Waffle cakes with condensed milk recipe. Waffle cake with condensed milk

Waffle cake with condensed milk is an instant delicacy that never gets boring. You can make it from purchased cakes or cooked yourself, sometimes the dessert is collected from thick Viennese waffles.

This cake can be prepared in just 20 minutes. For the cream, use ordinary or boiled condensed milk with butter. The first option will appeal to lovers of milk taste, and the second - to lovers of caramel. The list of required products will be as follows:

  • 7-8 ready-made cakes;
  • 370 g of condensed milk;
  • 200 g butter.

Recipe step by step:

  1. Let the butter sit on the counter to warm until soft. Beat it with a mixer, adding condensed milk in small portions.
  2. Grease the cakes with the ready-made cream and lay them on top of each other. Decorate the assembled wafer cake with condensed milk to your liking.

To make the waffles crisper, you can hold them in the microwave for one or two minutes. This little trick will bring back crispness even to a slightly damp product.

Dessert with chocolate glaze

The cake prepared according to this recipe will have a bright taste. But don't skimp on cream chocolate by buying a confectionery frosting or a low cocoa product. Cakes for him can be purchased in the store or baked on their own in a waffle iron. When baking waffles, you will need:

  • 4 eggs;
  • 100 g sugar;
  • 250 ml of milk;
  • 200 g margarine or butter;
  • 10 g baking powder;
  • 300-350 g flour.

Chocolate glaze cake cream consists of:

  • 150 ml of milk;
  • 50 g of chocolate;
  • 30 g cocoa powder;
  • 150 g of boiled condensed milk;
  • 100 g butter.

Cooking from homemade cakes:

  1. First you need to bake the waffles. For them, eggs are beaten with sugar, melted, but not hot, margarine is poured into this foamy mixture. Next, stir in the flour sifted with baking powder. Last of all, pour in, stirring the thick dough to the desired consistency, milk.
  2. From the resulting dough, large waffles are baked in an electric waffle iron, greased with a small amount of oil. If there are too many cakes, they can be eaten just like that or sealed to make another cake later.
  3. For the chocolate glaze, slightly heat the milk, break the chocolate into it and add the cocoa. Heat these products with continuous stirring until completely dissolved. Then cool the mixture.
  4. Beat the softened butter into a fluffy cream along with boiled condensed milk. Introduce the glaze in a thin stream, continuing to work with a mixer. Cool and beat the finished cream again. After that, all that remains is to layer the cakes and decorate the cake.

Dessert décor can also be chocolatey, such as from a sweet baby cocoa drink or shavings mixed with waffle crumbs.

Cooking with fruits

The familiar waffle cake with condensed milk can be easily prepared in a new way by adding seasonal fruits and berries to the filling. It will turn out delicious, fresh and original. One of the options for a fruit dessert may include:

  • 5-6 ready-made cakes;
  • 350 g of boiled condensed milk;
  • 300 g bananas;
  • 300 g fresh strawberries;
  • kiwi, black currant and walnuts for decoration.

Cooking algorithm:

  1. Peel the bananas, chop into thin circles no more than 2-3 mm. Wash the strawberries, dry, remove the green tails and cut into thin slices.
  2. Grease each waffle cake with condensed milk and put strawberry and banana slices on it. Collect the cake from the sandwiched waffles.
  3. Grease the dessert with condensed milk on top, put currants, kiwi slices and crushed nuts on it.

Waffle crunch lovers can enjoy dessert right away, while those who prefer juicy soaked cakes will have to wait a bit.

Delicate cake with condensed milk and bananas

The simplest version of this delicacy can be obtained simply by gluing a stack of waffles with the help of condensed milk, on which thin banana circles are laid. But there is a slightly more complicated option, while the same delicious. It will require:

  • 16 ready-made wafer cakes;
  • 200 g soft butter;
  • 370 g of boiled condensed milk;
  • 300 g bananas;
  • 30 g chocolate chips;
  • 2 g vanillin.

