Types of transportation of confectionery. Legislative framework of the Russian Federation

Storage is one of the stages of the technological process of commodity circulation from the production of the finished product to its consumption. The purpose of product storage is the preservation and stability of the original quality properties of the product or minor changes.

Classification of confectionery products and their characteristics

Most confectionery products include sugar or sugar substitutes (honey, sorbitol, and other sweeteners); as well as fruit, berry fillers, molasses, vegetable, butter and dairy products, cocoa, nuts, flour and other ingredients. Despite the wide variety of confectionery products, they can be divided into two main groups:

  • sugary, which include products that do not contain flour: sweets, chocolate, caramel, marshmallow, halva, marmalade, etc.;
  • flour, including cakes, cookies, rolls, gingerbread, pastries, muffins, etc. Confectionery products of both groups contain a whole range of substances important for the human body: fats, proteins, carbohydrates, mineral elements, vitamins. Thanks to modern technologies for the production of confectionery products, it has become possible to increase the biological value of products, preserve vitamins, protein, active enzymes. It is very important for the consumer to keep nutritional value products, for which special refrigeration equipment is used during the transportation, storage and sale of confectionery products: confectionery display cabinets, refrigerated slides.

Processes in confectionery products during storage

Despite a wide and varied range of products, technological features of production and quality of raw materials, the shelf life of confectionery products depends mainly on one prevailing factor. For instance:

  • In one case: chocolate candies, bars and biscuits differ significantly in the method of production, and the structure of the lipid complex is a factor affecting the shelf life of these products.
  • In another case: with completely different technologies for the manufacture of gingerbread, candy, fondant, the main factor determining the shelf life is desorption, which causes drying (hardening) of products during storage.
  • The preservation of the proper quality of such various products as waffles and caramel depends on the general indicator - absorption, the ability to absorb moisture from the outside.

What are the possibilities to increase the guaranteed shelf life of confectionery products? In the first case, the change in the structure of the lipid complex primarily depends on the oxidative capacity of fats. Different degrees of oxidation (light or deep) cause changes in organoleptic and physicochemical parameters: from deterioration of smell and taste (food rancidity of fats) to the formation of harmful, toxic substances. To minimize the effect of factors causing fat oxidation, synthetic and natural antioxidants are used that oxidize faster than fat. The use of fats that contain unsaturated fatty acids, which are the last to be oxidized, inhibits the oxidation of fats in flour confectionery products. One of the most effective ways to slow down the oxidative reaction of fats is to create certain conditions for storing confectionery (temperature, humidity) using refrigerated slides or showcases.

Sorption and desorption, which occurs during the storage of certain types of confectionery products, play a major role in determining the guaranteed shelf life. These processes depend on several factors:

  • physical and chemical composition of raw materials;
  • indicators of the structure of the finished product;
  • humidity and air temperature;
  • moisture activity in stored products.

The same product for different conditions the external environment will either give or absorb (saturate) moisture. For example, caramel with high humidity (more than 80%) will absorb moisture and, subsequently, become soft and lose its shape. But at the same time, with a humidity of up to 70%, caramel will eventually lose moisture and become sugared. When unpacked cookies are stored in high humidity conditions, the cookies will also be saturated with moisture, and give it back at low humidity. Even at 75% moisture, the average biscuits are between 8.5% and 9.5% moisture, although the recipe requirements are 6% - 7%. Therefore, storing unpackaged biscuits at 70% to 75% RH will result in gradual moisture and loss of brittleness.

Callousness is the main disadvantage of unglazed milk or fondant sweets, which can be eliminated by packaging and adding moisture-retaining raw materials during the manufacture, as well as inverting additives, enzyme preparations that convert sucrose into fructose and glucose.

Microbiological changes most often occur during the storage of confectionery products, including creams: sweets with additives, pastries and cakes with cream, fruit and berry fillings. A sufficient amount of water contained in such products provides a good environment for the development of microorganisms, which can be prevented in two main ways:

  • adding preservatives (benzene, sorbic acid);
  • creation of the required temperature regime that slows down the development of microorganisms during storage of products in refrigerated display cases.

It should be remembered that the conditions and terms of storage of confectionery products must be observed with great accuracy, and he is very responsible for the methods of extending the shelf life - this is not wine with cognac, the quality characteristics of which increase over time. The highest quality indicators are found in freshly prepared confectionery products.

Confectionery storage methods

Compliance with the rules for storing confectionery products guarantees not only the preservation of product quality, but also a decrease in commodity losses. The main parameters that determine storage conditions are:

  • ambient temperature;
  • relative humidity;
  • sanitary and hygienic conditions;
  • ventilation and lighting of the room.

