Cook's tech card. Is it worth it to order technological maps of dishes? Correctly formed Technical - technological map looks like this

Nowadays, as a rule, the vast majority of businesses develop signature dishes. (Basically, signature dish any dish is considered that is not made according to the Collection of Technological Standards, or the Collection of Recipes). For such products (dishes), enterprises must develop Technical and Technological Maps (TTC). The form and content of the TTK from January 1, 2015 is regulated by GOST 31987-2012.

At enterprises Catering the development of the TTK, as a rule, causes difficulty, and in many cases, chefs and accountants - calculators are involved in the development of the TTK, as a result, the resulting documentation rarely meets the requirements. At many enterprises, the development of the TTK is reduced to the preparation of a recipe and filling in the preparation technology (Ordinary Technological Map). Such documentation does not comply with the Technical Regulations of the Customs Union (TR CU 021-2011). As a result, the company pays large fines for non-compliance of the documentation with the requirements.

In 2007, amendments were made to the "Rules for the provision of public catering services" (Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated May 10, 2007 No. 276), which obliges public catering enterprises to indicate the nutritional value of products. But, even with the experience of drawing up the TTK and all the necessary documentation, the development time for one TTK without using the program for automating technological calculations can take up to 3-4 hours (with the calculation of calorie content, physical chemistry, microbiology and other indicators)!
We have been developing TTK for public catering enterprises for more than fifteen years, during which time we have developed a large methodological base.

Since January 2015, we have been developing documents in accordance with GOST 31987-2012 and with the requirements of the Technical Regulations of the Customs Union TR CU 021-2011. The new form of the TTK has been developed in accordance with the Interstate Standard, and approved for use by countries such as Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Russia, Tajikistan and Uzbekistan.

In addition to updating the TTK form itself, we do the calculation energy value in kJ, calculation of nutrients as a percentage of the average daily requirement.

Now the set of documents also includes an Information sheet containing detailed information about dishes and products, including information about Allergens, dietary supplements, GMOs, as well as the composition of the dish.

When calculating losses during cold and heat treatment of a product, we are guided not only by tabular data on the Collection of recipes. Our database also contains actual product losses, which often differ from STN. You can check the compliance of the recipes of the enterprise for the correctness of the bookmarking norms, and prevent financial losses!

The technical and technological map (TTK) is signed by the head of the enterprise and the developer. As a rule, there is no need to assure TTK in Rostpotrebnadzor. But in some cases (for example, if you sell products outside the enterprise, through other outlets), the TTK is not enough, and it is necessary to develop Technical conditions and go through the certification procedure.

When developing a Technical Technological Map, we provide a full set of documents necessary for the operation of a catering enterprise:

  • Technical and technological map
  • Costing card (costing dishes) at average Russian prices
  • Control study act
  • Substantiation of calculations of calorie content, mass fractions of salt, sugar, fat, dry substances, microbiology
  • Calorie leaf
  • Information sheet
  • Technological card (for dishes made according to the official recipe books)
  • Mini recipes (bookmarks for chefs)

The development of documents is carried out by our technologists in the program of technological calculations "Chief Expert" created by us.

Examples of documents developed in the "Chief Expert" program

How to order the development of a Technical Technological Map and a set of documents for a catering enterprise?

The order of order and payment is as follows:

  • You fill out the Form for the development of the TTK. After receiving the questionnaire, we prepare an offer for you on the cost and development time. If you do not want to fill out the form, write or call us;
  • After a positive answer, we will send you an electronic contract and an invoice for payment. (If the conclusion of the Agreement in paper form, with a signature and a seal is not important for you, we are guided by the Offer Agreement);
  • You pay an Advance payment in the amount of at least 1/3 of the cost of work;
  • Upon completion of the development, we will send you an Information sheet, which contains detailed information about the dishes, and confirms that the documents have been developed in full;
  • You pay the remaining amount, we send a full set of technological documentation (in MS Word (RTF), Excel or PDF format, of your choice). After that, by registered mail, you will be sent documents confirming the fact of payment (Original invoice, Service Agreement, Certificate of Completion).

The term for the Development of the TTK depends on the number and complexity of the dishes. On average, 50 TTKs are developed within 5-7 working days.

The cost of a standard calculation of a set of documents for a dish is 290 rubles. Standard calculation means the calculation of documentation according to the customer's recipe, without a set of cooking technologies (or with copying text from an electronic medium), with the calculation of a calculation card at average prices.

