If there are no scales in the kitchen. Ways to measure flour without scales at the expense of other containers

The Internet today is simply full of all kinds of recipes, including various baked goods. In many of them, the number necessary products is given in grams, which presents some difficulties for inexperienced chefs and pastry chefs. Of course, it would be nice for such cases to have electronic scales, which are characterized by high accuracy and the ability to determine the mass of even a very small amount of matter - up to several grams. But if they are not there and there is no way to buy? How, then, to measure the required amount of ingredients? In fact, nothing is easier. It is enough just to know the capacity of some cutlery, spoons, glasses, etc. Here are some guidelines.

Of course, the easiest way is to measure the product by eye. Many experienced housewives do just that. To do this, you need to have a good eye, as well as know the capacity of the pack. But there is one catch. If you have a package weighing 1 kg at your disposal, then it will not be difficult to measure a pound. Although, in any case, the result will not be the most accurate. It will be much more difficult to cope with such a task when it is required to separate 275 g of flour from a pack weighing 1.5 kg. No eye will help here. In such cases, it is recommended to resort to more accurate measurement methods.

Baking recipes tend to use a lot of flour. In such cases, the most ordinary faceted glass will be the ideal measuring tool. Before use, it should be washed and then wiped thoroughly with a dry towel made of a cloth that absorbs water well. If this is not done, then the flour will stick to the walls and this will create certain difficulties. So, scoop up flour with a prepared glass so that it fills a container with a slide. Then, using a knife, carefully remove the slide. After all the manipulations have been done, about 150 g of flour will remain in the glass. The error of this method of measurement is very small - plus or minus 5 g, which is just a negligible difference in comparison with the volumes required for baking.

The disadvantage of this method is that it can only measure volumes of round values ​​with a step of 150 g, that is, 150, 300, 450, etc. A small room for maneuver opens when there are risks on the order book, that is, a special horizontal line.

If you fill a glass with liquid up to this mark, then you get exactly 200 ml, but if you measure out flour - 130 g. However, operating with these two values ​​- 150 and 130 g, it is unlikely that it will be possible to measure, for example, 250 g or 110 g. Therefore, the most correct a way to purchase a special measuring cup, on the transparent wall of which there are divisions that allow you to very accurately determine the amount of products poured into it. Today, there is a large assortment of such products in hardware stores. Moreover, they can be used to measure not only flour, but also any bulk or liquid products.

Sometimes only one type of graduation is applied to measuring cups, designed to determine the volume of liquid. Of course, you can measure flour using such a container. To do this, it is enough to know the density of the substance, which, when multiplied by the volume, gives the mass. The density of flour is such that 1 ml of volume contains 0.65 g. Thus, 100 ml is 65 g of flour. This method has two significant drawbacks.

First, it is required to perform calculations, albeit very simple, but still.

Secondly, on measuring glasses, there are mainly divisions corresponding to round numbers. For example, if you need to measure 75 g of flour, then this will be 115 ml. It is unlikely that you will find a corresponding division on the scale.

Also, flour is used not only for baking, but also in other recipes. For example, for breading or giving a mixture of liquid products of the desired thickness and viscosity. In such cases, the amount of flour given in the recipes is limited to a small mass - from 10 to 50 g, therefore it is better to use spoons for measuring out - a table or a teaspoon.

In the first case, first you have to pick up a spoon, the dimensions of which meet generally accepted standards, because today every manufacturer strives to develop its own original design. As a result, the volume of tablespoons can vary greatly. At the same time, there is a certain standard for such products, and when a tablespoon is mentioned in recipes as a measure of weight and volume, it should be remembered that generally accepted sizes are meant. It is not necessary for us to know all the proportions, it is enough that the scooping container should be 7 cm in length. Such a tablespoon, filled with a slide, holds 15 g. If the volume of flour is leveled with a knife along the edges, that is, remove the mountain, then 10 g of flour will remain in the spoon. Another important detail if the recipe contains required amount flour is indicated immediately in tablespoons, then it means spoons with slides.

If you need to measure a very small amount of flour, then a teaspoon will be the best assistant - the length of the scooping part is 5 cm. If you fill such a cutlery with flour with a slide, you get 12 g. A teaspoon without a slide holds 7 g. Although slides are different ...

