Salmon in a smokehouse on alder shavings. Cold smoked salmon

Many people like hot smoking. At home, cooking does not take much time. This ensures a high temperature of 60 ° C. Hot smoked salmon has a loose structure, like boiled meat.

Hot smoking is easy to arrange in the country or on a hike. It is enough to equip a brazier or a bucket - this will be a smoking chamber where fish carcasses will be located. Kindle a fire under the chamber, and put wood chips on the bottom of it. You can make it yourself or buy ready-made.

For self-cooking, you need to prepare wooden blanks of fruit or berry trees. You can add more than one breed. Do not take birch and coniferous varieties - this will spoil the taste. Some professionals have been able to tame these breeds, but for the average layman, this is a difficult process.

Smoked salmon turns out juicy and tasty if the carcass is not cut, but smoked as a whole. You can remove the head and the contents of the abdomen. In principle, this option is better than the first one, since the intestines can cause the meat to taste bitter.

After the meat is cooked, you need to decide what product you want to end up with: salty or fresh. For salty, you will have to make a marinade. By the way, some marinade replaces the entire smoking process. The main ingredient is liquid smoke. Perhaps a good solution, but the taste is still different.


  • The easiest marinade is dry. Grate with salt, seasoning for fish, wrap in foil and leave in a cool place for half a day. For a more interesting taste, add brown sugar to salt at the rate of 1 part sugar to 5 parts salt.
  • Wet method: dissolve sugar and salt in a minimum amount of water. Do not be zealous, all the salt and sugar should not dissolve. Grind black peppercorns, bay leaf and dried dill until a powder is obtained. Add to the solution and pour over the fish. Rub well with the resulting mixture, put in a container and cover with cling film. After a day, the process is completed and the dish is ready for eating or smoking.

Basil, garlic, different types of peppers, lemon, rosemary, fennel and any greens go well with salmon. Perhaps your favorite seasoning will also work, try adding it to a small piece of fish. If you like it, you can cook according to your author's recipe. If you already have it, then share it in the comments.

To proceed with smoking, dry the marinated salmon meat in a well-ventilated area, or wipe it with napkins.

After that, you can safely proceed to the main process. Put wood chips on the bottom of the chamber: alder, juniper, pear, apple, cherry - take it to your taste. You can add one fruit or a handful of berries. Watch the wood chips during smoking, they should not burn, but only smolder a little and give off high-quality smoke.

Lubricate the marinated and gutted fish with oil (preferably olive oil), put a lemon in the abdomen (it is possible without it) and put it on the wire rack.

You need to cook directly in the chamber for about 15 minutes on fire, and then keep the same amount in hot, but without fire. Smoked salmon is ready to eat, but it is better to wait another day, while drying the finished fish. After all the manipulations, the fish distributes the aroma and taste evenly and you can enjoy this delicacy.

Cold smoked salmon has a slightly oily texture. Its meat does not fall apart, and sometimes it seems raw. This meat is quite expensive, but home-cooked smoked salmon is valued higher and the cost is lower.

Cold smoking is achieved by low temperatures. 4O°C is the highest temperature for the cold method. To obtain such a temperature, the chamber and the hearth are separated and a chimney is let in between them. It is important to release the first smoke. This design is inconvenient to use on a hike, in order for cold-smoked salmon to cook, you need to wait from a day to a week.

To make smoked salmon tasty, you need to marinate it. You can use any kind of salting and add various spices. Drying is important for the cold method. It is best to spend her day, but at the same time, make sure that the flies do not become addicted to your semi-finished product.

When smoking, you need to maintain the right smoke: its constant flow and uniformity. If smoke comes in, then no - the fish will be smoked unevenly. Uniformity also affects the taste, as the smoke from the wood chips gives flavor notes.


Smoked salmon meat should be stored in a cool place. Better in the refrigerator on the central shelves, closer to the back wall.

Cold smoking disinfects the meat, so it is stored for about a month, while hot smoking is best consumed immediately. Or at least a week later.

Energy value of smoked salmon

Now many people are watching their diet and kbzhu - that's right. Previously, only calories were counted, but scientists have proven that the ratio of proteins, fats and carbohydrates is more important.

Smoked salmon has 21 grams of protein, 8 grams of fat, but no carbohydrates. I would like to say about the fat in salmon: it has an exclusive value for our body, especially for women. Omega 3 and 6 help to stay beautiful and young for a long time.

