Honey cake "Bee" is a delicious homemade dessert. Honey bee cake Bee cake recipe with sour cream

How to make a cake bee

Honey cake "Bee"

For honey cakes:

Wheat flour 500 gr ( maybe a little more or less, depending on the quality and gluten of the flour)
- egg 2 pieces
- sugar 200 gr ( I had brown cane, but any will do)
- butter 80 gr
- honey 115 gr (about 3 rounded tablespoons)
- soda 2 teaspoons without a slide

The number of products is given for 1 large cake

(Because I baked 2 cakes, then in the photos the quantity of products is 2 times more)

Combine eggs with sugar

Then add honey, butter, soda

Mix everything well and put in a water bath: pour water into a saucepan, put it on the stove, when the water boils, put a container with dough on top of the pot with water

Warm up, with constant stirring until the mass is dark golden, the mass will double

Then remove the mass from the stove, add flour (sift into the mass)

Knead the dough, it immediately turns out to be very sticky, but when you lie down, it stops sticking to your hands, it is very convenient to roll it out

Cover the dough with foil and leave to cool at room temperature (to speed up the process, you can put the dough in the refrigerator) - start rolling the dough when it becomes slightly warm, not hot

Our dough has rested, cooled down - rested.

We begin to roll out the cakes - sprinkle a little flour on the table, pinch off a piece from the dough and roll it out with a rolling pin to a thickness of 5 mm, it can be thinner, the cakes will still rise during baking

Cut out the cakes (for this I use a plate of the required diameter)

(add the dough to the scraps of the cakes and roll them out on a new one - for the next cake, or bake together with the cakes - so that later they can be used to sprinkle the sides of the cake)

The resulting cakes, using a rolling pin, are transferred to parchment paper oiled with vegetable oil

We bake the cakes at a temperature of 200 ° C. The cakes are baked quickly, depending on the oven - 3-7 minutes. We put the baked cakes in a pile, cool at room temperature.

While the cakes are cooling, let's make a cream.

For the cream:
(for 1 cake)

Sour cream (fat content 25-30%) 400 gr
- cream 33% 150 gr
- boiled condensed milk 1 can (380-400 gr)
- honey 2 tablespoons with a slide
for the cream with which we will cover the top of the cake, we also need gelatin - 1 pack of 11 grams. + 50-70 grams of cream (or milk or water) to soak the gelatin
(gelatin is not needed for the cream inside the cake)

Combine sour cream, cream, boiled condensed milk and honey

Beat with a mixer until smooth.

Everything! The cream is ready!
Divide the cream into 2 parts. The smaller part is for the top of the cake.

Grease the cooled cakes with most of the cream.

And we put the cake in the refrigerator.

In the meantime, let's prepare gelatin cream.

Pour cold cream (water or milk) over 1 pack of gelatin

Allow to swell (with good microcrystalline gelatin, this happens quickly - within 5-7 minutes)
Here is such a thick mass we got after swelling

We shift the gelatinous mass into a saucepan and put it on the stove to warm it

Stir constantly without boiling!
This is the kind of melted gelatin you should get

Cool the gelatin a little (not until it hardens! 2-3 minutes, no more!)

And gently, with constant stirring, we introduce it into the cream

Because gelatin is still hot, then after adding it to the cream, the cream becomes quite liquid, do not be alarmed this is how it should be

The "Bee" cake is a recipe from the group of classic honeymen. Therefore, it is difficult to find a person who will be left indifferent by this cake. Honey products are incredibly tasty, and many people associate Pchelka with homemade baked goods. And although "Pchelka" is very popular and is sold in all stores, and there is a photo of it on all confectionery sites, the cake that you make at home will always be the most delicious and useful.

From the classic honey cake "Pchelka" differs precisely in its decoration. That is, this cake is, in fact, a festive honey cake. The cake is decorated in the form of honeycombs on the surface and sides, and decorative bees are placed on top. There are many creative photos of such jewelry on the network. In our article, you will find not only a recipe, but also easy ways to make such decorations.

