How to make meringue cream wet. Decorating a homemade cake with wet meringue cream

Meringue cream made at home is significantly different from the store one. Firstly, you can easily find all the products that make up the cream in your kitchen, and secondly, the composition of homemade meringue cream will be known to you from the very beginning. You can be sure that it does not contain any additives hazardous to health.

Most often, meringue cream is used to decorate cakes and pastries, however, it can even be used to make cookies if prepared correctly.

Meringue cream is rather difficult to prepare at home due to the fact that the cooking process itself is based on the accuracy and correctness of the actions. You also need to strictly follow the recommendations for recipes for making meringue cream, the amount of ingredients you need and the baking temperature, if necessary.

Let's first look at what types of meringue cream exist, after which we will tell you how to make such a cream at home.


At the moment, there are many varieties of meringue cream that can be prepared at home. According to the method of preparation, there are three types of meringue cream:

  • French;
  • Italian;
  • Swedish.

French meringue cream is the easiest to prepare. It contains a minimum of ingredients, and such a cream is used to decorate cakes with large patterns. When baked, it may blur a little, so you should not make thin and “jewelry” patterns with such meringues. This type of cream is also called "wet meringue", because when applied to the cake, the cream is covered with a barely noticeable crust, but inside remains the same soft and wet. Also, contact with oil or butter cream can cause French meringue to leak.

Concerning italian meringue cream, the process of its preparation is somewhat more complicated than that of the French one. It is best to enlist the support of your friends, as you will need some help when making an Italian meringue cream at home. This meringue is most often used for filling cakes, tubes and pastries. To decorate the cake, it is too soft and can flow, so this cream is best suited for the filling.

Swedish meringue cream is the most difficult to prepare. To make such a cream yourself at home, you must very carefully beat it with a mixer. It takes some skill to make a Swedish meringue at home properly. Also, during the preparation process, the cream should be warmed up in a water bath, which should also be done in accordance with the recommendations in the recipe. As for the application, the Swedish meringue cream is used to decorate the cake. It thickens well and does not flow when in contact with wet meringue, so very beautiful and delicate patterns for a cake or pastry are obtained from such a cream.

The calorie content of meringue cream without filling is 235 kilocalories per hundred grams of the product, which is why this product cannot be called dietary.

The meringue goes very well with other types of creams. You can make delicious cakes from it, but we will tell you about this a little later. Now we want to bring to your attention instructions for making meringue cream at home.

How to do it at home?

Making meringue cream at home doesn't always work out right. In order for your cream to turn out exactly what you need, you must adhere to the recommendations for its preparation.

The main ingredients for making meringue cream are egg whites and sugar. The eggs for making the cream must be fresh, and it is better to grind the sugar to a powder state or buy ready-made powdered sugar in the store. You will also need a good mixer or pastry whisk and a lot of tenacity.

How you make meringue cream depends on which variety you want. We suggest you take on board three technologies for making French, Italian and Swedish meringues.

  • To make French meringue, you will need egg whites and powdered sugar... For six proteins, one glass of powdered sugar is taken, all this is mixed and whipped until a strong foam appears. After that, no manipulations with such a meringue need to be done, the cream is ready to decorate the cake.
  • Italian meringues are a little more difficult to make. To begin with, you should also beat the whites, but do not rush to fill in the powdered sugar. In this recipe for meringue cream, the sugar needs to be boiled to make a viscous syrup. And here you need help, since you cannot stop whipping the whites, and you need to pour in the syrup while it is hot. Thus, by asking someone to help you, pour the syrup into the whites and continue beating the cream until it cools.
  • The technology for preparing Swedish meringue cream is a bit similar to the French one, however, it is necessary to beat the whites with powdered sugar in such a way that the container with the cream is on water bath... Do all this very carefully so that the container does not overturn.

Whichever method of making meringue cream you choose, you need to know that the finished cream does not flow down the whisk, but remains at its peak when you remove the mixer or whisk from the container. The meringue cream has a very white color and a thick consistency. It is necessary to beat the homemade cream with a mixer for at least 15 minutes, and if you use a pastry whisk, then you will need to spend about half an hour whipping the meringue.


