Pickling mushrooms for the winter. Heading "Mushroom preservation"

Anyone who has ever tried pickled porcini mushrooms forgets about the existence of purchased pickled champignons. But, alas, not everyone dares to cook pickled porcini mushrooms for the winter in jars on their own. And you know, until recently for me the preparation of pickled porcini mushrooms for the winter was some kind of incomprehensible mystery, and it was easier for me to buy ready-made mushrooms in jars than to cook pickled porcini mushrooms at home.

But this year I came across a very successful recipe for a marinade for mushrooms, which my mother's sister, who is also a pro in conservation, a cook I respect and just a wonderful woman, kindly shared with me. She told me how to properly preserve pickled porcini mushrooms with vinegar, how to prepare mushrooms and which porcini mushrooms are suitable for pickling in jars, and which ones are better to fry or dry.

Especially for you, dear friends, I have prepared a whole story on how to marinate porcini mushrooms at home in order to give you confidence in yourself in such a responsible matter as marinating porcini mushrooms. Meet: pickled porcini mushrooms - a step-by-step recipe with pictures on the Home Restaurant website.


  • 1-1.2 kg of porcini mushrooms
  • 7-8 peas of black pepper
  • 3-5 peas of allspice
  • 3 pcs. Bay leaf

Marinade for mushrooms:

  • 1 liter of water
  • 130 ml. 9% vinegar
  • 2 tbsp Sahara
  • 4 tsp salt

How to marinate porcini mushrooms in jars:

To preserve, we need white mushrooms that are not old and not very spoiled in appearance. Marinating porcini mushrooms will be more pleasant if you pick the porcini mushroom yourself in the forest. But it's okay if you buy porcini mushrooms from the market. The main thing is that the toadstools are not caught.

These mushrooms are ideal for pickling: completely white, small in size, and preferably without worms.

It is better not to use completely adult porcini mushrooms with a green or brown cap on the bottom for preservation. Such substandard porcini mushrooms can be fried or dried.

So, in order to cook pickled porcini mushrooms at home, first of all, fill the mushrooms with cold water, wash, clean, and cut into such large pieces. Do not be intimidated by this size of slicing, because after we boil the porcini mushrooms, they will lose 30% of their volume.

In order for our porcini mushrooms to turn out delicious for the winter and retain their appearance, you need to rinse the mushrooms with cold running water after cooking. Rinse until the mushrooms in a colander are cold.

Now we are preparing a marinade for mushrooms: pour water and vinegar into a saucepan, also add salt and sugar. Stir, cover, put on the stove and bring to a boil.

We send the washed porcini mushrooms to a boiling marinade, bring to a boil and cook for 15 minutes, constantly stirring the mushrooms with a slotted spoon.

Since we cook pickled porcini mushrooms in jars for the winter, we need to prepare these jars in advance. We sterilize jars with lids in any convenient way. At the bottom of each jar we spread a bay leaf, a few peas of black and allspice. To make the pickled porcini mushrooms even more flavorful, you can add a few cloves to the jar.

Then, with the help of a ladle, we lay out the porcini mushrooms along with the marinade in the jars. It is not necessary to fill the jars with mushrooms too tightly, approximately to get 70% of the mushrooms, and 30% of the marinade. From this portion I have a little marinade left, this is normal.


Pickled mushrooms are perfect for any meal. No wonder they are even trying to replace them with mushroom-flavored eggplants. In order for a tasty dish to succeed, you need to understand the intricacies of its preparation.

Any edible mushrooms can be marinated for the winter. The only, and even then, very conditional, limitation - for this method of preparation, young, small, dense specimens should be selected. Large ones become limp when boiled and mushrooms pickled for the winter are not crispy.

It is better to pickle mushrooms separately (by type), although you can mix in any ratio. Of the tubular ones (with a cap having a tubular bottom surface), boletus and flywheels, boletus boletus, boletus (or porcini mushroom), and aspen mushrooms are most often pickled. Among the lamellar (bottom caps of the plate), preference is given to mushrooms and chanterelles.

The first thing to do upon returning from the "quiet hunt" is to immediately soak all the mushrooms in cool water. This will prevent the spread of worms from accidentally collected worms to healthy mushrooms, and also on the "prey" will shed dirt, grass and leaves, which will then be easier to peel off. The soaking time of the mushrooms should be short. Some can be rinsed almost immediately. Do not keep them in water for a long time - they will absorb excess moisture.

Cleaning the mushrooms should be thorough so that the sand on the teeth does not crunch when they are eaten in winter. During the cleaning process, the mushrooms should be sorted by size, and also, preferably, by type, as shown in the video. For butter, it is imperative to remove the skin from the cap. To do this, putting them in a colander, they are immersed for 1 minute in a salted boiling solution, after which, stirring slightly, they are washed with cold water. In this case, the skin will be easily washed off.

It happens that there are a lot of mushrooms, their processing takes a long time, and they can darken. To prevent this from happening, they are stored in a solution of cold water with salt and citric acid. For 1 liter of water volume, citric acid should be 2 g and 10 g of salt.

