In what water are squids boiled. How to cook squid soft for salad

Eleanor Balakireva Pro (916) 5 years ago

Peeling the squid is not a problem. you have already been advised. how to do it. but the big problem is to cook them. Cut the peeled squid into strips and fry in butter for no more than 5 minutes.

Otherwise, they will become very hard. Bon Appetit!

Olga Dubova Guru (2679) 5 years ago

boil, take off, cool and clean, it is very easy to clean.

Alla Avramova The Thinker (6595) 5 years ago

In order to quickly and without hassle peel the squid, put the (frozen!) Squid in a bowl and fill it with boiling water. Almost all of the skin-film instantly curls up, and the rest is removed very easily.

To do this, immediately drain the boiling water, and peel the squid under running water, separating the remnants of the film by hand.

Inside the squid, remove the entrails and chord (this is something like a flexible transparent spine). Rinse well.

Peeled squid can be boiled, fried and grilled. Can be pickled and even dried. You can grind squid meat in a meat grinder and cook cutlets.

You can put it in the freezer, store it for more than a month, and cook it at the right time.

Cap Enlightened (46526) 5 years ago

I clean like this. I turn on hot water in a saucepan and throw squids there. they clean themselves under the pressure of the jet. then if there are 2 bones there, then I take them out. and everything is cleaned up.

Aleksandr Enlightened (22152) 5 years ago

Defrost. Dip in acidified water. Remove the film from the squid carcasses.

Cut into strips. Dip in salted boiling water.

Cook for 1.5 minutes. No more.

Second option. Scald the thawed squid carcasses. Peel off the film.

Slice. Place in a deep bowl. Scald with boiling water.

Hold for 1 min. Drain and pour boiling water over again.

Repeat the procedure three times. All is ready.
Season the cooked squid with mayonnaise. Better spicy.

All is ready.

Descended from the moon! Sage (10373) 5 years ago

What are you, economic, I am surprised at YOU!))

Aleksandr The Enlightened One (22152) Sometimes it strikes me to stand at the stove. But rarely.

Usually at the request of the son. And thank you for your kind words

Blooming woman Expert (384) 5 years ago

They clean themselves easily under running hot water. and then cook.

Oksana Radchenko Thinker (7827) 5 years ago

the remains of the viscera and chitinous plates are removed from the carcasses. Carcasses are dipped in hot water for 3-6 minutes and the skin is removed.

Then washed, dipped in boiling salted water for 5 minutes and ready.

. Student (144) 2 months ago

in general, squids are cooked for no more than 2 minutes.

Squids are extremely useful and quite cheap, but they rarely appear on our tables. The reason is that few of us know how to cook squid so that they are tasty and not rubbery.

Read our tips, and we are sure that squid meat will settle on your table for a long time.

Preparatory work

Most often in our stores, already peeled frozen squids are sold. It is enough just to defrost such before cooking.

It is better to defrost in the air, as a last resort, you can lower the carcasses in cold water, but in no case in hot water! Defrosting is complete when the squid meat can be safely cut.

If you bought unpeeled squid, you will have to sweat, removing the skin from the carcasses and tentacles, removing the insides and spine. This must be done, otherwise you will spoil the taste of the meat. However, remember: all kinds of "quick ways" for cleaning squid can seriously reduce taste meat (due to the use of boiling water), so it is better to peel the skin "cold", as with beef liver.

Long, but reliable.

Now you need to boil the water. The water should be salted, and if you like a more piquant taste, you can boil the broth from various spices.

How much to cook squid

When figuring out how to cook squid correctly, most of the controversy is around the cooking time. The traditional advice of cookbooks - to cook squid meat for 3-5 minutes on low heat - does not justify itself: the meat still becomes tough.

Steaming squid or in a saucepan is not so attractive either: the cooking time is still too long. Squid protein is designed in such a way that when cooked for about 3 minutes it begins to harden and softens again after half an hour of cooking (while decreasing in weight by half).

Therefore, the fastest and most correct way of cooking squid is considered this: the meat is dipped in boiling water (broth), counted to 15 and removed. Then the water is boiled again and the next carcass is lowered - and so on until the end.

Some craftsmen can answer how much to cook squid even in the microwave - 1 minute at maximum power. It is believed that such meat does not lose its juiciness either.

And some squid lovers do not boil the meat at all, but simply pour boiling water over it, and then sprinkle it with vinegar.

How to cook squid correctly?

Even a preschooler knows about the nutritional value of seafood today. And the fact that such products must be eaten at least once a week is also no secret to anyone.

One of the most popular and affordable seafood today is squid. And the presence of squid dishes, both on the everyday and on the festive table, will surprise no one.

But not so long ago, few people heard about such an exotic product, it follows that not all housewives know how to cook them.

First of all, it should be noted that there are several ways to cook squid. They can be boiled, fried, stuffed, dried, eaten raw.

Today we'll talk about how to cook squid correctly.

Let's start from the very beginning. How to cook unpeeled squid?

For this, the squid must be peeled. This is the most difficult moment in the whole squid cooking process. We assume that you will not be able to buy live squid, and you will buy frozen squid in the nearest supermarket.

Therefore, first you need to defrost the squid. It is not worth defrosting squid by immersing it in warm water; it is better to remove it from the freezer in advance and let it defrost in the open air.

The cleaning process should start with the squid skin. If the squid is well thawed, then this process will not cause you any difficulties.

The skin is removed from the squid as if with a stocking, it is enough to pry it with a fingernail or a knife and pull. After that, you clean out the insides of the squid, remove the chitinous plates. Rinse the squid carcass inside and out and it is ready to cook.

We will talk about how to cook peeled squid further.

How to cook squid fillet (carcass)?

Before boiling squid meat, you need to know that the most important task when boiling squid is to prevent overcooking. Otherwise, the meat will be very tough and resemble rubber when eating. How long does it take to cook squid?

It all depends on the cooking method you choose. We offer you several ways to choose from how to cook squid correctly.

Method 1. You need to boil water with various spices and herbs. Most often they use bay leaves, salt (required), black and allspice, white pepper, or any others to taste. In boiling water in a slotted spoon, you need to lower one squid carcass and after 10 seconds get it out.

Then take the next carcass and put it back in the same water.

Method 2 or how to cook frozen squid. You can pour all the carcasses into boiling water at once and cook after boiling for 1 minute, then remove the pan from the heat and leave the squid in water for another 3-4 minutes.

Method 3. Boil the spice water again. Dip thawed squid carcasses into boiling water. Immediately it is necessary to close the pan with a lid and remove it from the heat.

Do not open the lid for 10 minutes. After that, the squids are ready.

How to cook squid rings?

In principle, it makes no difference whether you cook the squid in whole carcasses, or pre-cut it into rings. However, we note that it is much more convenient to cook the carcass, since it will be quite difficult to remove all the rings from boiling water at the same time, and it is much easier to overcook the rings than the carcasses.

How to cook a giant squid?

How much to cook squid in a double boiler?

In a double boiler, the squid takes a little longer to cook than with conventional cooking. And if during cooking in water 10-15 seconds are enough, then you should keep the squids in a double boiler for about 5 minutes.


Before cooking squids, they must be selected and thawed correctly.

We decided to write an article How to cook squid proceeding from the fact that we have extensive experience in catching these gastropods, both by hand in our childhood, and by industrial fishing in our youth. And how to properly cook squid.

You yourself understand, we know not by hearsay. And on this occasion, our friends and acquaintances often ask us the question of how to cook squid?

This is how good quality squid should look like when properly thawed, cleaned of entrails and outer film.

Since you will never find freshly chilled squids in our stores, but only frozen ones, let's start with how to choose the right frozen squids.

How to cook squid video from Petr de Cril'on

In most cases, in the fish section of the store, you will find already peeled carcasses or squid tentacles. It would seem that all this simplifies the process of preparing these delicious cephalopods.

But the bottom line is that they were processed in the People's Republic of China using chemical fermentation, which has a very negative effect on their taste and nutritional qualities.

This is how the carcasses of fresh squid look after defrosting

Squids are selected by their appearance, smell, and expiration date.

