Delicious dinner for a romantic evening. How to cook a romantic dinner at home - the most complete instruction for a loving culinary specialist

With the combination of the words "romantic dinner", personally, I always have only the most pleasant perceptions. Such an evening is always filled with some kind of magic and mystery. Two loving people can forget about everything for a while and plunge into each other's aura.

And it doesn't matter what event such an evening is organized in honor of. It can be another wedding anniversary, birthday, Valentine's Day, meeting after a long separation, or just reconciliation after a quarrel. What matters is what the atmosphere will be in the evening. How everything will be arranged and organized.

And we have already touched on such a topic in the article. You can follow the link and see how you can easily create an unforgettable atmosphere.

Today, let's talk about what you can prepare for such an evening.

Of course, you need to think over the atmosphere of such an evening. Purchase candles and candlesticks in advance. They can be placed throughout the room where the date is planned. Create pleasant lighting that relaxes and dissolves into the room.

However, do not organize an evening in the kitchen, much less in the bedroom. Each place in the house has its own purpose. Since the dinner is romantic, then the room should be a living room. By the way, the room can be decorated with balls or hearts.

Think in advance what kind of music will sound in your room. Prepare it so as not to be distracted later. Create a rough scenario for the evening.

Prepare your tablecloth and dishes. And think over the menu in advance. And here is an example that we can offer you.

Salads and snacks

Since a dinner for two implies romance, it will be quite appropriate to prepare such appetizers and salads, which will be decorated in a somewhat unusual way. And it's great if, at the same time, you can treat each other with small pieces.

You can choose which appetizer best suits your mood: chicken salad with pineapple in tartlets or puff pastry roses. Or maybe you will like seafood salad more to your liking.

Salad in tartlets

Delicate and at the same time beautiful salad in tartlets can increase the level of romance. Still would! It looks almost like "Rafaello", only instead of a piece of paper, a beautiful bread base. You want to eat it, and it is also convenient to hold it with your fingers so that your partner bites off this crispy basket with a delicate filling.

We need:

  • Boiled chicken fillet - 200 gr.
  • Boiled egg - 2 pcs.
  • Canned pineapple slices - 200 gr.
  • Walnut - 35 gr.
  • Hard cheese - 80 gr.
  • Tartlets - 1 pack.
  • Mayonnaise, pepper, salt - to taste.


1. Cut the boiled chicken fillet into small cubes and combine in a saucepan or large bowl with canned pineapple pieces. If the pineapple in the jar is located in large pieces or rings, then it is better to cut it into pieces the same size as chicken meat.

2. For chopping nuts and cheese, you can use a grater or chop them with a knife in the form of straws. Add to previous ingredients.

3. Dice the eggs or use an egg cutter to chop and add to the salad pot.

4. Season with mayonnaise of your choice, and also add salt and pepper to your taste and mix well.

5. Spoon the salad into the tartlets, and decorate with herbs and nuts if desired.

A delicate salad for a beautiful presentation is ready!

Puffs with cheese and sausage (roses)

You gave your darling orchids, and she loves roses? So let's surprise her with an amazing rose-shaped appetizer. The combination of puff pastry and boiled sausages with cheese melted inside the “flower” reminds of a hybrid two-color rose, and the crispy “petals” melting right on the tongue will surely strike your beloved on the spot!

We need:

  • Boiled sausage - 200 gr.
  • Puff pastry - 200 gr.
  • Chicken egg - 1 pc.
  • Cheese - 100 gr.
  • Greens - for decoration


1. Cut the boiled sausage into thin plastics. Ideally, their thickness should be about 3 millimeters.

2. Use oblong thin plastics to cut the cheese, which melts well when heated.

3. In a separate bowl, whisk a fresh chicken egg until creamy.

4. Roll out the puff pastry into a rectangular even thin layer. Divide it with a knife into ribbons about 3-4 centimeters wide and 3 millimeters thick.

5. Place sausage slices on each tape so that the oval parts extend beyond the edges of the dough. Spread strips of cheese on top of it, trying to leave small distances between them so that the cheese does not flow out when melted, but remains inside the snack.

6. Carefully roll up the tape with the sausage and cheese, pinch the tip of the dough so that the "snail" does not fall apart. Carefully slightly turn the edges of the dough and pieces of sausage so that it looks like a rose.

7. Lay parchment paper on a baking sheet, distribute rolled "roses" over it.

It is imperative to lay out the roses so that there is space between them - the dough will swell when baked and expand to the sides.

8. Smear the "petals" with a beaten egg so that the rosette takes on a ruddy appearance in the oven.

9. Send a baking sheet with a snack to an oven preheated to 180 degrees for 25 minutes.

10. Place crunchy edible flowers on a platter and garnish with herbs.

Let the sweetheart rejoice at the handmade roses, which she can then eat!

Seafood salad

Now in any hypermarket you can buy any seafood, even fresh, even frozen, dried or ready-made. You can even find a whole range of edible marine life.

In fact, seafood delicacies in appetizers and salads provide not only interesting flavor combinations, but also provide nutritious nutrition. Therefore, preparing them as an appetizer for a romantic dinner would be great.

We have all become accustomed to such a Japanese dish as sushi and. But not everyone can cook them on their own. It is much more original to create a culinary miracle from the same ingredients with your own hands. For example, prepare a seafood cocktail salad and serve it not in tartlets, but in interesting green small barrels made from cucumbers.

We need:

  • Seafood cocktail - 250 gr.
  • Boiled chicken egg - 2 pcs.
  • Rice - 0.5 cups.
  • Fresh long cucumber - 1-2 pieces.
  • Onions - 1 pc.
  • Sour cream, ketchup, mayonnaise - 2 tbsp. l.
  • Sunflower oil - 1 tbsp l.
  • Spices, salt to taste.


1. Dip the thawed seafood cocktail in salted boiling water for 7 minutes. Then put it in a colander, let the water drain and cool. If the delicacies are too large, then it is better to cut them into small pieces.

2. Boil the rice in lightly salted water, put it in a colander and let cool to room temperature.

3. Chop the onion into small cubes and sauté them in sunflower oil.

4. Chop the boiled eggs into cubes and send to a large bowl. Add onion, rice and seafood cocktail to them. Stir so that the ingredients are evenly distributed among themselves.

5. Combine mayonnaise with sour cream and ketchup, beat well until smooth. You can add your favorite spices.

7. Cut the washed fresh cucumbers into 4 cm pieces.

8. Carefully cut out the core with a spoon, leaving the bottom.

9. As a result, a beautiful "barrel" should be obtained from each segment.

10. Fill the kegs with salad, making a whole slide on top of it.

Didn't it turn out very original?

