Menu templates in Word: download and print. Restaurant menu

Menu - a list of dishes and drinks offered by a catering establishment (cafe, restaurant, bar, pub, etc.), indicating prices and gramme. As an aspect of marketing, menu design is a painstaking task. To achieve good results, you need to constantly refine it, add new features, seasonal offers, try new things, etc.

Menu creation seems daunting and difficult, but the process itself boils down to a few steps:

  • develop points, enter them in the table... It is important that the offered dishes correspond to the general concept of the establishment. If you understand the concept of a restaurant, then you won't have any problems;
  • divide the list into sections: snacks, drinks, desserts, etc .;
  • develop a layout design... It is important to consider the convenience of using the menu by the client;
  • use offline or online programs to create a menu;
  • download the menu in vector or psd format and print. Don't forget to calculate the correct amount for everyone.

The above is the basic process, but don't ignore the design. Below you will find some tips to make it easier for customers to use the menu and increase sales.

Simplicity is the key to success

The selling menu is, first of all, simple. After all, if it is too cluttered, the client will not understand anything, and this will confuse him. In addition, it is not able to awaken the appetite. Simplicity, aside from the graphic aspects, depends on the number of dishes you offer.

Too many dishes will not do a restaurant good. The abundance of choice can even alienate the client. Four or five suggestions for a first or second course, along with some off-menu items, are sufficient.

The Golden Triangle Rule

The Golden Triangle is the term used when creating a menu to refer to the three areas that most buyers pay attention to in the first place:

  • middle part... Buyers look at the middle of the menu first. This is a great place to post special offers;
  • top right corner... This is where most restaurants have a main course section;
  • upper left corner... After the upper right corner, the person's eyes automatically move to the left corner. Snacks are usually located here, which in combination with alcoholic beverages can increase the profit of the establishment.

Take care of typography

Titles make up a large part of the menu, so it is worth paying special attention to the choice of fonts. Visitors want to clearly understand what to order, and overly strict fonts make the names of dishes unreadable. Remember typography complements the overall tone of the menu.

Designers advise using no more than 3 simple fonts in order to avoid chaos on the sheet. The fonts emphasize and enhance the personality of a restaurant or cafe. Note that fancy and graphically complex fonts are allowed for Victorian menus. Secondary elements such as spacing, italics, bold, etc. are worth paying attention to.

Menu language

How would you feel being abroad in a restaurant where you don't understand a word? If you have a lot of foreign guests in your establishment, make sure that the menu is in different languages, or at least in English. This nuance will emphasize the openness and hospitality of the establishment and its owner. In addition, word of mouth and good reviews have not been canceled.

Short and long descriptions of dishes

A person has a tendency to notice differences and nuances. If you write a list of short sentences followed by a long one, the client will be attracted by the latter. Although, if you write a lot of long descriptions, your eyes will go to short sentences.

Consider the length of the descriptions. Before choosing one of the options, experiment with short and long descriptions to find the right combination. It will help you highlight the food or specific ingredients.

Avoid currency signs

More and more restaurants today follow this rule. Each item on the menu shows a price. But avoid the signs “€”, “£”, “$”, etc. These symbols subconsciously force the customer to focus on prices and the idea that the restaurant is only interested in making money.

Menu as an investment

First of all, the menu is the seller for the customers. This is why it is so important to plan it carefully and not just list restaurant positions.

Apart from the standard promotion of a restaurant, it is a good idea to create a website. If you do not have such an opportunity, create a page for the establishment on social networks. Use the menu as a feature to attract customers on Facebook, Instagram, TripAdvisor, Yelp, and more.

How to create a restaurant menu?

There are several ways to create a menu design:

a) online services;
b) graphic editors such as Photoshop;
c) designers.

It all depends on how much time and money you have. For example, if you own a small cafe, then obviously hiring a designer will not be affordable for you. MustHaveMenus, offering designer services, asks for payment from $ 99 per page. Next, we'll go into more detail about the first two methods: online services and Photoshop. Indeed, in our opinion, they are the most optimal and convenient.

