Easter table serving dishes. Easter table: getting ready to celebrate the bright holiday of Easter

Easter is a bright, big Christian holiday that gathers parishioners under its church domes in common prayer, and for the Easter table - family, relatives, friends and neighbors.

Each hostess in her house tries to cook a lot of delicious various dishes so that the whole Easter week (Bright Week) the table is full of food, so that she can break her fast enough, and please, not deprive the guests. What to cook, what dishes to cover the festive Easter table, let's take a look at the recipes below with you, but at the very end of the article we will take a look at a video on the Easter table recipes from Julia Vysotskaya.

Ordinary dishes - traditional for Easter

Our ancestors thoroughly approached the celebration of Easter. Well-to-do families put on the table, in addition to colored eggs and Easter cakes, the following delicacies:

aspic and jellied meat,baked poultryboiled pork and sausages,vegetable salads,pickles,pies with a wide variety of fillings,homemade wines,beat it down.

Those who did not have such an opportunity prepared simple recipes for the Easter table, but without fail, Easter cake, cottage cheese Easter and colored eggs.

After the night service, the family returned from church, the owner walked around the table three times with a bowl of consecrated food, and then the family proceeded to the meal. The first thing that everyone tried was pieces of food sprinkled with holy water.

Cooking festive meals - Easter menu

A modern family carefully prepares for a bright holiday, groceries are purchased in advance, the hostess takes out a cookbook or a notebook on cooking, chooses the best recipes for the Easter table, which are passed down from generation to generation.

Easter cake recipes

At the head of the table is a cake, it is baked from choux or butter yeast dough, less often from sweet unleavened dough.

Whoever cooked the cake knows what a complex dish it is, and must be prepared responsibly. Easter cakes are baked during the week on Maundy Thursday before Easter, as a last resort - on Saturday, but not on Good Friday, if you adhere to traditions.

For Easter cakes, we buy only fresh and high-quality products. Before starting work, the hostess is baptized so that God would give a blessing. The room where we prepare the dough and bake the cakes should be clean, quiet, warm, without drafts.

Easter cake products

· Peasant oil with a high percentage of fat content - 400 g

· Yolks - 15 pcs (only from home eggs)

· Country milk - half a liter

· Flour - 1 kg of the highest grade

· Sugar - 500 g

· Semolina - half a glass

· Vanillin or vanilla sugar

· Candied fruits 50 g, raisins 200 g, half a lemon with thick skin

· 80 g wet yeast

1. We dilute yeast in 250 g of warm milk and mix with a glass of flour sifted through a sieve.

2. We wrap it in a warm scarf or blanket and put it in the heat, to the stove or radiator.

3. As soon as the dough rises, we simulate it and add the remaining milk (after having dissolved sugar in it), then flour, yolks. After that, again in the warmth - under a fur coat for three hours.

4. As soon as the dough is suitable, begin to actively knead, adding butter, vanillin, raisins and lemon zest. Knead the dough until it starts to squeak and is easy to separate from the walls of the dishes and hands.

We bake cakes

Lubricate the baking dishes from the inside with margarine and sprinkle with semolina, it is even better to use special paper that protects from sticking and decorates the baked goods. Put a little batter into the mold a little less than half, cover and let it come up.

1. We turn on the oven at 180º in advance, as soon as the cake grows twice, we very carefully set it to bake for 30 minutes.

2. We check the readiness with a thin wooden stick, piercing the cake - it should remain dry.

3. Gently take out the pastries and after 10 minutes gently shake them out of the mold.

Easter cake decorations

Traditionally, the cake was smeared with sugar syrup and sprinkled with colored millet. Now housewives mainly use icing sugar, they buy it, or make it with their own hands. Making the glaze does not require significant effort:

1. Take one protein and one glass of sugar

2. Beat with a mixer until a homogeneous thick mass that retains its shape when transferring to the product

3. Sprinkle with colored powder

Easter cottage cheese recipes for the festive table (photo)

Easter cottage cheese is a fragrant and very tasty dish that quickly disappears from the festive table and is eaten with pleasure. Easter cottage cheese happens:

Raw; Zemergency; Varena; Zbaked in the oven

Raw curd easter is made, or rather, takes the form of a special stepson in the form of a pyramid, on which a convex pattern of a cross or other church symbols is embossed.

1. We make the main dish of the Sunday table from cottage cheese, grated until smooth, with the addition of cream, powdered sugar, vanillin, cardamom, and yolks.

