Milk kg to liters. Calculations in the dairy business

Get acquainted with the basic calculations used in the dairy business and perform them on the basis of individual control tasks.

1. Conversion of the amount of milk from liters to kilograms and vice versa

Conversion of milk from volumetric units to weight units and vice versa can be carried out according to special tables. In the absence of tables for converting liters to kilograms, the number of liters must be multiplied by the actual (measured) density. In the absence of an indicator of the actual density for conversion, use is made for the average density of milk 1.030 kg / l.

Example... Convert 1000 liters to kilograms:

1000 l x 1.030 kg / l = 1030 kg

Convert 1030 kg to liters:

1030 kg: 1.030 kg / l = 1000 l

2. Calculation of the number of fat units

To calculate the number of fat units (F e) or one percent milk, multiply the amount of milk expressed in kilograms (M kg) by the percentage of fat in it (F m).

W e = M kg x W m

Example... Determine how many fat units are contained in 300 liters of milk, with a density of 1.030 kg / l, with a fat content of 3.6%.

300 L x 1.030 kg / L x 3.6% = 1112.4 kg Fat Units

or 1112.4 kg of one percent milk.

3. Calculation of the amount of milk fat

To calculate the amount of pure fat in milk, multiply the amount of milk expressed in kilograms (M kg) by its fat content (F m) and divide by 100.

(M kg x W m) / 100

Example... There is 1500 kg of milk, fat content 4.0%.

Pure fat in milk: (1500 kg x 4.0%) / 100 = 60 kg

4. Calculation of the average fat content for the arrival of different batches of milk

To calculate the average fat content of milk, for example, taken per day, calculate the number of fat units in the milk of each intake. and then the amount is divided by the total amount of milk.

Example. Milk was taken in the morning 450 kg with a fat content of 3.8%, at noon 380 kg with a fat content of 3.7%, in the evening 260 kg with a fat content of 4.0%. Determination of fatty units of milk: 450 x 3.8 = 1710 f.u.

380 x 3.7 = 1406 f.u.

260 x 4.0 = 1040 l.u.

1090 4156 f.

Average fat content: 4156 f.u. : 1090 kg = 3.81%

5. Calculation of the average fat content of the mixture

The average fat content of the mixture is also calculated by fat units or one percent milk.

Example... To make homemade cheese, 60 kg of milk with a fat content of 3.3%, 20 kg of skim milk containing 0.1% fat, 6 kg of cream of 30% fat and 5 kg of sourdough prepared from skim milk were used.

milk 60 x 3.3 = 198 f.u.

reverse 20 x 0.1 = 2 liquid units

cream 6 x 30 = 180 c.u.

Sourdough 5 x 0.1 = 0.5 f.u.

6. Conversion of milk to basic fat content

When making settlements between milk producers and dairy enterprises and in other cases, the amount of milk is recalculated to the basic fat content, which is not the same for different zones or regions of the country. M B = (M x F m) / F B,

where М B is the amount of milk of basic fat content, kg;

M is the amount of milk of actual fat content, kg;

W m - actual fat content of milk,%;

W B - basic fat content of milk,%.

7. Conversion to 4% milk

In zootechnical practice, a method is sometimes used to assess the productivity of cows by an equalized (corrected) indicator - four percent milk using the formula:

M 4% = (0.4 x M) + (15 x M x F / 100),

where M 4% is the amount of 4% milk, kg;

M is the amount of milk per lactation, kg;

W is the average fat content in milk,%.

8. Conversion of the amount of cream to basis fat content

In this case, use the formula:

M b.zh. = C x (W sl - 0.05) / (W mb - 0.05),

where M b.zh. - the amount of milk of basic fat content, subject to offset, kg;

C is the amount of cream actually delivered, kg;

W sl - the amount of fat in cream,%;

F m. - basic fat content of milk,%;

0.05 - the norm of the maximum permissible fat content of skim milk.

9. Control of dairy production by raw material consumption

The production of products such as cottage cheese, cheese and others is controlled by the consumption of raw materials per unit of production. To do this, the amount of raw materials consumed is divided by the amount of products produced, getting absolute output.Output can be relative, if the calculation of products is carried out with 100 kg of raw materials (milk). The actual consumption of raw materials is compared with the consumption according to existing standards.

