Self-made funchose dressing: a delicious element of Japanese cuisine. Do-it-yourself dressing for funchose

Aromatic and rich sauces, gravies, dressings emphasize and enrich the taste of the finished dish. They are cooked in water and broth, with vegetables and sour cream, flour and starch. With the help of sauce or with gravies, any side dish can be made an independent full-fledged dish. Particular attention is paid to dressings in Asian cuisine, famous for its diversity and originality.

One of the most famous products of Southeast Asia is funchose. Glass starch noodles that do not have their own taste and smell, served with dressing, teriyaki sauce, soy sauce. Vegetarians and healthy foodists value legume noodles for their low calorie content. Do-it-yourself funchose dressing made from selected ingredients will give the dish a unique taste and Asian flavor.


  1. vegetable oil - 200 ml (1 glass);
  2. water - 100 ml (1/2 cup);
  3. vinegar 9% - 70 ml (1/3 cup);
  4. fresh garlic - 3 cloves;
  5. sugar - 3 teaspoons;
  6. dried ground ginger - 1/2 teaspoon;
  7. coriander - 1/2 teaspoon;
  8. ground black pepper - 1/2 teaspoon;
  9. ground chili - 1/2 teaspoon;
  10. citric acid - 1/2 teaspoon.

Preparation time: 10-15 minutes.

Cooking time: 15-20 minutes.

Total time: 1 hour.

Quantity: 5-6 servings.

Funchoza is made from beans or corn starch. When swollen, it takes on an unusual translucent color. Traditional sweet and sour or piquant sauce for funchose gives it a unique taste and aroma. Serve hot and cold noodles.

Making a dressing for funchose at home is easy:

  • Pour water into a small saucepan, place it on the included stove and wait for it to boil.
  • Pour sugar into boiling water and stir.
  • Then pour out the vinegar, oil and citric acid, mix.

  • Add spices to the mixture: ginger, salt, coriander and ground pepper.
  • Peel the garlic, chop finely and add to the mixture.

  • Stir, simmer over low heat for 7-10 minutes, turn off the stove.
  • Ready dressing for funchose should be infused for 20-30 minutes.

  • Place the noodles in a container, pour boiling water over and leave under the lid for a quarter of an hour, then drain the water.

Advice. If desired, you can add pieces of sweet pepper, carrots, cut into thin cubes, chopped fresh herbs to the noodles.

  • Season funchoza with ready-made sauce, mix gently and let it brew for at least 10-15 minutes.

Advice. The longer the noodles are soaked in the savory filling, the brighter their taste will be.

Another recipe for funchose dressing

Funchoza with soy sauce perfectly sets off the taste of the main dish, giving it piquancy and richness. A detailed recipe will help you to properly cook mouth-watering glass noodles with sauce.

Do-it-yourself funchose dressing includes the following products in the recipe:

  • water - 50 ml (1/4 cup);
  • soy sauce - 40 ml (2 tablespoons);
  • sesame oil - 15 ml (1 tablespoon);
  • vinegar 9% - 40 ml (2 tablespoons);
  • fresh garlic - 1 prong;
  • granulated sugar - 20 g (1 tablespoon);
  • ground ginger, ground coriander, ground black pepper, salt - 5 g each (1 teaspoon);
  • hot chili pepper - 1 pod.

Preparation time: 15-20 minutes.

Cooking time: 15 minutes.

Total cooking time: 30-40 minutes.

Quantity: 3-4 servings.

Sesame oil in the recipe can be replaced with refined sunflower oil, and rice vinegar can be used. At the same time, the ready-made dressing for funchose will not lose in taste, but will acquire a peculiar aftertaste.

How to prepare a dressing for funchose:

  • Mix salt and sugar in a small saucepan.
  • Add the entire volume of water and bring to a boil to dissolve the sugar and salt.
  • Pour in the sesame oil, vinegar and soy sauce.
  • Finely chop the peeled garlic.
  • Put chopped garlic and pepper pod into the mixture.
  • Heat ginger, coriander, pepper in a frying pan hot without oil for 4-5 minutes so that the seasonings reveal their aroma.

