How to make a drink from oranges. Orange drink

And on a hot summer day, and on a frosty winter evening, a drink made from oranges will be an excellent option for a treat.

It perfectly quenches thirst, improves immunity, saturates the body with vitamins. In addition, unlike juices and carbonated drinks, it does not contain colorants, preservatives, emulsifiers and other chemical elements.

Homemade orange drink - general principles of preparation

It is noteworthy that the products that make up the drink can be purchased at any store throughout the year. The main thing is to choose the right oranges: they should not be spoiled, sweet, not sour.

Citrus fruits should be thoroughly washed and rinsed with boiling water before cooking to remove wax residues and remove bitterness. Then, depending on the recipe, either grind or, by cutting, squeeze the juice out of them.

Additional components to an orange drink can be ordinary water, alcohol, dairy products, as well as ingredients such as sugar, spices, mint and others.

Recipe 1. Drink from oranges at home: nectar

With just five not very large oranges, you can make more than 10 liters of a refreshing tasty drink. At the same time, the recipe is so simple that, having thus prepared the nectar once, you will come back to it again and again.

10 liters of boiled chilled water;

Five medium-sized oranges;

A kilogram of sugar;

30 grams of citric acid.

1. First, boil and completely cool the required amount of water.

2. Thoroughly rinse the oranges without peeling them. Put in a large bowl, pour boiling water for five minutes. Then we dry it and put it in the refrigerator for several hours, so we get rid of the bitterness inherent in citrus zest.

3. Remove the settled oranges and cut into large pieces with the peel. We pass through a meat grinder.

4. Fill the fragrant mass with three liters of water, let it brew for ten minutes.

5. Strain the nectar first through a colander, then through a sieve.

6. Dilute the nectar with the remaining water, sugar, citric acid.

7. Stir the drink well, remove for an hour or two, until the sugar is completely dissolved.

8. Pour the finished drink into bottles, put it in the refrigerator.

From the remaining citrus mass, we can make delicious jam. To do this, mix the pulp of oranges with sugar to taste and simmer over low heat until thickened. We remove the jelly-like jam in sterilized jars. Cool and seal.

Recipe 2. Drink from oranges at home: with cinnamon

The method of preparation of this drink is not much different from the previous one, but thanks to cinnamon, the nectar acquires an unusual aroma and taste.

Three oranges;

150 grams of granulated sugar;

Two glasses of water;

1/2 tsp cinnamon.

1. Wash oranges, cut into two parts, squeeze the juice into a clean dry bowl in any convenient way.

2. Chop the orange peel, which remained after pressing, through a grater or with a sharp knife.

3. Pour water into another saucepan, add cinnamon and granulated sugar. Put chopped orange zest here.

4. Cook the syrup for 15-20 minutes, stirring occasionally.

5. Strain the finished broth through a fine sieve, mix the broth with freshly squeezed orange juice.

This homemade orange drink is an excellent "supplier" of vitamin C. It can be drunk both hot and chilled.

Recipe 3. Drink from oranges at home: with spices

This version of the drink is ideal for those who do not like to mess around in the kitchen for a long time. It is prepared instantly, it turns out incredibly aromatic, and the sour-sweet taste perfectly refreshes and invigorates.

Four oranges;

230 ml of water;

50 g sugar;

Cinnamon stick;

Two pinches of nutmeg;

3-4 carnation buds.

1. Thoroughly washed and scalded with boiling water, cut the oranges into several parts and squeeze the juice.

2. Mix the juice with boiled cooled water, pour sugar into the mixture, put a cinnamon stick (you can replace it with a teaspoon of cinnamon powder) and cloves.

3. We put the saucepan with the fragrant mixture on the stove. After boiling, reduce the heat to a minimum, and cook for literally one minute, after which we remove the pan from the heat.

