E341 - Calcium phosphates. General characteristics and production of Calcium phosphate application in the food industry

General characteristics and obtaining

Calcium phosphates are a group of phosphoric acid salts. As food additives, one-, two- and three-substituted calcium orthophosphates are used, which differ in chemical formula. This difference determines the peculiarities of their use. Monobasic calcium orthophosphate dissolves well in water, the other two salts are insoluble, but they are well exposed to acids.

To obtain substances from natural sources, they act with phosphoric acid on calcium apatite or sulfuric acid on calcium phosphorite. Under the conditions of chemical production, E341 is obtained by hydrolysis of calcium hydrogen phosphate or by interaction of calcium hydroxide with orthophosphoric acid. The result is a white powder with fine particles in the form of crystals or grains. Its peculiarity is that when heated, the ability to dissolve in water or other substances sharply decreases.


Calcium phosphates regulate acidity due to their high ability to react with oxygen molecules, thereby preventing oxidation of products. These substances are intended to improve the quality of flour and other bulk products (powdered sugar, salt, tea). E341 prevents them from sticking together into lumps and caking, loosens the structure, improves the quality of baked bread and flour confectionery products.

The additive acts as an emulsifier in the manufacture of butter, margarine, processed cheese and ice cream. It is added to condensed milk to prevent crystallization. When added to alcoholic and non-alcoholic beverages, the substance stabilizes the color. For meat and fish, fruits and vegetables, E341 is used as a hardener and texturer, antioxidant, so that food retains its color and shape, does not spoil longer.

Impact on the health of the human body: benefits and harms

The beneficial and harmful properties of E341 are based on the content of calcium salts in it, which, if they are significantly absorbed into the body, can harm health, and in a small amount can support it.

The benefit of calcium salts is that they are part of calcium hydroxyapatite - a substance that is present in our body and is necessary for the strength of bone tissue, tooth enamel and skin elasticity. E341 improves the quality of the products we use - bread, tea, salt, as well as meat, fish, pasta and confectionery products.

The harm of E341 to the body is estimated presumably, since there is no scientific data on the effect of this substance on health. It is assumed that it can aggravate existing diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and gallstone disease, provoke the deposition of cholesterol plaques in the vessels.

Use and application

The main application of the E341 is the production of food and beverages. Calcium phosphates have a wide range of properties that can significantly improve the quality of products, extend the shelf life, and improve the appearance. The additive is present in bulk products that can cake, clump, attract unnecessary moisture: this is flour, salt, various types of tea and herbal infusions, powdered sugar and powdered cream, instant soup concentrates and cereals.

The emulsifying properties of E341 have found application in the manufacture of sterilized milk and cream, some types of cheese, butter and margarine. As an antioxidant and a substance that improves the texture of the product, it is used for meat and fish, fruit products. The additive is used as a color and consistency stabilizer in the production of alcoholic beverages, cider, various fruit syrups, nutritional drinks for athletes.

E341 is used in the manufacture of toothpaste. It is used in the production of pet food and animal feed. The substance is part of mineral fertilizers, mild abrasives. The manufacture of glass and ceramics cannot do without it.

The maximum allowable intake of E341 during the day, according to hygienic standards, is no more than 70 mg per kilogram of body weight.

Table. The norm of the content of the food additive E341 calcium phosphates in products according to SanPin of 05/26/2008

Food product

The maximum level of E341 content in products

Sterilized milk

Concentrated milk with a dry matter content of less than 28%

Powdered and dry skim milk

Pasteurized and sterilized cream

Whipped cream and their counterparts based on vegetable fat

Young cheeses

Processed cheeses and their analogues

Milk-based drinks, chocolate and barley

Sour butter

Margarine sandwich

Ice cream (except milk and cream), fruit ice

Desserts, including milk-based (ice cream)

Desserts, dry powder mixtures

Fruit products, glazed fruits

Potato processing products, including frozen, chilled and dried

Potatoes, pre-fried and frozen

Bakery and flour confectionery

Sugar confectionery

Powdered sugar

Chewing gum (E341iii only)

According to TI

Dry mixes based on flour with added sugar, baking powder for baking muffins, cakes, pancakes, etc.