Simple and tasty main courses

The main dish on such an evening should delight the taste buds. You don't have to bother making a super complex delicacy! Keep the dish looking simple, but enjoyable. We offer you three fairly simple and quick recipes to choose from, which will be remembered by loving hearts for a long time. They will surely pop up in your memory every time you hear the words associated with this wonderful holiday.

Lavash with curd filling

Lavash is good with any filling. But especially with cottage cheese. Such a dish is prepared very quickly and very simply.

We need:

  • lavash - 2 pieces
  • cottage cheese - 200 gr
  • ham - 100 gr
  • parsley - a small bunch
  • butter - 1 tbsp. spoon
  • salt to taste


1. Cut the ham into small cubes.

2. Cut off coarse stems from parsley and chop.

3. In a bowl, combine cottage cheese, ham and herbs. If you wish, add salt to taste.

4. Cut the lavash into two halves. Put the filling in the middle of each and fold it into an envelope. Brush with melted butter.

5. Fry in a pan on both sides. Can be fried in a dry skillet.

Or you can add a little oil and then the dish will turn out to be more satisfying and crunchy.

6. Serve sprinkled with herbs.

From this amount of ingredients, four servings of pita bread will be obtained.

Shrimps in batter with milk and semolina

Shrimp in semolina batter is very popular in India. The dish is really delicious and original! For a romantic dinner for lovers, such seafood will be a small exotic highlight of a candlelit dinner.

We need:

  • Medium peeled shrimp - 0.5 kg
  • Finely ground semolina - 0.5 cups
  • Milk - 0.5 cups
  • Flour - 80 gr.
  • Salt to taste.
  • Milk - 0.5 cups
  • Sunflower oil - 4 tablespoons


1. Mix salt with flour and coat the shrimp so that they are completely covered with a thin flour crust.

2. Very quickly dip each shrimp in milk so that the flour does not rinse, but only gets wet.

Lemon juice can be used instead of milk - shrimp will only benefit from this in taste!

3. Lightly fry the semolina in a frying pan until it acquires a slightly golden color. Roll the shrimp soaked in milk generously in it. Thanks to the wet flour, the semolina will stick in a good thick layer.

4. Heat a frying pan with sunflower oil and over medium heat and fry the shrimp until a beautiful ruddy yellow color.

5. Serve hot or warm. It is advisable to add some in a small cup.

It's so simple, delicious and beautiful!

Fish under a vegetable coat

There are many recipes for cooking fish. But for a romantic dinner you need something tender and aromatic.

The main thing to remember is that fish and other ingredients should not contain bones and all kinds of scales that can spoil the mood. Remember that white wine goes well with fish.

The best option is to bake the fish in the oven. And in order not to cook separately a side dish, and the dish to look original, you can make a vegetable "fur coat" for our sea meat. So the vegetable juice will saturate the fillet and get a very aromatic, juicy and incredibly tasty light dish.

We need:

  • Boneless fish fillet - 500 gr
  • Onions - 1 pc.
  • Chicken egg - 1 pc.
  • Carrots - 1 pc.
  • Lemon juice - 1 tbsp. l.
  • Potatoes - 3 pcs.
  • Mayonnaise to taste
  • Sunflower oil - 50 ml.
  • Flour - 50 gr.
  • Salt, spices, herbs - to taste.


1. Peel fresh potato tubers, carrots and onions.

2. Thaw fish fillets, rinse well and pat dry with a paper towel. Cut into convenient portions. Sprinkle with salt, season with your favorite spices and pour over with lemon juice. Let stand for 5 minutes and soak.

You can take any fish without bones. But it is telapia that turns out best under such a fur coat.

3. Mix mayonnaise with egg and chopped favorite herbs. Dip the fish pieces in the resulting marinade and let them marinate for about half an hour.

4. Cut the onion into half rings and fry until translucent. Remove the half-finished onion from the pan, trying to leave as much oil in it as possible for further frying the fish.

5. Roll the marinated fillet pieces in flour and fry on both sides until golden brown.

6. Put the onion on a baking sheet, spread the fried fish fillets evenly on top.

7. Potatoes with carrots can be chopped into small strips, but it is better to chop with a grater.

8. Season vegetables with literally false-two mayonnaise, lightly salt and add aromatic ground pepper. After thorough mixing until smooth, spread the vegetable mass in a layer over the fish.

9. Send the baking sheet into an oven preheated to 200 degrees for 35 minutes. Then you can add grated cheese so that after ten minutes of baking, a delicate cheese crust appears.

If the dish will be served cold or after heating, and not immediately after cooking it hot, then it is better not to add cheese, because this layer will harden, it will only break or cling to the fork in separate pieces and create a flavor inconsistency in the dish.

10. Cut into small portions or rectangles, put on plates and garnish with herbs and fresh vegetables as you wish.

We wish you to enjoy a juicy fish dish!

Enjoy your meal!

A romantic dessert for all lovers

Well, what kind of romance is there without sweets? There must be a light, tasty and "a little native" dessert.

You can remember your favorite sweets from childhood and cook them, just decorate them in a festive style. The taste that evokes memories from childhood brings people closer together.

You can cook, for example, your favorite cake "Potato", but not in the form of a familiar sausage, but in the form of a heart. Or a soft, creamy, plain sponge cake. Here the choice is yours. Just add a drop of love, care and warmth during cooking, then even a simple dessert will certainly become a masterpiece, which will be warmly remembered and told to your children and grandchildren in the future.

Favorite recipe - "Potato cake" in the shape of a heart

Remember what was the most favorite sweet dish in almost every home before? And how did the whole family gather at the table first to take part in the cooking process, and then enjoy them during tea drinking? Of course, this is all about the favorite cookie cake - "potato".

We need:

  • Shortbread cookies - 500 gr.
  • Sugar - 1 glass
  • Egg - 1 pc.
  • Butter - 300 gr.
  • Milk - 2 tbsp. l.
  • Cocoa powder to taste.


1. Grind cookies in any way convenient for you to a powdery state.

2. In a separate deep bowl, grind the egg and sugar. Then send softened or melted butter there and, after achieving homogeneity, pour in milk. Continue whisking until bubbly milk foam appears.

3. Pour chopped cookies into the liquid and add cocoa powder. Knead the chocolate dough thoroughly.

The more cocoa, the tastier the "potato"

4. Roll big balls out of the dense sweet mass.

5. Thoroughly roll each bun in your palms and shape it into a heart. Decorate as you wish.

Let the love in your real heart be as sweet as this delicacy!

Easy to prepare and delicious sponge cake

Now in stores and culinary departments, you can choose from a huge number of cakes the one that suits you both in appearance and taste. But at one time there was the most famous "Kiev" cake. Since not everyone managed to buy it and not as often as we would like, because it was instantly dismantled from the shelves. But on the other hand, our mothers and grandmothers learned how to bake fluffy biscuits no worse than this dessert classic.