Priority of actions:

  1. Beat butter with boiled condensed milk with a mixer until light cream.
  2. Put banana pulp, vanillin and grated chocolate in a blender bowl. Turn these ingredients into a smooth banana puree.
  3. Waffle cakes alternately grease with banana cream and a composition made from butter and condensed milk.

The top and sides of the cake can be coated with caramel cream and sprinkled with coconut, or garnished with banana slices.

Dried fruit recipe

Dried fruits are included in one of the most delicious variations of this dessert. They not only make the taste of the cake brighter and richer, but also remove the excessive cloying, which is often complained about. Proportions of ingredients for a dainty with dried fruit from ready-made cakes:

  • 5 wafer cakes;
  • 250 g of boiled condensed milk;
  • 150 g butter;
  • 150 g raisins;
  • 150 g dried apricots;
  • 150 g pitted prunes;
  • 50 g of nuts.

Cooking process:

  1. Steam dried fruits in boiling water and pat dry with paper towels. Then grind them through a meat grinder, but do not mix. Grind the roasted nuts as well.
  2. Turn soft creamy butter together with condensed milk into an airy cream. You cannot whisk these products for a long time, otherwise the mass will go in grains.
  3. We collect the cake. Grease the first cake with cream, on which to put raisins, cover with the second cake and also layer and cover with a layer of dried apricots. Further, according to the same algorithm, putting prunes and nuts into the filling. Cover everything with the last cake, which is smeared with cream on top.

After impregnation, such a ready-made cake can be cut into portioned pieces, which are covered with a "cobweb" of melted chocolate. To speed up the impregnation, the cake is placed in a preheated oven for 2-3 minutes.

  • Grease the cake with condensed milk, put the second on top, which is sandwiched with jam. So repeat, alternating layers, until the cakes run out. Give the dessert at least half an hour to soak, and you can serve it to the table.
  • Whole strawberries made from jam can be used as decoration for the finished cake. And do not be upset if this product was not found in stocks, instead of it you can take any other: raspberry, currant or apricot.

    Honey waffle cake with condensed milk and cottage cheese

    Moist cream made from cottage cheese, condensed milk and honey makes the wafer cakes moist and gives them a honey-caramel flavor. Due to the nutritional value of the ingredients that make up the cream, the cake is so high in calories that it will be quite enough for a hearty snack. Required list of products:

    • 6-8 ready-made wafer cakes;
    • 200 g of boiled condensed milk;
    • 200 g of tender cottage cheese;
    • 50 g of honey;
    • 50 g seedless raisins;
    • 30 g of walnuts or other nuts;
    • 10-20 ml of cream liqueur.

    Cooking progress:

    1. Steam the raisins for a few minutes in boiling water, then dry on paper towels. Lightly fry the nuts in a pan and chop.
    2. Squeeze the cottage cheese through a fine metal sieve, add honey, condensed milk and liqueur to it. Carefully beat everything with a mixer into a fluffy homogeneous mass.
    3. Layer the cakes with generous portions of the prepared cream. Before serving, the cake must be left to soak for a few hours.

    To decorate the dessert beautifully, you can beat a small amount of condensed milk with soft butter and coat the product outside with this cream. Then garnish with raisins, kernels and crumbs such as honey cakes.

    After reviewing the recipes given, we can say that making a waffle cake is not at all difficult both from ready-made cakes and from those baked on your own. It is helpful to involve children in this fun process. Memories of cooking together over the years will become sweeter than the cake itself for both adults and children.

    Many are frightened by the prospect of making cakes and pastries - the process seems complicated and long. But waffle cake with condensed milk is such a simple dish that everyone can handle it. And most importantly, you need few ingredients. The cake is tasty and inexpensive.

    You can adjust the filling to the taste, leaving only the main components - wafer cakes and condensed milk. Add fresh and canned fruits, berries, nuts, or preserves. Although without additional products, a delicious dessert is obtained. If you want to make a cake from wafer cakes with condensed milk sweeter - add more of the main component. If you increase the amount of oil, then the dish will turn out to be more nutritious.

    For the filling, both boiled condensed milk and ordinary are suitable - in any recipe you can make your choice.