4. Cool the finished drink, filter through a fine sieve or cheesecloth folded in several layers.

5. Serve sprinkled with nutmeg.

Recipe 4. Alcoholic drink from oranges at home

Not sure what to serve for a meeting with friends or a romantic evening as an alcoholic drink? Check out this orange drink recipe. There is practically no alcohol in it, it is easy to drink, and everyone will like the taste and aroma of such a treat: slightly tart, unobtrusively sweet, with a slight sourness and freshness of mint.

380 ml freshly squeezed orange juice;

Half a large or one small orange;

10 g icing sugar;

A pinch of citric acid;

4 tbsp. l. liquor;

1 tsp ground cinnamon;

Sugar to taste (1,2,3 spoons);

Fresh mint leaves and ice.

1. Squeeze out the amount of juice we need from sweet large oranges, mix it with a glass of boiled cooled water and two tablespoons of liqueur.

2. Pour citric acid and sugar into the mixture. Mix well in a shaker or with a clean dry whisk.

3. Add the remaining liquor, stir again and send to the refrigerator for 20 minutes.

4. Pour the finished orange drink into beautiful glasses, filled with the desired amount of ice and decorate: sprinkle with powdered sugar mixed with cinnamon, spread a couple of mint leaves, and put a thin orange slice on the edge of the glass.

Recipe 5. Milk orange drink at home

A quick recipe, a great vitamin drink for a kid's breakfast. Instead of fresh orange, you can also take regular orange juice from trusted manufacturers, but there is definitely more benefit from freshly squeezed nectar.

A glass of milk;

Half a sweet orange;

Milk chocolate.

1. Pour a glass of milk into the blender bowl, squeeze the juice from half an orange here. Beat until foamy. You can also use a hand blender or a regular whisk.

2. Rub the chocolate on a fine grater.

3. Pour the orange milk drink into a large glass cup and sprinkle with chocolate chips.

4. In addition to chocolate, you can use coconut flakes, chopped lightly roasted nuts for decoration.

Recipe 6. Carbonated orange drink at home

To prepare this drink, choose regular carbonated water, not mineral, without any additives. The recipe uses sugar syrup, it is prepared from 100 g of granulated sugar and 40 ml of water: just mix both ingredients in a small saucepan and heat until all the sugar grains are dissolved.

50 ml sugar syrup;

200 grams of orange;

Bottled sparkling water.

1. Wash the orange well, cut it in half, squeeze the juice.

2. Combine cooled sugar syrup with orange nectar.

3. Pour the resulting mixture into a glass, filling it by about half.

4. Fill with carbonated water cooled in the refrigerator.

5. Optionally, you can decorate the orange drink with fruit slices or berries.

Recipe 7. Immune-boosting orange drink at home: with lemon and mint

One orange;

Two lemons;

2.5 liters of water;

A small bunch of fresh mint;

Half a glass of sugar.

1. Rinse the orange, peel. Squeeze the juice out of the pulp, and pour the peel with boiling water for 10 minutes.

2. Wash the lemons, cut them into two, squeeze out the juice.

3. Pour water into a saucepan, add sugar after boiling, put orange peels and mint leaves, pour orange juice.

4. Cook the drink over medium heat for five minutes.

5. Cool the cooked mixture, strain through a fine sieve, mix with lemon juice.

6. Serve after cooling in the refrigerator for 2-3 hours.

If you don't have a juicer, you can squeeze the juice with your hands. To do this, first roll the washed fruit on the table, pressing and squeezing hard on it, and then cut and squeeze.

You can replace sugar in drinks with sugar or any fruit, berry syrup. For people with diabetes, it is recommended to put honey as a sweetener.

If after all the manipulations you still have the pulp or peel of oranges, do not rush to throw them away. You can make delicious jam from them, you can add them to pies, tarts, and also just put them in tea.

In order to slightly change the aroma, taste, color of the drink, you can put other citrus fruits together with the orange: lemons, grapefruits.

Serve orange drinks, be they regular, carbonated, dairy, or alcoholic chilled. So they fully reveal their aroma and taste.