The easiest way to determine the freshness of squid is by smell, they should smell like the fresh scent of the sea, a bit like the smell of crabs. And if there is no smell at all, this indicates that the squids are frozen.

You can eat them, but the taste of such squid leaves much to be desired.

We defrost the squids, as usual, move them from the freezer to the refrigerator at a temperature of + 2- + 5 degrees. For better cleaning of squid from the skin, we do not defrost them completely for about 2-2.5 hours.

How to peel squid videos by Petr de Cril'on

How to properly peel squid photo by Petr de Cril'on

If you bought squid with a tentacle head, it is not difficult to separate them. They can be pulled out along with the entrails.

And remove the remaining chitinous plates.

We remove chitinous plates and entrails from the squid carcass

If you bought a squid carcass without a head and tentacles, the squid cleaning process consists only in removing the viscera, chitinous plates and outer gray-pink skin.

In order to easily and quickly peel the squid from the skin, it must not be completely thawed. With the tip of a knife, you need to pry the skin at the base (where it used to have tentacles) and pull it towards the tail.

It should separate well.

Something like this we peel the squid carcass

If the squid is completely thawed, or the skin is poorly separated, then you need to try to gently scrape it off with a knife with a rounded tip. With such a knife, you will not break through a squid carcass.

Together with the skin, it is advisable to remove the transparent film that covers the squid carcass.
Then we rinse the squid under running cold water very carefully, trying not to leave films, since during cooking they curl up and remain in the form of pellets on the squid carcass.

This is how a peeled squid carcass should look like.

Many people advise to scald the squid carcasses in boiling water before cleaning, then, they say, the skin is very easy to peel. We strongly discourage you from doing this.

The less heat treatment the squid undergoes during cooking, the more tender its meat.

How to cook squid correctly

Before preparing any dish of squid, they must be boiled in a marinade. The following ingredients are required for the marinade:

  • Plain cold water 2 liters per 1 kg of squid.
  • Table salt 2 tbsp
  • Granulated sugar 3 tbsp
  • Apple cider vinegar 6% 1.5-2 tbsp
  • Allspice peas 3-5 pcs.
  • Bay leaf 1-2 small leaves.

Of course, when cooking squid, you can do without any spices, using only water and salt. But according to our recipe, squid meat acquires a spicy refined taste.

And they can be used as an independent dish.

When the marinade boils, let it boil for 5 minutes. And then put the peeled squid carcasses in the boiling marinade for 1 minute, maximum 2. Do not increase the cooking time! Otherwise, you will get a hard sole instead of the most tender and fragrant squid fillet.

Cooking squid in marinade

At the same time, the water may not boil. It is already hot enough for the squid to cook.

Remove the squid pot from the heat as time passes. And leave the squid in the hot marinade until it cools completely.

How to cook a squid carcass

If you take out the squid and cool it in the air, they become tough. Even if you do not use all the cooked squid, directly in the marinade and put them in the refrigerator.

Squids boiled by our proposed method are ready for use both as an independent dish and for further use in salads and other dishes.

The carcasses can be cut into pieces of various sizes, stuffed with different fillings, fried in batter, and, of course, barbecues can be fried! And also cook:


How to cook squid?

Squid is a special type of shellfish that contains many nutrients and elements. In our country, squid belongs to the category of delicacies, since their price is quite high.

Therefore, you should know how to cook squid correctly so as not to spoil an expensive product.

Secrets of cooking squid

There are many opinions on how to cook squid fillets. For example, in our article: How to Cook Squid Properly, you will find some tips on how to do it.

In the same material, we tried to collect the most popular methods that are used by professional chefs around the world.

The most important reason for controversy is the properties of the product after cooking. If you cook the squid incorrectly, then the meat will taste like rubber.

So let's take a look at how to make squid meat soft and tender. There are several ways to do this.

Methods for cooking squid

Of course, the cooking method will depend on the initial state of the squid. If they are frozen, then they need to be thawed, leaving the unpeeled squid for a while at room temperature.

You can read more about frozen squid in the article: How to cook frozen squid. If the product is fresh, then you can start cooking immediately.

First of all, both frozen squid and fresh squid should be peeled off. To do this, simply pour boiling water over the carcass. Next - cooking:

  • the first way is the fastest. It is practiced by Italians. They suggest not boiling the peeled squids at all, but simply pour boiling water over again and hold for one minute. Then drain the water, sprinkle the clams with vinegar or lemon juice and leave to cool;
  • the second way is fast. It involves dipping squid in boiling, peppery, salted water for 10 seconds. After this time, the squid carcass should be caught and poured over with cold water;
  • the third method - the long one - is calculated on the fact that you have digested your squids, and they become tough. In this case, everything can be fixed if you cook the clams for more than 30 minutes over low heat. As a result, the squid will become soft again, however, while the carcasses will be halved.

Also, the cooking time for squid is described in detail in our article: How much to cook squid.

And if you are wondering what can be done with boiled squid, how to use them for a salad or a hot dish, then you can study our article: How to cook squid. in which you will find some very mouth-watering recipes for cooking squid.

How to cook unpeeled squid. How much to cook a squid carcass?

No. 3. If you missed the moment when you need to remove the squid from the fire, or decided to play it safe, then you should cook the clam over low heat for half an hour. Ingredients potatoes with squid, potatoes - 10 pieces, how to cook potatoes with squid, onions - 1 head, put on a plate, squid - 5 pieces, boil squid according to the rules of cooking, wait until the squid cools, peel off the film.

Frozen squid carcasses should be easily separated from one another and not have a lot of ice "glaze" - this is how the trade is called the layer of ice, which is covered with frozen food, in order to profit from the fact that water will drain from the food during defrosting. For this purpose, you should take a pot of a suitable size (depending on the volume of meat you are going to cook), fill it with water and bring it to a boil. Some boil squid with this film and only then peel it.

After all, squid meat is not such a cheap product. The squid are now ready for further cooking.

Squid salad is ready. Overcooking can make it hard.

Cooking squid in a double boiler will take a little longer than boiling water. Remember this.

Squids can also be stewed, and stewed squids are considered a great addition to a vegetable mix. If you overcook the squid, the meat will taste tough and "rubbery". squids are boiled for 3 minutes. As we wrote above, the length of the common squid is no more than 0.5 m, the length of the mantle is about 20 cm, although in females it may be slightly longer.

If you cook squid according to this recipe, they will turn out to be very tender and tasty.

How much to cook squid in a double boiler? It is not right. Dip the prepared meat in salted boiling water.

Do I need to defrost? How to defrost squid carcasses?

Squid salad: Delicious recipes for squid salads. For salads, squid can be cooked either whole or cut into rings, the cooking time depends on this, since the cooking time for the rings needs to be reduced, but there is no special cooking method for the salad.

I just turn on the water until the mucus peels off them, it curls up and is removed without effort, it is collected in the sink, in the hot water of the squid until then. With this method of cooking, they will leave less useful substances from the carcasses, compared to their simple cooking.

Most of us are very fond of seafood and actively use it, ordering seafood pizza, pasta, various sauces, salads and other delicious dishes in cafes.

Method one. Add peppercorns, salt, bay leaf to taste per liter of water.

You can boil tender young corn cobs by placing them in the oven. Put the carcasses, wait for the water to boil, after 30 seconds remove the pan from the heat.

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21 Mar 2015, 11:46

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Unlike most seafood that is sold in stores today, squid is the most affordable in terms of price and method of preparation. At the same time, squids are very useful, they are easily combined with different ingredients and are quickly absorbed by the body. Squid meat can be eaten separately, as well as added to salads, fried in batter or stuffed with various fillings.

The only difficulty faced by people who want to taste this delicacy is the length of time the squid is cooked. By placing special emphasis on the process of boiling squid, we will save you from possible failures with this product in the future.

Cooking squid

How to prepare squid

As a rule, in the assortment of fish departments of most stores there are peeled and frozen squid carcasses. Squids bought in this form must only be defrosted before boiling, preferably in the open air.

