Magazine for the intellectual elite of society. Magazine for the intellectual elite of society Lyrics translation Aquarium - Don't drink wine, Gertrude

Hamlet. Come on.
Laertes. Come on, my lord.
Hamlet. Once.
Laertes. No.
Hamlet. Referee?
Osric. A blow, a distinct blow.
Laertes. Okay, next.
King. Stop, goblet! Hamlet, this pearl is yours.
Your health.

Drums, pipes, gun salvo.
Claudius throws the pearl into the goblet.

Tell the prince.
Hamlet. We finish the round - the cup will await.

One more hit. What do you say?
Laertes. The touch was, I admit.
King. Your son will prevail.
Gertrude. He's too fat.
Here, Hamlet, my handkerchief, wipe your face.
I will drink to your victory, Hamlet.

Takes a goblet with a pearl.

Hamlet. Thanks to.
Claudius. Gertrude - stop, don't drink.
Gertrude. I beg your pardon my lord, I will drink (drinks).
Claudius (to the side)... The wine is poisoned - I'm late.
Hamlet. I’m not drinking until I’m drinking, wait a minute.
Gertrude. Let me wipe your forehead.
Laertes (aside, Claudia)... My lord, I’m going to hit.
Claudius. No, it’s unlikely.
Laertes (to the side)... But it’s hard, as if conscience doesn’t order.
Hamlet. Well, for the third time, Laertes. Stop the fun
Come on, that there is strength and in earnest.
I feel that you are playing with me.
Laertes. You think? OK.

Hamlet and Laertes continue to fight.

Osric. Both past.
Laertes. Ready!

Laertes wounds Hamlet. In battle, they exchange rapiers. Hamlet wounds Laertes.

Claudius. Take it apart, this is too much!
Hamlet. No, continue.

Gertrude falls.

Osric. Oh god, queen!
Horatio. Bah, they're covered in blood - my lord, what's the matter with you?
Osric. Laertes, what's the matter?
Laertes. I am a woodcock, Osric, in my own snare
To me, my own meanness has become death (falls).
Hamlet. What's with the queen?
Claudius. She's sick from the blood.
Gertrude. Oh no, wine, my dear Hamlet, no,
Don't faint - the drink was poisoned (dies).
Hamlet. Villainy! Doors quickly lock!

Osric leaves.

Treason! Find the killer.
Laertes. He is here, Prince Hamlet. Hamlet, you are killed.
All drugs in the world are useless.
Your whole life is half an hour.
In your hands a rapier without a nozzle,
The blade is poisoned. This heinous trick
He came out sideways to me. I lie to me too
Don't get up anymore. And your mother is from poison
Dead. Goodbye. The king is to blame.
Hamlet. Is the blade poisoned too? Poison, get down to business!

Hamlet stabs Claudius.

All in chorus. Treason!
Claudius. Friends, help! I'm just hurt.
Hamlet. Incest king, imp, murderer
Get drunk. Is the pearl in place?
Follow the queen.

Hamlet forcibly pours wine into Claudius's mouth, Claudius dies.

Laertes. Seriously,
He mixed this poison with his hand.
Forgive each other, noble Hamlet.
Not on you mine since my father's death
And yours is not on me (dies).
Hamlet. It's not your fault. I'm after you. -
I'm dead, Horatio, and goodbye to mother.
And you, who look at us with a shiver,
The dumb audience in the stalls of the drama,
Have time for me (but a death warrant
do not undo), I would tell you -
But no, let it go. “Horatio, I'm dead.
You are alive. Tell about my destiny
Those who do not know about it.
Horatio. Not at all.
I'm more Roman than Dane
There is more in the cup (takes a goblet of poison).
Hamlet. You are a man
Give it back immediately, let it go, don't you dare (takes the cup from Horatio)!
Horatio, what an evil glory
I will leave in obscurity on my own!
Since I was dear to your heart,
Wait a minute with the calmness of mortals,
Stay in this wicked world
Tell about me.

Military march, gun salvo.

