Delicious wild duck recipes. How to cook wild duck soft and juicy

Following which you can please your family with a game dish contains a number of specific details. After all, waterfowl have a special smell and unusual taste of meat, which, before cooking wild ducks, must be neutralized. First, let's figure out what kinds of birds you have to deal with.

How to cook wild ducks: preliminary nuances

The meat of mallards and teals is considered the best in taste. These birds are ubiquitous. Hunting for them is allowed during most of the fall. It is better to cook the meat of these birds by frying or stewing for a sufficiently long time. In the conditions of a hike, it can be baked over a fire on a spit. Sometimes poultry meat is cooked in a way or soup. Having studied how to cook wild ducks, it is advisable to pre-marinate them for up to a day. It should be strong, but not tart. In addition, it is recommended to soak the diving duck in cold water and remove the skin from the carcass. this kind is not boiled. The addition of spices to the game is also important. But, for example, the meat of waders (garshnip, snipe) is cooked without spices. And also without adding onions and garlic.

Cook wild duck in the oven

This is a fast and reliable way to surprise everyone with a delicious game of game. The first steps, as we mentioned, should be soaking and marinating the carcass. The second is getting rid of excess fat. Almost all ducks have a high fat content - this is due to their life near water (the subcutaneous layer protects the bird from the cold). Take a small, sharp stick and knife. When making cuts in the skin, hold it with a stick and remove the fat with a knife. After that, wrap the bird in foil and place in a rack with a wire rack. The latter is needed so that air circulates better around the duck. Before wrapping in foil, rub the poultry well with salt (this will make the skin crispy - don't be afraid to oversalt) and black pepper. Two-kilogram about two hours. Three times the bird needs to be taken out and, turning it over, pour over the resulting juice. No matter how carefully you trim the fat off it, some of it will still stand out. It is better to collect it in a separate container and store it in the refrigerator. On it you can fry potatoes, as well as cook meat pies with duck fat. The baked bird is cut and, letting it stand for a quarter of an hour, is served.

How to cook wild ducks with apples

For one medium-sized bird, you will need a couple of sour fruits, two onions, salt, (ground), half a glass of dry red wine and broth, a spoonful of starch and a spoonful of cream.

Chop the apples into small pieces. Rub the duck with pepper and salt. Fry it on the stove. Then put in a rooster, overlay with apples, chopped onions, juniper. Pour in broth, cream and wine. Water the bird with melted fat. Cool the finished duck. And add starch to the melted juice and boil - you get a good dressing. Serve the poultry with the resulting sauce.

The mallard is not as fat as poultry. Its meat is very tasty, although it is difficult to find it on sale, most often game is served in restaurants. However, today you can find many hunters who delight their mistresses with prey. There are a lot of recipes for cooking this bird, they make roasts from it, soups, bake in the oven, stew with vegetables, and so on. Today we will talk about how to cook wild duck at home. Of course, not every housewife can boast of her culinary abilities in cooking game, but this is easily fixable, since there is nothing complicated about it, although the process itself takes a fair amount of time.

Poultry preparation

Before you start cooking any dish from wild duck, it must be pre-processed. To do this, pluck it in one of the well-known ways. We chose the dry method: the carcass is taken in such a way that it hangs upside down. With quick jerks, they begin to pull out feathers against their growth. First, they are removed on the chest, then transferred to the back, neck and shoulders, the wings are plucked last. Further, before cooking the wild duck, remove the remaining hairs with the blunt side of the knife, roll the carcass in flour and gently singe over the burner. At the same time, the bird is well straightened so that there are no folds on the skin. The seared duck is thoroughly washed in water, removing soot and flour residues.

Now you can start cutting, if the recipe for cooking wild duck requires it. If the bird is going to be roasted in the oven, all you need to do is remove the intestines and entrails. For this, an incision is made near the anus, all intestines are removed through it.

Removing a specific odor

In most cases, wild duck meat has a specific fish smell. To get rid of it, you need to pour water on a large baking sheet so that it covers half of it, and then put the carcass there, and then send everything to a well-heated oven for five minutes. Then the bird must be turned over, the baking sheet must be put back in the oven for five minutes. This is an effective way to get rid of the fishy smell. Now you can start cooking. Let's look at a few recipes.

Duck stewed in a pan

Ingredients: one wild duck carcass, salt and spices to taste, one lemon, two tablespoons of vinegar.