If you have to work with unpeeled squid. the time for their preparation will slightly increase. It is necessary to clean the carcasses and tentacles from the thin skin, as well as remove the spine and entrails so that they do not spoil the taste of the finished dish.

When removing the skin, it is preferable to use the "cold method": slowly but surely.

Boil water after adding some salt. For a richer, pungent flavor, make a spice-based broth.

How long does it take to cook squid

Traditionally cookbooks advise boiling squid from 3 to 5 minutes over low heat, but in real practice this advice does not work. Meat boiled in this way still turns out to be tough.

Steaming the squid or cooking in a saucepan also does not bring the desired result due to the high degree of heat exposure.

Based on this, the only correct way to boil squid is considered to be this one: the meat is immersed in boiled water / broth for 15 seconds and removed. The same steps are repeated with the rest of the squid carcasses, each time bringing the water or broth to a boil.

We hope that thanks to our advice, squid will become a frequent guest on your table, and you will be able to fully appreciate their delicate and juicy taste. Cook squid correctly, and bon appetit!

All rights reserved Queen-Time.Ru


Tell me, or better, explain in an accessible way how to cook squid correctly. I've read a lot that squid is boiled for exactly three minutes, but unfortunately no one writes anywhere about exactly when these three minutes need to be measured. So, Given: defrosted peeled squid, a saucepan of water on the stove.

Or maybe dip the squid into boiling water, wait for it to boil again and only then catch three minutes? And how much water is optimal for how many squid?

Oh, I was also always interested in this question))))) I usually put them in boiling water and wait a couple of minutes))))) If you cook longer, they say that the squids will become like rubber, but I have not personally checked)))) I would like to hear the opinion of a specialist in cooking squid))))))

I somehow threw frozen peeled squids into boiling water, waited three minutes, and cut them for salad. I had to eat salad with raw squid. Now I only cook thawed squid, put it in boiling water, wait for it to boil again and then promise for three minutes.

Squids are definitely not raw! but I don’t know if the consistency is * generally accepted *. I will definitely try to cook it the way Natalya wrote

How to properly boil squid for salad? First of all, throw out all those stupid books that teach you how to cook squid for 3-5 minutes or more. Such advisers should be brought to justice for false information or intentional sabotage.

I am sure that most of the "non-lovers" of squid, have tried them, cooked in these savage ways.
Take squid, peeled and thawed. Boil water in a separate saucepan. Add salt, bay leaf, peppercorns to the water.

Dip the squid into boiling water one at a time. Drop one first.

Count to ten quickly and remove the squid with a slotted spoon. Wait for the water to boil again, and lower the next squid. (From Nastya's website, from the forum, that is))

Until recently, I did not know how to cook squid in principle, I did not even know approximately how to do it. now in this matter I'm almost a pro))) from personal experience I realized that using already peeled squid is a waste of money. no matter how you cook them, it will still turn out bland, rubbery and frankly tasteless. therefore we take unpeeled frozen squids. defrost, clean the skin by simple rinsing under a stream of warm water (what is cleaned, we will remove the rest later), remove the insides. in boiling water salted to taste (I also add peppercorns and lavrushka), one by one, pour the squid. the amount of water depends on the amount of squid. I always do this by eye, but from the consideration that squid in boiling water should feel free. I wait for the water to boil again (as a rule for a couple of minutes); if you remember, we put the squid in boiling water, which has not yet been completely peeled. from boiling water, the remnants of the skin shrink and easily move away. all. I drain the water, cool the squids. business on average for 10 minutes. squids are soft, tender.

I defrost the squid, peel it and throw it into boiling salted water. On average, I cook for one and a half minutes, until the squids become a uniform milky white color. Our family is very fond of squid.

In 3 minutes they will become rough, and in 10 seconds they will not cook, but simply scalded. Well, this is my opinion)))))

10 recipes with squid

E If earlier squids were a wonder for us and were considered delicacies, now, along with canned ones, you can buy frozen and even live ones, if you try very hard.
Cephalopods are among the most interesting inhabitants of the sea. They are divided into two orders: octopuses and decapods. Decapods include squid and cuttlefish.

In our country, more common squid is harvested and eaten. In many countries, other types of squid, as well as cuttlefish and octopuses, are harvested in large quantities. Already in ancient Greece and Rome, they knew how to cook dishes from cephalopods.

At that time, squid was called a winged fish. Squids are really great swimmers.

As a result of the periodic contraction of the abdominal muscles, the mantle cavity is compressed and water from it is thrown out with great force through the mantle siphon, a powerful jet of water directed backwards is formed. Thanks to this, the satso animal (on the principle of a rocket) rapidly moves forward.

Sometimes squids jump out of the water and make long jumps in the air.

Squid meat is rich in essential amino acids; body tissues contain a lot of extractive substances that contribute to the secretion of digestive juices. By the content of protein, vitamins B6, PP, squids surpass the meat of fish and domestic animals. Squid lipids (fats) are rich in essential polyunsaturated fats, which play an essential role in human nutrition.

In addition, squid are rich in such valuable minerals as phosphorus, iron, copper, iodine. In terms of their content, they surpass cow's milk, veal, fish (carp, bream, crucian carp, pike).

Canned squid meat in most countries is a delicacy. The squid tastes like lobster meat.

Delicious squid meat is very nutritious. In addition to protein and fat, it contains vitamins Bi, Br, Bia, PP and C, minerals and trace elements iodine, iron, phosphorus, manganese, calcium, as well as extractives that promote the secretion of gastric juice and give squid meat. special taste. Properly and skillfully prepared from squid dishes are appetizing, tasty and easily digestible.

And yet in many countries, especially in far from fishing areas, squid and other cephalopods are eaten in small quantities.

When cutting squid, the entrails are removed, the head with tentacles is cut off. Thoroughly clean the abdominal cavity, remove the chitinous plates. Then the cut squids are washed in running water.

After glass of water, the squid is ready to eat. In refrigerated ships, peeled squid are pressed into briquettes and frozen. Drying of squid is not very common in our country. The squid mantle should be dried in the sun, with good air circulation.

Dried squid is sold in the form of thin strips resembling vermicelli, packed in plastic bags or cardboard boxes.

Almost everything is edible in squid. In those countries where [squid] are constantly included in the diet (for example, in China and Japan), they even eat suckers and eyes, after drying them in a pan.

They are said to taste like nuts. Squids are eaten raw, dried, fried and pickled.

Squid meat contains a lot of protein, and the extractive substances that it contains give the culinary products a peculiar taste. This dietary meat is rich in microelements, vitamins C and group B. Squid meat contains a lot of water and little fat. Marinated squid is good in salads, only you must first cut it into very small pieces.

The squid tastes like lobster meat. Delicious squid meat is very nutritious. In addition to protein and fat, it contains vitamins Bi, Br, Bia, PP and C, minerals and trace elements - iodine, iron, phosphorus, manganese, calcium, as well as extractives that promote the secretion of gastric juice and give the squid meat a peculiar taste.

Dishes correctly and skillfully prepared from squid are appetizing, tasty and easily digestible. When cutting squid, the entrails are removed, the head with tentacles is cut off. Thoroughly clean the abdominal cavity, remove the chitinous plates.

Then the cut [squid] are washed in running water. After glass of water, the squid is ready to eat.

When preparing squid dishes, it must be borne in mind that squid meat resembles a chicken egg - the longer it is boiled or baked, the more tough, tasteless and less nutritious it becomes. Boil or fry for 3.5-5 minutes.

Squid can be boiled whole or in large fillets. Dip the squid meat in boiling water seasoned with salt. Many dishes are prepared with raw squid meat, i.e. fillet and head with tentacles

A very interesting specimen is on display at the Natural History Museum of London. A 9-meter giant squid appeared here.

It is one of the largest and best preserved specimens that scientists have ever had. The exact length of the cephalopod is 8 meters 62 centimeters.

He was caught by a trawler off the coast of the Falkland Islands a few months ago. Scientists note that catching a giant squid alive is a rare success, as specimens of this species are usually found in the stomachs of sperm whales or half-rotten on the beaches.