What is this noise of war?

Osric enters.

Osric. There Fortinbras, who won in Poland
In honor of the envoys of the British
Gives fireworks.
Hamlet. Well, here's death, Horatio,
Almighty poison overcomes the spirit,
But I predict that the choice will fall here
At Fortinbras. My dead voice -
Him. Let him know about all the hardships
Which we have ... Now silence.
Oh, oh, oh, oh ... (dies)
Horatio. So the heart goes out. Good night prince
May the angels rest you.
Why is this drum here!

Enter FORTINBRAS and the British Ambassador, with drummer and entourage.

Fortinbras. Where's the place?
Horatio. What do you need to see?
Kohl grief or miracle, it is here.
Fortinbras. What a harvest of ruin. Oh death
What kind of feast are you preparing for yourself,
Since so many princes have laid
With one blow?
Ambassador. Mournful picture
And our message from England is out of place.
These ears cannot listen to us,
To whom to tell that the order has been fulfilled
Are both Rosencrantz and Guildenstern dead?
Who will be grateful to us?
Horatio (pointing to Claudius) Not this one,
Even if he could thank.
He never wanted them dead.
But since you are to this bloody harvest,
Some from the battle in Poland, some from Albion
Come in time, order the bodies
Stacked on a viewing platform
I will tell the ignorant world
What happened here. Hear it all
About flesh, blood, about vile deeds,
Empty speeches, about accidental death,
About death, conceived by deceit,
Which, suddenly giving a ricochet,
Cunning struck. Everything is as it was
I'll tell you.
Fortinbras. We will listen to everything
And we will gather here nobles for instruction.
As for me, my sorrowful lot is clear.
My rights to this kingdom
Events prompted approval.
Horatio. In addition, I will tell you what I told
I’m the one who can’t open the mouth.
And it is better not to postpone, but immediately,
While everything is in confusion, so that new troubles
Do not call.
Fortinbras. Let the four captains
They will carry the prince to the platform like a fighter.
He would be a glorious king if
Otherwise, everything. And let the military march
Sounds over him, and the whole military rite
His rank.
Remove the bodies. They're on the battlefield
More appropriate, but here is only a trace of trouble.
Arrange, let them fireworks.

In Ipatievskaya Sloboda, a horse is being led along the streets.
The streets are a drunken mess;
On the streets, complete hello.
And on him is a bridle of ice;
On it is a crown of fire;
He could burn this city -
But the city, in essence, does not exist.

And once he was different;
He was a woman with a narrow face;
He was wearing a black bodice
And a dagger is hidden in the corsage.
And when blood was pouring around -
A guest came to his window;
And when this guest was inside
He quietly said:

Don't drink wine, Gertrude;
Drunkenness does not paint the ladies.
Get drunk in the trash - and it will become disgusting
Companions and friends.
Hold on tight to the anchor -
The anchor will not fail;
And if you understand that samsara is nirvana,
Then all sorrow will pass.

Let the centuries pass;
A river rides across the sky
And to everyone who opens their eyes
A hand waves from the boat;
Let there be confusion in your heart
But to everyone who wants and waits
It's enough to quit playing -
And the heart will sing with a smile:

Don't drink wine, Gertrude,
Drunkenness does not paint the ladies.
Get drunk and get disgusting
Companions and friends.
Hold on tight to the anchor -
The anchor will not fail;
And if you understand that samsara is nirvana,
Then all sorrow will pass.

Lyrics translation Aquarium - Do not drink wine, Gertrude

In the streets of the suburb Hypatian lead horse.
Drunken mess on the streets;
On the streets full of hi.
A bridle on it from the ice;
On it - a crown of fire;
He could burn this city -
But city essentially none.

And once he was different;
It was a woman with a narrow face;
He wore a black bodice,
And corsage hidden dagger.
And when the blood flowed around -
To his window came the guest;
And when this guest was inside,
He quietly and calmly said:

Drink no wine, Gertrude;

Nazhreshsya in the trash - and would be contrary to
Colleagues and friends.
Hold for stronger anchor -
Anchor will not fail;

Then every sorrow will pass.