In order to cook wild duck in the oven, you need to cut the prepared carcass into portions, which are then put into a bowl. Rub each piece with salt and spices. The ideal seasoning in this case is a mixture of black and red peppers, paprika, rosemary and sage, basil and caraway seeds, marjoram and juniper. Lemon juice must be squeezed out and added to the meat along with grated zest and vinegar. Mix everything well, cover and put in a cold place for eight hours to marinate. During this time, the bird will be saturated with the aromas of spices and will become much softer.

Next, the game is laid out in a pan and poured with juice, if it is not enough, then add half a glass of water, cover with a lid and stew for about half an hour over medium heat. Then this recipe for cooking wild duck involves frying each piece from all sides until golden brown in the fat that has been melted from the poultry. The finished dish can be decorated with herbs and vegetables, it is served with lingonberry jam to make it more piquant.

Wild duck shurpa

Ingredients: several carcasses of wild duck, three hundred grams of lard, one kilogram of potatoes, half a kilogram of sweet pepper, half a kilogram of carrots, half a kilogram of tomato, a head of garlic, two tablespoons of tomato paste, one bunch of parsley, dill and cilantro, as well as five black peppercorns, each two tablespoons of spices (coriander, hops suneli and cumin), five bay leaves and salt to taste.


Today we will be looking at cooking wild duck in nature. So, the carcasses must be put in a cauldron and filled with water so that it completely covers them, and a whole peeled onion must be added there. We put on fire. The duck needs to be boiled for four hours, periodically skimming off the foam, while salt is not added. To cook the meat faster, the poultry can be pre-cut into portions and fried. But then the dish will turn out a little fatter. In the meantime, let's prepare the rest of the components.

Preparing ingredients for shurpa

Potatoes must be peeled, washed and chopped coarsely (do not cut small ones). Do the same with carrots. Cut the onion into half rings, do the same with bell peppers, cut the tomatoes into large slices. Greens are washed and chopped, garlic is divided into cloves and finely chopped. Then the bacon is cut into strips and put in a frying pan, which is placed on another small fire, previously made. When the bacon acquires a golden hue, pour onions to it and fry, then add carrots and continue to fry until tender.

So, let's look at how to cook wild duck on an open fire further. After four hours, potatoes and salt are added to the cauldron to taste, boil for ten minutes. Then they put the prepared roast there and cook again for ten minutes. After that, add bell peppers and tomatoes, continue to cook for twenty minutes. Five minutes before the end of cooking, put spices, tomato paste and half of the pre-chopped herbs, garlic. At the last moment, one hundred grams of vodka is poured into the shurpa. The dish is ready!

Wild duck in Khanty-Mansi style

Ingredients: three wild ducks, three hundred grams each, two medium apples, one eggplant, one carrot, one zucchini, half a lemon, three hundred grams of lard, salt, as well as vinegar and spices to taste, one liter of carbonated unsalted water, one tangerine, herbs.


Wild duck dishes like this are delicious. In addition, it is very satisfying and healthy; a male hunter will undoubtedly appreciate it.

So, pre-prepared carcasses must be soaked in mineral water for two hours. Then they are taken out, wiped with napkins and rubbed with salt and spices. Cut the apples into strips, salt and pepper, pour over lemon juice and leave for five minutes. After that, ducks are stuffed with them and chopped tangerine, the holes are not then sewn up, but covered with plates of bacon, securing it with toothpicks. Cut eggplants, carrots and zucchini into large pieces, salt and pepper them, sprinkle with vinegar, and leave for a few minutes. The bacon is cut into slices one centimeter thick.

Wild duck in the oven

Next, prepare a baking sheet. To do this, it is covered with foil, bending the edges. Put the second layer of foil on top (the edges are not folded), and then the third. Then prepared ducks are placed, each of which is covered with bacon. Vegetables are spread around the bird. Foil, where the carcasses lie, wrap them up (first with the third layer, then with the second). The baking sheet is placed in a well-preheated oven for twenty minutes. After that, the foil is unrolled so that a "basket" is obtained. The bird is watered with the resulting juice and put back in the oven, next to it is put a bowl of water. Every five minutes, the carcasses must be taken out and watered with juice. Do this until they acquire a golden hue. The readiness of the dish is checked as follows: the duck is pierced with a toothpick, if the blood does not come out, then it is ready.

The finished dish is poured with lemon juice, garnished with herbs and baked vegetables. Such a hearty dinner will delight every family member.

