Porridge from an ax Russian folk read. Russian folktale

The tale "Porridge from an Ax" tells about a savvy soldier and a mean old woman. The veteran soldier went on leave and decided to spend the night in one of the houses. The hostess was a greedy old woman who refused to feed the soldier, saying that she herself was starving. The old soldier invited her to cook porridge with an ax.

To make the porridge even tastier, he asked the old woman for salt, cereals, butter and bread. The old woman was surprised how delicious the porridge from the ax turned out. When the old woman asked if they would soon be eating the ax itself, the soldier replied that he hadn't boiled down and took the ax with him in order to supposedly cook it for himself for breakfast. This is how in this wonderful fairy tale the brave soldier ate and took the ax to the site, which he taught the greedy old woman a lesson.

Read fairy tales for children on 1 story.ru - Porridge from an ax

The old soldier went on leave. I'm tired on the way, I want to eat. He reached the village, knocked on the extreme hut: - Let the road man rest! An old woman opened the door.
- Come in, servant.
- And do you, hostess, have something to eat?
The old woman has plenty of everything, but the soldier was stingy to feed, pretended to be an orphan.
- Oh, good man, and I myself have not eaten anything today: nothing.
- Well, no, no, - the soldier says. Then he noticed an ax under the bench.
- If there is nothing else, you can cook porridge from an ax. The hostess threw up her hands:
- How to cook porridge from an ax?
- But how, give me a boiler.
The old woman brought the cauldron, the soldier washed the ax, lowered it into the cauldron, poured water and put it on the fire. The old woman looks at the soldier, does not take her eyes off. The soldier took out a spoon, stirring the brew. I tried it.
- Well, how? The old woman asks.
- Soon it will be ready, - the soldier replies, - it's just a pity that there is nothing to salt. - I have salt, salt.
The soldier salted, tried again.
- Good! If only a handful of cereals were here!
The old woman fussed, brought a bag of cereal from somewhere.
- Take it, fill it as needed.
I filled the brew with cereals. Cooked, cooked, stirred, tasted. The old woman gazes at the soldier with all her eyes, cannot tear herself away.
- Oh, and the porridge is good! - the soldier licked his lips. - As if here and a bit of butter - it would have been completely delicious.
The old woman also found oil. Flavored porridge.
- Well, old woman, now serve bread and get down to a spoon: let's eat porridge!
- I really didn't think that such good porridge could be cooked from an ax, - the old woman wonders.
We ate porridge together. The old woman asks:
- Serving! When will we eat the ax?
- Yes, you see, he's not boiled down, - answered the soldier, - somewhere on the road I'll cook and have breakfast!
Immediately he hid the ax in his knapsack, said goodbye to the mistress and went to another village. That's how the soldier ate the porridge and took the ax away!

The old soldier went on leave. I'm tired on the way, I want to eat. I reached the village, knocked on the extreme hut:

Let the road man rest! An old woman opened the door.

Come in, servant.

And do you, hostess, have something to eat? The old woman has plenty of everything, but the soldier spared no food, pretended to be an orphan.

Oh, good man, and I myself have not eaten anything yet: nothing.

Well, no, no, - the soldier says. Then he noticed an ax under the bench.

If there is nothing else, you can cook porridge from an ax.

The hostess threw up her hands:

How to cook porridge from an ax?

And here's how, give me a boiler.

The old woman brought the cauldron, the soldier washed the ax, lowered it into the cauldron, poured water and put it on the fire.

The old woman looks at the soldier, does not take her eyes off.

The soldier took out a spoon, stirring the brew. I tried it.

Well, how? the old woman asks.

Soon it will be ready, - the soldier replies, - it's just a pity that there is nothing to salt.

I have salt, salt.

The soldier salted, tried again.

Good! If only a handful of cereals were here! The old woman fussed, brought a bag of cereal from somewhere.

Take it, fill it as needed.

I filled the brew with cereals. Cooked, cooked, stirred, tasted. The old woman gazes at the soldier with all her eyes, cannot tear herself away.

Oh, and the porridge is good! - the soldier licked his lips. - As if here and a bit of butter - it would be absolutely delicious.

The old woman also found oil.

Flavored porridge.

Well, old woman, now give me some bread and get down to the spoon: let's eat the porridge!

I never thought that such a good porridge could be cooked out of an ax, - the old woman wonders.