Let them pass the century;
The sky rides river
And everyone who opens his eyes,
Of waving hand pumps;
Let the heart disorder,
But anyone who wants and expects
Enough to stop playing -
And my heart will sing with a smile:

Drink no wine, Gertrude,
Drunkenness does not paint women.
Get drunk in the trash - and would be contrary to
Colleagues and friends.
Hold for stronger anchor -
Anchor will not fail;
And if you understand that samsara - Nirvana
Then every sorrow will pass.


BG, "A Brief Record of 16 Years of Recording":

Finally, "Gertrude", which had wandered around Russia a lot before, was finished, but took its final form on the main street of Kathmandu.

From the book "AQUARIUM. Dreams about something greater" (Moscow: LLC Publishing House "Sofia", 2004):

The first version of Gertrude was written in St. Petersburg, the second in Tula and the final third in Kathmandu.
... on "Gertrude" Tanya Kapuro sang along with her friends for the unrestrained Russian flavor ...

W. Shakespeare "Hamlet", Act 5, Scene 2:


Don't drink wine, Gertrude!


I'm thirsty. Please let me.

(to the side)

There's poison in the glass! There is no more salvation for her! ...


What's with the queen?


Fainting simple
At the sight of blood.


No, not true, Hamlet, -
Drink, drink! - Poisoned! - Drink!


Samsara - in Hinduism and Buddhism, the reincarnation of a person in subsequent reincarnations (man, god, animal); carried out according to the karmic principle.

Nirvana - in Buddhism - a psychological state of completeness of inner being, lack of desires, complete satisfaction and self-sufficiency, absolute detachment from the outside world; in the course of the development of Buddhism, along with the ethical and psychological concept of nirvana, the idea of ​​it as an absolute also arises.

And if you understand that samsara is nirvana ... -

Interview with BG, radio station "August", 1995:

Golden City. In one version - "Above the blue sky there is a city ...", in the other "Under the blue sky ..." What made the city of Jerusalem mundane?
- When I heard this song, it was in the version in which we are now singing it. And on this occasion, with Lesha Khvostenko - the author of this song - we once fought in Paris at night, and he insisted that this was their author's text, his and Volkhonsky's, and my version was wrong. I, in turn, expressed the theological concept that the kingdom of God is around us and therefore to place heavenly Jerusalem in heaven, to deny the possibility of a connection between our world and the mountain world - it is pointless to deny this connection, and if you can see, then nirvana is samsara, samsara is nirvana. He drank two more glasses and agreed.

Lyrics of the song "Don't Drink Wine, Gertrude":

In Ipatievskaya Sloboda, a horse is being led along the streets.
The streets are a drunken mess;
On the streets, complete hello.
And on him is a bridle of ice;
On it is a crown of fire;
He could burn this city -
But the city, in essence, does not exist.

And once he was different;
He was a woman with a narrow face;
He was wearing a black bodice
And a dagger is hidden in the corsage.
And when blood was pouring around -
A guest came to his window;
And when this guest was inside
He quietly said:

Don't drink wine, Gertrude;
Drunkenness does not paint the ladies.
Get drunk in the trash - and it will become disgusting
Companions and friends.
Hold on tight to the anchor -
The anchor will not fail;
And if you understand that samsara is nirvana,
Then all sorrow will pass.

Let the centuries pass;
A river rides across the sky
And to everyone who opens their eyes
A hand waves from the boat;
Let there be confusion in your heart
But to everyone who wants and waits
It's enough to quit playing -
And the heart will sing with a smile:

Don't drink wine, Gertrude,
Drunkenness does not paint the ladies.
Get drunk and get disgusting
Companions and friends.
Hold on tight to the anchor -
The anchor will not fail;
And if you understand that samsara is nirvana,
Then all sorrow will pass.