The main secret of the airiness of the biscuit lies in the egg whites, whipped into a foam. A huge biscuit can be cut into cakes with a thread or a culinary knife and smeared with any cream to make a real cake.

We need:

  • Chicken egg - 6 pcs.
  • Vanilla sugar - 10 gr.
  • Flour - 150 gr.
  • Sugar - 200 gr.
  • Boiled condensed milk - 1 can
  • Butter - 100 gr. +5 gr.


1. Carefully separate the chicken whites from the yolks and place them in a dry bowl. Beat with a mixer until foam forms.

It is very important to ensure that even a drop of egg yolk does not get into the thicket with proteins, otherwise it will not be possible to beat the eggs to the desired consistency.

2. Without stopping whipping, gradually add half of the sugar and vanilla sugar in portions. Achieve the appearance of a stable peak-like state of the protein mousse.

3. Put 6 yolks in a separate bowl and combine them for whipping with the second half of plain and vanilla sugar. Beat until the mass approximately doubles.

4. In the yolk mousse, gradually spread the "cool" thick protein foam and mix gently.

5. As you mix the two egg consistencies, gradually stir in the flour, sifting it directly into the bowl. Knead into a homogeneous batter without lumps.

6. You should get a creamy biscuit dough.

Never stir clockwise or counterclockwise, as airiness may be lost. It is best to mix with exciting movements from the bottom up.

7. Grease a baking dish with butter. Place parchment paper on the sides and grease it too.

8. Fill the form with dough, evenly distributing it along the bottom and slightly rolling it between your palms so that all excess air comes out and unnecessary bubbles do not form in the biscuit.

9. In an oven preheated to 180 degrees, send the form with the dough for half an hour.

To make the biscuit high and fluffy, do not open the oven door either during baking or afterwards during the cooling period.

10. As soon as a golden brown crust appears on the top of the biscuit, it is necessary to reduce the gas and bake it for another 10 minutes. Readiness can be checked with a match.

11. Let the biscuit cool slightly, then remove it from the mold and remove the parchment paper. Cover with a clean dry towel and let it sit for about 6 hours.

The biscuit must be allowed to infuse so that the impregnation does not soak the dough and there are no crumbs when cutting.

12. Cut the biscuit into cakes with a culinary knife or thread.

13. Beat the boiled condensed milk with butter with a mixer to get a homogeneous dark beige sweet cream. Spread each cake with it. Putting them on top of each other, smear the sides with cream so that they are also soaked.

14. The top of the cake can be decorated with grated chocolate, biscuit crumbs, nuts, etc.

Enjoy your simple, but such a delicate biscuit cake!

Having at hand these sample menus and recipes for each dish to choose from, you can prepare the most memorable dinner. For a romantic pastime, just three dishes are enough, which will keep your cheerfulness and romantic mood.

Therefore, choose any option for yourself, and cook to your health. And if you want to see other recipes, then. There you will find an equally extensive menu for Valentine's Day and all those in love.

Bon Appetit! Love and be loved!

No matter how you personally feel about romance and all the accompanying attributes, from time to time the desire to arrange an unusual dinner, organize a beautiful evening and come up with a non-standard scenario visits everyone. Perhaps in this way you want to wish your loved one a happy birthday. Maybe you go the romance route to celebrate Valentine's Day. It is likely that you will decide to celebrate the New Year according to a special program. However, and just for no reason to beautifully set the table and cook something special is also a wonderful way to spend time with someone you love.

In general, whatever reason you come up with for a romantic dinner, you always want to move forward on a special path to avoid the standard strawberries and champagne, hearts on napkins and roses in a vase.

Draw your own path. Let your romance be so refined and high that no one (and you yourself in the first place) will be able to suspect the widespread ahi-oohs in it. Do not be afraid, everything is real, look!

We suggest immediately limiting the range of dishes that can be included in the romantic menu. By default, we exclude everything heavy, brutal and solid (we do not discuss the reasons, we are all adult uncles and aunts, we understand what we are talking about). By default, we welcome everything light, fresh and airy (aphrodisiacs in food are a separate topic, we will not dwell on it today, we just mean it).

We compose the menu luxuriously and beautifully, we do not think about how much time will have to be devoted to flitting around the kitchen - we think about romance, it is more important than effort. However, sometimes we still slightly restrain ourselves - the specifics of the upcoming evening are such that you will still need strength, and if you collapse with boiled spaghetina right after you set the table, I'm afraid it will be possible to say that the dinner was hopelessly ruined.

So, we think over the menu according to the following scheme:

  • cold appetizer;
  • salad;
  • hot snack;
  • main dish;
  • dessert.

Cold appetizer for a romantic dinner

This is the first thing that appears on the table, so the dish should be given special attention, it is not for nothing that all psychologists unanimously declare that only the first and the last are remembered, that which goes nowhere in between.
Tasty filling, of course, is important and of paramount importance, however, serving plays an equally important role. I suggest pate - and portioned glasses for it.

Lentil and Goose Liver Pate

Well, okay, okay, don't boil right away: no goose liver - take turkey; no turkey - so be it, buy chicken. It is clear that the final taste of the appetizer will change, however, the concept will remain!

I recommend spreading the ready-made pate into small sauce bowls, decorating with cheese sticks, and serving with some spectacular homemade chips (vegetable or mushroom, for example). First course - show yourself off!


  • 200 g of boiled lentils;
  • 1 shallot onion;
  • 150 ml cream;
  • a bunch of fresh herbs (parsley, rosemary, dill, thyme);
  • 300 g goose liver;
  • 125 g butter;
  • 30 ml of brandy;
  • a pinch of dry chili;
  • salt to taste

How to make lentil and liver pate

My liver, cut into small pieces.
We clean and grind the shallots.
In a saucepan or deep frying pan, melt 40 g of butter, fry the onion until transparent, add the liver. Season with salt and pepper and, stirring occasionally, cook for about 3 minutes.
Add cognac and cook about the same amount. Remove from heat and add the remaining oil. Add lentils, salt. Puree with a blender, add cream and finely chopped greens, again work with a blender.
Place in glasses (bowls) and leave in the refrigerator for at least 5 hours.
Before serving, the pate can be lightly drizzled with olive oil, garnished with toasted toast, crackers and a sprig of herbs.

Romantic dinner salad

Desirable - the sea, the sea of ​​fresh herbs, crispy lettuce and juicy vegetables. The key to success is an unusual gas station, I recommend trying with all my heart. The right approach is products that you don't use in your everyday cooking.

