Zucchini pancakes with carrots and onions. Vegetable pancakes from carrots and zucchini

Fritters made from carrots and zucchini are very tasty and, in addition, they are quite a dietary product that is very healthy for the figure. Zucchini is used for the preparation of many dishes, as it is easily absorbed by the body. This product is simply irreplaceable for people suffering from diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

In the midst of summer, you can easily and quickly prepare very tender, soft, healthy and at the same time dietary marrow-carrot pancakes. They can be prepared in a wide variety of ways, and each recipe is unique and interesting in its own way.

Zucchini pancakes are great for breakfast, as they are a dietary meal that gives you a boost of energy.

Even small children who do not like to eat vegetable dishes will like this dish. For very young children, you can make delicious sweet pancakes from zucchini, carrots and homemade cheese. The pancakes have a pleasant, fairly well-pronounced zucchini flavor and you practically don't feel carrots.


  1. Medium-sized zucchini - 3 pcs.;
  2. Medium carrots - 2 pcs.;
  3. Garlic - 2 cloves;
  4. Onions - 2 pcs.;
  5. Semolina - 150 g;
  6. Chicken egg - 1 pc.;
  7. Salt;
  8. Pepper;
  9. Vegetable oil.

Delicious zucchini and carrot pancakes: recipe

Zucchini and carrot pancakes are very easily absorbed by the body, prevent obesity, and prevent the body from accumulating excess fat.

The step-by-step preparation of pancakes is very simple and even a novice cook can handle this dish.

  1. Cut the onion into strips and fry in a pan with preheated oil. Fry onions until golden brown, stirring constantly.
  2. If the skin of the zucchini is young, then peeling it is absolutely not necessary, and you can rub the zucchini on a coarse grater directly with the skin. If the zucchini rind is rather tough, then before you rub the zucchini, you must first clean it.
  3. Peel the carrots and rub them on a fine grater. Zucchini should be mixed with carrots and passed through a press, grated or just chopped garlic.
  4. Separately, break the egg into a bowl, and beat it well with a whisk. Pour the egg into the vegetable mixture, add the semolina, and mix everything until smooth, making sure that there are no lumps in the prepared mixture.
  5. The resulting mixture must be mixed with pre-fried onions, which must be cooled slightly. Then salt and pepper the resulting mixture and mix everything thoroughly again until a homogeneous state is formed.
  6. When the mixture is completely ready, you need to leave it for about 20 minutes at room temperature so that the semolina swells a little.
  7. Heat oil well in a skillet. Spoon into pancakes and fry in a pan until cooked over medium heat.

After the pancakes are fried, they need to be transferred to a paper towel to absorb the fat.

You need to spread the pancakes on plates in portions and add sour cream.

You can supplement the dish with slices of grapefruit, which will help the dish to digest faster and help to make the figure beautiful and slim.

The most delicious pancakes made from carrots and zucchini

To make the squash-carrot pancakes very tender, tasty and more dietary, you can add oatmeal to the vegetable mixture instead of semolina. Dough for pancakes can be prepared in advance, put them in the refrigerator, and then, if necessary, take out and fry in hot vegetable oil.

You can also serve zucchini pancakes with garlic sauce. To prepare such a sauce, you need to add finely chopped or finely grated garlic to sour cream, as well as chopped dill. Mix everything well and salt to taste.

Delicious zucchini and carrot pancakes (video)

You can make a squash cake. To prepare such a cake, you need to fry pancakes with a larger diameter, and then smear them with mayonnaise mixed with garlic, and put one cake on top of the other. You can put slices of fresh tomato between the cakes if you like.

Zucchini and carrot pancakes (photo)

The recipe for vegetable fritters is pretty simple, like everything I make! Almost everything 🙂 First of all, rub the zucchini on a coarse grater, salt them, mix and set them aside. The zucchini and zucchini themselves are very juicy, salt will help to get rid of excess juiciness - a lot of water will stand out, which we will simply squeeze out. Zucchini potato pancakes will not crumble due to moisture during frying.

After the zucchini, rub the carrots. Three on a fine grater, so she will cook faster, because she needs to cook longer than zucchini. This will make the carrot pancakes tender and soft. Then finely chop the spinach, green onion and garlic.

The latter can be grated or passed through a press. Zucchini pancakes with garlic will play in a completely new way, without it there will be no miracle 🙂 Put everything in one bowl. We leave only a little greens for the sauce. By this time, the zucchini has already started up the juice. We boldly take them with two palms and squeeze them directly into the sink, and put the pulp in a bowl too. Pepper!

Stir the entire vegetable mixture. We are preparing carrot and zucchini pancakes without eggs, so add semolina to hold it together. And flour. I use chickpea flour, it is healthy, rich in proteins and slow carbohydrates, unlike the usual, so to speak, blank 🙂 But, of course, you can use it too.

