3-question iq test. The shortest intelligence test, with only three questions

Incredible facts

Required just three questions to find Einstein among less gifted people.

This test, developed by a psychologistShane Frederick(Shane Frederick) at Princeton University in 2005, tests your ability to ignore your instinctive responses and think more slowly and more rationally.

In other words, how well can you disregard intuitive thinking in favor of analytic thinking?

Cognitive Ability Test (CRT) considered the shortest IQ test. To successfully complete it, you need to think carefully about your answers and question your intuitive answer.

To see if you are genius , you need to answer all three questions correctly, but the speed with which you answered it also matters.The faster you answered, the higher your intelligence .

So how smart are you? Remember that the questions are not as easy as they seem. Even students from well-known universities, including Harvard, were unable to answer all three questions correctly.

Moreover, only 17 percent of them were able to get the highest score on this test.

IQ test

1 ... A baseball bat and a ball cost $ 1 10 cents together. A bat is $ 1 more expensive than a ball. How much does the ball cost?

2. 5 machines produce 5 parts in 5 minutes. How long does it take for 100 machines to make 100 parts?

3. There is an area in the pond where water lilies grow. The area of ​​this site doubles every day. If in 48 days the site covers the entire pond, how long does it take to water lilies covered half of the pond?

Pull yourself together, now you have to pass the world's shortest IQ test! It is called the Cognitive Reflection Test (CRT), that is, a test of cognitive reflection. It was invented by a professor at Yale University Shane Frederick to assess how much a person is able to perceive the complex, which at first glance seems simple.

So let's go!

Question 1

A baseball bat and a ball cost $ 1 10 cents together. A bat is $ 1 more expensive than a ball. How much does the ball cost?

Question 2

5 machines produce 5 things in 5 minutes. How long does it take 100 machines to produce 100 things?

Question 3

The pond is overgrown with water lilies. Their area doubles every day. The whole lake will be overgrown in 48 days. How many days will the flowers take up half of its surface?

And now the correct answers

Answer 1

How much did you get - 10 cents? Like most rushing people who thought they were too smart for such a simple question. Judge for yourself: if the ball really cost 10 cents, and the bat was a dollar more expensive, then it alone would cost a dollar ten, and this is the total cost of the items. In fact, the price of the ball is 5 cents.

Answer 2

Yielded to temptation and answered "100" on the machine? In vain, the question was tricky. In fact, a hundred machines will take the same amount of time to make a hundred gizmos as it would take five machines to make five gizmos. That is 5 minutes. Changing the number of machines does not change the manufacturing time of the gizmos!

Answer 3

Oh, how many of them - those who answered "24 days" - have sunk into oblivion! You too? Do not be sad, this question is the pinnacle of the test. Let's think logically: if every day the area of ​​the thickets doubles, then they will occupy half of the surface of the pond a day before the expiration of the 48-day period required for flowers in order to completely cover the pond. That is, in 47 days.

Taking an IQ test doesn't have to be a painful marathon. Many "victims", remembering their sufferings, dream only that this will never happen again. Fortunately, there is an IQ test that consists of just three questions. This is most likely the shortest test in the world. By the way, you can go through it right now and start showing off to your friends in a few minutes.

The Cognitive Reflection Test (CRT) was developed by psychologist Shane Frederick in 2005. In an article published by The Journal of Economic Perspectives, Frederick says that he chose these three questions for the CRT because they all "showed the ability to provoke impulsive error responses." In other words, these questions seem to push the subjects to a quick transition to conclusions, instead of a thorough analysis of seemingly simple erudition questions.

This mental trap explains the fact that surprisingly few people were able to answer all three questions correctly. Since January 2003, the CRT has been tested over a 26-month period on 3428 volunteers in 35 separate studies. During this experiment, only 17 percent of students at the top universities in the world, such as Yale and Harvard, received excellent marks in CRT. Based on the results of 26 months of practice tests, Frederick presented the final version of the CRT to the world in 2005. This short test is designed to test a person's ability to ignore an intuitive answer and force himself to think rationally.

You have the opportunity to test yourself. Read the questions first, then check your answers if necessary.

1. The problem of a bat and a ball

The bat and ball cost $ 1.10 together. A bat costs $ 1 more than a ball. How much does the ball cost?

2. The problem of the machine

Five machines produce 5 parts in five minutes. How long will it take for 100 machines to produce 100 parts?

3. The water lily problem

Water lilies grow on the lake. Every day the area they occupy doubles. If it takes 48 days for lilies to cover the entire surface of a lake, how long does it take for them to cover half of the lake?

Answers below

1. The ball costs 5 cents. You probably thought 10, right? Don't be upset. A ball that costs 5 cents, plus a bat for 1 dollar 5 cents, adds up to 1 dollar 10 cents. And 1 dollar 5 cents is more expensive than 5 cents by just a dollar. A study at Princeton University found that many of those who answered wrong were simply less patient than those who thought before answering.
2. It takes 5 minutes to produce 100 parts with 100 machines. Your intuition can deceive you by suggesting the answer 100. It is easy to conclude from the condition that one machine produces one part in five minutes. Thus, 100 machines will produce 100 parts in the same five minutes.
3. Water lilies will cover the entire lake in 47 days. Probably, the answer came to your mind 24. Intuition can tell that the correct answer is half of 48, since we are talking about half of the lake. However, since the condition says that the area of ​​the lilies doubles every day, it only takes one day for a half-overgrown lake to become fully overgrown.

Everyone is interested to know how well their intellectual abilities are developed. It is for this that a lot of tests and tasks were invented. Most often, they take a lot of time to complete, and never show a reliable result.

This interesting and shortest on IQ will help not only determine the level of your mental development, but also tell you what kind of mind you have.

Rules for Performing an Official IQ Test

They are quite simple, but in order to obtain an objective result, their observance is mandatory.

1. You need to perform the test yourself, without outside help.
2. Maintain full focus and eliminate annoying or distracting factors.
3 ... Do not spend more than 5 minutes on solving one question.
4. Record the first answer that comes to your mind in writing.
5. Do not redo the test after reading the answers and results.

IQ short test

It consists of only 3 questions:

1. You paid $ 1 and 10 cents for lunch (soup and bread). At the same time, it is known that soup costs exactly 1 dollar more than bread.

Question: How much does bread cost?

2. On 5 machines, 5 parts were produced in 5 minutes.

Question: How long does it take for 100 such machines to produce 100 parts?

3. Algae have been planted in the aquarium. Their number doubled every day. On the 48th day, the whole aquarium was overgrown.

Question: On what day is the aquarium half overgrown?

Right answers

Now check your results.

1. Bread costs 5 cents and soup costs $ 1.05 (0.05 + 1.05 = 1.10).

2. In 5 minutes. On 1 machine, 1 part is produced per minute, and if there are 100 machines, they will also make 100 parts in 1 minute.

3. On day 47 (since the amount doubles in 1 day).

Decoding the result

1. If you gave 3 correct answers, then for sure you have high intelligence and a mathematical mindset.

2. Two correct answers speak of a high level of knowledge and logical thinking.

3. One correct answer characterizes you as a person with a satisfactory level of intelligence and a humanitarian mindset.

4. All incorrect answers indicate that you are a creative person, prone to spontaneous decisions and risk.

Encourage your friends to take this official IQ test

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