    Waffle cake with condensed milk and sour cream

    Sour cream makes the filling more tender and airy. In addition, this product reduces the calorie content of the dessert due to the fact that you have to put much less oil in the cream.


    • wafer cakes;
    • 100 g butter;
    • 200 gr. sour cream;
    • 200 gr. boiled condensed milk.


    1. Remove the oil first, it should soften at room temperature.
    2. Mix butter, condensed milk and sour cream in one container. Beat the mass with a mixer.
    3. Spread the resulting sweet mixture on each cake, stacking them on top of each other.

    Fruit waffle cake

    If you add fruit to the filling, you get a more interesting variation of the dessert. Oranges, pears, apples, bananas, peaches, pineapples can be added to a waffle cake with condensed milk and butter as an additional filling component. Moreover, it can be both fresh and canned fruits.


    • wafer cakes;
    • 2 bananas;
    • 1 pear;
    • 150 g butter;
    • 1 can of condensed milk;
    • a pinch of vanilla.


    1. Melt the butter at room temperature - it should soften.
    2. Cut the pear and bananas into slices.
    3. Mix condensed milk, butter, add vanilla. Beat the mass with a mixer.
    4. Spread over each cake. Put fruits on the cream, alternating them - on one layer a pear, on the other - a banana.
    5. Place the cake in the refrigerator for a few hours to soak well.

    Chocolate waffle cake

    Add a little cocoa to the cream - and here you have a chocolate dessert, which will be even tastier if flavored with nuts. Peanuts and hazelnuts are best for boiled condensed milk, but you can take others as well - this will not spoil the taste at all.


    • wafer cakes;
    • a can of boiled condensed milk;
    • 150 g butter;
    • 100 g nuts - hazelnuts and peanuts;
    • 2 teaspoons of cocoa powder;
    • ¼ chocolate bar.


    1. Remove the oil from the refrigerator, let it thaw, it should become soft.
    2. Crush the nuts.
    3. Mix condensed milk, butter and cocoa powder. Beat with a mixer.
    4. Add crushed nuts to the cream.
    5. Brush each crust with cream.
    6. Also grease the very last cake with cream, and sprinkle with grated chocolate on top.

    Waffle cake with dried fruits

    This dessert is so versatile that you can create absolutely any filling. Dried apricots and prunes give a pleasant sourness, and coconut flakes give an exotic flavor.


    • wafer cakes;
    • can of condensed milk;
    • 150 g butter;
    • 150 g dried fruits - dried apricots and prunes;
    • coconut flakes for sprinkling.


    1. Mix softened butter and condensed milk in a separate container. Beat with a mixer.
    2. Soak dried apricots and prunes in hot water for 30 minutes. Then squeeze out the excess water and cut the dried fruit into small pieces.
    3. Add them to the cream, stir well.
    4. Lubricate each cake with cream, stacking them on top of each other.
    5. Grease the last crust and sprinkle with coconut.
    6. Put the cake in the refrigerator for a few hours.

    Waffle cake with condensed milk and jam

    You can use both jam and preserves in the recipe. Keep in mind that the jam has a thinner consistency. As you add it, increase the amount of oil. This will help avoid excess sweetness in the filling. It's good if the jam contains pieces of fruit or berries.


    1. Melt butter at room temperature.
    2. Whisk butter, jam and condensed milk in a separate container.
    3. Lubricate each cake with the resulting cream, laying them on top of each other.
    4. Let the cakes soak - put them in the refrigerator for a few hours.

    Making a cake is a snap. Use store cakes and create a delicious treat with any filling - chocolate, nut or fruit.

    Since childhood, many are familiar with the wonderful waffle cake with condensed milk, which could be seen on the counters of Soviet stores.

    Despite the unusual taste of this crunchy dessert, it is very easy to make it at home. Moreover, the ingredients for the dish can be counted on the fingers.

    Simple Icing Waffle Cake

    When using ready-made cake layers for a cake, the recipe for its preparation becomes outrageously simple.

    To diversify it a little, you can add glaze decoration.