To preserve the sea animal in its original form, the employees had to thaw the squid in several stages, otherwise the thinner tissues of the tentacles could begin to decompose. To find a suitable storage tank for the exhibit at the exhibition, scientists contacted the notorious conceptual artist Damien Hirst. His works represent the bodies of humans and animals prepared and preserved with formalin.

The artist's assistants advised the museum to contact a company that makes glass tanks for Hirst's installations.

Squid with rice and vegetables

  • 2 squid carcasses
  • 1/2 cup rice
  • 1 small onion
  • 1 clove of garlic
  • 6 pitted olives
  • 1/2 pod of red bell pepper
  • 1/2 tbsp. tablespoons of bread crumbs
  • 5 mushrooms
  • 2 tbsp. chopped parsley
  • ground white pepper
  • 50 ml dry white wine
  • vegetable oil

Cooking method: Dip the squid carcasses in boiling salted water for 2 minutes. Throw in a colander, rinse with cold water and peel.

Prepare onions, garlic, peppers and mushrooms. Chop finely and fry in vegetable oil.

Boil rice (25 minutes). 10 minutes before the end of cooking, add fried vegetables, mushrooms and chopped parsley to the rice. Salt and pepper.

Pour in white wine and simmer for another 57 minutes. Stir in finely chopped olives and crackers.

Mix the filling. Stuff the squid and fry in vegetable oil.

Shrimp sauce can be served with the dish.

Borscht with squid

  • squid 0.5 kg
  • beets 500 g
  • white cabbage 500 g
  • carrots 250 g
  • parsley root 100 g
  • onions 250 g
  • potatoes 400 g
  • tomato paste 125 g
  • lard-bacon 75 g
  • sour cream 100 g
  • pork fat 50 g
  • vinegar 3% 25 g
  • garlic 25 g
  • parsley

Cooking method: Rinse the squids thoroughly in cold water and boil in salted water with a low boil for 3-5 minutes. Cut the boiled squid into cubes and fry with finely chopped bacon and onions. Beets, carrots, parsley root, onions cut into strips and simmer with lard, tomato paste and vinegar until tender.

Put chopped white cabbage in boiling water, after 10-15 minutes, cut potatoes into cubes. At the end of cooking, add stewed beets and roots, squid, salt, sugar.

Season the borsch with crushed garlic, finely chopped herbs, add sour cream when serving.

Stuffed squid

  • 200 g squid
  • 2 pcs. Luke
  • 50 g champignons
  • 40 g rice
  • parsley
  • for the sauce:
  • 7 g flour
  • 7 g fat
  • 30 ml milk
  • 70 ml cream
  • 7 g hard cheese
  • citric acid

Cooking method: To prepare the sauce, melt the fat, mix with flour, lightly fry without browning, pour in the milk and boil. Grate the cheese or mince it, add to the sauce and stir. Pour in cream, salt, add citric acid dissolved in water.

Boil squids in salted water. Drain the water.

Boil rice. Chop the onion and champignons and sauté in hot fat.

Add rice and finely chopped parsley, stir and season to taste. Stuff squid carcasses with this mince.

Pour the carcasses with sauce and bake in the oven for 10-15 minutes.

Festive squids

  • squid 4 carcasses
  • zucchini 80 g
  • carrots 70 g
  • cheese 50 g and 65 g - for the sauce
  • garlic 35 g
  • cream 50 g
  • sour cream 50 g
  • peeled shrimp 200 g

Cooking method: Wash and peel raw squid carcasses. Cut the zucchini and carrots into strips, finely chop the garlic. Mix everything thoroughly, add peeled shrimp, grated cheese.

Stuff the squid carcasses with the resulting filling. When the squids are stuffed with a separate skewer, stab the open end. Before baking, pour the stuffed squid carcasses with the sauce.

Bake in the oven at 160 degrees for no more than 10 minutes. Sauce preparation: mix cream with sour cream and add grated cheese. In order for the squid not to be tough, it must not be overexposed in the oven.

It is necessary to bake squid carcasses with excess moisture.

  • 250 g squid
  • 2 tbsp. l. finely chopped fresh cucumbers
  • 1 onion
  • 2 cloves of garlic
  • 1 tbsp. l. corn starch
  • 1 tbsp. l. cognac
  • 1/4 cup chicken stock
  • 2 tbsp. l. vegetable oil
  • salt, herbs to taste

Cooking method: Soak the squid in water for 1 hour, rinse, remove the chord and remove the skin. Cut into slices 4 cm long and 2 cm wide. Dip in boiling water for 30 seconds.

Fry the squid in hot oil for 1 minute. Add chopped onion, chopped garlic, chopped cucumber, cognac, starch diluted with a little water, broth and salt. Stir well and simmer until the sauce thickens.

When serving, arrange with herbs.

Squid pockets


  • 4 whole squid
  • 5 onions
  • 250-300 g rice
  • 6 eggs
  • mayonnaise
  • hard cheese (any)
  • salt pepper
  • vegetable oil

Cooking method:
Boil rice, boil eggs, finely chop the onion. Peel the squid carefully without damaging their integrity.

Immerse them in boiling water for 3-5 minutes, remove them carefully and let cool. Meanwhile, fry the chopped onions in vegetable oil. Add boiled rice to it, salt and pepper to taste.

When the mass of rice and onions is well fried, put 4 boiled eggs and simmer for another 5-10 minutes. Drive 2 raw eggs into the finished mass and, finally, bring to readiness (more squid with mayonnaise and sprinkle with grated cheese, so that a layer of mayonnaise with cheese turns out to be 1-1.5 cm thick.
oven for 15 minutes.

Squid with brisket

  • 4 squid carcasses
  • 2 onions
  • 1-2 large carrots
  • 300 g brisket
  • tomato puree
  • butter
  • bouillon
  • salt pepper

Cooking method:
Peel squid, onion heads, remove offal, legs and rinse thoroughly in cold water. Then finely chop the legs, onions, grate the carrots on a coarse grater, cut the brisket into cubes and, melting the butter in a frying pan, fry everything together.

Add tomato puree, salt, pepper to the almost finished mixture, mix well and simmer for a few more minutes. When the mass is ready, fill the squid carcasses with it, put them in a deep frying pan and simmer for 15 minutes in a thick and spicy broth.

Squid shashlik

  • 450 g squid tentacles
  • 2 tbsp. l. thinly sliced ​​hot red chili
  • 2 tbsp. l. cilantro or mint greens
  • 1 tbsp. l. Sahara
  • 3 tbsp. l. wine vinegar
  • 1 tbsp. l. olive oil
  • bunch of green onions
  • 1 lime

Cooking method: Combine chili peppers, cilantro or mint, sugar, vinegar, olive oil. Peel the squid, cut into 15-20 cm pieces and marinate in this sauce.

Leave it on for 1.5 hours. Place tentacles over 4 skewers. Grill for 3-4 minutes, turning the skewers constantly.

Squids should not be overcooked, otherwise they will be tough. Lightly bake the green onions on the wire rack. Heat the sauce in which the squid has been marinated.

Serve the kebab with baked green onions, halved lime and sauce.

Stuffed squid

  • for minced meat:
  • 2 tomatoes
  • 150 g zucchini
  • 1/2 onion
  • 1 clove of garlic
  • 1 hard boiled egg
  • salt, black pepper
  • for the sauce:
  • 1 large tomato
  • 100 g cream, 30% fat
  • 50 g sour cream
  • 1/2 cube of chicken stock
  • ground black pepper
  • 1 clove of garlic
  • 1/4 bunch of dill
  • for the base:
  • 200 g squid
  • 200 g fish broth
  • vegetable oil for deep fat
  • flour for breading

Cooking method: For the minced meat, cut the tomatoes, courgettes, onions and garlic into cubes and simmer in vegetable oil. Cut the egg and add to the minced meat; salt, pepper, mix.
Boil squids in broth (dip in boiling water), dry with a napkin, stuff, breaded in flour and fry on both sides in a large amount of vegetable oil. To prepare the sauce, fry the garlic in vegetable oil, add sour cream, cream, bouillon cube, ground pepper, diced tomato and keep on fire for 1 minute.