But as a prophylaxis for colds, the fortified orange drink is recommended to be drunk hot.

Step 1: preparing the oranges.

We rinse the oranges well under running water and, without cutting off the skin, transfer the ingredient to a cutting board. Using a kitchen knife, cut the citrus fruits into two equal parts.
Then, using a manual juicer, squeeze the juice out of each orange half. Pour the juice into an empty bowl or jug.
Put the squeezed orange peels with pulp on a cutting board and use a kitchen knife to randomly cut them into small pieces.

Step 2: prepare the orange drink.

Put the orange peels with pulp, cut into pieces, into a free saucepan. Pour sugar, cinnamon into the same container and fill everything with water. Then, using a tablespoon, mix all the ingredients together. Put the saucepan with the ingredients on high heat. After the water in the container boils, make medium heat and cook the liquid orange mass for 15 minutes... After this time has elapsed, turn off the hotplate. Before we filter our citrus mass, take a colander and cover its bottom with a gauze cloth, and put a saucepan under it, into which our liquid will drain.
Gently pour the citrus liquid from the container through a colander into the saucepan.
When the liquid mass is all drained into the dishes, collect the cheesecloth and manually squeeze all the cake.
We take the remnants of the orange peel out of the gauze and throw it away, since they will no longer be useful to us, but pour the resulting liquid into a container with pre-squeezed orange juice. Mix everything with a tablespoon until smooth.
Then, using a watering can, pour the orange drink into a free jar or another container and cover it tightly with a lid. After our finished drink has completely cooled down, we put it in the refrigerator.

Step 3: serve the orange drink.

Serve the orange drink, preferably chilled beforehand. Pour the drink from a can into a decanter or pour it immediately into glasses or glass glasses. Glasses can be decorated with an orange slice, or ice cubes can be placed in the glasses. However, you can also drink our delicious aromatic drink warm or hot with the addition of honey or alcoholic beverages. As you like. This tonic drink goes well with both main dishes and dessert. Enjoy your meal!

The orange drink recipe is for two people. Typically, one serving is one orange, 50 grams of sugar and one glass of water. Based on these proportions, you can calculate the required amount of ingredients for all your guests to enjoy the orange drink.

If the oranges from which you are making an orange drink are too sweet, then you can add half a lemon to them. Thanks to this ingredient, our drink will acquire a slightly pleasant sour taste.

Before serving, you can add a little chilled mineral sparkling water to the orange drink.

If you are allergic to citrus fruits, then it is better to refrain from drinking orange drink, or reduce the concentration of the drink by adding more water to it.

Use only fresh ripe citrus fruits for your orange drink, as they are not only sweeter, but also juicier.

In addition to cinnamon, you can add a little clove to the drink. It will also give the drink a unique aroma and complement the taste of oranges.

If you don't have a manual juicer at hand, then you can squeeze the juice out of the citrus with a fork or just by hand.

There are several similar drinks on the site, one is even in my diary. But I am sure that this option will take root in you. Because it is the cheapest, fastest, most ergonomic ... Energy and financial costs for preparation are minimal, because in 5 minutes you can easily prepare 3 liters of a delicious drink from 1 orange, which the whole family will surely enjoy. Plus a bonus - the option with a carnation.

Ingredients for "The Best Orange Drink":

Recipe "Orange drink" The best "":

First, we will prepare a concentrate for our drink. We need all the ingredients except water. Wash the orange thoroughly. Important: it must be thin. Thin-peeled oranges are juicier and more flavorful, and have less of the loose white layer underneath the rind (albedo) inside.

Pour sugar and citric acid into a convenient jug. Cut off the top and bottom of the orange and cut it into slices. The beauty of the pieces is not important, the presence of bones, in principle, too.

The longest step in preparing a drink: all this must be grinded with an immersion blender. And not just grind, but as small as possible, into a single thick mass. To make it easier for the blender to cope with the task - add a little water.

