The tale of carrots. Fairy tale Big carrot Fairy tale about carrot princess

And now I will tell you a story about the largest carrot in the world. You, of course, have already heard about her more than once, but, in my opinion, it was all the same.

Once a peasant planted a carrot in his garden and began to look after it: he watered it, pulled out the weeds - in a word, he did everything as it should be. When the time came, he began to harvest - pulling carrots out of the ground. And suddenly he came across some particularly large carrot. He pulls it, pulls it, but cannot pull it out. He tries this and that, but he cannot! Finally, he could not resist, called his wife:

- Giuseppina!

- What happened, Oreste?

- Come here! Such a carrot is caught ... Wouldn't want to get out of the ground for anything! Go take a look ...

- Yves, really, what a tremendous one!

- Let's do this: I'll pull the carrots, and you pull my jacket. Are you ready? Have taken! More more! Pull!

“I’d better pull your hand, or the jacket will break.”

- Come on by the hand. Well, stronger! No, I can't do it! Call your son, otherwise I’m all exhausted ...

- Romeo! Romeo! - calls Giuseppina.

- What happened, Mom?

- Come here! Yes, hurry up!

- But I'm doing my homework.

- Do it later, but now help! Look, this carrot doesn't want to get out of the ground. I will pull my father by one hand, and you by the other, and he himself will pull the carrot. Maybe we can pull it out ...

Oreste spat on his palms, rubbed his hands, gathered his strength.

- Are you ready? One or two! Have taken! Pull! Well, more! More! No, nothing works ...

“It must be the biggest carrot in the world,” decided Giuseppina.

- We must call grandfather for help! Romeo suggested.

- Well, call me! - agreed the father. - I can't do it alone.

- Grandfather! Grandfather! Come here! Hurry up!

- I'm in a hurry, dear, I'm in a hurry! ... But it's not easy for me ... In your years I also ran fast, but now ... What happened?

Grandpa came running out of breath and already tired.

“Here we have the largest carrot in the world,” Romeo explained. - The three of us can't pull it out. Can you help?

- How not to help, dear!

“Let's do it,” Romeo said. - You pull me, my mom and I will pull dad, and he is a carrot ... If we don't pull this time too ...

- Okay, - agreed grandfather, - just wait ...

- Yes, I'll put the phone aside. You can't do two things at once. You have to either smoke or work, right?

- Well, we started! - said Oreste. - Are you all ready? One or two! Have taken! Again! Again! Have taken!

- Oh, help!

- What happened, grandfather?

- Do not you see - fell! Slipped and fell. And besides, right on the phone ...

The poor old man even burned his pants.

- No, nothing will come of it, - decided Oreste. - Romeo, run to Andrea and call him for help.

“Then let him come with his wife and son — the whole family,” Romeo suggested.

“And that’s true,” the father agreed. - Wow, what carrots! ... About such you can report to the newspaper.

- Maybe we will call TV? - suggested Giuseppina. But no one supported her.

“Television…” grumbled Oreste. - We'd better call the neighbors and get her out first ...

In short, Andrea came, his wife came, their son came, however, still quite small - a five-year-old boy, so he had little strength ...

Meanwhile, the whole village had already heard about the big carrot. Joking and talking, people reached out to the garden.

- Yes, this is not a carrot at all, - someone said, - you have a whale sitting here!

- Whales are swimming in the sea!

- Not all! I saw one at the fair ...

- And I saw in the book ...

People encouraged each other:

- Well, try it too, Girolamo - you are a strong man!

- I don't like carrots! I prefer potatoes.

- And I - meatballs!

They pull and pull with jokes and jokes, but they cannot pull. The sun is already going down ...

First end

And you can't get the carrot out!

The whole village came to help, not to pull out!

Gathered people from neighboring villages - not in any!

People came from distant villages, but the carrot was not in place.

In the end, they discovered that a large carrot had sprouted across the entire globe, and on the opposite side of the earth it was pulled by another peasant, and the whole village was helping him too. So it turned out like a tug-of-war, and apparently there will never be an end to it.

Second end

The sun is already leaning towards sunset, and they are all pulling and pulling. Finally pulled out! Only not a carrot at all, but a pumpkin. And in it are seven gnome shoemakers sitting and sewing shoes.

- What is it? - the gnomes got angry. - Why on earth are you taking our house and our workshop away from us ?! Well, put the pumpkin back in the ground!