Homemade meringue cream most often used for decoration or filling of cakes and pastries... However, before decorating the cake with meringue figurines, make sure that the cream is not greasy on the surface of the cake, as some types of meringues can start flowing from contact with fat.

If you want to make a meringue for decorating a cake with a variety of figurines, you need to bake it first. This is done using the oven: take a baking sheet, cover it with baking paper and use a pastry bag on the paper to squeeze the meringue cream in the shapes you need.

Also, using baking, you can make delicious meringue cakes stuffed with condensed milk, chocolate, butter, sour cream, coffee or custard. In addition, cakes with meringue cream and fresh fruit are very popular, however, the technology for preparing such a dessert is very difficult, so not every woman will undertake this at home. For meringue cakes, the cream can even be made from proteins, yolks and mascarpone, however, it should be remembered that if at least a little oil is included in the cream for meringue cakes, then it will not be possible to store such a dessert for a long time. It will melt or spoil, so it is best to fill the cakes just before eating.

Many women ask themselves: “ Which meringue cream is better?”, But it is impossible to answer it unequivocally. The fact is that you need to choose the best cream based on the purpose for which you will use it. For the filling of cakes, it is better to choose Italian meringue cream, but for decorating with thin and beautiful figures, Swedish cream is better suited. French meringue is only suitable for covering the outside of the cake.

Just two ingredients - and the result is amazing. Airy, crispy meringues that slowly melt in the mouth and turn into a stringy gum. This is an excellent decor for a torus (especially in winter, when berries and fruits are expensive), as well as an independent dessert for tea. Children crunch with enthusiasm with these cakes, and just strive to steal a couple of them while you are busy decorating the cake!

Both gel and powder dyes are great for coloring meringues, but they interact with them in different ways. If you use gel dyes, the meringues are shiny, smooth and slightly sticky. If you use powder, the meringues are matte and will not stick. You just have to choose what you like best.
About what dyes I use, how I prepare colored meringues - and it will be discussed today.

Ingredients (for two trays):

  • Egg whites - 3 pcs.
  • Powdered sugar - 150 g
  • Salt - on the tip of a knife
  • Vanilla extract - 1 tsp
  • Citric acid - 1 pinch
  • Food colors in the desired color.

How to make colored cake meringues

Before you start whipping the meringue, wipe the mixer bowl and whisk with lemon juice or citric acid solution, this will help to destroy traces of fat from the bottom and walls of the bowl. If there is even a little fat on the whisk or bowl, the proteins will not churn.

For the same reason, we carefully ensure that the yolks do not get into the whites when we carry out the separation of the eggs.

To be on the safe side, separate each protein into a separate bowl, and then add it to the total protein mass.

So, to prepare the meringue, put 3 egg whites at room temperature in a bowl (or in the mixer bowl), add a pinch of citric acid and beat at a low mixer speed for 30 seconds.

Then gradually increase the speed of the mixer and beat for about 1 minute more until soft peaks and splendor.
Without stopping whipping, add 1 tbsp to the protein mass. l. powdered sugar (total volume 150 g).

When all the powder is mixed with the proteins, increase the speed to maximum and beat for about 3 minutes more until shiny, stiff peaks.

Add 1 tsp to the meringue. vanilla extract and beat until smooth.

Preheat the oven to 90 C and cover the baking sheets with Teflon rugs or good baking paper.

We divide the entire protein mass into as many parts as you plan to make different colors. I prepared meringues in two pastel shades: lavender and mint. Therefore, I divided the protein mass into 2 parts and carefully tinted it with the Americanolor gel dye: I mixed leaf green and navy blue for a mint hue, and a little regal purple dye for a lavender meringue.

We transfer the colored mass into pastry bags with the necessary attachments (I used the "Open Star" attachment). Then we place the meringues of the required size on cold prepared baking sheets.

I have recorded for you a detailed video recipe for making a cake meringue. Welcome to the channel on You Tube, I wish you a pleasant viewing! Subscribe to the channel not to miss new video recipes!