Ingredients for making the dough:

  • Eggs - 3
  • Flour - 3 cups
  • Butter - 100 gr
  • Sugar - 1 cup
  • Salt - 0.5 tsp
  • Honey - 2 tablespoons
  • Cognac (vodka) - 2 tablespoons

How to cook?

  1. In a small saucepan over low heat, heat, stirring, butter, honey and sugar. This base will give the cake an incomparable honey flavor.
  2. Beat eggs with salt. This is followed by one of the most crucial moments for the entire recipe: pour this mixture directly into the container on the fire. The trickle should be thin, and the stirring should be constant, otherwise the protein will simply cook in the mass, and the cake recipe will disappoint you with the presence of protein streaks in the dough. Add cognac or vodka and soda to the same mixture.
  3. The mixture must be stirred for another couple of minutes, during this time, abundant foam will appear (this should not confuse you) and the mass will double in volume. Now you can add flour, stirring it thoroughly, turning off the heat on the stove. Place the lid on the saucepan and let it sit on the stove for another 5 minutes (with the burner off).
  4. The dough is ready, as you can see, its recipe was not at all complicated. To check if your dough is correct, take a part of it with a spoon: the dough should not be a lump, but detach with elastic bands. If the dough is lumpy, this will affect the taste of them will be honey, but their density will not be the same as prescribed by the recipe.
  5. It is the layering that makes the cake. Therefore, we need to make several cakes from the dough. Since our recipe is exactly honey, such a dough must be rolled out especially carefully, since it has the property of sticking. Therefore, the surface to be rolled must be sprinkled with plenty of flour. Transfer the dough with a large spoon to the surface and begin kneading, sprinkling with flour on top. Next, divide the large lump into 12-15 balls. If you look at the cutaway photo of the cake, you will see that exactly how many cakes are used there. It is necessary to roll the dough onto the cakes thinly, as if you are making pita bread. Roll out all the cakes at once and lay them on top of each other, so as not to stick together, sprinkle each with flour.
  6. We start baking the cake. We send the first cake to a baking sheet for 2-3 minutes at a temperature of 180. Here the recipe also has secrets: so as not to tear the dough while you carry it, wind it on a rolling pin sprinkled with flour. And after laying on a baking sheet, pierce with a knife at a distance of 3-5 cm over the entire surface (since the dough on a honey cake has the property of bubbling).
  7. We will align the edges with ready-made cakes. You can use a lid from a saucepan or frying pan for this. However, do not throw away the scraps: you can decorate the cake with them.

Ingredients for making the cream:

  • Sour cream - 1 l
  • Sugar - 2 cups
  • Vanilla - on the tip of a knife

Beat all ingredients with a mixer at low speed. Please note that the cream should be thick. Therefore, take fat sour cream or add a thickener to the cream (according to the instructions on the thickener package). The cake is smeared with cream on top and on the sides, all the cakes are smeared. Now the cake is ready, but you can only serve it after 5 hours.

Bee Decorations

A bee is a birthday cake with recognizable decorations. First of all, these are honeycombs. It is not difficult to make them, and for this you do not need a special recipe. It is only important to arm yourself with an improvised means, namely, a bubble wrap. You don't even need to look at the photo to figure out what to do: after the Bee has stood in the refrigerator for a couple of hours, take it out and put the film on top of the surface, hold it for 15 minutes and remove it: it will leave a characteristic honeycomb imprint. There is another way to achieve a similar effect - with the help of a dumpling machine. Then the honeycomb will turn out to be large.

Previously, decorations were limited to honeycombs and a dusting of crushed cake residues. But you can go further by making figurines of bees with your own hands. The recipe is simple: melt dark chocolate and, using a pastry bag or even a regular file, squeeze it into thin strips onto foil (like a bee's body). After the blanks have stood in the freezer for half an hour, paint them with white chocolate strips on the body. But the wings for bees are made from almond petals (ready-made) or almond slices.

In principle, the recipe for jewelry can be any other - see photos of finished products on the network and get fancy! Do not forget to take a photo of your beautiful, and the main delicious Bee as a keepsake as well!