Download the collection of chords and lyrics by AQUARIUM (1.9 MB)

A little about Hamlet's mother

A little about Hamlet's mother

Due to professional necessity, I re-read this year Shakespeare's "Hamlet" and some comments to it. Of course, the play is a textbook, and a lot has been written about it, but it seemed to me that the image of Gertrude, Hamlet's mother, somehow does not inspire researchers. I did not come across anything unexpected about her, and most authors do not go beyond completely clichéd ideas. And in my opinion, it is no less interesting and controversial than Hamlet himself. For example: “The tragedy of this unfortunate Shakespearean tragedy is that the conflict between Hamlet and Gertrude should be the key to the play. Claudius is a murderer, Hamlet is an avenger, everything is clear here. And suddenly, for some reason, the Queen Mother appears on the stage! What for? Who is she? Boccaccio's lustful matron on the verge of menopause, who once could not resist the vulgar-brutal tempter Claudius and betrayed her noble husband (about whom there is not a single bad word in the play)?
Or here: “Hamlet's mother, Queen Gertrude,“ the heiress of a warlike country ”, is by no means young, she is about 50 years old, she has been on the throne for more than 30 years. she is perfectly familiar with all the intricacies of country management. Her character is apparently firm and determined. During a short riot of Laertes' supporters, who called for the overthrow of Claudius, the queen was not frightened, but menacingly ordered: "Back, trashy Danish dogs!" Apparently, her relationship with her late husband, contrary to Hamlet's opinion, lost its former tenderness: she took the death of her husband painfully coldly ... move: sacrificing her reputation, she just a month after the funeral marries the new king, perfectly understanding the haste of marriage, which she then tells Claudius about. By the same act, she strengthens the position of her beloved son as heir to the throne ... It is important to note that there is not a single line in the play in which the queen would speak about her feelings for Claudius. "
And what Frolov I.A. wrote, you can read it yourself, I will not retell, my mind is dear to me:
That is, we see that the image of Gertrude is perceived diametrically opposite, but without surprises. Either the author did not complete it due to his own, author's reasons, or she is a careerist, who did not like Claudia, or a climacteric lady with all age characteristics ...
So, but not so ...
I will warn you right away - I will not quote the English text, I have no such opportunity. I will make do with several well-known Russian translations. Moreover, Frolov I.A. he quotes a lot of text, but it's no use ... His conclusions are still beyond good and evil ...
But still, let's divide our grief point by point.
Point one. Gertrude's age.
First, she CANNOT be over 50 years old. In Shakespeare's time, women of this age were not perceived as capable of feelings and passion. Simply put, she would be considered a deep old woman. The concept of female age was different. And it remained, this concept, until the nineteenth century. “Larina is simple, but a very nice old woman ...” - remember? And the eldest daughter Larina was 18 years old at that time. She herself got married ... well, in the 18-20 range. That is, she is 36-38. "Sweet old lady ...."
Where did the researchers get these numbers from - Hamlet's age 30, mother's age under 50? You will laugh, but from the line of the gravedigger, who says that he has been working in the cemetery since the day young Hamlet was born, and has been working for 30 years (act 5 scene 1). But it is quite possible that the gravedigger was poor at counting. Besides, if Hamlet is 30, why is he still a student? Somehow his image does not fit with a cheerful vagant, a wandering schoolboy of mature age ... In addition, Hamlet's youth becomes very obvious in the scene where he reproaches his mother (act 3 scene 4). After all, what makes him so angry? Not even the knowledge that the mother was unfaithful to the father, but the adolescent rejection of the very fact that the mother is not only the mother, but also the man's mistress ... This was true ... By the way, this observation is not mine, it was expressed by the famous I. Annensky in his article "Hamlet's Problem", albeit in a slightly different context.
So, the generally accepted version about the age of Hamlet and his mother does not seem convincing to me. More precisely, the characters of the characters do not correspond to the indicated age. In fact, Gertrude is not yet 40, Hamlet is 22, maximum 24 ...
And yet - a thirty-year-old man would not behave so with Ophelia as Hamlet ...
Point 2. Did Gertrude love Claudia?