10. Control of dairy production by fat balance

This control is based on the equality of the amount of fat in the feedstock and in the resulting products, taking into account losses.

So, for example, in the production of butter, the absolute amount (kg) of pure fat in the original milk (F), the amount of pure fat that passed into the butter (F 1) and remained in the skimmed (F 2) and buttermilk (F 3), and also other losses (F 4).

The distribution of the amount of pure fat can be expressed by the equation.

Every time we read recipes in cookbooks, we come across different definitions of the amount of ingredients for a particular dish. What can not be seen on the pages with recipes: grams, and milliliters, and liters, and foreign and therefore unusual pounds and ounces for us. In order not to get confused in this variety of measures, let's decide once and for all how many grams are in a liter of a particular liquid, as well as in a 250 ml glass. It is known from the physics course that weight and volume are different concepts, and only distilled water without impurities, which has an ideal mass of 1 g per cubic centimeter, ultimately gives 1 kg per 1 liter. All other liquids, as well as products (for example, flour, granulated sugar, crackers, and so on) have a different weight based on a given volume. Let's take a look at some of them.

How many grams per liter of water, milk, vegetable oil and other commonly used liquid food

As mentioned above, liquid and bulk products have different weights based on a volume of 1 liter. For example, 1 liter of milk weighs 816 grams, or 204 grams per 1 full faceted glass in 250 ml. 1 liter of vegetable oil weighs 920 grams, or 230 grams in a glass. See below for weights of other fluids.

Now, knowing how many grams are in a liter or a glass of sour cream or cream, you will never be mistaken in preparing a particular dish. Indeed, in recipes for creams or doughs, often the count goes literally in grams, by adding more or less, you risk getting something completely different from what you wanted.

How many grams in a liter and a glass of solid or bulk products

In order not to be mistaken and add exactly as much flour or sugar as needed, be sure to check the proposed table before cooking:

Now it will not be difficult for you to calculate how many grams in a liter or a glass of this or that product. It is best to print this table and keep it with you when preparing a particular dish. In the recipes, there are measures of volume and weight that are unusual for us. See below for their translation into milliliters or grams that we understand.

Let's take the original Mojito cocktail recipe as an example, and then translate the English measures of weight into the usual Russian ones. For a drink you will need:

  • 1 ounce ginger-lemon syrup
  • juice of half a lime;
  • 1 ounce white rum
  • 6 ounces soda water or unsweetened lemonade.

Having a table of conversion of ounces to milliliters, you can easily understand the recipe:

  • 30 ml ginger-lemon syrup;
  • 1 tablespoon of minced mint
  • juice of half a lime;
  • 30 ml white rum
  • 180 ml of soda water.

As simple as that. Now the weight conversion tables are at your fingertips, and you definitely won't be mistaken in the amount of ingredients for a particular recipe.

Or how to correctly convert milk in liters to kilograms? The answer is there, we read the article.

Milk is not only consumed in its pure form, it becomes the basis for various dishes. Sometimes milk is also used for production purposes.

Both in everyday life and in production, sometimes it is simply necessary to convert the volume of liquid into kilograms. How to carry out such calculations? How many kg are in 1 liter of milk?

Maybe somewhere in the laboratories there is a certain device that can translate some physical elements into others?

Find out how many kg are in 1 liter of milk

There is a hypothesis that any liquid substance, the volume of which is equal to one liter, corresponds to the same indicator in kilograms.

But in order to test this hypothesis and understand that it does not carry a scientific explanation, it is enough to recall the classic formula that schoolchildren know from physics lessons:

M = p * b, where M is the mass of the substance taken, p is its density, and in is the volume.

The formula clearly makes it possible to trace direct link the weight of the element with its volume, and with the density.

FACT: As a result, it is impossible to convert the volume of milk into weight, in other words - a liter into kilograms, because these are completely opposite measured physical units.

But you can find out the mass of a substance that filled this volume!

To convert liters of milk to kg. just pay attention to its density. According to information from various sources, milk has a density that varies depending on water, fat, milk residues, which is in its content. This figure is equal to 1027 to 1032 kg / m³.

To get the average value of the density, you need to add the two values. The resulting number is divided by two. As a result, the average density of milk will be equal to 1029.5 kg / m³. We convert a liter of liquid into cubic meters (1 liter = 0.001 m³).