A very large number of macro- and microelements, and simple vitamins. It is prescribed for old people to maintain their tone, as well as for those who need high-quality animal protein. Smoked salmon is cancer prevention.

Smoked salmon is low in calories - 160 kcal. That allows you to call it a dietary product. Indeed, even doctors advise eating it a little.

Of course, smoking makes its own adjustments. It has been proven that it has a bad effect on our body, but it is allowed in reasonable quantities, especially since so many pluses are described above.

I look forward to your comments on this topic. Perhaps you have some interesting recipes or tips for smokers. Bon Appetit.

There is an option - smoking!

There are two ways of smoking: hot and cold. The latter takes a long time. You need to smoke for a long time, because the temperature of the smoke in the smoking chamber should not exceed 20-25 degrees Celsius, otherwise it will be hot smoking.

The advantages of the cold method are that after such processing the product can be stored up to six months in the refrigerator. What can not be said about hot: here the shelf life under the same conditions is 3-4 days, but the cooking process takes an average of only 2 hours.

What shall we smoke?

You can smoke meat, fish, poultry, vegetables and mushrooms. This time we will smoke salmon, or rather, chinook salmon.

Chinook is one of the largest representatives of the salmon family, and among the Pacific - the largest. By weight, it can reach 64 kilograms, but on average - about 12 kilograms. It is distinguished by the most delicate meat from orange to deep red, which is a bit like sockeye salmon meat. Outwardly, it resembles another representative of the Pacific salmon - coho salmon. Chinook is quite rare on the shelves of central Russia, so you need to beware of fakes, chinook is always more expensive than coho salmon and is never sold chilled, like any other wild Pacific salmon!


The set of ingredients is quite small: fish weighing 2-3 kg, threads, salt and spices (I used paprika, dried bell pepper and Provence herbs, you can add something of your own, but try not to add strong-smelling spices - they can kill the smell of fish ). We will need threads for tying the fish, they must be natural - cotton, linen, jute, etc., no nylon and acrylic, unless you want to eat plastic. The fish is sold already gutted and most often without a head, exceptions are possible, but closer to the place of catch. Residents of the Far East may be lucky enough to get chilled chinook salmon.

Cutting and tying

Although the fish is already gutted, you still have to tinker. It is necessary to mill the salmon, i.e. remove the spinal and costal bones.

They can be fed to animals or set aside for a tasty ear. I used only the belly part, the tail is low-meat, while the main piece is cooked - the tail will dry out a long time ago.

When the fillet is ready, we rub it with a mixture of salt and spices, wait 10 minutes until the meat is slightly salted, and start dressing.

The dressing is needed so that the two pieces of fillet do not fall apart during cooking. One piece can also be used, but then you need to be careful, because the fish can be cooked before the sawdust begins to emit enough smoke for smoking, especially if the sawdust is not dry enough.

Putting fish in the smokehouse

Smokehouses can be of various designs and volumes, but their main device is the same: a sealed container, a grate for the product (sometimes there are hooks) and a pallet where sawdust is poured. Most often they use alder, these are the ones that come with new smokehouses, but you can smoke on sawdust from fruit trees: apple, cherry, plum, etc., then the aroma will be even richer. In general, the choice of sawdust is a separate field for experiments.

We pour sawdust into the pan, put a grate with fish on top, close the lid and put it on fire.

It will be necessary to turn the fish during cooking to avoid excessive soot buildup on the underside. The smoking time depends on the intensity of the fire and the mass of the fish, on average it will be, as mentioned above, about 2 hours.

After this time, you can safely remove the smokehouse from the fire and finally try what happened.

When hot, the meat will be a bit like boiled, and the smell will not be so pronounced. But if you let the chinook cool, that's when the real flavor of smoked salmon comes out!

Bon Appetit!

Smoking fish at home is an exciting and enjoyable experience. Prepared in a natural way, using spicy herbs, the fish will never be compared with store-bought delicacies. Especially if it's smoked salmon.

Composition, useful properties, calorie content of smoked salmon

In addition to excellent taste and appetizing aroma, salmon is considered a very healthy and dietary product. It contains a large amount of vitamins D, A, E, C, PP and groups B. Also, salmon meat is rich in phosphorus, calcium, and iron.

Omega-3 fatty acids, antioxidants contained in fish, a rich vitamin and mineral composition have a positive effect on the functioning of vital human organs.