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How TC and TTK are formalized

The main documents on the basis of which dishes are prepared are technological (TC) and Technical and technological cards (TTC). They are mandatory documents for any catering establishment, and must be developed for the entire list of dishes. When developing HACCP procedures, they are also necessary, since used in the production description.

Let's consider their differences.

A technological map is developed for each dish, based on a collection of recipes for public catering.

TC should contain the following information:

- list (composition) of products (ingredients);

- the mass of the ingredients used;

- the mass of the finished product;

- the mass of one portion;

- a description of the technological process of manufacturing products;

- a description of the design of the dish ( appearance);

- a description of the serving of the dish (product);

- storage conditions;

- storage periods.

The recipe indicates the consumption rates of gross and net products for one or more servings, or for one or more kg, the output (net weight) of semi-finished products and the output of public catering products (culinary semi-finished products, dishes, culinary, bakery and flour confectionery products).

As a source of recipes, it is allowed to use Collections of recipes for public catering establishments or other sources operating on the territory of the state that adopted the standard.

Technical and technological map (TTK)- is being developed only for new non-traditional products manufactured for the first time at a public catering enterprise. Which is absent from the recipe books.

TTK sets requirements for the quality of raw materials and food products, product recipes, requirements for the manufacturing process, design, sale and storage, quality and safety indicators, as well as the nutritional value of public catering products.

The technical technological map contains the following sections:

- application area;

- requirements for raw materials;

- recipe (including the rate of consumption of raw materials and food products gross and net, weight (output) of the semi-finished product and / or the output of the finished product (dish);

- technological process;

- requirements for the design, supply, sale and storage of public catering products;

- indicators of quality and safety of public catering products;

- information about nutritional value public



  1. GOST 31985-2013. Interstate standard. Catering services. Terms and Definitions
  2. GOST 31987-2012 Catering services. Technological documents for public catering products. General requirements for design, construction and content

Good luck and prosperity to your company.

It's not a secret for anyone that all enterprises that do not work according to the Collection of recipes (technological standards) are obliged to develop a document "Technical and technological map". However, not everyone understands how the TTK differs from the Technological map, and how it should look. In this article, we will give a detailed answer to this question.

So, the requirements for the design of the TTK and the information contained therein are detailed in GOST 31987-2012. We will not describe in detail the content of GOST, we will limit ourselves only to a description of the main features.

In contrast to the Technological map, in the Techno-technological, along with the calculation of calorie content, an indication of the field of application, requirements for raw materials and requirements for sale and supply, it is necessary to calculate and indicate the following indicators:

  • Organoleptic indicators
  • Physicochemical indicators (mass fractions)
  • Microbiological indicators for the corresponding food group

Below we present the methodology for developing the TTK, and describe in detail the calculation of all the necessary indicators. Such a technique is based on the Methodological Guidelines, and all documents are generated automatically, in the program for chefs and technologists "Chef Expert".

Consider, for example, the calculation of all indicators for the TTK for the dish "Odessa Sausages"

1. Calculation of the nutritional and energy value of the dish

We calculate the nutritional and energy value of the dish on the basis of the methodology given in the Guidelines for laboratory control quality of public catering products, M., 1997, (Letter No. 1-40 / 3805 of 11.11.91) (Part 2).

1.1. Determine the protein content in the first ingredient of the recipe - "Fat mesh (Spice)". The protein content in 100 grams of an ingredient is found in the reference tables. chemical composition recommended for use by the Federal Service for Supervision of Consumer Rights Protection and Human Welfare (Rospotrebnadzor). The protein content in 100 grams of the ingredient "Fat mesh (Spice)" = 1.4 grams. The net weight of the ingredient "Fat net (Spice)" according to the recipe = 42 grams, therefore, the amount of protein in the ingredient = 42/100 * 1.4 = 0.59 grams (article 7 in volume 1). This ingredient is subject to heat treatment, therefore, protein losses during heat treatment are determined according to the reference data = 10% (article 10 in volume 1). Thus, the total amount of protein in the ingredient = 0.59 * (100-10) / 100 = 0.53 grams. (Article 14 in Volume 1)

1.2. The ingredient "Fat mesh (Pryatina)" DOES NOT HAVE TECHNOLOGICAL LOSSES after heat treatment (article 13 in volume 1), therefore the total amount of protein in the ingredient = 0.53 * (100-0) / 100 = 0.53 grams.

1.3. Ingredient "Fat Net (Spice)" is CONSIDERED in the dish outlet (article 17 in volume 1), therefore the protein content is CONSIDERED in the total protein content in the dish.