Video recipe for making a cake "Bee"

Honey cake "Bee" - the favorite delicacy of our childhood. From the memories of him it becomes warm and comfortable in the soul. The delicious dessert itself is of Russian origin. However, they love to cook it abroad as well.

In the article we will share with you a step-by-step recipe for a honey cake "Bee". Photos of the finished product and the secrets of a delicious shortcrust pastry are attached. Enjoy your reading!

Dessert description

The summer-named dessert is an unusual alternative to the classic honey cake. What do we associate with honey? Bees, of course. The dessert looks like a honeycomb decorated with homemade bees. It looks very original and beautiful. It will take you about two hours to cook it. The base itself consists of shortcrust pastry.

To create the base of the honey cake "Bee" you will need to buy the following products:

  1. Sifted flour 750 grams.
  2. Five tablespoons of light honey.
  3. Chicken eggs 3 pieces.
  4. Butter 100 grams.
  5. A pinch of baking soda.
  6. Sugar 250 grams.

Ingredients for the cream

To prepare a delicate and juicy cream, you need to stock up on the following ingredients:

  1. Thick sour cream with a fat content of 25% 250 grams.
  2. Boiled condensed milk.
  3. A tablespoon of light honey.
  4. A bag of gelatin (7 grams).
  5. Banana (optional)
  6. Cream 180 grams.

Cooking shortbread cakes

As mentioned above, the base for the cake will be shortbread cakes. Many housewives know that such dough is very difficult to prepare. There are many nuances to consider in the process. We provide you with a step-by-step recipe for a honey cake "Bee" with a photo of the finished result:

  1. First of all, you need to add baking soda to the honey, then heat this mixture over low heat. The honey should take on a dark hue.
  2. Then you should melt the butter in a water bath. Add sugar and chicken eggs to it. Beat the egg-cream mixture well with a whisk or mixer.
  3. After that, it is worth adding warmed honey to this mixture. Mix the whole consistency well.
  4. Next, you need to gradually add the sifted flour to the honey mass. You should have a smooth dough that looks like very thick sour cream.
  5. Then line the parchment paper on the bottom of the mold and grease it with butter.
  6. Then distribute all the dough evenly over the bottom of the mold. You need to bake the product for about 30-40 minutes at a temperature of 180 degrees.
  7. The finished cake should be cut into several small pieces.

How to make honey cake cream?

Butter cream of honey cake "Bee" from Lapulka turns out to be very tender and tasty. You can prepare both the classic version and the original one - with the addition of various fruits, berries and even chocolate. In addition, you can make caramel, chocolate or semolina cream for our dessert. It all depends on your wishes and preferences. Below you will find a recipe for a honey cake "Bee" with a photo.

  1. First you need to add boiled condensed milk, whipped cream (100 grams), a spoonful of honey to thick sour cream. Mix this mass thoroughly.
  2. Then you need to peel the banana, chop and add to the mixture.
  3. The finished cream should be divided into two equal parts. We will use one for soaking the cakes, and the other for decorating the cake.
  4. The first portion should be refrigerated for a couple of minutes.

We shape the cake

After you have finished preparing the cream and cakes, you can start shaping and decorating the cake. We provide a recipe for a honey cake "Bee":

  1. First, you need to coat each cake well with butter. Then send the cake to a cool place for a couple of hours so that it is well soaked.
  2. Next, you can move on to work on the decoration for the cake. First of all, add gelatin to the remaining cream. Leave the mass for a while. The gelatin granules should swell.
  3. Then it is necessary to put the mass on a small fire so that the grains finally dissolve in it.
  4. Now you need to add warmed cream to the second part of the butter cream and mix everything thoroughly.
  5. Then spread the cream over the top layer of the cake. Finally, it is worth making the honeycomb using a bubble bag, pressing it into the cream.
  6. Then you need to put our dessert in the refrigerator for half an hour.

Cake decorations

What honey cake would do without bees? How can they be done? To prepare the jewelry, we need two bars of white and milk chocolate.