Charcoal duck with bacon

Cooking wild duck on the grill does not require any special skill. This dish is quite simple, but hearty and appetizing.For outdoor enthusiasts, this is a great option for a good and tasty meal.

Ingredients: duck fat, three hundred grams of lard, red pepper, chicken seasoning, dried garlic, lemon and herbs.


A prepared drake is placed in the dishes, spices to taste, lemon juice are added, left for an hour or two to marinate. Meanwhile, the fat is cut into layers one centimeter thick. The bird is cut in the breast, crumpled and laid out like a tobacco chicken. Prepared bacon is placed on the bottom of the pan, and duck on top, put them under the press for half an hour.

Before cooking a wild duck, you need to light a fire and set up a brazier. Then a layer of bacon is put on the net, on top - a duck, which is also covered with a layer of bacon, and put on fire. At the same time, the garlic on the bird is absorbed into the skin thanks to the fat, so the carcass does not burn. The dish is prepared for about an hour. At the same time, the meat turns out to be tender and tasty. Do not forget about the fire here, it must be extinguished with a marinade from the bird.

So, the wild duck, the recipes for which are varied, is ready. First, lard is spread on a plate, while it is recommended to hold the bird over the fire for a few more minutes to obtain a golden crust. The dish is served with baked bacon, herbs and vegetables.

Wild duck with cinnamon and tomatoes

Ingredients: three ducks weighing three hundred grams, six hundred grams of tomatoes, one spoonful of cinnamon, one onion, one spoonful of salt, one and a half tablespoons of sugar, one bunch of basil, a mixture of ground peppers, three tablespoons of olive oil, three tablespoons of sour cream.


Consider how a wild duck is cooked in a slow cooker. First of all, you need to rinse and dry the bird, then fry in a pan on all sides so that the excess liquid is gone. Then the skin is removed from the carcasses (pre-scalded with boiling water), and they are finely chopped. Add finely chopped onions, spices, chopped herbs, butter and sour cream. The dish is cooked for thirty minutes in a slow cooker. At the end of cooking, add starch (a teaspoon) and boil. The dish is ready! It can be garnished with basil sprigs, served with vegetables or with porridge.

Duck with rice (pilaf)

Ingredients: one wild duck, one onion, two glasses of rice, half a spoonful of savory, six cloves of garlic, salt and pepper to taste.


Wild duck, the recipes for which we are considering, turns out to be delicious if cooked with peeled offal. So, together with the bird, they are cut into small pieces, poured with water and boiled until tender. The broth is poured into another dish. Onions are chopped and added to the poultry, all this is fried, broth is poured in, washed rice, salt and spices, garlic are added. All ingredients are mixed, covered and cooked like pilaf. Fifteen minutes before cooking, you can add chopped apples. Serve the finished dish on a large plate, garnished with sprigs of herbs and vegetables.

Finally ...

Thus, wild duck dishes, the recipes of which we have considered, are well suited both for every day and for a festive table. Game cooked at home or outdoors will delight every hunter. The meat of this bird is not as fat as that of domestic duck, but it contains no less amount of nutrients. Moreover, the dishes turn out to be spicy and rather unusual, although they take a long time to prepare for the reason that the muscle tissue of a bird living in the wild is quite dense. However, the time spent is fully compensated by a great lunch or dinner, as well as words of gratitude from relatives and friends. Bon Appetit!

Duck meat itself is a specific product. To make it tasty and tender, like homemade, you need to know certain tricks on how to cook wild duck in the oven.

It is not as fat as its specially grown cousins, but at the same time it is not suitable for a diet. The characteristic smell, if not cooked correctly, can spoil the whole enjoyment of the dish. How to avoid common mistakes and create a real culinary masterpiece out of this game?

How to cook wild duck in the oven

Usually, hunting trophies are obtained in the form in which they flew and quacked. Therefore, before you cook wild duck in the oven, you need to do the following manipulations:

  1. Pinch a bird- pour over it with boiling water and place it in hot water for a couple of minutes, then remove the fluff and scorch the body to get rid of the protruding hairs.
  2. Find and remove pellets- it is worth paying attention so that your treat does not cause broken teeth.
  3. Gut the carcass- remove the head and paws, the tips of the wings and the esophagus with the intestines, remove the entrails through the incision in the belly and rinse everything under running cold water.
  4. Soak in the refrigerator- preferably 3-4 days for the game to "mature", another option to get rid of the "fishy" smell is to cut off the skin along with subcutaneous fat.

