Instant coffee with condensed milk burns calories. Condensed milk coffee

Condensed milk coffee

Required: 1 glass of black coffee, 3-4 tbsp. l. condensed milk, ice cubes, chocolate.

Cooking method. Boil a glass of strong coffee and chill it, put in the condensed milk and beat the resulting mass using a mixer. Serve this drink with a few ice cubes and a straw.

If you wish, you can diversify this recipe by pouring a small amount of grated chocolate into the already prepared drink.

Coffee stories

The Russians and the Americans argued over who could drink a bucket of black coffee. The Americans have found a hefty representative of the Negroid race. He poured a cup, another, a third ... drank a bucket and fell off. The Russian at once drained almost a whole bucket in one gulp, half a cup remained, but did not want any more. No matter how his friends persuaded him, no matter how they frightened him, they say: "Don't let us down, dear, drink another half cup!" - but they could not persuade and lost the argument. The African American died the next day. "You see, guys, how harmful caffeine is, so you need to drink coffee in moderation!" The Russian remarked reasonably.

This text is an introductory fragment.

Cookies with condensed milk Components Flour - 2 cups Sugar - 1 cup Butter - 200 g Egg - 1 piece Lemon - 1 piece Condensed milk - 1/2 cup Cocoa powder - 1 tablespoon Method of preparation Mix the condensed milk with cocoa powder and heat 2-3

Condensed milk cake Ingredients For the dough: 200 g flour, 1 tablespoon of starch, 5 eggs, 1 teaspoon of fruit essence, 4 tablespoons of sugar, 1 tablespoon of butter For cream: 0.5 cups of powdered sugar, 200 g of butter .3 tablespoons condensed

Pie with condensed milk Components For dough Wheat flour - 2 cups Butter - 100 g Eggs - 2 pcs. Sugar - 0.5 cups Sour cream - 1 cup Lemon - 1 pc. Baking soda and salt - 0.25 teaspoon each For cream Butter - 100 g Condensed milk - 1 can Cocoa powder

Pie with condensed milk Components For dough Wheat flour - 2 cups Butter - 100 g Eggs - 2 pcs. Sugar - 0.5 cups Sour cream - 1 cup Lemon - 1 pc. Baking soda and salt - 0.25 teaspoon each For cream Butter - 200 g Condensed milk - 1 can Cocoa powder

Ice cream from coffee with condensed milk Ingredients: For a can of coffee with condensed milk - 2 glasses of water. Preparation: Put coffee with condensed milk from a can into a saucepan, dilute it with hot water, stir and boil. After

Cocktail with condensed milk Ingredients: tangerine juice - 20 ml, condensed milk - 20 ml, milk - 60 ml. Whisk all the components of the cocktail in a shaker with ice. Strain the drink into a cocktail

Easter with condensed milk Ingredients 500 g of cottage cheese, 140 g of butter, 40 g of raisins, 200 ml of condensed milk, 50 ml of sour cream, 20 g of sugar, vanillin. Method of preparation Wipe the curd through a sieve, add sugar (preferably fine), butter and vanilla. Rub everything thoroughly, enter

Condensed milk cake Ingredients For the dough: 150 g of premium wheat flour, 100 g of sugar, 6 egg whites, 5 egg yolks, 50 g of butter, 50 g of boiled condensed milk, 2 teaspoons of chopped almond kernels For decoration: 1 tablespoon shredded

"CAKE WITH CONDENSED MILK" (honey) Components: Dough: honey - 1 tablespoon egg - 1 piece butter - 1 tablespoon condensed milk - 1 can of flour - 1 glass of soda (extinguished) - 0.5 teaspoon CREAM: sour cream - 400 gr. Sugar - 1 cup Stir the dough with a spoon until sour cream is thick.