How many grams of water, cereals, sugar or salt fit in a teaspoon or tablespoon - how to measure the required weight of food without weighing?

It is convenient when the recipes indicate the number of spoons of cereal or glasses of sugar ... but if you need to measure 130g of sugar, but there are no kitchen scales?

An article to help you! I turn to her very often! That is why I am posting it here.

1 teaspoon(filled "without a slide" / "with a slide", at normal humidity) contains gr .:

water - 5 / - g (gram)
milk - 5 / - g
vegetable oil- 5 / - g
sugar - 5/7 g
salt - 7/10 g
flour - 4/5 g
rice - 5/8 g
medicinal herb - 2/3 g (dry herb weight)
semolina - 4g

1 tablespoon, filled with "no top" / "with top", holds (weighs in grams, for a full-size spoon with a scoop length of 7 centimeters and a width of 4 centimeters):

water - 18 / - g
milk - 20 / - g
vegetable oil - 17 / -
sugar - 20/25 g
salt - 25/30 gr.
flour - 10/15 g
rice - 15/20 g
ground nuts - 10/15 gr.
dry grass - 5/10 g
fresh grass - 10/15 g
semolina - 20g
cocoa - 25g
icing sugar - 20g

In a dessert spoon (more teaspoon, but less tablespoon):

water - 12 / - g
milk - 12 / - g
sugar - 10/15 g
salt - 14/20 g
flour - 7/12 g
rice - 12/17 g
ground nuts - 8/12 g
dry herb - 4/6 g
raw herbs - 8/10 g

Note: as a rule, if it says "one tablespoon (teaspoon)", it is most likely about a full spoon - "with a slide"

1 glass("To the risk" / "to the edge", at normal indoor humidity) contains products in grams:

water - 200/250 g (maximum weight 250 grams (= 250 milliliters) - the glass is full, filled to the top)
sugar - 200/250 g
salt - 290/320 g
flour - 140/150 gr.
rice - 210/230 g
semolina - 200/220 g
crushed nuts - 140/150 g
vegetable oil - 245g
oatmeal - 130g
powdered sugar - 200g

1 glass ("with a slide") accommodates:

11 tablespoons of cereal
10 tablespoons sugar or salt

1 gram of water = 1 milliliter of water = 1 cubic centimeter of water by weight (that is, having a standard twenty-milliliter syringe with ordinary water, you can get a reference weight from 1 to 20 grams with an accuracy of fractions of a gram, as well as a volume of up to 20 cubic cm.)

Average weight of fruits and vegetables:

quince 150-200gr
eggplant 150-200g
cabbage (head of cabbage) 1200-1500 gr
cauliflower 800 gr
potatoes 75-100 gr
onion 75-80 gr
carrots 75-100 gr
cucumber 50-100 gr
Tomato 80-100 gr
Beets 100-150 gr
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How to measure flour with a glass

It's good if a simple faceted glass is lying around on the farm. It is believed to hold 200 grams of water. But this does not mean that the same amount of flour will fit in there. There are tricks in how to measure flour with a glass.

  • First, you need to sprinkle the flour with a spoon, and not scoop it straight out of the bag with a glass. Otherwise, voids will form in the container at the walls, and less flour will fit. Fill the glass without a "slide".
  • Secondly, we do not tamp the flour in a glass, but we also do not loosen it.

Did you do everything right? You will have 160 grams in a faceted glass. If you tamp the flour, then 210 g will fit in a glass. If you sift and loosen it beforehand, then only 125 g.

There are other ways to measure flour. Here is a small table that will help you take the right amount flour:

Ideally, of course, it is better to take control measurements. Ask a friend for a kitchen scale. Weigh the flour once in a glass and spoon. Write down the data, post it somewhere in a conspicuous place in the kitchen. Then, if necessary, you can always measure the right amount of flour.

Keep in mind that if you store the flour incorrectly, the results may be different. There will be more damp and caked flour in the glass.

How much to hang in grams

All is good, but most often you do not need 160 or 25 grams. Typically, recipes feature "round" numbers. This is where the question arises, for example, how to measure 100 grams of flour?

