Khanum whose dish. Uzbek cuisine recipe: khanum

Khanum- flour dish Uzbek cuisine stuffed with potatoes or minced meat, steamed. The main highlight of the excellent dish is the thinnest dough with juicy filling hidden inside. Skillful hands of Uzbek housewives make khanums of various shapes - these are graceful roses, lace envelopes, and just rolls. They sell ready-made khanums with potatoes (very tasty!).

The khanum's recipes are so diverse that even respected aksakals no longer remember whether the khanum originally had minced meat or only potatoes. Today, opinions are finally divided: someone claims that in real khanum only potatoes are put, and if meat is added, then khanum is transformed into. Others claim that in their family khanum was always cooked with meat. Let's agree that the filling for khanum can be minced meat with potatoes, and only vegetables (pumpkin, potatoes, carrots, onions and even cabbage) - a combination of the hostess's rich imagination and makes it possible to cook a wide variety of fillings.

Khanum recipe very similar to another's recipe Uzbek dishes - manti... However, khanum is khanum, and manti is manti. “The East is a delicate matter,” you see.

True or false, a fairy tale of the elders or a reality, but there is legend about how it was invented khanum... The situation was very commonplace: the head of the family returned home unexpectedly (from the war or hunting - the legend does not specify), and there was no ready-made food at home yet. The head of the family has not been seen for a long time, he is glad and wants to please, to feed him deliciously, to make his favorite dish - manti, but how to cook this dish quickly? Just how long will it take to sculpt them! And then the hostess hastily rolled out a layer of dough, put all the minced meat on it and rolled it into a roll, and after cooking, cut it into pieces - if you close your eyes, the taste is very similar to manti!

Whether that hostess was lazy or, on the contrary, very smart, but the recipe for the new dish so firmly entered the life of the indigenous people that the khanums became an integral part Uzbek cuisine... That hostess was called Khanum, which is why they began to call this dish by her name, and because of the simplicity of preparation, the dish received a second name - "lazy manti".

How to cook khanum? Here is a simple khanuma recipe:

For the test:

For filling:
Classic khanum made with potatoes and onions (potatoes are cut into thin strips, onions are finely chopped).
For khanuma with meat filling would need:

Meat filling can be used raw, or you can pre-fry, cool and start sculpting khanums.

In many flour dishes of uzbek cuisine do not put the egg in the dough. However, sometimes the egg is still added - even here, in Uzbekistan, there is no consensus on this matter.

The number of ingredients in grams and names, different versions - whether the minced meat should be fried or put raw, or only individual ingredients (onions, carrots) - may vary. How many regions in Uzbekistan, so many opinions.

As mentioned above, khanum uniforms can be completely different, therefore, the cutting of the dough is different. The easiest way is the roll form. To do this, roll out the dough - the thinner the better, distribute the filling evenly over the surface, put a little butter on top and roll it up. To make everything steamed evenly, make a few looser turns.

Khanum is being prepared steamed in a "mantyshnitsa" (kaskan, double boiler) for about 40 - 45 minutes. If the filling is with meat, it is better to hold it a little longer - about 50 minutes. Before putting the khanums on the lattice of the mantle, it should first be greased with fat or oil.

Ready-made khanums are laid on a dish in layers: each layer is poured with tomato gravy (tomato paste is diluted with water so that the consistency is thicker than that of tomato juice, brought to a boil and vegetable oil is added), sprinkled with onion rings on top, you can mix it with green onions and dill ... It will be tastier if the onion is pre-marinated for sprinkling: cut into thin rings, dilute table vinegar in a small amount of boiled water in a separate cup, add a little salt, sugar and put onions there. The longer it stands, the better it will marinate (3-4 hours, much less is possible, but in this case the bitterness of the onion may still remain).

They eat khanum, like manti, with their hands. Do not hesitate, it really tastes better!


Khanum (khanuma) is a wonderful Uzbek dish that is steamed and served with a vegetable or sour cream sauce. If you want to know the recipe for khanum with meat, then read this article and feel free to go to the kitchen to please your family and friends with another culinary masterpiece.