Online menu generators

Don't have experience designing restaurant menus and tools to hire a professional designer? The internet is full of both paid and free online services that can easily do the job for you. With customizable templates, fonts, designs and even the ability to highlight dishes, etc. We offer a digest of online generators.

iMenuPro is a platform that allows you to instantly create and print menus without special design skills. The service offers hundreds of customizable and professional templates to suit any establishment concept. IMenuPro with a convenient drag-and-drop interface is easy to use. The service has the function of adding pictures or logos from external resources.

Price: $ 15 per month.


Canva is a design platform that offers a menu creation service. All you need is text and a photo of the dishes, as the platform offers ready-to-use templates. And you can choose from millions of stock images and graphics. Then customize your creation: change fonts, filters, pictures, etc. The advantage of this platform is applications for Android, iPhone and iPad, which allows you to edit the menu on the go in any place convenient for you.

Price: is free.

An easy-to-use service will help you create a professional food list. You can independently create a menu for printing, order an online sample for download, for example, on the website or on pages in social networks. The templates offered are categorized by type of restaurant, concept, etc.

Price: The service offers two tariff plans to choose from - Free (without removing watermarks and customization) and Unlimited for $ 9 (more than 200 templates, without watermarks, as well as customization and printing).

MustHaveMenus is a universal platform for everything related to making a list of the restaurant's dishes. It covers the process from design to printing. You need to choose one of hundreds of available templates, fill in the necessary information, customize and download. You have the opportunity to order a menu from MustHaveMenus designers, who will create a design according to all your requirements.

Price: $ 29 per month (self-creation) and from $ 99 per page (design services).

Part of the Adobe Spark application suite is the ability to create restaurant menus. Lots of professional fonts to choose from, download images from a personal PC or third-party resources, customize templates - everything to simplify your work.

Price: is free.

Photoshop: Video Tutorials

Design is one of the first steps in communicating with clients. This can have an impact on the impression of the restaurant. We invite you to watch a video tutorial on how to create a menu in Photoshop:

Cafe and bakery menu design

In this video, you will see step-by-step instructions on how to create a creative design for a bakery or coffee shop.

Restaurant menu design in Photoshop

The video shows the process of creating a menu design for a restaurant.

Photoshop brochure menu

This video will teach you how to design a menu in the form of a brochure.

Small flyer menu

This video tutorial will show you how to make a one-page flyer menu for a fast food restaurant.

Double menu for restaurant

The video will show you step by step how to create a brochure menu in Photoshop.

Summing up

Your menu is the main means of communication between the kitchen and the client. In addition, it must convey the restaurant's brand in such a way that customers are thrilled to have been there and then want to come back and recommend it to family and friends. Is it hard to believe that it all depends on a small piece of paper? The truth is, the menu is not just a list of dishes. Like a portfolio, this is part of marketing. And therefore, you need to try very hard to ensure that the menu is the strong point of the institution. In this article, we tried to give basic design tips with examples, as well as describe the least expensive ways to create it. Finally, we suggest looking at some more templates for inspiration.

These templates are universal and suitable for any type of establishment: restaurant, cafe, bakery, bar, etc. Here are some examples for inspiration:

The menu is the basis of the restaurant business. This is not just a list of dishes that are served in the institution, but a way to offer the visitor what he is most interested in, to grab his attention. A common mistake novice restaurateurs make is to take on the menu layout last. When the interior, sign and logo are ready, it can be difficult to bring the menu to the already created atmosphere of the institution. It is logical to start with the menu, and this must be done before you create the atmosphere of your restaurant or cafe. The image of the establishment is expressed in the choice of cuisine and key dishes, and then the time for interior and style comes. Even the uniform of the staff depends on the menu! Imagine waiters in kimonos with a menu of only pizza and craft beer.

A good menu should also be convenient for your waiters, so that they can quickly find the right position and forward the order to the kitchen. This is very easily implemented in the Poster POS accounting system. , create a menu and see how it will look on your tablet.

Don't neglect the simplest advice: look at how your competitors' menus are designed. Does it match the overall concept of the establishment and what do visitors order more often? Feel free to borrow good ones and add them to your menu. But, of course, you shouldn't copy it insolently. It is possible to correctly draw up a menu for a cafe or restaurant only after analyzing the market.