Put the fried calamari in the sauce, add the dill, garlic and simmer for 2 minutes.

Squid with garlic and cheese

  • 0.5 kg squid fillet
  • 150 g hard cheese
  • 3 boiled eggs
  • 2-3 cloves of garlic
  • 1/2 cup mayonnaise
  • 1 tablespoon dill, parsley, or green onions
  • 1/4 lemon

Cooking method:
Cut the boiled squid into strips. Grate the cheese with large holes.

Chop the eggs into cubes. Combine squid with cheese, eggs, finely chopped garlic, season with mayonnaise, lemon juice and salt.

When serving, sprinkle with finely chopped herbs.

Reviews about the article:

Kseniya 2016-04-18
I know that eating squid can catch giardia

Irina 2016-01-15
Incidentally, I also once stumbled upon a squid riddled with a ball of helminths. The squids weren't not fresh. Squids are like squids, only one ... with worms.

So it happens to them too. It took a while before I dared to buy them again.

Marina 2014-09-28
I love squid very much, I often cook frozen or already thawed squid (stockings) I scald with whale, each separately, I let stand for 1-3 minutes, then I clean off the top layer with a knife, and inside, I cut into shreds or ribbons, half rings and carrots (coarse grater ) I sauté in vegetable oil, spread the chopped squid, carcass for 3-5 minutes on low heat, you can add a little salt, add boiled rice to the finished mass, stir. Ready in a plate, you can season with soy sauce (it contains salt), mayonnaise or ketchup. The longer the squid is cooked, the harder it is. Bon Appetit.

Natalia 2014-07-14
We prepare a salad like this: chop boiled squid, crab sticks, shrimp (whole) and 5 boiled egg white (grate on a coarse grater), season with mayonnaise and sprinkle with green onions. Delicious and tender salad!

Anatoly 2014-01-22
If earlier squids were a wonder for us and were considered delicacies. surprised with such a phrase. In the USSR, you can easily buy squid, crabs and shrimps.

I still remember shrimp cost 1kg - 1rub. Parents bought very often.

Pavel 2013-09-26
Linen! Where did you find the worms there? I have been catching him for thirty years and have NEVER seen anything like it.

There is simply no place for them in the body of a squid: its skin is too thin. And you can't eat the guts!

Maybe they slipped you some kind of rotten one? Squid in my opinion does not eat any carrion at all. This is not a crab or a fish.

Here he is terribly fond of anchovy. His speed when attacking a fish reaches 70 km / h. When he is chasing an anchovy, he almost jumps out on the shore in flocks.

With such speeds, he does not need carrion. This means that the chances of getting infected are small.

The wormiest fish is pollock. Here he is, in my opinion, the record holder for worms. There are also perch.

Only in a flounder did not see. But again.

Squid is NOT a FISH. Does not suffer from worms.

And about the cooking time. Everything is correct.

Three to five minutes. It's enough. Vladivostok.

Elena 2013-09-19
But I got a squid inside it had worms and I had a question: is it enough to cook 3-5m squid. so that the larvae of the worms die?

Rimma 2013-05-24
The recipes are great.

Pauline 2013-05-09
I decided to dream up, I took boiled squid, cut them into strips, cut the crab sticks into semicircles, boiled eggs, cut into cubes, finely chopped onions, grated pickles, parsley dill, salt, mayonnaise or sour cream as you like, you can just olive oil. Try to lick your fingers.

Bon Appetit.

max93 2013-03-06
it is still unclear whether to cook first and then clean the film or vice versa.?

Svetlana 2013-02-11
toss the washed peeled squid into a pan with hot oil and a clove of garlic for a second, quickly remove and cool + coarse crab sticks + pitted olives + green peas + finely chopped lemon (according to your taste and the amount of salad) + pickled onion Bon appetit. Salad I came up with. do in Crimean restaurants now)))

margot 2012-12-30
You also need to remove the film from the squid, steam it for 2-3 minutes. Cool down.


Nina 2012-11-02
peel the carcasses, cut on one side to become a sheet, beat off slightly, cut into 3 cm squares. add heat to medium, stirring, add 2 cloves of large garlic passed through a press, soy sauce 2-3-4 tablespoons (whoever likes it) as soon as everything is warmed up, turn off. Everything should take 5-7 minutes. (Without the onion roasting process)

alla 2012-10-14
I also cook no more than 10-15 seconds, then they are soft and tender, and not like a boiled galosh

Olga 2012-06-26
SALAD WITH SQUID. Peel and boil the squid in salted. water. Cool down.

Meanwhile, cut fresh cucumber and bell pepper into strips. Chop the eggs. Combine everything with squid, also cut into strips, and season with mayonnaise.

This salad has a fresh and harmonious taste.

Oksana 2012-04-17
The best side dish for squid is boiled rice or mashed potatoes.

Christina 2012-04-17
please tell me which side dish is better for squid?

Maxim 2012-03-14
don't cook like a squid, you'll lick your fingers all the same!

Irina 2011-10-07
And I love squids so, I clean them raw, boil them with boiling water, then cut them into rings, fry them in sunflower oil and onions for 5 minutes, add sour cream, mayonnaise in the same proportions, carcass for 10 minutes and the dish is ready, it turns out very tasty

fish 2010-12-27
squid salad. 1 kg of squid, 300 gr. walnuts, 0.5 kg of fried mushrooms (champignons). Sauce: 1 tablespoon of mayonnaise, 1 tablespoon of sour cream, 1 tablespoon of light mushroom-flavored cheese, 1 clove of garlic.

Boil the squids (1 min), break the nuts, fry the mushrooms, mix everything and season with the sauce. Bon Appetit!

[email protected] 2010-11-18
The recipes are so-so, rather weak. It is not necessary to cook the squid, it is enough to lower the carcasses in boiling water for 10 seconds.

Alyona 2010-08-19
Thanks for the wonderful recipes!

anya 2010-06-25
how to peel squid?

Olga 2010-01-25
delicious squid with eggs and cheese

Irina 2009-12-30
and what other recipes are there about squid?

Is it possible to cook unpeeled squid

is it possible to cook unpeeled squid

Hello chefs! If you wanted to find out whether it is possible to cook unpeeled squid, then we will provide you with everything that interests you!

In the list of recipes that you see below, you will no doubt be able to see it. However, if the method of cooking whether it is possible to cook unpeeled squid is not in this list, then use the built-in site search.

For cooking you will need:
pork (back) boneless
bay leaf 5-6 pcs
cloves 7-8 pcs
peppercorns 10 pcs
salt 1.5 tablespoons
garlic 4 heads

1. Wash the meat, tie it with a strong thread, put it in a saucepan and cook over low heat. After removing the foam, add bay leaves, cloves, salt and peppercorns to the water.
2. Cook over low heat until boiling, after boiling, cook for another 20 minutes. Pull out.

2/3 cup low-fat sour cream
1 1/2 cups heavy cream
1/4 cup milk
a pinch of salt
frozen cherries in their juice with sugar

For waffle cups:
1 stick (113 g) butter, softened at room temperature
2/3 cup brown sugar
4 egg whites, room temperature
1 cup flour
a pinch of salt
1 tsp vanilla extract

1. Whip the cream. Stir the whipped cream with sour cream, milk and a pinch of salt.

Place the cream mixture in a freezer dish, put in a mo.

This dish is called "Auf lauf". At least that's how it was introduced to me at one time.
You will need: pasta (any, you can vermicelli) 300g. trout (chilled or frozen, you can also other red fish) 200g. broccoli (fresh or frozen, you can add other vegetables to taste) 200g. cream 100g. cheese, mayonnaise, sunflower oil, spices
Boil the pasta until it is not completely cooked (it should be a little tough). Take a dish (in it everything will be baked in the oven in the future) and pour a little sunflower oil on the bottom, this is necessary so that the pasta is not on.