The people got scared and ran away. Everyone ran away except for grandfather. He asked the dwarfs:

- Do you have any matches? My pipe went out. Grandfather made friends with gnomes.

- I would love to, - said the grandfather, - moved to live with you in your pumpkin. Will there be room for me too?

Romeo heard this and shouted from afar:

- If you go there, grandfather, then I want! And Giuseppina cried out:

- Romeo, son, I'm after you!

And Oreste shouted:

- Giuseppina, what about me without you ?!

The dwarfs got angry and hid underground with their pumpkin.

Third end

They are pulling ... There are a lot of people gathered, which means there are a lot of strengths. And then the carrot crawls out - slowly, centimeter by centimeter, but crawls out of the ground. And she turned out to be so big! It took twenty-seven trucks and one tricycle to get her to market.

There is no such thing that people would not be able to do if they take it all together and work in a friendly and cheerful manner.

Gianni Rodari

Anastasia Karpova
Fairy tale "Wonderful carrot". A tale about the benefits of carrots, about pets, about mutual assistance

Wonderful carrots.

Storyteller: Once upon a time there was a dad and a mom. They lived in the village. And they had a daughter, Annushka, a son, Vanechka, and a full yard of cattle: a bull, a horse, a pig, a goat, a puppy, a cat and a mouse behind the stove.

Mom and Dad loved their children very much and would like them to grow up healthy and beautiful, and to make their wish come true, they sowed a miracle vegetable-carrot. Summer has passed, autumn has come.

Dad went to the garden to harvest. He looks and does not believe his eyes: the carrot has grown big, very big.

Dad: I'll take carrots for the tops, I'll find vitamins (pulls; calls mom) - mom, go to the rescue.

Mum:(surprised) Oh, yes, carrots! Pull the carrots by the tops. We'll get a healthy vegetable.

Everything: oh no way! Do not get it! Can I call Annushka? (name: Annushka).

Annushka: dad mom what happened? What a vegetable! Pull the carrots by the tops. We will get a tasty vegetable.

Everything: oh no way! Do not get it! We must call Vanechka. Vanechka, Vanechka, go help.

Vanechka: what happened to you? How can I help you? - These are carrots.

Everything: pull the carrots by the tops!

We will get a tasty vegetable!

Vania: oh no way! Do not get it! We need to call the bull! - goby, stop chewing, go help.

Bull: moo, moo, help who? A-ah, I love carrots and of course I will help.

Everything: pull the carrots by the tops!

We'll get a healthy vegetable!

Bull: oh no way! Do not get it! We must call a horse for us! Horse, run, help!

Horse: yoke-go-go! Let's pull out the carrots easily!

Everything: pull the carrots by the tops!

We will get a tasty vegetable!

Horse: oh no way! Do not get it! We need to call a pig! (calling).

Pig: Oink oink oink. I will help you in no time!

Everything: pull the carrots by the tops!

We'll get a healthy vegetable!

Pig: oh no way! Do not get it! We must call the goat! (calls out to the goat).

Goat: me, me, me - I'm glad to help the family!

Everything: pull the carrots by the tops!

We'll get a healthy vegetable!

Goat: oh no way! Do not get it! Can we call a puppy? (calls the puppy).

Puppy: Woof woof woof! What happened, here I am. I will help my friends.

Everything: pull the carrots by the tops!

We will get a tasty vegetable!

Puppy: oh, no way! Do not get it! We need to call a cat. (calling).

Cat: Meow meow! What noise, near the vegetable garden? - And what are you burying?

Mom and Dad: and we have grown vitamin carrots, but we cannot pull out, help, please.

Cat: Meow meow. How can I help.

Everything: pull the carrots by the tops!

We'll get a healthy vegetable!

Cat: oh, no way, I can’t, now I’ll call the mouse. (calling).

Mouse: pee-pee! I saw, I heard, you need help. Let's say together.

Amicably: 1, 2, 3 you come out carrots.

Storyteller: to be quick and nimble

You need to eat a lot of carrots

This is a vegetable, not a fruit -

A product necessary for children.

Treat everyone to carrots (treats all spectators).

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What do you think is the most chatty vegetable in the garden? Carrots, of course. What is the conversation about? We learn about this from a fairy tale.