An important role is also played by competent stacking and arrangement of products in accordance with the requirements of the commodity neighborhood. The most significant effect on the safety of products is the storage temperature of confectionery products. The largest part of culinary products should be in conditions of low temperature in cool rooms (pantry, utility rooms), refrigerated cabinets, confectionery showcases.

Sharp changes in temperature negatively affect the quality of confectionery products, while violation of the temperature regime activates physical and chemical processes, promotes the appearance of condensation on the surface of the product, and reduces the period of its sale.

In addition to temperature, the relative humidity of the air is of great importance during storage. Exceeding this indicator can cause the development of microorganisms, mold. It is also imperative to provide natural or forced ventilation of the premises where confectionery products are stored. Ventilation helps maintain the required temperature and humidity, carrying out the outflow of gas and steam.

It should be noted that when choosing refrigeration equipment for storing confectionery products, it is necessary to pay attention to the type of refrigeration. There are confectionery display cases with statistical cooling, in which cold air emanating from the evaporator spreads inside the display case in a natural way, and display cases with dynamic cooling, where cold air is circulated by a fan. The latter type of cooling allows you to collect the required air temperature inside the showcase much faster and maintain it without significant changes (no more than 2 ° C - 4 ° C). However, the dynamic type of cooling has its drawbacks, in particular - the weathering of some types of culinary products. This is especially true when storing flour confectionery products without packaging (cakes, pastries, muffins, rolls). When placing products in pantries or refrigeration equipment, it is necessary to adhere to the rules of the proximity of goods and the timing of their sale. It is necessary to place products in groups, on racks, shelves at a distance of at least 0.5 - 0.7 meters from the walls. Do not store nearby culinary products that have a pronounced odor that can be transmitted to other products, and products with high humidity (jam, products with fruits, cream) next to hygroscopic dry products (gingerbread, waffles, crackers).

Storage methods for confectionery products depend on the type of product:

  • Bulk sweets in wrappers are stored in cardboard boxes in bulk, not wrapped - they are restrained with paper. The maximum weight per package depends on the strength of the candy.
  • Dragee is best stored in packaged form in boxes, packs or plastic bags. Pre-packaged dragees are packed in outer containers (boxes, boxes). Depending on the strength of the pills, the maximum weight of one package is up to 10 kg (jelly type) and up to 20 kg (caramel type).
  • Pastries and cakes are stored in special cardboard or plastic boxes, the bottom of which is lined with paper. It is allowed to store cakes without packaging, in this case they are stored on wooden trays lined with parchment.
  • Cookies, muffins, waffles and other dry flour confectionery products are stored in a cool room (no more than 18 ° C), with a relative humidity of 70% - 75% (except for butter cookies and waffles, for storage of which the humidity should be 65% - 70 %).

Each batch of products must be labeled with the exact time and date of manufacture, as well as the storage period and conditions.

Equipment used for the storage of confectionery

Considering that most types of confectionery products have a short period of sale, refrigeration equipment is used for their storage, intended simultaneously for storage and pre-sale demonstration of chilled products in the sales areas of stores, supermarkets, enterprises Catering... Depending on its purpose, refrigeration equipment is subdivided into:

  • Refrigerated cabinets with refrigerated shelves, which are mainly used in self-service stores. Such equipment is convenient both for displaying products by store staff and for customers.
  • Confectionery display cabinets provide an opportunity for a full-fledged demonstration of confectionery products, both in the retail network and in cafeterias, pastry shops, and restaurants.
  • Confectionery showcases - used for the sale and display of confectionery products in sales areas. They are very convenient for service personnel and sales workers in that most of the models have a workplace for packaging products.

Among the wide variety of refrigeration equipment for storing confectionery products, you can choose a unit in accordance with the design of the retail space, dimensions, lighting requirements and functional features.

Terms and conditions of storage

Reducing substances play a significant effect on the shelf life of confectionery products, with an increase in the concentration of which, overmoistening of products with increased hygroscopicity can occur, or vice versa, a drop in the content of reducing substances can lead to drying (sugaring) of the product. The terms and conditions of storage of confectionery products differ according to the types of products:

Pastilles and marmalade can be stored at subzero temperatures (about -18 ° C) without changing the quality characteristics much longer than the guaranteed shelf life. Moreover, with gradual thawing, these products completely restore their taste and nutritional qualities. The guaranteed shelf life of these products is:

  • 3 months (for pectin and agar marmalade);
  • 1.5 months - jujube based on furcellaran and agaroid;
  • 2 months - other types of marmalade;
  • 3 months - for custard and chocolate-covered marshmallows;
  • 1 month - for glue marshmallows and marshmallows.