A strange question, in fact. Yes, I did! And she loved madly. It was the same "freely chosen and freely given love" about which all the Middle Ages wrote novels. After all, even Queen Guinevere, the wife of the legendary King Arthur, loved not him, but the knight Lancelot.
It is well known exactly how dynastic marriages were concluded at all times. There was no talk of love, only the duty and interests of the state. A woman, against her will, found herself forever connected with a person whom she did not know and whom she often could not love. And to give her love to another, to the one whom she herself chose, was for a woman not only a search for feelings, but also a manifestation of freedom. EXCEPT AS IN LOVE, THE WOMAN COULD NOT BE IMPLEMENTED IN ANYTHING ELSE. She was simply not given such opportunities, all spheres of life were closed to her. So almost all medieval adultery is not from the depravity of women, but from their desire for self-realization ...
Why does Gertrude choose Claudius? Here, it seems to me, researchers underestimate such a feature of this image as his position as the youngest son. And one should not forget that England (well, not about Denmark, Shakespeare wrote, in fact! He has that Veronese, that the Danes think and act in English ...) is a primordial country. This is the most beloved in the family in Russia - the youngest son, my mother's sour cream. And in England, the hope and support of the family, the most beloved and adored is the eldest son. He has a title, an estate, money for the maintenance of the estate ... And why was the youngest son born at all ... He - a small amount for training and funny positions of a military man, sailor or priest to choose from ... After all, all English literature is full of descriptions of the twists and turns associated with the younger and eldest son ! And if they also have a small age difference, and the youngest son understands that he will never fall into the place of the elder ... if not an accident, a great friend of unfortunate people ...
Claudius is the youngest son. Capable, ambitious, secretive. Understanding that the crown does not shine for him in the current state of affairs. Living at the mercy of an older brother. Arousing sympathy ... And a young queen who is able to show this sympathy. This is how it all began ...
Many researchers ask the question: did Gertrude participate in the murder of her husband, did he know about this murder? The text of the play gives an unambiguous answer to this question - no, I didn't know. After all, even a ghost says to Hamlet: "Do not encroach on your mother ...". He does not accuse her of murder, only of adultery ...
Let's try to see the events of the play from Gertrude's point of view. She loves Claudius, secretly meets with him, trembles with fear that her husband will find out everything - of course, any palace is a big gadyushnik ... And suddenly all difficulties are solved by themselves! An unloved husband dies in an accident, and she can connect with a loved one! Which she does, striking everyone with the transience of the wedding (the period of mourning for the king should be at least a year, in fact). She is delighted, ecstatic, her life is filled to capacity. What does she say to her son at the meeting: “This is how the world was created: what is alive will die And after life it will go to eternity” ... For her, the death of her husband is a gift of fate. She does not think about its cause and does not suspect anything. Love is blind…
Point 3. Scene in the bedroom.
This refers to Act 3, Scene 4, when Hamlet, on the orders of his mother, comes to her bedroom to get a slap for inappropriate behavior with Claudius, but he showered her with reproaches himself. This scene was solved in different ways. In Zefirelli's film, Hamlet neatly puts his mother on the bed, an illustration of the Oedipus complex is obtained. In the West they believe in this, they even in encyclopedias on raising children describe in detail how the Oedipus complex should manifest itself correctly in a child ...
Actually, the scene is very important. It determines all further behavior of the characters.
It all starts with the murder of Polonius, who is behind the carpet. Why does Hamlet do it? Everything is very simple: he has already become convinced that he is unable to kill a person in cold blood. He had just watched the prayer of Claudius, but he could not kill him under a plausible pretext - the praying Claudius would have gone to heaven. In fact, Hamlet simply cannot decide to kill, and this is, in fact, good. But he must kill, he swore to his father, he was convinced of the guilt of Claudius. Revenge is entrusted to him, and even if he is the most unsuitable person for her, but he must commit it. And so he decides to murder blindly, thinking that Claudius is behind the curtain - he desperately wants to free himself, finally, from this unbearable role for himself. But Claudius is not there ... There is Ophelia's insignificant father, and the girl in love with Hamlet will go mad, because her head will not fit, that her beloved is the murderer of her father ...