Very small mushrooms, with a cap up to 2 cm in diameter, should be pickled whole, but in chanterelles, honey agarics, white and champignons, the legs are cut to 0.5 cm from the cap, in flywheels and butter - up to about 1.5 cm, up to 3 cm shortened in boletus and boletus. In larger mushrooms, the legs are completely separated from the caps. Legs up to 2 cm in diameter are cut into pieces of arbitrary length, and thicker ones - no longer than 1 cm.

Hats up to 2–4 cm in diameter are left as they are, and those that are larger are cut into pieces as large as those of small ones. This preparation is due to the fact that large specimens are cooked more slowly, which is why they become loose and soft in the end. Small and large mushrooms, as well as legs, are best marinated, or at least cook separately, so that in the batch being processed, all mushrooms reach the degree of readiness at about the same time.

The pre-processed mushrooms are boiled and then pickled. Any mushrooms must be boiled before pickling - this completely eliminates the risk of possible poisoning, and also guarantees that the finished product does not deteriorate during storage. There are 2 options here:

  • preliminary boiling, after which the mushrooms are poured with marinade;
  • boiling mushrooms in marinade.

In the first case, the mushrooms are boiled in salted water (salt content - 2 tablespoons per 1 liter) until tender, then cooled and dried, laid out in jars, and then poured with pre-prepared and chilled marinade. Place the mushrooms in boiled water and cook for 15-30 minutes.

The second way: the processed mushrooms are placed in boiled salted water, already containing vinegar, boiled and then seasoned with spices in the same solution, and then pickled. Moreover, in this case, different types are cooked at different times. It is detected from the moment when the mushrooms in boiling water boil in it. Mushroom boiling time in minutes:

  • saffron milk caps - about 8-10;
  • butter, flywheels and boletus - 10-15;
  • with dense pulp (aspen mushrooms, mushrooms, white and the like) - 20–25;
  • chanterelles and honey agarics - about 25-30;
  • white and boletus legs - 15–20.

Boiling is finished as soon as the mushrooms begin to sink to the bottom of the pot used. At the same time, the marinade should become transparent. Before boiling, flywheels, boletus boletus, and aspen mushrooms should be poured with boiling water, held in it for about 5 minutes, and then rinsed under cold water. Without this procedure, the marinade will turn dark. Boletus boletus must be cooked separately, because other types boiled with them darken.

Boletus mushrooms cannot be cooked together with white and aspen mushrooms, as they are boiled for different times. The flesh of the former is less dense than that of the latter, and they may be overcooked, while the boletus and white ones may be undercooked. The amount of marinade in mushrooms pickled for the winter, laid out in jars, should be approximately 18–20% of the volume of the container used. To achieve this ratio, prepare 1 cup of marinade for every 1 kg of processed fresh mushrooms.

Mushrooms pickled for the winter are not recommended to be rolled up with metal lids. According to experts, this can cause botulism. Jars with pickled mushrooms should be sealed with plastic lids, which must first be sterilized (boiled). Pickled mushrooms must be aged for at least 25–30 days before use in order for them to acquire an optimal taste. They must be stored in a cool, dark, dry place (you can use the refrigerator) and no longer than 6–12 months.

One of the simple recipes for pickled mushrooms for the winter with preliminary boiling is offered in the video. When preparing the marinade, you will need at the rate of 1 liter of water:

  • salt - 60 g;
  • cloves - 5 buds;
  • bay leaf - 5 pcs;
  • acetic acid 80% - 40 ml;
  • black pepper (peas) - 10 pcs;
  • garlic, cinnamon and star anise to taste.

All ingredients except vinegar are added to the water. After it boils, the fire is reduced and the marinade is boiled for half an hour, maintaining its weak boil. Then they wait until the marinade cools down and pour vinegar into it.

Prepared and pre-boiled until tender, as described above, the mushrooms are laid out in a colander, and then laid out in jars, which should be sterilized in advance, and poured with marinade. Then a little is poured into the jars, only to cover with a thin layer of marinade on top, vegetable oil. We close the jars and remove the pickled mushrooms for storage. It is best to marinate mushrooms, chanterelles, russula and butter with such a marinade.

Another universal recipe is as follows. When preparing the marinade for each 1 kg of prepared fresh mushrooms, you will need:

  • water - 0.4 l;
  • salt - 1 full teaspoon;
  • allspice (peas) - 6 pcs;
  • a little citric acid and star anise;
  • bay leaf - 3 pcs;
  • cinnamon and cloves to taste;
  • vinegar essence 8% - 70 g.

A mixture of all ingredients except vinegar is boiled over low heat for about 20-30 minutes. After letting the marinade cool slightly, add vinegar to it. Prepared, and then boiled, as recommended above, put in a colander and cooled mushrooms are laid out in prepared jars, after which they are poured with marinade, which should be cold. The containers are closed and stored.

For any mushrooms without pre-cooking ...

One of the recipes for marinated mushrooms for the winter with boiling in a marinade is as follows. For 1 kg of processed fresh mushrooms, you will need:

  • salt - 1 full tbsp. spoon;
  • granulated sugar - 1 full teaspoon;
  • allspice (peas) - 5 pcs;
  • vinegar 8% and water - 2/3 and 1/3 cups, respectively;
  • cinnamon - about 1 tsp;
  • bay leaf - 2-3 pcs;
  • cloves (buds) - 7-9 pcs.