However, do not think, I am not saying that the classic Soviet "Olivier" or the rich in taste "Mimosa" - salads are not correct, not tasty and other "not". Not at all. Moreover, with the appropriate approach and serving, you can serve them on the festive table, however, today we have a slightly different dinner format, so I advise you to refrain from dense, high-calorie salads and give preference to light, unusual, juicy dishes.

Avocado salad with gorgonzolla and walnuts

Okay, I admit, this salad is not particularly light, yet cheese and nuts are a pretty solid combination. But you don't have to serve it in basins! Elegant avocado boats are just what you need for a romantic dinner. Scarlet sails will be painted by imagination.

Ingredients for 2 servings:

  • 200 g of any cream cheese;
  • 100 g gorgonzolla;
  • 50 ml non-fat cream;
  • freshly squeezed lemon juice;
  • 1 avocado
  • 4 tbsp. l. walnuts;
  • salt, pepper to taste;
  • lettuce leaves and fresh herbs for serving.

How to make an avocado salad for a romantic dinner

Mix the cream cheese well with the cream, add a little salt and add a little pepper for flavor. Trying and adjusting the taste - I like to slightly acidify the dressing with lemon juice.
Cut the gorgorzolla into cubes, mix gently with the dressing.

Putting 2-4 beautiful nuts aside, chop the rest into large pieces and lightly fry in a dry frying pan. Add to the salad.

Cut the avocado in half, remove the pit and sprinkle it with lemon juice, otherwise the flesh will darken unappetizingly before you serve the salad.
We fill the “boats” with cheese-nut mass, decorate with halves of nuts and serve on a “pillow” of herbs and lettuce leaves.

And this is a salad with avocado and crab sticks.

Hot appetizer for a romantic menu

Well, here's the first solid touch of a romantic dinner. And yet - let it be light, airy and beautiful. How about a soufflé? The peculiarity of this dish is that it must be served immediately. The complexity, of course, is obvious, however, and it can be dealt with. While the puzzled man is looking for "do you remember that ... well, that song?" five minutes. Well, and running to the kitchen to get a treat and bring it to the table is, I think, not a problem.

Cheese soufflé with spinach

The combination of cheese and spinach is great - sometimes I seriously think these two products were created exclusively for each other. In general, they are good in any dish, but it is the soufflé that reveals all their tenderness, gentleness, trepidation. Cook - you won't regret it!


  • 100 g spinach;
  • 4 eggs;
  • 150 g of hard cheese;
  • 80 g butter;
  • 60 ml cream;
  • 30 g fat sour cream;
  • salt to taste;
  • a pinch of nutmeg;
  • some bread crumbs.

How to make spinach cheese soufflé

We turn on the oven - it should be preheated to 180 degrees.
Grease the soufflé molds with oil, sprinkle with breadcrumbs.

Quickly blanch fresh spinach in boiling water and chop, ice cream - defrost.
Beat the softened butter, egg yolks and a pinch of nutmeg until fluffy. Add spinach, grated cheese, cream and sour cream, stir, salt, do not forget about nutmeg.

Beat the whites and add them to the previous mixture using the folding method.
We spread the mass in soufflé baking tins and put in a preheated oven for 15-20 minutes. We serve immediately.

The main dish of the romantic menu

The main course is the main focus of your dinner, so you need to be especially creative with it. Flambéed dishes look great and spectacular, fish and seafood are very appropriate, grilled meat looks great and beautiful. There are quite a few options, but I will offer you….

Steaks with apples stewed in red wine

Delicate veal fillet, fragrant fruits, wine bouquet - in my opinion, just a luxurious option. Do not be afraid to spoil it - contrary to popular belief, cooking a steak is not so difficult, I will tell you one of the most affordable ways.


  • 800 g veal fillet;
  • 150 g feta;
  • 400 ml dry red wine;
  • 4 apples;
  • olive oil for frying;
  • black pepper, mustard seeds, nutmeg to taste;
  • juice of 1 lemon;
  • 1 tbsp. l. Sahara;
  • salt;
  • 1 cinnamon stick;
  • 2-3 carnation stars;
  • lettuce leaves and herbs for serving.

How to cook veal steak for a romantic holiday

Preheat the oven to 150 degrees.
Grind a few black peppercorns, mustard and nutmeg in a mortar. Rub the meat on all sides with a spicy mixture.

In a well-heated skillet with a little oil, quickly fry a piece of meat - the fire is maximum. After that, quickly wrap the meat in foil and put it in the oven - cook at a fairly low temperature for about 1 hour.

In a small saucepan, combine wine, juice of 1 lemon, add a cinnamon stick, cloves, bring to a boil. Peel the apples, put them in a saucepan and cook over low heat for about 15 minutes.

We take out the meat from the oven, unfold the foil, salt and leave it for 5-7 minutes to "rest", after which we cut the veal fillet into pieces 2-3 cm thick.
Serve on a "pillow" of lettuce and greens, spread apples next to it, sprinkle with crumbled feta.

Dessert for a romantic dinner

In my authoritative and indestructible opinion, the most important thing in a romantic dinner is dessert! By and large, if I had my will, I would serve solid desserts instead of meat, salads, and all kinds of pies, however, they say that such a model does not fit into the concept of a romantic dinner, so I have to endure all this extra prelude to enjoy sweet luxury of the final chord.
Fat cakes and thick pies are pushed aside, light cream, weightless panna cat, transparent jelly, silky pudding, velvet mousse appear on the stage.

Chocolate vanilla trifle

Dessert, in my opinion, fits perfectly into the concept of a romantic dinner - trifles are served in beautiful transparent glasses, they can be decorated with chocolate, small candies, powdered sugar.

3 tbsp. l. corn starch;
1/2 cup powdered sugar
3 tbsp. l. cocoa;
2 glasses of milk;
2 tbsp. l. butter;
2 tbsp. l. vanilla sugar;
1/2 cup nut mix

How to make a beautiful romantic trifle

Mix starch with powdered sugar, pour in milk. Stir the resulting mass well and set on minimum heat. Stirring constantly, bring to a pant, boil for a couple of minutes, then remove from heat and add butter. Beat well with a blender, divide the resulting cream into two equal parts, add cocoa to one of them, vanilla sugar to the second, mix again. Bring both masses to a boil again.

In a dry frying pan, lightly fry the nut mixture, chop the nuts into several large pieces.
Put both creams in layers in tall glasses, add the nut mass between them. We put it in the refrigerator for 5-7 hours.
If desired, you can add dried fruits, candied fruits, chopped caramel crumbs.

Serving a romantic dinner

The last recommendation is to take care of the details, they create a special holiday mood and bring a certain amount of romance. Where will the dinner take place? Maybe you should set a table in your own garden? A park lawn and a pair of checkered rugs, the seaside and a basket of food, a snow-covered forest and the bright reflections of a campfire are options, though hackneyed, but still romantic and beautiful.

