Caesar salad with chicken breast technological card. Development of regulatory and technological documentation

Techno- routing No. 138732fC

Application area
This technical and technological map has been developed in accordance with GOST R 53105-2008 and applies to specialty of the house Caesar salad produced by the organization is not listed and sold in the restaurant Taste.
Raw material requirements
Food raw materials, foodstuffs and semi-finished products used to prepare the dish Caesar salad with chicken must comply with the requirements of current regulatory and technical documents, have accompanying documents confirming their safety and quality (certificate of conformity, sanitary-epidemiological conclusion, certificate of safety and quality, etc.)
The processing of all products used must be carried out in strict accordance with the established sanitary norms and rules.
During the initial processing, the meat is thawed at a temperature of 0 to + 6 ° C in a refrigerator during the day. Defrosting of meat in microwave ovens is allowed according to the modes specified in their passports. Defrosting meat in water or near the stove is not allowed. Re-freezing of defrosted meat is prohibited! After defrosting, the meat is washed, dried, films and tendons are removed.
Vegetables must be fresh, firm in consistency; taste, color and smell must match the products used.
Before use, vegetables are recommended to be kept in a 3% solution acetic acid or 10% sodium chloride solution for 10 minutes. followed by rinsing with running water.

Name of raw materials and products | Bookmark rate for 1 portion |
| Unit of measurement | Weight
gross | Weight
net |
Chicken breast (fillet) | r | 110 | 96/70 * |
Sunflower oil (for frying) | r | 10 | 10 |
Caesar sauce with anchovies | r | 50 | 50 |
Garlic croutons | r | 10 | 10 |
Lollo Rosso Salad | r | 12 | 10 |
Romano Salad | r | 100 | 100 |
Cherry Tomatoes | r | 22 | 20 |
Parmesan cheese | r | 11 | 10 |
Spicy salt | r | 1 | 1 |
The output of the finished dish, g | 70/130 / 50 |
* - mass of fried chicken fillet

Technological process
The processed chicken fillet is fried on both sides, cooled and cut into thin slices. Lettuce leaves are torn by hand into small pieces. Parmesan cheese is chopped on a fine grater.
Requirements for registration, implementation and storage
The salad is prepared as needed and sold in portioned dishes (salad bowls, plates) immediately after preparation. When leaving, lettuce leaves are mixed with pieces of chicken fillet, seasoned with sauce and laid in a salad bowl in a slide. Sprinkle with grated cheese and garlic croutons garnished with cherry tomato halves.
According to the requirements of SanPin, the temperature of the dish during serving should be no higher than 14 ° C.
The permissible shelf life of the Caesar salad with chicken before sale, according to SanPiN, is 1 hour at a storage temperature not exceeding 14 ° C.
Quality and safety indicators
Organoleptic characteristics of the dish Caesar salad with chicken must meet the following requirements:
Appearance| All products are evenly sliced, mixed, seasoned. The dressing is evenly distributed over the ingredients of the dish. Foods without signs of airing. |
Color | Peculiar to the ingredients in the dish. |
Consistency | Vegetables - firm, crispy, pulp meat products- juicy, does not disintegrate, retains its shape. |
Taste and Smell | Pleasant, typical for these components of the salad. Free of extraneous impurities and defamatory signs. |

Microbiological indicators of the dish Caesar salad with chicken must comply with the requirements of SanPiN, index
The nutritional value
The nutritional value of the Caesar salad with chicken per 100 g of product and the yield of 250 g are:
Product weight | Proteins, g | Fats, g | Carbohydrates, g | Caloric content, kcal |
100 g | 8.79 | 16.86 | 3.71 | 201.74 |
250 g | 21.97 | 42.14 | 9.27 | 504.24 |

Justification of the calculation
The technological map was made by: | | | | / / |

Caesar salad 1 portion (~ 190g) rich in vitamins and minerals such as: vitamin A - 18.1%, beta-carotene - 22.4%, vitamin B5 - 11%, vitamin B6 - 13%, vitamin B12 - 11.4%, vitamin E - 24, 8%, vitamin K - 17.4%, vitamin PP - 23.9%, calcium - 17.9%, phosphorus - 18.8%, chlorine - 15.5%, cobalt - 63.8%