Place the prepared mushrooms in a saucepan with boiling water, in which salt was previously dissolved and vinegar stirred, heat them to a boil, and then cook until tender. As soon as about 3-5 minutes remain until the expected readiness, add all the spices to the marinade. Then we remove the pan from the stove, wait for its contents to cool down. We put the mushrooms in jars, which must be sterilized in advance, then fill with marinade (the same in which they were cooked), and then pour a little vegetable oil on top. We seal the cans and hide them for storage.

A quick recipe, also suggested for watching on video. To pickle 700 g of any mushrooms, you will need:

  • salt - 1 full tbsp. spoon;
  • carnation - 5-7 buds;
  • allspice (peas) - about 1.5 tsp;
  • onion - 1 pc;
  • sprigs of fresh basil / savory / thyme / celery leaves / oregano / parsley / marjoram - 2-3 pcs;
  • wine white vinegar and water - 1/3 and 0.75 cups, respectively;
  • bay leaf - 3 pcs.

Mushrooms should be prepared according to the above recommendations. We wash the greens and place them on the bottom of the jar, which must be sterilized in advance. Finely chop the onion.

In a saucepan with boiling water, combine all the ingredients, except the herbs, then pour the mushrooms into it. Bring the contents of the pan to a boil, reduce the heat to a low boil of the marinade and cook the mushrooms for as long as they should be in accordance with their appearance. Let the finished product cool down a little. Then put the mushrooms in the jar and pour the marinade. After the marinated one has cooled completely, we close the container with a lid and hide it for storage in the place provided for this.

Marinating chanterelles or honey agarics with garlic for the winter according to the recipe, as in the video. When preparing 1 liter of marinade, you will need:

  • water - 1 l;
  • allspice (peas) - 2-3 pcs;
  • granulated sugar - 1.5 tsp;
  • black pepper (peas) - 5-6 pcs;
  • carnation - 2 buds;
  • table salt - 1.5 tsp;
  • bay leaf - 1-2 pcs;
  • vinegar essence - 1 tsp.

For one liter jar you will need: 1 kg of chanterelles or honey agarics, dill 1 umbrella or its seeds, garlic - 2 cloves.

Marinate chanterelles or honey mushrooms with garlic as follows. Their legs are cut off, leaving a 1 cm long piece at the cap.Then they must be poured with cool water and kept in it for about 1 hour. Then the chanterelles or honey mushrooms are thoroughly washed, placed in a colander, and when the water drains, they are placed in a saucepan and salted. The latter is filled with cold water, and then placed on the stove. The contents of the pan are heated, and when it boils, boil for 30 minutes, removing the foam. We put the boiled chanterelles or mushrooms in a colander and rinse, and then return them back to the pan.

Prepare the marinade in another saucepan. Pour water into it, add salt, spices and sugar. Then we remove the sample from the marinade - it should turn out to be a little salty. We heat the resulting brine until it boils, then pour vinegar into it, and then boil the marinade for 5 minutes and taste it again. Pour chanterelles or honey mushrooms with boiling marinade, leaving about 500 ml. We put a saucepan with chanterelles or mushrooms on the stove, heat them to a boil, and then cook, now in the marinade, for about 15–20 minutes.

After that, in the prepared jars we put the garlic, cut into thick plates, dill, and mushrooms on top, filling glass containers up to the shoulders. After that, pour the left marinade into the jars to their top. We close the containers with lids, set them upside down and leave them to cool, wrapping them with something warm. We remove the cooled mushrooms pickled for the winter for storage.

Bringing the resulting marinade to a boil, mushrooms are transferred into it, which are boiled until tender. At the same time, they must be stirred, and the foam must be removed from the marinade. Before the end of cooking, add 8% vinegar to the marinade (for 1 kg of fresh processed champignons, you will need 2 tablespoons), clove buds, allspice peas, and bay leaf. We remove the ready-made champignons from the pan, refrigerate, then put them in the jars, and then fill with the cooled marinade (the same in which they were boiled) and cover with lids. We hide pickled mushrooms for storage.

Autumn is not only rain, slush and wind, but also a rich harvest of mushrooms. There are different ways to prepare them, the most popular are salting, drying, pickling. Of course, preparations for the winter are always troublesome. But, the delicious result is worth the time and effort.

It is especially pleasant when, in the cold winter period, an appetizing jar of canned mushrooms flaunts on the table. The most important thing is properly prepared mushrooms. After all, if forest mushrooms turn out to be poisonous, then there can be serious, grave consequences.

To avoid such troubles, the mushrooms must be carefully sorted out before cooking. If any mushroom is in doubt, you just need to throw it away or check with knowledgeable mushroom pickers for information about it. This material contains a selection of very simple and delicious recipes for pickling various gifts of the forest.

Boletus mushrooms for the winter in banks - a step by step photo recipe

In the photo recipe, the amount of spices and spices can be determined by taste. The only exception is vinegar, this ingredient must be taken in certain proportions.

Your mark:

Cooking time: 4 hours 0 minutes

Quantity: 3 servings


  • Forest mushrooms: how much to eat
  • Salt: to taste
  • Cinnamon: a pinch
  • Carnation: several inflorescences
  • Bay leaf: 2-4 pcs.
  • Vinegar 9%: 3 teaspoons in a 1.5 liter jar

Cooking instructions

Porcini mushrooms for the winter in jars - a very tasty preparation

Boletus is undoubtedly the king among mushrooms, therefore, if the family managed to find a good meadow and harvest the whites, then they urgently need to start harvesting them. The smallest can be dried, the medium ones are suitable for pickling.

