Salting cucumbers in the microwave with mustard seeds. Microwave canned tomatoes

Canning is done this way: "Everything you need is tightly packed into a jar and poured with boiling water for 15 minutes. Then the liquid is poured into a saucepan, and the jars are again poured with boiling water for 15 minutes. At this time, the desired syrup or marinade is boiled from the first liquid."

Pour boiling water over, hold and drain - this is a kind of blanching.

But it is not very convenient to drain the boiling water from the cans, while holding the pepper, peas and other ingredients, tending to break out, in them. In addition, it is long - the jar costs 2 times for 15 minutes ... In addition, vegetables with a delicate shell, having been in boiling water, and then being exposed to air, burst and creep. There are not enough burners on the stove, because marinade is boiling in two large pots, filling the kitchen and the whole apartment with clouds of steam, in one with lids, in another with cans steaming on a teapot. And then the family constantly wants to warm up a seagull or something else.

Perhaps the classic method is still acceptable for small portions of canning - well, roll up a couple of three cans - especially for those who can afford not to spare time for this and deal with this day when the rest of the household is absent.

Our grandmothers really did everything that way, but canning was also considered something of a feat then.

And now there are ways to do everything much faster and easier.

Here, by the way, and

recipes (obtained in another forum):

In prepared glass jars, before stacking fruits or vegetables, pour a small amount of filling - syrup or marinade. 2 tablespoons of filling are poured into a 0.5-0.65 liter jar, three tablespoons into a liter. The jar is then filled with fruits or vegetables. Jars are covered with glass lids. In the microwave, either 2 cans of 0.5-0.65 liters are placed, or 1 liter. Set the time interval (more on that below).

Microwave energy, passing through glass jars and a lid, heats the contents, while the filling at the bottom of the jar heats up faster than the fruit and boils intensively. The resulting steam sprinkles the jar and additionally heats the fruit, which speeds up canning, and most importantly, the jars do not burst.

Then the cans are taken out, immediately filled to the level of the rim of the cans with boiling fill and quickly sealed with lids (i.e. rolled up). The sealed jars are placed upside down on a dry towel and left to cool.

You can cook 6-8 cans in 10 minutes.

HEATING TIME (for a 700-800W stove)

Canned vegetables

Cucumbers, squash, canned zucchini - 1 min 40 sec

Sweet, pickled or fresh peppers - 1 min 30 sec

Whole canned tomatoes - 1 min 10 sec

Fruit canned food

Quince compote - 2 min

- - "- apples or pears - 1 min 40 sec

Gooseberry - 1 min 40 sec

Draining - 1 min 30 sec

Peaches, cherries, cherries, apricots - 1 min 15 sec

Strawberries. raspberries - 1 min 5 sec

And sterilizing empty cans is generally super - a couple of spoons of water in each - put in the stove, how many will fit and turn on for 2-3 minutes. The water boils - the cans are steam sterilized.

IN microwave oven! It will come in handy for modern housewives who do not make global supplies for the winter. The result of your work will be only one half-liter jar of cucumbers. Cucumbers are pickled in sliced ​​form. First, vegetables are sterilized in a marinade, then put in jars and processed in them. Since they are cooked in a microwave oven, this is all done in a few minutes.

Pickled cucumbers in the microwave for the winter have a spicy sweet and sour taste.

For a 0.5 liter can, you need the following set of products:

- 350 gr. fresh cucumbers,
- 50 ml of water,
- 1 onion head,
- 1 teaspoon of dried dill,
- 0.3 teaspoons of mustard seeds,
- 0.3 teaspoon of cumin seeds,
- 3 tbsp. tablespoons of granulated sugar
- 70 ml of 9% table vinegar,
- 1 teaspoon of table salt.

Wash cucumbers thoroughly cold water... Leave it on kitchen towels to drain off the remaining water. Cut off the ends and chop into thin round slices. You can use a special shredder.

Peel the onion, rinse. We shred in the form of rings or half rings.

Season vegetables with vinegar, salt, sprinkle with sugar. Put dry dill, cumin and mustard.

We stir everything.

We send cucumbers to the microwave. We set the time to 9 minutes. We turn it on at full power. Stir the cucumbers every 3 minutes. Thus, we must stir them 3 times. As a result, the vegetables will become soft.

We transfer vegetables to a sterile jar. The jar can also be sterilized in the microwave. To do this, pour a little water into it (2 centimeters) and put it in the microwave for 5 minutes. We drain the water.

After we put the vegetables in the jar, put them in the microwave and cook further. To do this, set 3 minutes. We sterilize at full power.

At the end of the time, open the oven and take out the jar using oven mitts or a thick towel.

We roll up the prepared sterile lid. (It can be boiled).

To be sure that the jar is tightly closed, turn it over and leave it in this form until the workpiece has completely cooled down. If the jar begins to leak, it will have to be rolled up again, since a loosely closed workpiece will not last long. For such a case, it is advisable to spread a towel folded several times under the lid.