    You should start with the main filling for the dessert, namely, condensed milk. It must be mixed with 250 g of soft, but not melted butter, not forgetting to add a pinch of vanillin during the whipping process.

    As soon as it is possible to achieve a homogeneous mass, you can start collecting the cake.

    To do this, you need to take one cake and grease its entire surface with cream.

    Then press the second one to it, repeating the action with the filling. So, you need to shape the whole waffle cake.

    You can decorate the dessert, diversifying its taste, using glaze. You will need to take sour cream, sugar, 50 g of soft butter and cocoa powder, thoroughly mixing these components together.

    After that, you need to put the mass on a small fire and wait for it to boil. So, you can remove the frosting from the stove, letting it cool. It remains only to grease the surface of the waffle cake with icing. At your discretion, you can either serve it on the table or leave it soaked in cream.

    Recipe for a cake made from homemade waffle cakes with condensed milk

    What makes home cooking great is that the dessert can be made in a wide variety of variations, using, in addition to condensed milk, other components. But, first of all, you should study the recipe for the most ordinary waffle cake with condensed milk, including the rules for making wafer cakes.

    For 7 cakes you will need:

    • Wheat flour - 280 g;
    • Granulated sugar - 70 g;
    • Eggs - 2 pieces;
    • Butter - 40 g;
    • Drinking water - 250 ml;
    • Vanillin - 5 g.

    In order to make the icing and filling for the waffle cake, you will need the following components:

    • Butter - 250 g;
    • Vanillin - 1 pinch;
    • Sour cream - 4 tbsp. spoons;
    • Granulated sugar - 4 tbsp. spoons;
    • Cocoa powder - 2 tbsp. spoons.

    This dessert, taking into account the preparation of waffles and filling, will take 40 minutes, and the calorie content of one portion (piece) will be 550 kcal.

    First you need to make cakes. To do this, you should provide for the presence of a waffle iron in the kitchen. In warm water, it is necessary to dilute granulated sugar and vanillin. After that, you also need to add eggs to the water, and start whisking the mixture at high speed.

    To make the cakes as lush as possible, beat as long as possible: 10-15 minutes will be enough. It remains only to mix the dough, adding flour to it at the same time. Now you can make 7 waffle cake layers using the waffle iron.

    Once the basic design for the dessert is ready, you can start preparing the cream. To do this, you need to take in advance the softened butter and boiled condensed milk, whisking them well together.

    In the process of whipping, you also need to add a pinch of vanillin. So, it is important to achieve the most homogeneous mass of all components - the cake cream will be ready. It is better to immediately apply the filling to the cakes to allow them to soak properly. To do this, you need a cooking spatula or a regular tablespoon.

    It is necessary to carefully distribute the mass over the surface of the first cake, evenly pressing the second from above. So, it is necessary to consistently collect the cake from the cakes, pre-lubricating them. You can leave the dessert overnight to soak or eat right away. In the latter case, it will turn out to be especially crispy.

    How to make a waffle cake with condensed milk and jam

    As noted earlier, not only condensed milk can accompany the goodies. Sweets can try the recipe for such a cake with any jam, which you can choose according to your preference. To make a waffle cake with condensed milk and strawberry jam, you need to prepare the following ingredients:

    • Wafer cakes - 8 pieces;
    • Boiled condensed milk - 1 can;
    • Vanillin - 1 pinch;
    • Butter - 250 g;
    • Strawberry jam - 1 glass.

    It will take half an hour to cook a cake using ready-made waffles, and the calorie content of one portion (piece) will be 680 kcal.

    You should first beat the boiled condensed milk with soft butter, not forgetting to add vanillin while stirring. So, the first cream for the waffle cake will be ready. All that remains is to grease the cakes, alternating the fillings.

    First, you need to evenly distribute the condensed milk over the surface of the first cake, then evenly press the next cake to it. The latter should be greased with strawberry jam. Of course, you can start in the reverse order, the main thing is not to forget to alternate the fillings all the time.

    Thus, the waffle jam cake will be ready. If you wish, you can either immediately serve it with tea, or leave it for several hours to soak in the cream.

    delicious and beautiful desserts. How to make a cake bright and colorful.