Cream with condensed milk Grind butter or margarine with 1 can of sweet condensed milk into a fluffy mass. 200 g butter or margarine, 1 can of condensed milk

Coffee with tea and condensed milk Required: 3 tsp. ground coffee, 2 tsp. black long tea, 2 tbsp. l. condensed milk, sugar. Method of preparation. Pour boiling water over a teapot (preferably porcelain or earthenware) several times to warm it up, and add

Coffee with condensed milk Required: 1 glass of black coffee, 3-4 tbsp. l. condensed milk, ice cubes, chocolate. Method of preparation. Boil a glass of strong coffee and chill it, put in the condensed milk and beat the resulting mass using a mixer. Serve this drink to

Pastries with condensed milk Ingredients For the dough 1 kg flour, 500 g butter margarine, 100 g sugar, 200 ml milk, 50 g yeast, 4 eggs, 1 tsp. baking powder, salt For filling 200 g of boiled condensed milk Method of preparation Mix yeast with warm milk, add 1

Sponge cake with condensed milk 250 g of wheat flour, 100 g of sugar, 100 g of condensed milk, 20 g of butter, 3 eggs, 1? teaspoon baking powder. Beat eggs with sugar. Sift the flour, mix with baking powder and add to the egg mixture, stirring constantly. A bowl of a multicooker

Pancakes with condensed milk Ingredients: - Wheat flour - 250 g - Butter - 2 tbsp. l - Milk - 600 ml - Sugar - 2 tbsp. l - Eggs - 2 pcs. - Salt - 1 tsp - Boiled condensed milk - 175 g - Vegetable oil for greasing the pan Method of preparation: 1. Beat eggs in

Ice cream from coffee with condensed milk Put coffee with condensed milk from a can into a saucepan, dilute it with hot water, stir, boil. After cooling, pour into a mold, and then freeze in the same way as ice cream.


Reading time: 6 minutes


Coffee is an invigorating drink that gives you energy, wakes you up and cheers you up for the whole day. Some people drink pure espresso without additives. And some people prefer to brew it with the addition of various ingredients. Today coffee with condensed milk has become very popular.

The combination of condensed milk and coffee makes the drink less bitter, its taste becomes softer. But, it should be borne in mind that it has a high calorie content. Therefore, people who are on a diet or tend to be overweight should not get carried away with coffee with condensed milk because of its calorie content.

A duet of condensed milk with coffee tastes better than regular black espresso. There is no need to add sugar to the drink, because it is already sweet. It can be brewed and drunk hot, or cold with ice. There are a lot of recipes for coffee with condensed milk. There are several basic rules for preparing a drink so that it turns out delicious, and the milk does not "curdle".

It is better to use coffee beans rather than instant or instant product. The aroma and taste of the brewed drink is influenced by the quality and type of coffee beans, as well as the softness of the water. Tap water will not work, you need to take purified water.

Useful properties of coffee with condensed milk

The drink is beneficial only if you drink no more than two cups a day.

  1. It has a positive effect on the functioning of the nervous system.
  2. Thanks to a substance such as serotonin contained in coffee beans, the drink improves mood and relieves depression.
  3. Useful for people with low blood pressure.
  4. The product is high in calories, so one cup of the drink saturates the body.
  5. Able to increase the level of good cholesterol in the blood.

Contraindications for admission

Coffee can be harmful if you drink more than three cups a day. It can also harm the figure, because 100 grams of the product contains 55 calories. Drinking coffee and condensed milk should be limited to people:

  • Insomniacs;
  • Who have heart problems;
  • With hypertension;
  • With kidney disease.

How to choose condensed milk

To make the drink tasty, you need to know how to choose condensed milk. A quality product should have the following composition: cow's milk, water, sugar, potassium, ascorbic acid. Natural condensed milk should not contain vegetable fats and additives, milk fat substitutes, palm oil, pectin.

Condensed milk coffee recipes

Sugar should not be added to the drink, its taste is sweet and delicate. The coffee beans must be ground before brewing to make the coffee more aromatic. A few simple recipes will help you decide and choose the right one for yourself.

Simple recipe

This drink will be appreciated by the most fastidious coffee lovers. The drunk cup will give you vigor and good mood. Prepare the following ingredients:

  • A teaspoon of ground coffee beans;
  • A spoonful of condensed milk;
  • One hundred milliliters of water.

Pour grains into the Turk and pour water. Put on fire and cook until frothy. Remove the turk from the stove and let the drink brew for a couple of minutes. Pour the contents into a cup, add the condensed milk after a while.

Tip: do not add condensed milk to hot coffee, because it can "curl". Wait for the drink to cool down a little

With cinnamon and nutmeg

To prepare a flavored drink, you will need:

  • Twenty-five grams of ground coffee beans;
  • Three hundred seventy milliliters of water
  • Twenty grams of cinnamon
  • Two spoons of condensed milk
  • Fifteen grams of cocoa
  • Two grams each nutmeg and almonds

In turk, combine cinnamon, coffee beans and nutmeg. Add water and brew an espresso. Pour half of the finished drink into a cup. Mix condensed milk with cocoa until smooth and transfer to a cup. Mix everything well. Pour in the rest of the coffee and add the ground almonds.