Porridge from an ax is a household Russian folk tale about a resourceful soldier who got out of the situation with honor and profit. The tale of Porridge from the Ax can be read online or downloaded for free in doc and PDF format.
Summary of the tale Porridge from the ax begins with how the soldier asked to rest with the old woman, but asked for something to eat. The old woman turned out to be greedy, pretended to be an orphan, and told the soldier that she herself had nothing. The soldier quickly realized what was the matter, and decided that it was not a sin to teach the greedy old woman a lesson. Since there was nothing edible in the house, the soldier offered to cook porridge from an ax, the old woman was surprised at such a miracle, and carefully watched the serviceman. The soldier tasted the porridge from the ax, and he lacked everything, sometimes salt, sometimes cereals, sometimes butter. The old woman was so carried away by the process that she did not even notice how she pulled out everything to the soldier necessary products... The porridge from the ax turned out to be delicious, the soldier had dinner with pleasure, but the old woman still does not understand how such a good porridge can be cooked from an ax? But she remembered about the ax, and asked: Servant, when will we eat the ax? ... The soldier replies: Yes, he has not yet boiled down, wherever on the road I will cook, I will have breakfast. He said goodbye to the hostess, put the ax in his knapsack, and walked on with his well-fed.
Heroes of the fairy tale Porridge from the ax ordinary people, a soldier and an old woman who live a very real earthly life. It is easy for children to introduce these characters, as they are probably familiar to them. The soldier in the tale is shown as a resourceful and savvy person, certainly possessing charisma and a sense of humor. He played the greedy old woman so skillfully that she did not even understand what was the matter. Surely if the old woman was kind, the soldier would not deceive her, and cunning. The old woman turned out to be greedy, stingy, but not from cunning, but rather from stupidity. After all, if she had fed the soldier, then she certainly would not have lost the ax. But she happily devoured what she thought was free porridge, not realizing that she had paid for it herself.
Read the tale Porridge from the ax not only very interesting, but also instructive for children of any age. The tale teaches that with the help of a simple wit, you can get out of any situation, and even stay with a profit. Despite the absence of fantastic and magical characters in everyday fairy tales, reading folk tales brings children a lot of positive emotions. Since the tale is short, it is easy to remember, and reading it does not take much time.
The meaning of the tale Porridge from the ax not one, but has several directions. Firstly, the moral is such that without ingenuity and intelligence, you can remain hungry, and therefore even perish. Secondly, do not be greedy, because then you can give twice as much. And thirdly, it is still worth sharing and helping those who really need it, if possible.
The tale of Porridge from an ax is a clear example of such proverbs as: The avaricious pays twice, Greed deprives of the last mind, Greed is blind, Greed is the beginning of any grief, Cunning will always find a loophole, You with a beard, and I myself with a mustache, Wherever he does not take an ax, ingenuity will take it.

tary soldier went on leave. I'm tired on the way, I want to eat. I reached the village, knocked on the extreme hut:

Let the road man rest!

An old woman opened the door.

Come in, servant.

And do you, hostess, have something to eat? The old woman has plenty of everything, but the soldier spared no food, pretended to be an orphan.

Oh, kind man, and I myself have not eaten anything yet: nothing.

Well, no, no, - the soldier says. Then he noticed an ax under the bench.

If there is nothing else, you can cook porridge from an ax.

The hostess threw up her hands:

How to cook porridge from an ax?

And here's how, give me a boiler.

The old woman brought the cauldron, the soldier washed the ax, lowered it into the cauldron, poured water and put it on the fire.

The old woman looks at the soldier, does not take her eyes off.

The soldier took out a spoon, stirring the brew. I tried it.

Well, how? the old woman asks.

Soon it will be ready, - the soldier replies, - it's just a pity that there is nothing to salt.

I have salt, salt.

The soldier salted, tried again.

Good! If only a handful of cereals were here! The old woman fussed, brought a bag of cereal from somewhere.

Take it, fill it as needed.

I filled the brew with cereals. Cooked, cooked, stirred, tasted. The old woman gazes at the soldier with all her eyes, cannot tear herself away.

Oh, and the porridge is good! - the soldier licked his lips. - As if here and a bit of butter - it would have been completely delicious.

The old woman also found oil.

Flavored porridge.

Well, old woman, now give me some bread and get down to the spoon: let's eat the porridge!

I never thought that such a good porridge could be cooked out of an ax, - the old woman wonders.

Ax porridge is a short tale about a witty soldier. The greedy old woman did not want to feed the soldier, but he outwitted her and got porridge and butter ...

Ax porridge read

The old soldier went on leave. I'm tired on the way, I want to eat. I reached the village, knocked on the extreme hut:
- Let the traveler rest!

An old woman opened the door.

Come in, servant.

And do you, hostess, have something to eat? The old woman has plenty of everything, but the soldier spared no food, pretended to be an orphan.

Oh, kind man, and I myself have not eaten anything yet: nothing.

Well, no, no, - the soldier says. Then he noticed an ax under the bench.

If there is nothing else, you can cook porridge from an ax.

The hostess threw up her hands:

How to cook porridge from an ax?

And here's how, give me a boiler.

The old woman brought the cauldron, the soldier washed the ax, lowered it into the cauldron, poured water and put it on the fire.

The old woman looks at the soldier, does not take her eyes off.

The soldier took out a spoon, stirring the brew. I tried it.

Well, how? the old woman asks.

Soon it will be ready, - the soldier replies, - it's just a pity that there is nothing to salt.

I have salt, salt.

The soldier salted, tried again.

Good! If only a handful of cereals were here! The old woman fussed, brought a bag of cereal from somewhere.

Take it, fill it as needed.

I filled the brew with cereals. Cooked, cooked, stirred, tasted. The old woman gazes at the soldier with all her eyes, cannot tear herself away.

Oh, and the porridge is good! - the soldier licked his lips. - As if here and a bit of butter - it would have been delicious.

The old woman also found oil.

Flavored porridge.

Well, old woman, now give me some bread and get down to the spoon: let's eat the porridge!

I never thought that such a good porridge could be cooked out of an ax, - the old woman wonders.

We ate porridge together. The old woman asks:

Serving! When will we eat the ax?

Yes, you see, he's not boiled down, - answered the soldier, - somewhere on the road I'll cook and have breakfast!

Immediately he hid the ax in his knapsack, said goodbye to the mistress and went to another village.

That's how the soldier ate the porridge and took the ax away!

Posted by: Mishkoy 25.10.2017 13:27 24.05.2019

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