The product is saturated with protein, well absorbed, gives the body energy. The calorie content of the product is relatively low, although salmon is a fatty variety. Therefore, it can be used by people who monitor their health and figure.

100 g smoked salmon contains:

  • Proteins - 22.0 g.
  • Fat - 12.0 g.
  • There are no carbohydrates.
  • Calorie content is 196 kcal.

The recipe for hot smoked salmon is very simple and does not require special skills and efforts. Before smoking, the fish must be washed, dried with a napkin and marinade prepared. Marinade recipe for 1 kg salmon fillet (with skin):

  • Coarse salt - 2 tbsp. spoons.
  • Brown sugar - 2 tbsp. spoons.
  • Water - 1 l.
  • Ground black pepper, lavrushka, dill seeds - to taste.

Dissolve salt, sugar in cool boiled water (as far as possible), add spices.

Pour the marinade over the fillets to cover the fish completely. Place in refrigerator for 24 hours.

After, remove the fillet from the brine and dry slightly with a paper towel. You can start digging.

You will need:

  • A simple mini smokehouse.
  • Chips from alder, oak or any fruit trees - 100 g (three small handfuls).
  • Tea with bergamot flavor - 1 teaspoon.
  • 5-6 juniper berries.
  • 1 cube of refined sugar.


Place the chips on the bottom of the smokehouse in an even layer. Put tea, juniper and sugar on top. The spices will give a piquancy, and the sugar will give a nice color.

Attach the grease tray. Lightly grease the fish with olive oil, put on a grill for smoking products.

Close the smoker lid and put on fire. It can be like a gas burner, an electric stove or a bonfire.

After the appearance of the first haze, smoke the fillets for 40 minutes over low heat. In this case, the temperature in the smokehouse should be from 80 to 90 ° C.

At the end of the process, let the salmon cool directly in the smokehouse. Of course, you can immediately start tasting, but it is better to let the fish lie down in the refrigerator for 7-8 hours. Then the dish will have a more pronounced and rich taste.

For a cold smoking method, you can use fish fillets, and if the volume of the smokehouse allows, cook whole carcasses. If several carcasses are smoked, it is better that they are approximately the same in weight.

Before the process, the fish must be salted. To do this, a solution is made: add 200 g of salt to 1.5 liters of water, boil and cool.

Wash salmon, put in a bowl, pour brine. Spices and spices can be omitted, as the taste of the dish will turn out to be saturated. Salt in a cool place for two days.

After, get out of the brine, rinse under running water. Hang in a ventilated, dark place. Let the fish dry for 12 hours.

The fish is smoked with cold smoke at a temperature of 22-26⁰С. It will take 18-20 hours to smoke steaks or small fillets. If large whole carcasses are cooked, the fish will be ready in two days.

For smoking it is necessary to use chips of fruit trees or alder. During smoking, it is not advisable to stop the process. Salmon should be smoked continuously, at the right temperature, with evenly distributed smoke.

After completion, the fish is kept in a dry, ventilated area for one day. And only after that the dish will reveal its real taste of smoked meat.

Bon Appetit!

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Let's deal with such a sensitive question that is asked, for sure, by every visitor to the seafood department store. Why is any red fish called salmon? If we approach this in detail, then the name "Salmon" is a kind of collective image.

The fact is that there is a salmon family, whose representatives are similar in many external features, these are salmon, pink salmon, sockeye salmon, trout. Each of these fish is called a salmon. In the encyclopedia, "Salmon", as a species, does not appear. This concludes the presentation of scientific facts and we will talk about fish, using the generally accepted name, especially since we are interested in a completely different question.

Useful qualities of salmon meat

Salmon can not be called either freshwater fish or marine. Its range can change, and the same individuals roam within the basin. In general, all salmon are known as a source of delicacy - red meat and salmon caviar.

It should be noted that the average Russian cannot afford the regular use of this fish, therefore, he tries to prepare the most exquisite dish from the extracted product.

Not only taste qualities have introduced salmon into the status of expensive and delicious fish. Its meat contains a lot of elements that are deposited in the body in their pure form. You can’t get such a “gift” from every product, so fish is often used for certain health problems. In addition, the legendary fish oil, considered a panacea, is naturally present in salmon meat, it is an additional source of vitamins and amino acids.