Development of a menu for a cafe, stages

Menu creation for a cafe or restaurant can be divided into several stages. First, a concept is formed: groups of drinks and dishes, positions for each group and price categories. Then a test tasting, after which the key dishes on the menu are selected. The final stage is the creation of technological maps and the choice of the optimal serving of the dish to the visitor. We advise you to invite an experienced chef to draw up technical charts, which will later be used by your chefs.

What should be considered when designing a menu?

    Target audience;

    choice of cuisine;

    the format of the institution;

    the level of the trade margin and the optimal cost of each dish;

    culinary trends.

Long or short menu

Remember, a long menu will increase customer service time. Instead of deciding on an order within a few minutes, they will study the menu for a long time and scrupulously. This is especially true for clients who came to you for the first time. They also cannot decide what to try and consult with the waiter. The speed of servicing other tables is significantly reduced, which means you lose money.

Some restaurateurs argue in favor of a long menu by saying that a customer, having tried everything, will stop going to your establishment. This is a misconception. Remember: your regulars come back to eat their favorite dish again and recommend it to their friends. Don't confuse a menu with a specials booklet of the week or month, which is often used as a serving rug or a pyramid on the table. This is a great way to highlight your margin positions and seasonal dishes, which we'll cover a little below.

How to create a selling menu

Let's say your establishment has already started working with a well-developed menu. But you notice that some dishes are very poorly sold, although they have a minimal mark-up. It is important not only to work out the menu, but also to make it selling. It all starts with analyzing the existing assortment and identifying the most marginal and popular positions. Perhaps we will reveal the secret of the restaurant business to someone, but almost all establishment owners have been using the simplest and most optimal method for more than 30 years.

The classic menu engineering methodology was developed back in the early 1980s by scientists from the University of Michigan - Donald Smith and Michael Kasanava from the United States. They took a popular market analysis model and adapted it for the restaurant business to understand how different menu items work. Then we divided all the dishes from the menu according to two criteria: the share of sales in the category (compared to the average) and the margin per unit of goods (compared to the average). Only 4 groups of dishes came out:

    Stars - high margins and good sales. The basis of a profitable menu.

    "Workhorses" - good sales, but not too big a margin. You should not remove them from the menu, but you need to strive to reduce their cost or raise the price.

    Riddles - high margins, but weak sales. It is necessary to stimulate the demand for such positions.

    "Dogs" - low margins and poor sales. Garbage to be removed from the menu. Such dishes only distract visitors.

Food analysis

Let's analyze one category of the menu. For example, consider the category "beer snacks" in a cafe or pub. Our goal is to determine which group a dish belongs to. We took the sales data for one day in the proposed cafe, but it is better to carry out such an analysis over a weekly or monthly period in order to avoid errors.

Sales volume, pcs.

Share of sales,%


Gross cost

Volume of sales

Gross margin


Onion rings

Cheese balls


Average share of sales - 25

Average margin - 218.9

We fill in the table:

The number of all dishes sold per day: 15 + 70 + 30 + 85 = 200. Add up the known data and enter the total sales, total gross cost and gross margin. If you want to calculate food cost, then divide the gross cost by the total sales in the category and multiply by 100%: 14,620.5 / 58,400 * 100 = 25%.

To find out average marginality of dishes, Divide the gross margin by the total number of positions sold: 43779.5 / 200 = 218.9. Comparing the data for each item with this figure, you will understand which dishes you have high-margin, and which are not.

To find out share of sales of each dish, divide the number of servings sold by the total number of dishes sold and multiply by 100. If you want to find out average share of dish sales in this category, divide 100% by the number of items in the beer snacks category: 100/4 = 25%. By comparing the sales share of each dish with the average sales share, you will determine the most and least popular dishes.

    Onion rings are a star, high margins and great popularity.

    Basturma - "dog", low margin and low demand. Feel free to remove the appetizer from the menu and replace it with a profitable position that will appeal to your visitors.

    Croutons are a typical workhorse, high popularity, but low margins. The cheapest position in the category. It may be worth raising the price of the dish.

    Cheese balls are a mystery, good margins, but poor sales. We need to make the position more popular. Launch a promotion or special offer with this position, focus on the menu and instruct the waiters to offer it more often.

