cool slightly.
  2. Whisk the eggs. Add margarine, salt, sugar. Gradually adding flour, knead into a soft dough. Wrap the dough in a plastic bag and store in the refrigerator.
  3. Can be used in an hour. Or store in the refrigerator for 2-3 days without deterioration in taste.

Loose chicken dough with mayonnaise

An interesting recipe for friable mayonnaise dough will appeal to those who love chicken with thin dough... The dough resembles shortbread, but softer, more elastic. It is easy to work with, it does not stick to your hands, rolls thinly, does not break.

Ingredients for the recipe:

  • ½ cup mayonnaise
  • 1/2 cup water
  • vegetable oil 3 tbsp. spoons
  • flour 400 g.
  • salt to taste
  1. Mix water and mayonnaise until smooth. Add salt and vegetable oil. Stir again.
  2. Add the sifted flour gradually. Knead a soft, elastic dough.

Butter dough for chicken coral with sour cream

Photo # 3. Recipe for butter dough for kurnik on sour cream

Puff pastry for kurnik is considered a classic. It is delicate, plastic, does not tear and retains the shape of curly ornaments well, because the chicken was originally a festive cake, therefore it was richly and variedly decorated.

Ingredients for the recipe:

  • wheat flour 600 g.
  • eggs 3 pcs.
  • milk 150 ml.
  • sour cream 5 tbsp. spoons
  • salt, soda, sugar 1 teaspoon each

Method for preparing chicken dough on sour cream:

  1. Remove the milk and sour cream from the refrigerator first.
  2. Beat eggs with salt and sugar. Add sour cream, baking soda and milk. Stir. Stir in flour gradually. The dough should not be too steep, but also not stick to your hands. Not all flour may be needed.
  3. Cover the dough ball with a towel and let it stand for 20 minutes, after which you can start cooking the chicken.

Shortcrust pastry for kurnik on margarine

From the sand pestle, delicious portioned chicken poultry is obtained as in the photo - small pies with chicken meat, cereals, mushrooms and vegetables. It is more convenient to eat such pies. You can put them in school for your child or take them with you on a picnic.

Ingredients for the recipe:

  • flour 3-4 cups
  • margarine 1 pack (250 g)
  • sour cream 250 ml.
  • baking powder 1 tsp
  • salt to taste
  1. Melt the margarine. Let it cool slightly. Mix margarine with sour cream.
  2. Sift flour. Mix it with baking powder. Gradually adding flour to the mixture of sour cream and margarine, knead the plastic dough. Put it in the refrigerator for 1 hour.

Puff pastry for chicken chicken on margarine

Kurnik for everyone can be baked from puff pastry. It's easier to buy ready-made frozen puff pastry, defrost it and use it for baking. We also recommend making puff pastry at home.

Ingredients for the recipe:

  • flour 4 cups
  • margarine 400 g
  • cold water 200 ml.
  • eggs 2 pcs.
  • vinegar 9% ½ tbsp. spoons
  • salt ½ teaspoon

Method of making margarine chicken dough:

  1. Sift 3 cups flour onto your work surface. Leave one glass. Make a slide. Draw a funnel in the center of the slide. Beat in the eggs, pour in cold water, vinegar, add salt. Knead a soft dough. It shouldn't stick to your hands.
  2. Combine softened margarine in a bowl with ½ cup flour.
  3. Roll out the dough into a layer. Place the margarine in the center. Fold the slab into an envelope, wrap the ends inward. Roll it out again. Repeat the procedure 3-4 times. In the intervals between rolling, send the dough to the refrigerator for 30-40 minutes. The finished dough can be frozen and used as needed.
  • Sift the flour before making the dough. Flour is saturated with oxygen, so the finished product comes out soft and airy.
  • The taste of the chicken is improved if it is prepared from quality products. Instead of margarine, take high-quality butter, instead of store-bought - homemade sour cream... The taste of the chicken will become incomparably better.
  • Shortbread, puff pastry, kefir dough can be made in advance and stored in the refrigerator.
  • Divide the dough into 2 pieces before rolling. Goes to the base of the kurnik less dough(1/3 part). Leave most of it for the top of the pie to close the filling and pinch the edges without any problems.
  • Lubricate the top of the chicken egg yolk... The finished dish will turn out to be shiny and appetizing.