Pork Khanum

Steamed meatloaf turns out to be very satisfying and tasty. The original recipe uses lamb with fat tail. However, we decided to replace it with pork, which is easier to find on the shelves of our stores. Khanum dish (recipe):

  1. To prepare the dough, pour two cups of sifted flour into a deep cup, make a depression in it, add two tablespoons of vegetable oil and half a glass of boiled water. Knead the dough, place it on the table and cover with a bowl.
  2. While the dough is resting (about an hour), you can start filling. To do this, take 700 grams of pork neck and cut it into small pieces. Chop five medium onions and cut five peeled potatoes into cubes. Stir the prepared foods, add salt and ground pepper to them.
  3. Divide the dough into two and roll each of them thinly enough.
  4. Lubricate the blanks with vegetable oil and spread the filling evenly on them. Roll up two rolls gently and pinch the edges.
  5. Lightly grease the steamer rack and place the roll in it. Place the second roll on the second level in the same way. Cook the dish for about 45 minutes.

We hope you enjoy the recipe for khanum with potatoes. Serve it with sour cream and garlic sauce, seasoned with salt and pepper.

If you are not too fond of minced meat, then try cooking a steam roll with minced meat. How khanuma is prepared (cooking recipe):

  1. Knead a simple dumpling dough from one egg, one and a half glasses of flour, 200 ml of water and a teaspoon of salt. Cover it with plastic wrap and let stand for a while.
  2. For the filling, you will need 400 grams of minced beef and pork, one grated carrot and one grated raw potato.
  3. Divide the dough into two and roll each section out thinly.
  4. Lay out (not reaching the edge a few centimeters) minced meat, carrots, chopped greens and potatoes mixed with salt and pepper.
  5. Roll up the roll, put it in a mantool and cook for about 40 minutes. Prepare the second roll in the same way.

The finished dish can be served with any sauce or homemade adjika.

This delicious Uzbek dish can be prepared in many ways. Someone prefers to add potatoes to the filling, someone - zucchini or pumpkin for juiciness. In this case, we suggest you use stewed onions and carrots. Khanum (recipe):

  1. Take one and a half cups of flour, salt, one egg and half a glass of water for the dough. Mix all the ingredients and leave the dough to sit while the filling is cooking.
  2. Peel two carrots and two onions, chop with a knife and grater. Simmer vegetables in a skillet until tender, and at the very end add cream (200 ml), salt and pepper to them.
  3. Roll out the dough into a fairly thin layer and evenly spread the filling on it (300 grams of any minced meat mixed with stewed vegetables). Roll the dough into a roll.
  4. Pour one liter of water into the steamer, place the steamer nozzle, previously oiled with vegetable oil, onto the bowl. Place the roll carefully, close the multicooker and cook with the Steam program for 40 minutes.

Cut the roll into portions and serve with homemade tomato sauce.


Make delicious dough rolls and surprise friends or family with a new dish. How to make mini-khanum (recipe):

Lenten khanum

Surprisingly, a delicious steamed roll with vegetables can be without meat. How to cook lean khanum (recipe):

Khanum from pumpkin

This popular Asian dish can be prepared with a variety of fillings, and each time it tastes differently. This time we suggest you try to cook khanum with pumpkin:

  1. To prepare the dough, combine 450 grams of flour, salt, one egg and water (as needed). Put the finished product in a plastic bag and let it rest for about half an hour.
  2. For the filling, take a pumpkin (500 grams), peel it and cut into small cubes (you can grate it).
  3. Peel the four onions and cut into half rings.
  4. Cut 200 grams of pork fat (can be substituted for butter) into cubes.
  5. Mix prepared ingredients, salt, add spices and mix well.
  6. Roll out the dough into an oval-shaped layer, put the filling on it and roll the blank into a roll.
  7. Grease the steamer rack with vegetable oil, put the khanum in it (do not forget to pinch its edges first) and cook for about 40 minutes.

Cut the finished dish into portions and serve with sour cream or ketchup.

Khanum with cabbage and meat

Another variation of a familiar dish is sure to please your friends and family. Read how to cook a delicious khanum (recipe) and surprise your loved ones with a new original dish.