Freeze ice in advance - for example, in the shape of hearts. Take care of candles and music. Flowers - of course, the banality is complete, but without them it will not be so, believe me. Don't forget to prepare a small gift: a cute note hidden in a chocolate bar, a handmade postcard, a romantic trinket or a souvenir - these things are usually neglected by everyone, but they invariably bring a kind smile.

However, the most important thing is your mood and a sincere desire to bring joy to the person whom you invite to the table today. If these components are absent, I'm afraid the romantic event will turn into a pretentious dinner with delicious food. Okay, but not as intended. In general, I wish you butterflies in your soul and forget-me-not buttercups in your heart, and let everything work out!

The first meeting, the first date, the first romantic evening together ... We cherish these events in our memory all our lives. And even after many years, they still evoke awe and a happy smile. But now, as they say, you have been married for a long time and firmly, and romantic dinners have long since flowed into quiet family dinners, there is no that enthusiasm and happy glint in your eyes. Sad, isn't it? But feelings are still alive, so why not refresh them by plunging into the past for a while and, as it were, simultaneously looking into such a promising future. And for this you do not need to “reinvent the wheel” at all, but simply take and arrange a romantic dinner for two, which will become another tender declaration of love.

This is a responsible business, so it is important to think over everything in advance, and the most important thing is to plan the menu, purchase the necessary products and try to put into the prepared dishes for a romantic evening everything that your heart feels: love, tenderness, a drop of passion and, of course, a little mystery and unpredictability. No haste and incredible heap of dishes, everything is simple, tasteful and at the same time not without a touch of charm and sophistication. There should be nothing superfluous on the table set for a romantic dinner, nothing should distract attention from each other, because for this everything was conceived: two appliances, candles, champagne, flowers and dishes prepared by you: one or two snacks, salad, hot and dessert.

Food should not be heavy, it is designed not to fill the stomach, but to stun with an appetizing look, exquisite taste, tease with the smell and give pleasure. By the way, contrary to popular belief that champagne is obligatory on the table, it is worth noting that it can be replaced with your favorite wine or light intriguing cocktail - it all depends on the taste preferences of the person for whom this wonderful surprise is being prepared. Let the quiet, unobtrusive music (favorite song or melody) sound, which does not interfere with the conversation, but on the contrary disposes to it. Do not skimp on creativity and imagination. The appearance of your dishes must certainly be beautiful, and therefore pay special attention to their decoration: more fresh greenery and bright life-affirming flowers, this will create the very romantic mood that will be with you throughout the dinner.

A romantic dinner for two should surprise and make your chosen one, with whom they have spent many years, look at you in a new way. And those who will have this romantic dinner for the first time will be able not only to amaze with their culinary abilities, but also to show how interesting, versatile and have the very “zest” that every man seeks to discern in his chosen one. There is no template in the preparation of dishes for a romantic dinner, because this is a small love story of two hearts, and, as you know, there are no two identical stories. But ... after all, we can always suggest a few recipes that, we hope, will be very useful to you.

Tartins with cheese and tomatoes "Originals"

500 g puff pastry
4 tomatoes,
1 egg,
100 g of cheese
2 sprigs of basil,
2 sprigs of thyme,
olives, dill, parsley.

Defrost the dough, roll it into a 4-5 mm thick layer and cut into small squares (about 6-7 cm). Place the dough squares on a greased baking sheet. Cut the tomatoes into slices and place them one at a time on the tartins. Place olives, slices of cheese, thyme and basil leaves on top of the tomatoes. Place the baking sheet with the tartins in an oven preheated to 180 ° C and bake for 15 minutes. Garnish with fresh dill or parsley.

"Little Mystery" curd balls with avocado

300 g of cottage cheese,
1 avocado
30 g almonds
1 clove of garlic
1 tbsp sour cream,
3 sprigs of basil,
a bunch of dill, salt, spices.

Grind cottage cheese, avocado, garlic and sour cream in a blender until smooth. Chop the dill, add to the curd mass, salt and pepper, season with spices to taste and mix thoroughly. Form small balls from the resulting mass, place each on a basil leaf and garnish with almonds.

Cheese rolls with sprats "Wonderful treat"

1 can of sprat,
200 g of hard cheese
1 tomato,
1 bell pepper
lettuce, parsley.

Cut the cheese into thin triangle-shaped slices, cut the peppers into strips, and cut the tomatoes into slices. Put the sprats out of the jar and blot with oil. Place 1 fish, 1 thin strip of bell pepper, 1 slice of tomato and a sprig of parsley on the wide part of the cheese triangle. Roll the cheese into a roll, secure with a skewer and serve on the lettuce leaves.

Snack puffs with mushrooms "Pleasure"

250 g puff yeast dough,
100 g of canned mushrooms,
100 g cream cheese
1 onion
some black pepper.

Combine mushrooms, cheese, onions and peppers in a blender until smooth. Roll out the dough and cut into rectangular layers. Spread the mushroom mass evenly over the surface of the layers of dough and roll them into rolls. Cut each roll into small pieces and place on a baking sheet. Bake in the oven for 10-15 minutes at 200 ° C.

Banana boats appetizer

300 g chicken fillet,
4 bananas
1 tomato,
1 cucumber,
5 quail eggs,
50 g pitted olives,
1 stalk of celery
2 tsp lemon juice
1 tbsp mayonnaise,
1 tbsp vegetable oil,
greens, salt, spices - to taste.

Cut the chicken fillet into small cubes and fry in vegetable oil. Boil quail eggs and cut into quarters. Finely chop the cucumber, tomato and celery, chop the olives in half. Cut off the top of the banana peel in a thin strip, not cutting all the way through. Wrap the cut part up and pin it to the banana with a toothpick. Remove the banana pulp from the peel with a teaspoon, chop and sprinkle with lemon juice. Mix chicken, eggs, vegetables and banana pulp, season the mass with spices and season with mayonnaise, stuff the banana boats with the resulting filling and decorate with herbs, halves of olives to your liking.

"Delight" smoked meat and cinnamon salad

100 g smoked meat
2 cucumbers,
1 carrot,
1 bunch of radishes
100 g salad mix
½ tsp powdered sugar
½ tsp cinnamon.
1 tbsp vegetable oil,
salt, spices.

Cut smoked meat into thin strips, radishes, carrots, cucumber - into slices. Put the salad mixture on the bottom of the salad bowl, add the meat and vegetables and stir. Combine cinnamon with powdered sugar, butter, salt, spices and season salad with this mixture.

Vegetable salad with chicken "Light flirt"

200 g chicken fillet,
100 pitted olives,
100 g of cheese.
2 tomatoes,
1 onion
1 carrot,
1 bunch of parsley
4 tablespoons vegetable oil,
salt, spices.