Advice. Mix the seasonings with a wooden spatula so as not to burn.

  • Add seasonings to the liquid and, if necessary, salt.
  • Bring the mixture to a boil over low heat, turn it off. The finished funchose dressing should cool down.
  • Fill the noodles with boiling water and leave under the lid for 7-10 minutes, then drain the water.
  • Add the prepared sauce to the container.
  • Leave the glass noodles to soak for 15-20 minutes and serve. To improve the taste, the finished funchose can be sprinkled with a small amount of sesame seeds, previously fried in a pan without oil for 5-7 minutes

How to fill funchose at home?

Korean funchose dressing is not always available in stores. How to fill funchose at home? How to make a spicy sauce with your own hands at home?

For the dietary or vegetarian dish "Homemade funchose dressing" we need the following ingredients:

  • soy sauce - 100 ml (1/2 cup);
  • wine vinegar - 100 ml (1/2 cup);
  • granulated sugar - 15 g (2 teaspoons);
  • fresh garlic - 1 clove;
  • ground black pepper - 3 g (1/2 teaspoon);
  • ground red pepper - 3 g (1/2 teaspoon);
  • salt.

Preparation time: 5-7 minutes.

Cooking time: 10 minutes.

Total cooking time: 15-20 minutes.

Quantity: 3-4 servings.

Bean Noodle Dressing Recipe:

  • Mix equal amounts of soy sauce and wine vinegar in a container.

Advice. Wine vinegar can be substituted for rice vinegar.

  • Add granulated sugar and seasonings to the liquid, mix.
  • Garlic, peel, chop finely, add to the dressing.
  • Salt to taste.
  • Bring the dressing to a boil over low heat and turn off the stove.
  • Fill the noodles with boiling water for 7-10 minutes and drain the liquid.
  • How to season vegetarian funchose? We use seasonal vegetables: cut fresh carrots, cucumbers and bell peppers into thin strips, zucchini, eggplants, small cauliflower inflorescences, fry until golden brown.
  • Mix the noodles, chopped vegetables in a container, pour over the funchose dressing and leave to soak for 2-30 minutes.
  • Serve the dish, decorate with fresh herbs.
  • Homemade funchose sauce can be stored in the refrigerator under a tight lid for 2-3 weeks.

If you are a big fan of oriental cuisine and, in particular, Korean cuisine, then the recipe for this funchose dressing will be very useful to you. The fact is that not only hot dishes with funchose are prepared in Korea, but also a large number of various salads and snacks, and this particular dressing goes into all these dishes.

The composition of the dressing is quite traditional, its pungency can be controlled by the amount of hot pepper added, and its richness - by the amount of spices.

To prepare a dressing (sauce) for funchose in Korean with our own hands, we will prepare the products according to the list. Sesame oil can be replaced with odorless vegetable oil, and both table and rice vinegar can be used.

Pour sugar and salt into a saucepan.

Pour in water and put the pan on fire. Let the water boil, and the salt and sugar dissolve.

Now add soy sauce, sesame oil and vinegar to the dressing.

Chop the garlic and chili very finely with a knife and add to the saucepan to the rest of the ingredients.

At the very end, add all the spices. You can preheat the spices for 3-4 minutes in a hot pan to "wake up" their aroma. After we have added the spices, be sure to try the dressing for the balance of sour, sweet and spicy and add either sugar, salt, or vinegar, if necessary. Let the funchose dressing boil again and remove the pan from the heat. Let the sauce cool completely.

We soak the funchose or a dish from it with the finished funchose dressing and let the dish brew for 15-20 minutes.

The sauce can be prepared in advance and in larger quantities and stored in the refrigerator for 3-4 days.

Funchose dressing is a great way to make Korean food especially delicious!

Funchoza is thin starchy or rice noodles, which are often called glass noodles because of their characteristic transparency.

Various soups, meat dishes and salads are prepared with funchose. Dishes from it can be not only hot, but also chilled. But the most important thing in its preparation is a delicious and aromatic filling. You can buy it ready-made in any store, or you can make a filling for funchose with your own hands.

