Easter table setting. Easter table: getting ready to celebrate the bright holiday of Easter

Almost all Easter traditions originated in divine services. Even the scale of Easter folk festivals is associated with breaking the fast after Lent - the time of abstinence, when all holidays, including family ones, were postponed to the celebration of Easter. Everything that expresses Renewal (Easter streams), Light (Easter fire), Life (Easter cakes, eggs and hares) becomes symbols of Easter.

They try to finish the preparation of the Easter table on Maundy Thursday, so that nothing distracts from the services of Good Friday, the day of taking out the Holy Shroud and prayer.

Easter cake, Easter, babas and colored eggs are considered traditional Easter dishes. Also for Easter, pancakes are baked, small products made from the best wheat flour with the image of crosses, lambs, cockerels, chickens, doves, larks, as well as honey gingerbread. Easter gingerbread cookies differed from the usual ones in that they had the silhouettes of a lamb, a bunny, a cockerel, a dove, a lark, and an egg.

If you have been fasting, then you need to get out of it smoothly, gradually. The Easter menu should be thoughtful rather than plentiful and varied. Choose the lightest meals. Easter salads - with a lot of greens, but not multi-storey mayonnaise monsters, but classic 2-4-component (like Greek or Caesar) with various dressings. Meat - preferably chopped, stewed or steamed. And the main thing is not to overeat! It is not without reason that the word "break the fast" means "try a little."

Below are some Easter recipes.

Dough larks

On the Annunciation, as well as on Easter, Larks are traditionally baked from dough. They symbolize the arrival of spring.

Wheat flour - 1 kg; yeast - 30 g; butter - 130 g; sugar - 1/2 cup; milk or water - 1 glass; egg - 1 pc.; raisins - 1/3 cup; salt.

Knead the dough from the specified products (except raisins), place in a warm place for fermentation. Form a tourniquet out of the dough and cut into pieces weighing 100 g. Form tourniquets from them, tie in a knot, mold the head, giving the products the shape of birds. Stick in the raisins - the eyes. Flatten the product slightly, make cuts with a knife at one of the ends of the knot - feathers. Brush with an egg and bake in the oven.

Eggs in a case

Eggs are an obligatory attribute of the festive table. Dyed with onion peels, wrapped in bright celluloid or hand-painted. But not only boiled eggs can be limited to making up the Easter menu. Here, for example, is the recipe for the "Eggs in a Case" snack.

5 eggs, 250 g of meat, 1 slice of white bread without crusts, 1 onion, 100 bread crumbs, 100 g of dried white bread rusks, 2 tsp. mustard, salt, pepper, herbs - to taste.

Prepare minced meat from meat, onions and white bread soaked in milk or water. Add chopped herbs, salt, pepper, mustard to it. Hard boil 3 eggs. Wrap each egg in a minced meat cake, forming a ball-"case". Beat 2 raw eggs. Dip the "case" first in an egg, then in bread crumbs, again in an egg, and then in white bread crumbs. Deep-fry.

Jellied "Faberge Eggs"

Ordinary aspic can be made in the form of eggs, if you show dexterity and leave a whole shell from chicken eggs (for example, using eggs when baking Easter cake or when cooking Easter). To do this, the eggs must be carefully broken from the blunt end to make a hole of 1 - 1.5 cm, pour out the contents, and rinse the shell, dry it and put it in an egg dish.

Prepare any aspic (from chicken, beef or fish), only cut the products in it into pieces of about 1 cm. Add carrots, yellow and red bell peppers for brightness. Mix with the gelatin dissolved in the broth and pour over the shells. Put in the cold.

Before serving, gently break the shells and remove the aspic. Place on a platter with lettuce and herbs.

Apple kvass

3 liters of water, 700 g of apples, 300 g of sugar, 30 g of yeast.

Boil the apples, add sugar. Cool the broth to room temperature. Strain, add yeast diluted in warm water. Leave to ferment for 12-15 hours. Bottle, keep cold.

If you put 150 g of honey and 70 g of horseradish grated on a coarse grater into fermented apple kvass, you get a vigorous Petrovsky kvass.