"Chatty carrot"
The author of the tale: Iris Revue

Mom Carrots have such wonderful children. With curly green hair, slender, tall, smart: they always wear orange overalls. And so obedient! In the morning, children do not forget to wash themselves with dew, do morning exercises. How do you think carrots do exercises? And so - the exercise for children-carrots is called "sip." With all their strength, they stretch up to the sun.

Carrot babies grow fast. They especially like it when a joyful rain comes to visit, to the garden. He drumming merrily on the curls of carrots, and they laugh with glee.

Who do you think chatters the most in the garden? Carrots, of course. Nothing escapes the red glances of the carrots, they will see and discuss everything.

- Have you seen what kind of mustache the Tsar Pea has? And Mr. Pepper's yellow suit? Oh, what sisters Count Tomato has! Real foreigners Cherry!

This is how they are, carrots - red and talkative. Enjoy the sultry summer, and rightly so. In the fall - in a box, but in the underground, under the castle.

In the meantime, summer - the carrots are happy, which is what you want.

Questions to the fairy tale "Chatty carrots"

What kind of children does Mom Carrots have?

How do carrot kids exercise?

What kind of guest does carrots like?

What are the carrots talking about?

Do you like carrots?

Carrots love summer, do you?

We all know that bunnies are very fond of carrots. Here is the friend of Vasya the hedgehog, Styopa the hare, is no exception. Styopa also loves sweet orange carrots. Our next story will be about this very carrot.

Once the bunny Stepa asked his mother-hare: "Mommy, where does the tasty carrot come from?" Mom smiled and replied:

Carrots grow in the garden, we plant small seeds in the ground, take care of them, water them, and a delicious carrot grows from them.

Can I grow carrots? - asked the hare.

Of course you can, - my mother answered, - I'll tell you how.

Styopa was very happy, he did not wait for the hedgehog Vasya to come to visit them to tell him that it turns out that he himself can grow carrots in the garden. Vasya the hedgehog also wanted to grow carrots, and he asked to help Stepa. Of course Styopa agreed, because it is much more interesting to do things together, especially with your best friend.

The mother rabbit showed how to make a garden bed, gave the hedgehog and the hare carrot seeds, said not to plant them too close to each other and warned not to forget to water and weed from the weeds. Styopa and Vasya did everything as the hare told them. We planted seeds, watered them and waited for a delicious juicy carrot to grow on their garden bed. A week later, the first shoots appeared from the ground, they quickly grew, grew stronger and soon turned into fluffy green grass. Vasya and Styopa continued to diligently look after the garden bed, did not forget to water it and waited for a delicious orange carrot to finally appear. "Probably, we need to wait a little longer," said Styopa, "and then the carrot will grow." Several weeks passed, the grass became even higher and even fluffier, but there were no carrots on it, and there weren't any. Our friends were completely sad.

(Continued in the comments or in the carousel)

“I think we are doing something wrong,” suggested the hedgehog Vasya, “let's go and ask your mother.” Stepa and Vasya went to the mother-hare and told how they looked after the garden, how they watered, weeded, but the carrots never grew on it.

How has it not grown? - the hare was surprised. - Yes, you have a full bed of carrots!

But there is only one grass growing, - replied Styopa.

Come on, I'll show you, ”the hare laughed.

Mom the hare, Styopa the hare and Vasya the hedgehog went to the garden bed. The hare grasped one bush with her paws and pulled it towards herself. And ... to the surprise of her friends, in her hand there was a large juicy orange carrot, and the fluffy grass turned out to be her tail. The mother rabbit explained to Stepa and Vasya that the carrot itself is the roots, it grows underground, and only fluffy carrot tails grow above the ground.

Soon, Styopa the hare and Vasya the hedgehog gathered a full basket of delicious sweet carrots and treated them to all their relatives and friends. This is how our friends learned how carrots grow, and now we also know.

The hare was eating carrots right on the high garden bed, fenced in by a wooden frame. At first he was afraid of a stuffed animal with a crow on his shoulder, but slowly he got used to it. He bit a carrot, grabbed the next one by the tail, when suddenly ...