Ingredients (for 1 kg of mushrooms):

  • Bay leaf - 3 pcs.
  • Allspice (peas) - 5 pcs.
  • Hot peppers (peas) - 8 pcs.
  • Water - 1 liter.
  • Sugar - 2 tbsp. l.
  • Salt - 4 tsp
  • Vinegar 9% - 130 ml.

Algorithm of actions:

  1. Select the most beautiful mushrooms, whole, without worms. Thoroughly remove sand, dirt, adhering leaves and needles. Rinse.
  2. Cut, the pieces should be quite large, since during the cooking process the mushrooms will lose a significant part of their volume.
  3. Pour a large pot of water, add a little salt. Boil.
  4. Put mushrooms into a container. Boil for half an hour. Rinse in a colander under running water.
  5. Prepare the marinade, for which put all the ingredients in the water, with the exception of vinegar.
  6. Dip the mushrooms in the marinade when it boils. Cook for 15 minutes. Skim off the foam constantly.
  7. Prepare glass containers, preferably half a liter. Sterilize using your favorite method.
  8. At the end of boiling the mushrooms, pour vinegar, wait until it starts to boil.
  9. It's time to pack the boletus into banks. This should be done by distributing the mushrooms and marinade as evenly as possible.
  10. Seal with prepared (sterilized) lids.
  11. Turn over (this is a way to check the tightness of the closure). Leave under a warm blanket.

How difficult it is now to wait for winter!

Honey mushrooms for the winter in banks

Honey mushrooms are in second place after porcini mushrooms. They usually delight with a rich harvest and are especially tasty when pickled, as they retain their shape, consistency and unmatched taste. Good for the daily diet and the festive table.

Ingredients(for 2 kg of honey mushrooms for marinade - yield 5-6 half-liter jars):

  • Salt - 2 tbsp. l.
  • Sugar - 2 tbsp. l.
  • Bay leaf 3-5 pcs.
  • Peas, pepper (allspice and hot) - 4-6 pcs.
  • Cloves - 4-5 pcs.
  • Vinegar - 1 tbsp. l. 9% (to each bank).

Algorithm of actions:

  1. The first stage is the longest - you need to sort out the mushrooms, remove the bad, old ones, leaves and needles, cut off the lower part of the leg. Rinse thoroughly by changing the water several times.
  2. To fill with water. Put on fire. Immediately after boiling, drain into a colander, rinse thoroughly again.
  3. Into the water and into the fire again. The boiling time for honey mushrooms is 20 minutes.
  4. Replace the water again, now add all the seasonings and spices to the mushrooms. The cooking time is shortened - 15 minutes is enough.
  5. Pack in sterilized glass containers. Top up with marinade almost to the top.
  6. Add vinegar to each container. Seal quickly.
  7. Turn over, wrap for additional sterilization.

Honey mushrooms look very appetizing, therefore, if the household did not demand to open a jar of freshly pickled mushrooms, it is better to quickly hide it until winter.

Chanterelle mushrooms for the winter in banks

Red appetizing chanterelles delight mushroom pickers, since there are no worms in the mushrooms, which means you can safely collect everything. They are good both fried and pickled, because they retain their color and have a pleasant taste.


  • Chanterelles - 2 kg.
  • Salt - 2 tbsp. l.
  • Sugar - 4 tbsp. l. (no top).
  • Water - 1.5 liters.
  • Acetic essence 70% - 40 ml. (less).
  • Allspice peas - 5-6 pcs.
  • Cloves - 4-5 pcs.

Algorithm of actions:

  1. According to this recipe, soak the mushrooms in cold water for 1 hour.
  2. Fill with fresh water. Cook for 20 minutes (or until the chanterelles settle).
  3. Drain the water. Rinse the chanterelles with cold water.
  4. Pour with new water, add pepper, cloves, salt and sugar to the mushrooms.
  5. Boil. Cook for 7-10 minutes.
  6. Pour in vinegar essence. Boil.
  7. Sterilize jars, lids.
  8. Place the chanterelles in containers with a slotted spoon.
  9. Top up with marinade. Cork.

Exactly in a month, you can invite guests and households for a tasting!

Milk mushrooms for the winter in banks

Salted milk mushrooms are one of the most famous dishes of Russian cuisine. True, for their preparation you will have to try - spend time and effort. But all efforts will pay off handsomely.


  • Milk mushrooms - 10 kg.
  • Salt - 0.5 kg.

Algorithm of actions:

  1. Select the best mushrooms - no worms or wormholes, not old ones.
  2. Rinse thoroughly, you can use a soft brush.
  3. The next stage is soaking, you cannot do without it, since milk mushrooms (both white and black) have a bitter taste. Pour water into a large container (glass or enamel), dip the mushrooms into it. Cover the top with a lid, so that the mushrooms are completely covered with water. For several days, in the morning and in the evening, the water must be changed, the mushrooms must be washed.
  4. The longest stage is over, then everything is primitively simple. You need to choose a container for salting, again, it should be glass, enameled.
  5. Place the mushrooms with their caps down. Sprinkle with salt. Then the next layer. Salt. Do until you run out of ingredients.
  6. Cover the mushrooms with gauze or clean cotton cloth. Above - a wooden circle or lid, oppression.
  7. Keep in a cool place.

