Elk sausage at home. Culinary blog

Elk meat recipes.

Elk is a rather specific meat that is not sold in every supermarket. If your lover is a hunter and he is lucky to get a moose, try to master the intricacies of cooking such meat.

Many first and second courses can be prepared from this meat. It should be remembered that the meat should be young. Otherwise, it will be tough, with a specific smell.

Determine the age of the moose:

  • Light pink meat with white veins. This is young elk that is soft and quick to cook, odorless.
  • Hot pink meat. The moose is over a year old. This meat is also suitable for cooking. You just need to soak and marinate it for a long time.
  • The meat is brown or pomegranate in color. It's not worth eating such meat. This is the meat of an old moose. It takes a very long time to prepare and still remains tough. At the same time, it has an unpleasant odor.

Delicious moose dishes:

  • Chops
  • Roast
  • Baked meat
  • Elk soup
  • Fingers
  • Cutlets

Elk meat is quite tough and has a specific smell. That is why it is pickled and soaked. The main task of marinades is to remove odor.


  • 20 ml vinegar
  • 20 ml water
  • 200 ml dry wine
  • 30 ml lemon juice
  • Pepper
  • 3 onions


  • Cut the meat into small pieces. You can also marinate a whole piece
  • Pour salt and spices into the meat and pour in the liquid ingredients
  • Average everything and add the onion. Cover the meat with a lid and leave to marinate for 1 day
  • If the meat is old, then it is better to marinate for 2 days

Elk meat can be marinated in tomato juice, mineral water, dry wine and other marinades. This will allow the food to become soft and juicy as it cooks. Plus, pickling does an excellent job of odor control.


  • 1 kg of moose meat
  • 0.5 l of mineral water with gas
  • 30 ml apple cider or wine vinegar
  • 0.5 kg of onions
  • 3 carrots
  • Spices


  • Cut the meat into small pieces. The smaller the cubes, the faster the meat will marinate.
  • Combine salt, vinegar and mineral water in a glass. Chop the onion and cut the carrots into strips.
  • Add to the meat and cover with marinade, pepper. Enough 24 hours for the meat to be cooked on the grill.

Unusual and delicious cutlets. It is worth remembering that moose meat is quite tough and takes longer to cook than pork. Therefore, before introducing it into pork, you need to soak and marinate.


  • 0.5 kg of minced moose
  • 0.5 kg minced pork
  • 2 onions
  • A handful of Hercules flakes
  • 100 ml milk
  • 2 potatoes
  • Spices
  • Breading


  • Soak moose meat in cold water for 2 hours, and marinate in vinegar for a day
  • Make minced elk and combine with chopped pork
  • Thoroughly average and add the grated onion. Salt, add pepper
  • Soak the flakes in milk until a homogeneous gruel is obtained.
  • Add grated raw potatoes and milk porridge to the meat mixture
  • Roll into balls and bread in breadcrumbs. Cook in the oven or fry in a pan

A simple and quick recipe that is prepared in a multicooker.


  • 300 g elk
  • 2 onions
  • 2 carrots
  • 3 potatoes
  • Spices

R ecept:

  • Cut the elk meat into pieces, and the onion and carrot with the strips. Fry meat with vegetables in a multicooker bowl for 25 minutes
  • Pour in broth, add diced potatoes, salt and season
  • Cook on Soup for about 1 hour

Delicious and very satisfying dish prepared in pots.


  • 1 kg of potatoes
  • 700 g elk
  • 2 onions
  • Head of garlic
  • 1 carrot
  • Vegetable oil
  • Spices


  • Fry meat and potatoes in vegetable oil until golden brown
  • Arrange the potatoes with meat in the pots. Lay grated carrots on top
  • Add chopped onion and garlic. Add spices and salt
  • Pour in the broth, cover and cook in the oven for 40 minutes

Delicious homemade sausage that is cooked in the oven.