  1. First you need to melt the floor of the milk chocolate bar and 1/3 of the white one.
  2. Then lay on special baking paper. Melted milk chocolate should be poured into a pastry bag and used to shape the bodies of our bees. Give the chocolate a little time to harden.
  3. After white chocolate, you need to draw stripes at the same distance and eyes.
  4. Bee wings can be made from white chocolate plates using a special pastry knife for decorating cakes or from almonds.
  5. Chaotically, you need to place the bees on the cake and sprinkle with chocolate chips on top.

Honey cake "Bee" is ready. Enjoy your meal!

How to make shortbread dough correctly?

Shortcrust pastry should be homogeneous, crumbly, but keep its shape. It is very difficult to achieve the ideal result, but it is possible. We will tell you three main methods of making shortbread dough:

  1. Chopped. For him you will need: 400 grams of sifted flour, 250 grams of butter, a pinch of table salt, 100 milliliters of warm water. First you need to chop butter randomly, and then send it to the freezer for twenty minutes. Then you should add a pinch of table salt, pieces of cold butter to the sifted flour. Next, you need to quickly chop the dough with a large knife. You should get a crushed mass, into which you should gradually pour warm water and knead. After the dough must be refrigerated for 10-20 minutes.
  2. Curd. If chopped is more suitable for pies, then tender, curd cheese can be used as a base for cakes. It requires: fresh cottage cheese - 150 grams, butter - 150 grams, sifted flour - 250 grams, a pinch of food fashion and table salt. First you need to sift the curd through a special sieve. Next, grate the butter and then add it to the curd. Pour sifted flour into the creamy curd mixture and add a pinch of salt and soda. After that, you need to knead the dough well and send it to a cool place for an hour, wrapping it with cling film.
  3. For the lazy. If you do not want to spend a lot of time making shortbread dough, then there is an easy way just for you. Ideally, such a mass is suitable for our "Bee" cake. For her, you should stock up on the following ingredients: sifted flour - 300 grams, butter - 150 grams, one chicken egg, powdered sugar - 150 grams. The first step is to add powdered sugar to the bowl, then grate butter there, preferably on a fine grater. Flour should be added to it. Mix the whole mass well with a spoon or a food processor. Be sure to wrap the dough with cling film and put it in the freezer for an hour.

Shortcrust pastry is very finicky. All ingredients must be added strictly according to the recipe. If you overdo it with butter or flour, you can end up with either very crumbly or too dense. However, you will have to master the recipe, because this type of dough is ideal for making a honey cake "Pchelka".

  • Heat the mixture of honey and baking soda in a saucepan, stirring constantly until browning. Mix sugar and eggs with melted and chilled butter, beat thoroughly, add flour (glass), mix with a mixer, add the rest of the flour and finally mix until a homogeneous dough is obtained like for pancakes.
  • Pour the dough into a mold, pre-line the bottom with parchment, cook at 180 degrees for about half an hour. Cut the baked crust lengthwise into several pieces. Beat the boiled condensed milk, sour cream, honey and cream into a homogeneous mass, divide the resulting cream into two parts. When the cakes are cool, coat them with cream, fold them in a stack and refrigerate.
  • For the top of the cake, prepare a cream with gelatin. Soak gelatin in cold cream, let it swell, heat, stirring until completely dissolved, let cool slightly, mix with the remaining part of the cream. Pour the top of the cake immediately, level the loan with a spatula. Using a film with bubbles, "draw" the honeycomb by gently pressing it into the cream. Sprinkle the sides of the cake with crumbs from the cut edges of the cakes, remove it for a third of an hour to harden the honeycomb in the refrigerator.
  • To sculpt bees, cook in a water bath a mass of bitter and white chocolate melted in separate containers, fill a pound with it, draw the body of the bees with dark chocolate on parchment paper, let it freeze well, draw eyes and stripes on the body with white chocolate, make wings from almond petals. Decorated homemade honey cake "Bee" should stand in the refrigerator.

