The floating island is a meringue with a minimum amount of sugar. Dessert Floating Island with meringues, strawberries and chocolate (recipe) Floating Islands

A wonderful summer dessert, very simple in execution, moderately chocolate, it tastes - yes, true connoisseurs will forgive me - for sure " bird's milk"... Not only did it come right to the court - that is, it was perfectly in line with the topic and also perfectly cooked in the microwave. In 30 seconds. I'm not kidding ...
In general, according to the idea of ​​the authors of the dessert, the Island is called "floating" - that is, it should just float, in the original - in a lake made of English cream. And I, adhering to the original idea of ​​the author, prepared an English cream. And cooled him down. And that was the hardest part of the preparation ...

Dessert "Floating Island" is a classic French meringue, made from equal weight proteins and sugar, whipped until the state of "hard peaks", and then boiled in milk. Yes, that's it. The finished meringue is simply taken with two spoons, formed into a ball and dipped in boiling milk. And they cook for a couple of minutes, turning it over several times ... It was this last step that always stopped me from preparing this light dessert .. Until I came across this option: in the book "Three Chocolates" the author suggested adding to ready-made meringue chopped chocolate, and ... cook it in the microwave. Within 30 seconds! And to tell you the truth, in this version, English chocolate cream was, while tasty, but a completely optional addition. The "island" itself was simply incomparable.

I have already mentioned that the "Floating Island" is the most savory meringue. Really, they put sugar in it exactly half as much as in the classic French meringue. This leads to the fact that in the finished form, the dessert is very soft, airy, very light, more like mousse in consistency.

For two servings (yeah, perfect dessert for a romantic dinner) you will need:

- For English Chocolate Cream :

  • 2 yolks
  • 250 ml milk
  • 30 g sugar
  • 30 g of chocolate (any - black, milk or white)

I wrote in detail how to prepare English cream. The only difference is that at the end you need to add chopped chocolate to the still hot cream and stir until it dissolves. Cover the cream with foil and cool.

- For the island itself:

  • 2-3 squirrels (weigh)
  • the same amount of sugar by weight
  • 60 g chopped chocolate (any, I took black)

Whisk the whites on medium speed until soft peaks, gradually add sugar, increase the speed, and continue beating until the meringue is moist and shiny and forms firm, firm peaks.

Add chocolate to the finished meringue, mix, put in portioned molds, draw a knife along the walls of the molds and put in the microwave for exactly 30 seconds - no more !! The finished islands need to be cooled.

Pour a little chocolate cream on a plate, put the island on top.
By the way, you can also eat it hot (conventionally, of course) - then the chocolate will still be melted, and the meringue will be moderately elastic. In any case, I can say with full responsibility that in five minutes of cooking (including whipping the meringue), you will prepare a very decent dessert.

The recipe is famous not only for its taste but also for the speed of preparation. There is even a joke that the dessert is prepared faster than the dishes for it are washed. The appearance of the dessert is also very unusual. Custard (part of the food) is poured onto a plate. This serves as the "sea". "Floating Island" (one or more) is a delicate protein soufflé.

The floating island according to the classic recipe, unfortunately, is not suitable for Ducan, as it contains sugar. However, by replacing it, you can cook the same dish only with fewer calories.

Floating islands. Ducan recipe

You can pamper yourself with this delicate and wonderful dessert already with "Attack". And for its preparation you will need:

  • Egg - 4 pcs.;
  • Fat-free milk - 0.5 l;
  • Vanilla (if not available, vanillin is also suitable);
  • Sweetener.
  1. The first step is to put the milk on low heat and bring to a boil with the addition of vanilla (or vanillin). While this is happening, beat the whites into a cool foam.
  2. Using two spoons, form balls of the same size from foam and place in hot milk. Turning periodically, the proteins should be saturated with milk and increase in size.
  3. We take it out with a slotted spoon and put it on a dripping plate.
  4. Let's move on to preparing the "sea". Beat the yolks until foam appears, pour in the milk. We put on low heat and stir constantly (otherwise the cream will not work) until thickened.
  5. The dish is ready. It remains only to connect the parts of the dessert. Pour the custard on a plate or flat bowl, and carefully lay out the protein soufflé on top

Also, in addition to custard, or as it is also called, English cream, you can make an equally delicious coffee sauce. The recipe is also pretty simple. For this we need:

  • Milk that remains from the prepared soufflé + another 150 ml;
  • Brewed strong black coffee - 120 ml;
  • Corn starch - 3 tsp;
  • Sweetener.
  1. Mix milk with coffee and bring to a boil. At this time, beat the yolks, starch and sugar substitute until fluffy.
  2. Pour the coffee-milk mixture into it, mix and return to the fire again. Stir until thickened.
  3. If you want to please loved ones or guests who do not eat according to Ducan, you can make berry sauce. To do this, grind 600 grams of berries with powdered sugar with a blender. You can also add literally one teaspoon of lemon juice. If desired, rub the sauce through a sieve to get rid of the seeds.

Ducan Air Dessert Recipe

The cooking method is no different from the classic version. In addition to the classic cooking in milk, you can make floating islands according to the Ducan and in the microwave. The recipe is as follows.

The Floating Island is a classic French egg-based dessert. This light, tasty and very appetizing dish is an “island” of whipped proteins decorated with golden caramel, seductively swaying in “waves” of custard.