  • 1 kg of moose meat
  • 1 kg of pork meat
  • 0.5 kg lard
  • Spices
  • Intestines
  • Sunflower oil


  • Grind moose and pork in a food processor. Do this separately as the pork should be larger
  • Cut the bacon into small cubes and add the mixture to the minced meat
  • Season with salt and spices. Soak the intestines for 1 hour in cold water
  • You will need about 3 meters of guts. Lubricate the grinder ring with oil and remove the knives.
  • Put the gut on the ring and release the minced meat, do not tamp it hard
  • Fill the guts with minced meat and tie with twine. Tie the ends. Can be divided into sausages

The sausage can be baked or fried in a pan.

Stew is also cooked millet and quickly.


  • 1 kg of meat
  • 150 g pork lard
  • Bay leaf
  • Spices


  • Cut the meat into small cubes and add to the saucepan along with the bacon
  • No need to add water or oil. Simply cover and simmer for 45 minutes, stirring constantly
  • Divide the mixture into jars, add bay leaves, salt and spices to each
  • Autoclave the jars and sterilize for 75 minutes. Roll up the jars

A very unusual meat that hunters often cook. The perfect recipe so that the meat does not spoil before returning home.


  • Spices


  • Cut the meat into 0.5 kg pieces and wash, pat dry with towels
  • Sprinkle salt on each bite. It is necessary that it completely covers the elk
  • Put everything in a bucket, cover with a plate and place a full 3 liter jar on top
  • Under pressure, the meat should be salted for 3-4 days. After that, rinse the semi-finished product several times in water and let it lie in it for a day.
  • Dry with a towel and cover with spices. Put back in the bucket and cover with oppression. Leave it like this for another 5-7 days
  • Tie each piece with twine and hang to dry for 5-7 days
  • Now you can safely eat the delicacy

It is a delicious addition to any side dish.


  • 700 g of meat
  • 200 g sour cream
  • Spices
  • 4 onions
  • Sugar
  • 20 ml vinegar
  • Oil


  • Cut the meat into pieces, or better into thin strips, peeling off the films
  • Stir in the onion, cut into half rings (2 onions)
  • Add vinegar, salt, sugar, spices and 50 ml of water. Leave it on all night
  • Drain the marinade in the morning and add the oil to the pan. Simmer meat on the fire
  • After 30 minutes add sour cream, salt and spices and onions. Simmer under the lid for 40 minutes

A simple recipe, before cooking, marinate as indicated at the beginning of the article.


  • 2 onions
  • 1 kg of elk
  • 1 carrot
  • Spices


  • After marinating the meat, cut it into small pieces and place in a very hot skillet with butter.
  • Add finely chopped vegetables, salt and spices, simmer covered for 35 minutes
  • Remove the lid and fry until golden brown, serve with potatoes

Dried elk at home: a recipe

For more information on how to cook dried elk, see the video.

VIDEO: Dried elk

This is a classic recipe for meat and gravy. It goes well with cereals and mashed potatoes.


  • 700 g meat
  • 2 onions
  • 2 carrots
  • A spoonful of flour
  • 20 g tomato paste
  • Spices
  • Oil


  • Before you start cooking goulash, marinate the meat in any way
  • After that, cut the meat into small pieces and fry in a pan with butter until golden brown
  • Add a spoonful of flour and fry a little more. Pour in some water and stir
  • Add tomato paste, salt, spices, onions and carrots. Simmer covered for 45 minutes with constant stirring

Elk dumplings and manti: recipe

For more information on how to cook elk dumplings and antas, see the video.

VIDEO: Elk dumplings

The chop meat should be young as the cooking time is short.


  • 1 kg of elk
  • Spices
  • Oil
  • 3 eggs
  • 2 tablespoons flour
  • 50 ml milk


  • Marinate the moose meat in advance with a whole piece. Cut it against the grain into 1 cm thick pieces
  • Spread the pieces in an even layer on the plastic and cover with a layer of plastic. Beat the workpieces with a hoe
  • Season with salt and spices. Shake the egg with milk and flour until batter is obtained.
  • Dip pieces of meat in the mixture and fry in a hot skillet on both sides

This is a rather unusual and interesting recipe. It freezes perfectly without gelatin.