The recipe for homemade honey cake with a funny bee on it. For many, this wonderful honey bee will be the most beautiful ever made. Honey cake "Pchelka" has a wonderful look and taste. A cake covered with bees will decorate any festive table, while there is no trick! Only the idea, and the execution is not difficult at all. And don't tell your guests the secret of this cake - leave a little intrigue!

Dough for honey cake "bee"

half a glass of milk

3 tablespoons honey

1 cup of sugar

4 tablespoons full of butter

2 teaspoons of baking soda

1 teaspoon white wine vinegar

5 tablespoons of cocoa powder

2 1/2 cups flour (you may need a little more)

In a small saucepan, combine butter, cocoa powder, sugar, milk, honey. Stir on a light heat until the butter and sugar have melted.

Combine the vinegar and baking soda. The mixture will foam. Pour the slaked baking soda over the rest of the ingredients in a saucepan.

Add the egg. Mix very quickly - the egg can curdle, so beat quickly. Remove the pan from heat and let cool for 5 minutes. Add flour gradually and mix well.

When the mixture is thick, place it on your work surface. Add the rest of the flour and knead until the dough is soft and smooth.

Divide the honey cake dough into 2 pieces, and then each piece into 5 pieces.

Roll out each piece of dough very thinly and cut into 25 cm circles. Do this on prepared baking paper. Use a fork to poke several holes along the entire plane of each cake.

Preheat oven to 180-190 degrees. Bake each layer for about 4-6 minutes.

Let the cakes cool completely. The cooled cakes will be quite hard, but don't worry - they will soften under the cream.

Ingredients for the custard for Honey cake "Bee" :

4 rounded tablespoons of wheat flour

3 rounded tablespoons of starch

2 cups milk

1/3 cup sugar

3 large egg yolks

1 pod

2 tablespoons full of butter

1 cup chilled cream

In a medium saucepan, heat the vanilla milk (don't boil it!). When foam appears, remove the pan from the heat.

Mix the yolks with the sugar.

Whisk together the mixed egg yolks, sifted cornstarch, and flour.

Add some warm milk to the mixture and beat the eggs.

Remove the vanilla pod from the milk. Place a saucepan of milk over medium heat and slowly pour in the egg mixture. Beat constantly. Cook until the mixture thickens.

Add butter and stir until melted.

Pour the cake custard into a bowl and cover it with cling film, placing it directly on top of the cream (this will prevent the crust from forming). Place the cream in the refrigerator until it cools completely.

Whisk the cold cream quickly and gently add to the cold custard.

Lubricate each cake with custard - about 2.5 tablespoons of cream per crust.

Press down on the honey cake with something heavy. Put the cake in the refrigerator for half an hour. Prepare the honeycomb cream at this time.

Honey cream

Ingredients for Honeycomb Cream:

half a can of boiled condensed milk (about 270 grams)

57 grams softened butter

1/4 cup sour cream

3 tablespoons very hot water

3 gelatin leaves (or a pack of gelatin)

Soak gelatin in cold water for 5 minutes or until dissolved. If using sachet gelatin, dissolve it in a minimum amount of hot water.

Whisk the condensed milk with butter.

If using gelatin leaves, drain the excess water from it and melt in three tablespoons of hot water.

Add one tablespoon of sour cream to the gelatin and mix well. Add the rest of the cream to the gelatin and blend again. Attention! Gelatin is the basis of this decoration, we do not recommend excluding it from the recipe, as there is a possibility that the "honeycomb" will not solidify and fall apart.

Stir the condensed milk with butter with the gelatin mixture and mix well.

Brush the top and sides of the cake with gelatin. Hurry - the mixture hardens very quickly!

Place the prepared cut bubble wrap (as shown in the photo) on the top of the cake and on the sides. Press down gently so that the bubble wrap adheres completely.

Place the cake in the refrigerator for a few hours. Remove the foil and decorate the honey cake with marzipan bees.

The combination of honey, custard and condensed milk will appeal to literally everyone, do not hesitate!

Bon Appetit!