When the jar has cooled down completely, we put it in a cool place for storage.

Successful preparation!

In summer and autumn, we are in full swing preparing stocks for the winter and a lot of work! But in winter, a jar of jam or pickles will remind us of the sultry summer and delight us with its taste! I suggest a recipe quick procurement in the microwave. It will take a little time, preparation for action takes longer. The markets are not yet empty and on the shelves you can find ripe and aromatic vegetables... We buy tomatoes and go to the kitchen to preserve them in the microwave for the winter.


  • For canned tomatoes, we need our favorite spices - I have 2 cloves, a bay leaf, 6-8 peas of allspice and black pepper, 1 teaspoon of coriander, 2 - 3 cloves of garlic, a small rosette of dill. If you don’t like something, don’t put it. If you wish, you can add a small piece of hot pepper. It would be nice to put on cherry and blackcurrant leaves, but I didn't have it!
  • You also need the tomatoes themselves, as many will fit in the jar.
  • Salt - 1.5 teaspoons, sugar - 1 teaspoon and vinegar essence - 0.5 teaspoon.
  • Product costs are given per one liter jar... I have 0.9 liter cans with screw caps, so I put in a little less salt and sugar, but that's a matter of taste.

How to preserve tomatoes in the microwave:

1. Prepare products and spices. Take small, ripe and dense tomatoes, wash them and pierce them with a toothpick from the side of the stalk.

2. Put spices in a clean jar (peppercorns, coriander, chopped garlic, dill and bay leaf).

3. We put the tomatoes tightly. Pour the measured salt and sugar on top of the tomatoes.

4. Boil water and immediately pour it into a jar of vegetables. Be careful with boiling water!

5. Cover with a lid and put in the microwave for 5 minutes at full power, I have it 800 watts. Many will ask, how does the iron lid behave in the microwave? I answer!

Now covers with different patterns are on sale, painted, that's what we need! They are non-sparking and are wonderfully microwavable.

Who is afraid to do this, put a jar without a lid in the microwave oven, and sterilize the lid simply in water on the stove.

6. We take out the tomatoes, pour in vinegar essence and immediately tighten the lid. Turn over onto the lid and leave to cool.

7. Canned ready! Really fast?

I have been cooking this way for several years, the recipe is tried and tested, the cans are excellent in the closet in the apartment. Of course, I harvest vegetables and in the classic way, but sometimes there is not enough time, a lot of vegetables or laziness, mother will overcome - this is where this express method comes to the rescue!

Successful blanks !!!

Microwave oven Panasonic. Full power 800 watts.

In the microwave! It will come in handy for modern housewives who do not make global stocks for the winter. The result of your work will be only one half-liter jar of cucumbers. Cucumbers are pickled in sliced ​​form. First, vegetables are sterilized in a marinade, then put in jars and processed in them. Since they are cooked in a microwave oven, this is all done in a few minutes.

Pickled cucumbers in the microwave for the winter have a spicy sweet and sour taste.

For a 0.5 liter can, you need the following set of products:

- 350 gr. fresh cucumbers,
- 50 ml of water,
- 1 onion head,
- 1 teaspoon of dried dill,
- 0.3 teaspoons of mustard seeds,
- 0.3 teaspoon of cumin seeds,
- 3 tbsp. tablespoons of granulated sugar
- 70 ml of 9% table vinegar,
- 1 teaspoon of table salt.

Wash cucumbers thoroughly in cold water. Leave it on kitchen towels to drain off the remaining water. Cut off the ends and chop into thin round slices. You can use a special shredder.

Peel the onion, rinse. We shred in the form of rings or half rings.

Season vegetables with vinegar, salt, sprinkle with sugar. Put dry dill, cumin and mustard.

We stir everything.

We send cucumbers to the microwave. We set the time to 9 minutes. We turn it on at full power. Stir the cucumbers every 3 minutes. Thus, we must stir them 3 times. As a result, the vegetables will become soft.

We transfer vegetables to a sterile jar. The jar can also be sterilized in the microwave. To do this, pour a little water into it (2 centimeters) and put it in the microwave for 5 minutes. We drain the water.

After we put the vegetables in the jar, put them in the microwave and cook further. To do this, set 3 minutes. We sterilize at full power.

At the end of the time, open the oven and take out the jar using oven mitts or a thick towel.

We roll up the prepared sterile lid. (It can be boiled).

To be sure that the jar is tightly closed, turn it over and leave it in this form until the workpiece has completely cooled down. If the jar begins to leak, it will have to be rolled up again, since a loosely closed workpiece will not last long. For such a case, it is advisable to spread a towel folded several times under the lid.

When the jar has cooled down completely, we put it in a cool place for storage.

Successful preparation!