Jam, preserves and preserves (unpasteurized) are stored in a dry, ventilated room, where the air humidity is up to 75%, and the temperature is + 10 ° С… + 20 ° С. The shelf life of jams, preserves, confiture is:

  • up to 2 years for sterilized products;
  • up to 1 year - unsterilized;
  • up to 6 months - for unsterilized, packed in aluminum or polymer containers.

Wafers, crackers, gingerbread cookies, cookies are stored at a relative humidity of up to 75% and a temperature of no more than + 18 ° C. The shelf life of this type of flour confectionery is:

  • biscuits - up to 3 months layered, about 15 days - containing more than 20% fat;
  • gingerbread - up to 45 days custard, about 10 days - raw (without making flour);
  • biscuits - about 21 days dietary, with a high fat content, no more than 6 months - ordinary weighed out;
  • crackers - about 1 month on vegetable fats, no more than 6 months - with fillers;
  • waffles - about 15 days with a fatty filling, up to 3 months - without filling.

The shelf life of confectionery with cream (cake, pastry, roll) is:

  • 6 hours - whipped cream or sour cream;
  • 18 hours - cream, custard or curd cream;
  • 36 hours - yoghurt cream, stuffing from cream cheese, potato cake;
  • 72 hours - knocked down protein cream.

The air temperature during storage of confectionery products with cream should be maintained at the level of + 2 ° С ... + 6 ° С. At the same time, the presence of other ingredients (berries, fruits, syrups, preservatives) affects the shelf life. Confectionery products containing whipped cream of vegetable origin may be stored for up to 5 days.

The Cargo Line company provides services for the delivery of refrigerated cargo, including food products, among which the transportation of confectionery products with temperature control is in great demand. We provide our own transport for transportation across Russia, the CIS, the EAEU, from Europe, Central Asia and the Middle East.

Temperature transportation of confectionery

Transportation of confectionery products requires special care and attention due to the specific quality characteristics of the cargo. Individual packaging of such products often has a lot of white space, which increases the risk of crushing and deterioration of the appearance. The finished products themselves have a delicate and fragile structure.

It is especially important to adhere to the required temperature ranges and maintain optimal humidity inside the cargo hold throughout the entire transport process, as confectionery should not be exposed to either too high or too low temperatures.

Confectionery goods are equally susceptible to damage at freezing and melting temperatures - the product can change its color, taste and aroma, which make it unique and in demand among customers. For example, the optimum temperature for storing and transporting chocolate products is 10-18 ° C. At 21 ° C, the quality, taste and appearance of chocolate products deteriorate. At a temperature of 24 ° C, chocolate begins to melt and deform, especially if it is a molded chocolate product.

Cream products with a very limited shelf life are extremely sensitive to temperature rise above the permissible level, even by half a degree. Such goods, as a rule, are not sent on “long-distance travel” - the maximum transportation period should not exceed ⅓ of the shelf life (72 hours), i.e. 1 day.

Cargo Line is your reliable partner, which guarantees the best service in the temperature transportation industry. We own brand new refrigerated trucks to provide quality services that will help your business grow. Our qualified staff will ensure safe and high-quality transportation, offering the best transportation solutions and the most suitable delivery routes. Thus, we can save you unnecessary costs and time-consuming confectionery logistics procedures.

Transportation of confectionery products by road

When organizing the temperature transportation of confectionery cargo, the company's specialists monitor compliance with all requirements and standards:

    the cooling and air exchange systems of the vehicle supplied for loading are in good order and operate normally;

    the inner space of the cargo compartment is pre-cleaned from dirt and odors, sanitary and hygienic treatment;

    drivers have personal medical records, cars are accompanied by sanitary passports;

    at the entire stage of delivery, the specified temperature and humidity level is maintained.

Depending on the season of transportation, the length of the route and the characteristics of the cargo, the company's employees will select the appropriate type of transport and provide for loading: refrigerators of the Schmitz Cargobull brand, including two-compartment, equipped with reliable refrigeration units "Carrier" and "Thermo King" or isothermal vans of various capacity. All transport used for delivery is the property of the company, therefore we offer transparent tariffs for transportation without additional surcharges.

Experience and capabilities of Cargo Line Group of Companies in confectionery logistics

The CargoLine company has been operating in the refrigerated transport market since 2002 and is represented in three EAEU countries - the Russian Federation, Belarus and Kazakhstan. We constantly monitor the latest changes in Russian and international legislation, the emergence of new technologies and logistics developments for carrying out transportation in compliance with the temperature regime. We pay close attention to the technical condition of our vehicles, we update our fleet on a regular basis (at the moment, our rolling stock has 500 units of various equipment no more than 3 years old).