While you grind all this, sugar and citric acid will have time to dissolve. The result is a tasty and aromatic concentrate. Then we act as we like. You can leave it in the form of a concentrate, you can pour it into a 3-liter jar and top up with cold water. Personally, I divide the portion in half and pour it through the funnel into 2 plastic bottles, which I then top up with water and put in the refrigerator. By the way, it is delicious to soak the cakes with concentrate. You can edit the acid and sugar for yourself.

That, in fact, is all the wisdom. By the way, 3 liters of drink is not a dogma. You can dilute even less, it's a matter of taste. Here is the drink, watered down 3 times.

By the way, the color of the drink depends on the color of the crust itself. In any case, the drink will be tasty and aromatic, and also with pulp). There he is. diluted by 3 liters. We love this particular option: it's not cloying and tastes just as good as store-bought orange juice. And calculate the price yourself)

And - an option for daring lovers of experiments. I share. In the evening, you can sprinkle the orange with cloves. More or less like this. By the way, an orange stuck in this way is an excellent air odorant if it is located near a heat source. Orange, if not used, dries out to full hardness and becomes an excellent interior decoration.

Sorry, distracted ... Back to the drink. Leave the orange studded with cloves overnight, and in the morning remove the cloves. And then - according to the recipe. As a result, the drink will taste more exotic.

In one word - cook and drink to your health!

Bon appetit and orange mood to you and your family!

This recipe is a participant of the "Cooking Together - Culinary Week" campaign. Cooking discussion on the forum -

Can you get a bucket of juice out of four large oranges? Of course not, you might say. You won't be able to squeeze that much juice out of four oranges. And it is true.

But to prepare 9 liters of an orange drink, which tastes as good as juice, will work very well. This recipe will come in handy if you are expecting guests, especially children. They will definitely like the orange drink. And the benefits from it will be more than that of various Fant and Kol.

Ingredients for preparing the drink:

- 4 large oranges or 5 medium ones;

- 1 kg of sugar;

- juice of one lemon.

Making an orange drink

Take four large (or five medium) oranges. Wash them thoroughly under running water, then scald them with boiling water. You can hold them a little in boiling water for half a minute or a minute. Then wipe dry and put in the freezer overnight.

In the morning (or when you are preparing an orange drink), we take out the frozen oranges from the freezer, where they spent the whole night, and cut them into several parts (as you personally prefer). I cut the oranges into 8 pieces, so they fit better in a meat grinder.

Safety precautions! Frozen oranges are difficult to cut straight away. Therefore, be very careful when trying to make the first cut. For this purpose, it is better to use a short knife with a thick rigid blade. After the first cut is made, the further the oranges are easier to cut.

Pass the frozen oranges through a meat grinder. You will immediately have a question: so the juice will also flow from the oranges. No, it will not. After all, our oranges were frozen precisely so that there was no juice during grinding. Here's an interesting trick.

When all the oranges are twisted, pour the resulting mass with three liters of boiled cold water, mix and let it brew for 10 minutes.

Next, we filter the mass through a colander or cheesecloth to remove large particles. Add another 6 liters of boiled chilled water to the strained orange drink. Add 1 kg of sugar to this and mix well. You can adjust the sweetness yourself (whoever likes it). If you like a less sweet drink, add as much sugar as you need. We also add the juice of one small lemon here.

Stir everything well. We test the orange drink once again. If the taste suits you, then pour it into three liter cans or just leave it to infuse in a clean container for 1 hour.

As a result, the orange drink turns out to be 9 liters. For one evening of any holiday, guests will drink all the drink prepared by you! Even at the end they will ask for a recipe. Because an orange drink made at home is much tastier and healthier than a store one.

Bon Appetit!

In the hot season, when the high temperature persists for almost the entire day, thirst haunts every person. A delicious and nutritious drink made from oranges can easily cope with this problem. The modern market offers a huge selection of citrus juices, however, most of the products are saturated with various chemical additives. In our article, we will tell you how to make a refreshing drink at a minimum cost at home.