The easiest way is to pour the extra 30 or 60 grams out of the glass "by eye" (depending on the glass), that is, 100 grams will be slightly more than half a teaspoonful and slightly less than half a faceted glass. You can put 4 level tablespoons. There is also a more cunning way. It will require time and some simple devices from us.

So, we need a ruler and a blank sheet of paper. On the sheet we draw a rectangle 10 by 20 centimeters. On large sides (20 cm) we measure 2 cm each, put points and connect them with lines. Before us is a rectangle 10 by 2 cm. So?

Pour a kilogram of flour onto paper. Distribute it evenly over the larger rectangle that we drew in the beginning (20x10 cm). We make sure that the flour does not crawl out of the rectangle. Then, carefully with a knife, separate the part that takes up the smaller rectangle (10x2 cm). This is 100 g.

We do the same when we don’t know how to measure 200 grams of flour. Only then we measure not 2, but 4 cm on the 20-centimeter side.Further, the same is done according to the algorithm. By the way, this method is also suitable for measuring sugar or cereals.

How to measure grams without weights

Strictly observe the proportions and put the amount of cereals, water, spices strictly indicated according to the recipe - the key to any successful dish. This is especially important for baking. If you accidentally add more or less flour than required, the dough will come out completely wrong. In the absence of a special device, it will be possible to weigh it using other available means. Each housewife will need information on how to do it correctly.

How many grams of flour are in a faceted glass

First of all, it should be said that this item is a faithful assistant in measuring products for many housewives. It is very accurate and will definitely help you to easily collect the required volume of any liquid or bulk substance. If filled with wheat flour top grade to the very top with a hat, you get 160 g. This value is approximate. If the vessel is filled along the rim, then it will be 130 g.

If you don't know how to measure flour without scales, use these tips:

  1. The grain must be whole-grain. Do not try to scoop up the flour from the common bag, but carefully pour in small portions. Otherwise, voids will form at the walls of the dishes, due to which the volume will not be enough for the dish.
  2. Do not tamp dry matter, do not knock on the vessel when filling. Because of this, the result will be completely different.
  3. Use a table that contains data on the volume of different products. It can be easily found on the net.
  4. It is advisable to choose a separate dish for your measurements, as accurate as possible, and always use only it. If you take a different one every time, then the dish of the same recipe may differ in taste or even deteriorate.

How many grams of flour in a tablespoon

Some recipes require very little, what then? In this case, measure with spoons. This is an easy task. You need to determine how much flour is in a tablespoon. If with a slide, then 25-30 g, depending on what it will be in height, and if without it, then 20 g. 1 tsp. will hold from 9 to 12 g. The dessert room will hold 15-20 g. These values ​​are correct if the grain product is dry, because wet will be heavier. You also need to remember that some cutlery, especially those left over from Soviet times, are heavier than modern ones.

How much flour is in a glass 250 mm

This is a thin-walled product. Such vessels are also called tea vessels. How to measure flour without scales using it? If you fill the vessel, leaving about a centimeter empty on top, then you will have 160 g. We are talking about wheat. The same amount will fit for corn, because they are the same in density. But rye is denser, so it will fit 130 g. Potato, on the contrary, is lighter, it will be 180 g.

How to weigh flour without scales

Not every housewife has a device for measuring the mass of products in the kitchen, nevertheless, people do an excellent job even with very complex recipes... In order to weigh the required portion, you can use vessels or spoons: dessert, table, tea. With one of these items on hand, you can easily find the necessary grain product for baking.

How many tablespoons in a glass of flour

Depends on the type and fullness. If in a faceted 130-160 g, then it will contain 4.5-5 tbsp. l. with a hat. There are five of them in the teahouse. If you take from the first spoon without a slide, you get from six and a half to eight. If you use a tea house, then 8. Many people do not understand how to measure 100 grams of flour without having a measuring device at hand. It's very simple: take 5 tbsp. l. without a slide or 3.5 with it. Now you know how many tablespoons there are in 100 grams of flour.