2. It is better not to add raisins to the curd if you are going to store it for several days so as not to turn sour.

Easter Custard

1. We brew the yolk creamy mass

2. Stir in cottage cheese and sugar, cream or butter

3. At the end, add vanillin, raisins, candied fruits (preferably multi-colored), walnuts (finely ground)

Baked Easter is different from traditional Easter cooking, but no less appetizing and beautiful. Oven-baked cottage cheese will require more effort than the previous options. For it, you need to take a split form with a large diameter.

Oven baked Easter products

· Fatty, dry, cottage cheese rubbed through a sieve 1.5 kg

· Sugar 400 g

· Pack of vanilla and lemon zest

· Raisins 200 g

· Rustic cream 200 g

· Butter 50 g

· Peasant eggs 6 pieces

· Semolina 100 g

The process of cooking Easter cottage cheese baked in the oven

1. Separate the yolks from the whites, beat them separately into a foam.

2. We mix the yolks into the curd and add the cream, in which we put preliminary semolina to swell.

3. Then pour in melted butter and add powdered sugar.

4. At the very end, gently stir in the raisins, vanillin with lemon zest and, last of all, add the proteins.

5. Grease the form with margarine and sprinkle with semolina.

6. We transfer the curd mass into a mold and put in the oven, preheated to 180º, leave to bake for 20 minutes.

7. We carefully take out the finished Easter from the split form.

Easter cottage cheese decoration

· whipped cream with icing sugar

· fresh berries

· caramel

· powder

You can use other decorations of the festive dish - it all depends on the flight of your imagination.

Easter table - meat recipes

The festive table does not do without rich jellied meat, which is served with seasonings: horseradish and mustard.

Poultry aspic

Products for chicken jellied meat:

· Rooster carcass

· Homemade chicken carcass

· Chicken or turkey brisket 1 kg

· Gelatin - 3 packs of 25 g

· Garlic, onions, carrots, peppers, salt.

The process of making poultry aspic

1. On Wednesday, the week before Easter, soak the meat in a large saucepan overnight.

2. In the morning, on a clean Thursday, we drain the water, rinse the carcasses well, fill it with new water and start cooking.

3. After it boils, we drain the first water, collect new water, bring to a boil.

4. We make a very small fire so that the meat languishes.

5. Add bay leaves, carrots, 2 large peeled onions.

6. Cook until the bones begin to separate from the carcass.

7. Turn off the heat and leave to cool, then take out the meat with a slotted spoon and cut it, removing the skin and bones.

8. Chop, salt, pepper and put on plates.

9. Soak two bags of instant gelatin for an hour and pour into a saucepan, heat to 90º.

10. Squeeze the garlic previously squeezed through the garlic into the water through cheesecloth and pour into plates, set in the cold.

Now we decorate the jelly

We take out the finished jellied meat, laid out on plates, to cool, decorate on top:

sprigs of greeneryfigurines from boiled carrots,slices of pickled cucumber,pieces of egg.

Easter table - recipes for meat dishes (photo)

In addition to jellied meat, a variety of meat snacks for the Easter table:

Smoked hams; Ptit; Zdace; Mclear rolls;sausages,Blood sausage was especially popular in the old days.

All this can be bought in a store, in the market, or prepared by yourself.

Pork or young beef pork

1. We take a ham or even better a loin and soak it in water.

2. We marinate in a saline solution with spices (garlic, onion, juniper leaves, bay leaf, allspice, paprika), the more time, the better.

3. Put in foil and in the oven until cooked at 200º

Pan fried chops

1. Cut meat (loin) in portions for cutlets

2. We beat off, salt, pepper

3. Roll in flour and egg on each side

4. Fry in a pan in vegetable oil or pork fat.

Liver cake (beef or chicken liver)

1. We clean the liver, remove hard inclusions

2. We leave for a couple of hours in water to get rid of the blood

3. Grind in a meat grinder

4. Add seasoning, egg and flour, onions and make pancakes

5. Fold in the form of a cake, coat the liver cakes with mayonnaise with a lot of fried onions

Easter salads on the festive table - recipes

On the festive table on Easter Sunday, there are many high-calorie and heavy flour and meat dishes. Therefore, it is best if there are light vegetable salads on the table. Now vegetables are in stores all year round and you can indulge yourself in light healthy salads.