The Easter holiday is traditionally held with the family, gathering close relatives and best friends at a large table. Particular attention should be paid to serving, since the Easter table is the main component of the celebration. The atmosphere of sincerity, love and warmth is given by the combination of all interior elements, themed menu and the hospitality of the hostess.

What to do if Easter is just around the corner, there are a lot of ideas in your head, but where to start is not clear?

Preparatory stage

  • In order for the setting of the Easter table to correctly emphasize the main accents and to be performed in the correct color design, you must first determine the design style. This will avoid clutter and clutter. Classics are always elegant and restrained.

  • The textiles are used in soft, pastel colors.

The colors yellow, white, green, purple and red are especially fond of. You can choose all shades of a specific range. Playing with contrast is always interesting, especially if you think it over in the presentation of dishes.

Napkins should support the theme. Embroidered products look luxurious, bringing harmony and comfort to the interior of the room.

Since it is customary to use the maximum amount of natural material, linen fabric will ideally fit in tandem with the surrounding objects.

  • The dishes are taken from one set, or at least two. The combination of several juicy or opposite colors looks elegant and bold.

Glasses must be selected in accordance with the style of the glasses.

  • The Easter menu is varied and reflects the best culinary skills of the hostess. However, do not overload the table with everyone at once. The lack of unnecessary details and consistency in the presentation of treats looks aesthetically pleasing and creates order.


As a rule, there are symbols of Life, Light and Renewal on the table: fresh flowers, fire, red wine, colored eggs, Easter cake, and in Western culture they are complemented by all kinds of images of hares.

Spring primroses should be placed in the center of the table, creating combinations to your liking.

The juicy green color of the leaves will not only whet your appetite, but also give you a feeling of unity with nature.

Beautifully decorated vases or baskets will create a fabulous atmosphere.

A lot of candlesticks, both purchased and made with your own hands, will emphasize the solemnity of the festive dinner.

Making candles from eggshells, discussing interesting ideas will become an activity that will unite children and parents, strengthen their trust in each other.

The most important preparation step is the coloring of the eggs. This ritual allows each participant to express themselves creatively.

A variety of techniques helps to create delightful masterpieces that are even a pity to eat.

Krashenki are always present on the table, presented to guests with words of gratitude.

A special decoration will be an impromptu "nest" with bright contents, a vase filled with colorful eggs or an Easter tree on which they hang from the branches.

A curd pastry or cake is certainly located in the middle of the table, recalling the great event for which everyone gathered.

Hares, as a symbol of fertility, are not superfluous. Edible and decorative, they will bring joy and fun to your home.

Closer to nature

The Easter table is like a green spring meadow.

The use of only natural materials, greens and fresh flowers will charge all participants in the process with positive and energy for the whole next year.

And friendly warm communication will become a bright moment that warms hearts.

Apr 14, 2017 Werri

Easter, one of the most emotional and family holidays, requires a special approach - you want not only the food to be tasty, but the table to please the eye, warm the soul, and bring satisfaction to your own sense of aesthetics. Alas, with a swoop it is unlikely that something worthwhile will turn out - a truly beautiful Easter table can be set only if you think over all the moments in advance, because practice shows: the "haste" option does not bring much positive.

It is a mistake to think that the concept of serving includes extremely stylish dishes and well-arranged appliances. In order for the Easter ensemble to be complete and harmonious, you need to think over everything - from the size and shape of the salad bowls to the colors of the festive bouquet.

In order to understand in which direction it is worth organizing preparations for Easter, it is convenient to divide the serving issues into three main blocks: textiles and decor, dishes, and food decoration. Let's dwell on each of them in more detail.

Textiles and decor

First and foremost - no oilcloths, washed old tablecloths and a clean, but bare table. Easter is not a holiday when the lack of textiles can be masked by two floors of mayonnaise salads and hearty snacks.

If the household does not yet have a special festive tablecloth, immediately go to the store and choose the most beautiful, most luxurious dining table cover. A crispy linen tablecloth, in each fold of which solemnity, festivity and beauty are hidden, cannot be replaced by anything. Do not forget that you need to buy napkins to match the canvas - multi-colored cellulose valves, of course, can be colorful and even themed, but, perhaps, Easter is not the holiday when you can get by with a pack of paper handkerchiefs bought at the nearest supermarket.

