Vermouth Dry. How to drink a Martini: two correct ways

Martini- the most famous Italian brand specializing in the production of various alcoholic aperitifs. From the first years of its existence to the present day, these drinks are considered relevant, presentable and luxurious accompaniment to any event.

Let's figure out what the drink consists of, what are the rules for its use and with what ingredients it is recommended to drink it.


Martini "Extra Dry" appeared at the dawn of the twentieth century, immediately gaining recognition from connoisseurs of elite alcohol, thanks to its distinctive features.

It includes:

  • white wine;
  • corrected drinking water;
  • rectified ethyl alcohol from food raw materials of the highest purity;
  • sugar;
  • extracts of wormwood Artemisia and cinchona bark;
  • infusions of lemon, violet root and raspberry.

Also, the drink contains antioxidants, vitamins "B", "P" and "C", and organic acids. Moderate consumption of dry vermouth has a tonic effect on the body and increases appetite.

Caloric content is 110 kcal, but the energy value product - 460 kJ per 100 ml. Carbohydrates - 2.4-3 grams. Alcohol not less than 18%... It is bottled in a deep green color, although it itself has a straw tint, a little lighter than the classic "Bianco".

According to their taste characteristics, has a pronounced bitter taste of wormwood, saturated with notes of lemon and raspberry.

In our country, the price of a drink varies from 800 to 1200 rubles per liter... Although this is far from the limit, because in the bar of one of the famous hotels in New York, a cocktail worth $ 10,000 is served. The price of a martini cocktail is so high because of a rare "secret" ingredient - a diamond at the bottom of the glass.

Important! Among the entire Martini line, only Extra Dry contains the smallest amount of sugar per ml cubic, while having an alcohol percentage above the norm.

It is customary among Italians to use Extra Dry before dinner, well chilled in its pure form as an aperitif. So its taste is felt much brighter, and the absence of a large amount of sugar does not spoil the appetite, but on the contrary helps to fulfill its function.

A few rules on how to use Martini "Extra Dry":

  1. Before serving, the drink should be cooled to 13-15 degrees C, this will help the taste to fully develop;
  2. The best option for serving pure martini is considered to be a Lowball (a low glass made of thick glass), and for a cocktail option, a Martini glass (a classic triangular cocktail glass) is chosen;
  3. To soften the taste, add a few ice cubes or a quarter glass of purified water to vermouth;
  4. It is customary to drink the drink in small sips, stretching the pleasure received.

Fact! In the entire history of the brand's existence, only once, in 1997, the shape of the bottle was changed, adapted to more modern trends.

What to drink with Extra Dry

In addition to the original Italian way of drinking, there are all sorts of options for mixing cocktails, which are based on dry martini. Vermouth is mixed both with soft drinks and with other types of alcohol.

You can choose a companion to Extra Dry from the following drinks:

  • Pineapple nectar - shades and smoothes the bitterness of vermouth;
  • Grapefruit and orange juices will expand the existing bouquet of violets, raspberries and iris;
  • Natural juices of lemon or lime, will give the drink a citrus aroma and a light burning taste;
  • The tonic will help dilute the alcoholic component, but will preserve the not cloying taste of a pure martini;
  • Gin goes well with martini and is part of the ingredients for making a popular cocktail, the recipe for which we will share below;
  • Vodka acts as an analogue of gin;
  • Whiskey is suitable for the most desperate gourmets, because the drink turns out to be very strong and tart.

There are many options with which to mix a variety of cocktails. The recipe list has a shake to suit everyone's taste. After all, even though the Extra Dry Martini has an interesting taste, it is in perfect harmony with other ingredients and always complements them perfectly.

Gin Martini

  1. To make this cocktail you will need gin, Extra Dry martini, crushed ice and green olives.
  2. Ice must be placed in a shaker, then added to it in equal proportions gin and martini, and stir gently for one minute.
  3. After that, pour the mixture through the filter into a glass and add the olive. Voila, the cocktail is ready!

FACT! Until 1930, vermouth and gin were mixed in a 2: 1 ratio, thereby saving a rare and expensive ingredient. This recipe is due to the "dry law" period.