  1. Knead into a tight dough of 400 grams of flour, one egg, two tablespoons of vegetable oil and water. After that, cover the product with cling film and leave for half an hour.
  2. Chop 500 grams of white cabbage into strips, and a couple of onions in half rings.
  3. Simmer vegetables in a skillet with a little vegetable oil. Add salt, spices and mix well.
  4. Divide the dough into four pieces and roll each into a thin layer. Place half of the minced meat (250 grams) on the first part and cover with the second part of the dough. Put the cabbage on top in an even layer, roll the resulting structure into a roll and cut it into portions.
  5. Place the rolls in a double boiler and cook for 20 minutes. Serve the cooked dish with tomato or sour cream sauce.


We hope that you find useful the recipes that we have collected for you in this article. Cook khanum with different fillings and delight your loved ones and friends with new tastes.

Choose wonderful proven khanum recipes on the website resource. Try variations with mushrooms, minced meat from different types of meat, aromatic herbs, potatoes and other vegetables. Add a unique flavor with aromatic spices and seasonings. The abundance of cooking options for this roll will delight the whole family more than once.

Khanum is a large steamed Uzbek roll with a variety of fillings. The dough for him is the same as for dumplings or manti. In fact, this is a huge juicy mant. And the variety of content has no boundaries at all. Meat - minced or minced, with and without fat, vegetables - what the soul pleases, herbs and spices - as you please! There are a great number of variations, and in each case, an incomparable meal is obtained.

The five most commonly used ingredients in khanum recipes:

Interesting recipe:
1. Sift flour into a bowl for dough.
2. Dissolve salt in water, add vegetable oil. Pour the oil-water mixture into the flour. Drive in an egg.
3. Knead a firm elastic dough. Cover with a cloth or plastic wrap. Let it "rest" for 20 minutes.
4. Add chopped onion to the minced meat.
5. Finely chop the potatoes and carrots or pumpkin (according to personal preference).
6. Mix vegetables with minced meat and onion.
7. Salt and pepper. Do not forget to season with cumin - a spice with a wonderful aroma!
8. Roll out the dough thinly. Lubricate its surface with oil.
9. Put out the filling. Spread evenly over the dough.
10. Roll up a roll. Pinch the edges carefully.
11. Steam for 40 to 50 minutes.
12. Grease the finished khanum with butter.
13. Serve with sour cream or tomato sauce.

The five most nutritious khanum recipes:

Helpful hints:
... If you add a little salt to the water, then the formation of steam will be more intense, the khanum will cook faster.
... The roll can be stuffed with other vegetables: zucchini, eggplant, tomatoes. The food with the addition of mushrooms turns out to be amazingly tasty.

In any market in the East, you can see women selling food. And this is not low-quality fast food, but homemade dishes: cakes, sweets, various snacks, samsa, and, of course, khanum. This is a masterpiece of oriental cooking, which is so easy to make that even an inexperienced housewife can cook it. At the same time, this tasty and interesting dish can perfectly decorate and complement your festive table.

This dish belongs to the Uzbek national cuisine. There are many options for preparing this dish, as well as a lot of alternative names: khanum, khanon, hunan, hanim, hunan. In composition, it resembles the ubiquitous popular manti, with the only difference that the finished khanum resembles a roll, and not molded pieces.
How to cook Uzbek khanum?
Legend of khanum
There is a legend about the origin of this dish. This is more of a joke, but nonetheless. One Uzbek woman knew about her husband's return from the war. However, her good mood was replaced by anxiety and sadness, as her husband was very fond of manti. Since the woman wanted to meet her husband with a pleasant surprise, but physically she could not have time to make manti, she simply rolled out the dough in a layer and filled it with filling. And so khanum appeared, which became a popular national dish.