Cargo Line offers its clients a wide range of confectionery forwarding and logistics services. Our company ensures that temperature and humidity control systems are used throughout the supply chain to ensure that your delicious product arrives in the best possible condition. We focus on building long-term relationships and providing quality customer service, integrating our values ​​and business strategies to meet the demands and challenges of your business.

Transportation of confectionery products is considered a complex procedure in the field of transportation, as it requires well-coordinated work, special transport, prompt loading / unloading. "Sweets" each have their own shelf life, it happens, so that it can be only one day, and if you do not follow the storage conditions, it will deteriorate in a few hours. In the company "RUS" it is possible transportation of confectionery products by refrigerators of the following types: chocolate and chocolate products, creamy flour products (puffs, eclairs, pastries), cakes, waffles, jellies, pastries, marshmallows, marmalade, etc. Transportation of goods by temperature control of confectionery for each unit is individual.

Requirements for the transportation of confectionery

In order for the transportation of confectionery products by refrigerated trucks to be successful, the following requirements must be observed.

Firstly, the temperature and humidity inside the van should be under special control at any time of the year. Confectionery products such as cake, roll, cream cakes should be transported at a temperature range of -2 - + 20 ° C. In case of emergency quick freeze the temperature can reach - 180 ° C.

Secondly, for successful transportation of confectionery refrigerated trucks must be carried in special containers. They allow you to maintain the desired temperature and humidity level for a long time. This is especially important if confectionery is transported over long distances.

Thirdly, it is packaging for "sweets". As you know, packaging is a large percentage of the safety of the product, that is, its presentation. Particularly fragile products (biscuits, waffles, etc.) should be transported in corrugated boxes that protect the products from damage at all stages of transportation. The cake should be packed in cardboard or plastic.

Fourthly, the time of delivery of the cargo must pass promptly. Confectionery products do not have a long shelf life, therefore, the period of their sale also depends on the time of transportation of confectionery products.

It is not compatible in transportation with other food products, since this type of food especially absorbs other odors, this primarily concerns food, because this can lead to spoilage of the taste components. That is, for freight transport by refrigerated confectionery the van must undergo thorough disinfection, where one of the important should be the exclusion of other odors.

Do not forget that confectionery is often a fragile culinary product. In order not to violate the integrity of the product, immerse and unload with particular care, as otherwise it will lead to the loss of presentation with all the consequences.

Transportation of confectionery like any food product must be accompanied by the necessary documents and permits.

In the company "RUS" only prompt delivery of food products and the most accurate transportation of confectionery products.

Not a single holiday is complete without everyone's favorite delicacy - cake. Therefore, the delivery of cakes, pastries and other confectionery products must be carried out with extreme caution. Transportation of confectionery products should be carried out in a separate car, other products, especially those with a pungent odor, should not be in vehicles. The sender of cakes and other products is obliged to pack the cakes in separate boxes and tie them up. The boxes are stamped with the date of manufacture with an expiration date. The cakes are spaced at a certain distance from each other. Small pastries such as eclairs, cakes, puffs and others are laid out on special trays in one layer and covered with lids.

During the transportation of confectionery products, it is required to maintain the desired temperature. When transporting powdery cream products from a bottom city to another, the carrier is presented with all the necessary accompanying documents, which indicate the exact date of manufacture and temperature conditions. The freight forwarder accompanying the cargo recounts the goods upon receipt from the manufacturer and delivery to the customer. Loading and unloading confectionery products should not be accompanied by sudden movements. After transporting the cakes, it is necessary to clean the cargo compartments of the body.

Requirements for vehicles for transportation of cakes

Cars transporting cakes and other flour products must have a covered body so that the products do not get dust and precipitation.
It is also necessary to maintain a temperature in the body from 0 to +6 degrees C. A truck with a van made of sandwich panels is ideal for transporting confectionery. Delivery of products is made with a sealed van. Loading and unloading operations are carried out manually, so this process takes a long time.

All containers and the car itself must have permission from the sanitary and epidemiological supervision authorities for the transportation of confectionery products. Such transport is usually used to transport only one type of product. And in accordance with the rules of the sanitary service, the body and racks must be sanitized every day, and once a month they must be disinfected with agents approved for use in the food industry. All persons involved in the production, loading and transportation of confectionery products must have a health book and undergo an annual medical examination.