Ribbons look very beautiful on the Easter table - they can be used to tie cutlery, tie a luxurious bow on the neck of a vase, or simply put decorative curls in a dish with dyes.

If you have time and financial support for your desires, you can approach the issue of serving a little more broadly - and with a general ensemble with tablecloths and napkins, choose new curtains, sew chair covers, or even more globally - take care of the carpet to match other textiles. The ideal Easter table setting assumes that there are no flaws and that all details, even the smallest, are taken into account.

Candles look especially solemn on the table, and several small, neatly placed among the plates and salad bowls, as a rule, look much more interesting than one grandiose one in the center of the table. At the same time, do not try to put on the table an assortment of all the candlesticks you have - accessories for candles should be selected in strict accordance with the general style of the rest of the dishes.

In addition, the Easter table can be decorated with unobtrusive decorative figures - cute little chickens near each plate, a wreath of wooden dyes and even Easter bunnies that came to us from Western culture will look appropriate, joyful and very festive.

If you wish, you can make napkin rings on your own, decorating them with Easter attributes, or put a handmade egg card on each plate, giving everyone present a portion of individual pleasantness and warm words.


The advice will sound somewhat strange, but when laying the Easter table, you should strictly ensure that all plates, salad bowls and dishes are representatives of the same set, or at least one designer line of one or another manufacturer. In fact, following this recommendation is not as easy and simple as one might think - it often happens that at the last moment ideas come to put another salad on the table and cut another sausage, and then the first saucer or plate that comes across comes out of the sideboard ... Naturally from a different set! It seems to be a trifle, but it can disrupt the entire carefully constructed composition.

If you don't have enough identical plates, you can get creative with setting your Easter table and combine two different sets. The alternation of, for example, sunny yellow and bright light green dishes will look not only harmonious, but also elegantly Easter. Quite non-standard colors are also beautifully combined - for example, lilac and green, brown and blue, red and blue.

Try to put glasses, glasses and glasses of the same design on the table - strict wine glasses next to glasses in a ladybug will look at least ridiculous.

Knives are by all means near every plate, even if a child is sitting at it, who has not yet learned how to use the devices.

Easter dishes - decorations and decor

The traditional Easter table assumes three main groups of treats: meat products, dyes and Easter eggs, and desserts in the form of cottage cheese puffs, Easter cakes and other baked goods.

The idea is seditious, but reasonable: the greatest attention to the festive decoration should be paid to the food that you immediately put on the table. As a rule, sweet curd pastries, fluffy buns, dessert pies are served on the table last, when the overall composition is already broken, salad bowls are rearranged according to the laws of sweet chaos, and crumbs and spilled wine are on the tablecloths. Of course, this is not a reason to completely bypass the issue of decorating Easter desserts, however, it is still more logical to direct the bulk of efforts to the first part of the treats, to those treats that are immediately put on the table.

Jellied meat in eggshell

In many families, preparing for Easter, it is compulsory to cook meat jellied meat. Arrange the meat on plates, pour over the broth and, after hardening, serve it to the table - it is, of course, tasty, however, banal and uninteresting. It is quite possible to improve it - it is enough to think about this issue in advance and prepare empty eggshells. To leave them almost intact, it is necessary to thoroughly wash them before preparing a dish, which includes eggs, and, gently knocking on the blunt end with a spoon, remove the shell with an area of ​​1-2 square meters. With. After pouring out the contents of the shell, it is necessary to rinse its inner surface with a strong soda solution, and then rinse with running water. The molds for pouring the jellied meat are ready. It is worth stocking up on a sufficient number of such "plates" - it is better to have extra ones than not enough.


  • 1 beef leg;
  • 0.5 kg of lean meat;
  • 3 liters of water;
  • 1/2 celery root;
  • 2 onions;
  • 1 carrot;
  • 1 parsley root;
  • 5-10 cloves of garlic.
  • salt, black allspice, bay leaf to taste.