Plug in metric data P = 1029.5 kg / m³ and b = 0.001 m³ into the formula: M = p * b (m = 1029.5 kg / m³ * 0.001 m³), ​​the result is M = 1.0295 kg.

As a result of simple research and school mathematical formulas, we can conclude that l. holds 1.0295 kg. milk.

IMPORTANT! Only for plain water (p = 1000 kg / m³) with a volume of one liter, the weight is equal to one kilogram.

If you want to know about the capacity of two or three liters of milk, use a simple formula for calculations: H = n * m, where N is the total mass of a substance (in this case, milk), n - units, a substance that is measured (liters), m Is the weight of the substance per liter (in kg).

If you raise the issue of calorie content in different doses of milk, it is necessary to take into account the percentage of fat content, as well as the type of production. Homemade or baked milk cannot be compared with a non-fat product, they have a different composition and energy value.

If we take only average indicators as a basis, then, for example, if you have milk with a fat percentage of 3.2%, then it contains 595 - 660 kcal. Accordingly, in a mug of a standard size 120 kcal.

Milk contains whey and casein. Therefore, it is high in protein and protein. These components are the main, first-class proteins. As a result, drinking milk will provide you with plenty of amino acids and your muscles will grow.

Protein is an essential nutrient that helps with weight loss. It is recommended for use when building muscle mass.

With this article - How many kg are in 1 liter of milk, the heading is open -.

So, a cup of milk contains about 8 grams of protein, which will perfectly complement any food. If an athlete drinks 1 liter of milk in one day, he will consume approximately 40 grams of protein. This should be enough to keep fit.

Each liquid has its own weight, depending on the volume and mass. How many kilograms in a liter of water, milk, gasoline or other liquid are known to units, so we decided to prepare detailed material on this topic. Consider, for example, the most popular liquids that each of us regularly encounters in our daily life.

How much does water weigh?

In 1901, 1 liter of water was equated to exactly 1 kilogram, but later it turned out that this ratio is correct only under certain conditions. Atmospheric pressure should be 760 mm Hg. Art., and the temperature of the water and the environment - 4 degrees Celsius. In other conditions, the density of water changes slightly. In this regard, in 1964, the binding of 1 liter of water to 1 kilogram was no longer used in the exact sciences, but in everyday life you can easily rely on such a ratio, since the deviations are insignificant.

How many kilograms are in a liter of milk?

Contrary to popular belief, a liter of milk does not weigh 1 kilogram, but a little more. This is confirmed by the simplest physical formula m = P * V, where m is mass, V is volume and P is density. When calculating the weight of milk according to the formula, you need to take into account its density, on which the density depends. The latter varies from 1027 to 1032 kg / m3. If we take the density of 1029.5 as an example and substitute it in the formula, it turns out that 1 liter of milk weighs 1.03 kg. Again, we note that in ordinary living conditions this difference will hardly be noticeable, so you can safely equate a liter of milk with a kilogram.

Fuel weight

Now let's find out how many kilograms are in 1 liter of gasoline, diesel fuel and engine oil. As in previous cases, weight depends on volume and density and is calculated using the same formula. In order not to torment you with calculations, we present a table with the main types of fuels and lubricants:



gasoline A-76

ordinary diesel

winter diesel

engine oil 5w-30

As you can see, the masses of different types of fuels and lubricants may slightly differ among themselves, but you now know the approximate values ​​of how much a liter of diesel fuel, gasoline and other liquids weighs.

How much does the paint weigh?

The mass of paints and varnishes largely depends on their brand and GOSTs according to which they are made. Consider several of the most popular types of paints and varnishes, namely, how many kg are in one liter:

  • water emulsion - about 1.34-1.36 kg in 1 liter;
  • acrylic weighs - 1.45-1.55 kg;
  • PF-115 paint - 0.9-0.92 kg;
  • primer GF-021 - 1.49-1.52 kg.