Among the main features and benefits of an orange drink, there are several.

  • To achieve the rich taste of orange fruit, manufacturers use flavors, emulsifiers, sweeteners and other substances that negatively affect the state of the human body. The homemade drink contains only natural ingredients. To prepare a tasty and healthy treat, you will need the most common products available to everyone.
  • Citrus fruits are widely known for their beneficial properties: oranges are very rich in vitamin C. This component strengthens the immune system, helping the body to resist various diseases and viruses.
  • The benefits of fruit juices are known to everyone, however, even products made in accordance with GOST cannot be completely trusted. Having prepared a drink at home, you will be sure of its naturalness and safety for health. This product will appeal to the whole family.

  • To get the most out of the juice, you need to consume it as soon as possible. Due to the fact that the homemade drink is not thermally processed, it cannot be stored for a long time, even in the refrigerator. The homemade drink should be drunk over several days. If you plan to treat children with juice, it is advisable to drink the prepared treat within 24 hours.
  • If the finished drink tastes slightly bitter, this is quite normal. To get rid of this, you must use fresh frozen citrus fruits for cooking. Also, don't forget to remove the bones. To get rid of the bitterness in fruit and juice, peel oranges and lemons thoroughly before processing.
  • To keep the juice as long as possible, it is advisable to heat it. If you boil the juice, it will be stored much longer, especially during the summer season.
  • The homemade drink tastes differently from traditional juice. It looks more like fruit drink or lemonade.

Popular recipes

Oranges can be found in almost any store. The citrus price is very affordable, which played an important role in the development of the popularity of the product. If you are preparing for a children's party or meeting guests, we recommend that you familiarize yourself with the recipe for making a lot of delicious juice from just a few oranges.

9 liters from 4 fruits

This recipe for making a drink from frozen oranges and peels is considered the most common due to its availability, simplicity and excellent result.

Preparatory stage:

  • for a drink you will need 4 large oranges (choose only whole fruits, no damage);
  • the main ingredient must be thoroughly washed, removing wax deposits;
  • after that, the oranges must be wiped off, getting rid of excess moisture;
  • citruses are placed in a bag and sent to the freezer;
  • fruits are stored at subzero temperatures from 4 to 12 hours;
  • it is recommended to refrigerate oranges 12 hours before use.

Let's consider a step-by-step process for preparing a drink.

  • Frozen fruit must be chopped. Choose any method, the most productive is using a blender or meat grinder. Oranges are not peeled.
  • 9 liters of drinking water are collected in a separate container (for convenience, the liquid can be poured into different dishes).
  • Mashed fruits are diluted with 1-2 liters of water. The composition is filtered, separating large particles.
  • Then sugar is diluted in water. The volume of water depends on the size of the container, the minimum indicator is not less than three liters. You will need from 500 grams to a kilogram of sugar, depending on your taste preferences.
  • We mix the two solutions, leaving only one liter of clean water. It is necessary to add citric acid to it (from 15 to 30 grams). If you don't have it on hand, you can use a concentrated juice.
  • Sour water is added to the juice and mixed thoroughly until a homogeneous drink is formed. The juice can be poured into small bottles and refrigerated. The summer treat is ready.

Classic juice

Natural citrus juice should be drunk immediately after preparation. This drink is called fresh (freshly squeezed juice). It retains the maximum of useful vitamins and minerals.

There are many ways to prepare juice using the classical method, while only one ingredient is used for the production - orange, without the addition of sugar, citric acid and other components. In addition to fruits, ice is added to the juice for cooling.

The cooking method mainly depends on the type of household appliances that are available in the kitchen. As a rule, lovers of fresh juice have a special juicer available. With its help, making a drink is as easy as shelling pears. You just need to place the peeled fruit inside the device and quickly get the finished product.