1.4. Similarly, we determine the content of carbohydrates and fats in the ingredient.

1.5. In the same way, we determine the content of proteins, fats and carbohydrates for all ingredients in the dish, and enter the data obtained in Table 1.

2. Calculation of the mass fraction of dry substances *

2.1. Defining the content dry matter in the first ingredient of the recipe - "Fat mesh (Spice)". The content of dry substances in 100 grams of an ingredient is found on the reference tables of the chemical composition recommended for use by the Federal Service for Supervision of Consumer Rights Protection and Human Welfare (Rospotrebnadzor). The content of dry substances in 100 grams of the ingredient "Fat mesh (Spice)" = 94.3 grams. Net weight of the ingredient "Fat net (Spice)" according to the recipe = 42 grams, therefore, the amount of dry ingredients in the ingredient = 42/100 * 94.3 = 39.61 grams.

2.2. The ingredient "Fat mesh (Pryatina)" DOES NOT HAVE TECHNOLOGICAL LOSSES after heat treatment (article 13 in volume 1), therefore the total amount of dry ingredients in the ingredient = 39.61 * (100-0) / 100 = 39.61 gram.

2.3. The ingredient "Fat mesh (Spice)" is CONSIDERED in the outlet of the dish (article 17 in volume 1), therefore the content of dry substances is CONSIDERED in the total content of dry substances in the dish.

2.4. Similarly, we determine the dry matter content for all ingredients in the dish, and summarize the obtained values.

2.5. To convert to a percentage of the dry matter content in a dish, multiply the resulting amount by 100 and divide by the portion output (100 grams).

2.6. We sum this percentage with the maximum permissible salt content in the dish = 1.33%. Thus, we get the Maximum (theoretical) dry matter content in the dish = 62.39%.

2.7. The minimum permissible dry matter content is calculated using the formula: for first courses and sauces: 0.85 * Maximum dry matter content, for other dishes: 0.9 * Maximum dry matter content. 0.85 and 0.9 are coefficients that take into account the loss of dry substances during the preparation process and permissible deviations when portioning dishes. Thus, min. permissible dry matter content in the dish = 62.39 * 0.9 = 56.15%.

* In accordance with Appendix 2 of the Methodological Guidelines for Laboratory Quality Control of Public Catering Products, M., 1997, (Letter No. 1-40 / 3805 dated 11.11.91), in this category of dishes, the mass fraction of dry substances is DETERMINED in laboratory analysis.

3. Calculation of the mass fraction of fat **

3.1. Determine the amount of pure fat in the ingredient "Fat Net (Spice)" (the mass fraction of fat is taken into account only in the main fat-containing ingredients (butter, sour cream, milk, etc.)) by multiplying the net weight of the ingredient (in grams) by the fat content (in scales per 100 g of an ingredient, or in%) and dividing by 100. Data on the content of natural fat in cereals, meat products etc. neglected. MJ = 42/100 * 0 = 0 grams.
3.2. The ingredient "Fat mesh (Pryatina)" DOES NOT HAVE TECHNOLOGICAL LOSSES after heat treatment (article 13 in volume 1), therefore the total amount of fat in the ingredient = 0 * (100-0) / 100 = 0 grams.
3.3. The "Fat Net (Spice)" ingredient is CONSIDERED in the dish outlet (article 17 in volume 1), therefore the fat content of the ingredient is CONSIDERED in the total fat content of the dish.
3.4. Similarly, we determine the fat content for all ingredients in the dish, and summarize the obtained values.

** In accordance with Appendix 2 of the Methodological Guidelines for Laboratory Control of the Quality of Public Catering Products, M., 1997, (Letter No. 1-40 / 3805 dated 11.11.91), in this category of dishes, the mass fraction of fat is NOT DETERMINED in laboratory analysis.

4. Calculation of the mass fraction of sugar ***

4.1. Determine the amount of pure sugar in the ingredient "Fat Net (Spice)" (the mass fraction of sugar in sucrose is taken into account only in sugar - sand, sugar - refined sugar, powdered sugar, etc.), by multiplying the net weight of the ingredient (in grams) by the content sugar (in grams. per 100 g of the ingredient, or in%) and dividing by 100. MDS = 42/100 * 0 = 0 grams.
4.2. The ingredient "Fat mesh (Pryatina)" DOES NOT HAVE TECHNOLOGICAL LOSSES after heat treatment (article 13 in volume 1), therefore the total amount of sugar in the ingredient = 0 * (100-0) / 100 = 0 grams.
4.3. The ingredient "Fat mesh (Spice)" is CONSIDERED in the outlet of the dish (article 17 in volume 1), therefore the sugar content of the ingredient is CONSIDERED in the total sugar content in the dish.
4.4. Similarly, we determine the sugar content for all ingredients in the dish, add up the obtained values ​​and multiply by the coefficient taking into account the loss of sucrose in the dish = 0.97.
4.5. To convert to a percentage of the content of the mass fraction of sugar in the dish, we multiply the resulting amount by 100 and divide by the portion output (100 grams). Sugar content in dish = 0%