Now you need to decide how to cook wild duck in the oven (Figure 1). If you want to bake it whole, start the process right away. For stewing, boiling or roasting in the cupboard - divide into portions.

In nature, everything is much simpler - you can not pluck the feathers, but coat the bird with wet clay and bury it under the fire, and wait a couple of hours until cooked, throwing fresh logs into the fire.

Wild duck in the oven at home is not an easy dish. It is more difficult to cook it due to the fact that it rarely gets on the table, and housewives often do not have the skills to handle such meat. In addition, cooking requires careful reading of recipes and takes a long time to prepare and prepare.

These tricks will tell you how to cook wild duck in the oven and save you time and hassle:

  1. You can remove the unpleasant aroma without cutting off the fat and skin - place the bird in a container with cold water and boil for a couple of minutes, then drain the liquid and follow the recipe.
  2. The marinade will help to make the meat spicy and juicy - soak the carcass in water with lemon or dry wine for several hours.
  3. Use offal and duck head for soups and stews - they will only benefit in taste.
  4. Combine game with the right sauces - perfect for juniper or lingonberry jam.
Figure 1. Preparing wild duck for roasting

If you do not know how to cook a whole wild duck in the oven, take a note: if this is a grill or a spit, place a tray under it and collect the fat and juice, periodically pouring them over the meat so that it does not become dry and tough. The easiest way is to cook the bird with a special dish for the rooster, so it will be more tender and juicy.

Remember that a mallard in the oven is heavy food on the stomach. You should not eat it often and a lot, as it is poorly absorbed and digested.

Keep in mind that the marinade for wild duck in the oven is not friendly with bay leaves - it negatively affects the taste of small game. It should contain a moderate amount of aromatic herbs and spices, otherwise the taste of the meat itself will be lost. The best ingredients for it are dry wine, freshly squeezed citrus juice diluted in water, ordinary salt and black pepper.

An important tip - roasting wild duck in the oven is not a quick process:

  1. Do not rush to get your masterpiece as soon as it has acquired a golden hue.
  2. Check it for readiness with a knife - make a couple of cuts in the fleshy part.
  3. If a clear liquid runs from there, it is ready, if not, bake further.
  4. Do not overexpose meat at high temperatures or drain fat from it during cooking - you risk getting dry and hard charred soles.

Wild duck recipes in the oven

Hunting, like poultry, is fried, boiled and baked. And all this is possible not only on the stove or fire, but also in the oven (Figure 2).

Wild duck in the oven at home can be cooked in many ways:

  1. In a special dish - glass or aluminum roaster.
  2. Fried in a cast iron pan or baked on a baking sheet.
  3. Stuffed or baked with potatoes, vegetables.
  4. On a spit or grill for a more effective serving.
  5. Braised or baked in a sleeve or foil with spices.

It is easy to see that the wild duck in the oven does not limit you in your flight of culinary imagination. On the Internet, you can find many tips and excellent recipes that do not require any serious skills from the cook.

One of these is cooking wild duck in the oven in the sleeve:

  1. Prepare all the ingredients - pluck and gut the game, place in cold water with the juice of half a lemon for 3-4 hours, then rub with salt and pepper.
  2. Set the temperature to 230 degrees, place the carcass in the sleeve, add 50 grams of butter and a couple of cloves stars there.
  3. Place the sleeve in a 1/3 tray filled with cold water and simmer for 1 hour and 20 minutes.
  4. After 40 minutes, if necessary, add water and turn the duck over, 10 minutes before cooking - pierce or cut the sleeve from above to get a golden brown crust.

If you want to surprise your guests or do something special, try this recipe for wild duck in the oven in wine:

  1. Per carcass 1.5-1.7kg - a glass of dry red wine, salt and black pepper to taste, a sprig of rosemary.
  2. Prepare and peel the bird off, cut into portions, rub well with salt and pepper, put in a bowl and cover with wine, put rosemary there.
  3. Place the dishes with marinade overnight or at least 3-4 hours under weight in the refrigerator.
  4. Take out the meat and drain the excess liquid, remove the twig, put it in a frying pan covered with foil, and place in a baking cabinet at 220 degrees for an hour and a half until cooked.

Wild duck tastes no less interesting in the oven with oranges, the recipe for which is given below:

  1. You will need the same ingredients as for cooking in foil, as well as 2 large oranges - cut them into medium cubes and place inside the bird, leaving half of one of them.
  2. Sew up the stuffed body with thread and send it to the oven, heated to 220 degrees for an hour and a half, every 30 minutes - pour the flowing fat.
  3. Before serving - squeeze the juice of the left half of the orange on top.