If there is no automatic device, you can completely replace it with a manual juicer. To obtain juice, you need to cut the citrus in half, press the orange to the special blades and squeeze the liquid out of the juicy fibers with scrolling movements. This is the easiest and most affordable way to get natural juice, however, you have to spend time and energy on this process. Of the minuses - the minimum product yield.

Another method, known to many housewives, is the use of a screw meat grinder (for work you need a special nozzle for juice). Using this technique will allow you to work quickly, but the quality of the drink will not be high enough. In addition, you will have to spend a lot of time cleaning the meat grinder.

You will learn how to make a delicious drink from oranges in the following video.

With lemon

When preparing a drink, other than oranges, you can use other fruits. Lemon is great. Sour and rich notes will make the juice more expressive and tasty. This drink is ideal for quenching your thirst on a hot summer day.

The ratio of sweetness from orange to acid from lemon can be adjusted according to personal taste preferences. By varying the amount of a particular fruit, you can achieve the perfect taste. As a rule, freshly squeezed juice has an overly rich taste and is diluted with drinking water.

There are many recipes for making lemon-orange juice with different ratios of contrasting flavors. The classic version is 4 oranges and 2 lemons.

To prepare a tasty and healthy drink, follow these steps.

  • Wash fruit thoroughly.
  • Grind citrus fruits using kitchen equipment. You don't need to peel the fruit.
  • Dilute 1-2 cups of sugar in 4 liters of water. The ingredient should be completely dissolved. Some housewives boil the syrup and then cool it down to room temperature.
  • Mix the crushed fruits with sweet water.
  • Leave the resulting drink for a certain time, just a few hours. This is necessary in order for all the taste qualities to be revealed.
  • As soon as the drink is infused, you need to strain the juice through a fine sieve. You can use gauze for filtration.
  • Put the juice in the refrigerator for a while and enjoy.

With pumpkin

If you like an original combination of flavors, pay attention to orange juice with pumpkin. The second ingredient is affordable and healthy. At home, with your own hands, you can make a very healthy juice for the winter. The tastes of citrus and melons are in perfect harmony. The ratio of products is 7 to 1 (for 7 kg of pumpkin - 1 kg of oranges).


  • the pumpkin needs to be washed and peeled;
  • the pulp is cut into slices or cubes;
  • the vegetable is put in a separate bowl, covered with water and stewed;
  • peel the citrus, remove the seeds, grind the peel;
  • the finished rind is added to the pumpkin, the amount of water is about 5 liters per 7 kilograms of product;
  • you need to cook the mixture until the pumpkin is completely softened;
  • at this time, the oranges are squeezed out, getting fresh juice;
  • the mixture with pumpkin is cooled;
  • a melon crop is crushed with a blender and sent back to a container with water;
  • orange juice, a little citric acid and sugar (no more than 2 kilograms) are poured into the container;
  • the composition is mixed and brought to a boil;
  • the product needs to be boiled for about 10 minutes over low heat;
  • a hot drink is poured into a pre-prepared glass dish (before use, cans and bottles are sterilized);
  • then the container is rolled up using metal lids;
  • the drink can be kept at room temperature for a long time, but after opening the product can only be kept in the refrigerator.


For those who want to enjoy delicious and healthy orange juice all year round, there is a simple recipe for making a drink for the winter. After purchasing the fruit, it is advisable to immediately place it in the freezer.

Step by step cooking:

  • frozen oranges must be thawed;
  • then they are crushed by any of the available methods;
  • the mixture is squeezed out to obtain juice;
  • syrup is prepared in the proportion - 1.5 kilograms of fruit, 100 grams of sugar and 200 grams of water;
  • juice with syrup is mixed and boiled for 30 minutes;
  • the drink is poured into glass containers and rolled up for the winter.

Be sure to sterilize the jars. To keep the drink longer, you can add a little citric acid to it (no more than 5 grams per liter of product).