Cut the chicken into cubes and fry until tender in 2 tablespoons. vegetable oil. Cut the olives in half, chop the parsley coarsely. Cut onion and cheese into cubes, tomatoes into slices, grate carrots. Mix, salt, add spices to taste. Season the salad with the remaining vegetable oil and garnish with fresh herbs.

"Temptation" bacon and dates salad

100 g uncooked smoked bacon
100 g pitted dates,
100 g goat cheese
50 g of any chopped nuts
50 g lettuce
4 tsp honey,
1.5 tbsp wine vinegar
2 tbsp olive oil,

Fry the bacon in a dry skillet until golden brown and place on a plate. Mix the butter and honey, pour into the frying pan where the bacon was fried and heat. Cut the dates into thin rings, chop the onion. Fry the onions and dates in butter with honey, add vinegar and spices to the resulting honey sauce. Coarsely chop the salad, goat cheese into small pieces. Combine all the ingredients and season the salad with honey sauce.

Smoked salmon salad "Bright mood"

200 g smoked salmon belly,
5 cherry tomatoes,
1 carrot
3 stalks of celery,
100 g leeks,
2 tbsp vegetable oil,
2 tbsp lemon juice.
1 bunch of parsley
salt, spices.

Peel the bellies of the salmon and cut into cubes, cut the tomatoes in half. Grate carrots, chop onion, parsley and celery. Mix vegetable oil with lemon juice, add salt, spices. Combine all the ingredients and pour the dressing over the prepared salad.

Meat salad with mustard dressing "Sharpness of the senses"

300 g of boiled beef,
5 cherry tomatoes,
2 boiled eggs
2 cloves of garlic
1 bunch of lettuce
1 tsp mustard,
1 tsp balsamic vinegar,
2 tbsp olive oil,
salt, spices.

Cut the meat into strips, eggs - into cubes, cherry - into quarters, chop the lettuce leaves coarsely or just tear with your hands. For dressing, combine oil, vinegar, minced garlic and mustard. Season with salt, season and mix thoroughly. Drizzle with dressing.

Pork ribs with raspberry sauce "Not life, but raspberries!"

500 g pork ribs,
200 g frozen raspberries
50 g butter
2 tbsp honey,
2 tbsp soy sauce,
1 tbsp flour,
1 tbsp Sahara,
1 tbsp starch
1 tbsp mustard seeds.

Combine honey with mustard and soy sauce. Marinate the ribs and leave in the cold for 2 hours. Then place the ribs in a baking dish, pour over the marinade, cover tightly with foil and bake at 180 ° C for 1 hour. Then remove the foil and bake for another 30 minutes. Melt butter in a frying pan, add raspberries and sugar, pour in 3 tbsp. water and extinguish. Then add flour with starch, mix thoroughly, pour in another half glass of water and cook until thickened. Serve the finished ribs with raspberry sauce.

Fish in tangerine marinade "Enchantress"

4 fish fillets,
4 tangerines,
½ tsp cinnamon,
butter, fresh herbs, salad, salt, pepper - to taste.

Squeeze juice from two tangerines, add salt and pepper to taste. Pour the fish fillet with the resulting marinade and leave for 10-15 minutes. Melt the butter in a frying pan, fry the fish fillets in it and arrange on plates. Divide the remaining tangerines into wedges, lightly fry them in the same frying pan, put them on plates to the fish fillet. Add lettuce leaves and fresh herbs to taste. Boil the juice remaining in the pan, salt to taste and pour the resulting sauce over the fish.

"Pockets" of pork with ginger "Surprise"

4 pieces of pork loin on the bone,
2 sweet peppers
1 onion
75 g fresh ginger root.
For the marinade:
1 onion
100 ml of vegetable oil
150 ml of dry white wine,
1 tsp adjika.

Chop ginger and onion. Cut the pepper into small cubes. Wash the pork and pat dry with paper towels. Slice into the side of the flesh to form a pocket. Place the vegetable filling inside and press down on the edges. For the marinade, cut the onion into half rings, mix it with vegetable oil, wine and adjika. Pour the marinade over the meat and leave for a few hours. Then fry the pork "Pockets" for 4-5 minutes on each side, pouring marinade over.

Chicken with apples and cinnamon "Happy Moments"

2 chicken breasts,
2 apples,
1 tsp paprika,
1-2 tbsp vegetable oil,
½ tsp cinnamon.

Cut chicken fillets into small pieces and fry over medium heat. Season with salt and paprika. Then add the sliced ​​apples and fry a little more until the chicken is golden brown. Add cinnamon to the dish a couple of minutes before cooking, stir and hold under the lid. Serve the finished dish with fresh herbs.

Coffee dessert with liqueur

25 g of ground coffee,
150 ml of liqueur,
400 ml cream
50 g of instant gelatin,
3 tbsp Sahara.

Brew coffee in two glasses of water. Remove from heat, add sugar and dissolve gelatin in it. Pour into a mold and let it cool in the cold. Cut the finished jelly into cubes and place in the bowls. Whip the cream and pour the liquor into it. Pour the jelly cubes with the creamy liqueur mixture and decorate the dessert as you wish.

Tiramisu with peaches

a few canned peaches,
12 pieces of biscuit cookies,
2 eggs,
2 tbsp powdered sugar
150 g mascarpone cheese,
1 tsp vanilla sugar
white and dark chocolate for decoration.

Separate the yolks from the whites. Mix the yolks with granulated sugar and vanilla sugar and beat until white foam. Then add the mascarpone to this mixture and whisk (the mixture should be smooth). Whisk the whites separately until they are firm. Gradually add proteins and mix. Dip the cookies in peach syrup and place in a mold. Top with sliced ​​peaches and cream. Grate white and dark chocolate on a coarse grater and sprinkle on dessert. Cool in the refrigerator.

That's all. We can only wish that your piggy bank of happy moments will be replenished with one more, and let it be your romantic dinner for two.

Larisa Shuftaykina

So, you were left alone, and it doesn't matter if this is your first date at home or you have been together for eternity, and the parents just took the children. The main thing is that now you can really relax and cook something tasty and unusual, for example, a salad for a romantic dinner. You may not need a hot dish, but an easy and pleasant dish will come in handy anyway - consider a few interesting recipes!

Of course, everyone's tastes are different and it's good if you already know exactly what your other half likes. In this case, it is enough to cook your favorite dish a little differently: add new spices or replace one of the ingredients. It is enough, for example, to put smoked chicken or ham instead of the usual sausages, and the taste will immediately sparkle in a new way.

But what if you have not yet had time to study taste preferences and are lost in the variety of options? The main thing is not to panic! In the end, there are universal salad recipes that can please both lovers of oriental cuisine and adherents of European and traditional Slavic.