Its taste is simple and elegant. It does not have complex combinations of spices or explosive contrasts of tastes, but this delicate combination of vanilla and caramel has its own charm and unique charm. Light, like a cloud, "island" in combination with sweet and aromatic vanilla custard is already delicious, but when the taste of melting caramel is added to this, it is bliss! Try it!

Prepare ingredients according to the list.

The process of making Floating Island dessert can be divided into three main steps: making egg yolk custard, making an island with whipped whites, and making caramel for decoration.

So, stage one- prepare the egg custard.

Separate the yolks from the whites. Set aside the squirrels for a while, they will come in handy for the next stage. Leave them in the kitchen to bring the proteins to room temperature while you use the cream.

Add sugar and starch to the yolks and mix until smooth. It is not necessary to beat thoroughly until the sugar dissolves, because when hot milk is added, the sugar will dissolve naturally.

Pour milk into a saucepan, add vanilla and bring to a boil. If it is possible to use vanilla in pods, you can do this in advance and let the milk brew for a day without removing the vanilla, and reheat the milk before cooking - this will make the taste even more intense.

Once the milk comes to a boil, turn off the heat. While stirring constantly, add a little hot milk to the mixture of yolks and sugar.

Start with a small serving of milk, literally 1-2 tablespoons, and gradually add in the remaining milk. By gradually adding hot milk, we gradually increase the temperature, and if we pour in all the milk at once, the yolks will curdle.

Place the bowl of cream over medium heat and, stirring occasionally, cook until thickened. Then turn off the heat and pour in the cream. Cream enhances the flavor of the cream and also allows you to adjust the thickness of the cream.

Pour the cream into another container and cover with cling film. Fix the cling film so that it touches the surface of the cream. This will prevent the formation of "foam" on the surface.

Chill the cream slightly and then place in the refrigerator for another 30-60 minutes.

Stage two- preparing the "island".

Beat the egg whites with a pinch of salt until a firm foam forms. Gradually add sugar in three steps and continue beating until peaks form.

Let the beaten egg whites rest for 35-40 seconds. During this time, they will settle down a little, almost imperceptibly. At this point, beat them again for about 1 minute or a little longer, until the state that is commonly called "bird's beak" - the moment when the whipped whites hang from the corolla like a drop resembling a bird's beak.

The whipped egg whites need to be heat treated delicately. Here options are possible: the proteins can be baked, cooked in the microwave or boiled in boiling milk.

Lubricate baking or microwave oven dishes with butter. If desired, you can also sprinkle them with ground nuts or toasted coconut.

Lay out the whipped egg whites, flattening them in the pan so that there are no voids.

For milk preparation: Bring 1-2 cups of milk to a boil. Put a serving of beaten egg whites into boiling milk with a tablespoon. Cook for 30 seconds on one side, then turn over and cook for another 30 seconds on the other side.

Chill the whipped egg whites for a few minutes, then turn the mold onto a plate and remove the finished islands.

Pour in a serving of chilled custard.

Stage three- we prepare "dry" caramel, ie caramel, consisting only of melted sugar, without adding water.

Measure out the sugar. Place the bowl of sugar over low heat and simmer until the sugar is melted. Watch the process and shake the pan if necessary so that the sugar melts faster and the heating is more even. When the liquid acquires a rich caramel-golden hue, you're done.

Caramel in this dessert serves as both decoration and one of the flavor components. You can simply pour caramel over the dessert, or you can make a decoration out of it.

For the first time I tried to "paint" with caramel - it turned out not too elegant, but delicious. After cutting off a piece of baking paper, simply pour the caramel onto its surface, forming the desired pattern. The higher you lift the spoon above the surface of the paper, the finer the threads will be. While the caramel is still hot, you can decorate the pieces with nut slices.

Decorate the "island" with caramel and the dessert can be served.

Dessert "Floating Island" is ready! Bon Appetit!

I haven't written anything for a long time, but now I have moved to France and tried many new dishes and desserts, which I will slowly share with you.

The first will be the Ile Flottante, or Floating Island, dessert recipe. Here I tried it for the first time and fell in love with it very much, I hope you will like it too. It is easy to spoil it, so we will cook carefully.

We separate the whites from the yolks, place the whites in a larger bowl, they will need to be whipped.

Pour milk into a saucepan and put on fire. As soon as boiling bubbles began to appear, remove from heat.

Mix the yolks with 2 cl. l. sugar and a packet of vanilla sugar.

Little by little, pour the yolk mixture into the milk, stirring occasionally. We put the pan on a very low heat and keep it for 5-7 minutes, stirring constantly. Do not let the liquid boil, otherwise the yolks will cook and the dessert will be spoiled. Remove from heat, the first part of the dessert is ready.

Beat the whites with a pinch of salt into a thick foam, add 2 cl. l. sugar and beat again. I don't have a mixer, I had to use a whisk.

Form rounded islets with a tablespoon. According to the original recipe, they should be placed in low-boiling water for a minute, but the first time I did not succeed. Now I used a more reliable method - the microwave.

Set the micro-wave on Very low power, a little more than the minimum power, and place the islands for 45 seconds. The proteins should become dense, check, you may need to put it on for another 5-10 seconds. Do not overdo it, or you can turn the islands into a kind of styrofoam.

It remains only to put the dessert in the bowls.

Pour a little custard, put the island on top (I transferred it on a fork, it should not crumble or spread). Pour a little liquid caramel on the island. The dessert is ready, you can chill it, or you can immediately serve it to the table.

Bon Appetit!