The taste qualities of home-cooked fish lead to the desire for uncontrolled consumption of this delicacy. However, we stop ourselves, thinking about the diet. Excessive abuse of one product is in any case not recommended, but regarding salmon, it is safe to say that it is a diet food. The content of carbohydrates is close to zero, and the main mass fraction (except water) falls on proteins, which are easily absorbed in the body.

Fats in the composition of fish contribute to the normalization of the nervous system, are sources of antioxidants that prevent aging, increase immunity, fill the body with a vitamin complex. With a fairly low calorie content, which is only 142 kcal per 100 grams of product, this fish is a really valuable find from a medical point of view.

Trace elements that enter our body when eating salmon meat directly affect the functioning of certain organs or entire systems. Phosphorus strengthens bones, teeth and hair, iodine will be useful for the endocrine system, calcium also plays an important role in strength and simple bones. Fish is included in the diet and on the instructions of doctors. Potassium not only improves the functioning of the heart muscle, but also causes the removal of excess fluid from the body.

Home smoked salmon

Smoked fish can be purchased ready-made at any shopping center, but only self-cooking gives a unique effect when, together with excellent taste, you get a whole sea of ​​emotions, the benefits of being outdoors and, of course, friendly company.

In order to prepare this delicious dish, it will take a little theoretical knowledge, as well as effort, because sometimes we don’t even know about our abilities. Salmon, smoked in any of the available ways, will turn out to be tender in texture, presentable in appearance and with an excellent aroma.

All known recipes are based on the fact that smoking is done at high or low temperature. The principle of this process is generally the same, it comes down to passing fragrant smoke through the fish fibers, which, among other things, is a good preservative.

Preparatory work

It is unlikely that anyone wants to make a fatal mistake in the process of preparing a dish, which will lead to spoilage of the product. Indeed, it is not advisable to sacrifice the money that had to be paid for the fish. That is why all recipes begin with the stage of choosing fish and salting it. First of all, you should understand that smoking salmon in a smokehouse on your own will cost much less, guarantee the naturalness of the product and allow you to make your own preferences in the recipe.

Sometimes we do not have a choice in what form the fish will be sold in the store, but if there is an alternative, then it is advisable to buy chilled salmon. Now we have to decide whether the whole carcass will be smoked, or cut into fillets and steaks.

When cutting the carcass, there is practically no waste left, since even salmon ridges contain a lot of meat and are subject to smoking. If desired, they can be set aside and then added to the soup.

If there is no need to get rid of foreign smell, then you should not abuse different spices. Salmon meat itself is very tasty and rich. In preparation for smoking at home, the pieces are washed in water and then generously rubbed with salt. Experts say that using a liquid marinade will make the meat tough. Salted steaks (fillet or whole carcass) are wrapped in foil and allowed to brew for 5 hours. It is advisable to put the salmon in the refrigerator.

After the end of the specified period, the remaining salt will have to be removed. The easiest way to do this is by elementary soaking in clean water. Salmon pieces are washed and dried with a towel. You can even leave them outside for a while. After about an hour, the fish is sent to the smokehouse. At this stage, it makes sense to flavor the meat a little with black pepper.

Liquid marinade preparation

Some of us cannot believe that the dry marinade mentioned above will salt the fish well. Brine is preferred in this regard. Well, for this category of people there is a good recipe.

  • It is necessary to take a sufficient amount of water so that the future marinade completely hides the carcasses or pieces of salmon.
  • In a ratio of 1 to 10, salt is added to it. Sugar should be taken in the amount of 1/5 of the poured salt. All elements should dissolve, but you should not bring it to complete dissolution, as this is not necessary.
  • Next, chopped bay leaf, a few black peppercorns and dill are added. You can experiment with seasonings and herbs, but we have listed exactly those that go well with red fish.
  • If there is not enough brine to completely submerge the meat, then pieces are rubbed with it, and plentifully, and the fish is covered with cling film on top. The product will go to the smokehouse only in a day.

In order not to suffer with the selection of spices, here is a list of the most suitable ones, these are lemon, garlic, basil, rosemary.

You should not consider this as advice, because we have already formulated a popular vision on this matter. You can experiment with one smoker tab to compare flavors. After salting in the marinade, the fish should also dry.

Hot smoking

The simplest dish is hot smoked salmon. The technology of its preparation is quite simple, and the procedure is not time-consuming. Any firewood that will heat the smokehouse will do, but it is best to use oak, it gives off heat for a long time, and the uniformity of heat transfer is the most important condition for smoking.