We will start with such win-win options!

Caesar salad"


  • Chicken fillet - 250 - 300 g;
  • Romano lettuce leaves - 1 bunch;
  • Tomatoes - 1 pc.;
  • Baton - 6 slices;
  • Garlic - 2 cloves;
  • Parmesan (another hard cheese) - 75 g.

For the sauce:

  • Egg - 1 pc.;
  • Mustard beans - ½ tsp;
  • Olive oil - 75 ml;
  • Wine vinegar - 1 tablespoon;
  • Ground black pepper - to taste.


  1. We wash the salad well, let it drain and dry on a towel. We tear it with our hands into large pieces immediately in a bowl.
  2. Cut the loaf slices into 1 by 1 cm cubes and put them in a hot pan. Sprinkle with olive oil and spread the halved garlic cloves for flavor.
  3. Fry the bread until golden brown, turning occasionally to brown all sides.
  4. Add salt to the chicken fillet, sprinkle with basil and white pepper, and put in whole pieces in a hot frying pan. Fry over low heat, but do not keep it for a long time, so as not to dry it.
  5. Let it cool and cut the reproach into slices 3 - 4 mm thick.
  6. We proceed to the sauce: beat the egg, mustard, oil and vinegar with a blender or mixer. Salt and pepper everything, mix again.
  7. Put the cooled chicken on top of the lettuce leaves and immediately pour over the sauce. Sprinkle with croutons and lay the parmesan slices on top. We cut them with a raw slicer or, in extreme cases, cut them very thinly with a knife - you do not need to grate them.

Serve immediately so that the bread does not get soggy. Our first salad for a romantic dinner is ready!

Variations on a theme ...

There are many recipes for "Caesar", and you can vary any ingredients. For example, instead of homemade dressing, take ready-made Caesar sauce, or instead of grain mustard, use the usual one.

And, of course, shrimps are considered a classic substitute - for this amount we need 200 g of boiled peeled seafood.

But if you don’t want to choose, we will make Caesar with both chicken and shrimps! In this recipe, fillets can be baked in foil - so it turns out to be more juicy and tender. The main thing is, before baking, grate it with spices, raw ginger root and make several shallow transverse cuts so that the meat is well saturated.

It is also good to mix chicken breast and bacon. In a 3: 1 ratio, cut them into wide strips and place them on the grill rack along with the white bread, cut into cubes. Sprinkle everything with olive oil, sprinkle with spices and bake at 200 ° C until golden brown.

Egg sauce

A sauce made from slightly poached eggs is suitable for this option.

  • To do this, dip 1 egg in boiling water for a couple of minutes and, pouring cold water over it, separate the yolk.
  • In a bowl, beat it with 1 tbsp of mustard, add 1.5 tsp. balsamic vinegar and 1 tsp. sugar (!).

Mix everything and gradually add 150 ml of olive oil, whisking continuously at low speed.

Pour bacon and chicken with the prepared sauce. Lay out the croutons and cheese as usual.

Salad with cheese and tomatoes

In addition to Caesar, you can prepare a very light salad with cheese and tomatoes for a romantic dinner.

  • We take 80 g of blue cheese, if not, then 100 g of feta cheese or 6 - 7 balls of mozzarella. Cut into small cubes 0.5 by 0.5 cm, as the dor blue has a very intense taste. Feta can be cut larger.
  • We wash and cut a large tomato into slices.
  • Drain the liquid from 100 g of canned olives and let them dry in a separate bowl.
  • Then we mix everything and fill with 3 tbsp. olive oil mixed with salt and basil. Ready!

Cheese salad with pear

If you want to make a more interesting option with blue cheese, we suggest making a cheese salad with pear.

  • To do this, peel and cut into slices 200 g of pears (first cut into quarters, and then cut each across 3-4 mm thick).
  • Cut 50 g of dor blue cheese into small cubes, chop 40 g of walnuts with a knife. Cut 3-4 lettuce leaves into strips and proceed to the sauce.
  • For him, mix 1 tsp. liquid or warmed honey, 1 tbsp. vegetable oil, ½ tsp. lemon juice, a pinch of salt and a little black pepper.

Season all ingredients with sauce and mix well. It is better to serve the salad after 15 - 20 minutes, letting it brew.

Green salad with smoked meats

If time allows us to conjure up in the kitchen, we will make a very tasty green salad with smoked meat, scrambled eggs and mushrooms.

  • Cut smoked meats (meat or chicken fillets) into thin strips - set aside.
  • Fry a beaten salted egg on both sides in a frying pan.
  • We wash 4 lettuce leaves, dry and cut into strips.
  • We mix all the ingredients, add 50-60 g of pickled mushrooms to them and proceed to the dressing.

Mix with 1 tbsp. vegetable oil 1 tsp. vinegar and stir vigorously.

Season the salad with the mixture and mix gently again. Ready! Serve immediately.

Tenderness salad


  • Chicken fillet - 300 g;
  • Egg - 2 pcs.;
  • Canned corn or beans - 150 g;
  • Pineapple (canned) - 150 g;
  • Fresh cucumbers - 2 pcs.;
  • Salt, pepper, mayonnaise - to taste.


  1. Boil or bake the fillet if desired. Cool and cut into cubes or strips. Hard-boiled eggs and chop with a fork. Cut the cucumbers into strips.
  2. We spread the ingredients in layers, each smearing with a small amount of mayonnaise for juiciness. First chicken, then pineapple and cucumber.

If you don’t like the purchased mayonnaise, we will replace it with homemade one, or we will do with natural yogurt altogether. You just need to season it with salt, spices and a drop of vinegar to enhance the taste. Before serving, add the egg layer and corn.

A great addition for a romantic dinner - aesthetically pleasing and delicious!

Baked Tomato Salad

A very unusual option would be a salad with baked tomatoes. We choose cherry or ordinary tomatoes, but not less than 350 g.

  • Cut large fruits into circles 1 cm thick, cut the cherry in half.
  • Fry in a hot skillet with a little olive oil until golden brown.
  • Mix ½ cup of natural yogurt without additives with 20 ml of olive oil, add white pepper, basil and thyme to taste, salt.
  • Tear the mixture of lettuce leaves (arugula, iceberg, chicory, romano) with your hands in a bowl, season and mix well. Put the fried tomatoes on top.

The salad can be served warm, or it can be allowed to cool - if desired.

Salad with tuna

Salads with fish and seafood are no less tasty, and according to many theories, they are perfect for a romantic dinner.

Let's make an express tuna salad in just 15 minutes!

  • Boil a couple of eggs, tear 150 g of salad mix with your hands and fill it with olive oil. Sprinkle with lemon juice and spread 100 g of canned tuna.
  • Chop the eggs, add 5 - 6 cherry tomatoes, salt, pepper, mix and lay on top of 6 - 7 slices of Parmesan.