The mushrooms will be ready after 2 days, you can put them in small containers, pour vegetable oil on top. Put away in the cold, dreaming of a quick tasting.

How to close pickled mushrooms in jars for the winter

For the winter, you can marinate almost all mushrooms (of course, edible), but it is best to do this with boletus, honey agarics, aspen, boletus.


  • Mushrooms - 2 kg.
  • Water - 1 liter.
  • Sugar - 2 tbsp. l. (with a slide).
  • Salt - 4 tsp (also with a slide).
  • Allspice and hot peppers.
  • Cloves and bay leaves - 3 pcs.
  • Vinegar 9% - 5 tbsp l.
  • Garlic - 2 cloves.

Algorithm of actions:

  1. The first stage is bulkhead and washing, a long but necessary stage.
  2. Then put the mushrooms in a container, add water (no norm). Bring to a boil, drain, rinse again with cold water, sand, dust, unnoticed needles will be washed off.
  3. To fill with water. Put the mushrooms on the stove again, cook the mushrooms until tender (until they settle to the bottom and the broth becomes transparent).
  4. Drain the broth gently into a saucepan. For each liter of mushroom broth, put sugar and salt, seasonings and garlic at the rate (put with whole teeth). Keep only the vinegar.
  5. Place the mushrooms in the marinade. Boil for 5 minutes.
  6. During this time, sterilize containers (or do it earlier), lids.
  7. Pour in vinegar and pour immediately.
  8. Cork hermetically, turn over, cover with a blanket.

Not too difficult, but delicious!

Recipe for salting mushrooms for the winter in jars

Almost all mushrooms are suitable for pickling, only the elite are suitable for pickling. The best are milk mushrooms and mushrooms, the latter do not even require boiling, but they please with a dense consistency, retain their color, and become crispy during the salting process.


  • Ryzhiki - 1 kg.
  • Salt - 3 tbsp. l.
  • Garlic - 5 cloves.

Algorithm of actions:

  1. Sort out the mushrooms, cut off the legs, they can be boiled, fried and eaten.
  2. Pour the hats with a lot of boiling water. Leave for 3 minutes.
  3. Send to a colander so that the water is completely glass.
  4. Now transfer the mushrooms from a colander to a large enamel container.
  5. Season with salt, add chopped chives. Mix gently. Leave to salt for 30 minutes.
  6. Sterilize and cool containers.
  7. Lay the mushrooms tightly enough. Top with salt.
  8. Cork with lids.

Keep refrigerated! Patiently wait for winter and the holiday to please family members and friends.

Fried mushrooms for the winter in jars

One of the ways to prepare mushrooms for the winter, oddly enough, suggests frying them first and then rolling them up. Those who have tasted such a dish say that it is very tasty and does not require any additional culinary treatments.

It can be eaten immediately (if the mushrooms were fried in vegetable oil), or reheated (if ghee was used). Chanterelles that do not lose their shape and look very appetizing are best suited for this method of harvesting.


  • Chanterelles
  • Salt.
  • Pepper.
  • Ghee butter.


  1. The process of harvesting mushrooms begins according to a single scenario - the collected chanterelles need to be sorted out, and this should be done especially carefully. Due to the special structure of the cap, these mushrooms manage to "catch" a lot of forest debris, needles and leaves.
  2. Then rinse the mushrooms to remove invisible sand and dust. Small mushrooms are rolled up whole, large ones can be cut or broken.
  3. Dip the mushrooms in cold water in a large saucepan. Boil. Boil for 5 minutes. Send to a colander.
  4. Melt butter in a large skillet. Put the chanterelles in a frying pan with butter.
  5. Now you need to fry until tender, the process will take 40 to 50 minutes. Add a little salt and pepper at the very end. You can experiment - squeeze a few cloves of garlic through a press. Then the dish will acquire a pleasant garlic aroma.
  6. Sterilize containers, lids too.
  7. Place the mushrooms very tightly. Pour in the oil in which they were fried. Cork.

Send to a cold place, the winter holidays will be very fun and bright, because the main decoration of the festive table will be sunny chanterelles!

Mushrooms with cabbage for the winter in jars

Solyanka is one of the oldest Russian dishes made from cabbage and other vegetables. But, if you add mushrooms to vegetables, then the dish turns into a delicacy, which is not a shame to treat foreigners.


  • White cabbage - 1 kg.
  • Tomatoes - 0.5 kg.
  • Carrots - 0.5 kg.
  • Bulb onions 0.5 kg.
  • Mushrooms (boletus, boletus) - 700 gr.
  • Allspice - 3-5 pcs.
  • Bay leaf - 4 pcs.
  • Refined vegetable oil - 0.5 tbsp.
  • Vinegar - 3 tbsp. l.
  • Salt and sugar - 2 tbsp each l.