Alder chips should be used inside the smokehouse. She is recommended by many amateurs, as she is always available in the store. Do not pour a lot of wood chips; thick smoke contains a lot of moisture. As a result, the fish will acquire a bitter taste.

Be sure to place a tray into which the liquid from the smoking pieces will drain. Fish is laid out on special sieves, but these sieves are pre-lubricated with oil. Any product should be smoked with a tightly closed lid. The nominal temperature is determined by the cover. Water is dripped onto it, and if the latter does not hiss, but evaporates at high speed, then the temperature regime is normal.

Approximately 10 minutes after smoke has come out of a special hole in the lid, the lid opens slightly. You need to get rid of excess moisture. If this is not done, then the meat will become loose, as if cooked.

Close the lid and wait another 15 minutes. All this time the temperature should not exceed 90°C degrees. In appearance, it is not so difficult to assess the readiness of the fish, but the final touch will be the ease of separation of the fin from the selected piece. Now it is recommended to remove the smokehouse from the fire and leave to cool. Since the sieves were oiled, it is not difficult to remove the fish on a tray. The resulting dish should be consumed in a day or two. Such fish is not famous for the duration of storage.

Cold smoking

Cold smoked salmon takes a long time to cook, you need to be patient. The fact is that the temperature of the smoke does not exceed 30 ° C degrees, and this does not allow the meat to “cook”. The cold smoking method is considered more complex in all respects. Despite the fact that meat is salted according to a similar algorithm, the smoke treatment itself is significantly different.

The first 8 hours in no case should you interrupt smoking, otherwise the fish may deteriorate. The duration of a full cycle depends on the device. But if you do not take particularly long breaks, then you can meet in a day. Here, the degree of doneness cannot be determined, because salt breaks down fibers and proteins, so properly salted salmon meat can be eaten even without smoke treatment. In the general case, the degree of readiness is assessed by the chef himself.

To smoke red fish with high quality, you can add a sprig of juniper to the wood chips. Some strive to get a golden crust. If the matter is only in the presentability of the fish, then a few pinches of tea and a spoonful of sugar mixed with sawdust will help.

After finishing the smoking process, do not rush to immediately put the dish on the table. Too saturated with smoke, it can have a bitter taste. The fish should first be ventilated for several hours. After that, it can become an excellent snack that can be stored for a long time.

Today, there are many authoritative studies designed to convince gourmets around the world that eating smoked foods is not very healthy. Meanwhile, this does not stop anyone, and people continue to feast on smoked fish, pork or chicken. In fact, most doctors agree on the following - everything in moderation is useful.

We agree with this statement, and therefore we will share interesting recipes for smoked salmon. Do you think that only those who have a real smokehouse at their disposal can smoke fish? Technique has gone ahead, and therefore today you can get smoked meat without leaving your home.

Smoked salmon - preparing food and dishes

Salmon is most often smoked as a whole - it is the uncut fish that turns out to be the juiciest, retaining the original taste and juiciness. You only need to cut off the head and gut the fish by making an incision on the belly.

However, you can also clean the meat from bones and skins, getting a fillet - this method of smoking will allow you to get fish ready to eat or use in salads.

Let's move on to the issue of buying salmon. How not to buy a damaged product? This topic is perhaps the most relevant, because it is more profitable for traders to sell the “missing” salmon than to throw it away. Therefore, it is frozen or salted, passing off as lightly salted. Fresh fish has a bright color that is pleasant to the eye - pink or carrot. As soon as it starts to deteriorate, the color begins to give off blue. As for frozen fish, here you need to be careful when buying. So, do not take the fish that has a thick crust of ice. As for the color, the frozen salmon loses its brightness, and has an even scarlet matte color.

The recipes will contain components, taking into account the fact that the fish carcass weighs about a kilogram. However, salmon varies in size. Keep this in mind when preparing foods.

Smoked salmon recipes:

Recipe 1: Smoked salmon at home

For this recipe, you will not need a smokehouse or other complex devices. However, something is still useful - it's "liquid smoke". Today it can be bought today in any major store. It is worth opening a bottle with this remedy, and the smell will take you to the field where the barbecue is being prepared. It is this “smoke” that will allow you to “smoke” the fish and make the salmon truly fragrant.