Whipped batter, fermented batter, whipped egg mixture for omelettes, batter

Cereal products produced by extrusion technology, dry breakfasts

Dry powdery foods (E341iii only)

Specialized food products

Meat products

5 g of added phosphate per kg of raw meat

Raw fish and fillets

Frozen crustacean products

Fish minced "surimi"

Fish and shrimp paste

Frozen minced fish and products from it

5 g added phosphate per kg

Canned crustaceans

5 g of added phosphate per kg of raw material

Dry egg products (melange, white, yolk)

Soups and broths (concentrates)

Substances for drinks

Specialty drinks for athletes, artificially mineralized soft drinks

Plant Protein Drinks

Liquor products

Cider (apple and pear)

Tea and herbal teas, dry, instant

Salt and salt substitutes

Syrups (decorative coatings) flavored for milkshakes, ice cream, syrups for odadias, pancakes, cakes

Glazes for meat and vegetable products

Biologically active food additives

According to TI


The use of E341 in products is regulated in Russia by Sanitary Rules and Regulations (SanPin of 05/26/2008):

  • p. 3.6.56 Hygienic regulations for the use of consistency stabilizers, emulsifiers, thickeners, texturers and binding agents;
  • p. 3.2.26 Hygienic regulations for the use of acids, bases and salts;
  • P. 3.7.15 Hygienic regulations for the use of bread and flour improvers;
  • p. 5.4.17 Nutrients (feeding) for yeast for use in the food industry.

The additive is approved for use in the EU countries, Ukraine, CIS countries. The American organization FDA classifies E341 as harmless, but the level of this substance in products must be indicated on the label.

See the video below for the benefits of calcium phosphate for dental health.

Calcium phosphate is found in large amounts in human bone tissue. It is abundant in milk and other dairy products. At the same time, it can be found in the list of harmful food additives under the number E341... How is this possible, is it really the same substance?

To complicate matters, the term "calcium phosphate" refers to at least three compounds. There are many names and terms used in relation to them. Some names are more often used in chemistry, others in medicine, and others in the food industry. How they are related and how they differ, we will try to figure it out in this article.

General information

Calcium phosphate is calcium phosphoric acid salt... It is a white powder, odorless and tasteless, insoluble in water. It is found in human bones and teeth in the form of hydroxyapatite. About 70% of human bones are composed of this substance. Tooth enamel contains 96% hydroxyapatite.

Calcium phosphate is found in milk and some dairy products. Since it is insoluble, it is found in milk in the form of microscopic suspended particles. It is associated with and partially in milk protein casein.

Used in the food industry as an additive E341... It is used as a baking powder, sealant, acidity regulator. However, this application is based not on the useful properties of the substance, but on technological ones. The water-insoluble powder structures products well.

This substance is obtained synthetically, from phosphate rock and phosphoric acid. Another method of obtaining is the treatment of slaked lime with phosphoric acid.

Varieties and their names

Calcium phosphate has three varieties, which have different chemical formulas and designations:

Chemical formula Chemical name Technical names Food additive designation Where is it used most often
Ca (H 2 PO 4) 2 Dihydrogen phosphate Monobasic phosphate E341 i Like fertilizer.

As part of biologically active additives (BAA)

CaHPO 4 hydrogen phosphate Dibasic,

dicalcium phosphate

E341 ii In medicine - toothpastes, dietary supplements.

As fertilizer in agriculture

Ca 3 (PO 4) 2 phosphate Trisubstituted,

tricalcium phosphate

E341 iii In animal husbandry as top dressing

All three of these substances are used as food additives. They all look about the same, they are white powders, insoluble in water. In an acidic environment, they, on the contrary, dissolve well, due to which they can be absorbed by humans. After all, the stomach contains hydrochloric acid, which creates high acidity.


  • Is a good source calcium required for bones. It is found in large quantities in milk and dairy products, together with casein protein, with which it is well absorbed.
  • Is the source phosphorus, which is needed for normal muscle function, is required for protein synthesis and performs many important functions in the body.
  • It is part of the tooth enamel and therefore is used in toothpastes. Mainly in the form dicalcium phosphateCaHPO 4... This substance is also a mild abrasive, that is, it allows you to gently clean plaque without damaging the enamel. Also in pastes are used its close analogs glycerophosphate and hydroxyapatite.
  • Prevents sticking and clumping of substances in the form of powders, that is, it is baking powder... Therefore, it is used as a food additive in the production of milk powder, dry cream, bakery products.
  • It is used in the production of processed cheese as an emulsifier.
  • Used as mineral fertilizers in agriculture as a source of phosphorus. In particular, dihydrogen phosphate with the formula Ca (H 2 PO 4) 2 is the main component of such fertilizer as superphosphate. And the fertilizer precipitate consists of hydrogen phosphate with the formula CaHPO 4.
  • Part of combined animal feed... Most often in the form of tricalcium phosphate Ca 3 (PO 4) 2.


Calcium phosphate is found in the body in large quantities, so it does not pose a great danger. At the same time, the table of harmful food additives is widespread, in which the additive E341 is described as causing indigestion. What is the reason for this?