Recipe for dressing for funchose

  • sesame natural oil - 1 tsp;
  • ground hot red pepper - 1 tsp;
  • ground coriander - 1 tsp;
  • soy natural sauce - 1 tsp.

How to prepare funchose dressing? So, mix the ground red pepper in a bowl with coriander until a homogeneous mixture is obtained. Then add sesame oil and natural soy sauce. We mix everything thoroughly, send it to the refrigerator, and then pour the funchose with the finished dressing.

Korean funchose dressing recipe

  • odorless vegetable oil - 550 ml;
  • table vinegar - 170 ml;
  • granulated sugar - 40 g;
  • ground black pepper - 2 g;
  • fine salt - 20 g;
  • citric acid - 2 g;
  • ground coriander - 2 g;
  • ground ginger - 2 g;
  • fresh chili peppers - 5 g;
  • fresh garlic - 10 g;
  • filtered water - 250 ml.

Pour water into a saucepan, bring to a boil, dilute salt and granulated sugar in it. Then add carefully vegetable oil, table vinegar, add spices and chopped garlic with chili. Mix everything, bring it to a boil again, cover with a lid and leave to cool. Ready-made Korean funchose dressing is also used for other salads of Asian cuisine.

Funchose salad dressing

Pour funchoza with boiled water and leave for 10 minutes. Then we discard the finished noodles in a colander, and do not pour out the water yet! Process the red sweet pepper and onion and chop it into thin strips. Now we prepare the marinade: finely chop the cilantro, and peel the garlic and pass it through a press. Next, mix a few tablespoons of the remaining water with sesame oil and soy sauce. Add some curry powder, cilantro, garlic and lemon juice. We send the sauce over low heat and boil for exactly 2 minutes, stirring vigorously.

Cut funchoza, mix with seafood, pepper, onion and season with sauce!

Funchoza is called glass or starch noodles. Dishes from Chinese, Japanese and Korean national cuisines came to us relatively recently and turned out to be to the taste of many. Especially popular are dishes that use vegetable funchose salad dressing. Traditionally, noodles were made from mung beans, sometimes other starch was used - from potatoes, yams, cassava or canna. Now in mass production, starch from legumes is often replaced with cheaper corn starch.

Funchoza is sold dry in our stores. White strings of noodles, rolled into a ring, become translucent when boiled - hence the name "glass". Here funchose is often called rice. The difference between these products is that rice noodles turn white, like spaghetti during cooking, while starchy noodles cook much faster and "glaze".

Why funchose is useful

Bean noodles do not have a distinct flavor, so they can be combined with any sauces and dressings. Funchose looks very original, it contains a lot of nutrients. With a minimum content of fats and proteins, the product is rich in carbohydrates - 84%, in 100 grams 320 kcal.

If you manage to buy noodles made from legume starch, along with aesthetic pleasure and a feeling of satiety, you will receive a complex of B and PP vitamins, a set of useful microelements. Recall that thiamine, riboflavin, pantothenic acid, pyridoxine and folic acid are necessary for the normal functioning of the nervous system, tocopherol is a powerful antioxidant, and the circulatory system needs vitamin

PP. An additional advantage - the absence of gluten - makes funchose completely safe for allergy sufferers.

The minimum fat content in noodles makes them a dietary food, but only if you choose a low-calorie sauce recipe. Spicy Asian dishes are contraindicated for everyone who is familiar with gastritis, stomach ulcers, problems with the pancreas and liver. The noodles themselves are harmless, you just need to choose a suitable recipe for sauce or funchose dressing, which you can make yourself.

Dressing for funchose: how to cook

Glass noodles are completely tasteless, which can be considered both an advantage and a disadvantage. It is unlikely that there are many hunters to consume funchose as an independent product, but you can make a delicious side dish with sauce, salad, soup from it. When choosing a recipe, you do not have to worry about the combination of tastes, only the texture of the noodles should be considered.