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route dispatching mobile

Automobile transport- one of the most important sectors of the national economy, it develops as an integral part of a unified transport system. In modern conditions, further development of the economy is inconceivable without well-established transport support. In an environment where there is a trend towards economic recovery and recovery, road transport contributes to the normalization of the situation in the financial sector. The labor rhythm of industrial, construction and agricultural enterprises largely depends on its clarity and reliability. It ensures, along with other modes of transport, the rational production and circulation of industrial and agricultural products, meets the needs of the population in transportation. Automobile transport in Russia is the most widespread type of transport. It accounts for more than half of passenger traffic and three quarters of freight traffic.

In Russia, with its vast territory, it is transport that unites literally all sectors of the economy into a single complex. It is transport that ensures not only the normal life of the state, but also its national security and integrity. The ever-increasing scale of social production, the expansion of the spheres of industrial use of natural resources, the development of economic and cultural ties both within the country and with foreign countries, the requirements of the country's defense capacity cannot be met without the powerful development of all types of transport, a widespread network of communications, high mobility and maneuverability of all types of transport.

Transport is of great importance for the economic and cultural cooperation of Russia with other countries, the strengthening and development of the economic system of management, in solving social and economic problems. The provision of a territory with a well-developed transport system is one of the factors of attracting population and production, and serves as an important advantage for the location of productive forces. Also, transport creates conditions for the formation of local and national markets.

The main task facing transport workers is timely, high-quality and complete satisfaction of the country's needs for transportation and increasing the economic efficiency of the work of each enterprise and the industry as a whole. Consequently, the basis of the work of transport enterprises should be not only the implementation of a sufficient volume of traffic, but also, mainly, timely and high-quality service to enterprises of various sectors of the economy and the population, reduction of transport costs and tariffs. The market economy leads to an intensification of the struggle for consumers of transport services, which, in turn, has a positive effect on improving the quality of services provided and expanding their range.

The purpose of the course project:

Organization of transportation of commercial goods (confectionery).

Objectives of the course project:

1) Describe the cargo.

2) Select and characterize rolling stock and handling mechanisms.

4) Draw up schedules for cars on the route, for drivers, for releasing cars on the line and returning them to the park.

5) Organize operational dispatch management of the rolling stock on the line.

6) Select measures for labor protection, traffic safety and environmental protection.

1. Settlement and research section

1.1 Characteristics of the cargo

Cargo on transport is all items from the moment they are accepted for transportation from the sender to delivery to the recipient.

According to the assignment of the course project, the transported cargo is confectionery (cakes).

One of the most delicate types of cargo to handle is cakes and all kinds of confectionery. When transporting cakes, the temperature and transportation conditions are more important than ever, since in no case should any taste qualities products, nor their spectacular appearance. In general, the transportation of cakes and pastries is also carried out at a comfortable temperature from +2 to +5 degrees Celsius. The exception is frozen cakes and pastries - they are transported at sub-zero temperatures.

Types of confectionery:

Sugar products. These include: jam, jam, marshmallows, sweets;

Flour products, the list of which includes cakes, cookies, waffles.

Confectionery is classified:

1. for containers: tare;

2. by the method of loading and unloading: piece;

3. according to the conditions of transportation and storage: specific;

4. according to the degree of utilization of the carrying capacity: refer to the 3rd class of cargo, the utilization factor of the carrying capacity is 0.6;

5. under the conditions of protection against external influences: require special conditions of carriage.

The consignor (confectionery factory, etc.) must present cakes for transportation in special packages that are safe for health and protect the goods from harmful effects environment, which are tied with twine, ribbon. The boxes are marked with the date of issue and the expiration date. Boxes with cakes can be stacked in a car body on top of each other in several rows.

Packaging boxes for cakes, as a rule, cardboard boxes or boxes made of polymeric materials, approved for use by the authorities of sanitary and epidemiological supervision. The bottom of the packaging box is covered with a napkin made of parchment, waxed paper or glassine. When packing wafer cakes, writing paper can be used to cover the top row.

1.2 Selection and characteristics of rolling stock

When choosing a rolling stock, it is necessary to take into account its performance:

Cargo capacity;

Carrying capacity;


Movement speed and cross-country ability;

Ease of use and adaptability to loading and unloading;

Operating conditions:

The volume of traffic;

Lot size and type of cargo;

Transportation distance;

Loading and unloading conditions.