In natural products such as milk, calcium phosphate is found along with other components with which it is easier to digest. If you consume a lot of products where it is added artificially, it begins not to be absorbed, but to accumulate and slag the body. In this form, he is capable of:

  • Deteriorate the work of the gastrointestinal tract.
  • Cause kidney failure and nephrolithiasis.
  • Promote the formation of excess cholesterol.

Excess phosphorus can be formed in the body when eating a lot of meat products, especially sausages. Calcium phosphate is used as an antioxidant in the production of sausages, often in violation of technology and in too large quantities - to increase the volume and weight of the product.

E341 additive is present in processed cheeses, margarine, flour-based dry mixes, milk powder and cream.

In addition, an excess of phosphates occurs when you are addicted to fast food and convenience foods.

Calcium phosphate is used as a dietary supplement for calcium and phosphorus deficiencies. Recommended for bone fractures, brittle nails. Used for diseases such as osteoporosis. Supplements containing this substance and its analogues are advised to be taken during pregnancy and lactation.

It is part of drugs such as phthision, osteogeno n and many dietary supplements (for example, Camosten, Arthromil). Most often, dicalcium phosphate is used. For the full assimilation of these supplements, it is worth adhering to the recommendations:

  1. Best consumed on an empty stomach, before meals.
  2. Calcium is fully absorbed by the body in combination with vitamin D, so it is better to use preparations that contain this vitamin. If others are used, then vitamin D should be taken separately, 1-2 hours before taking calcium supplements.
  3. Contraindications for admission - diseases of the parathyroid glands, urolithiasis, individual intolerance.

The analogs of calcium phosphate are hydroxyapatite and glycerophosphate (although they are somewhat more expensive). Also, citrate and carbonate of this metal are used as calcium supplements, which are well absorbed, but do not contain phosphorus. Calcium gluconate, a popular source of this element, is a poorly digestible drug.


Calcium phosphate is not harmful when taken with normal food. But products containing it as a food additive E341 should cause alertness. With frequent use of such foods, excess of this substance can accumulate in the body, which can cause indigestion and lead to kidney stone disease. In large quantities, phosphate slags the body.

On the other hand, it is useful to take this substance in the form of dietary supplements, especially if there are problems with the bones. It is also recommended for pregnant and lactating women.

Calcium phosphate (food additive E341) - is an inorganic substance, a salt of calcium and phosphoric acid. Of all hydroxyapatites (calcium phosphate compounds), calcium orthophosphate is the most resistant to the effects of extracellular body fluids and plays an important role in a number of physiological processes.

Calcium phosphates are found in cow's milk. In the human body, calcium exists mainly in the form of calcium phosphates. Human bones are seventy percent composed of calcium phosphates. Tooth enamel is also mostly composed of hydroxyapatites.

There are several subspecies of calcium orthophosphates used in the food industry:

  • E341 (i) - monosubstituted calcium orthophosphate with the chemical formula: Ca 2;
  • E341 (ii) - disubstituted calcium orthophosphate with the chemical formula: CaHPO 4;
  • E341 (iii) - trisubstituted calcium orthophosphate, having the molecular formula: Ca 3 O 8 P 2.

Calcium orthophosphate is obtained from minerals, and chemically - by the interaction of phosphoric acid with calcium oxide or milk of lime and hydrolysis of calcium hydrogen phosphate. The result of a chemical reaction is a white amorphous powder, slightly soluble in water, but soluble in acids. Unlike many chemicals, the solubility of phosphates decreases with increasing temperature.

Since the 70s of the last century, a variety of studies have been carried out around the world to study the biological behavior of orthophosphates. The negative effect of the E341 supplement on the body has not yet been scientifically proven, but there are rumors on the network that the E341 supplement causes diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and upset stomach.

Food additive E341 is used in the food industry as a stabilizer, acidity regulator, baking powder, color fixer. In addition, calcium orthophosphates are used as emulsifying salts in the production of processed cheeses. In milk powder and cream, the food additive E341 is used as a separating agent and anti-caking agent. Also, calcium orthophosphates are used as an anti-crystallizer for condensed milk and a sealant for plant tissues in the production of canned fruit and vegetables.

Most often, the E341 additive is used in the food industry in the production of bakery products, special drinks (for example, for athletes), concentrated milk with a high content of solids, milk powder, condensed milk, ice cream, fish and minced meat, alcoholic beverages, dry and herbal teas , semi-finished products, breakfast cereals, instant foods, confectionery, baking powder, processed cheeses, dietary supplements, canned fruits and vegetables.