If you have a faceted glass, then to get 100 g you need to pour so much so that the flour does not reach the rim by about a centimeter. There is one more way. Pour the flour in a little, tamping it down. To do this, after each new portion, you need to carefully hit the dishes on the table. Put on the highest hat you can. You will get about 200-210 g. Then, from the resulting volume, separate about half by eye. This will be 100 BC.

How many glasses in a kilogram of flour

If you have a lot of grain, it is easy to divide it into portions. To do this, you need to have an idea of ​​how many glasses of flour there are in 1 kg. Keeping all of the above information in mind, it is very easy to draw a conclusion. If you don't know how to measure flour without a kitchen scale, use a faceted glass. If you fill up to the rim, you get 7.5-8 units, depending on the density of the grain and the moisture level. If you fill the container to the top, then 6-6.5 pieces will come out. In the case of a teaspoon, the amount will be the same when filled to the rim.

An old recipe from The Book of Delicious and Healthy Food, published in the middle of the last century, says: take 1/2 cup of sugar. How do you know how many grams are in a glass of sugar? There is a whole shelf of glassware in the kitchen cabinet, but what measure of volume did V.V. Pokhlebkin, when he wrote his book? A simple question that has facets and subtleties that can baffle even an experienced hostess.

How much sugar is in a glass

The controversy arises from the fact that Soviet cookbooks mention thin (tea) and faceted glasses.

If you look at the weight table, how much sugar is in both glasses, you will find the following figures:

Conflicting information about how many grams of sugar are in a faceted glass. If you pour it to the top, with a rim, you get the same amount of sugar as in a thin tea. Why is this data shared? Here you need a historical background.

The history of the faceted glass

The classic faceted glass has a smooth top rim. Once upon a time, servicemen were given 200 grams of vodka, pouring exactly to the risks. The soldering was exchanged for tobacco or sugar, poured in exactly the same way to the border, where the edges ended and the edge began. This is how the tradition has developed to count the measure of a faceted glass as 200 ml.

It has been established how many grams of sugar are in a faceted glass: up to the rim - 180, to the brim - 230. Cookbooks say that the measure "glass" means 250 ml. Following the old recipes, you need to measure the sugar, pouring it to the brim.

How much does any glass of sugar weigh?

Not every kitchen has a faceted rarity of Soviet times. Modern crockery of various shapes and capacities. It is useful to measure your favorite convenient glass so as not to waste time weighing bulk products.

There are three ways:

  • measure with a graduated measuring cup (beaker);
  • fill the container and weigh it on a scale;
  • calculate how many tablespoons or teaspoons fit.

A tablespoon holds 25 grams of sugar, if poured in with a slide, a teaspoon holds 10 grams. The capacity of the glass will be:

You can find out how much a glass of sugar weighs using a tablespoon or teaspoon. It is helpful to take the time to measure to quickly add the right amount of product.

How to measure other bulk solids

According to the recipe, you will need to add flour, cereals and other ingredients, which are also convenient to measure with a glass.

To help housewives, a table with the weight of the most common products:

Several subtleties to consider when measuring products:

  1. Sugar weight can vary depending on moisture content and crystal size. Fine-crystalline will turn out a little more, coarse less.
  2. The flour should be measured before sifting, as it then becomes fluffy and fills the glass less densely.
  3. Loose products must be poured in a thin stream, do not scoop up a glass directly from the bag, so that air cavities do not form inside.
  4. To get a glass filled to the brim, you need to pour it "with a slide" and smooth out the excess with the tip of a knife.

Now we know how many grams of sugar or other product are in a glass beaker. In any modern kitchen, you can bake a cupcake according to a recipe from an old cookbook, even if there are no scales and a faceted glass.

To make the dish tasty and beautiful, you must adhere to the recipe. That is, take into account the proportions of products that are used in cooking. It's good when you can handle the scales. Then no problem arises.

But what if this thing is not there? How to accurately determine the weight of the product without scales?

Determination of weight

You can find out the mass of products without weights.

Simple devices will help you with this:

  • teaspoon;
  • tablespoon;
  • faceted glass;
  • pots.

Before proceeding with the procedure, you need to know some of the nuances:

If you are going to weigh flour, then you should know: a teaspoon contains 10 g, in a dining room - 25 g. If it is easier to measure with a glass, it contains 180 g. However, there will be 200 g of sugar in a tablespoon, 25 g in a tablespoon. and in the teahouse - 9 g.