"Martini with absinthe"

The ingredients of this cocktail are already clear from the name, but this is not a complete list, so let's take absinthe, Extra Dry martini, gin or vodka.

  1. Mix in equal proportions (each drink in the amount of 30 ml).
  2. After the ingredients are mixed and poured into a glass, add 5 ml. mint syrup This ingredient will add freshness and piquancy to the taste of the cocktail.

And here is the third, simple, but no less common recipe.

"Martini with Schweppes"

This cocktail consists of Extra Dry Martini, Schweppes tonic, lime and pineapple nectar.

  1. Mix martini and tonic in equal proportions in a shaker, add one third of pineapple nectar to them, and pour over.
  2. And now add the juice of half a lime directly to the glass.
  3. The result is a light, refreshing drink that you can sip slowly while at a party or at home with friends.

Finally, we note that the Martini line includes several varied tastes vermouth, each of which finds a true connoisseur. But it is "Extra Dry" that is rightfully considered a unique, incomparable drink that everyone should try.

Martini extra dry ”is dry, but without bitter aftertaste, pale vermouth. It has a fresh fruity aroma with notes of lemon, raspberry and iris. The drink is famous for its unique taste... Sugar in it is only 2.8% instead of the usual 16%, and the alcohol content is two degrees more than in other vermouths.


Martini extra dry can be consumed neat by adding a little water or ice. Professional tasters believe that this way the taste of this vermouth is revealed more fully.

Keep the bottle cool before serving. Better to drink Martini cooled to 10-15 degrees. An overly cold or warm drink loses its exquisite taste qualities.

Pure "Martini extra dry" is usually poured into whiskey glasses. For cocktails it is better to use the famous "triangular" glass.

All kinds of cocktails are created with Martini Extra Dry. Almost any recipe can be taken as a basis. Everything that is mixed with its other varieties goes well with dry vermouth. The result is cocktails with a higher degree. Feel free to mix vermouth with white rum, whiskey or gin. Such domestic drinks as vodka and cognac are good with "Martini Extra Dry".

In our country, martini-based cocktails are preferred to be made with juice. In Western countries, dry vermouth is only one of the alcoholic components of drinks. An example is the Trinity cocktail: 20 ml Martini Extra Dry, 20 ml Martini Rosso, 20 ml gin.

Hard mild cheese, salted crackers and nuts are used as an appetizer for martini. Dry vermouth is often drunk with green olives skewered and dipped in a glass of drink. Classic appetizer for dry martini - lemon. You can also serve sliced ​​fruit with it.

The history of the martini is not accurate, so it is difficult to say with certainty where this famous alcoholic drink first appeared. Some even say that this is one of the most popular drinks for all the past times.

Even if this statement is not true, one hundred percent, there is still some truth in it. This drink has gained popularity in almost all countries of the world. And most of all, it became widespread at the beginning of the twentieth century. This drink could be produced in large quantities without losing its quality characteristics.

What is martini made from? Initially, even Hippocrates spoke of "wormwood wine". Today, in order to properly prepare white wine, extracts from various herbs, caramel and other ingredients are used. Today, major producers of this drink are countries such as France and Italy. However, the leadership in the production of martini still belongs to Italy.

There are several options.

The classic option is to dilute the martini with juice. Some people prefer to drink this drink without mixing it with anything. Other lovers of this drink prefer to dilute it with juice. Moreover, the martini is diluted with a variety of juices. Some suggest diluting it orange juice, while others believe that you can mix a martini with grapefruit juice and get an excellent cocktail. We can say that the choice of juice or something else that can be diluted with martini is a matter of personal taste and preference. One important feature of using this drink is the fact that it is best to serve martini not with food, but before it, you can light snacks... In this case, a person can fully appreciate the taste of the drink. Moreover, it is recommended to drink martini slowly, sip exquisitely in order to fully enjoy the taste and aroma. Martini-based cocktails are also popular.