*** In accordance with Appendix 2 of the Methodological Guidelines for Laboratory Control of the Quality of Public Catering Products, M., 1997, (Letter No. 1-40 / 3805 dated 11.11.91), in this category of dishes, the mass fraction of sugar is NOT DETERMINED in laboratory analysis ...

5. Calculation of the mass fraction of salt ****

**** In accordance with Appendix 2 of the Methodological Guidelines for Laboratory Quality Control of Public Catering Products, M., 1997, (Letter No. 1-40 / 3805 dated 11.11.91), in this category of dishes, the mass fraction of salt is DETERMINED in laboratory analysis ...

6. Microbiological indicators

6.1. To determine microbiological quality indicators, we are guided by the Technical Regulations of the Customs Union TR CU 021-2011 "On food safety".

A properly formed Technical - technological map looks like this:

In general, the process of developing the TTK is not particularly difficult if you develop documents using a special program. Calculating all indicators on a calculator is very long and ineffective. Learn more about the program for development Technological documentation"Chef Expert" you can on the official website

Boiled beef soup

Frozen beef (Brazilian rump, article 337375 - Metro Cah & Carry) - 25 kg, cut into 3 kg pieces with a saw. Arrange in HDPE bags (black trash), tie tightly and place in washing tubs. Pour tap water at a temperature of 25 ° C. Check the temperature with an immersion thermometer. Change the water in the bath for two to three hours. After complete defrosting, place the pieces of meat in gastronorm containers of 2/1 size, 400 mm deep and pour the containers with the MAITREFOODS meat softener article 10324 in a volume of 3 grams per 1 kg. Half an hour after treatment with maltodextrin, place the meat in cauldrons with water in a ratio of 3 parts of water to 1 part of meat, bring to a boil and cook for 5 hours at a temperature of 75 ° C. Determine the temperature with a thermometer. After the end of cooking, let the meat cool in the broth. After reaching the temperature of 20 ° С, pack the meat with broth in portions into vacuum bags measuring 250 * 400 mm 65 microns, sealing them by the cartridge method, 50-60 grams each using a CAS sealer, model CNT-400. After sealing, the bags are placed in a grill pot or gastronorm container with a sous-vide thermostat and processed at a temperature of 85 ° C for 10 minutes. The bags are then removed and placed in an ice bath or gastronorm container (water / ice ratio 50/50). Ice bath temperature = +1 ° C. Ice must be added during the cooling process because the temperature in the bathroom will rise due to the hot bags. Cooling cycle - at least 30 minutes. After the end of pasteurization, the bags are wiped dry with a rag and marked with a labeling gun. The label must have the date of production, the serial number of the cook - the supplier, the date of the expiration date. Shelf life of meat is 4 days. Storage place - medium temperature chamber at +2 ° С.

Broth for borscht

Fry the bones in a saucepan with the addition of vegetable oil until golden brown. IN cold water put chicken bones, pork and dill roots. Peel the Bulgarian pepper, chop coarsely and put in the broth. Grate the garlic, wrap it in cheesecloth and put in the broth. Cook for 3 hours over low heat, then add vinegar, paprika and hot peppers... Bring the broth to taste and strain through cheesecloth.

Pampushki with sauce

Mix all ingredients in a bowl or bowl of a planetary mixer. Knead 15 minutes at low speed in a planetary mixer or kneader. Roll the balls into 30 grams each and put in a deep cast-iron pan, greased with vegetable oil, as in the photo. Brush with milk. Bake at 180 C in a combi steamer or convection oven for 20 minutes.

For the sauce - mix finely chopped garlic, salt, vegetable oil and water.

Beet kvass

Dilute fresh beetroot with water in the proportion ¼. Boil. Cool down. Add sugar, salt, citric acid in a proportion of 1/10 of the volume of the emulsion. Allow to cool. Pour into ice bags. Freeze in a shocker for 120 minutes. Store in the freezer.