By the way, sugar or other bulk product can be weighed in another way:

  • take two different pans and a kilogram of sand;
  • pour it into the smaller pan;
  • put one dish in another (it is necessary that one pan is completely immersed in the second);
  • Pour water into a large bowl so that it reaches the edges of the smaller one;
  • mark the water level - this is the mass of one kilogram.

Slightly more difficult with viscous substances such as honey. In a faceted glass there will be 325 g, in a teaspoon - 12 g, and in a dining room - 35 g. Fill to the brim, preferably with a slide.

Liquids must be determined in the same way. If the recipe indicates milliliters, not grams, then you need to use a measuring cup where there are marks with milliliters.

How to determine the weight of different foods?

You can use the information below, and there is also a table for determining the mass. You can find it on the Internet.

In general, a teaspoon fits:

In a tablespoon:

  • 25 g sugar or salt;
  • 15 g loose;
  • 20 g of liquid;
  • 20 g cereals.

In a faceted glass:

  1. 180 g flour;
  2. 200 g cereals;
  3. 200 ml of liquid;
  4. 250 ml of milk or vegetable oil.

How to determine the weight of a product by eye?

Sometimes you can find out the weight by eye. For example, one medium vegetable (potato, tomato, carrot, cucumber) weighs 100 g. An apple weighs the same. But quince or banana weighs 200 g. A large tomato or cucumber will be about 350 g. And an apple - 230 g.

Concerning bakery products, a small bun will weigh 50 g, and a large one will weigh 200 g. A small slice of bread will be 20 g, and a large one will be 50 g, and a crust will be about 80 g.

A small piece of sausage weighs only 5 g, and a large one - 40. Chop - about 200 g, and a small cutlet - 95. By the way, how to determine the weight of the finished product?

You need to know that the mass is increasing:

This happens due to the fact that the products are saturated with water.

Not every housewife has scales in the kitchen, and many are accustomed to cope with this, measuring food "by eye" But it happens that you need to cook something according to a new recipe, where all proportions must be strictly observed. How to measure grams without scales? Of course, there are many ways, and the measure will be almost correct, but still with slight deviations. In this article, we'll talk about how to measure grams without weights of dry foods.

Weight table

Such a hint can be found in the cookbook, or you can use the one given in the article. It is very convenient to use the table, as it contains the weight of products in grams when filling any dishes. For example, 5-7 grams of sugar is placed in one teaspoon, 25 grams in a dining room, and 200 grams in an ordinary faceted glass, if you fill it to the very top.

Measured by hand

A good folk method is known that will help solve the problem of how to measure grams without weights. This method will be convenient for those who do not want to exhaust themselves with mathematical calculations. The disadvantage of the method is only an approximate result.

  1. If you need to measure a piece of fish or meat in 100 grams, then look at the woman's palm - both the size and thickness will correspond to 100 grams. If we take a man's hand as an example, then add 50 grams.
  2. If you need to measure a portion of cereal, then 200 grams will be equal to the size of a woman's fist and approximately 250-280 - the size of a man's.

Cookware volume

In a hardware store, you can purchase special containers made of transparent plastic or glass, on the walls of which weight measures in grams of liquid and bulk products will be written.

If such dishes are not available, just use any cup, the volume of which you know for sure. For example, let's say you have a 100 gram bowl and you need to measure out 50 grams. Then just fill this bowl halfway and get the right amount of food.

Checkered notebook sheet

Dishes and hands are, of course, good, but what if you need to measure, for example, manganese? Taking the powder "by eye" is completely unacceptable, and then a reasonable question arises: "How to measure 1 gram without scales?"

We suggest using the old method, it has already helped out a huge number of housewives.

  1. Pour the powder into an untop teaspoon, this will be 5 grams.
  2. Pour the powder on a notebook sheet in a cage, distribute it over the cells in an even strip so that it occupies 10 cells.
  3. Two cells - this will be a gram.

If the jar of powder has not yet been opened, then you can use more in a simple way- see the net weight on the package. If it says 10 grams, then pour it onto the sheet so that the strip takes up 20 cells, and 2 of them will equal 1 gram.