Algorithm of actions:

  1. The procurement stage begins with the bulkhead, cleaning vegetables and mushrooms. An important process is washing the mushrooms from sand, needles and leaves.
  2. Boil the mushrooms in water for 10 minutes.
  3. Chop the cabbage, chop the carrots on a grater, turn onions into strips, tomatoes into cubes.
  4. Fry the carrots and onions.
  5. All vegetables and mushrooms, thrown in a colander, send to a frying pan (in a saucepan), simmer for 30 minutes.
  6. Add vinegar, keep on fire for another 5 minutes.
  7. Sterilize the containers while they are hot, fill them with a hodgepodge with mushrooms.
  8. Close with sterilized lids.

Tasty, satisfying, healthy, good as a side dish and as an independent dish.

One of the first tips - before pickling the mushrooms, you need to carefully sort out, cleaning them from forest debris.

  1. It is recommended to pour boiling water over them before washing, then they will become dense and will not come apart when washed.
  2. If the recipe requires only hats, the legs should not be thrown away. They can be processed into caviar and also closed for the winter.
  3. When boiling mushrooms, you should be guided by the time, but they themselves give a hint - as soon as they have sunk to the bottom of the container / pan, the cooking can be finished.
  4. Jars and lids require mandatory sterilization. Turning the cans upside down after closing, the hostesses check the tightness of the closure.

Mushrooms are one of the most interesting gifts of the forest, they require special attention when collecting and harvesting, but delight in taste.

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There is nothing tastier than crispy and aromatic mushrooms on a holiday table or as an addition to dinner. The cooking options presented below are suitable for both forest mushrooms and those cultivated by humans. Consider all the subtleties and rules for pickling mushrooms for the winter in jars according to delicious recipes.

Preparing the main product for canning

Before you start cooking, any kind of mushroom must be carefully processed. To do this, sort out the collected forest fruits, remove the spoiled and unsuitable for food parts. Remove dirt, damage and root part.

To make the mushrooms better pickled in jars, it is recommended to fold even and identical.

Advice! In honey agarics, the film is additionally cleaned from the surface of the cap. Otherwise, the finished snack will taste bitter.

In large mushrooms, the leg of the cap is trimmed. The last part is cut into pieces. So that the shredded mushrooms do not darken, they must be soaked in a special solution. Pour 1 liter of liquid, 1/2 tsp, citric acid and 10 g of coarse salt into a bowl. In such a solution, the product will not lose its attractive appearance.

A quick recipe for pickling champignons

The method of cooking mushrooms is simple, taking a minimum of time, effort and ingredients. Thanks to this, the appetizer is perfect for a festive table or for a variety of lunch dishes.


  • champignons - 1.2 kg;
  • granulated sugar - 45 g;
  • rock salt - 20 g;
  • vinegar 9% - 80 ml;
  • oil - 80 ml;
  • allspice peas - 10 granules;
  • lavrushka - 3 leaves;
  • carnation - 3 inflorescences.

  1. Prepare the main component: sort, clean and rinse. Allow excess moisture to drain.
  2. Pour the required amount of liquid into a separate saucepan, add salt, sugar, oil. Bring to a boil and add acid, prepared spices. Place the mushrooms, bring to a boil and continue cooking on medium heat for 7 minutes.
  3. Arrange the mushrooms in a sterile container, close with nylon lids. Leave on the table to cool and put in a cool place. After 5-7 hours, the mushrooms pickled at home can be served.

Chanterelles for the winter

Almost everyone will be pleased to taste a fragrant snack made from red forest gifts in cold winter. Ready canned food can be served with a small amount of butter, herbs, or as an additional component to fried, boiled potatoes. It's easy to pickle mushrooms at home, but how to do it correctly, a step-by-step recipe will tell you.


  • chanterelles - 1.5 kg;
  • allspice - 6 peas;
  • oil - 100 ml;
  • table vinegar - 40 ml;
  • garlic - 2 cloves;
  • rock salt - 2.5 tablespoons;
  • lavrushka - 2 leaves.
  1. Put the sorted chanterelles in a deep container, rinse with cold water. Place in a saucepan, pour over the filtered liquid, add salt, oil, spices and peeled garlic cloves.
  2. After boiling, cook on low heat for 60 minutes. It is necessary to regularly remove the foam formed on the surface. A quarter of an hour before ready to lay out the laurel.
  3. Tamp the chanterelles into sterile jars, pour in vinegar and roll up. Turn the container over, cover and leave to cool. Put away in a cold place.

As a result, 4 jars with a capacity of 500 ml come out of the specified number of components.

Russula for the winter

Crispy, spicy mushrooms with a bright taste will be appreciated by adults, friends and even children. Consider how to preserve mushrooms.


  • pure filtered water - 550 ml;
  • small russula - 1.2 kg;
  • vinegar essence 30% - 70 ml;
  • turnip onions (small size) - 0.3 kg;
  • granulated sugar - 1 tsp;
  • lavrushka - 2 leaves;
  • carnation - 3 inflorescences;
  • allspice peas - 20 g;
  • rock salt - 25 g.

Prepare mushrooms, rinse. Put in a saucepan, cover with water and lightly salt. Bring to a boil and cook for 10 minutes. Filter, dry.

Pour spices, peeled onions with whole heads, vinegar into the water for the marinade. Bring to a boil, add the main ingredient and continue cooking for 7 minutes.

Arrange the russula in sterile jars with onions. Boil the marinade again and pour into containers with the contents. Roll up hermetically, turn over and cool.