Why is Caesar Salad useful 1 portion (~ 190g)

  • Vitamin A responsible for normal development, reproductive function, skin and eye health, and maintaining immunity.
  • B-carotene is provitamin A and has antioxidant properties. 6 mcg of beta-carotene is equivalent to 1 mcg of vitamin A.
  • Vitamin B5 participates in protein, fat, carbohydrate metabolism, cholesterol metabolism, the synthesis of a number of hormones, hemoglobin, promotes the absorption of amino acids and sugars in the intestine, supports the function of the adrenal cortex. Lack of pantothenic acid can lead to damage to the skin and mucous membranes.
  • Vitamin B6 participates in the maintenance of the immune response, inhibition and excitation processes in the central nervous system, in the conversion of amino acids, in the metabolism of tryptophan, lipids and nucleic acids, contributes to the normal formation of erythrocytes, maintenance of the normal level of homocysteine ​​in the blood. Insufficient intake of vitamin B6 is accompanied by a decrease in appetite, a violation of the condition of the skin, the development of homocysteinemia, anemia.
  • Vitamin B12 plays an important role in the metabolism and conversion of amino acids. Folate and vitamin B12 are interrelated vitamins and are involved in hematopoiesis. Lack of vitamin B12 leads to the development of partial or secondary folate deficiency, as well as anemia, leukopenia, thrombocytopenia.
  • Vitamin E possesses antioxidant properties, is necessary for the functioning of the gonads, heart muscle, is a universal stabilizer of cell membranes. With a deficiency of vitamin E, hemolysis of erythrocytes and neurological disorders are observed.
  • Vitamin K regulates blood clotting. Lack of vitamin K leads to an increase in blood clotting time, a lowered content of prothrombin in the blood.
  • Vitamin PP participates in redox reactions of energy metabolism. Insufficient vitamin intake is accompanied by disruption of the normal state of the skin, gastrointestinal tract and nervous system.
  • Calcium is the main component of our bones, acts as a regulator of the nervous system, participates in muscle contraction. Calcium deficiency leads to demineralization of the spine, pelvic bones and lower extremities, increases the risk of osteoporosis.
  • Phosphorus takes part in many physiological processes, including energy metabolism, regulates acid-base balance, is a part of phospholipids, nucleotides and nucleic acids, is necessary for the mineralization of bones and teeth. Deficiency leads to anorexia, anemia, rickets.
  • Chlorine necessary for the formation and secretion of hydrochloric acid in the body.
  • Cobalt is part of vitamin B12. Activates enzymes of fatty acid metabolism and folic acid metabolism.
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Caesar salad (TTK3131)

Caesar salad



This technical and technological map was developed in accordance with GOST 31987-2012 and applies to the Caesar salad dish produced by the object Catering.


Food raw materials, food products and semi-finished products used for cooking must comply with the requirements of the current regulatory documents, have accompanying documents confirming their safety and quality (certificate of conformity, sanitary-epidemiological conclusion, safety and quality certificate, etc.)


We offer (over 800 TTK) three most modern collections of recipes (hot dishes, cold snacks and salads, bakery products, desserts and drinks) + over 1000 technological maps for free! , as well as a discount on the kit.


Product name Bookmark rate for 1 portion, g. Bookmark rate for 2 portions g
Gross Net Gross Net

Chicken fillet

70 50 140 100
Bread 60 30 120 120
Cheese 30 30 60 60
Cherry tomato 30 30 60 60
Olive oil 20 20 40 40


10 10 20 20
Eggs 1 40 2 80
Vinegar 3% 3 3 6 6
Mustard 3 3 6 6
Lettuce leaf 5 4 10 8
The mass of the finished dish (product) 180 360


Cut the chicken breast into cubes, salt, pepper, marinate in olive oil and spices for 2 hours and fry until tender.

Cut the crusts from slices of bread, cut into cubes, put on a baking sheet and roast in the oven. Peel the garlic cloves, put them in a frying pan preheated with olive oil, lightly fry and remove. Into the pan with fragrant oil put crackers and fry, until golden crust stirring constantly.

For the sauce: yolks boiled eggs rub on a fine grater, combine with mustard, mix, add lemon juice, vinegar and whip continuously. Pour in a thin stream olive oil and mix continuously.