  • 10 l of water
  • 2 pork legs
  • 1 kg of moose meat
  • 2 chicken legs
  • 0.5 kg chicken legs
  • Spices
  • Garlic


  • Clean the meat from films and veins, there is no need to cut
  • Scrape pork legs and remove dirt, rinse thoroughly
  • Cut the claws from the chicken legs and remove the film
  • Place all prepared ingredients in a saucepan and cover with water
  • Simmer on the fire for 10 hours, add spices and onions. Simmer for another 30 minutes
  • Remove the meat ingredients and disassemble them into pieces, discard the legs along with the bones
  • Divide the meat into bowls and add the chopped garlic. Pour in broth
  • Place in the cold until it solidifies.

Elk pilaf: recipe

More details on how to cook moose pilaf can be seen in the video.

VIDEO: Elk Pilaf

Elk meat is an ecological meat that has a peculiar taste. With proper preparation, you can prepare a lot of tasty and healthy dishes from meat.

Cured moose sausage any hunter is proud. Moose meat has beneficial properties. It is low in fat and cholesterol. In addition, elk meat is considered environmentally friendly, since the animal lives in clean forests and its meat is not treated with chemicals and hormones.

To cook dry-cured elk sausage everyone can do it at home. It is enough to follow this recipe. A little tip: to prevent the meat from darkening, you need to use vodka or food saltpeter when cooking.

You can add roe and wild boar meat (fatty belly meat) in equal amounts. But for this there must be one hundred percent confidence in pork.

Homemade sausage recipe


Elk meat - 3 kilograms
Vodka or food nitrate - 100 grams
Pork lard - 1.2 kilograms
Cumin - 1 tablespoon
Small intestine
bay leaf - 7 pieces
Garlic - 2 heads
Salt and pepper (black ground) - to taste
Grain mustard - 12 grains

Necessary utensils

Sharp knife
Sausage grinder attachment


Before you start preparing the sausage, everything needs to be prepared. Take the moose meat, wash it, pat dry with paper towels and cut into small pieces with a sharp knife. Cut the bacon into small pieces. The less you can cut into pieces of meat and lard, the better. You cannot twist the meat in a large meat grinder, the taste will be spoiled.

You only need to grind the bay leaf. Next, take the already cut pieces of elk meat and lard, mix, add bay leaves, mustard, caraway seeds, salt and pepper to taste. Add vodka or food saltpeter to all this (advice: it is better to add vodka) and again mix everything properly.

The workpiece must be refrigerated for three to four days. You can put it not in the refrigerator, but just in a cold place. Stir occasionally. For these three to four days, she must reach the required condition.

The next step is the preparation of the intestines. Take the intestines, rinse them well and scrape them off with a blunt knife. It is very important not to cut the intestines while you are scraping them.

Cooking process

So, the preparation is in the refrigerator, and after two days it is necessary to check the correctness of the salting. To check this, it is enough to take a little meat, put it in a pan and fry until tender. The meat should taste salty. If something is still missing - salt or black pepper - add as much as you need and put it back in the refrigerator.

When four days have passed and the meat has acquired the desired condition, it must be removed from the refrigerator. Now - the most crucial moment, which, one might say, decides everything. Stuffing the intestines with meat. We called this stage a responsible one, since even a small mistake and inattention can lead to the fact that the sausage quickly deteriorates and becomes moldy. The most important thing is to stuff the intestines tightly with meat. This is very important, because if you stuff the intestines not tight enough, you will end up with minced meat, not sausage, and mold will go into it.

To do this, take a sausage attachment for a meat grinder and manually stuff the intestines prepared in advance with minced meat. The ends of the stuffed intestines need to be tied well. The sausage is hung over an electric or gas stove to make the sausage freeze. The sausage should hang for about three days, until a crust forms on it.

As soon as a crust has formed on the sausage and the sausage has dried up a bit, hang it in a dark, dry and cool place. The place must be dark, and it is better if the sausage hangs in a draft. If the place where you hung it is damp, then everything will become moldy.

After three weeks, the sausage can be taken out, it is already ready and has acquired a delicious taste.

On the table, dry-cured elk sausage is served as a cold snack.