Hiding in the forest, the hare sat down under a birch to catch its breath. The carrot he pulled out was large and smooth. The hare was delighted: usually these carrots are very sweet. As soon as he caught his breath and opened his mouth to take a bite, there was a noise. Has the scarecrow made it to the forest? The hare grabbed the carrot tighter and galloped off, tangling the tracks. Yes, he spun so much that he got lost: he looked around and realized that he was in an unfamiliar clearing in an unfamiliar forest. In the middle of the clearing, a stump of such a girth spread out dumpy roots that you cannot run even in seven jumps. A lump of earth stuck to the carrot, and the hare tapped the stump with the carrot to get the dirt off.

- What are you doing? - the stump got angry.

- Bury me in the ground! - squealed the carrot.

The hare was dumbfounded, then began furiously digging a hole, and pushing the carrot there.

- Stop it now! - the carrot was indignant, - What a disgrace, ugh!

The hare pulled a carrot out of the hole. The carrots continued to spit from the ground.

- But you yourself asked to bury you in the ground! - the hare plopped into the grass, - Who's talking about this? Am I saying this?

- You, who else! And I didn't ask, I swore.

The hare scratched the top of his head with his paw.

- Why did you suddenly start talking? Oh, you have legs too! How funny.

- And nothing funny, - the carrot was offended.

The hare turned sharply and asked:

- Stump, tell me why we started talking?

- Oh, that's an old story. - The stump creaked, slightly turning to the audience.

A hare with a carrot sat on a hillock and hugged each other. The hare sniffed the carrot, licked his lips, but restrained himself.

“There are two witches living in our forest, twin sisters,” the stump began.

- One is good, and the other is evil?

- Hare, why are you so impatient? No, they are both kind. Rather, they were good, and now they are evil.

- What happened?

- Some devil told them that one of them, Veselina, was beautiful, and the second, Zlata, was pretty.

- So they are twins! - the hare jumped on the spot.

- Yes, twins. Just two drops of water. But since then, they have become enmity. As soon as one of them does something, the second immediately breaks, conjures up. So they became evil witches.

- But you did not tell the most important thing: what happened to the forest?

Stump sighed.

- Once upon a time a mighty oak grew in this forest. One day Veselina came, looked at him and exclaimed: “What an old tree! It must be able to tell many, many amazing stories about ancient times. " Therefore, she enchanted the forest, and everyone began to talk in it. And the oak opened its ancient secrets to her.

- But there is no oak here! What are you talking about? - the hare crossed his legs on his chest and drummed on the ground with his right foot.

“I was that oak tree,” Stump closed his eyes.

“I see something terrible has happened to you,” the carrot stroked his tail.

- Yes. They sawed me, - said the stump.

- Who? The hare widened his eyes.

- The second witch, Zlata.

- Why didn't you call Veselina?

- I called. I screamed so hard that the birds fell like stones to the ground. But Zlata enchanted the birches around me, and they turned into a wall, and while Veselina was picking up the spell, Zlata had already cut me open.

- But why didn't Veselina bend the spell?

“Her sorcery wasn't enough to turn the stump back into a tree.

- Here are the ones! - The hare closed his eyes with his ears.

- And what, they are still at enmity? - The tail of the carrot flinched.

“Until now,” the tree stump sighed.

- We need to make them bewitched each other, or better ..., - the carrot with heat was explaining something. At the stump around the eyes, the bark formed like an accordion, and the hare no longer hid behind the ears, pulled them out further so that he could hear better.

The hare suddenly remembered something and rushed headlong out of the forest. In the garden, everything was as usual: there was a scarecrow with a crow on its shoulder, a garden with carrots, fenced in with a wooden frame, stood. The hare became terribly hungry, and began to pull out the carrots one by one, so deliciously sullen that even the crow could not stand it and cawed with envy. The hare enthusiastically gnawed a carrot, and completely forgot why he came here. And only when that strange scarecrow jumped in the distance, he realized: he needed a wooden frame.

He quickly, quickly began to dig, paws and flashed. The scarecrow approached, making shrill sounds. The hare looked at the scarecrow and began to work with its paws even faster. The scream turned to screeching. And now, when he had already dug out the frame, it turned out that it was too heavy: he could lift it, but there was no longer enough strength to pull it. The hare pulled up, his legs trembled with tension, gave way. The hare fell to the ground, from above it was crushed by the frame. The scarecrow ran to the hare, grabbed the frame and lifted it up like a feather.

- Yeah, got a thief! I'll ask you now!

The hare jumped up and rushed to the forest. The scarecrow follows him, does not lag behind. The hare dived into the forest. The scarecrow barely steps on its heels. We reached the clearing.