My meat, if necessary, remove the extra ugly pieces. Wash my leg very carefully, scrape it with a knife and put all the wealth in a saucepan. Fill with water and place on the stove. Bring to a boil, remove foam and reduce heat to low. We periodically check the contents of the pan, removing possible foam and fat protruding onto the surface of the broth, cook the jellied meat without boiling for 5-7 hours. An hour before cooking, add peeled vegetables, black and allspice. For 10 minutes - salt and throw in the bay leaf.

Put the meat from the pan into a large bowl and wait until it cools down to a temperature that is comfortable for the hands. Removing unnecessary fat, skins, films, veins and bones, we disassemble the meat, divide it into small pieces and fill the eggshells by two-thirds of the volume. Squeeze a small amount of garlic into each shell, add a tiny pinch of black pepper if desired. We filter the broth and pour it over the eggs, which at the same time we put the sharp end down in a bowl of a suitable size. Put the bowl in the refrigerator until the broth solidifies for 4-7 hours. Before serving the shells, slightly nudging, carefully remove - we serve cute meat "dyes" from aspic on the table.

If you have a little free time and a desire to make the "eggs" even more attractive, you can put pomegranate seeds in the shell along with the meat, flowers cut from boiled carrots, twisted from small strips of beetroot roses, beautiful circles of hard-boiled eggs, sprigs of dill or parsley leaves.

Serving the Easter table, serve such jellied meat on a "pillow" of greens and lettuce leaves.

Meat loaf with eggs

Meatbreads are relevant always and everywhere, however, the option in which boiled eggs are hidden in raw minced meat, especially for Easter: it is difficult to imagine something more beautiful and appropriate than a magnificent slice of baked meat mass, in which yellow eggs wink playfully " eyes".


  • about 800 g of minced meat (optimally a mixture of pork and beef);
  • 3-4 slices of yesterday's loaf;
  • 1 glass of milk;
  • 3-4 boiled eggs;
  • 3 raw eggs;
  • 4-6 strips of bacon;
  • salt and pepper to taste.

Pour the loaf with warm milk and leave for 15 minutes, then squeeze out of the milk and put in a bowl with minced meat.
Stir all listed ingredients thoroughly, except for boiled eggs and bacon. If you see that the minced meat is ready to "take" a certain amount of liquid, add the milk in which the loaf was soaked.

In order to make the finished loaf more even and neat, you can beat off the minced meat - lifting it high up, forcefully throw it back into the bowl. After 4-6 times you will see that the meat mass becomes more homogeneous - do not stop, make sure that the minced meat is almost elastic, pliable, soft, but not liquid.
Spread the resulting mixture on a piece of plastic wrap, forming an even rectangle. Place 3-4 peeled eggs in the center. Lift the edges of the rectangle, connect them at the top, and then transfer the loaf to a mold (or just onto a piece of baking paper, carefully cover with strips of bacon.

Bake in an oven preheated to 180 degrees for about 45 minutes.
Serve sliced ​​after cooling completely.

If you wish, the same loaf can be prepared in the form of an Easter bunny - just give it a characteristic shape (indicating the body and head), and after baking decorate with carrots, boiled eggs and olives, imitating ears, nose, eyes, mustaches.

Meatloaf recipe and photos are taken from here - www.cristinasurdu.com/2013/03/recipe-easter-meatloaf.html

Easter wreath

An Easter wreath made of rich yeast dough can be not only a delicious dessert bun prepared for the festive table, but also an original "plate" for serving dyed eggs and eggs. Lavishly coated with sugar glaze and sprinkled with special multi-colored decor, it looks unusually solemn, festive and elegant.


  • 500 g flour;
  • 30 g fresh yeast;
  • 2 eggs;
  • 1/3 cup sugar
  • 150 ml low-fat cream;
  • 1/2 tsp salt;
  • zest of 1 lemon;
  • 70 g butter.

The ingredients for the dough should be warm or at room temperature. We mix milk, sugar and yeast, add a couple of tablespoons of flour from the total amount and leave for 10 minutes until the yeast starts to "play".
Then add melted and slightly cooled butter, 1 egg, 1 protein, zest, salt and the remaining flour - knead a smooth elastic dough. We collect it in a ball and put it in a bowl, covered with cling film. We leave it for lifting in a warm place, after doubling it, knead it and again remove it for growth.