How to highlight margin positions in the menu

  • Draw attention to marginal items on the menu. Place them in a separate block, write in large type or highlight them in contrast against the background of other positions.
  • Place the most marginal dishes on the first or last positions in your category. But they don't have to be the cheapest or the most expensive - this negatively affects sales.
  • Highlight marginal dishes with a photo. If you add a photo to each position, then emphasizing the desired dish will be problematic. But if you show only a few items from the category, they will definitely catch the eye of the guest.
  • Add dishes with higher than average margins to your specials. Make artificial limitation on them. For example, a seasonal offer, a limited meal from the chef, only on certain days, etc.
  • Emphasize your guests' attention on rare and expensive ingredients in the composition of the dishes. Everyone wants to try something unusual, something that cannot be bought in the store. Such components are a good excuse for the high price.
  • Separate prices visually from menu items so that guests can easily compare them. Arrange prices in a separate column or divide by a line. The main thing is not to write next to the name of the dish.

When planning your menu, you need to understand what kind of people will come to you. Based on this, you need to build a general pricing policy for the establishment. Do not rush to include dishes in the menu, the cooking standards of which you do not know. Consider supply disruptions, seasonality, and price increases. can also cause your menus to not work as you intended, so be sure to exclude them first. You must always ensure that the food is of the highest quality and that it is cooked at the correct time. Remember that all efforts will be in vain if your staff cannot sell culinary delights. Test new layout models constantly. The restaurant business does not stand still, new trends appear every year, which you can always read about in our blog.

If you need to quickly create a menu for a cafe or kindergarten, then it is best to use a ready-made template. This page contains several menu templates that you can download for free. You just need to fill it out and print it.

Menu template for a cafe in a Word

This menu is a great way to inexpensively create a beautiful menu for a cafe, diner or restaurant. It will seem to everyone that the menu was made by a professional designer. This level was achieved with the help of a photo of various dishes as a menu background, and a translucent sheet of paper. At the top of the menu is a beautiful metal holder. To start building your list of dishes, with or without prices, file this template.

Simple menu template with pictures

If you need to provide a menu to visitors with pictures of dishes, then this is ideal. Simple menu design will not distract the client from the main information. And most importantly, it is very easy to insert a photo of dishes into the menu. The main thing is that the pictures are square. And then you just need to select the desired image and apply the change of the picture. Download this simple menu template with photo in if you like it.

Menu in Word for kindergarten

The kindergarten menu should be fun. This is what we were guided by while creating this template for you. In its lower part there are flowers, and in the upper part, well-known prototypes of cartoon characters in the form of soft toys. Naturally, in order to print your dishes, you need to download the template of this children's menu in the file for the Word.

New Year's menu in Word

The list of dishes on New Year's tables must be colorful. By downloading this one, you will be able to compose a New Year's menu in the same style as the image above. That is, a menu with a blue background, on which there are beautiful snowflakes of different sizes.

Menu template with christmas background

Above, an image of another option. It is vertical, and is made in red-orange-yellow tones. - concise templates for the design of the menu of cafes and restaurants. Use an online editor to change the content of the templates and download a print-ready pdf file to your computer. Menu design for restaurants and cafes. - concise templates for the design of the menu of cafes and restaurants. Use an online editor to change the content of the templates and download a print-ready pdf file to your computer. Menu design for restaurants and cafes. - concise templates for the design of the menu of cafes and restaurants. Use an online editor to change the content of the templates and download a print-ready pdf file to your computer. Menu design for restaurants and cafes. - concise templates for the design of the menu of cafes and restaurants. Use an online editor to change the content of the templates and download a print-ready pdf file to your computer. Menu design for restaurants and cafes. - concise templates for the design of the menu of cafes and restaurants. Use an online editor to change the content of the templates and download a print-ready pdf file to your computer. Menu design for restaurants and cafes. - concise templates for the design of the menu of cafes and restaurants. Use an online editor to change the content of the templates and download a print-ready pdf file to your computer. Menu design for restaurants and cafes. - laconic templates for cafe and restaurant menu design. Use an online editor, ()