How to measure yeast in grams without scales? Use the same method. If you need to take 5 grams of this product, then feel free to take 1 level teaspoon.

This method does not work for measuring flour, since it is denser and will weigh more. We propose to consider options for how to measure flour in grams without scales.

Tea and tablespoon for flour

When there is no scale, a simple spoon will help to measure out a small amount of flour. The product must not be sieved, measure immediately from the package.

  1. Rake the flour with a teaspoon, shake it lightly from side to side, but so that the slide does not fall, you just need to shake off the excess. All that's left is 10 grams. That is, if you need to take 50 grams of flour, then put 5 heaped spoons.
  2. It's easier to use a standard tablespoon. Rake flour with a slide, shake slightly, all that is left is 25 grams. If you need 50 grams, then put two.

From the same calculation, it becomes clear how to measure 100 grams without scales when it comes to flour.

Flour measuring glass

If you have an ordinary faceted glass in your kitchen, then it will become a real assistant when measuring products. Its volume is 250 ml up to the rim, and it is suitable for measuring liquids. As for flour, we need to measure out grams, and this is done in the following way:

  1. Using a spoon, gently fill the glass up to the rim. At the same time, the flour does not need to be shaken and pressed, the weight will increase significantly. Spread the product evenly over the rim and you have almost exactly 160 grams.
  2. If you fill the glass to the very brim, it will be 180 grams.
  3. In the case when there is a glass with only 200 ml volume, then the weight will be 130 grams when filled to the rim.

This is how flour is measured in glasses. Many people make the mistake of assuming that a 200 ml glass holds 200 grams of flour, and they put so much when preparing a dish. Grams and milliliters are two different things. Milliliters are used to measure liquids that are denser than bulk solids.

Two pans for measuring bulk product

How to measure grams without scales, if there is no time and desire to use spoons and glasses, and the product needs a kilogram, two or even more? Two pots will help, our grandmothers also used this method! It is very simple to measure the weight of the product in this way, the main thing is to have in stock:

  • a large saucepan;
  • a small saucepan that fits completely into a large one;
  • cargo - a weight in a kilogram or an unopened package with flour or cereals.

So, if you need to measure the exact weight of the product, you will act in the following way:

  1. Place a weight in a small saucepan, the weight of which you know for sure - a kilogram, 600 grams, and so on.
  2. Place the weighted saucepan in a large saucepan or basin.
  3. Fill a large container with water to the level, if there is one, or to the brim.
  4. Remove the load from the pan, there will be less water.
  5. Now you can fill the small container with the product to be measured. Once the water in the large saucepan is up to the same level, the small saucepan will have the same weight of the food as the weight.

Quite easy! At first glance, it seems that the process is long, but it is not, and you will be convinced of the simplicity of the method as soon as you try to measure yourself.

How much cereal is in a glass or spoon?

All bulk products have different densities. So, the measure of a glass or spoon will be different for different cereals. We suggest considering the most commonly used products in the kitchen in grams.

  1. Buckwheat: if you measure a portion with a glass, then raw cereals in faceted (250 ml volume) when filled to the rim will be 200-210 grams. There will be 25 grams in a tablespoon.
  2. Semolina: 200 grams will fit in a faceted glass to the rim, in a tablespoon - 25 grams, and in a teaspoon - 8 grams.
  3. Oatmeal: This is a light product, and when you fill a faceted glass to the rim, it will turn out to be only 90 grams. One tablespoon will hold about 12 grams.
  4. Barley: a heavier product, 230 grams will go into a faceted glass to the rim, and about 25-30 grams in a tablespoon.
  5. Barley groats: 180 grams will fit in a faceted glass, and 20 grams in a tablespoon.
  6. Millet: there will be 180 grams in a glass, 20 grams in a tablespoon.
  7. Rice: in a glass to the rim - 230 grams, in a tablespoon - 25 grams.
  8. Beans: 230 grams will turn out in a glass, we will not measure with spoons, since the product is large.
  9. Split peas: 230 grams will fit in a glass.

Now you know how to measure grams without scales in the kitchen. There are many methods, and they all give the most accurate results!