To make a Martini-based Bronx cocktail you will need:

  • Jin - 2/5 parts

  • Red martini - 1/5 part

  • Dry martini - 1/5 part

  • Orange juice - 1/5 part

  • Cocktail glasses

  1. Prepare all ingredients.

  2. Mix everything.

  3. Place in a shaker

  4. Shake it off

  5. Strain into a dedicated cocktail glass.

  6. Garnish the glass with a lemon wedge and your martini-based cocktail is ready!

Martini is a fortified wine known to many, to which spices and herbs are added. In our country, it is not customary to drink it in its pure form.

Therefore, many are trying to change the taste and strength by adding all kinds of alcoholic and without alcoholic beverages.

Martini has a light taste, a slight degree, which is why it was called the women's drink. You need to drink slowly, savoring the spicy taste in small sips.

note! Pure martini should be consumed from a special glass. If you are mixing with other ingredients, then a straw can be used.

An ideal drink for a quiet drink in a small company or alone.

By the way, real connoisseurs know how to taste and color to distinguish the original vermouth from the fake.

Martini is a grape wine that is infused with special herbs that give a bright unique taste and aroma.

Therefore, connoisseurs can always determine when the traditional herbal aroma is missing in the drink. The composition includes a huge list of all kinds of herbs and spices.

Like, ginger, cloves, coriander, immortelle, cumin, violet, orange and Walnut ... And also yarrow, rosemary, juniper, lemon balm, lemon, calamus. This combination gives the drink a unique taste and aroma.

There are several varieties of vermouth on sale, each of which has a sweetish taste, diluted with different notes.

Sweet martini has a specific smell, as it contains honey, cinnamon and vanilla. Caramel and sugar can be added.

If you drink at home in small doses, it has a beneficial effect on the state of the body. At the same time, it is important to beware of counterfeits as they can cause irreparable harm to health.

note! If the Martini has turned yellow or darkened, this is due to improper storage. The wine changes its color with frequent temperature changes, and the taste also changes.

Combination with juices:

With what to drink Martini and what to eat?

Martini, like any other wine, is usually served with a variety of snacks.

You can eat the following foods:

  • Pieces of hard cheese.
  • Pitted green olives.
  • Pitted olives.
  • Nuts.
  • Salted cracker.
  • Fruit slices.
  • Bitter chocolate.
  • Berries.
  • Ham.

note! Olives and olives are strung on skewers before use. A variety of canapes are made from fruits and cheese.

Important! For Asti, snacks of a different kind are suitable: ice cream, pastries, cakes, sweets and other sweets.

The snack is only needed to better reveal the tart herbal flavor of the drink, so don't overdo it. Only then can you emphasize the original taste of vermouth.

How Martini is diluted: proportions

Dry Martini can be drunk neat, as many connoisseurs prefer. Vermouth is also diluted, which allows its unusual viscous taste to be revealed more vividly. Martini is often found in a variety of trendy cocktails.

note! The classic version is mixing Bianco or Rosato with vodka. In this case, it is extremely important to respect the dilution proportions. To 4 parts of wine you need to add one part of vodka.

Ready-made cocktails are diluted with a few drops of lemon juice or a green olive is placed there, which will be an excellent snack. Don't forget to add ice cubes to your cocktails.

Below are the most popular combinations of herbal fortified wine with other drinks:

  • Martini and tequila... Martini should be exactly 4 times less than tequila. The cocktail glass is decorated with an olive or lemon wedge.

    Green Martini is most often mixed with tequila and eaten with olives.

  • Martini and gin... This cocktail is especially popular with men. It is important to observe the following proportion of 4 to 1.
  • Martini red, pink, white... Often it is diluted with juice in the classic ratio of 1 to 1. In this case, the juice should be selected based on the type of vermouth.

Can be mixed with soft drinks: cola, sprite, pepsi and schweppes. The main thing is not to overdo it, so as not to spoil the exquisite taste.

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Going to a party where the main drink will be a martini, do not forget to learn how to drink this vermouth correctly. Let's go through all the important points in this process.