    Delicious chocolate cake with curd balls in a slow cooker. This incredible dessert will appeal to both adults and children. Try it for sure.

    Simple crumbly biscuits with cucumber brine. Despite the simplicity of the ingredients, the baked goods are delicious. and make these cookies.

    Waffle dessert with condensed milk and bananas

    There is an even more unusual variation on the preparation of such a dessert. It will be distinguished by the presence of bananas in the decoration, which will also provide a pleasant delicate taste to the cake. To complete such a recipe, you will need components such as:

    • Wafer cakes - 8 pieces;
    • Boiled condensed milk - 1 can;
    • Bananas - 3 pieces;
    • Butter - 50 g;
    • Cocoa powder - 1 tbsp. spoon;
    • Granulated sugar - 1 tbsp. spoon.

    It will take 25 minutes to prepare a cake using ready-made waffles, and the calorie content of one portion (piece) will be 510 kcal.

    The fruit must be peeled and cut into circles of equal height. Only then can the cake be constructed. However, everything will not do with condensed milk. Now, lubricating the cakes with the filling, you should lay along the contour of each piece of fruit.

    This is how the whole cake needs to be designed, but the last cake is not worth touching yet, as it will need to be decorated with icing.

    To make it, you need to melt the butter, adding sugar and cocoa powder to it. Once a homogeneous mixture is obtained, it will be possible to remove it from the heat. The resulting should be distributed over the surface of the cake, and you can even pour the mass onto it.

    You have to wait until the cake is soaked, which will take 20 minutes. After that, it remains to decorate the top cake with banana slices, distributing them along its contour.

    Nut cake made from ready-made waffle cakes

    The nuts used in this recipe will add even more sophistication to the crispy dessert. You can choose them to your taste, however, waffles are best in harmony with walnuts. So, you will need:

    • Wafer cakes - 7 pieces;
    • Boiled condensed milk - 1 can;
    • Butter - 250 g;
    • Peeled walnuts - 150 g.

    It will take 20 minutes to prepare a cake using ready-made waffles, and the calorie content of one portion (piece) will be 510 kcal.

    To make the filling for the cake, you need to knead the condensed milk with butter. The latter should be warmed up.

    As for nuts, it is better to buy peeled nuts right away. This is necessary so that their rind does not taste bitter in the dessert. Chop the nuts using a blender. In this case, it is better to leave about 10 pieces intact, they can be used to decorate the cake at the end of cooking. The crushed nuts must be thoroughly mixed with the condensed milk filling.

    To design a cake, you need to grease each of the cakes with a filling with walnuts in the usual way, pressing the waffles tightly against each other. You can finish the recipe by decorating the surface of the cake with filling and whole kernels. Better to let the cake soak, leaving it for a couple of hours.

    The waffle cake with condensed milk has become a favorite childhood delicacy of almost everyone for a reason:

    • It is ideal as a dessert for tea;
    • There are many variations of it;
    • Such a cake can even be put on a festive table;
    • You can prepare the cakes yourself or buy them in the store, saving time;
    • No high cooking skills are required to prepare the recipe.

    Bon Appetit!

    When there is absolutely no time for baking a cake, and you cannot do without it, then wafer cakes come to the rescue, which is enough to soak with boiled condensed milk and thereby provide yourself with a tasty and quick dessert.

    Waffle cake with boiled condensed milk - recipe


    • - 1 package;
    • - 380 g;
    • butter - 110 g;
    • nuts - 50 g;

    For glaze:

    • milk - 45 ml;
    • granulated sugar - 55 g;
    • cocoa powder - 55 g;
    • butter - 55 g.


    First of all, let's prepare a cream for a waffle cake with condensed milk. It is better if condensed milk is boiled for this purpose. You can take it ready-made or cook it yourself. This is very easy to do. We place a tin can of condensed milk in a saucepan, laying it on a barrel, fill it with cold water so that it completely covers the container, and cook on low heat for two to three hours.