We start with three spoons, mix thoroughly and look at the consistency. Since zucchini are more or less juicy, more or less flour may be needed. But at least three spoons. The end result should be a mass that can easily be formed into vegetable pancakes from zucchini, carrots and spinach. But don't overdo it, add a little at a time. A lot of flour is not good either for the taste or for the human body.

By the way, you can put zucchini instead of zucchini, there is no difference. Zucchini pancakes will turn out to be brighter, by the way, due to the green skin. And if you have old zucchini, just remove the seeds from them and peel them. Mix the entire mixture thoroughly.

Put a frying pan on medium-low heat and pour oil into it. I have coconut, you can use sunflower, corn, and. I have already told you how to cook the latter. Now we rake a spoonful of the vegetable mixture and sculpt carrot and zucchini cutlets, then press them on both sides and get flat pancakes. We put it immediately into the pan.

We fry pancakes-pancakes from zucchini and carrots for about 3 minutes under the lid until blush. Then we turn it over.

Fry for another 2 minutes under the lid on the other side. Then remove the zucchini-carrot pancakes from the pan, transfer them to paper towels to drain the excess fat. But by the way, my advice is this: if you don't put in a lot of oil, there won't be much excess fat either. So put in just a little, a teaspoon.

Of course, without a lot of oil, fried vegetable pancakes will not be as ruddy, but much healthier than those with a crispy crust. In any case, the choice is yours. I like diet pancakes, do you? I'll tell you a secret: more often I fry them without oil at all.

It's sauce time! I thought: if it's summer, then we need to come up with something fresh. We take yogurt, the remains of chopped herbs, black pepper. Your choice: either fresh chopped garlic, or dried, or Asafoetida. Asafoetida is such an interesting substitute for garlic, a very healthy vegan spice. I now put it in non-vegan yogurt, but it went well too 😀 Salt a little.

In general, zucchini dishes go well with garlic, but in order not to smell harsh from me all day, I decided to replace it. Cut the tomatoes into small cubes and put them there. I’m wondering why I hadn’t thought about such a wonderful combination of products before?

And if you're vegan, you can use soy yogurt. We have lean zucchini pancakes, so everything will go perfectly well. Or better yet, cook, whatever you like to call it. It is also perfect, I just broke my blender and I could not cook it. We mix all the ingredients.

It's time for serving. We spread beautifully delicious pancakes with zucchini, carrots and spinach, put the sauce next to it.

And pour on top with the same sauce.

What a beauty we get! Now you know how to make zucchini, carrot and spinach pancakes!

Let me summarize quickly.

Quick recipe: vegetable zucchini, carrot and spinach pancakes

  1. We rub the zucchini on a coarse grater, salt, mix, leave aside for 10-15 minutes.
  2. Grate the carrots on a fine grater.
  3. Finely chop spinach, green onions, very finely - garlic, put everything to the carrots, except for a small amount of greens (for the sauce).
  4. We squeeze the water from the zucchini, put the pulp to the vegetables, pepper, mix.
  5. Add semolina and 3 tablespoons of flour, mix and, if the mixture still does not hold its shape, add another spoonful of flour, each time checking the consistency (if juicy zucchini comes across, the pancakes may not hold, so we squeeze well and add a little more flour) ...
  6. We put a frying pan on a slow-medium heat, heat the vegetable oil.
  7. We form vegetable pancakes in our hands and put them in the pan.
  8. Cover with a lid, fry on one side for 3 minutes until blush, turn over, cover again and fry for another 2 minutes.
  9. Remove the pancakes from the heat, put them on a paper towel to drain off excess fat.
  10. Prepare the sauce: raze the tomato into small cubes, pour it over with yogurt, add a little salt, put the remaining greens, pepper, add grated garlic or granulated garlic, or Asafoetida, mix everything.
  11. Serve vegetable pancakes made of carrots, zucchini and spinach with tomato-yogurt sauce.
  12. Now you know how to make vegetable fritters!

That's all! Zucchini pancakes are on the table ready. Yo! 😀 Run to eat, otherwise they will cool down! I liked them incredibly, they can't be torn by the ears! By the way, how is the weather with you? It's already summer-summer in Kiev, but I know that in many parts of the world the heat does not want to come. Where are you from, how are you doing? By the way, I like the spring coolness more than the lazy heat.

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As soon as the first fresh vegetables appear on the shelves of markets and shops, you immediately want to cook something tasty, light, healthy and vitamin-rich from them. One of these dishes is vegetable pancakes. You can cook them from anything - cabbage, potatoes, carrots. But the most delicious are still squash.

Zucchini are ideal for pancakes. Their flesh is tender, juicy, and the pancakes turn out to be simply licked. In addition, this vegetable can be perfectly combined with other vegetables, for example, with potatoes, pumpkin, and also with meat.

But this time we will cook zucchini and carrot pancakes - a healthy summer vegetarian dish.