According to these criteria, we choose a car of the GAZ - 3302 brand, which is a refrigerated van. This type of vehicle is advisable to use in urban mode, combining the transportation of bakery and confectionery products. The GAZ-3302 car is the discoverer of the GAZelle family. It was the version with an on-board platform that was the first to leave the assembly line of the automobile plant in 1994. The GAZ - 3302 GAZelle is a light commercial vehicle with a carrying capacity of 1.5 tons. Cars of this series are among the most widespread in the segment. Compact body dimensions allow this agile truck to move confidently within the city. The low loading height of 1 m is achieved through the use of low-profile tires. A comfortable three-seater cabin of the GAZ - 3302 car provides the driver with good visibility. The refrigerator van consists of monolithic sandwich panels, hermetically fastened to each other. Expanded polystyrene (or polyurethane foam) is used as a thermal insulation material. The outer skin of the van is made of clad metal. This provides both an aesthetic appearance and good corrosion protection. The inner sheathing layer is food-grade galvanized steel, safe for transporting food. Depending on what temperature conditions are required by the customer (cooling or deep freezing), the van can be manufactured with a wall thickness of 50 to 100 mm. Refrigeration units on a refrigerator can also be different: either providing a stable temperature from 0 ° С to + 5 ° С, or having the function of deep freezing down to -20 ° С.

Appearance the GAZ-3302 van car and its technical characteristics are presented in Figure 1.1 and Table 1.1.

Figure 1.1. Appearance of a refrigerated van brand GAZ - 3302

table 1.1. Technical characteristics of the car brand GAZ - 3302

1.3 Selection and characteristics of loading and unloading mechanisms

Loading and unloading mechanisms (PFM) are selected based on the conditions of their work, performance to ensure least downtime the loading and unloading mechanisms themselves and vehicles. Therefore, for the choice of loading and unloading mechanisms, it is necessary to take into account: the nature of the used cargo; the nature of the traffic; physical properties cargo; daily volume of cargo handling; type of rolling stock.

Loading and unloading of cakes should be done carefully, without impacts and sharp shaking. When loading and unloading, they must be protected from the effects of atmospheric precipitation.

To facilitate the loading and unloading work, I have chosen the TS-19 rack trolley for transporting boxes of cakes.

Moving cargo on carts and carts without cargo: when loading confectionery products and unloading containers at a distance of up to 5 m, during warehouse processing at a distance of up to 10, 40, 50 m, depending on the type of work. The loading of confectionery products into the car through the loading window or trolley is performed by two loaders, one of whom delivers the load to the loading window or trolley, and the second removes it from the loading window or trolley and installs it into the car. For the convenience of moving the rack trolley with a load, it has 4 wheels rotating around its axis.

The appearance and characteristics of the rack-trolley are shown in Figure 1.2 and Table 1.2.

Figure 1.2. Exterior view of the trolley-rack TS-19

Table 1.2. Characteristics of the TS-19 trolley-rack

The idle time of a car under loading is determined on the basis of the Interindustry norms of time for non-mechanized loading of wagons, vehicles and is 19 minutes:

t p = 19 min = 0.32 h

t nА1 = t n А2 = 19 min = 0.32 h

The idle time of a car under unloading is determined on the basis of the Interindustry norms of time for non-mechanized unloading of wagons, vehicles and is 13 minutes:

t p = 13 min = 0.22 h

t pB1 = t pB2 = t p B3 = 13 min = 0.22 h

The idle time of the vehicle under loading and unloading is determined by the formula 1.1:

t pr = t p + t p, (h) (1.1)

where t p is the time for loading, h;

t p - time for unloading, h.

t p-pA1B1 = 0.32 + 0.22 = 0.54 h

t p-pA 1 B2 = 0.32 + 0.22 = 0.54 h

t p-pA 1 B 3 = 0.32 + 0.22 = 0.54 h

t p-pA2B3 = 0.32 + 0.22 = 0.54 h

Loading time for 1 ton of cargo is determined by formula 1.2:

t p1t = t p / (q n * g s), (min) (1.2)

where t p is the time for loading, min;

q n - rated carrying capacity, t;

g c - coefficient of static use of carrying capacity.

t p1tA1 = 19 / (1.5 * 0.6) = 21 min

t p1tA2 = 19 / (1.5 * 0.6) = 21 min

The throughput of the loading station is determined by the formula 1.3:

µ t = 60 / t p1t * n, (t / h) (1.3)

where 60 is the number of minutes in an hour;

t p1t - loading time for 1 ton of cargo, min;

n - coefficient of uneven supply of vehicles for loading

m tA1 = 60/21 * 1 = 2.9 t / h

m tA2 = 60/21 * 1 = 2.9 t / h

The required number of loading posts is determined by formula 1.4:

N p = Q days / (µ t * T n), (n) (1.4)

where Q days is the daily amount of cargo, t;

µ t - post throughput, t / h;

T n - time in outfit, h.

N nA1 = (112 + 130 + 126) / (2.9 * 10)? 13 p

N pA2 = 150 / (2.9 * 10)? 6 p

1.4 Determining traffic routes

To calculate the routes of movement, a complex of programs "Trucking" is used.