Holiday salads - recipes with photos

Light and tasty salad with tomatoes, cucumbers, radishes and herbs. The dressing can be olive oil or vegetable oil.

Spring salad a great addition to meat dishes. Delicate and vitamin with radishes, the first spring herbs, seasoned with olive oil and sprinkled with vinegar - it will decorate the festive table with bright colors.

Go well together asparagus beans, green peas, egg and greens, and if we add hard cheese and garnish with lettuce leaves, it will be an original festive dish.

Boiled young potato salad with herbs, seasoned with garlic, mustard and unrefined fragrant vegetable oil.

Easter dough wreath for eggs

Painted eggs occupy an important place on the Easter table - without them it is impossible to imagine a bright Sunday. Each housewife chooses her own way of dyeing and creatively decorating eggs: onion peels, herbs, food colors, decals, beads, balls and flowers.

In order for the eggs to look beautiful on the table, a wreath of yeast dough is specially baked. It is convenient to place eggs in such a roll, besides, it will decorate the Easter table with dignity.

Easter is a big, bright holiday with the All-night Liturgy, the blissful ringing of bells and the divine aromas of Easter dishes, with which every home is greeted on a bright Sunday ..

Video - Easter festive table from Julia Vysotskaya (recipes)

Infographic - how to make Easter cake

Bright Sunday of Christ has always belonged not only to the main holidays of Christians, but also to one of the most beloved ones.

This holiday has always been celebrated on a grand scale. And this concerned both preparation and preparation of treats intended for the Easter table.

Easter traditions

The tradition of setting rich and varied tables at Easter has rather deep historical roots.

Preparations for the great celebration began on Maundy Thursday, when skillful hostesses put dough for butter cakes, laid the foundations for, began to paint Easter eggs and painted unique Easter eggs.

Young greens of wheat or sheep were grown especially for the holiday. Painted Easter eggs were laid on this delicate greenery.

In wealthy houses, no less than 48 dishes were amenable to the festive table.

This tradition is due to the fact that the name lasted 48 days.

Traditionally, pancakes and women were served on the Easter table, as well as original Easter gingerbread cookies, which were baked for the holiday in the form of rabbits, cockerels or doves.

Be sure to eat baked meat on the table.

Usually these were baked chicken or pork hams, young lamb or veal.

Hot dishes on the table did not give in, because the Easter table was laid for a long time and was ready to receive guests for a whole week.

For Orthodox Christians, Easter holidays began with the end of the holiday itself, which lasted for 7 weeks. The festive feast began with breaking the fast, which was especially pleasant after a long abstinence from fast food.

To break the fast, they exhibited those products that were consecrated during the Easter service. The first to be eaten, of course, were eggs and a piece of cake.

During prolonged fasting, the use of any animal products was prohibited.

Therefore, the hostesses tried to prepare for the festive table as many hearty dishes of meat, fish, as well as complex salads and pastries.

Modern housewives, regardless of whether the family observed the fast, try to keep up with their great-grandmothers, and prepare a wide variety of dishes for the Easter table.

These will be your favorite Easter cakes, cottage cheese Easter, as well as colored eggs, which will take center stage on the festive table, served in accordance with the Easter theme.

In addition, the hostesses are sure to select interesting recipes for the preparation of new dishes, which complement their most successful culinary masterpieces.

Easter meat dishes and snacks

Hearty Easter Salad

Such a dish can hardly be called a salad. This is, in fact, a full-fledged hearty appetizer. But for the Easter table the very thing. Adjust the amount of ingredients yourself, depending on the number of guests.


  • smoked bacon;
  • homemade sausage;
  • pork pork;
  • boiled eggs;
  • soft cottage cheese;
  • horseradish, grated with beets;
  • lettuce leaves;
  • dill greens.

Cut all meat ingredients in the form of sausage, bacon and boiled pork into beautiful neat strips.

Prepare the dressing sauce. To do this, mix a couple of tablespoons of horseradish with soft cottage cheese, finely chopped dill and grated egg yolks, which will take about three to four pieces.

In a separate bowl, combine all the meat ingredients with the sauce.

As meat components for such a salad, you can use boiled tongue and chicken breast, and other types of meat.

Prepare lettuce leaves by rinsing them, drying them and tearing them with your hands. Put torn lettuce leaves and meat mixture in a salad bowl.

Decorate the top of the salad with egg whites, which need to be cut into strips.

