Pancakes from semolina with milk and yeast. Yeast pancakes with semolina

Yeast pancakes on semolina they turn out to be lush, with beautiful holes and very easy to prepare. The process, however, is not very fast, since the mass must stand and rise well before baking. But in the end, your expectations will be fully justified, as the pancakes are wonderful! Such pancakes can be rolled into tubes along with jam, or you can simply serve and grease while eating. Perfect for morning tea, as well as an afternoon snack or dessert.

To prepare pancakes on semolina with yeast, prepare everything the right products from the list.

Pour warm milk into a bowl, add sugar and yeast, mix. Leave the mixture for 15 minutes in a warm place.

In a separate bowl, combine semolina and sifted flour, add salt and vanilla sugar.

After 15 minutes, add an egg to the yeast mixture and beat thoroughly with a whisk.

Add the dry mixture in parts, rubbing so that there are no lumps left.

Then dilute the mixture warm water and put it back in a windproof warm place, covering the bowl with a towel.

During this time, the dough will increase in volume and become covered with bubbles. Add to it sunflower oil, stir, and you can start frying pancakes.

Grease a frying pan with oil before the first pancake, grease further - as needed. Heat the pan well and pour a portion of the dough on it, tilting the pan slightly so that the dough is well distributed. The surface of the pancake will be covered with many holes. As soon as you see that the surface has become dull, you can turn it over.

Fry the pancake on the other side.

We put all the pancakes on a plate on top of each other. See how wonderful they are!

Serve yeast pancakes on semolina on the table with jam, honey, condensed milk or whatever your heart desires. I have it with raspberry-orange jam.

Bon Appetit!

This recipe has been in our family for a very long time, my mother read it in some culinary newspaper. And now, if you need a win-win option (for example, for Shrovetide to school), I always use this recipe.
Yes, it takes some time to prepare, but the pancakes turn out to be invariably beautiful, ruddy, perforated and delicious ... With this recipe, even a novice hostess can shine with pancakes.
The flour for these pancakes must be SOWED IMMEDIALLY! Do not be lazy, this is the key to success.
Pour 750 ml of milk into a large saucepan (note that the dough will increase in volume, it is better to take a 4-5 liter one), heat (to a temperature of about 37 degrees), add salt, sugar, semolina, yeast, sugar, flour. Stir everything well (the dough is thick enough at this stage) and leave for 30-40 minutes in a warm place. Do not cover with a lid, it must breathe! Can be covered with a towel.

The dough should increase in volume by about three times. And it looks like this.

Now we add eggs, vegetable oil, mix well. Then boil the remaining milk (250 ml) and brew the dough. We are waiting for another 15-20 minutes, and in a frying pan. This is what the dough looks like before baking.

Sometimes you need a little more liquid for brewing if the semolina swells a lot. In this case, you can safely add some water from a boiling kettle. In general, in the end, the dough should turn out to be like average sour cream - be quite thick and viscous, but at the same time spread independently in the pan.
Grease the pan only before the very first pancake. Pancakes are baked very quickly. On the one hand, they turn out like this (I like fried ones):

And this is the other side.

From this amount of dough, 35-40 medium-sized pancakes are obtained.

You can eat with anything - honey, sour cream, jam, salted fish and caviar - to taste and color, as they say ...
Bon Appetit!

Step 1: prepare milk and water.

First of all, we lay out all the necessary ingredients on the countertop. Then we turn on two burners on medium heat, put a kettle with purified water on one, and a saucepan with milk on the second. We heat liquids to 36-38 degrees Celsius so that they are just warm, but not hot, and move on.

Step 2: prepare the dough.

Pour warm milk into a deep bowl and pour dry yeast into it along with granulated sugar and salt. Shake everything thoroughly with a tablespoon until a homogeneous consistency, cover the dishes with the resulting mixture with a kitchen towel and put in a warm place on 15-20 minutes to make the dough rise.

Step 3: prepare a mixture of flour and semolina.

At this time, sift through a sieve with a fine mesh into a dry deep bowl the right amount wheat flour to make it looser and dry. Also, this process will help get rid of any kind of litter, which very often falls into bags with ground grain in factories. Then we send semolina to the flour and mix them thoroughly until a homogeneous consistency with a whisk or a tablespoon.