Each housewife has her own recipe. Try alternative methods, if the main one described in the recipe does not work.

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Wet meringue is a middle option between protein cream and regular "dry" meringue. Heat treatment gives it stability, density, while maintaining a delicate texture, moisture. Wet meringue is not suitable for sculpting complex large figures (toys, castles), it is used only for drawing on the cake.


  • eggs - 4 (only proteins);
  • citric acid - on the tip of tsp;
  • vanilla - on the tip of tsp;
  • sugar - 0.2 - 0.25 kg;
  • dyes (optional) - 1 sachet.

Cooking steps:

  1. The whites of fresh eggs are thinner than those that have been left standing for several days. For airy protein creams, we take a little standing eggs with "dried" proteins.
  2. Contrary to popular belief, for air meringues, squirrels at room temperature are suitable, not chilled ones. In a warm form, they are better filled with air bubbles, and the finished mass does not spread out longer.
  3. Each protein is "released" into the cup first. Pure white, without the slightest clots of yolk, is poured into a dry metal bowl for "cooking" meringue. If even a drop of yolk (or any liquid) gets in, the protein is unusable.
  4. The water bath is heated to boiling point gradually, without bringing to active boiling. There should be medium uniform bubbles.
  5. Using a mixer (whisk), beat the whites slightly. Stable foam is not needed at this stage, only “broken” proteins with light foam.
  6. Proteins are mixed with sugar, vanilla.
  7. For the next 20 minutes, the mass in a water bath should be beaten continuously.
  8. Whisking is stopped only when the cream remains in large chunks on the whisk, does not drain.
  9. After removing from heat, the meringues are cooled at room temperature, continuing to beat for the first five minutes. Citric acid is added during this. The cooled mass can be used immediately. It can be stored in the refrigerator for later use.
  10. Dyes are added to the finished meringue. First, a few drops of vodka must be poured into dry dyes, stirred. For yellow (coffee-colored), pour in coffee, dissolved in a few drops of water. Juices contain a lot of water. They are not suitable for touch-up - the meringue will spread.
  11. The decorated cake can be kept in a warm, almost cooled, oven for about 5 minutes. The meringue will dry out a little. If you need a moist creamy meringue, do not dry it.

This is the basic version of a wet meringue. It is sometimes made thicker by adding 2 times more sugar. The result depends on the correct preparation of the ingredients, the dishes, the correct temperature and cooking time.

For decorating Easter cakes


  • egg whites - 3;
  • sugar - 30-50 g for each protein (keeping this proportion, you can change the amount of meringue at your discretion);
  • citric acid, vanilla.

Cooking steps:

  1. Separate the whites so that there is no yolk left in them.
  2. Put on a steam bath: bring a third of a pot of water to a gentle boil.
  3. "Break" the whites with a whisk until smooth and weak foam.
  4. Grind sugar, vanilla with protein mass.
  5. Leave the metal dishes with the grated proteins in a water bath for 25 minutes, whisking constantly with a mixer.
  6. Only after 20 minutes, check the consistency of the meringue. It should not fall off the whisk, be viscous.
  7. Cooling the meringue after removing it from the steam bath, it is constantly beaten for 5 - 10 minutes. Acidify with citric acid, beat for a couple of minutes.
  8. The meringue will "grab" on the kulich at room temperature.

For Easter cakes, a classic type of wet sweet and sour meringue is often prepared. Wet meringue made from protein cream does not crumble after heating, has a delicate texture, and adheres well to Easter cakes.

Cooking in a water bath


  • egg whites - 1 (27 - 30 g);
  • sugar - 54 - 60 g;
  • lemon juice - a few drops;
  • salt, vanilla, citric acid, commercially available liquid dyes.

Cooking steps:

  1. Protein, lemon juice, salt, sugar are combined.
  2. They "build" a water bath: put a metal bowl in a saucepan with boiling water, set the fire to medium.
  3. In a bowl, heat the protein mass, whisking constantly.
  4. Strong "standing" meringue cream is obtained in 15 - 20 minutes. whipping.
  5. Citric acid is mixed in the last minutes.
  6. Tint to your taste.
  7. At no stage should not a drop of liquid get into the mass. The piping bag, beaters, bowls must be dry.