Honey mushrooms for the winter

Pickled mushrooms are perfect for boiled potatoes. Men will truly appreciate such a delicious canned snack. We suggest considering a recipe for how to roll up mushrooms for the winter in jars. From the presented number of components, 1 liter can will be obtained.

Products for 1 liter of marinade:

  • fresh mushrooms - 1 kg;
  • dill umbrellas - 1 pc.;
  • garlic - 2 cloves;
  • water - 1 l;
  • black pepper simple and allspice - 9 pcs.;
  • carnation - 2 inflorescences;
  • granulated sugar - 30 g;
  • rock salt - 30 g;
  • vinegar essence - 20 ml;
  • laurel - 1 sheet.

Let's start cooking:

  1. Put the peeled mushrooms in a deep bowl, cover with clean water and leave for 60 minutes. This is required in order for all excess dirt to be removed without difficulty. Rinse the main ingredient carefully and well.
  2. Add salt to clean mushrooms, mix, pour in the required amount of liquid. Set on the stove, after boiling, cook for half an hour. If foam forms on the surface, remove it.
  3. We turn to the preparation of the marinade. Pour the required amount of liquid into a separate container. Add salt, sugar and prepared spices. Bring to a boil, add acid and cook for a few more minutes.
  4. Strain honey mushrooms through a colander or sieve. Rinse with chilled boiled water and put back in the pan. Combine with the marinade, leave 450-500 ml in the container. Set on the stove, cook for a quarter of an hour.
  5. Remove the husk from the garlic cloves. Chop into rings.
  6. Sterilize jars and lids. And put garlic slices, dill umbrellas on the bottom of each.
  7. Using a slotted spoon, arrange the mushrooms in containers. Pour over the remaining hot marinade. Roll up hermetically, turn over and leave to cool.

Canned porcini mushrooms

It is easy and simple to receive guests if you have several tasty canned jars in your arsenal.


  • porcini mushrooms - 10.5 kg;
  • filtered water - 3 liters;
  • vinegar essence - 1 tablespoon;
  • rock salt - 7.5 tablespoons

For the marinade:

  • liquid - 2 l;
  • rock salt - 2 glasses;
  • vinegar essence - 70 ml;
  • citric acid - 3 g;
  • cinnamon - 1 g;
  • laurel - 10 leaves;
  • allspice - 20 peas;
  • carnation - 10 inflorescences.

Let's figure out how to properly pickle mushrooms for the winter.

  1. Prepare mushrooms: sort, remove rotten and spoiled places. Rinse thoroughly, cut into equal pieces. Put in back in a container, combine with water, acid and pour salt. Put on the stove, after boiling, cook for a quarter of an hour. Strain through a sieve.
  2. Pour liquid into a deep saucepan, add acid, salt and other spices. Bring to a boil, cook for 5 minutes.
  3. Arrange ready-made porcini mushrooms in sterile jars, pour hot marinade, roll up and turn over. Leave it on the kitchen table for not a day, and then transfer it to the refrigerator.

Oyster mushrooms for the winter

For cooking, you need medium-sized, whole mushrooms. It is important to remember that before cooking it is necessary to process the main ingredient and rinse thoroughly. Long legs should not be left as they look ugly and taste a little harsh. To obtain a richer taste and aroma, it is recommended to let the workpiece stand for 7 days. Consider a step-by-step recipe for canning mushrooms for the winter in jars.


  • oyster mushrooms - 2.2 kg;
  • dill umbrellas - 30 g;
  • black and allspice - 20 peas;
  • carnation inflorescences - 10 pcs.;
  • rock salt - 90 g;
  • granulated sugar - 45 g;
  • wine vinegar - 60 ml.

  1. First of all, you need to process the mushrooms. Rinse thoroughly, put in a saucepan and add dill umbrellas, cloves, two types of pepper.
  2. Pour over with clean filtered water, so that the oyster mushrooms are spacious. Place on the stove and bring to a boil.
  3. Add salt, sugar and mix well. The main thing is that all loose components are dissolved.
  4. Pour in the acid, lower the heating temperature and continue cooking for half an hour. Cover, cool and place in sterile treated containers.
  5. Pour marinade over, roll up tightly. Put in the refrigerator. Ready oyster mushrooms are recommended to be consumed within 30 days.

Boletus for the winter

Valuable and noble mushrooms. Adding even a small amount of the forest component, the dish acquires a bright aroma, delicate taste. Gourmets especially appreciate this ingredient. Let's figure out how to properly pickle boletus mushrooms.


  • main ingredient - 1.2 kg;
  • black pepper - 10 peas;
  • essence - 4 tsp;
  • lavrushka - 3 pcs;
  • carnation - 5 inflorescences;
  • ground cinnamon - 1/2 tsp;
  • garlic - 4 cloves;
  • rock salt - 30 g;
  • granulated sugar - 30 g.

We also just cook boletus mushrooms:

  1. First of all, it is worth preparing the mushrooms for conservation. Sort out, remove inedible and spoiled fruits. Rinse well with plain water. Cut into medium pieces. Put a little salt in a saucepan, add liquid and cook for half an hour, after boiling.
  2. Strain through a sieve, rinse. Pour the required amount of water into a suitable saucepan, add salt, sugar and prepared seasonings. Bring to a boil with regular stirring. The main thing is that the free-flowing ingredient is completely dissolved.
  3. Put pieces of mushrooms in hot brine, continue cooking for 10 minutes. Pour in the acid and cook for 5 more.