We knead the dough that has come up twice and divide it into three equal parts, each of which we form into a rope about 30 centimeters long. We lay out all three bundles on the work surface, dusty with flour, and connect them together in the "head". Freely weave a braid, which at the end we transfer to a greased (or lined with baking paper) baking sheet, in the center of which we place an inverted one. We connect the ends of the "braid" in a circle, remove the glass.
We leave the wreath for proofing in a warm place, covering it with a towel, after half an hour grease the surface with the remaining yolk and bake in an oven preheated to 180 degrees for about 30 minutes.
Decorate the finished wreath with glaze and Easter decor, serve, putting it in the middle of the dye.


Of course, dyed boiled eggs are already an excellent decoration for the Easter table in themselves, however, they can also be served in such a way that it will take your breath away with delight.

If you take care of serving your Easter eggs right now, you will have time to grow a real "lawn". To do this, select a suitable mold, pour universal soil into it. Rinse the wheat grains in running water, remove those that float, they will not be of any use. Spread evenly over the entire surface of the soil, cover with an even piece of gauze. Watering daily, watch the wheat sprout, screaming for freshness, life and benefits. By Easter, you will just get an excellent "platform" for serving dyes, which can be sent to salad the next day.

A basket with eggs painted to match tablecloths and napkins looks very nice. You can put several wicker salad bowls on the table and fill them with dyes of a certain color. The rainbow assortment of eggs also looks good, however, you should still know the sense of proportion and not fill the basket with eggs painted in different styles.

Some of the eggs can simply be wrapped in multi-colored foil - not only will they look great among "ordinary" brothers, they will also delight the kids with their unusual "packaging".

“Named” eggs look very funny - just write on each of them the name of the person who will sit down at the Easter table.

Thursday, April 21, 2011 09:04 PM ()

The most important holiday of the Orthodox Church is the day of the Resurrection of Christ or Easter. On this day, Lent ends, and the tables flourish with a variety of delicious dishes. But the meaning of the holiday is not at all in the abolition of restrictions on food, its meaning has been passed down from generation to generation since the time of the apostles, who broadcast that God himself became a man, was crucified and, having resurrected, delivered people from the power of death and sin. Celebrating Easter begins with attending a service, preparing delicious treats, presenting gifts and creating a special atmosphere with a festive table setting.

How to set the Easter table? It is better to ask this question early, because the bright holiday of Easter is rich in symbolism, the preparation of which must be taken care of in advance. The symbols of Easter are eggs, rabbits, birds, nests, greenery, flowers and the theme of nature, rebirth, awakening and spring. All of these symbols, or at least some of them, should be present on your Easter table as a setting. Even colored eggs, which it is customary to exchange, treat guests and eat themselves, can be used as an element of decor. The Easter bunny can be on your desk in the form of a figurine, a chocolate figurine, or a design you draw on homemade invitations. Birds on the table will symbolize the arrival of spring, and flowers and greenery will create a festive mood.

The most springtime serving option as close to nature as possible is the use of natural wood, greenery and flowers. Any serving begins with a tablecloth, and in this version, with its absence. The table should be left open to accentuate the wood texture, but wood alone is not enough, and the theme of nature should be supported with greenery, for example by decorating the center line of the table with faux moss. Any spring flowers in low transparent vases will look great on such a green meadow. It is better to put the simplest white plates on the table and lay a napkin on them to match the moss. As a gift for each guest, you can put one egg decorated with a satin ribbon on a plate.

The centuries-old Easter traditions make us pay special attention to colored eggs. You can, of course, just put all the eggs in a plate and solemnly put it on the table, but it's better to try and decorate this Easter symbol in an interesting way. You can artistically "scatter" colored eggs over the moss from the previous serving option; miniature quail eggs in bird nests twisted from twigs and straw will look original. If the nests on the table are not for you, then you can use small baskets or cardboard boxes for eggs. To do this, cut out four sections from a cardboard package, glue them with tape and set the eggs, while you can use their chocolate counterparts, decorating with small colored candies.