Weight of other liquids

Let's also take a look at a small list of other common liquids. Let's take 1 liter of each of them and translate it into kilograms:

  • liter of wine - 0.97-0.99 kg;
  • kefir - 1.027-1.040 kg;
  • juice with pulp - 1.05 kg;
  • juice without pulp or nectar - exactly 1 kg;
  • alcohol - 0.789 kg;
  • sunflower oil - 0.92-0.93 kg;
  • liter of honey - from 1.402 to 1.443 kg;

Separately, we note how many grams are in 1 liter of gas:

  • nitrogen - 1.251 g;
  • air - 1.293 g;
  • methane - 0.717 g;
  • helium - 0.178 g;

Mass of solid and bulk materials

Many do not know, but some bulk materials are usually measured not in kilograms, but in liters. This applies to sand, coal, earth, therefore, in the table below, we will consider how much 1 liter of each of them weighs:

Converting liters to kilograms is not required so often, but now you will know how much a particular liquid or solid material weighs.

Calculate, find out the volumetric weight: physical properties. The quantities. Number of kg in 1 liter, kg / liter. For calculations, reference data from: Now you can find out how much it weighs with a tool such as: Measurement error. -
How many kg is the weight of 1 liter of cow's milk at a temperature of 20 degrees Celsius - a liter can. We use the reference data on density and specific gravity, calculating from the formula we obtain the volumetric weight.1.027 - 1.032 Handbook of physical properties, GOST, TU.Liter jar.up to 5% -
Remarks, interesting explanations to the question "how many kg does a liter volume weigh at a temperature of 20 degrees Celsius" and some additional information to the reference data on physical properties.

Quite often, in practice, we are faced with situations when we need to know how much 1 liter of cow's milk is. Usually, such information is used to convert the mass to other volumes, for those containers, the displacement of which is known in advance: cans (0.5, 1, 2, 3 l), bottles (250 mm, 0.5 ml, 0.75, 1, 1.5, 2, 5 l), glasses (200 ml, 250 ml), canisters (5, 10, 15, 20, 25 l), flasks (0.25, 0.5, 0.75, 0.8, 1 l) buckets (3, 5, 7, 8, 10, 12, 15, 18, 20, 25, 30 l), flasks and cans (3, 5, 10, 22, 25, 30, 40, 45, 50, 51, 200 l), barrels (30, 50, 60, 65, 75, 127, 160, 200, 205, 227, 900 l), tanks, cylinders, tanks (0.8 m3, 25.2, 26, 28.9, 30.24, 32.68, 32.7, 38.5, 38.7, 40, 44.54, 44.8, 46 , 46.11, 46.86, 50, 54, 54.4, 54.07, 55.2, 61, 61.17, 62.39, 63.7, 65.2, 73, 73.1, 73.17, 75.5, 62.36, 88.6 m3, 99.2, 101.57, 140, 159, 161.5 m3). In principle, even pots and pans can be estimated by weight if you know how much one liter of cow's milk weighs. For domestic use and some independent work, the question may be asked differently when they ask not the weight of 1 liter of cow's milk, but how much a liter jar (jar) weighs. Usually you are interested in how many grams or kilograms are in a liter can. Finding such data: how much it weighs on the Internet is not as easy as it seems. The fact is that the generally accepted format for submitting material in any reference books, tables, technical specifications and GOST is reduced to bringing only the density and specific gravity of cow's milk. In this case, the indicated units of measurement are one m3, cubic meter, cubic meter or cubic meter. Less often 1 cm3. And we are interested in how much a liter volume weighs. Which leads to the need for additional conversion of cubic meters (m3) to liters. This is inconvenient, although it is possible to do the correct conversion of cubes into liters on your own. Using the ratio: 1 m3 = 1000 l. For the convenience of site visitors, we independently made recalculations and indicated how much one liter of cow's milk weighs in Table 1. Knowing the weight of 1 liter of cow's milk, you not only determine the mass of a liter can, but you can easily calculate how much any other container weighs for which the displacement is known. At the same time, you need to understand the undesirability and impossibility of accurate estimates made on the basis of such recalculations for large containers with a significant volume of displacement. The fact is that with such calculation methods, a large error arises, which is acceptable only in the sense of an approximate estimate of the mass. Therefore, professionals use special tables that indicate how much, for example, a truck or rail tanker, a barrel weighs. On the other hand, for applied and domestic purposes, for home conditions, the calculation method based on the liter volume is quite suitable and can be applied in practice. In those cases when we need more accurate data, for example: during laboratory research, for examination, for debugging a production process, setting up equipment, and so on. It is better to determine the weight of 1 liter of cow's milk experimentally, through weighing on precise scales, using a special method, and not use reference, theoretical, tabular average data on density and its specific gravity.