Figure 2. Roast duck in a sleeve

The easiest way to cook wild duck in the oven is in the roaster. You will need - a plucked bird without entrails, 2 large onions, 4 tbsp. tablespoons of vinegar, 150 g of butter, ground black pepper and salt. First, divide the carcass into parts and rub them with spices, cut the onion into half rings, put everything in a deep bowl and mix with vinegar. Put under oppression for 10-12 hours and melt the butter in the roaster and put the duck pieces in it, skin side down. Cook over high heat for about 5 minutes and turn the meat over, repeat the process. Next, place the dish in a heated oven for 40 minutes, then remove and serve with a potato side dish.

Originalthe recipe for wild duck in the oven in the rooster involves baking it whole:

  1. Take a bird, 2 large green apples, 2 medium onions, 1/2 tbsp each. broth and red wine, spices and 2 tablespoons of 10% cream.
  2. Rub the seasonings into the meat and fry it until golden brown, cut the onion into rings.
  3. Peel the apples and cut into thin pitted slices.
  4. Place the fried duck in a bowl with the back up, overlay with apples and onions.
  5. Pour in a homemade sauce made from wine, broth and cream, and place in a preheated oven for 2 hours.
  6. Sprinkle with running fat periodically, pat dry with paper towels before eating or let it rest for 20 minutes.

From the dishes offered on the Internet, choose a recipe for cooking with a photo of a wild duck in the oven, so you will understand how it should look at each stage of cooking, which will save you from mistakes.

Wild duck with apples and lemon

This traditional combination has appeared on festive tables for more than one hundred years. Wild duck with apples in the oven turns out to be incredibly tasty and juicy due to its light apple sourness (Figure 3).

For her you will need:

  • 1 bird carcass;
  • 2 green fruits;
  • 3 pcs. cloves and 1pc. rosemary;
  • 1 lemon, coarse salt;
  • 1 large onion
  • olive oil for lubrication;
  • other spices at your discretion.

Figure 3. Baked wild duck with apples and lemon

Wild duck in the oven recipe with a photo will take about 40 minutes:

  1. Preheat the stove to 230 degrees, wash and dry the prepared bird with paper towels.
  2. Peel and remove the seeds, cut the apples into slices, put fruits, cloves and rosemary, half an onion inside the game.
  3. Rub the outside of the carcass with olive oil and rub coarse salt on top of the oil.
  4. Put everything in a mold and reduce the temperature to 220 degrees and bake the dish for 25-30 minutes.

Before serving - remove the filling and pour generously with lemon juice.

Duck with potatoes baked in the oven

Preparing this hunting treat is quick and easy. To cook the wild duck deliciously in the oven, grate it with a mixture of salt and pepper, pour over with olive oil, place in a cast iron skillet and bake with potatoes (Figure 4).

The Oven Potato Wild Duck recipe requires the following ingredients: 1 shot game, 2 onions, 4 large potatoes, 5 tbsp. tablespoons of olive oil, 1 teaspoon of red, black pepper and salt.

Figure 4. Baked game with potatoes

How to bake wild duck in the oven:

  1. Mix the seasonings in a small bowl and rub them on top and inside the bird, leave to marinate for 30-40 minutes.
  2. Put it in a frying pan, pouring plenty of oil, and put it in the oven for 25 minutes at 220 degrees.
  3. Reduce the temperature to 180 and remove the skillet, line the meat with potatoes, halved and onion quarters, and set back.
  4. After 20 minutes - take out the game and pour over the resulting juice and bake for another half hour until fully cooked.

The easiest wild duck recipe in the oven

Despite the unusual berry addition, this way of serving game will not leave anyone indifferent. Cooking wild duck in the oven in a sleeve with lingonberry jam does not require much talent and makes it easier for the hostess to serve the meat tender and juicy. Thanks to this modern culinary solution, the game will not be dry and tough, but will be baked as evenly as possible.

This is really the simplest recipe for wild duck in the oven, as you can see for yourself:

  1. Take on a prepared carcass weighing about 1.5 kg, 4 tablespoons of coarse salt, black ground pepper and jam to taste.
  2. Rub the body thickly with salt and pepper inside and out, place in a special sleeve and place it on a baking sheet with a roasting rack.
  3. Cook in a cabinet preheated to 230 degrees for an hour and a half, take out the baked product and let it rest for 15-20 minutes.
  4. Then cut the sleeve and drain the juice into a separate container - it can be used for side dishes.