There are many drinks, but the "king of the nightlife" is one - it's a martini! The alcoholic drink received its title among bartenders, due to the fact that it is the main aperitif of club life and social events. But, losing sight of this fact, many still do not know how to drink martini properly. They often find themselves dissatisfied with the first acquaintance with this drink. Let's figure out how to fix this situation.

Martini is a specific variety of vermouth, with a strength of 16-18%. And like all vermouths, in its composition it contains the main ingredient that distinguishes it from other drinks - wormwood. But in addition to wormwood, it includes up to 35 notes of various plants, which gives a certain bittersweet taste.

Martini has its own varieties, which differ not only in the grape variety, but also in those very additional herbs. Each manufacturer keeps their recipes in the strictest confidence. Only an experienced sommelier is able to discern the bouquet of each particular variety.

There are seven main varieties of martini, the first 4 types have won the greatest popularity in Russia.

  1. Bianko is white with a characteristic spicy flavor and distinct vanilla notes.
  2. Rosso - red, has a bright, memorable aroma and characteristic bitterness. A beautiful dark amber shade gives the vermouth caramel.
  3. Rosato - pink. It includes 2 types of wine at the same time: white and red. Due to this, the drink has an unusual taste and color.
  4. Extra Dry - dry, alcohol strength 18%. The color of the drink is straw-colored, the sugar content is minimal. The main flavoring notes are raspberries, lemon and iris.
  5. D'Oro - dry white, with characteristic notes of caramel and citrus.
  6. Fiero - red, base notes - red orange and Mediterranean citrus.
  7. Bitter is an alcohol-based martini with a bitter and sweet flavor. The color is ruby.

The first thing you need to pay attention to is the glasses. It is possible to fully feel the taste and delicate aroma of the drink only in cone-shaped glasses with long legs. They are sometimes called monkeys or watering cans. If none are available, they are replaced with thick glass whiskey glasses.

Martini is not only an alcoholic drink. It's a lifestyle, a tart taste of contentment. Therefore, the glasses in which it is served are the embodiment of sophistication, sophistication and aesthetics. It is pleasant to drink from such a bowl in small sips, enjoying the delicious bouquet of the drink. A straw is recommended for cocktails.

You won't be able to appreciate vermouth if the temperature of the drink is too chilled or vice versa. Ideal temperatures range from 10 ° C to 15 ° C. Usually ice cubes or frozen berries are added to the martini, as a result of which the desired temperature of the drink is reached.

As a rule, martini is served before meals, due to the fact that it stimulates the appetite and quenches thirst perfectly. This is the perfect drink for social events and night parties. With a glass of vermouth, it is pleasant to maintain a measured conversation, enjoy romantic communication or while away a few hours of aesthetic loneliness.

Dilution of alcohol is the main point by which you can evaluate the taste of vermouth. Most fans of this drink do not appreciate the taste of pure martini. The bulk prefers cocktails with a softened taste or an increase in the degree.

But if you are not one of those or are willing to try the martini as it is, know that you need to serve the drink with olives, a slice of onion, a slice of lemon or with ice. It is advisable to put olives on a toothpick or a special cocktail skewer, so your drink will be more pleasing to the eye. And what pleases the eye is obviously pleasant to the taste.

Some fans of vermouth like to add slices of fruit or berries to a "clean" drink. This mix works especially well with Martini Bianko. Vanilla combined with a berry-fruity note creates an amazing aftertaste.

There are a lot of options here. The first and main one is juices, mostly citrus fruits. The classic is a freshly squeezed orange or grapefruit. Cherry juice is a great help for red vermouths. A classic cocktail usually consists of 2 parts juice and 1 part martini. A one-to-one mix is ​​also possible: juice, alcohol and ice.

For those who like stronger drinks, there is their own alcoholic classics of combining martinis with stronger drinks. Young people, wanting to find an easy way, prefer to dilute alcohol with all kinds of carbonated drinks. Greater preference is given to Schweppes and Coca-Cola. Some lovers dilute vermouths with mineral water.