Calculating the number of trips

A1B1 Ze = 112 / (1.5 * 0.6) = 124 (driving)

A1B2 Ze = 130 / (1.5 * 0.6) = 144 (driving)

A1B3 Ze = 126 / (1.5 * 0.6) = 140 (driving)

A2B3 Ze = 150 / (1.5 * 0.6) = 167 (driving)

Checking the plan for optimality

A1B2 2 - 0< 6

A1B1 5 - (-2)< 8

Because for all unloaded cells, the difference between the potentials corresponding to them is less than or equal to the distance indicated in this cell (v-u

Determination of routes of movement

Pendulum routes:

No. 1 A1B1B1A1 - 124 (rev)

No. 2 A1B3B3A1 - 140 (rev)

No. 3 A2B3B3A2 - 23 (rev)

Loop routes:

No. 1 A1B2B2A2A2B3B3A1 - 144 (rev)

1.5 Calculation of traffic routes

Scheme of the circular route No. 1

2 . Organizational section

2.1 Schedules of cars on routes

To draw up timetables for the movement of vehicles on the routes, a set of programs "Trucking" is used.

2.2 Working hours of drivers

The work of a driver is one of the most intense and responsible forms of labor. it is associated with great neuro-emotional stress, requires constant concentration of attention, takes place in frequently changing conditions, in isolation from the production team.

The organization of the work of drivers is a significant factor influencing road safety, the organization and implementation of cargo transportation. The rational organization of the work of drivers consists in such rationing and distribution of working time, in which the requirements of labor legislation are not violated, and the maintenance of high efficiency of labor throughout the entire work shift is ensured. In accordance with Art. 329 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. the specifics of the working hours and rest hours, working conditions of certain categories of workers whose work is directly related to the movement of vehicles are established by the Federal executive body in the field of the corresponding type of transport. At the same time, it is necessary not to allow significant overwork in comparison with the established duration of the working day (no more than 10 hours on urban routes and no more than 12 hours on intercity routes), a working week (40 hours), monthly and annual working hours. When involved in overtime work, the total duration of the daily work shift should not exceed 12 hours. Overtime work is applied in the manner prescribed by law (Art. 99 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation). Excessive processing by drivers is allowed no more than 120 hours per year, i.e. on average, no more than 10 hours per month.

For drivers working on a five-day working week with two days off, the standard shift duration is 8 hours, and for drivers working on a six-day working week with one day off - 7 hours

The drivers' working time consists of two main elements: the time spent on the preparatory and final work (work related to the release of vehicles on the line and their return to the park) and the time spent directly on the transportation of 1 cargo. The norm for the preparatory and final time was set at 23 minutes. (0.38 hours) per shift, taking into account 5 minutes for the pre-trip medical examination.

2.3 Schedule of release of cars on the line and their return to the park

Drawing up a plan for the release of cars on the line (according to the schedule agreed with the loading points) ensures their uniform arrival at the loading points and creates a certain rhythm of work, which is maintained, as a rule, during the day. The release of cars on the line is carried out according to the schedules drawn up by the operation department together with the technical service in accordance with the nature of the upcoming transportation work in two ways.

In the first method, the dispatcher, when issuing waybills, assigns cars to certain routes and puts down car numbers and the names of drivers in the waybills. Upon release, the driver receives a waybill for the object assigned to him.

In the second method, waybills are written out impersonally, without prior fixing the cars: upon release, the driver receives a waybill for the next object at the direction of the dispatcher. In this case, all the details of the waybill (car number, driver's name, personnel number, etc.) are filled in by the dispatcher during the release process.

The issued waybills (numbers) are recorded by the dispatcher in the vehicle release sheet or in the dispatch log, compiled by columns. The speedometer readings when leaving the transport company and returning, as well as the remaining gasoline in the car's tank when leaving and returning, are recorded by a mechanic or other authorized person. The time of departure of the car from the transport company and return to the company is noted in the waybill and statement by the dispatcher.

The senior shift dispatcher draws up a daily report, which indicates:

Number of cars produced per day, by columns, models, shifts;

The number of cars by customers (limited), and in case of centralized transportation by consignors (suppliers);

The number of late departures (against schedule) and the total number of hours late.

The operation service, the technical service, the heads of the columns, duty mechanics, dispatchers, mechanics of checkpoints and drivers participate in the preparation and release of rolling stock on the line.

Before leaving the line, drivers make a technical inspection of the rolling stock. In order to reduce the time it takes to release rolling stock onto the line, in some motor transport enterprises, experienced drivers who work without accidents are allowed to leave the line without a control examination of their cars by a mechanic. After completing the preparatory work, the drivers in the control room receive waybills, which indicate the time of departure to the line.