Required Ingredients:

  • Salmon - 1 carcass
  • Water - 1.3 liters
  • Husk from 3 large onions
  • Sugar - 2 tablespoons
  • "Liquid smoke" - 1.3 tablespoons

Cooking method:

  1. Let's prepare the salmon for "smoking". To do this, cut off the head of the fish and gut it.
  2. Let's prepare the marinade. Heat the water, as soon as bubbles appear on the surface, add sugar, salt, husk, mix and let it boil for 3 minutes. After that, cool the broth, strain through cheesecloth. Add "liquid smoke" to warm liquid.
  3. Place the salmon in a container, fill with liquid and leave at room temperature. The fish should be marinated for about 28-30 hours, after which it should be moved to a cold place and left there for 40 hours.

Recipe 2: Smoked salmon at home "quickly"

Smoked fish can be cooked very quickly. We will prepare the marinade for this recipe according to the scheme, which will allow the salmon to become “smoked” in just two days. The secret lies in the fact that the marinade will be aged for a day before we fill it with fish.

Required Ingredients:

  • Salmon - 1 carcass
  • Water - 1.2 liters
  • Husk from 3 onions
  • Sugar - 2.3 tablespoons
  • "Liquid smoke" - 1.5 tablespoons

Cooking method:

  1. Let's start cooking by preparing the marinade. Onion husks should be boiled in water for 25 minutes, after which remove the water and, without filtering, leave to infuse for 12 hours in a warm place.
  2. In a cold broth, add dry ingredients and "liquid smoke", mix.
  3. Cut off the head of the fish and gut it.
  4. Pour the marinade over the fish and refrigerate for 48 hours.

Recipe 3: Smoked Salmon (airfryer)

It is very good if you have an air grill at home. This universal thing is suitable for cooking any dishes and today is no less in demand than a slow cooker.

Required Ingredients:

  • Salmon - 1 carcass
  • "Liquid smoke" - 3 tablespoons
  • Spices

Cooking method:

  1. Let's prepare the fish. For airfrying smoked salmon, your best bet is to filet it. Cut off the head and tail, cut the fish. Pull out the spine and bones, and then pick up the skin with a knife and remove it.
  2. Rub salmon meat on all sides with salt and coat with “liquid smoke”. Place the fish in the refrigerator under oppression for half an hour.
  3. Make a foil bag. Put the salmon in it and add two more spoons of "liquid smoke" to the bag.
  4. Place the bag of fish on the bottom rack (the one closest to the bottom of the airfryer bowl). Turn on the temperature to 200 degrees and set the cooking time to 30 minutes.

Recipe 4: Smoked Salmon (using an electric smoker)

Today, many people buy a small smokehouse for a mains-operated home. Such a thing allows you to create real smoked products, moreover, very quickly and in conditions that are comfortable for the owners. If you want to cook smoked salmon using an electric smoker, then do not forget to prepare sawdust, fruit is best.

Required Ingredients:

  • Salmon - 1 carcass
  • Sugar - 1 tablespoon
  • Black tea finely leaf - 1.5 tablespoons

Cooking method:

  1. Prepare the fish: cut off the head and gut.
  2. Rub salmon with salt. You can also add spices, such as ground allspice or suneli hops.
  3. Prepare the electric smokehouse for work. Place the fish in it and cook without smoke for the first ten minutes.
  4. Carefully lay out the sawdust on a pallet in a thin layer, sprinkle them with tea and sugar on top. Lower the tray into the machine and cook the fish with smoke for 25 minutes under the closed lid.
  5. Then turn off the smoker, but do not get the salmon - let it stay under the closed lid for another half hour.

Recipe 5: Smoked Salmon

If you have a country smokehouse, the fish can be smoked immediately after you have cleaned it. If you want the smoked salmon to be salty, then you will need to marinate it before cooking.

Required Ingredients:

  • salmon carcass

Cooking method:

  1. Clean the fish. If you want the salmon to be salty, rub generously with salt, wrap in foil and refrigerate for 12 hours.
  2. You will need fruit sawdust or sawdust from alder. Lay them in a thin layer on the grid, and put apple or cherry branches on top. Place dry salmon carcass on top. Smoke the fish for about half an hour.

If you are cooking salmon in an air grill or smokehouse, then the fish must be completely dry. Pat it dry with paper towels.

You can add lemon to the salmon that you smoke in an air grill or in a smokehouse. To do this, put thinly sliced ​​​​slices inside the gutted carcass. A few more ingredients to give the fish an interesting flavor are garlic, basil, red hot pepper.