Step 4: prepare the dough.

When the tremors are infused and bloom with a fluffy cap, add a couple of raw chicken eggs to them and beat everything with a whisk until fluffy. Then add a mixture of flour and semolina there. Loosen everything again, so that you get a mass without lumps, pour vegetable oil into it, warm water from a kettle and beat the dough again until smooth. After that, we tighten the bowl with the flour semi-finished product with plastic cling film, cover it with a kitchen towel, put it in an even warmer place, preferably near the switched on stove, and leave it there on 1.5-2 hours.

Step 5: fry pancakes with yeast with semolina.

When the dough has increased by 2–2.5 times, beat it again and proceed to the next, almost final step. We put on a medium heat a wide, preferably non-stick frying pan and with the help of an ordinary sterile bandage folded 2-3 times, grease its bottom with a very thin layer of vegetable oil. Now you need all the sleight of hand, we tilt the very heated dish at an angle of 25-30 degrees and pour a small ladle of dough into it.
Then, with a circular motion of the hand, we turn the pan so that the dough spreads into a round layer 2-3 millimeters thick, and put it back on the switched on stove. We fry the pancake until there is no liquid mass at the edges, and the edge acquires a beige tint.

Then we pry the round handsome man with a kitchen spatula, shift it to the other side with one dexterous movement and brown it until golden brown. It will take about 3-4 minutes, on 1.5-2 on each side, but the duration may vary depending on the heating of the cookware. When all the products are ready, we transfer them to a large flat dish and go to taste!

Step 6: Serve pancakes with yeast with semolina.

Yeast pancakes with semolina are served hot. If desired, before serving, soak them with melted butter or immediately put on the table along with honey, jam, cream, sour cream, sliced ​​fresh fruits, berries, cottage cheese, whipped with milk and sugar. Also, such pancakes are very often stuffed with stewed, boiled or baked and finely chopped meat, minced meat, poultry, vegetables, a mixture of offal, eggs and herbs, condensed milk, rice, mushrooms, mashed potatoes or whatever your heart desires. Well, you can savor them along with fresh tea, milk, kefir, yogurt, cocoa or other favorite drink. Enjoy delicious and simple food!
Bon Appetit!

The pan can be greased not with vegetable oil, but with a piece of bacon and only once, before frying the first pancake, because there is already fat in the dough;

Prepare pancakes for sweet filling? If yes, then if you wish, you can give them a richer aroma by adding vanilla sugar and cinnamon to the dough, and dried herbs are suitable for spicy;

Do your pancakes tear during frying? Don't rush to add more flour! It is better to drive one more raw into the total mass egg... Then check the dough, if the products continue to tear, add flour.

How many nationalities exist in the world, so many are known different ways prepare and arrange dishes from the category of international. This category also includes the beloved by many pancakes with raw semolina, which are called Mordovian ones and are baked at home based on yeast dough. They always turn out to be so harmonious that hardly any other cakes can compare with them for their perfect aesthetics and delicate taste.

The recipe for traditional Mordovian pancakes is more complicated than the one we are used to when we cook thin pancakes according to Russian culinary customs. But it is not at all necessary to be a certified chef in order to bake mountains of hearty and ruddy pancakes, from which both adults and children of all ages are delighted. They cook in one go, and are absorbed just as quickly.

Another advantage of homemade Mordovian pancakes on semolina, which we will learn to bake today, is the food composition.

Their basis is dry semolina... Having swollen in milk or kefir, in combination with other products, it becomes a dough, which, depending on the thickness, obediently spreads in the pan, turning into thin pancakes, or obediently keeps the shape of pancakes.

These cakes, which are prepared on the basis of semolina, are traditional for the Finno-Ugric peoples, and above all for the Mordovians. They make the meal more satisfying.

To reduce the calorie content of the dish and enjoy it without fear for the figure, milk can be taken with a low fat content and do not grease the finished cakes with ghee.