Let's get started:
Mix 0.5 cups of sugar with 5-6 teaspoons of cocoa, a little vanillin (you know that if you have a lot, it will taste bitter). You mix everything, so that the cocoa does not spray and does not go into lumps.
Add 2 eggs and beat the whole thing.
Add 0.5 cans of condensed milk, a glass of sour cream, 0.5 teaspoon of soda, quenched with acid, mix everything.
Then add 1.5 cups of flour and beat.
We bake the biscuits.
Layer with sour cream, whipped with sugar, vanilla and lemon thoroughly, do not regret it (you can even dip the cakes in e.

3 cups pitted cherries
1/2 cup cherry jam (preserves)
1 / 3-1 / 2 cup cherry juice
2 tsp starch
1 1/4 cups heavy cream
1/8 tsp with a heap of cinnamon
100 g dark chocolate

1. For the mousse, beat 1 cup of cream until soft peaks.
2. In a small saucepan, bring the rest of the cinnamon cream to a boil. Remove from heat and immediately put all chocolate pieces in hot cream.

Leave for 1 minute, then stir so that all the chocolate is melted, during this time the chocolate will cool down, now you can enter it.

Milk - 1 stack.
Draining. butter / margarine - 100 gr.
Sugar - 1 stack.
Egg - 1 pc.
Flour - 4.5 stacks.
Salt - 1 tsp.

1 liter of milk
250 ml cream
4 yolks
1 cup of sugar
2 tablespoons full of flour
2 bags of vanilla sugar
70 grams of butter.

1. Dough: 1 stack. Heat milk, add 100 gr. drain. butter or margarine, melt, stir.
2. Beat 1 glass of sugar with 1 egg. The butter / milk mixture should be slightly hotter than warm (.

If necessary, you can take only 2 times less.
1 kg. minced pork and beef (the fatter the better)
2 kg of not the largest sweet peppers
1.5 cups round (Krasnodar) rice
2 eggs
2 large onions
1 bouillon cube
2 large cloves of garlic
2 tablespoons dried dill
2 teaspoons without top Cykoria pepper spices (red pepper, mustard, horseradish root, coriander, cumin, marjoram)
a pinch of ground black pepper
1.5-2 liters of 1% kefir
300 gr. fresh tomatoes (or 2 tbsp.

1 kg. lamb pulp
1 kg. rice
1 kg. carrots
300 ml. vegetable oil
0.5 kg. Luke
3 whole heads of garlic
spices, salt

One of the main components of pilaf is rice. There are many varieties, the taste, color and cooking time of pilaf depend on the variety.

For this we use brown rice Dev-Zira, but you can do with the usual long-grain parboiled Mistral rice.

1. Thoroughly rinse the rice until the water becomes clear, then soak the rice in warm water and set aside.

1 pizza crust
3 slices, sliced ​​(ham or chop)
a good handful of peeled cocktail shrimp
a little bit of cheese

1. Before preparing the pizza, the crust must be removed from the freezer for 10-15 minutes so that it is "defrosted". After taking out the cake, light the oven (let it heat up) and cook the filling.
2. For the filling: cut the meat into small strips, take out the shrimps (do not do anything with them, do not defrost in advance, do not cook as it turned out, because they are tastier than if they were previously boiled.

Light and quick breakfast in 5 minutes.

1 egg (only fresh eggs should be taken)
1 slice of bread
2 table. tablespoons of vinegar
1 tea. spoon of salt
1 liter of water
1 table. a spoonful of sunflower oil for frying croutons

For decoration: a slice of tomato or a piece of pickled cucumber, or a sprig of parsley, or a circle of sausage, or a slice of cheese, mayonnaise, etc. Or you can sprinkle it with grated cheese in the microwave for 10 seconds.

1. Eggs can be made in any quantity, but one at a time!
So: fry a slice of white bread on the hob.

For filling:
300g salmon fillet
1 tbsp. a spoonful of sour cream
100g soft cream cheese
1 tbsp. a spoonful of chopped dill

Bake thin pancakes. Pour salmon fillet with hot water, salt, cook for 20 minutes. Chill.

In extreme cases, you can take canned fish. Beat sour cream, cheese, dill and finely chopped salmon fillet in a mixer.

Fold the pancakes one on top of the other on a baking sheet, placing the filling on each. Heat the cake in the oven for a few minutes.

Dovga is a pea soup with meatballs, a national Azerbaijani dish.

1 liter of katyga (curdled milk, yogurt)
1 liter of water (tastier than half a liter of chicken broth, half a liter of water)
150 g raw rice
1 raw egg
fresh herbs cilantro (keshnish), dill (suvid), leek (qavar); fresh green garlic, if any
Handful of boiled peas - chickpeas

Rinse greens, chop. Set aside the leek with chopped stalks of other herbs.

Chop the rest into another plate. Rinse the rice, put it in a saucepan (you need a larger pan.

Zirish is a barberry. Delicious pilaf!

The combination of chicken and sweet and sour barberry is delicious.

chicken 1 pc. (3-4 briskets can be used)
barberry 150 gr.
almonds, peeled and divided into 4 parts 150 gr.
granulated sugar 1-2 tablespoons

1. Boil the chicken and set aside. After the chicken has cooled down with your hands, divide it into fiber pieces.

Boil almonds for 20-30 minutes in water with the addition of a few.

potatoes 3 large or 4 medium
2 medium carrots
fresh cucumber 1/2 large
pickles 5 medium or to taste
3-5 radishes depending on size
apple 1-1.5 pieces
chicken meat 2 brisket (you can use beef in the same amount)
eggs 5 pcs.
green peas 2 cans (200 gr can)
green onions 1 bunch (5 stalks)
salt, pepper to taste
sour cream 1.

600 gr. spaghetti
800 gr. sweet tomatoes
300 gr. fillet of white fish (e.g. halibut)
zest and juice of 1 lemon
80 gr. butter
1 head of garlic
a handful of finely chopped parsley

1. Chop the tomatoes, squeeze through a sieve to make a puree (you can skip it in a blender).
2. Melt the butter in a frying pan, fry the garlic cloves for 1 min. add the tomatoes and simmer for 10 minutes over low heat.
3. Cut the fish fillet into strips, combine with tomato puree, season with juice and zest.

4 things. boiled potatoes
200-250 gr. canned squid (instead of squid, you can use fresh boiled squid, chicken or crab sticks)
2 pcs. pickled cucumbers
3 pcs. boiled eggs
1 PC. Apple
150-200 gr. grated cheese
1 clove of garlic (optional)
salt, ground pepper, corn or pomegranate grains for decoration.

Cut the cucumbers into thin strips. Grate potatoes.

Grate eggs. Drain from canned squid.

1 kg. whole piece of pork
3 tbsp. spoons of pine (walnuts, almond) nuts
2-3 cloves of garlic
a bunch of parsley (or basil)
vegetable oil, salt, pepper

1 PC. Orange
1 tbsp. spoonful of grated ginger root
1-2 tbsp. soy sauce
2 tbsp. spoons of honey

Wash the meat, dry it, rub salt and pepper on all sides. Make an incision on the side of the piece of meat, but not completely. Open the meat like a book.

On one half, put the filling consisting of chopped nuts, herbs, che.

You will need:
400 gr. spaghetti
200 gr. peeled shrimp
3 cloves of garlic
1 small onion
0.5 tomato
0.5 lemon juice
parsley, dill, basil
salt, pepper to taste

Cooking method:
Boil spaghetti in salted water. Cut the onion into small pieces and fry in vegetable oil, add the garlic squeezed through a press, then the krevtok.

Finely chop the tomato, you can grate it, and in a frying pan to the shrimp. Add parsley, dill and basil, salt and pepper to taste.

At the end of cooking, sprinkle everything with lemon juice.

Peel the squid, boil, after boiling water, no more than 10 minutes. Filling crab meat (crab sticks can be used), cheese, mayonnaise, garlic.

Decoration thinly sliced ​​salmon fish (you can chum salmon, you can use any sea fish) put roses next to the squid. Bon Appetit!

It will also be delicious if the squid is not boiled, but simply scalded with boiling water and held in hot water for 2-3 minutes. Then stuff, sprinkle with grated cheese on top and in the oven for 3-4 minutes.