Other uses of calcium orthophosphates:

  • production of fertilizers and mineral feed for livestock;
  • one of the components of toothpastes and powders;
  • used in the production of ceramics, glass, soft abrasives.
- is the most common calcium-phosphorus supplement used in animal husbandry practice in many countries. Tricalcium phosphate is still considered the most common "feed phosphate". It is part of the minerals - phosphorite, apatite, hydroxylapatite.

Tricalcium phosphate is, according to various sources, gray or gray with a brown tint, cream or light yellow, white with a gray tint amorphous powder poorly soluble in water. This variation in the tonal features of the color of the product under consideration is the result of the unequal chemical composition of the feedstock of individual apatite deposits, from which tricalcium phosphate is obtained.
Density: 2.81 g / cm³. Melting point: 1670 ° C.

Chemical formula: Ca 3 (PO 4) 2.

It is obtained by hydrothermal roasting of apatite or phosphorite concentrate with the addition of hemihydrate phosphoric acid at a temperature of 1450-1600 ° C.

Relatively cheap tricalcium phosphate can be considered as the most valuable and effective source of mineral elements for the animal body at a relatively low price. Its use as a feed additive in the composition of feed and feed mixtures allows you to easily balance the level of phosphorus in the diets of all types of agricultural animals and significantly increase the productivity of animals.

Tricalcium phosphate is used, in addition, for the purification of sugar syrups in the production of refined sugar, in the production of ceramics and glass, for the manufacture of toothpastes and salt, used in medicine, etc. Food tricalcium phosphate is used to eliminate the hygroscopicity of table salt.

Depending on the type of raw material, composition and purpose, calcium phosphate is produced in three grades:
- monocalcium phosphate;
- dicalcium phosphate (precipitate);
- tricalcium phosphate.

Physicochemical indicators of tricalcium phosphate:
Indicator name Norm
top grade first grade
Mass fraction of phosphorus soluble in 0.4% hydrochloric acid solution:
* in terms of Р 2 О 5
* in terms of P, not less

41 - 42

28 - 29
Mass fraction of phosphorus soluble in 2% solution of citric acid:
* in terms of Р 2 О 5
* in terms of P


Mass fraction of calcium, %% not less 34 30
Mass fraction of water,%, no more 1 1
Mass fraction of fluorine,%, no more 0,2 0,2
Mass fraction of arsenic,%, no more 0,0002 0,0002
Content of particles of metal-magnetic impurity size:
* up to 2mm inclusive, mg / kg, no more
* more than 2mm, mg / kg


Coarseness: residue on a sieve with holes 2 mm in diameter,%, no more 0 absence
Residue on a sieve with holes 1 mm in diameter,%, no more 1 1
Mass fraction of ash insoluble in hydrochloric acid,% 10 25
1. Allowed mass fraction of lead not more than 0.003% for monocalcium phosphate and first grade tricalcium phosphate, produced from Karatau phosphorites.
2. It is allowed to exceed the upper limit P 2 O 5 for all brands of the product.
3. For monocalcium phosphate intended for the feed industry, the residue on a sieve with holes of 3 mm in diameter should not exceed 10%.

Safety requirements
Calcium phosphate is non-toxic, fire and explosion proof. Belongs to the 3rd class of hazard. The maximum permissible concentration of fodder calcium phosphate dust in the air of the working area is 6 mg / m³. Inhalation of calcium phosphate dust can be a general irritant to the mucous membranes of the respiratory tract.
Industrial premises where air pollution with calcium phosphate dust is observed must be equipped with supply and exhaust ventilation; workplaces associated with the most intense dust emission should be equipped with protective hoods with exhaust ventilation.
Those working with calcium phosphates are provided with personal protective equipment. Respirators such as "Petal" and "UK-2" are used to protect the respiratory system.

Packaging, transport and storage
Calcium phosphate is packed in polyethylene bags of grades: M 6-0.220, M 7-0.220, M 8-0.220, M 9-0.220, M 10-0.220, M 12-0.220, M 13-0.220 or in other polyethylene bags according to standard technical documentation, ensuring the safety of the product. Feed calcium phosphate is also packed in four- or five-layer paper bags; monocalcium phosphate - in paper bags of the PM BMP, VMP brands; dicalcium phosphate - in paper bags of the BM brand; tricalcium phosphate - in paper bags of the NM, BM brands. Net weight of bags is not more than 50 kg - for five-layer bags and 40 kg - for four-layer bags with a tolerance of ± 2%.
Calcium phosphate is transported by rail, road, sea and river transport in accordance with the rules for the carriage of goods in force for the transport of these types.
The product packed in bags is transported by railway transport in covered wagons by wagon consignments, by road transport - in cars and tractor carts covered with tarpaulins, film or other materials that completely cover the body, by sea and river transport in closed deck ships and ship holds.
Calcium phosphate is stored packed in closed storage facilities. Storage of calcium phosphate together with fertilizers and pesticides is not allowed.
The guaranteed shelf life of monocalcium phosphate is six months, dicalcium phosphate and tricalcium phosphate is one year from the date of manufacture. The guaranteed shelf life of calcium phosphate packed in containers is six months.