It is customary to season dishes with starch noodles with soy sauce - this is the easiest and most reliable way to add flavor to the dish. A pleasant sweet-sour taste is given by the chim-chim dressing, which is sold in our stores, a special funchose sauce or a spicy Korean-style funchose dressing. If you decide to buy a ready-made sauce, try to find a South Korean product. The recipe used by Chinese manufacturers is not bad, but the funchose dressing will turn out to be too thick for a salad, so before adding the sauce, you need to dilute the sauce with water by a third.

Cooking starch noodles is a snap: dip them in boiling water and cook, stirring occasionally, for 3 minutes. The noodles should be transparent. After that, you need to fold the funchose into a colander with small holes.

Funchose salad recipe

The spicy and pungent taste of Asian cuisine diversifies the usual menu. A moderately spicy and very tasty funchose salad will become your favorite dish, especially since the recipe is very simple and quick. We will tell you how to make funchose dressing from vegetables and available spices.

Cooking time - 20-30 minutes, number of servings - 2-3

For refueling you need ingredients:

  • Two cucumbers
  • Two sweet peppers, different colors are better
  • Glass noodles - 150 g (two skeins)
  • One carrot
  • Two tablespoons of soy sauce
  • Two tablespoons of sesame oil. Can be replaced with any odorless vegetable oil
  • 2-3 cloves of garlic
  • 10 grams of chili peppers
  • A pinch of ground coriander
  • 2 tablespoons lemon juice

Preparing the dressing

  1. First you need to wash the vegetables and put a saucepan of water for the noodles on the fire.
  2. Divide the bell pepper in half, remove the seeds and membranes. Cut into thin strips.
  3. It is better to grate cucumbers on a special grater for Korean salads. If not, try chopping them into thin strips.
  4. Grate the peeled carrots on a Korean or ordinary coarse grater. Place the grated carrots in a separate bowl.
  5. Chop the garlic and chili.
  6. Stir carrots, garlic, pepper and coriander.
  7. Heat the sesame oil in a skillet and pour into the carrots.
  8. Stir everything vigorously, set aside for 10 minutes.
  9. Dip the noodles in boiling water, cook for 2-3 minutes, remove from heat and discard in a colander.
  10. Add cucumbers and bell peppers, stir.
  11. Cut the noodles with a knife if they seem too long for you, and add to the vegetables.
  12. Season the salad with soy sauce and lemon juice. Stir.
  13. Season the dish with lemon juice and soy sauce.

The funchose salad should be eaten while the noodles in it are not completely cold - this is how all the tastes and aromas of vegetables will appear. Bon Appetit!

How to make a filling for funchose with your own hands

The bustle of the modern world sometimes leaves no time to please yourself with delicious and unusual food. At the end of the working day, there is absolutely no strength left for experiments, because there are still many things ahead.

However, do not give up, you can find a way out of any situation. You don't have to be the chef of an elite restaurant to please your loved ones with an incomparable dinner.

Any housewife will agree that there is nothing easier than boiling pasta as a side dish and seasoning it with a delicious sauce. Funchoza is a special type of pasta with an unusual taste and composition.

This Chinese vermicelli is very popular not only among the countries of the East, but also in Europe. Funchoza is often called "glass noodles" and is made from starch obtained from mung beans.

Funchoza can be easily confused with rice noodles. To prevent this from happening, you need to know. That funchose outwardly resembles shiny white threads, which, when cooked, become soft and almost glassy. In this article, we will look at several options for making Chinese vermicelli.

Simple recipe

Red pepper must be mixed with coriander until smooth. To do this, you need a bowl that is not very deep.

Then add sesame oil to the mixture, stir. The next step is to pour in the soy sauce according to the recipe.

Mix everything thoroughly again and send to stand in the refrigerator for a while. Pour the dressing over the funchose.

  • two tbsp. spoons of natural soy sauce;
  • one soup spoon of sesame or vegetable oil;
  • 50 ml of drinking water;
  • two tbsp. tablespoons of vinegar;
  • one piece of chili;
  • 1 clove of garlic
  • ten grams of ginger (ground);
  • 5 g black pepper;
  • 10 g ground coriander;
  • 1 soup spoon of sugar;
  • salt to taste.