With instant coffee

Such a drink can be prepared quickly if there is a lack of time. In order to brew it, take:

  • A teaspoon of instant coffee
  • Two hundred milliliters of water;
  • A tablespoon of condensed milk.

Combine coffee and condensed milk in a cup. Pour in hot water (not boiling water, because the milk will curdle). Stir and enjoy your favorite drink. Boiled condensed milk can be used in this recipe.

If you do not have such a liquor, you can use any other. So, you need the following components:

  • One cup of brewed espresso
  • Ten milliliters of condensed milk;
  • A tablespoon of chocolate liqueur.

We will use a shaker to prepare this drink. Pour the brewed espresso into it and add the rest of the ingredients. Close the lid and shake well, pour into a cup or glass. Delicious and aromatic coffee with condensed milk is ready.

With dark chocolate

In order to diversify the taste of the drink, we suggest preparing it with the addition of grated chocolate. For several servings you will need:

  • Four cups of strong, ready-made espresso;
  • Three tablespoons of condensed milk;
  • Twenty grams of dark chocolate.

Let the freshly brewed coffee brew, then strain and pour into cups. Add condensed milk and garnish with grated chocolate.

Coffee is one of the most delicious drinks, it is prepared from pre-ground and roasted coffee beans. The caffeine in these beans has an invigorating effect on the human body. This "elixir of life" contains a bitter taste, and in order to temper it, various additives are included in the drink, among which condensed milk is extremely popular. However, coffee with condensed milk has one distinguishing feature - it is much higher in calories than ordinary espresso. Of course, you can add plain cow's milk to coffee, but big lovers of sweets prefer condensed milk.

  • Protein substances.
  • Carbohydrates.
  • Tonin.
  • Heterocyclic alkaloids and polyamide acids (glucoside, theophylline, nicotinic acid, theobromine and caffeine).

Varieties according to bioindicators

There are many classifications of this drink. However, we will take sorting as a basis, depending on the type of plant from which the grains are taken. Typically, Arabica, Robusta, and Liberica contribute to the coffee varieties.

Arabian coffee

The leading position is taken by Arabica - a small tree in size, providing wonderful fragrant fruits of excellent quality, but very finicky and less fertile than Robusta. It is Arabica that gives the drink a special rich aroma, an attractive light aftertaste and an excellent golden foam. Pips of this type are large, uneven, their caffeine content is approximately 1-1.5%.

Congolese coffee

A more familiar name - robusta, takes up a little less than a third of the total number of espresso production. Its beans are uniformly round with a significant caffeine content, and the trees are much larger in size from Arabian coffee. The drink from this plant is recognized as the strongest; pronounced bitter notes are perceptible in it. Congolese beans are almost always mixed in different proportions with Arabica to give the coffee strength, body and characteristic bitterness. Despite the unpretentiousness of the tree and its resistance to disease, this species is not grown in large quantities.

Liberica belongs to the rarer, little-known species. Its trees are low-yielding, tall, and the quality of the fruit is generally average.

Nutritional value of the product

For 100 grams of coffee with condensed milk, it ranges from 55 to 105 kcal (maybe more - it all depends on the amount of added condensed milk).

Now for the nutritional value. The drink has the following ratio of macronutrients:

  • Protein: 6.30 g.
  • Fat: 10.50 g.
  • Carbohydrates: 10 g.

Useful properties of the drink

Espresso has a stimulating effect, and with the addition of condensed milk, it normalizes the functioning of the nervous system. The grains of this delicious treat contain serotonin, the so-called "happiness hormone". It helps to lift your mood and cope with depression.

Many cappuccino aficionados believe that adding sugar, milk or spices to the drink can ruin the real taste and aroma of the potion. However, there are those who cannot drink bitter black coffee, and many of this category are very fond of condensed milk coffee.

Recipe for making an invigorating drink with condensed milk

Here are the required components:

  1. ground coffee beans - 1 tsp.
  2. water - 100 ml.
  3. condensed milk to taste.

Cooking method:

  1. Put the crushed coffee fruits in a Turk and fill it with cold water.
  2. Cook over low heat until tender.
  3. Let the drink brew a little and pour it into a mug.
  4. Add condensed milk to the finished coffee. We interfere. You can add some sugar if you like.