Cooking mushrooms for the winter has its peak - this is the end of summer and autumn. At this time, you need to have time to collect and prepare mushrooms for future use. Prepared salted mushrooms for the winter, dried and pickled then will be very useful to you. But first you need to know how to salt mushrooms for the winter how to pickle mushrooms for the winter, how to freeze mushrooms for the winter, how to prepare dried mushrooms for the winter, how to cook mushrooms for the winter. Almost all edible mushrooms are suitable for harvesting for the winter: milk mushrooms, chanterelles, russula, honey mushrooms, boletus, boletus, boletus, champignons, volushki, mushrooms, and of course porcini mushroom. Recipes for harvesting porcini mushrooms for the winter are very diverse, since this mushroom is very tasty and easy to prepare. That is why many people love to pick and cook porcini mushrooms so much. Recipes for harvesting porcini mushrooms for the winter include all known methods, while many lamellar mushrooms can only be salted.

Let's start with the question how to pickle mushrooms for the winter... More often than others, there is pickling of porcini mushrooms for the winter. White mushroom is the king of all mushrooms, and white pickled mushrooms for the winter are very tasty. We usually marinate the porcini mushroom separately from other mushrooms for the winter. When we marinate porcini mushrooms for the winter, we cut the large mushrooms into pieces, and marinate the small ones whole. These rules, in principle, also work when we procure other pickled mushrooms for the winter... A video recipe for pickling mushrooms for the winter will show you all the stages of pickling, show you how to prepare and how to roll up mushrooms for the winter. Marinade for mushrooms for the winter is standard: salt, sugar, vinegar and spices. Depending on what you want to cook pickled mushrooms for the winter, the recipe may contain different types of spices and proportions of marinade ingredients.

Another way to preserve mushrooms for the winter is by salting the mushrooms for the winter. The recipes show you how to pickle mushrooms for the winter. Perhaps this is the oldest way to cook mushrooms for the winter. The recipe for pickling mushrooms for the winter for different mushrooms may differ. Some lamellar mushrooms are pre-soaked to remove the bitterness from them. Salted milk mushrooms, mushrooms, mushrooms are classics of the genre, but they need a special approach. Therefore, you should figure out how to salt mushrooms for the winter and which recipe for salted mushrooms for the winter is right for you. For example, salting of porcini mushrooms for the winter and salted chanterelle mushrooms will be slightly different. Harvesting for the winter, more precisely, salting, possibly in two ways - cold and hot. In both cases, you can prepare salted porcini mushrooms for the winter, chanterelles, milk mushrooms, etc., but hot salting requires preliminary boiling of the mushrooms, and cold salting is longer.

And if you look at how to boil mushrooms for the winter and how to preserve boiled mushrooms for the winter, then perhaps choose this option for harvesting mushrooms. Usually vinegar or boiling sunflower oil is added to boiled mushrooms. After this, the usual conservation of mushrooms for the winter occurs. Recipes with boiling mushrooms can be useful for both pickling mushrooms and hot pickling.

Drying mushrooms is the choice of lazy people. So you can prepare boletus, chanterelle, butter dish, porcini mushroom. Harvesting dried mushrooms for the winter will pay off a hundredfold with a fragrant mushroom soup or gravy. Again, there are several recipes on how to dry mushrooms for the winter: in the sun and in the oven. For example, some believe that the preparation of dried porcini mushrooms for the winter should be carried out according to the classic option - drying on a string. But keep in mind that not all mushrooms can be dried. Especially often, porcini mushrooms are cooked in this way for the winter, since they perfectly retain their aroma. Perhaps this is the simplest harvesting of mushrooms for the winter.

Freezing is also a great way to harvest mushrooms. There are many ways to freeze mushrooms for the winter. You can freeze raw and boiled mushrooms for the winter. So if you have a lot of porcini mushrooms and want to save them for the winter, freezing porcini mushrooms for the winter will help you. Even fried mushrooms are frozen. If you love fried mushrooms, you should definitely read how to fry mushrooms for the winter. For example, at your service are recipes for fried porcini mushrooms for the winter, fried boletus mushrooms for the winter, fried chanterelle mushrooms. Recipes for the winter will show you how to preserve mushrooms for the winter in a slow cooker.

There is not just harvesting mushrooms for the winter, recipes will also help you prepare almost ready-made mushroom dishes for the winter and snacks. This is mushroom pate for the winter, mushroom caviar for the winter, mushroom salad for the winter, mushrooms with vegetables for the winter, cabbage with mushrooms for the winter, a hodgepodge with mushrooms for the winter, etc. In addition to the marinade and brine, you can cook mushrooms in a tomato for the winter , mushrooms in oil for the winter, mushrooms in fat for the winter. So, in particular, the preparation of fried mushrooms for the winter is carried out. So you have tons of options on how to close the mushrooms for the winter.

Canned mushrooms should not be stored for too long for the winter. Maximum - 1 year. At the same time, preserving mushrooms for the winter does not allow the use of metal lids. Mushrooms for the winter it is better to seal jars with glass or plastic lids. Mushrooms are rolled up for the winter according to standard rules: sterilization of lids and cans, etc.