Crafting time: 15 minutes.

Caloric value: 209 kcal.

If necessary, sesame oil is easily replaced if necessary with vegetable oil, but odorless. First, pour the salt and sugar out of the pot.

Pour water and put it on fire. Let the water boil and the salt and sugar dissolve. Add soy sauce, 9% vinegar, and sesame oil to the saucepan.

Chili and garlic, finely chopped, toss into a saucepan. "Wake up" the aroma of spices by heating them a little on a hot skillet. Add them to taste.

Let the dressing cool down, then pour it into a plate of funchose and let it brew for fifteen minutes before serving.

Lemon dressing

  • 200 ml of vegetable oil;
  • 80 ml nine percent vinegar;
  • three tsp. Sahara;
  • salt to taste, no more than half a teaspoon);
  • half a teaspoon of black pepper (ground);
  • half a teaspoon of citric acid;
  • half a teaspoon of coriander;
  • half a teaspoon of ginger;
  • half a teaspoon of chili pepper (ground);
  • three cloves of garlic;
  • one hundred ml of water.

Crafting time: 20 minutes.

Caloric value: 230 kcal.

Place a pot of water on fire and let it boil. Then toss in the sugar and stir. Then add vegetable oil, vinegar and citric acid.

Mix thoroughly. Pepper, add coriander, salt, ginger. Stir again and boil the mixture. Cool the mixture with the lid closed and let it brew.

Dressing made for funchose salad

  • 100 g funchose;
  • seafood to taste;
  • two teaspoons of curry powder;
  • one tsp natural soy sauce;
  • two soup spoons of juice (lemon);
  • two soup spoons of sesame or vegetable oil;
  • two heads of garlic;
  • 20 g cilantro greens.

Crafting time: 30 minutes.

Caloric content: 300 kcal.

Funchoza needs to be filled with freshly boiled water. It should be infused for ten minutes. After that, the finished noodles must be put in a colander, but it is too early to drain the water.

Process the bell peppers, preferably red and onions, and cut them into small strips. To prepare the marinade, finely chop the cilantro, pass the garlic through a garlic press.

Mix a couple of tablespoons of the water that was left after funchose with sesame oil, and then soy sauce. Add curry powder, cilantro, garlic, and lemon juice. Cook the sauce for two minutes, stirring constantly.

Chop the funchose, mix it with seafood, peppers and onions, and finally season with the cooled sauce.

How to cook Korean funchose at home

  • half a package of funchose;
  • one medium carrot;
  • one small fresh cucumber;
  • one red bell pepper;
  • two to three cloves of medium garlic;
  • one pack of Korean dressing.

Crafting time: 40 minutes.

Caloric content per 100 g: 310 Kcal.

How to make funchose with Korean dressing at home? The first step in making Korean funchose is to prepare the noodles for it. It should be borne in mind that it is rather thin and fragile.

The usual method of making pasta should not be used when cooking funchose. First, soak the Chinese noodles in cool water for ten minutes. Boil the water at this time.

Then immerse the funchose in boiling water for two minutes. Keep in mind that in the process of steeping, as well as boiling, the noodles increase in their volume by approximately several times.

The last step in preparing funchose is to rinse it under cool water so that the noodles do not stick together.

After cooking the noodles, leave them alone and let them cool, they shouldn't be hot in the salad. Grate bell peppers and fresh cucumber and carrots using a special grater or cut into thin strips.

Then chop the garlic cloves and finely chop the herbs. The next step is to add a ready-made Korean dressing to the salad, which you can buy now in almost any supermarket.

However, you can also make this mixture yourself. One package is required for a given amount of ingredients.

At the final stage of cooking funchose in Korean, you need to mix all the ingredients in a deep plate, mix them thoroughly with a fork and send them to the refrigerator for half an hour. After that, the funchose is ready to serve.

In order to properly prepare funchose, it is necessary to take into account the thickness of the threads, since they are also different. Depending on this, you should choose a cooking method.