Coffee with condensed milk: Video

Coffee is a drink made from roasted coffee beans and water. The custom of drinking coffee was introduced to Russia by Peter I.

The bitterness of coffee with condensed milk is provided by tannins. Therefore, if you add condensed milk to coffee, it will bind tannins and soften the bitterness of the drink. But at the same time, coffee will become more high-calorie.

Calorie content of coffee with condensed milk

The calorie content of coffee with condensed milk is 55 kcal per 100 grams of product.

Compound coffee with condensed milk

Each coffee bean contains many different vitamins and minerals. The main ones are: iron, sodium, potassium, calcium, phosphorus and sulfur. In addition, condensed milk coffee contains over 30 organic acids. There is tannin, caffeine, etc.

Useful properties of condensed milk coffee

It has been proven that coffee contains serotonin, which is commonly called the "hormone of happiness." It can help relieve depression and improve mood (calorifier). The risk of developing depression is very effectively reduced by drinking 2 cups of coffee a day. According to statistics, people who regularly drink coffee are several times less likely to commit suicide than those who do not.

Contraindications and harm to coffee with condensed milk

You should not drink coffee with condensed milk for those who have such diagnoses as ischemic heart disease, atherosclerosis, kidney disease, glaucoma, high blood pressure, irritability and insomnia.

Overdose of coffee leads to dizziness, headache and insomnia.

Milk coffee is popular with many categories of consumers. Studies have shown that students prefer it more than anyone else for its ability to quickly invigorate and suppress appetite. Benefit or harm? Milk coffee is drunk by millions of people around the world, and fans of this delicious drink will undoubtedly be interested in this article. Let's try to understand a rather complex controversial issue.

Coffee with milk: types of drinks

A fragrant cup of coffee cheers you up and invigorates the whole day. Although there is a significant category of people who do not use it at all. Some people prefer to soften strong brewed coffee with milk. Therefore, the question often arises: is it good or bad - to drink coffee with milk?

There are many varieties of this drink, but among them the following are the most popular:

  • latte (only frothed milk is used for it, and three parts of it are taken for one brewed drink);
  • latte macchiato - a three-layer drink where coffee powder is added very carefully, without haste;
  • cappuccino - the technology for preparing this drink provides for equal proportions of the main components.

The benefits of coffee with milk

An invigorating drink has a beneficial effect on the human body:

  • excites the nerves and their system;
  • significantly increases efficiency;
  • eliminates drowsiness;
  • relieves lethargy and apathy;
  • perfectly concentrates attention;
  • contributes to the normal smooth functioning of the digestive tract.

These positive qualities are due to the composition of the grains, which contain such substances as organic acids, antioxidants, trace elements (calcium, iron, fluorine), tonic and tannin substances.

Scientists have proven that a mixture of coffee with milk helps prevent the occurrence of various diseases in humans. These are, for example, type 2 diabetes mellitus, myocardial infarction, Parkison's and Alzheimer's diseases, gallstones, and others.


But it should be noted that not everyone can drink coffee with milk. There is a large category of people for whom this drink is strictly contraindicated. Patients with heart ischemia, atherosclerosis, hypertensive patients are not recommended to use coffee with milk. Also, people who suffer from kidney disease, glaucoma, regular insomnia and increased excitability should refrain from it. It is also undesirable to give coffee with milk to children and the elderly.

It is interesting to know that a cup of aromatic cocktail will bring the maximum benefit if it is drunk in the morning. But after a hearty dinner or on an empty stomach, coffee with milk bodes nothing but harm.

Instant coffee with milk is less beneficial than natural coffee, which is often drunk by dieters. It is known that ground coffee with milk contributes to weight loss, as it intensively burns fat. But you must drink this drink without sugar.

So, good or bad? Coffee with milk, due to the presence of calcium in the composition, prevents the development of osteoporosis, which is important for women over 45 years old. In addition, it is clear that milk, due to its presence in the drink, reduces the proportion of caffeine in the volume.

The harm of coffee with milk

Some experts argue that the drink, beloved by many, causes significant harm to the body:

  • may cause stomach cancer over time;
  • enhances the effect of all harmful substances in the human body;
  • causes psychological dependence.

Observations were made on two groups of coffee lovers. Some people consumed a black, strongly brewed drink, while others - with the addition of milk to it. So, studies have shown that health abnormalities arose precisely in the second group, that is, among those who drank coffee with milk.