Recipe for homemade elk sausage INGREDIENTS Elk meat - 3 kilograms Vodka or saltpeter - 100 grams Pork lard - 1.2 kilograms Cumin - 1 tablespoon Small intestines Bay leaf - 7 pieces Garlic - 2 heads Salt and pepper (ground black) - each to taste Grain mustard - 12 grains Necessary utensils Sharp knife Sausage attachment for a meat grinder Pot PREPARATION Before you start cooking the sausage, everything must be prepared. Take the moose meat, wash it, pat dry with paper towels and cut into small pieces with a sharp knife. Cut the bacon into small pieces. The less you can cut into pieces of meat and lard, the better. You cannot twist the meat in a large meat grinder, the taste will be spoiled. You only need to grind the bay leaf. Next, take the already cut pieces of elk meat and bacon, mix, add bay leaves, mustard, caraway seeds, salt and pepper to taste. Add vodka or food saltpeter to all this (advice: it is better to add vodka) and again mix everything properly. The workpiece must be refrigerated for three to four days. You can put it not in the refrigerator, but just in a cold place. Stir occasionally. For these three to four days, she must reach the required condition. The next step is the preparation of the intestines. Take the intestines, rinse them well and scrape them off with a blunt knife. It is very important not to cut the intestines while you are scraping them. So, the preparation is in the refrigerator, and after two days it is necessary to check the correctness of the salting. To check this, it is enough to take a little meat, put it in a pan and fry until tender. The meat should taste salty. If something is still missing - salt or black pepper - add as much as you need and put it back in the refrigerator. When four days have passed and the meat has acquired the desired condition, it must be removed from the refrigerator. Now - the most crucial moment, which, one might say, decides everything. Stuffing the intestines with meat. We called this stage a responsible one, since even a small mistake and inattention can lead to the fact that the sausage quickly deteriorates and becomes moldy. The most important thing is to stuff the intestines tightly with meat. This is very important, because if you stuff the intestines not tight enough, you will get minced meat, not sausage, and mold will go into it. To do this, take a sausage attachment for a meat grinder and manually stuff the intestines prepared in advance with minced meat. The ends of the stuffed intestines need to be tied well. The sausage is hung over an electric or gas stove to make the sausage freeze. The sausage should hang for about three days, until a crust forms on it. As soon as a crust has formed on the sausage and the sausage has dried a little, hang it in a dark, dry and cool place. The place must be dark, and it is better if the sausage hangs in a draft. If the place where you hung it is damp, then everything will become moldy. After three weeks, the sausage can be taken out, it is ready and has acquired a delicious taste. On the table, dry-cured elk sausage is served as a cold snack. Source -

that something was not subtracted !!! during this time will deteriorate! the shelf life of chilled beef is 14-16 days, pork is 12 days! Ripening of meat takes place within 24 hours after cooling, that is, in a refrigerator at 0 temperature, the day cools down and ripens for another day, and that's it!

Wikipedia .... The duration of the meat ripening process depends on the storage temperature and ranges from 15 to 28 days.

Dry aging.

This process is aimed at evaporation of moisture and destruction of connective tissue as a result of fermentation. The essence of this technology is that after slaughtering the meat (in pieces or half carcasses) is hung in special refrigerating chambers for maturation. For this, beef of the highest grade is used with an even distribution of fat.

The temperature in the chambers is constant and maintained in the range of 1-3C, it is at this temperature that the least likely to develop harmful bacteria. Cells should be well ventilated with a constant humidity of 50-75%. After 15-28 days, we get fermented meat with an incredibly rich taste and delicate texture.

But it is worth considering that with this method of aging, the meat loses up to 20-30% of its original weight, in addition, after dry aging, it is necessary to cut off the upper dried crust with fungi, which also contribute to the fermentation process and enhance the taste of the meat. All this significantly increases the cost of the final product.

Therefore, meat prepared in this way is difficult to find on store shelves; it is possible to taste it only in steak houses.

Dry aging at home. It is possible.

1. It makes sense to subject only the highest quality meat to the aging process (striploin, ribeye or tendeloin).

2. Buy a strip or rib eye cut. Already sliced ​​steaks are usually not aged. Remove from packaging, rinse and pat dry with paper towels.