The lettuce leaves are coarsely chopped and laid out on a plate, the chicken is spread on top, poured with sauce, the halves of cherry tomatoes are spread on the chicken, sprinkled with grated cheese, croutons are spread on top.


Serving: The dish is prepared according to the order of the consumer, it is used according to the recipe of the main dish. Shelf life and sale according to SanPin, SanPin Note: the technological map was drawn up on the basis of the development act.

Put the salad on a plate on lettuce leaves, sprinkle with croutons on top, decorate with cherry tomato quarters.

Serve at a temperature of 12 C.

Implementation period within 1 hour


6.1 Organoleptic quality indicators:

Appearance: the salad is laid in a plate on lettuce leaves, sprinkled with crackers on top, decorated with cherry tomato quarters

Color: corresponds to the products included in the composition

Consistency: dense vegetables, tender juicy meat

Taste and smell: moderately salty taste

6.2 Microbiological and physicochemical indicators:

By microbiological and physicochemical indicators this dish complies with the requirements of the technical regulations of the Customs Union "On food safety" (TR CU 021/2011)


Proteins, g Fats, g Carbohydrates, g Caloric content, kcal (kJ)

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Rationale for use

The collection of recipes is compiled on the basis of control studies and compares favorably with other analogs in that it contains the most frequently demanded recipes in modern practice.

The recipes published in the Collection can be successfully and absolutely legally justified to be used in public catering enterprises, because they comply with all currently valid Laws and regulations.

Regulatory documents on certification and standardization in force in the territory Russian Federation, include industry standards (a set of business entities, regardless of their departmental affiliation and forms of ownership, developing or producing certain types of products that have a homogeneous consumer purpose); enterprise standards; scientific and technical and a number of other standards.

The standards are developed and approved by enterprises by enterprises independently, based on the need for their application in order to ensure the safety of life, human health and the environment. During the production of the products described in the Collection, the manufacturer has the right to make some changes in the recipes of dishes, expand the lists of components, while avoiding violations sanitary regulations, technological mode of production, deterioration of its consumer properties and qualities.

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Background information includes.

Caesar salad is probably one of the most popular salads in our country for the last 20 years. With what they just don't cook it - and with seafood, for example, crabs or shrimps, with eggs and even with boiled pork, bacon or mushrooms. Our most recognizable recipe today is Caesar salad with chicken.

Author of the publication

  • Recipe author: Natalia Vinogradova
  • After cooking, you will receive 6
  • Cooking time: 30 min


  • 300 gr. chicken fillet
  • 250 g iceberg lettuce
  • 150 g white bread
  • 150 g cherry tomatoes
  • 150 g cheese hard varieties
  • 100 ml vegetable oil
  • 1 PC. egg
  • 1 tsp mustard
  • 1 clove garlic
  • 1/2 pcs. lemon
  • ground black pepper

Cooking method

    Prepare ingredients.

    You should start by cooking chicken fillet. Rub the fillets with salt and ½ tsp. mustard, leave to marinate for 15-20 minutes, then wrap in foil and bake at 180 degrees for about 15 minutes. Then unfold the foil and bake for another 5 minutes (until a slightly noticeable crust forms). After baking, cool.

    Cut off the crusts from the bread, cut into equal cubes with a sharp knife and dry in the oven for 5 minutes at 180 degrees. Cool down.

    For the sauce: separate the white from the yolk. Squeeze out 2 tbsp. tablespoons of lemon juice. Combine the yolk with mustard and lemon juice, add vegetable oil and beat everything up homogeneous mass with an immersion blender for 3-5 minutes. Pass the garlic through a press and add to the sauce. Add salt and pepper to taste, stir.

    Wash and dry lettuce leaves and tomatoes with a paper towel. Cut the tomatoes into 2-4 pieces, chop the lettuce leaves in random order. Grate the cheese on a fine grater. Cut the chicken breast into pieces.

    Form before serving Caesar salad... To do this, put the lettuce leaves on the bottom of the dish, then put the chicken, crackers and tomatoes. Sprinkle with grated cheese.

    The sauce can be served separately, or you can season it only with lettuce, and only then lay out the rest of the ingredients.

    Bon Appetit!