Ready! A quick and tasty salad is ready!

Balls of crab meat and cheese

However, you shouldn't forget about romance in favor of speed. For those who want to amaze their loved ones with culinary delights, you can try to cook savory "Raffaello".


  • Hard cheese - 100 g;
  • Crab meat - 200 g;
  • Egg - 2 pcs.;
  • Black pepper, nutmeg, mayonnaise - to taste.


  1. Boil eggs hard-boiled - keep on fire for at least 10 minutes after boiling, drain and cool.
  2. Grind the crab meat with a blender. Rub the cheese and eggs on a fine grater.
  3. We leave 2 tablespoons of grated cheese for sprinkling, mix the rest with other ingredients with the addition of mayonnaise and spices.
  4. We sculpt balls slightly larger than a walnut from the resulting mass, roll in cheese shavings and immediately lay out on a platter.

Serve chilled.

Such "rafaelki" look exquisite on any table, not only on a romantic one.

Pearl salad

Finally, we also offer an easy-to-prepare but effective serving salad of salted red fish.

  1. If desired, we take salmon, trout or pink salmon, cut 300 g into small cubes and lay out on bowls - the first layer is obtained.
  2. Scald 200 g of fresh tomatoes, remove the skin and also cut into cubes. Add a little salt, pepper, sprinkle with olive oil and put on top of the fish - this is the second.
  3. Put the avocado pulp cut into cubes in the third layer. We don’t salt it, don’t pepper it and don’t touch it at all in order to preserve its aesthetic appearance.

Put 3-4 capers on top in each bowl, sprinkle everything with oil, lemon juice and serve.

In this salad, the main thing is to stick to the same size of the chopped ingredients. So it will be even more beautiful.

So our salad-prelude for a romantic dinner is ready. As you can see, it doesn't always take a lot of time to impress your loved one with the sophistication of the menu and serving. The only thing that really matters is your desire and self-confidence!

Hello dear friends and blog readers! Today we'll talk about how to make a romantic homemade dinner. A good reason to get to know each other better or renew a relationship, surprise your soul mate, please with a pleasant and delicious evening by candlelight.

It is not necessary to wait for Valentine's Day or birthday, you can make a holiday any day or evening.

How to make a romantic dinner unforgettable? Let's start cooking.

Decorate the room romantically, turn on beautiful music. The color scheme in the room should be with a bias towards red and pink tones. If this is not possible, serve the table with elements of this color. This is the color of love and therefore it disposes to romance and soulfulness.

Be sure to pick up a beautiful dress so that you would look seductively mysterious in it. If you meet your loved one in a dressing gown, all romance will disappear.

Do not turn on the TV, otherwise a romantic evening can smoothly turn into gatherings in front of a blue screen.

The lighting should not be bright, soft and dim; a few candles will be enough. Choose candles of different sizes, floating candles look beautiful.

If you are planning roses (when a man prepares the evening), separate a few petals and lay them on the table, you can lay out the heart with them, throw a few petals into glasses with floating candles.

Let's say the option of a romantic dinner without flowers, but suddenly you do not have the opportunity to buy them on that day or for some other reason, or a girl is preparing the dinner. Ordinary balloons will help out, inflate the required number of red and pink balloons, write messages to your beloved on them. Heart-shaped gel balls look very impressive.

There should not be anything superfluous on the table, there is no need to cook ten dishes, three, and sometimes two are enough. The food should be light with a predominance of fruits, berries and vegetables. For the main course, a dish of rabbit, turkey is ideal. Heart-shaped chocolates and marmalade will look good on the table.

It is better to take white plates, beige or red tablecloths, but choose napkins in red and pink tones.

Everything is very simple, these are just standard tips, and you can cook your own, special romantic dinner, and instead of candles there can be just lanterns.

Several options for setting a romantic table - video

We figured out the organization of the evening, do not bother, improvise. Just take as a basis: candles, balls, wine, chocolate and light, but not everyday meals. And most importantly, a charming smile and a playful mood.

Romantic dessert - fondue

There are many, but we want something light and easy to make. Fondue is perfect for this kind of dinner.

Fondue means melted, melted, stretching. This is an invention of the Swiss, the national dish of their cuisine. There are many varieties of fondue: cheese, fish, sweet, etc.

The whole point is that thick-walled, heat-resistant dishes are taken, a product that needs to be melted (cheese, chocolate, sauce, butter) is added to it. A saucepan or any other vessel is put on the fire, in the case of fondue, it can be a small burner, a candle.

The fondue dish is placed in the center of the table (modern fondue dish is very beautiful, comfortable and compact), and guests, using skewers or special forks, dip pieces of bread, meat, vegetables or fruits into the resulting mass.

Today we are going to make fondue from strawberries and other fruits.

For this we need:

  • 200 gr. fresh strawberries (sold all year round), ice cream will not work, it will not hold on to a fork, and it will not look very nice.
  • Bananas, kiwi, pears - you can take any fruit or opt only for strawberries.
  • Sticks or forks for planting berries and fruits.
  • Chocolate 200 gram, black chocolate.
  • 150 g cream
  • 2 tablespoons milk
  • 50 gr. butter


  1. We break the chocolate into plates and put it in a saucepan with milk, melt while stirring.
  2. Add cream, heat further, stirring constantly.
  3. Before boiling, add butter and stir again.
  4. It takes a long time to write, but it is done very quickly.
  5. The magic mixture is ready, now it remains to cut the strawberries into 2 parts, and we cut the fruits not very finely so that they do not fall off the fork.
  6. Pour the finished chocolate into a fondue dish and turn on the heating. The chocolate will always be warm and soft. And when it's time for dessert, put this wonderful device in the center of the table, and put forks and fruits next to it. It remains only to put pieces of strawberries and fruits on a fork and dip in warm chocolate.
  7. If you don't have fondue, don't worry, you can prepare such a dessert in advance. Dip the fruits, let the chocolate harden and put them beautifully in martini glasses or on a beautiful plate - a salad bowl.

That's all, a romantic candlelit dinner for two is ready. All that remains is to do your makeup, fix your hair and put on a beautiful dress.

Oh yes, I completely forgot about wine, well, it's a matter of taste ... Wine and white are good and. Light chilled champagne is also an option, it in itself identifies the holiday.

Video - 2 types of fondue, cheese and chocolate

Please your soul mate, it's worth it.

Do you host a festive dinner for your loved ones? Share your experience, it's very interesting, what if we find out something new. Don't be greedy, tell us.

If the article about a romantic dinner was useful to you, share it with your friends, click the social media buttons. I wish you happiness and love for many years to come.