Hearty Mordovian pancakes: homemade recipe


  • - 0.5 l + -
  • - 1 glass + -
  • - 6-7 tbsp. + -
  • - 6 tbsp. + -
  • - 1 PC. + -
  • - 0.5 tsp + -
  • - 3-4 tbsp. + -
  • - no more than 2 tbsp. + -
  • - pinch + -

Home baking Mordovian pancakes: master class

  1. Pour the semolina into cold milk and immediately stir well to avoid lumpiness.
  2. Put an egg in the resulting mass, salt everything, sweeten (adjust the amount of sugar to taste) and season with vegetable oil.
  3. Now you need to shake the entire contents of the container well.
  4. Next, we introduce hot water into the dough mass, without ceasing to interfere with it.
  5. After adding yeast and stirring, leave the dough alone for about 2 hours. It is advisable to place it in a warm place for the yeast to do its job. Readiness indicator is an increase in the volume and softening of semolina.
  6. We still have unused flour: we sow it and add it to the almost finished pancake mass.

The exciting moment of baking traditional Mordovian pancakes is coming. classic recipe... If the dough does not diverge well on the heated surface of the pan (before the first cake it needs to be greased with your favorite fat), it should be thinned with a couple of tablespoons of lukewarm water and, stirring it, start baking pancakes.

Those who are not afraid to get fat on delicious pancake cakes can grease each one with butter and sweeten them with raspberry or any other jam. They are also extraordinarily tasty with sour cream.

Home-style thick Mordovian pancakes on semolina

We also suggest making thick semolina pancakes. If instead of one glass of flour we add two to the dough, we get fluffy products such as pancakes.


  • Semolina groats –1 glass;
  • Milk - 1 glass;
  • Eggs (category C-0) - 5 pcs.;
  • Sugar - about 1 tablespoon;
  • Wheat flour (w / c) - 1-2 cups;
  • Dry yeast - 1 (0.5 tsp);
  • Sunflower oil - 3-4 tablespoons;
  • Salt tastes.

Making thick pancakes in Mordovian style with your own hands

  1. Pour cereals into warm milk and leave to swell for at least an hour. To get a good brew, add 1 tablespoon to the thickened mass. flour, sugar and yeast, salt, stir, send the container to heat.
  2. Add whipped yolks to the "grown" mass (place the whites in the cold for a while).
  3. Now we pour the rest of the flour, not forgetting to sift it for the splendor of the dough. It must rise again.
  4. We fill the mass with vegetable oil and combine with whipped proteins, mix and send it to the pan in portions.

To get semolina pancakes, make a dough of the appropriate thickness (like fresh sour cream). If we have thin pancakes in our plans, we need to sprinkle it less or then dilute the too thick mass with warm (but not hot!) Water.

Semolina pancakes are fluffy. If you bake them not very large, you can serve them with noble red caviar. Well, pancakes go well with sweet sauces.

If children are not too fond of porridge, you can "disguise" it in thin cakes. Original Mordovian pancakes with yeast base and semolina - very tasty option for such a "conspiracy". The kids will certainly love the fluffy cakes, so you need to be ready to bake the second portion ...

Semolina pancakes were prepared by my grandmother, as a rule, in honor of a dear and distinguished guest. And I cooked for the holidays too. She served them in a simple way, with honey and country sour cream from the separator. All the guests asked their grandmother for the recipe for these fat lush pancakes... And they were surprised that the pancakes include semolina.


  • semolina - 1 glass;
  • wheat flour - 1.5 cups;
  • dry yeast - 1 tablespoon;
  • salt - 0.5 teaspoon;
  • granulated sugar - 3 tablespoons;
  • water - 1/3 cup + 0.5 l;
  • vegetable oil - 1/3 cup;
  • eggs - 3 pieces;
  • ghee for greasing pancakes.

Dissolve granulated sugar and yeast in warm boiled water (1/3 cup). Pour the remaining water into a bowl with high walls, mix with semolina, add diluted yeast, stir until smooth. Add salt and sifted flour, stir. The mass should be like thick sour cream. If it's too thick, add a little warm water.

Cover the bowl with the dough with a towel and leave to rise for 5-6 hours in a warm place.


After 5-6 hours, beat eggs and vegetable oil in a second bowl. Add this mass to a bowl with dough and mix until smooth. Add the oil to prevent the pancakes from sticking to the pan. When baking, the pan does not need to be oiled.

In a frying pan

Heat the pan well. Pour a ladle of dough into the middle of the pan. The dough spreads evenly by itself, without assistance and rotational movements. Cover the skillet with a lid and bake the pancake for 1 minute on each side over medium heat.