If the funchose is very thin, that is, its threads are 0.5 mm thick, then in this case you just need to fill it with boiled water, cover the bowl or pan with a lid and let it brew for five to seven minutes.

The main thing is not to overdo it, so that the funchose does not turn into porridge. After that, the water should be drained using a colander.

If the funchose is larger, then cooking it is very similar to cooking noodles. One liter of water is consumed per 100 g of dry uncooked funchose.

It is necessary to boil water, salt (1 teaspoon per liter) and pour one tbsp into it. l. vegetable oil. Dip the noodles in boiling water and cook for four minutes.

The finished funchose does not stick to the teeth, but at the same time retains its elasticity.

Korean funchose dressing

This recipe is insanely easy to make for glass noodle dressing. Boiling the noodles themselves is generally easy. It can be cooked with meat, vegetables. But if you fill it with a delicious piquant sauce, we get an excellent Asian dish. It can be served for a holiday or just for dinner. And if guests try glass noodles sprinkled with this magnificent dressing, then they will all be impressed and will definitely ask for more. In our step-by-step recipe, you will learn how to prepare Korean funchose dressing at home.


  • 2 tablespoons of natural soy sauce
  • 1 tablespoon sesame or vegetable oil
  • 50 ml. drinking water;
  • 2 tablespoons of vinegar;
  • 1 chili pepper;
  • 1 clove of garlic;
  • 10 g ginger (ground);
  • 5 g black pepper;
  • 10 g coriander (ground);
  • 1 tablespoon sugar
  • salt to taste.

How to make Korean funchose dressing

Take a suitable saucepan and add salt and granulated sugar into it.

Add water and start heating it. Stir, wait until the salt and sugar dissolve completely.

Pour in a couple of tablespoons of soy sauce, a portion of table vinegar, sesame oil. Instead, you can take ordinary sunflower oil, but always odorless, that is, refined.

Grind the hot pepper, carefully removing the seeds from it. We clean the garlic, chop it and send it along with the pepper to the rest of the components.

We slightly heat all the spices in a dry frying pan so that their aroma is revealed even more. Add the fried spices to the saucepan.

A great glass noodle dressing is ready.

After this sauce has cooled, pour it over our funchose, wait 15 minutes for the noodles to slightly absorb the sauce and serve. Such a dish will appeal not only to lovers of Asian cuisine, but also to everyone else. So be sure to try experimenting and making such a savory noodle dressing.

One type of noodles and several types of sauces are all it takes to add enough variety to your evening meal. Funchoza is distinguished by its special taste and composition. Dressing for funchose can be prepared in a short time and effortlessly with your own hands, without having a lot of culinary experience.

Funchoza does not require cooking. It is enough to pour boiling water over the noodles and let it brew for 7-10 minutes.

Funchoza became famous thanks to the spread of Asian cooking throughout the world. In the countries of East Asia, soy sauce has become a cult, which is why it is the basis of the classic dressing for glass noodles.

For a classic dressing you will need:

  • soy bean sauce - 1 teaspoon;
  • sesame oil - 1 teaspoon;
  • powdered coriander - 1 teaspoon;
  • freshly ground red pepper - 1 teaspoon.

A good soy sauce has 4 ingredients: water, soybeans, wheat, and salt. A sauce with a long list of ingredients is not suitable for dressing with funchose.

Step-by-step instruction:

  1. Mix powdered coriander and pepper in a glass container.
  2. Add sesame oil and quality bean sauce to the powder mixture, stirring well.
  3. Close the glass container with cling film and put it in the refrigerator for 1 hour.
  4. The dressing, which is present in the cold, is ready after 60 minutes. Mix the cooked clear noodles well with the sauce and serve.

The amount of ingredients can be increased depending on the serving size of the funchose.

Korean funchose dressing

A ready-made version of Korean funchose can be bought in modern supermarkets, or you can cook it yourself at home.