Scientists insist that tannin, which is found in significant amounts in coffee, binds milk protein and prevents it from being absorbed in the body.

But it should be noted that, nevertheless, the harm of coffee with milk depends on many factors: on the quality, naturalness of the raw materials that are used for its preparation, the amount of drink consumed per day. Of course, if you pamper yourself with a cup of your favorite cocktail in the morning, it will not negatively affect your body. But if you use it several times a day, it will definitely not be beneficial.

Calorie content of the popular "cocktail"

It is known that the coffee component of this drink has no calories at all. You can freely ignore it. Therefore, the energy value of the drink depends on dairy products and sugar.

How many calories milk or cream has is usually written on the package. For example, 100 ml of milk with a fat content of 2.5% contains approximately 22.5 kcal. The calorie content of this drink depends on the amount of fat. Dieters add skim milk to their coffee.

Sugar contains (in a teaspoon) about 32 kcal. If you add it to coffee with milk, then the calorie content increases significantly. Therefore, it is better to consume the drink in its natural form, without sugar.

Is it good to drink green coffee with milk?

Recently, a lot of information about this new drink has appeared in the media. Benefits or harms of coffee with milk using coffee powder?

Peter I, when traveling to Holland, tried to drink coffee there, he liked the drink. When he returned, he issued a decree ordering coffee for all those present at the assemblies. After a while, they began to serve it even at the entrance to the Kunstkamera.

Condensed milk coffee - calories

The calorie content of black coffee is 22 kcal per 100 g. The coffee contains tannins, which give a bitter taste, but if you pour condensed milk into coffee, the drink will become less bitter and the number of calories in it will increase. The calorie content of coffee with condensed milk is 61 kcal per 100 g. Coffee with the addition of condensed milk becomes high-calorie and its people with stomach diseases cannot be drunk.

Why does condensed milk curdle into coffee?

Condensed milk is made from vegetable fats and milk powder, so it curdles into coffee.

How to make condensed milk and coffee liqueur?

Take 200 g of condensed milk, dilute with 2 glasses of water. Add coffee, after dissolving 3 teaspoons of it in boiling water, add 2 g of vanillin. Boil, after chilling, and then add 250 ml of vodka. Let the drink sit in the refrigerator for 12 hours. Then you can drink.

How to make condensed milk with coffee at home?

First you need to make condensed milk:

Take a saucepan that has a thick bottom and sides. Pour 1 liter of 3.5% milk into it, set on a low heat and, stirring constantly, boil for 1.5 hours, until the water evaporates. When you see that the liquid has decreased by 2 times, then add 500 g of sugar, mix well, leave on fire for another hour. When the composition becomes creamy and thick, it means that you have boiled condensed milk. Cool the pot under cold water. You will have about 500 g of condensed milk.

To prepare 2 servings, pour water into a Turk, add 2 teaspoons of ground coffee beans, as soon as a chimney appears on the surface, remove from heat, pour into cups, but do not top up, as there should be room for condensed milk. Cool the coffee a little, then add sugar to taste and a spoonful of condensed milk. Mix gently. You cannot put condensed milk in a very hot drink, as the drink will curdle.

If you want to drink cold coffee, then pour it into a transparent glass, add ice and insert a straw.

What are the benefits of coffee with condensed milk and sugar?

Any coffee bean contains vitamins and minerals... In addition, coffee with condensed milk contains 30 organic acids. Caffeine, which is present in coffee, invigorates.

The drink normalizes the activity of the nervous system. He increases the amount of high density lipoprotein in the blood of people. This lipoprotein cleans blood vessels from harmful cholesterol. The coffee contains serotonin, it improves mood. Danger of getting sick when drinking 2 cups of coffee a day depression decreases strongly. And also the possibility of getting sick decreases cancer of the pancreas, liver... The drink reduces the likelihood of getting sick trembling paralysis For this, women need to drink coffee in medium doses, and men in huge ones. Also, those who drink coffee are less likely to get shortness of breath, that is asthma, hypertension, migraine, cholelithiasis, heart attack, atherosclerosis. If you drink 6 cups of coffee a day, then the risk of diabetes will decrease in women by 1/3, and in men by half.

Who is the drink contraindicated for?

An overdose of coffee can lead to insomnia, headaches, and dizziness.

All about coffee with condensed milk