3. Wrap the meat in a clean, large cotton towel and place on the coolest temperature shelf in the refrigerator. (You can also put a container of sea salt under the bottom, which not only absorbs excess moisture, but also serves as an antiseptic).

4. Change your towel every day, replacing wet towels with dry ones. Used towels can be washed and reused.

5. When the desired aging period is reached (15 to 21 days), cut your steaks from the meat cuts and keep the remaining piece in the refrigerator.

6. After 21 days, not eaten meat is still desirable to finish eating or freeze.

Wet aging.

When wet aging, the meat is placed in a vacuum bag and sealed in vacuum apparatus. For optimal results, you will need from a few days to a week. With this aging method, the meat retains its moisture and takes less time. Wet-aged meat is more juicy and tender than dry-aged meat, which has a rich aroma and taste.

You will need a ready-made casings (in stores it is sold in salted form in sealed bags), spices to taste and wild boar (but you can also pork) lard or brisket. The consumption of the casserole is usually indicated on the packaging: I use the Craft Casing brand for which it is 5 meters for 2.5 kg of minced meat.

Before cooking sausages, the meat must be thawed to such a state that it can be cut with a knife. Slightly frozen meat is easier to grind in a meat grinder. But this option is possible only if you know exactly what quality meat is in the package. If you are not sure that the meat is perfectly clean and of very high quality, defrost it completely beforehand. It is likely that if the cutting was carried out carelessly, you will have to cut off the stained areas or even rinse and soak the pieces (which is very undesirable). It is also better not to defrost lard or brisket to the end - this way they are better cut with a knife.

To make the sausages juicy, take 1 part "pig" for 2 parts of elk. That is, for 1 kg of "moose", you will need 500 g of "pig".

Attention! Do not stuff the womb too tightly, otherwise, when frying, it will quickly burst and all the juice and fat will simply flow out.

Before filling the sausages with minced meat, be sure to fry a test cutlet from it in a pan. The fact is that many spices "open up" when heated and the true taste of future sausages (as well as their salinity) can only be recognized in this way. For the same reason, do not overdo it with spices - it is impossible to "remove" them from the minced meat. It is better to add some more after the "test cutlet" than to try to fix the minced meat.

Here are three options for 10 sausages.

Option 1(with a slight German accent).

Suitable if you are making sausages from good meat from a well-fed young animal.

For 800 g of elk, you need 400 g of brisket or lard, 1 small head of garlic, 3 teaspoons with a heap of freshly ground coriander seeds, 2 teaspoons of freshly ground black pepper, 3 teaspoons of salt.

Option 2(with the simplest seasonings).

Suitable if you are making sausages from very lean meat or meat from an old animal.

For 800 g of elk, you need 400 g of brisket or lard, 4 small purple onions, 4 large cloves of garlic, 2 teaspoons each with a slide of dried basil and suneli hops, ground black pepper and salt to taste.

Chop the meat, onion and garlic using a meat grinder, chop the bacon with a knife into small cubes, mix the meat, bacon and seasonings, knead and knead thoroughly, fill the womb, tie the sausages with culinary thread.

Option 3(with a slight Hungarian accent)

Suitable if you make sausages from meat of not the best quality or you have received minced meat, the quality of which is in doubt.

For 800 g of elk, you need 400 g of brisket or bacon, 3 teaspoons with a slide of paprika, 3 large cloves of garlic, 1.5 teaspoons with a slide of crushed caraway seeds (it is rather difficult to grind it), 1 teaspoon without a slide of hot red pepper, 3 teaspoons tablespoons of salt, 3 heaping teaspoons of powdered sugar (yes, yes, according to the famous Hungarian chef Tibor Doshe, she “binds the taste).

Grind the meat and lard using a meat grinder with a coarse grid, grate or crush the garlic, mix the resulting minced meat and seasonings, knead thoroughly, fill the bowels, tie the sausages with culinary thread.

You need to fry the sausages over medium heat, otherwise they will burst and burn. As soon as the sausages begin to decrease in size (internal temperature 75 ° C), it's time to shoot. Eat immediately.