For a Korean dressing you will need:

  • garlic - 1 medium clove;
  • soy bean sauce - 2 tablespoons;
  • sesame oil - 1 tablespoon;
  • water - 50 ml;
  • 9% vinegar - 2 tablespoons;
  • fresh chili - 1 pod;
  • chopped ginger - 10 g;
  • freshly ground black pepper - 5 g;
  • ground coriander - 10 g;
  • sugar in the sand - 1 tablespoon;
  • salt - no more than 0.5 teaspoon.

If it is impossible to purchase sesame oil, you can replace it with other vegetable oil without a specific smell, for example, olive, grape, linseed, etc.

Step-by-step instruction:

  1. Place the salt and sugar in a heat-resistant container.
  2. Pour in water and bring to a boil. It is required to completely dissolve sugar and salt.
  3. Add vinegar, soy sauce and sesame oil to hot water.
  4. Chop hot peppers and spicy garlic into small cubes and place them in the liquid mixture.
  5. In a preheated frying pan, fry ground ginger, freshly ground pepper and ready-made coriander without oil.
  6. Add spices to the boiling mixture.
  7. After removing from heat, let the mixture brew for 15 minutes.
  8. Mix the Korean funchose sauce with the specified noodles a few minutes before serving.

If desired, add ajika-fried beef or pork to the clear glass noodles to create a traditional Korean dish.

With the addition of vegetables

For a change, you can add vegetables to the dressing.

You will need:

  • sweet bell pepper - 0.5 pcs.;
  • seasonal cucumber - 0.5 pcs.;
  • daikon - 30 g;
  • young dill - 30 g;
  • hot chili pepper - 5 g;
  • 3% vinegar - 0.5 teaspoon;
  • white or black sesame seeds - 1 teaspoon

Step-by-step instruction:

  1. Peel the cucumber and daikon, grate on a fine grater.
  2. Sweet peppers - straws.
  3. Finely chop the hot chili peppers.
  4. Fry the sesame seeds in a hot skillet without oil.
  5. Mix the above vegetables with salt, vinegar and sesame seeds in a deep bowl. To stir thoroughly.
  6. Stir the noodles with the dressing before serving.

Recipes using funchose can always be supplemented with fried meat and fish products.

With Korean carrots and fresh cucumber

A dressing like this helps create a delicious Korean funchose salad.

  • seasonal cucumber - 1 medium size;
  • bought Korean carrots - 100 g;
  • soy sauce - 30 g;
  • garlic - 3 medium cloves;
  • vegetable oil - 2 tablespoons.

Step-by-step instruction:

  1. Cut the cucumber into strips.
  2. Mix with ready-made carrots.
  3. Add soybean sauce to the vegetables.
  4. Fry the compressed garlic in the selected oil separately in a hot frying pan.
  5. Mix the garlic oil well with the vegetables.
  6. Mix the prepared dressing into the glass noodles.

Decorate the salad with your favorite herbs. The best option for Asian cooking is cilantro.

Cooking for salad

At home, you can make a traditional Thai salad with funchose and seafood.

This will require:

  • soy sauce - 1 tablespoon;
  • fish or oyster sauce - 1 tablespoon;
  • loose sugar - 1 teaspoon;
  • whole carrots - 60 g;
  • champignons - 4 pcs.;
  • young cilantro - 20 g;
  • rice vinegar - 2 tablespoons;
  • fresh lemon juice - 2 tablespoons;
  • hot chili pepper - 0.5 pod;
  • garlic - 1 clove.

Step-by-step instruction:

  1. Grate the washed carrots in the form of straws.
  2. Chop the mushrooms into thin plates and fry in a pan without oil for 4 minutes.
  3. Remove the grains from the hot pepper pod.
  4. Grind the pepper pod and peeled garlic in a blender until smooth.
  5. In a separate container, combine the bean sauce, vinegar, freshly squeezed lemon juice and sugar. Requires stirring the mixture until the last ingredient is completely dissolved in the liquid.
  6. Add a mixture of pepper and garlic to the liquid mass, mix thoroughly until smooth.
  7. Mix the sauce with carrots and mushrooms.
  8. Leave the dressing for 20 minutes to infuse.
  9. Mix the prepared sauce with glass noodles before serving.