Of course, after a long abstinence, you want to enjoy various hearty delicacies.

But indulging in such gluttony is not only prohibited by the church, but also not recommended by doctors.

Diversify your Easter table. These do not have to be the ones that the family has been eating for the past seven weeks.

The same eggs added to a light vegetable salad make the dish play with new colors.


  • radish - 200 gr.;
  • tomatoes - 600 gr.;
  • chicken breast - 1 pc.;
  • green onions;
  • boiled eggs - 5 pcs.;
  • sour cream;
  • horseradish;
  • soy sauce;
  • salt and pepper.

Prepare a salad dressing with sour cream, soy sauce, and horseradish. Each component will need 1 tablespoon.

Cut the boiled eggs into washers, and the radishes, tomatoes and chicken breast into cubes. Mix all ingredients except eggs.

Lay out the salad bowl with lettuce leaves, on top of which place the prepared salad mixture. Place eggs on top and sprinkle with chopped green onions.

Fresh cucumbers or Chinese cabbage can be used as additional ingredients for such a salad.

Try to prepare as many interesting and varied dishes as possible for the Easter table.

Indeed, on this day, the festive celebration does not last a couple of hours, and the rich table is not cleaned until the evening.

Easter is an occasion for the whole family to gather at the festive table. Housewives on this bright day try to cook juicy meat, aromatic dough for cakes and paint eggs. Setting the Easter table is no less a crucial moment, because the smallest detail can spoil the overall impression. In addition to the general rules for combining decor, dishes and food, you need to take into account the specifics of the holiday. Candles, figurines, ribbons and everything that symbolizes the arrival of spring will come in handy.

The Orthodox Easter holiday is always about Easter cakes, cottage cheese Easter and colorful eggs. These bright, painted dishes are already enough to create a bright atmosphere for the celebration. Red wine and meat dishes will complete the picture.

To make a work of art out of a festive table, you need not only to cook everything deliciously. You should pay attention to details such as the tablecloth, napkins, the combination of tableware, as well as such trifles as ribbons, flowers, decorative bird nests.

For the decoration of the Holy Day, it is better to choose decorative elements of light or warm colors to emphasize the joyful mood. The most spring colors are blue, green and yellow, do not forget about red - a symbol of resurrection.

Decor: ideas

The easiest way to decorate a table is with a fancy tablecloth. A safe bet is white linen. It will create the effect of perfect purity, all colored decorations will play on a white background.

Napkins should match the color of the tablecloth, ideally - in harmony with all decoration, including the color of dishes and painted eggs.

Examples of table and cutlery decor:

  1. It would be appropriate to place a low transparent vase with spring flowers, for example, tulips. Small pots of greens are also suitable.
  2. Dried flowers also look beautiful on the tablecloth. Small brooms of dried lavender, mimosa, willow, calendula will help to decorate the table.
  3. You can knit cutlery with bright satin ribbons, decorate the neck of a vase. Ribbons and large beads will look spectacular between plates.
  4. Candles in elegant candlesticks are evenly spaced between plates and glasses. The color of the candles should also match the overall color of the table. Both thin church candles and colored curly candles are taken.
  5. Wooden elements such as coasters, candlesticks and tableware elements will make serving warm and pleasant. If the table is made of wood and its varnishing or polishing is not scratched, then a tablecloth is not required.
  6. In the west, for the Bright holiday, they stock up on figurines of the Easter bunny - the hero of children's fairy tales. Decorative elements in the form of animals and birds, bird nests, as well as wreaths and wooden dyes will make the table decoration cute and the atmosphere cozy. The decor can be done with your own hands, taking up creativity with children. Toddlers will also love the chocolate chicken and rabbit figurines.

Advice! It's good when all the elements belong to one service. If there are many guests, then it is better to combine two sets of dishes that are similar in style and color.

Decorating dishes

The Easter menu itself implies colorful elements and an abundance of brightly colored sprinkles on the baked goods. But in addition to confectionery masterpieces and boiled eggs with drawings and thermal stickers, meat is served to the table. After prolonged fasting, this food item is especially desirable, so attention should be paid to its design. We recommend adding bright fresh or stewed vegetables, herbs, spices.

For Easter, meat is prepared in a special way. These can be rolls, multilayer casseroles, baked legs under a cheese crust, etc. One of the traditional Easter dishes is jellied meat. It will look spectacular if made in the shape of an egg and served on a lettuce leaf.