What is he like?
How to cook khanum? To do this, you will need dough, filler, and cooking utensils. It is cooked in a special cooker. If you don't have one, you can use a double boiler. The dough is prepared in the same way as for dumplings or manti - flour, water, salt and an egg. It should be kneaded, covered with a napkin and left to stand for about an hour.
The filling for khanum is formed in the same way as for pizza - you can take whatever is in the fridge. The classic filling for this dish is meat with onions and potatoes. You can also put meat with cabbage and carrots, with onions, pumpkin, or just meat with chunks of fat. You can also cook vegetable khanum. The basic rule is to finely chop vegetables or grate them on a fine grater.
As you might guess, everything is done at your discretion. The combinations can be very different: cabbage with onions and carrots, pumpkin, onions, potatoes, onions, cauliflower with herbs, bell pepper with eggplant, and so on. The vegetable filling can be added raw or slightly fried in oil. You can cook khanum in a double boiler according to the recipe without filling. For this option, the dough is abundantly greased with sour cream and rolled into a roll.

To make the meat filling, you can twist the minced meat or cut the meat into small cubes. For juiciness, fat tail fat or lard is put in it. You can turn potatoes and onions through a meat grinder or grate. In some cases, the potatoes are cut into small cubes. Don't forget to add salt, pepper and spices.

What's the main secret?

The dough is cut into pieces and each piece is rolled into a thin layer. The thinner the dough, the better the khanum will be. The filling is laid out on the prepared layer, and the workpiece is wrapped in a roll. In turn, it is rolled into a ring and then steamed for 45-60 minutes, depending on the content of the filling. The mantle pot or steamer grid must be oiled, otherwise the roll will stick to the bottom. The upper part is sprayed with water.

How to cook khanum if there is no mantool or double boiler?
A simple saucepan and colander can help. In this case, khanum is placed in a colander, put in a pot of boiling water and covered with a lid. It is customary to cut the finished roll into pieces, put it on a dish, pour over the sauce and sprinkle with chopped herbs. As a rule, tomato or creamy sauces are made for khanum. For the first option, you need to fry the onions and carrots until golden brown, put the tomatoes (or tomato paste) and simmer for about 5-10 minutes. Pepper and mashed garlic are traditionally placed in the creamy sauce.

How to cook khanum: classic recipe
As already noted, the Uzbek khanum is very similar in filling and culinary technology to the familiar manti. This is partly true, especially since the recipes for these dishes are somewhat similar. And some even call the Uzbek khanum "lazy manti". But this is not entirely true, because a person who is too lazy does not make khanum. To prepare a classic khanum, you will need the following ingredients.
For the test:
Wheat flour - 640-690 grams. Water - 225 ml. Refined vegetable oil - 110 grams. Salt - 10 grams.
For filler:
Minced meat or meat - 1.2 kg. Onions - 650-800 grams. Fat or oil - 200 grams. Cumin to taste. Ground black pepper to taste. Salt to taste. Refined vegetable oil.
How to prepare the dough?
Warm up about a glass of water, dissolve salt in it, add vegetable oil. Then sift the flour, add it in small portions to the liquid mixture, stirring constantly. Initially, you need to do this with a spoon until the mass is thick. Then place the dough on a floured surface and knead it with your hands, adding flour. You should achieve a firm and elastic dough consistency. It takes a long time to knead, and the whole process will take you at least twenty minutes. Then place the dough in a cool place for at least one hour, covering it with a clean towel.

It is very convenient to prepare such a dough in a baking machine, since all the ingredients will be mixed evenly and thoroughly without your participation.
Preparing the filling
While the dough is infusing, prepare the filling. To do this, wash and dry the meat (lamb in the original). After that, you need to cut it into very small cubes with a sharp knife, or grind it into minced meat. Add pre-chopped onions, fat, or well-chilled butter to it. Add salt, black pepper, chopped cumin to taste, mix everything very thoroughly.
How to cook khanum at home? The chilled dough should be cut into pieces (this amount should make four products), and each of them is rolled out on a flat surface to a thickness of about one millimeter. The thinner you make this layer, the tastier the finished dish will be.

The filling is divided visually by the number of blanks. Then it is laid out on the surface of each layer, slightly receding from the edges. Fold the filled dough into a roll, roll into a ring and seal the edges carefully to prevent juices from being lost during cooking.

How to cook khanum in a mantle cooker? The dish is steamed for forty-five minutes.

Serve hot, pre-cut into slices and place on the dish. Separately, you can serve the sauce of your choice.

Bon Appetit!