Stump noticed the scarecrow and blew out:

- Who is this?

Carrot swore in surprise:

- Bury me in the ground!

Out of fear, the scarecrow threw the frame to the ground and ran away, breaking branches and scolding vigorously. The carrot tail wagged happily:

- Hare, and you are great! How did you persuade Grandpa Vasya to help bring the frame?

- You mean a stuffed animal?

- What other stuffed animal? This is grandfather Vasya, he raised us carrot sisters in the garden.

- Ah, that's it. Well, how did you persuade me? - The hare lifted his head proudly. - In fact, I am a master of words.

- Wait, can you talk everywhere now? And even when you are no longer in the enchanted forest? - the carrot squinted in disbelief.

- No, not everywhere.

The hare lowered his eyes. He was ashamed of both the lies and the fact that he had killed a couple of carrot sisters. Stump broke the silence:

- Enough babbling and catching clouds with branches! Run for flowers!

The hare and the carrot began to collect flowers and weave a cloth from them. For a long time, or for a short time, the deed was done, and they plopped down near the stump, tired, but satisfied: the dresses were a success, blue and white, magnificent.

After a little rest, they set the frame on a stump, pressed down on the sides with sticks, branches, and ran in different directions: the hare to Veselina's house, and the carrot to Zlata's hut.

Veselina lived twenty jumps from the clearing. A white house was hidden in the rose hips: airy, like custard. The hare jumped onto the porch and pushed the door with his paw. A girl was sitting in the upper room and was embroidering. Twilight reigned, but the hare managed to make out her: black eyebrows, thick tight braids, and transparent blue eyes. Only the face is somehow evil, and therefore ugly.

The girl looked at the intruder and pricked her finger in surprise:

- Who are you?

- I am a hare, the main connoisseur of girlish beauty. Good people told me that a beautiful girl lived here, which the world did not know. So I galloped over to see. Yes to present a gift.

- Gift? So after all, you have nothing, - the girl raised her sable eyebrows.

“He’s big, I couldn’t get it, he’s there - near the birch,” and the hare beckoned with his paw.

Veselina was surprised, but curiosity got the better of it, and she agreed to go. The hare galloped towards the clearing, encouraging Veselina. A dress, woven of white and blue flowers, hung on a birch. Veselina threw up her hands and gasped. But then her face was covered with a shadow of discontent:

- But there are no mirrors here!

- Let's go, enchantress! I prepared a mirror on the stump, let's go, - and the hare again beckoned with its paw.

Meanwhile, the carrot let Zlata down from the other side of the clearing. Every now and then mischievous butterflies and bees sat down on the girl's dress, and she just laughed and brushed it off.

As soon as the two beauties were in the clearing, they immediately hurried to the wooden frame, whirled in front of the "mirror", admired. They threw up their hands at once and broke out in crystal laughter.

Then Zlata stepped on a pebble and said: "Oh!".

Veselina was dumbfounded, looked behind the frame, and there was her sister.

- What are you doing here? Moreover, in the same dress as mine!

They did not expect this from a small vegetable and suddenly fell silent.

- Enough! - repeated the carrot, - How much can you swear! You are sisters! You must help each other! And you are quarreling over nonsense! Now you see that both of you are beautiful?

“We see,” Veselina said, puzzled.

“We see,” Zlata echoed.

- Well there! Make up now!

Zlata stepped up to Veselina, hugged her tightly:

- Forgive me, sis.

- And you forgive me.

As soon as they hugged, their faces became beautiful again. The hare wiped a tear that had come in with his paw. Stump sobbed. Veselina turned to him:

- Oak, and you forgive me.

Then she took Zlata's hands and said:

- Let's conjure together, turn the stump back into a tree. I can't do it alone. And together - we can handle the mountains!

The sisters chanted a spell, and an oak tree grew from a stump, so huge that its crown went into the sky above the clouds.

- Bury me in the ground!

- Why are you swearing again?

- I do not swear, I ask: hare, bury me in the ground! I want to go back to the garden, to the carrot sisters, I miss them.

The hare smiled from ear to ear, grabbed the carrot with his paws and galloped away. When they got out of the forest with the carrot, the hare looked around: there, under an oak tree, kind sorceresses in blue and white dresses, woven of delicate forest flowers, were flying and laughing in the clouds.