Cut the carcass into portions and pour over the lingonberry jam before serving.

Baked wild duck with rice

Stuffed game is considered one of the festive delicacies. But not many people realize that cooking it is not so difficult. If you ask how to bake a whole wild duck in the oven, make the side dish part of the main dish, for which you need a very simple set of products: 1 duck carcass, 1/2 tbsp. white rice, 1 medium carrot, 1 onion, 3 cloves of garlic, salt, mayonnaise and ketchup, vegetable oil (Figure 5).

This foil oven duck recipe looks like this:

  1. Combine minced garlic with ketchup and mayonnaise, add salt and seasoning
  2. Put the duck on foil and brush with the prepared sauce, leave to marinate for half an hour.
  3. Grate the carrots and chop the onion and simmer in vegetable oil.
  4. Add rice, a pinch of salt and a glass of hot water to them - keep the cereal under the lid until half cooked.
  5. Stuff the bird with the filling and cover the holes made in it with toothpicks.
  6. Wrap it tightly in 2 layers of foil and put it in a preheated oven for an hour and a half.

Figure 5. Steps for cooking wild duck with rice

Open the foil and pour the fat over the meat, leave for another 40 minutes until a golden blush forms. Enjoy your meal!

Wild duck meat has a strong unpleasant odor, reminiscent of fishy.

To get rid of it, an uncut bird can be kept in the cold for several days. Also, when cutting, the skin is removed along with subcutaneous fat - it is he who is the source of the unpleasant odor.

After removing the giblets and entrails, the carcass is thoroughly washed and soaked for several hours in cool water with the addition of vinegar in a ratio of 1 tbsp. l. for 1 liter. After that, you can start cooking.

  1. Peel the apples, cut into slices, remove the seeds.
  2. Cut the onion into thin half rings.
  3. Dry the washed carcass with paper towels. Rub inside and out with salt. Put apples, onions and rosemary sprigs inside.
  4. Brush the duck liberally with olive oil. Place in a baking dish.

Wild duck meat is quite tough. It should be baked for at least 2 hours at an oven temperature of 200 ° C. An hour before the duck is ready, you can add potatoes, cut into large wedges. Vegetable salad can be served with ready-made meat.

How to cook wild duck with lemon

Wild fowl often smells like mud or fish. Blanching will help to eliminate this - before starting cooking, the duck must be dipped in boiling water for a couple of minutes.

Lemon juice in the marinade will completely get rid of the odor residues.

Required Ingredients:

  • 1 cut duck carcass weighing 1.5-2 kg;
  • 60 g of honey;
  • 60 g of mustard;
  • 1 lemon;
  • 4-5 pcs. potatoes;
  • 2 onions;
  • Vegetable oil;
  • Salt pepper.

You can use both grain mustard and regular table mustard.

  1. Squeeze juice from lemon, mix with honey and mustard. Rub the duck inside and outside with salt, completely coat with the resulting sauce. Send to the refrigerator to marinate for 2-3 hours.
  2. Cut the onion into thin half rings, mash to release the juice. Cut the peeled potatoes into wedges.
  3. Stuff the duck with onions and potatoes, coat with vegetable oil. Place in a baking dish and place in the oven.

It takes about 2 hours to bake the duck. If the bird weighs up to 2 kg, it may take 2.5 hours. In the process of cooking, the duck needs to be poured with the fat melted from it 2-3 times.

The dish is immediately served with fresh vegetables and herbs.

The hunting season has begun, and the happy hunters have already brought their first prey home. My husband is a hereditary hunter with experience. If someone does not understand the meaning of this male fun, you just need to go hunting at least once, preferably at the opening.

I attended the opening regularly. After the first time, I already stopped nagging my husband for the money thrown away for contributions and equipment (hunting is an expensive pleasure). It was enough for me to look at his radiant face as he walked with the prey. These are not hiding in a bag, they are proudly displayed for all to see.

Apparently, the instincts of hunters and hunters are very deep in our men. Apparently, they need these male fun. My husband processes the ducks himself, he gutters them himself and often cooks them himself.

Cooking steps:


Duck 700 g, onion 1 pc., Carrot 1 pc., Bay leaf 1 pc., Tomato paste 3 tbsp. spoons, salt to taste, pepper to taste.