Eggs can be used not only as gifts for guests, but also as seating cards. In order to write the name of the guest on the egg, you can use self-adhesive paper, from which you can cut out the necessary letters and stick on the egg, write the name of the guest with a thin candle, and then paint the eggs or use a simple felt-tip pen. Place the prepared eggs in the poach makers and place them on the plates in the order in which you would like to see the guests at the table. If you do not have a sufficient number of poached birds, you can do without them. To do this, cut the green onions into 4-5 centimeters long pieces, place them in a plate and place an egg with the guest's name on top.

It is not at all necessary that the eggs on your Easter table be edible, it is quite possible to do with the shape of an egg. For example, making invitations in the form of eggs, offering guests napkins with Easter eggs, or constructing covers for cutlery. The Easter table setting allows for multicolor, but the colors should not be too bright and saturated, it is better to use pastel colors. You can combine blue, pink, yellow, orange, green, purple and white colors to decorate cutlery covers. On the Easter table, such a variety of colors will look like spring, gentle and organic.

Along with the egg, the rabbit is also a symbol of Easter. In the form of a rabbit, you can arrange seating cards, put a chocolate rabbit in a basket of eggs, or put dishes on the table with the image of this eared animal. As you know, where a rabbit is, there is a carrot, which means that a carrot can be used for decoration. Stock up on green napkins and bright orange paper. Roll the paper into a cone and glue the edges, put a napkin in the resulting "carrot" so that its ends resemble tops. Place the resulting carrots next to each guest's plate. You can also prepare gifts for guests in the form of carrots. To do this, cut off a large corner of a plastic bag, pour bright orange candies into it and tie it with green braid. A sweet gift is ready!

Candles can also be called an indispensable attribute of the holiday. The light, warmth and comfort that candles give us will become the final touch of the Easter table setting and will help create a festive atmosphere. You can use a wide variety of candles, ranging from consecrated thin church candles and ending with whole paraffin sculptures. On the eve of Easter, manufacturers are releasing candles in the form of birds, rabbits and eggs, which will not only decorate, but also liven up your festive table.

When serving the table, you need to remember that all elements must be harmoniously combined with each other. If you prefer the theme of nature and naturalness, then you should not put refined porcelain dishes on the table, but if you like the classic setting, then some natural elements will look original and can diversify the look of your table. One of these elements can be a wreath woven from twigs and straw, if you put a vase with delicate spring flowers inside it, put quail eggs and plant toy birds. To balance such an island of nature on the table, you should put an egg on the plate for each guest.

A bouquet of willow twigs, decorated with colorful eggs and figures made of paper and fabric, will look very original; to add greenery and revive such a bouquet, you can decorate it with lilies of the valley. When setting the table, it will not be superfluous to combine several Easter symbols at once, for example, eggs, herbs and rabbits. Instead of a tablecloth, place fake moss on the table, place several rabbit figurines on it and scatter chicken and quail eggs wrapped in colored foil. An excellent dessert and at the same time a decoration of the Easter table will be cakes decorated with colored marzipan eggs. Using several symbols for serving at once, you will not only make your table bright and memorable, but also highlight the occasion of the feast.

When decorating a table, we always want to look at it and immediately see why it was served. We do not pay such attention to serving by chance, because it helps to create a special mood during the feast. Easter is a spring holiday, which means that serving should be bright, fresh and light in spring. Do not leave the decoration of the table at the last moment, think over everything in advance, and then on a holiday, when all the dishes are prepared and the table is set, you can relax and fully enjoy the attention and praise of family and friends.


Consider the menu in advance, taking into account the traditions of celebrating Easter. According to the prevailing rules, a table for Easter cannot do without dishes such as colored eggs and Easter cakes. The latter are called Easter in a number of regions.

Place oat seeds in damp gauze a week before the event. When they sprout, they will become a wonderful decoration for a dish on which Easter eggs will be served.

Cover the table with an elegant tablecloth and put the cutlery and dishes on it, placing Easter cakes in the center.

If possible, decorate the table with fresh spring flowers. You can put small pots of blooming hyacinths on the table. The table should look festive.

You can use candles as table decoration, which is very symbolic, because they are a symbol of the resurrection of Christ.