Traditionally, fried seafood or meat is added to the salad.

How to make lemon funchose dressing

The tasteless noodles are perfectly complemented with lemon dressing. At home, you can use whole lemon or citric acid in the dressing.

Recipe for dressing funchose with citric acid

For cooking you will need:

  • vegetable oil - 200 ml;
  • 9% vinegar - 80 ml;
  • loose sugar - 3 teaspoons;
  • salt - no more than 0.5 teaspoon;
  • ready-made citric acid - 0.5 teaspoon;
  • freshly ground black or white pepper - 0.5 teaspoon;
  • powdered coriander - 0.5 teaspoon;
  • chopped ginger - 0.5 teaspoon;
  • hot chili powder in powder - no more than 0.5 teaspoon;
  • garlic - 3 medium cloves;
  • water - 100 ml.

Step-by-step instruction:

  1. Bring water to a boil.
  2. Add sugar and wait until it dissolves.
  3. Pour in a mixture of oil and vinegar.
  4. Add citric acid slowly, stir thoroughly.
  5. Add remaining spices. Press the garlic through a pressing device.
  6. Let the mixture boil for 2 minutes.
  7. After turning off, the sauce must be infused.
  8. Stir the funchose noodle dressing to complete the recipe.

The sauce is cooked for no more than 20 minutes.

Recipe for funchose dressing with whole lemon

You will need:

  • bean sauce - 1 teaspoon;
  • freshly squeezed lemon juice - 2 tablespoons;
  • sesame seed oil - 2 tablespoons;
  • Powdered yellow curry - 2 teaspoons
  • garlic - 2 medium cloves;
  • fresh cilantro - 20 g;
  • water - 3 tablespoons.

Step-by-step instruction:

  1. Squeeze out the garlic cloves in a press.
  2. Rinse the cilantro with water, separating the leaves necessary for the recipe from the stems and branches, finely chop.
  3. In a container, mix water with vegetable oil and soybean sauce.
  4. Add curry, garlic, herbs and freshly squeezed lemon juice to the liquid.
  5. Boil ingredients.
  6. Let the finished mixture brew for 15-20 minutes.
  7. Mix the dressing with funchose.

Thus, do-it-yourself dressing for funchose at home can be prepared quickly and tasty.

This recipe is insanely easy to make for glass noodle dressing. Boiling the noodles themselves is generally easy. It can be cooked with meat, vegetables. But if you fill it with a delicious piquant sauce, we get an excellent Asian dish. It can be served for a holiday or just for dinner. And if guests try glass noodles sprinkled with this magnificent dressing, then they will all be impressed and will definitely ask for more. In our step-by-step recipe, you will learn how to prepare Korean funchose dressing at home.


  • 2 tablespoons of natural soy sauce
  • 1 tablespoon sesame or vegetable oil
  • 50 ml. drinking water;
  • 2 tablespoons of vinegar;
  • 1 chili pepper;
  • 1 clove of garlic;
  • 10 g ginger (ground);
  • 5 g black pepper;
  • 10 g coriander (ground);
  • 1 tablespoon sugar
  • salt to taste.

How to make Korean funchose dressing

Take a suitable saucepan and add salt and granulated sugar into it.

Add water and start heating it. Stir, wait until the salt and sugar dissolve completely.

Pour in a couple of tablespoons of soy sauce, a portion of table vinegar, sesame oil. Instead, you can take ordinary sunflower oil, but always odorless, that is, refined.

Grind the hot pepper, carefully removing the seeds from it. We clean the garlic, chop it and send it along with the pepper to the rest of the components.

We slightly heat all the spices in a dry frying pan so that their aroma is revealed even more. Add the fried spices to the saucepan.

A great glass noodle dressing is ready.

After this sauce has cooled, pour it over our funchose, wait 15 minutes for the noodles to slightly absorb the sauce and serve. Such a dish will appeal not only to lovers of Asian cuisine, but also to everyone else. So be sure to try experimenting and making such a savory noodle dressing.