    Place the soft butter in a convenient bowl and break it up a bit with a mixer. Then add two tablespoons of boiled condensed milk, and beat each time until smooth, until the entire portion is added.

    We put the wafer cakes alternately on the dish and coat with the resulting cream. Now let's prepare the icing. Mix milk and granulated sugar, put on fire and heat until the sweet crystals dissolve. Then add cocoa powder and mix until smooth. Remove the dishes from the heat, add the butter and stir to dissolve completely. Let the glaze cool slightly, pour the surface of the cake, crush it with chopped walnuts and put it in the refrigerator for a while so that the glaze hardens.

    Waffle cake with boiled condensed milk and cottage cheese


    • wafer cakes - 1 pack;
    • condensed milk - 550 g;
    • granular cottage cheese - 160 g;
    • sour cream 25% - 160 g;
    • fried almonds - 130 g;
    • fresh fruits or berries for decoration.


    To soak the cakes, we need one and a half cans of boiled condensed milk. To do this, put two cans in a saucepan, fill them with water to the top and cook over low heat for four to five hours. During this time, the condensed milk will become rich brown and thick enough.

    Then mix 350 grams of boiled condensed milk with cottage cheese and sour cream and break it with a blender until smooth. We also grind fried almonds in a blender.

    We coat the first cake with the prepared cream on one side and put it on a dish. We coat the second cake with clean boiled condensed milk on one side, put it on the first cake and coat with cream on top. We do the same with the third cake. The fourth and subsequent cakes are soaked on both sides only with cream. In addition to cream, each cake is flavored with nut crumbs. We also crush the top of the cake with it and decorate it with pieces of fresh fruit or berries.

    You can eat such a cake right away if you like crunchy delicacies, or soak it in the refrigerator for several hours, then it will become softer.

    I think that there is not a single Soviet child who has not tried or at least heard about this masterpiece of culinary art. A cake made of waffle cakes with condensed milk and bananas according to the recipe with a photo is beautiful, light and magically delicious. The preparatory work required certain skills and abilities - there was no ready-made boiled condensed milk in the stores of that time, they cooked it themselves. It's hard to even imagine how many kitchens were damaged in the explosion of this delicacy, but the result justified a certain risk. Time passed, and for a while the recipe was forgotten.

    With the appearance of ready-made boiled condensed milk in grocery stores, we can say that our familiar waffle cake has gone through a renaissance - more and more housewives remember the time-tested recipe and delight their household with such a dessert. Moreover, even those who have never made any cakes at home can make it. It only takes 15 minutes to prepare and a few hours to soak.

    Ingredients for the cake:

    • ready-made wafer cakes with a diameter of 20-25 cm - 5 pieces;
    • boiled condensed milk - 2 cans;
    • walnuts - 2 handfuls;
    • bananas - 2 pieces;
    • butter - 1 pack;
    • dark chocolate - 20 g.

    Making a cake from wafer cakes

    In order to make the cake easier to collect, it is better to put all the ingredients together at once. I started with a cream. The softened butter was whipped with a mixer at high speeds.

    Gradually she introduced boiled condensed milk into the oil (take a proven, high-quality, preferably not too liquid) and beat it too.

    The output should be such a homogeneous, smooth cream.

    I mashed the nuts with a crush so that pieces of both larger and smaller came across.

    I cut the bananas into rings.

    Immediately grated the bitter chocolate on a fine grater and put it in the refrigerator for now so that it would not melt.

    I started assembling - I applied cream generously to the first cake, it's about 2-3 tablespoons.

    Sprinkled with nuts on top.

    I laid out the second cake, it was also smeared with cream, and on top I spread the slices of banana.

    So, alternating nuts and banana, I got to the top of the cake. She, too, was smeared with cream, and the rest was applied to the sides.

    You can decorate with dark chocolate and nuts - this is the easiest option. But, if there is a desire, then you can further fantasize over the decoration - lay out the meringues and pieces of marshmallows.

    The finished cake should be left for an hour at room temperature, and then put in the cold for at least 3 hours, or better overnight - this way, the cake will soak better. And then you can serve it to the table.