Painted eggs in themselves give a sense of celebration. A beautiful presentation of this obligatory attribute will make a complete composition out of an ordinary festive table. The eggs are placed in wicker baskets or dainty wide platters. They look good on a green background. The lawn is germinated in advance from wheat grains, parsley, dill, and other early herbs are created. A fluffy substrate made of thin strips of green paper will also look elegant, so that they retain their volume longer, it is worth taking a corrugated variety.

The assorted eggs look interesting, but it is advisable to paint them in the same style. Place several smaller baskets and place eggs in them according to the color or theme of the picture. Idea: write the names of family members and guests on each egg. Everyone will be pleased to receive a personalized egg, and the holiday will become warmer.

Advice! Before serving, Easter eggs are rubbed with a napkin slightly dipped in vegetable oil. So the shell will acquire a light elegant shine.

Each housewife has her own serving rules, but all of them can be combined into one: the happier from looking at the festive table, the better. You shouldn't be stingy for a bright holiday. If necessary, buy a new tablecloth and beautiful candlesticks, spend time decorating glasses, weaving baskets. Let the beautiful decoration draw attention to the fancy Easter dishes and make them even more delicious.

Easter is the main holiday for Christians. It is customary to meet her with her family, next to loved ones and loving people. On Bright Sunday, the table is laid and decorated with various Easter decorations. Let's look at what an Easter table menu, traditional dishes and recipes for their preparation can be.

Traditional dishes

The main attributes of Easter are Easter cake, cottage cheese Easter and painted eggs, which are blessed in the church and served at the festive Easter table.

Kulich can be made from a variety of foods, such as cottage cheese, oatmeal, ordinary wheat, and even pumpkin. Easter cake is not just a traditional pastry. It has a sacred meaning and symbolizes Jesus Christ, who, after his resurrection, ate food with the apostles.

Colored eggs (chicken, goose or duck) are also important. As a rule, symbols with different meanings are applied to them. For example, among such symbols there are: a cross, a spiral, rhombuses and squares, plant and animal ornaments.

There are several types of Easter eggs:

Easter cake

This is a traditional recipe for making Easter cake, which was used in the days of Russia. They make baking with yeast from premium wheat flour.



Curd Easter

This is an incredibly tasty, delicate and airy delicacy that is traditionally prepared for the Easter table. To prepare it, it will take a certain amount of free time and effort. However, the result will be worth it.



Easter eggs

Today there are a large number of recipes for making Easter eggs. They can be simply dyed with food or natural dyes, decorated with fine painting or various decorative elements.

Let's take a look at several ways to make Easter eggs:

You can choose a beautiful dish for Easter eggs so that they look presentable and attractive on the festive table. Place a church candle or a willow twig in the center of it. Sometimes germinated wheat is placed in the center, which is a symbol of new life.

Traditionally, 12 colored eggs are placed on the dish, each of which symbolizes an apostle. In addition, one unpainted testicle is added to them, which will symbolize Jesus Christ. The dyed consecrated egg is the first to be eaten for breakfast on Bright Sunday morning.

In 2017, Orthodox Easter falls on May 1. This religious holiday is preceded by a forty-day Easter fast, which helps to cleanse not only the body, but also the soul. During this period, there are many restrictions on food. Therefore, after fasting on Easter, you should not serve fatty and stomach-heavy meals, as they can negatively affect the well-being and health of the person who has been fasting.

Easter dishes served on the festive table should be light. They can be made from fruits and vegetables, lean fish and meat. The dishes are garnished with green onions, dill and parsley. Since Easter symbolizes the end of fasting, meals should be varied.

Preparations for Easter should be done well in advance. Until that day, they choose recipes for dishes, carefully think over the festive table, bake cakes and paint eggs. Below we will look at the recipes for the most interesting dishes.

The following dishes can be served for the Easter table:

Although Orthodoxy does not approve of the use of alcoholic beverages, a small amount of red wine can be served with the festive table.

Pig roll

This is an old dish for the Easter table, which is prepared from the meat and offal of a young pig.



Watering pig

This is another traditional Easter table recipe. Please note that it takes a long time to complete. Therefore, it is recommended to start cooking this dish at least 1-2 days before the holiday.



Ginger cookie

This is an incredibly delicious festive dish for Easter that will appeal to both adults and children.



