Why You Shouldn't Eat Lazy Oatmeal for Weight Loss in the Morning

Scrolling through various food and nutrition blogs, you will most likely notice frequent mentions of overnight porridge or lazy oatmeal for weight loss. And the phenomenon of such a breakfast really blew up the Internet.

And in general it sounds like a pretty good breakfast option: all preparations take place in the evening, and when you wake up you receive a tasty dish that has been waiting for you for a long time.

There is no need to set your alarm clock an hour earlier and force yourself to get out of bed. And then, as you understand, a big fat BUT appears.

No, don't get me wrong, I'm a big fan of lazy oatmeal. After all, oatmeal is always tasty and healthy.

But this method is actually not the best choice for your breakfast.

Well, first of all, this is a great option for a quick and easy snack. The oatmeal is soaked overnight and the cereal absorbs all the liquid.

You can top your oatmeal with anything, yogurt or milk, I recommend trying coconut and almond milk. This is my favorite look.

Oatmeal in a jar is a very popular type of breakfast because you prepare everything the night before and your breakfast is already ready, even though you haven’t gotten out of bed yet.

Usually fruits, nuts and various seeds are added to it. Honestly, there are countless variations.

But the main problem with this dish is that it contains a huge amount of carbohydrates, which makes it not a very good choice for your breakfast.

Instead of overloading your body early in the morning, it is better to postpone the “porridge” until later, or for the post-workout period.

Why should you avoid lazy oatmeal in the morning?

Dishes that are rich in carbohydrates are not the best idea for breakfast. When our body consumes carbohydrates, they break down into glucose and enter the bloodstream. This causes insulin levels to rise. The problem is that most often our liver already contains a certain amount of glucose, so any excess will be stored in fat. But no one wants this.

Cortisol levels are also elevated in the morning, which helps us stay alert and focused throughout the day, but too many carbohydrates can negatively impact cortisol function, leaving us feeling very tired.

Since cortisol is linked to our circadian rhythms, foods that are high in carbohydrates can interfere with our sleep cycle and cause a lot of problems.

Carbohydrates are also digested very quickly, which means they don't keep you full for very long.

Therefore, it is better to add more proteins and fiber to your breakfast so as not to starve all day and not torment your body.

Benefits of oatmeal

Just because soaked oatmeal isn't a great breakfast option doesn't mean it doesn't have health benefits. Moreover, oatmeal should be included in your diet during healthy eating.

  1. Oats are good for heart health

It contains a type of fiber called beta-glucan, which has a positive effect on cardiovascular health.

  1. Oats support our intestinal microflora

Studies have shown that frequent consumption of oatmeal helps to cope with colitis, and in general solves a huge number of problems associated with the gastrointestinal tract.

  1. Oats help control weight

The fiber found in oatmeal curbs the feeling of hunger, which leads to less food consumption, which consequently leads to weight loss.

Research has shown that even 40 grams of oatmeal per day will help remove excess fluid from the body and help you lose weight.

What does a healthy breakfast include?

So, we already realized that soaked oatmeal is off this list, so what does a complete healthy breakfast look like?

We all grew up with the same idea about breakfast. And they are all full of carbohydrates. Pancakes, waffles, oatmeal, cereal, bagels...you get the idea?

These simple carbohydrates initially increase blood sugar levels, but later this leads to fatigue and weakness during the working day. Moreover, they quickly make you hungry, which leads to unhealthy snacking.

So, if you want to start your morning off right, skip the oatmeal and follow the tips below on what breakfast should look like while dieting and fat burning.


In general, all your meals should be rich in protein and breakfast is no exception. The fact is that they are digested much more slowly than carbohydrates and therefore the feeling of hunger comes later. They also do not increase sugar levels. In other words, just a great way to start your day


As I mentioned above, the amount of carbohydrates during breakfast should be kept to a minimum. And all sources of carbohydrates in the morning should be whole grains and contain plenty of fiber.


Always include healthy fats in your breakfast to help you feel great throughout the day. Stick to unsaturated fats such as: avocado, chias seeds, flax seeds, etc.


Greens are a great way to start your day because they are full of much-needed fiber.

Greens help maintain the required blood sugar level and promote a long-lasting feeling of fullness.

When should you eat oatmeal?

You shouldn’t give up this dish altogether, because it can perfectly complement your diet. It's all about timing.

This contradicts everything we were taught since childhood, but the best time for oatmeal is the second half of the day, or rather the late part of it.


Carbohydrates are converted to glucose in the blood. All this ultimately leads to the production of melatonin, which is responsible for our circadian rhythm and simply promotes healthy sleep.

Therefore, no matter how crazy it may sound, it is best to eat oatmeal in the evening, 4 hours before bedtime.

Post-workout menu and recovery food

Soaked oatmeal can also be a great post-workout snack option.

Carbohydrates will replenish your glucose and glycogen stores, which will help speed up the muscle recovery process. Moreover, an additional dose of insulin promotes better absorption of amino acids, which also has a positive effect on the shape of your muscles.

Cortisol or the stress hormone always spikes after workouts. Plus, increased cortisol levels affect the liver and break down proteins. Carbohydrates, in turn, help reduce cortisol production and prevent muscle breakdown.

So, I have prepared a couple of soaked oatmeal recipes that will help optimize your protein and carbohydrate levels and have a positive effect on your muscle development. The trick is in the right additives (proteins, fats and fiber), which will not only benefit your health, but also improve the taste of this dish.

A few ideas for correct and healthy filling of porridge

  • Almond oil to improve protein absorption in the body
  • Blueberries, which will saturate the body with fiber
  • Cocoa, for a pleasant taste, plus it is rich in antioxidants
  • Almonds help prolong the feeling of fullness and contain proteins and fats.

So, these supplements will not only help improve and diversify your meals, but they will also help you feel full and satisfied.

As you can already understand, soaked oatmeal is a really easy dish to prepare. But despite this, it has a huge number of advantages.

Oatmeal has a positive effect on our body and helps a lot in the process of losing weight. And I believe that oatmeal should be an integral part of your diet.

But as discussed above, the main thing is the timing of the appointment. Night porridge is a great option for a post-workout snack or dinner.

In other words, go ahead, friends! Go for it! Don't be afraid to experiment. But don't forget about time if you want to get the desired effect.