The most important thing when cooking in a water bath is not to stop whisking so that the cream does not burn out. The steam bath "helps" control the consistency of the meringue.

Protein cream with sugar syrup


  • eggs - 3;
  • water - half a faceted glass (100 - 125 ml);
  • sugar - 1 stack.;
  • salt, vanilla.

Cooking steps:

  1. Pour sugar into a clean, dry saucepan (it is worth making sure that there is no greasy film), pour in water, mix.
  2. Boil the solution at low boil for an average of 45 minutes.
  3. "At hand" should be an empty plate in a container with cold water. After 20 minutes of cooking, they begin to regularly check the readiness of the syrup. Dripping onto a cold plate. If you can mold a ball from the cooled syrup, you're done.
  4. After the resulting ball, the syrup is left on minimal heat so that it does not cool down.
  5. Whisk the whites until strong peaks appear.
  6. The syrup is removed from the stove and the cream is immediately brewed with it. Brew in a thin stream without stopping whipping.
  7. You cannot stop the process for another 10 - 15 minutes (until the mass has cooled).
  8. In the refrigerator, the product does not lose its qualities for another 2 days after cooking.
  9. To make flowers and other decorations neat and last for a long time, you should:

    1. Check all attachments and bag for moisture.
    2. Squeeze the meringue not on the cake, but on a separate surface (if there is no experience), then hold the figurines in the freezer for 10 - 15 minutes. Use already hardened jewelry.
    3. For flowers, select the desired nozzle, squeeze out in a spiral.
    4. To make the figurines smooth, without bubbles, the pastry bag must be tightly filled. It is better to let it stand upright, and squeeze out excess air before work.
    5. It is not always possible to draw with thin lines using meringues: a dense texture may not come out evenly, it may break off. Draw slowly.

It often happens that all the prepared cream goes to the layer and coating of the cake, and nothing remains for decoration. Or the cream turned out to be too liquid and simply not suitable for decoration. The situation will be saved by a quick, absolutely inexpensive, such as a wet meringue, which is very simple to make, at the same time it perfectly holds its shape and dyes well. On the cake, the decoration dries up, becomes covered with a thin crispy crust, and remains soft inside.

There are several very important points in the original wet meringue cream recipe:

  • the dishes and whisk must be absolutely dry and fat-free, any hint of fat and cream will not work;
  • since the yolk is also fat, we very carefully separate the protein, if, nevertheless, even a drop of the yolk got into the proteins, it is better to start the procedure over again;
  • in order for the protein to beat better, add a drop of salt at the very beginning;
  • whipping requires a hand mixer or blender; a regular whisk will not cope with the task;
  • you need to decorate with cream as soon as it has cooled down. After a few hours, the cream will change its structure and exfoliate.

Protein cream recipe for decorating wet meringue cakes


  • sugar - 190 g;
  • egg - 4 pcs.;
  • - ¼ h. Spoons;
  • vanilla.


We put a pot of water on the stove and select dishes that are suitable in size for a water bath. This capacity should be quite large, with a margin, because the cream will increase in volume. In this dish we carefully separate the whites from the yolks, so that nothing superfluous gets into the cream. The yolks can be used on cream, shortcrust pastry or lemon curd.

Whisk the whites lightly and put in a water bath. Add sugar little by little and beat, while the water should already boil quietly. Beat for about 10 minutes. If the cream has become thick, traces of the whisk remain or the cream collects behind the whisk, forming holes in which the bottom is visible, then it is already ready. Remove from heat, add lemon and vanilla and beat for another 5 minutes to cool slightly, when the mass begins to separate from the bottom and the walls of the cream are ready.

If the cream remains after the decoration, you can put it on paper and after a couple of days you will get dried jewelry that can be stored in an airtight container.

Desserts decorated with this cream look especially impressive. The most popular design element is described below.