Tribasic phosphoric acid forms three types of salts with calcium. These are calcium hydrogen phosphate CaHPO4, calcium dihydrogen phosphate Ca (H2PO4) 2 and calcium orthophosphate or phosphate, the formula of which is: Ca3 (PO4) 2. This salt is an inorganic substance, under standard conditions it is in a solid state, and turns into a liquid (melts) at a temperature of more than 1200 C. The density is 2.81 g / cm³, the molar mass is 310.2 g / mol. Calcium phosphate is poorly soluble in water: at 20 ° C, its mass fraction does not exceed 0.0025%. Unlike most other compounds, its level of solubility decreases with increasing temperature. Thus, in heating systems, this salt can form deposits.

Calcium phosphate is a white crystalline substance that is part of (belongs to the class of phosphates containing up to 56% CaO and approximately 41% P2O5), phosphorite (a fibrous or dense aggregate of apatite containing over 18% P2O5) and hydroxylapatites (the main a component of human and animal bone tissue). The origin of some deposits from excrement or animal carcasses has been proven. Other deposits (for example, in ancient seas) were formed as a result of the vital activity of "phosphorobacteria". But in some places the deposits of this mineral are of purely mineral origin. All of them are widespread in nature and used in the national economy.

Apatite serves as a raw material for the production of phosphorus, phosphoric fertilizers and phosphoric acid, and is also used in non-ferrous and ferrous metallurgy, in the production of glass and ceramics. Natural minerals phosphorites are rocks of various origins, but more often sedimentary, they are used for further enrichment and in the production of phosphate fertilizers. The reserves of phosphorites and apatites are of great importance for agriculture, as they are used not only for obtaining fertilizers, but also as a source of calcium for feeding birds or livestock: fodder calcium phosphate is produced in accordance with GOST 23999-80.

The mineral of inorganic origin - apatite - is used in more than twenty production processes. It is used in the manufacture of abrasives, glass and ceramics, as well as for the production of phosphoric acid and free phosphorus. The process proceeds according to the scheme: 3SiO2 + Ca3 (PO4) 2 + 5C → 3CaSiO3 + 5CO + 2P. This substance is also in demand in the food industry: it is produced in the form of food additives E341 in accordance with GOST R 53945-2010, which, along with 1- and 2-substituted salts of orthophosphoric acid, includes calcium phosphate. The receipt of this product implies stringent requirements for the raw materials. In the production of food additives, grade A orthophosphoric acid is used in accordance with GOST 10678-76, calcium hydroxide in accordance with GOST 9262-77 and chemically precipitated chalk in accordance with GOST 8253-79.

The mineral containing calcium phosphate plays an important role in the human body. Hydroxylapatite can be represented by the formula 3Ca3 (PO4) 3.Ca (OH) 2. It is the main component and building material of human bones. This mineral is part of the tooth enamel in the form of fluorapatite. The daily requirement for phosphorus is high and ranges from 800 to 1500 mg. The liver is responsible for the metabolism of phosphorus compounds in the human body, and hormones and vitamin D regulate this process. Various diseases of bones and teeth develop with a lack of phosphorus in the body. Calcium phosphate comes from food, strengthens teeth and bones, and in combination with other minerals supports the work of the cardiovascular system, prevents colon cancer, regulates nerve functions, participates in the construction of collagen, and helps lower cholesterol. Phosphates are excreted in the feces, and about 4 g of phosphoric acid salts are excreted in the urine every day.

The main sources of calcium phosphate for humans are cow's milk and dairy products, cereals, fortified juices, cheese, goat's milk, salmon, sardines and anchovies. Being poorly soluble in water, calcium phosphate is found in high concentration in milk, because it exists in the form of micelles - particles consisting of a very small insoluble core, which is surrounded by solvent molecules and adsorbed ions. It is part of milk casein, more precisely, calcium caseinate, which belongs to phosphoproteins, since it contains a phosphate group. However, experts recommend avoiding excess calcium phosphate, especially in the form of fortified foods and supplements, if the person has one of the following conditions: parathyroid glands, kidney stones, or during ongoing treatment that includes tetracycline antibiotics.