Real jam.

Kurniks were baked separately for the bride and groom, decorating in different ways. Later, human figures and simply various decorative details began to appear on it, and they began to serve it not only for weddings.

The classic chicken chicken is made from 2 types of dough: unleavened puff pastry and unleavened liquid. From the puff, then 2 cakes are cut out for the base and for the lid.

And pancakes are baked from liquid.

For puff pastry:
260g flour
200g butter
100-150g cold water
1h l. Sahara
1/4 tsp salt
1g citric acid
100g melange

We hope that the selection of recipes on the topic of whether it is possible to cook unpeeled squid is in fact exactly what you wanted to find. Come to us again!

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  • Alexander Gushchin

    I can't vouch for the taste, but it will be hot :)


    This seafood is very nutritious. Squid meat contains many vitamins and microelements valuable for humans: vitamins B, C, PP, calcium, iodine, manganese, iron. A properly prepared product is easy to digest and has a delicate, pleasant taste.

    How to choose and prepare squids for cooking

    Fresh squids are rarely found on sale, as a rule, already frozen carcasses are delivered to the shelves. What you need to pay attention to when choosing seafood:

    • the fillet must be white (otherwise the product is spoiled);
    • skin color can be either grayish-whitish or light pink;
    • large squids with dense elastic meat are suitable for salad, and small carcasses are ideal for stuffing, since they are tender and soft;
    • frozen fillets should be easily separated from each other, if the carcasses are stuck together - they have been frozen several times already;
    • consuming expired products is dangerous to health, so pay attention to the expiration date.

    Before cooking seafood at home, you should defrost it. To do this, the mollusks are placed in a container with cold or warm water (but not hot) and left for a while. After defrosting, the carcass should be peeled. The easiest way to remove the film is by first pouring boiling water over the product. It is necessary to clean squid not only by removing the skin, but also the insides and bones.

    How long does it take to cook squid so that they are soft

    Some housewives do not know how to cook squid correctly, so they avoid cooking dishes containing this ingredient. Meanwhile, it is a very simple process that does not require any special skills. The main thing is to prevent prolonged cooking of seafood. If you overexpose the carcasses in boiling water for longer than the required time, instead of tender and soft meat, you will get tough and tasteless. How many minutes to cook squid? It all depends on the form in which you are going to cook the product.


    Delicious seafood is prepared very quickly and easily. How to cook peeled squid:

    • fill the pot with water, wait for it to boil;
    • add salt, seasonings to the water;
    • place thawed and peeled shellfish in boiling water for 2 minutes (the meat should turn white), then drain the water;
    • if you have overcooked the product, leave the pan on the fire for another 30 minutes - during this time the fillet will become soft again;
    • after boiling the carcasses, cut them into rings and serve with beer.


    How to cook calamari with cling film? There is no big difference between the method of cooking unpeeled and "naked" carcasses - the difference lies in the time required for cooking. How to boil squid in the skin:

    • defrost carcasses;
    • put a pot of water on the stove;
    • when the liquid starts to boil, add bay leaves, salt, allspice;
    • put the carcasses in the pan, turn off the heat and cover the container with a lid so that the steam does not leave it;
    • after 10 minutes, remove the seafood from the water.

    How to cook frozen squid rings

    It is more convenient to cook a whole shellfish than rings, since it will be difficult to quickly remove all the pieces from the boiling water. In addition, rings are easier to digest than larger carcasses. However, if you have already purchased a sliced ​​product, there are several ways to cook squid with rings:

    1. First option. Boil water, adding spices to taste. It can be bay leaves, white / black pepper, herbs, etc. On a slotted spoon, dip a couple of rings into boiling water, counting to 10, take them out. So, in turn, boil all the pieces. Serve the boiled dish chilled.
    2. Second option. Pour all the rings into boiling water, wait a minute and remove the container from the heat. The pieces can be removed from the water after 3 minutes. It is not worth keeping them in liquid longer, otherwise they will become "rubbery".
    3. Third method. Boil half a liter of water, season it with spices. Send the defrosted rings inside, close the dishes and immediately remove from the stove. Do not open the lid for 5 minutes, after which the dish will be ready to eat.
    4. Fourth way. Fill the multicooker halfway with water, turn on the "Putting out" option. Add seasoning (you can use paprika, any pepper, marjoram, cloves, lemon juice, etc.). After boiling the liquid, place the rings in the bowl and leave to cook for 1-2 minutes. Their readiness can be recognized by the white color - then the pieces can be removed.

    For a long time people have been using seafood for food, they are tasty and nutritious. Squids are one of the most affordable and healthy seafood. Squids are rich in vitamins, microelements, they contain a lot of iodine, phosphorus and magnesium. They are also loaded with a valuable protein that is easily absorbed and stimulates the production of gastric juice. To prepare dishes with squid, you need to know how to properly clean them from the film. It is also important to cook them properly to keep the meat tender and juicy.

    Before cooking, the squid should be peeled from the film. To do this, pour boiling water over the carcasses for a few seconds, the thin skin should come off by itself. But there may be a problem - after boiling water, the squids are already half cooked, and they are easy to digest. In this case, use a different method to remove the film from the squid. Take the frozen product out of the refrigerator and defrost it in the air. Press the defrosted carcass with your hand and remove the skin, gently prying its edge with your fingernail. Usually the skin of the squid comes off completely, but if it was thawed and frozen again, then it may not come off. You also need to remove the skin from the squid wings and remove the chitinous plates from the inside before cooking. Depending on the food you plan to cook, there are several easy ways to cook frozen squid. For example, to prepare a salad with squid, it is enough to pour boiling water over the carcass and hold it for 5 minutes. Then remove the skin from it, cut into rings and sprinkle with lemon juice. For some dishes, the squid should be boiled for a little longer using spices. To cook squid correctly, you will need:
    • Water - 1 l;
    • Black peppercorns;
    • Bay leaf - 2 pcs;
    • Salt;
    • Squid carcasses - 2 pcs.
    Season with salt, pepper and bay leaf, and bring to a boil over medium heat. Dip the squids in boiling water, bring to a boil again and remove with a slotted spoon. Squid meat tends to digest quickly and become rubbery. In order to cook soft and tender meat, you can use the following method - boil water with spices, lower the squid carcass, count to 10 and remove. We do the same with the next carcass. You can also boil water with salt and spices, put squid in the water and remove the pan from heat. Gradually, the squid carcass will become soft, rich in spices and will not be digested. Squid protein has the ability to curdle quickly, so the less time you cook the carcass, the juicier it will turn out. If you cook the squid for more than 2 minutes, then it will become hard and rubbery, after half an hour of cooking, it will be soft again, but it will decrease in size by half. Therefore, for the preparation of delicious squid dishes, it is better not to cook, than to digest.

    A large number of dishes are prepared with squid, in addition to the famous salad, squid is put in sandwiches, in pizza, zrazy is made, stuffed with vegetables, and snacks are prepared. Properly peeled and cooked, squid is a delicious and delicate delicacy for true gourmets.

    It contains a large amount of protein and vitamins, and its taste with a touch of sophistication leaves few people indifferent.

    But in order to feel the unique taste of the delicacy, it must be cooked correctly, because there is a risk of digesting squids, which is why they acquire an unpleasant "rubbery" taste. Let's figure out together how to cook squid correctly.

    Cooking squid for salad

    Salads are the most common dish where you can find him. But before you cook squid for salad, you must peel them. This is done quickly and easily. It is enough to pour boiling water over the clam for a couple of seconds (but no more!).

    You will see how the film covering his body will curl up, and then it can be easily removed. Then you need to rinse the cleaned carcass under running cold water, and then start cooking.

    It must be remembered that boiling on the stove should be only two minutes so that they are soft. If you cook them longer than the specified time, the shellfish will taste "rubbery" and, accordingly, tasteless. It can be determined that it is completely cooked by its color: it should turn white.

    If you are cooking several carcasses at a time, then you should not throw them all in the pan. Put one at a time in boiling water, take it out after cooking and only then cook the next one.