How does the scene then unfold?
"What an atrocity!" shouts the queen. "No more than the murder of the king and the betrothal to the husband's brother, lady," Hamlet retorts. "Murder of the King?" the queen asks. Notice how she says it. She asks a question and freezes (“No need to break your hands,” Hamlet tells her further). She does not ask where Hamlet got it from, does not require an explanation. She silently watches her son open the body of Polonius, and then listens to his pathetic speech: "The heavens are reddening and the vaults of the world, frowning, look down ..." Her next remark is pronounced with obvious contempt: to whom is the foreword so loud? " Gertrude does not like pathos, this can be seen during the performance "The Mousetrap", where she is annoyed by the exaggerated speeches of the Duchess. Hamlet bursts out with a long monologue "Here are two images ..." and Gertrude feels ashamed. What is she ashamed of? Your betrayal, of course. Her conscience is unclean, and she suspects that Hamlet learned of her infidelity to his father. Murder is no longer mentioned, mind you. Which is amazing. It seems to me that there is one explanation for this - it really did not occur to Gertrude that something was wrong with the death of her husband. She attributes the words of Hamlet to his morbid state.
And then a ghost appears. Gertrude does not see him, she only sees that her raging son is talking to emptiness. And she is convinced that he is insane. For her, this is all the more convenient because one does not need to pay attention to the words of mad Hamlet. Let him say to himself that her dear Claudius killed her husband - this is nothing more than delirium. And then it is easy to trace through the text how, at every opportunity, the queen will sympathize with her son, who has gone mad ...
So, the remark about the murder of Hamlet's father was uttered - and hung in the air.
Point 4. Death of Gertrude.
But still, Gertrude can hardly be considered a naive lady - her age is not the same, and she has seen a lot of palace intrigues. And she cannot forget the words of her son about the murder - that would be unnatural. You can imagine how she feels, how she tries to talk to Claudius and falls silent, how she drives away unnecessary thoughts ... And at this time Claudius is whispering with Laertes, agreeing on a duel in which they will have to kill Hamlet. The fight is dishonorable - not only is it a combat weapon with sharp edges, but also Laertes' rapier is smeared with poison.
Claudius by that time hates Hamlet mortally - he complicates both his life and relations with the queen. The cunning king insures himself - he poisons a cup of wine, as if lowering a pearl there. That is, he intends to kill his son in front of his mother. This is a gesture of despair, of course, how could he have convinced Gertrude that the death of his son was not poisoning? Gertrude must, in his opinion, finally make a choice - who is more dear to her, husband or son.
And all the researchers write: Gertrude accidentally drinks the poisoned wine and dies.
Wait a minute. What kind of wine did Gertrude drink? And she drank, gentlemen, she was an award cup intended only for the winner. To receive a cup of wine from the hands of the king is a reward and an honor. No one could drink it just because he was thirsty. Moreover, the queen is always surrounded by a brood of maids of honor, whose duty is precisely to fulfill her wishes. Bring some water, a handkerchief, and the smelling salt of et tsetera. Then why did she drink this particular cup ???
There is only one answer. She knew what she was drinking.
Observing the duel and behavior of Claudius, she was convinced of all her suspicions. In these terrible moments, she realized that Hamlet was right, that Claudius had killed her husband, and now she was trying to kill her son. How obsessively he offered him this cup ... And she drinks the wine herself in the last desperate attempt to save her son. Claudius is confused: "Don't drink wine, Gertrude!" "I would like to. Excuse me, sir "
This is not asking for forgiveness - this is goodbye. In fact, Gertrude committed suicide. She could not bear the disappointment in her tale of love and at the same time proved that she is a good mother.
Gertrude's image should not be considered more unfinished than any dramatic image. The drama is always much less specific than the epic, leaving more room for interpretation. One of them is in front of you.