Greek salad for the festive table

This salad is light and rich in vegetables and herbs. Therefore, it goes well with the traditional Easter table. Even a beginner in the culinary arts can easily prepare it.



Fish roll

This is a great option for an appetizer to the festive table for Easter.



Easter table setting

In addition to preparing delicious Easter dishes, you should also take care of the setting of the festive table itself. Place Easter cakes in the center and place a dish with colored eggs and church candles.

Almost all Easter traditions originated in divine services. Even the scale of Easter folk festivals is associated with breaking the fast after Lent - the time of abstinence, when all holidays, including family ones, were postponed to the celebration of Easter. Everything that expresses Renewal (Easter streams), Light (Easter fire), Life (Easter cakes, eggs and hares) becomes symbols of Easter.

They try to finish the preparation of the Easter table on Maundy Thursday, so that nothing distracts from the services of Good Friday, the day of taking out the Holy Shroud and prayer.

Easter cake, Easter, babas and colored eggs are considered traditional Easter dishes. Also for Easter, pancakes are baked, small products made from the best wheat flour with the image of crosses, lambs, cockerels, chickens, doves, larks, as well as honey gingerbread. Easter gingerbread cookies differed from the usual ones in that they had the silhouettes of a lamb, a bunny, a cockerel, a dove, a lark, and an egg.

If you have been fasting, then you need to get out of it smoothly, gradually. The Easter menu should be thoughtful rather than plentiful and varied. Choose the lightest meals. Easter salads - with a lot of greens, but not multi-storey mayonnaise monsters, but classic 2-4-component (like Greek or Caesar) with various dressings. Meat - preferably chopped, stewed or steamed. And the main thing is not to overeat! It is not without reason that the word "break the fast" means "try a little."

Below are some Easter recipes.

Dough larks

On the Annunciation, as well as on Easter, Larks are traditionally baked from dough. They symbolize the arrival of spring.

Wheat flour - 1 kg; yeast - 30 g; butter - 130 g; sugar - 1/2 cup; milk or water - 1 glass; egg - 1 pc.; raisins - 1/3 cup; salt.

Knead the dough from the specified products (except raisins), place in a warm place for fermentation. Form a tourniquet out of the dough and cut into pieces weighing 100 g. Form tourniquets from them, tie in a knot, mold the head, giving the products the shape of birds. Stick in the raisins - the eyes. Flatten the product slightly, make cuts with a knife at one of the ends of the knot - feathers. Brush with an egg and bake in the oven.

Eggs in a case

Eggs are an obligatory attribute of the festive table. Dyed with onion peels, wrapped in bright celluloid or hand-painted. But not only boiled eggs can be limited to making up the Easter menu. Here, for example, is the recipe for the "Eggs in a Case" snack.

5 eggs, 250 g of meat, 1 slice of white bread without crusts, 1 onion, 100 bread crumbs, 100 g of dried white bread rusks, 2 tsp. mustard, salt, pepper, herbs - to taste.

Prepare minced meat from meat, onions and white bread soaked in milk or water. Add chopped herbs, salt, pepper, mustard to it. Hard boil 3 eggs. Wrap each egg in a minced meat cake, forming a ball-"case". Beat 2 raw eggs. Dip the "case" first in an egg, then in bread crumbs, again in an egg, and then in white bread crumbs. Deep-fry.

Jellied "Faberge Eggs"

Ordinary aspic can be made in the form of eggs, if you show dexterity and leave a whole shell from chicken eggs (for example, using eggs when baking Easter cake or when cooking Easter). To do this, the eggs must be carefully broken from the blunt end to make a hole of 1 - 1.5 cm, pour out the contents, and rinse the shell, dry it and put it in an egg dish.

Prepare any aspic (from chicken, beef or fish), only cut the products in it into pieces of about 1 cm. Add carrots, yellow and red bell peppers for brightness. Mix with the gelatin dissolved in the broth and pour over the shells. Put in the cold.

Before serving, gently break the shells and remove the aspic. Place on a platter with lettuce and herbs.

Apple kvass

3 liters of water, 700 g of apples, 300 g of sugar, 30 g of yeast.

Boil the apples, add sugar. Cool the broth to room temperature. Strain, add yeast diluted in warm water. Leave to ferment for 12-15 hours. Bottle, keep cold.

If you put 150 g of honey and 70 g of horseradish grated on a coarse grater into fermented apple kvass, you get a vigorous Petrovsky kvass.