Wet meringue roses master class

We make the base for the rose, hold the bag vertically, squeeze out the volumetric drop, gradually raise it up and reduce the pressure.

With a sharp movement, we tear off the nozzle from the base.

We make the center of the bud, the nozzle should be at an angle of 45 ° to the flat surface of the base. The wide end of the tip should touch the cone at or just below the midpoint, and the narrow end should point up and slightly inward.

Now simultaneously squeeze the bag, move and rotate the tip of the nozzle. Rotate it slowly, tracing a ribbon around the top of the base, overlapping the top of its head, and then moving it down to the starting point. You will get a kind of loop.

Now let's make the top row of 3 petals. Set the wide end of the tip to the midpoint of the bud so that it touches the cream, the narrow end straight up. Squeezing, we lift it up, and then down again, thus obtaining a vertical petal.

And again, grabbing the edge of the first petal, squeeze out the second, and so on there are only 3 petals, and the last one should overlap the beginning of the first.

Now we place the wide end of the tip just below the center of the petal in the top row, and slightly bend the narrow end from the top of the bud. In this position, we repeat the movements in a semicircle, making 5 petals.

Each subsequent one overlaps the edge of the previous one, and the last one necessarily covers the beginning of the first one.

The bottom row will be 7 petals. The wide end of the nozzle is below the center of the middle row of petals, tilt the narrow end of the nozzle even further.

We repeat a total of 7 petals, as always the last one overlapping the beginning of the first. So a rose grew from a small point.

You can also paint one wall of the bag inside and keep it always at the top, then the edges of the petals will be colored.

Cream "Wet meringue" resembles a protein custard, but unlike it, you do not need to cook the syrup separately, since the cream is whipped with a mixer on a steam bath. In this video, I'll show you two easy ways to make a two-tone cream to decorate your cake or cupcakes. It is prepared simply, with a minimum of products, only proteins, sugar and citric acid are needed.

This cream should be used immediately after preparation to avoid crusting. During use, be sure to cover the cream with a damp towel or in a hermetically sealed container.

Wet meringue cream can be dyed in any color. In order to better control the color intensity, add food coloring in small portions. Mix and, if necessary, add more. I color the cream with a water-soluble gel dye.

After being applied to baked goods, the cream is covered with a light crust, but inside it remains soft, which gave it the name "Wet meringue". With such a cream, any decoration is obtained - flowers, ruffles, and borders. It is very malleable and keeps its shape well.

Cream from the specified amount of ingredients is enough for a cake with a diameter of 20 cm and a height of 8 cm (if decorated with a small nozzle), for a large cake you need 2.5-3 servings of cream. The main thing is to observe the ratio of ingredients - there should be 2 times more sugar than proteins.


  • Protein - 150 g
  • Sugar - 300 g
  • Citric acid - 0.5 tsp

Cream preparation:

  1. When dividing eggs, you need to carefully monitor so that the yolk does not get into the white, otherwise the cream will not work, the proteins simply will not beat. Dishes and whisks must be absolutely dry, without traces of water and grease. We immediately add citric acid to the proteins and begin to beat at low speed. The temperature of the proteins doesn't matter.
  2. When the foam appears, add all the sugar at once and put the container with sugar and proteins on the steam bath. The bottom of the bowl should not touch the water, and the boil should be medium. Be careful that the water from the pan does not get into the proteins!
  3. Beat the whites with sugar in a steam bath on a medium mixer speed until the sugar is completely dissolved, about 4-5 minutes. After all the sugar has dissolved, turn on the maximum speed of the mixer and beat for about 4-5 minutes more.
  4. Remove the egg whites from the steam bath and continue to beat for about 2-3 minutes. The cream should cool slightly. As a result, you should get a rather thick, shiny, dense mass that adheres well to the corollas. You will immediately know that the cream is ready. The readiness of proteins can be determined visually, when the so-called "caves" appear - holes to the very bottom, the cream begins to wrap around the corollas and lag behind the walls of the dishes. In total, it took me about 15 minutes to whisk.