Improved version

The above is how to cook khanum with minced meat or meat in the classic form. In addition, the dish can be made in an original way. The filling for the Uzbek khanum is different: vegetables or meat. There are also differences in the cutting of the filling. For example, in Tashkent, the filling for khanum is often cut into small strips, and in the Fergana region - into cubes. In Tashkent, housewives also add grated carrots to the filling, making it brighter and more distinctive.

For one kilogram of dough, you should take about 350-400 grams of flour, salt (to taste), 1 egg, water, 1-2 tablespoons of vegetable oil.

For the filling you need onions (about three medium heads), potatoes (two or three roots), meat (500 - 600 grams), 45 grams of lamb fat (for juiciness), a little salt, black and red pepper to taste.

For the second type of filling you will need onions (two small or one large onion), tomatoes (two, cut in halves), aromatic herbs (dill, parsley, green onions to taste), garlic (two or three cloves). You can add coriander and apply another culinary secret: use cumin (cumin) - the zest of oriental dishes! How to cook this kind of khanum?

Cooking colored khanum

How to prepare such a filling? You need a deep bowl in which you have to chop the onion, salt and stir. Then add the chopped potatoes, minced meat and mix again.

Then make a second filling. Fry the diced onion until almost cooked, add the tomatoes and simmer for another 10 minutes. Add chopped green onions, dill and parsley shortly before cooking. Don't forget coriander and caraway seeds too.

The recipe for making khanum of this type does not differ from the classic one. Use dough pieces, two for each type of filling. An Uzbek khanum of this type is cooked for 45-60 minutes in a mantle or in a double boiler. Cut the finished product into pieces and put on a dish, alternating between two types. It will look like flower petals.

Uzbeks are often asked not only about how to prepare khanum, but also how to eat it. True fans of this dish claim that when using knives and forks, the true taste is lost. Therefore, in Uzbekistan, khanum is traditionally eaten by hand.

Khanum. A very tasty and satisfying dish!


    flour - 2st

    2 tbsp vegetable oil -

Whoever has been to Uzbekistan at least once has most likely tried this dish. There it is served in all cafes and canteens. Craftswomen who make this dish at home sell it in bazaars. In terms of its popularity, it is on a par with, and today I present to you a recipe for cooking this yummy. This wonderful and easy-to-prepare dish, I am sure, will appeal to many.


The recipe is for 8-10 servings. For cooking, we need a mantle. (Double boiler)

1.flour - 1 kg
2.water - 250 ml
3.salt - 1 tbsp. spoon
4. vegetable oil - 1 tbsp. spoon
5.meat - 1 kg
6. onions - medium-sized heads 10 pcs (7 pcs in "Khanum" and 3 pcs for frying)
7.potatoes - 8 pcs.
8.tomato paste - 50-100 gr
9.spices - to taste
10. bell pepper (preferably red) - 1 pc

How to cook "Khanum":

1. First, prepare the dough. The dough is prepared in the same way as on dumplings, only without an egg. Mix water with salt and add vegetable oil. Next, add the sifted flour and knead the dough. Cover the finished dough with a napkin and put it aside.

2. Peel potatoes and onions. Cut the potatoes into thin oblong slices or rub them through a coarse grater, cut the onions into thin half rings. Divide the dough into 4 parts. We roll out the first part into a thin, rectangular or square layer. Put 1/4 of the onion, 1/4 of the potatoes and the same amount of minced meat on it. Distribute evenly over the entire surface of the dough. Salt, pepper and add spices (cumin is a must and you can use cilantro). Then we wrap the dough in a roll.

3. Prepare the mantle. Pour water into the bottom pan of the mantle and grease the first circle with oil. We spread on it, in a circle, the resulting roll.

We do the same three more times. There should be 4 rolls in total. Turn on the fire and cook after boiling water, over low heat, with the lid closed, for about 45 minutes.

4. While the "Khanum" is being cooked, we make the frying. Cut the onion and red bell pepper into half rings. Fry them a little in a frying pan in vegetable oil and add tomato paste, salt and spices. Simmer for 10 minutes, over low heat.

Serve the Uzbek dish "Khanum," on a large dish, after cutting it into portioned pieces and putting the fry on top. You can add finely chopped greens.

Bon Appetit!