When accepting a car from the line, the dispatcher is obliged to check whether the driver has completed the shift task and whether the shipping documents have been correctly drawn up.

If there are violations, the dispatcher is obliged to find out the reason and demand a written explanation from the driver.

The schedule of rolling stock release to the line and its return to the fleet is postponed in the time / cars coordinates. The ordinate is the number of cars, the abscissa is the time in hours in accordance with the accepted scale. When building, it is postponed what time the first car is released, and the second car is released after the loading time. Further, all cars are released after loading. Also, the release schedule takes into account lunch time and shift times.

The rolling stock production schedule indicates the sequence of vehicles production on the line according to the time of day.

2.4 Organization of operational dispatch management of rolling stock on the line

Organization of operational dispatch management of the rolling stock on the line

Organization of operational dispatch management and management of cargo transportation at road transport enterprises includes:

Organization of receiving applications (orders) for the carriage of goods and the development of shift-daily transportation plans;

Organization of rolling stock release to the line and its reception upon returning from the line;

Organization and implementation of management and control over the operation of rolling stock on the line;

Organization and implementation of operational accounting and analysis of rolling stock operation.

All these issues are handled by the operation service at the motor transport enterprise.

Its main tasks: the organization and implementation of cargo transportation, and ensuring the implementation of the established (in terms of clientele and nomenclature) transportation plan with the most efficient use of rolling stock.

The dispatching group is engaged in operational (shift-daily) planning of transportation, the release of rolling stock on the line and its reception when returning from the line, operational management of the rolling stock on the line, drawing up a shift-daily report on the release on the line and a daily report on the operation of rolling stock, operational analysis of the fulfillment of the cargo transportation plan (by clientele and nomenclature).

Dispatch management of transportation is the main link in the organization and management of a trucking company. Therefore, at each motor transport enterprise, there is a dispatching group (service) as part of the operation department (service), which is in charge of transportation.

The organizational forms and structure of the dispatch service depend on the scale of the enterprise and the adopted form of management.

Regardless of the organizational form of the dispatch service, its main task is the operational management and control of the rolling stock on the line with the aim of better servicing enterprises and organizations with transportation, achieving higher technical and operational performance indicators and ensuring the fulfillment of the shift-daily task by each driver.

In its daily work, the apparatus of dispatchers of the internal (central) and linear service uses various methods of managing and monitoring the operation of the rolling stock.

Document flow

On the basis of the approved transportation plan, the trucking company or organization concludes with shippers or consignees annual contracts for the carriage of goods by road. The annual contract for the carriage of goods by road establishes the volumes of traffic according to the approved nomenclature, the conditions of carriage (operating mode for receiving and issuing goods, ensuring the safety of goods, carrying out loading and unloading operations at a specified time, etc.), the procedure for settlements for transportation, rational routes and schemes of freight flows are determined.

The contract is drawn up at the trucking company, signed by it and sent in two copies to the consignor, who, no later than 10 days from the date of receipt, must sign the contract, one copy of which is returned to the trucking company or organization.

If there are disagreements under the agreement, the consignor is obliged to sign the agreement within 10 days, draw up a protocol of disagreements and send it in duplicate to the transport company or organization together with the signed agreement. In case of disagreement with the shipper's remarks to the contract specified in the protocol of disagreements, the trucking company or organization is obliged to consider the disagreements.

The development of market relations in the country's economy has created conditions for the implementation of the international practice of primary accounting for road transport of goods in road transport. According to the Charter of Road Transport of the Russian Federation, a travel document is the main document certifying that a vehicle belongs to a legal entity or citizen carrying out the transportation of goods, indicating the purpose of the trip and other established information.

Document flow diagram

1. Contract for the carriage of goods

2. Application for the carriage of goods

3. Daily operational plan of transportation

4. Information about the readiness of the rolling stock

5. Waybill

6. Consignment note

7. Accounting for the implementation of technical and operational indicators

8. Accounting for the fulfillment of the plan for clients

9. Invoice for shipping

10. Calculation of wages to the driver.


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2. Leonova S.V. Freight transport: method. recommendations for the implementation of the course project: in 2 hours / Leonova S.V., Pererva G.V .; FGOU SPO "Omsk Motor Transport College". - Omsk: Printing house "Maximum", 2006. - 52 p.

3. Mayboroda M.Ye. Freight road transport: a tutorial. / Mayboroda M.E., Bernadsky V.V. Publication Rostov-on-Don: Phoenix 2008 - 442 p.

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