Another symbol of Easter is the Easter Bunny, which denotes fertility. You can put a rag figurine of this animal, a figurine on the table, or decorate a hundred with a chocolate hare.

In order to highlight the historical holiday, you can use dishes made from natural materials. Earthenware dishes next to Easter eggs will look much better than modern-style glassware.

You can put any Easter dishes on the table. In some families, for this day they prepare curd mass according to a special recipe, with candied fruits and butter, while others cannot imagine a holiday without rich jellied meat.

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In order for the holiday to be more solemn, it is necessary to set the table with beautiful dishes, bright napkins and use rich spring colors for decoration.

Useful advice

A distinctive feature of this day is that the traditions of Easter suggest using primordial folk dishes, so national dishes of other countries or newfangled recipes on the table are not very appropriate.

Tip 2: Easter table: how to decorate it in the best traditions

Each family has its own Easter traditions. Someone goes to church for a night service, someone tries to get out into nature that day or invite guests. But no matter how anyone decides to spend this day, they cannot do without a festive table, at which the whole family and closest friends gather. What it will be depends only on your imagination and desire, because there are many interesting ideas that you can bring to life.

You will need

  • -tablecloth;
  • -napkins;
  • -Easter cake;
  • -vine;
  • - juniper branches;
  • -wicker basket;
  • -satin ribbons;
  • -paper flowers;
  • -eggs;
  • - onion husks;
  • - Easter stickers;
  • - seeds of wheat, oats or watercress;
  • -tree branches;
  • -Natural flowers;
  • -shiny paper;
  • - items of arts and crafts.


The table will look richer and more elegant if you cover it with the most beautiful tablecloth. It can be of any color (only not dark), monochromatic or in a "box", a flower. If you find one that is ornamented with images of eggs or chickens, it's wonderful, because they are one of the main Easter symbols. But you can get by with an ordinary pure white tablecloth.

Be sure to place an Easter cake with a cross in the center of the table. You can decorate it with powdered sugar fondant, icing, poppy seeds, special multi-colored sprinkling of cereals or coconut, nuts or raisins. Even if you yourself did not bake a cake, but simply bought it in a store, icing and bright sprinkling, sweets and nuts will give it a homely look and make it much tastier.

Put the cake on a large dish, on a beautiful lace napkin, and around it - a variety of colored eggs. Or another option: weave a wreath from the vine, decorated with green sprigs of boxwood, thuja or juniper. Easter cake will also look in the center of this wreath. You can also use a low wicker basket for this. Wrap the basket handles with bright satin ribbons, decorate with paper flowers or store-bought artificial birds or butterflies.

The second very beautiful and obligatory decoration of the festive table for Easter are eggs, symbolizing life and rebirth. Once upon a time they were painted mainly in red and purple colors. But today they can be given any bright color. To do this, of course, you should work even before Bright Sunday. Involve the children - they will be happy to help you.

Traditionally, you can color your eggs with onion skins. Depending on its quantity and the residence time of eggs in boiling water, you can get colors from cream to dark brown. And if you pre-attach leaves or cut flowers, you can get ornamented eggs. You can do it even easier - in stores you will find many ready-made beautiful stickers. All that remains is to attach them to the shell.

Painted eggs will look more impressive on a green background. It can be "grown". Buy wheat, oat, or watercress seeds two weeks before Easter. 10 days before Bright Sunday, sow them in a small amount of earthen mixture in a plate or tray. The soil should always be moist, and to create a greenhouse effect, cover it with a glass container or plastic bag, and place the tray on the window. When the seeds are germinated, rotate them so the grass grows evenly. By Easter, you will receive an excellent green "rug" that will delight your eyes on the festive table.

Also try to decorate the table with tree branches and fresh flowers. Fresh leaves will hatch on the branches if you put them in a vase of water a few days before Easter.

Since it is customary to give gifts to friends and relatives for Easter, you can also make them one of the table decorations. Take colored glitter paper and make small bags or boxes out of it. You can put an egg, candies, candied fruits, nuts and other delicacies in them.

For table decor, you can also use national elements - objects of decorative and applied art. These can be richly painted or made in any artistic style eggs, ornamented, candles, napkins, etc.