Agree that in summer, in hot weather, hot food simply does not go down your throat. And fiddling around the stove in the heat is a thankless task. That is why you want something easy, quick to prepare, and so that it is equally tasty both hot and cold. This is where carrot-squash pancakes come to the rescue. The advantage of this dish is that you can cook them a whole pot and eat them cold for breakfast, lunch and dinner. It is prepared quite simply and quickly, and the amount prepared is more than enough for a large family or company. For example, I often cook these pancakes for picnics with my friends. While the main treat of the picnic - shashlik - is expected - the guests are happy to refresh themselves with my pancakes.


Zucchini - 0.5 kg;
Carrots - 250 g;
Semolina - a couple of tablespoons;
Chicken eggs - 2-3 pieces;
Garlic - 2 cloves;
Salt to taste;
Ground black pepper - to taste;
Vegetable oil for frying


Prepare vegetables - wash them, dry them. If the zucchini is young, grate them on a coarse grater along with the rind. If old, cut off the thick skin, cut in half, remove the seeds and fibers from the core, and only then can you grate them.

Salt the squash and set aside for an hour.

Grate the peeled carrots as well, but on a medium grater. Please note that initially the carrot mass should be 2-3 times less in volume than the squash.

Pour semolina into a container with carrots and beat in eggs, pepper.

Stir everything and also set aside the bowl to soften the semolina and soak in the carrot juice.

An hour later, you can start preparing the zucchini and carrot pancakes themselves. By that time, the zucchini will start juice and decrease in volume.

Squeeze out the liquid with your hand so that the zucchini turns into a kind of plastic mass. The less liquid remains, the better the pancakes will cook.

After all the liquid is gone, the volume of the grated zucchini should be reduced by three times.

Add prepared carrots to the zucchini. Now the volume of the two important ingredients for our dish is almost the same. If you cook pancakes according to this recipe, the presence of carrots gives a pleasant taste and color, pancakes will not be completely "boring".

Combine vegetables and add garlic (finely chopped or crushed in a garlic press) for flavor.

As soon as the zucchini season begins, there are always zucchini pancakes on my table. I cook them in different versions, each is good and tasty in its own way. We have loved such pancakes for a long time and never linger for a long time. This is a great option for breakfast or a quick snack. Today I offer you zucchini pancakes with carrots. These pancakes can be served with sour cream or garlic sauce.

To make pancakes, we need zucchini (I weighed it already peeled), carrots, onions, onions, garlic, eggs, paprika, ground pepper, salt, parsley, flour and sunflower oil. If the zucchini is young, then the skin may not be peeled.

Grate the zucchini, let it settle a little and drain the liquid that has evolved. You can squeeze out slightly.

Add the carrots grated on a medium grater to the zucchini. Chop the onion into cups and squeeze out the garlic. Chop the parsley. Add pepper and paprika.

Mix vegetables and add eggs. Then add flour.

Stir the mixture with flour and only then add salt (so a lot of liquid will not have time to stand out from the zucchini and you will not have to add more flour).

Mix the vegetable mixture with salt again and start frying immediately. Heat the sunflower oil and spread the vegetable mixture with a tablespoon.

After frying one side - turn over.

Serve freshly baked pancakes - they are very tender and delicious!

Bon Appetit!

Zucchini or zucchini is a type of hard-rind pumpkin. In cooking, zucchini is stuffed, stewed, fried, canned, caviar and various salads are prepared from them. Try one of the many zucchini dishes - tender zucchini and carrot pancakes with spices. You can also cook from frozen vegetables in winter.

TIME: 20 min.


Servings: 6


  • zucchini - 1 kg;
  • carrots - 1 pc.;
  • eggs - 2 pcs.;
  • wheat flour - 9 tbsp. l .;
  • vegetable oil - 2 tablespoons;
  • ground black pepper;
  • salt 1 tsp;
  • seasoning "Khmeli-suneli" - 1 tsp.


Wash the zucchini and cut off the stalks.
This recipe uses young zucchini, so you do not need to peel them. If you have purchased more mature fruits, then they must be peeled from rough skin and freed from seeds.
Put the vegetables grated on a coarse grater on a sieve (you can simply squeeze out) so that the excess liquid is glass.

Grate the carrots thoroughly washed under running cold water and peeled from the skin.

Combine prepared courgettes and carrots in a large bowl.

Add black ground pepper, salt and Khmeli-suneli seasoning. Beat in eggs and add sifted flour.

Mix everything thoroughly.

Put the zucchini dough with a tablespoon in a frying pan hot with vegetable oil, forming small cakes.

Fry the pancakes on both sides until they acquire a pleasant light brown color.

Put the finished zucchini and carrot pancakes on a paper towel or napkin to remove excess oil.
Serve hot, as they say "hot, hot" and always with sour cream. You can sprinkle them with finely chopped herbs of aromatic dill or parsley.

Cooking tips
  • Instead of zucchini, you can take young zucchini or squash. From the bottom, no less tasty pancakes will turn out.
  • If you want to add a "spicy" taste and additional flavor to the dish, you can add minced garlic to the dough.
  • Zucchini pancakes will be very tasty if you put a little grated hard cheese in the dough. By the way, any cheese will do, but pancakes with parmesan are especially good.