We bring to your attention domestic proven recipes for harvesting cucumbers for the winter.
The recipes differ from each other by the different composition of the filling,
in different ways processing, we also tried canning in the microwave!

But it is invariably possible to approach the process creatively - if, for example, it is indicated in the recipe to sterilize - it is possible to make it by spilling, and there will be no harm from this! Everything best recipes harvesting cucumbers for the winter - at the end of this article.

Cucumbers for the winter, pickled

By the way of salting - good taste, they go both as lightly salted, and for future use, so that pickles do not overoxidize, you need to take into account some salting rules.

And according to our point of view, sterilization will perfectly save from peroxidation of pickled cucumbers! Good taste, no vinegar. More details - in specific recipes for pickling cucumbers.

By adding different components, it is possible to achieve different peculiar taste pickled cucumbers. Your choice - choose your own recipe.

Cucumbers for the winter - canned

Pickled either canned cucumbers- domestic favorites. There are many pickling options, with and without sugar, but vinegar is almost everywhere. Without looking at it - it turns out very tasty!

How to replace vinegar that is not needed for health? It is possible to replace acetic acid some natural, for example - a recipe for cucumbers in currant juice, in tomato juice.

Canned cucumbers can be cooked in two ways - by the method and by the method of spilling with boiling water. This is more ergonomic for someone.

Cucumbers for the winter. Method of spilling with boiling water, domestic experience

The main point is that you need to whisper pre-sterilize the banks. I do this for a few, or in an electric oven. I put the dry cans in the oven, turn them on and leave them in that place for 15 minutes.

The main thing is that you must not rush to remove warm cans - the glass overheats and easily bursts from contact with cold objects. In a word, it is better to allow it to cool directly in the oven. So, at one time, it is possible to sterilize a large number of cans in one moment.

I pour it three times, 2 times with boiling water, leave it for 10 minutes. The last pouring is with boiling brine. I roll it up, turn it over and wrap it up well for self-sterilization.

Cucumbers for the winter by sterilization

This method has its own advantages:

  • no need to steam banks;
  • it is possible to fill it with non-boiling brine;
  • it is possible by and large to fill it not with brine, but with water, after filling in a measure of salt, sugar, vinegar.

The main point is not to overexpose, i.e. sterilize exactly the specified time. Otherwise, the cucumbers will be overcooked and the product will be broken. There are no such problems when using the method of spilling with boiling water, but in that place there is a danger of underheating - then the lids will inevitably blow up.

Cucumbers for the winter in the microwave

I really liked the cucumbers in the microwave.
Honestly, it was necessary to resort to this method in conditions of complete employment.

  • We put spices, herbs, cucumbers in small jars.
  • Fill with brine. we do not cover, of course, with metal lids, it is possible to cover with glass ones.
  • We turn on the microwave at full power.
  • I don’t remember exactly how many mines. it is necessary, but I watched the jars - at the time when the brine starts to boil - I note the time and hold it for about 5-7 minutes.
  • It is better to use curling jars for this method, small, of course, and also take small cucumbers.
  • The jars do not need to be steamed beforehand.
  • Fill - any, watch any recipe you like.
  • I'll cork the jars, turn them over and wrap them up.

A good method for non-relative lazy people 😉 and very busy people.

Any hostess finds an approach and her own method, I hope you will need domestic advice.

1 Delicious pickled cucumber recipe Components:
  • cucumbers,
  • spices and pickling herbs.
  • To fill:
    water, salt, vinegar.
2 Tasty pickles for the winter in jars Components:
  • cucumbers,
  • spices and pickling herbs.
  • For pouring: salt, water
3 The recipe for delicious pickled cucumbers "Best" Components:
  • cucumbers,
  • spices and pickling herbs.
  • To fill:
    water, salt, sugar, vinegar.
4 Delicious pickles in jars for the whole winter Components:
  • cucumbers,
  • spices and pickling herbs.
  • To fill:
    water, salt.
5 Delicious pickles in a bag under the sand for the winter! Components:
  • cucumbers,
  • spices and pickling herbs.
  • For filling: water, salt
6 Cucumber slices-canned cucumber salad Components:
  • cucumbers,
  • salt, sugar, vinegar, water.
7 Canned overripe cucumber salad Components:
  • cucumbers,
  • garlic
  • salt, sugar, vinegar, mustard, water.
8 Pickles for the winter - cucumbers with vodka Components:
  • cucumbers,
  • garlic, pickled herbs
  • salt, water, vodka
9 Pickles for the winter - cucumbers in cucumbers Components:
  • cucumbers,
  • garlic, pickled herbs
  • salt, ripe cucumbers for pickle based on cucumber juice

»» Tomatoes are delicious and simple blanks for the winter ""

»» »» A whole section "Homemade preparations for the winter" - only proven, domestic recipes

Cucumbers for the winter. We marinate. Soon.

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