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Tip 3: How to decorate a festive table for Easter according to old Russian traditions

Easter is one of the favorite holidays of all Orthodox Christians. They prepare for it with pleasure and thoroughness. First, they clean the house, then paint the eggs, bake cakes. And, of course, they gather at the table with the whole family on a holiday. The festive table for Easter was decorated with great love. According to old Russian traditions, preparation for this took a very long time. Previously, only family members would gather at Easter. Now they invite relatives and friends to the table. In order to decorate the festive table for Easter according to old Russian traditions, it is necessary to prepare in advance.


In the center of the festive table was placed a dish tied with a beautiful towel, with Easter cakes and Easter. The baked goods were decorated with paper flowers, which they made together with the children. An obligatory attribute of the festive table for Easter was an Easter composition, which they began to prepare in advance. Two to three weeks before the holiday, grains of wheat or oats were planted in a deep plate with warm earth. Appeared soft green shoots, symbolized the resurrection of Christ. Painted eggs were laid on them and the composition was placed in the center of the festive table.

Easter gingerbread was baked especially to decorate the festive table. They were molded in an unusual shape. Children rejoiced at the gingerbread cookies in the form of lambs, birds, chickens and eggs. Of the dishes, preference was given to baked lamb, veal, pork ham. It was customary to serve these dishes only cold. Fish and hot meals were not put on the table that day.

Flowers were an obligatory decoration of the festive table for Easter. The advantage was for the yellow colors. The very first spring flowers - daffodils - met these requirements. Candles should also be on the Easter table. In the old days, they were also yellow.

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Easter lamb can be made from cottage cheese. Decorate it with lettuce leaves, paint on the legs with dark-colored jam. It will turn out to be a very cute edible lamb.

Useful advice

Nowadays, a lot of Easter trivia is sold in our retail chains. Yellow candles, figurines of chickens, Easter napkins will decorate your festive table, make it bright and interesting.

Make a beautiful Easter composition for the festive table for Easter with fresh flowers and candles. Buy an oasis for fresh flowers, set it up on a flat dish, place a candle in the center, and inject flowers into the oasis. Water the oasis once a day to keep the flowers fresh for a long time.

The feast is one of the main attributes of any holiday. And on Easter, the feast also has a symbolic meaning. Easter, like no other holiday, is filled with symbols. Moreover, Easter is a spring holiday. This means that there is an opportunity to rejoice and show your imagination.

Candles. Symbol of sacred fire, purification and hope. Candles of various shapes are suitable. You can make them yourself in the form of eggs. For this, the empty shells are filled with paraffin. You can not even clean them, but leave them in the shell, it looks very original.

Easter cake and Easter. Traditionally located at the head of the table. These are the main dishes. They will look great surrounded by flowers.

Colored eggs must be. They can be laid out on plates, sprinkling green lettuce leaves down. You can put one common dish, decorating it with candles.

Willow twigs. You can make a bouquet from them. And not necessarily one big one. You can make several small bouquets and place them on the table.

The symbolic color is red. Traditionally, the color red is used. This is the color of joy, celebration. It looks especially elegant in combination with white. But it's dangerous to overdo it. It is better to lay a snow-white tablecloth on the table, and on it - a red carpet or napkins trimmed with a red border.

The symbolic color is green. Spring color. Rebirth color. The color of the Creator and new life. It also looks best on a festive table in combination with white.

The symbolic color is yellow. The color of the sun and warmth. Small yellow chickens, made together with children, like sun bunnies on a white linen tablecloth, will delight both adults and children.

Cheesecake is easy to prepare, no hassle with it. At the same time, the appearance of the cake is very festive, the aroma is very appetizing. The composition is very simple and, according to your mood, a cheese pie can be prepared with a sweet or salty filling.

In order to prepare the filling, we take cottage cheese of any fat content, rub it so that there are no grains, but a cream would be obtained, while you can add a little kefir or sour cream, or milk to make the process easier. Now add sugar or salt, you can have herbs and a little garlic, some spices to taste.

Preheat the oven to 180 degrees and bake the cake for 1 hour.
Cool the finished cake a little and can be removed from the mold. Cheesecake is served warm or cold.