    Can spices be added during cooking? Of course. Pepper, dill, basil, cloves - whatever your heart desires. Only the main thing is not to overdo it.

    There is a second way to cook squid for salad. It implies the following actions:

    1. Take frozen unpeeled cephalopods, peel them as above and rinse.
    2. Boil water in a saucepan (or pour boiling water from a kettle).
    3. Dip peeled carcasses into a pot of water.
    4. Cover the pot with a lid and wait 10 minutes. Ready!

    It is worth noting here that this method can be used when you need to cook a few carcasses. If there are many of them, then it is better to use the first method.

    You can cook them using kitchen appliances. Any housewife should know how to cook squid for salad in the microwave.

    By analogy with the first method described above, we take the previously thawed peeled and washed fillet, put it in a special thermal dish, close the lid tightly and put it in the microwave for exactly two minutes.

    And how to cook squid for salad in a slow cooker? Almost the same. Pour water into the multicooker bowl so that it covers all the meat, and set the "Cooking" mode for two minutes. The time for cooking, as you noticed, is the same everywhere - it is quite enough for the delicacy to be completely cooked.

    Separately, it should be noted that before cooking, you need to make sure that the product is completely defrosted, otherwise they will turn out to be undercooked. At the same time, you need to defrost them either in a natural way - just leave them in a warm room, or with the help of cold water.

    Never defrost the delicacy with hot water - it will simply darken.

    It would seem that it is very simple - to cook. However, there are a few nuances here that will prove to be useful tips.

    1. As a rule, small sizes are tastier than large ones.
    2. Add more salt to the pot before boiling - the clam will taste much better.
    3. Lemon juice will give a special taste and juiciness.
    4. You already know how much you need to cook squid, but if it suddenly turns out that they turn out to be overcooked, do not worry - leave them on the stove for another half hour. True, they will decrease a little in size, but at least this way you won't have to throw it out.
    5. If you are preparing soup, for example, then add them to the dish last, when it is ready.
    6. Do not mix squid and products that have a pungent smell - this will overpower the delicate taste of the delicacy. There should be more shellfish in the dish than the rest of the ingredients.

    How to choose a squid

    It is very important in this article to talk about how to choose squids for a salad, because the quality of the product and its taste, and, therefore, the success of the dish itself, depend on the correctness of this choice.

    The stores are presented in three types:

    • carcasses;
    • fillet;
    • rings.

    Most often, housewives purchase carcasses - they are almost ready for use, and you don't have to tinker with them for a long time.

    Rings and fillets are also a very convenient option, you don't even need to cut them here, only both rings and fillets are chemically treated during the production process, so it is best to buy ordinary carcasses, you can frozen, unpeeled.

    Commercially available squid should be frozen or chilled as it is perishable.

    So, in order to choose the right one, you need to follow simple and uncomplicated rules.

    1. Buy only frozen, unpeeled cephalopods. Choose small carcasses without visible damage.
    2. Pay attention to how it is packed. The packaging must be tight, intact, without cuts or damage. If they are sold without packaging and you notice that they are stuck together and there is too much ice on them, then they have been repeatedly frozen and thawed, which is considered fatal. It is better not to purchase such a product - it can simply fall apart during cooking, and its taste in such cases leaves much to be desired.

    Products should be easily separated from each other - this means that they have not been subjected to repeated and prolonged freezing.

    1. It is also worth paying attention to the color. Fresh, properly frozen, usually a gray-purple or pink-brown hue. The flesh inside must certainly be white or creamy. If the flesh is gray, then most likely it is an old cephalopod, and the meat of old squids is tough and tasteless. It is also possible that the product was improperly stored. A yellow carcass is a sign that there is a delay.
    2. The consistency should be firm, firm and uniform. A viscous and thin consistency, as a rule, indicates the expiration of the product.
    3. It is important to sniff the squid before buying. Fresh, properly frozen and stored smells like a subtle, subtle fish scent. An unpleasant smell suggests that it is old or has deteriorated long ago.
    4. There should be no damage to the product. This is very important, because such a carcass can simply "burst" during cooking.

    In conclusion, we note that in order to choose and cook correctly, you need to be careful and have useful knowledge. As you can see, there is nothing complicated about it. This shellfish is delicious, tender and healthy.

    When choosing a product, pay attention not to color, shape, density, freezing and storage conditions. You need to cook for no more than two minutes.

    A tasty and healthy delicacy, rich in protein, vitamins, minerals and trace elements, was served in ancient Greece, calling this mollusk a winged fish. Low calorie content (86 calories per 100 g), high nutritional value and the ability to have a beneficial effect on the body have turned squid into a popular dish for those who want to lose weight and improve their health. How to cook delicious squids so that they decorate the festive table? There are many ways and recipes for preparing this seafood, but they are all based on some general points that every housewife should know about. Many are sure that cooking is very difficult, but this is a misconception, which you have to debunk in practice.

    How to quickly peel squid?

    Unpeeled squid are considered to be of higher quality, because after the factory cleaning, the mollusks are cooked and become tough. Residents of the Mediterranean know how to properly clean squid, frozen or fresh: first, they should be thawed at room temperature or in the refrigerator, then boiled over for one minute (during this time the skin will curl up), drain the boiling water and place the squid in cold water. After that, you can easily remove the curled skin, remove the chord, entrails - and the squid can be cooked. This is the best way to keep the squid soft, tender and juicy.

    How to cook peeled and unpeeled squid properly

    Add salt, peppercorns and bay leaf to the water, wait for the water to boil, dip the squid carcass in it and take it out after 10 seconds. As soon as the water boils again, do the same with the second carcass, with the third and with all subsequent squids. To understand how to cook squid fillets correctly, you just need to try this method, and then you will understand why all the previous methods were unsuccessful. It turns out that a long heat treatment (for 3-5 minutes) deprives the taste and nutritional properties and turns them into gum that cannot be chewed.

    There is another way how to properly cook frozen squid (you must first defrost it, of course) - you need to boil water with salt and spices, put the shellfish there and immediately remove it from the heat. You need to insist this yummy for 10 minutes.

    And now we will tell you how to properly boil frozen squids without defrosting: you just need to put them in boiling water for one minute, turn off the heat, and then hold them in water for another 3-4 minutes.

    How to fry squid properly

    Before frying, the squid should be boiled in one of the above ways, cut into rings or strips, dipped in ice cream (beaten eggs with sour cream, salt and spices), roll in breadcrumbs and fry in vegetable or butter for no more than five minutes.

    Some novice cooks are interested in how to properly cook calamari fried in batter. This very simple dish is done in the same way - boiled and chopped shellfish are lightly marinated, dipped in batter and fried in a large amount of oil.

    Delicious squids can be cooked in the oven or on the wire rack, but they must be pre-marinated for several hours in lemon juice with garlic, pepper and paprika. Then the squid should be put on the wire rack and baked, pouring with the remaining marinade.

    How to stuff squid properly

    First, the squids are washed, poured over with boiling water, then peeled and lightly beat off each carcass. Next, you need to fill the carcass two-thirds with a filling, which is suitable for mushrooms with eggs, vegetables with rice, shrimps with cheese, green beans and onions, apples and cottage cheese. The edges of the carcasses are fastened with skewers, after which the squids are stewed in the oven with a little water, and five minutes before they are cooked, they are sprinkled with cheese and put in the oven again until golden brown. The finished dish is poured with nut, tomato, cream, sour cream, wine, soy or onion sauce.

    In many recipes for cooking squid, you can find unexpected combinations - squid with minced meat, with bread and sprat, with crab sticks and corn, with nuts and dried fruits.

    Each national cuisine has its own secrets of cooking squid, but there is one main rule. Do not overload the squid with spices and spices, as they intensively absorb the aroma of the surrounding products, and the dish may turn out to be too saturated. How to cook squid properly is just the beginning. It is important to choose the right side dish (rice, vegetables, pasta) and serve the dish correctly, garnishing it with fresh vegetables, lemon, herbs and olives. In Southeast Asia, squid is eaten raw, sprinkled with savory sauces, but such an extreme is not for those who love to cook and enjoy delicious food!