How to drink different types of martinis

Martini Bianko is pure classic. Therefore, additional ingredients here are the classic ones: olives, lemon, ice, fruits and so on. A tonic or soda water is a great addition to alcohol. To emphasize the strength of the drink, add vodka and ice. The perfect combination arises with the addition of dry gin. One part Martini Bianko and 2 parts gin are a true Martini Sweet.

A popular option is a mix of Martini Rosso and orange or cherry juice, in a 2: 1 ratio. Thanks to this flavoring solution, red vermouth leaves sugary sweet taste... A great addition is a slice of lemon. If you want an absolutely incredible taste, mix the martini with pomegranate juice and ice.

The richness of Martini Rosso's taste is revealed in the Manhattan cocktail. Half a glass of vermouth, 1/5 whiskey and two ice cubes. A few drops of pomegranate or cherry nectar to soften, and a couple of cherries to complete the overall look. And here you are - already a resident of Manhattan with a glass of traditional expensive alcohol.

Martini Rosato is diluted with juice or water.

Martini Extra Dry is mostly consumed undiluted over ice. If it is strong for you, add pear juice. In general, a slice of onion is ideally combined with this vermouth. Let the wine steep a little and taste.

The Martini Dry cocktail is another classic of the genre. 10 ml Martini Extra Dry, 50 ml of the same dry gin and an ice cube. This very, very dry martini will not leave indifferent any admirer of this type of vermouth.

So how can you do without a mixture of the martinis themselves? Extra Dry and Bianko with the addition of gin are a legend drink with the mysterious name "Medium". The secret of its preparation is simple: mix 10 ml of each vermouth and pour 40 ml of gin into them. Garnish it all with a lemon wedge and enjoy the delicious taste.

Well, the last point of drinking vermouth is an appetizer. The variety is not great here. These are usually crackers, nuts, olives or olives. Special connoisseurs eat hard varieties cheese. But this does not mean at all that you need to adhere to such foundations.

In general, in everything that concerns a martini, you need to build on the classical foundations and move on to personal desires. Perhaps you will add your own special touch of something exotic to this drink.

You will learn a lot by reading about another alcoholic beverage. Here are some rules, like.

Martini is not a special type of wine, as many mistakenly believe, but the name of a trademark. The very same wine, which in our country is called martini, is called vermouth.

First, let's tell you about the rules of how to drink martini (vermouth)

Everyone knows that there are special glasses for every drink. And martini in this matter is no exception. Surely you have seen a glass on a long stem more than once, the very container of which has the shape of an inverted cone. So, this particular glass is intended for a martini. In some cases, it can be replaced with a low rectangular glass, but this is rarely done. Nuts, mild cheese, olives, salty crackers, and fruit are suitable as an appetizer for martinis.

Like most alcoholic beverages, vermouth should be consumed chilled, although there are also exceptions. The optimal temperature for martini is considered to be 10-15 degrees C. But this temperature is not always achieved only by cooling the drink itself, quite often chilled additives are added to it. We will talk about them further.

How can you drink a martini?

Martini is drunk both in pure form and in combination with juices, or as part of cocktails. In addition, the drink can be consumed with lemon, orange, ice and other additives to taste. If the guests are already on the doorstep, and the martini is still warm, then it is best to serve it with ice, chilled fruit or juice.

How to drink a martini with juice?

For those who find the taste of martini too intense, the following cocktail will taste like: 100 ml of a martini, 100 ml of juice, a few ice cubes. This cocktail is drunk without a straw. It remains only to figure out which juice is suitable for this cocktail.

For a martini cocktail, it is better to choose juice with a minimum sugar content, and since the martini itself is quite sweet, it is better to take the juice with sourness. The most common juices to mix with martini are orange, pineapple and cherry juices... Lemon, lime and grapefruit juices are also popular.

Peach, apple, or multivitamin juice, however, is not suitable for a cocktail. However, you should know that if you like the combination of martini with one of these juices, then drink to your health. The main thing is that you like this combination.

How to drink a red martini (Martini Rosso)?

MartiniRosso is usually consumed with orange or cherry juice. The mixing ratio of juice and martini can be as follows: 160 ml of martini and 80 ml of juice. But you can take in a ratio of one to one, or any other.

How to drink dry martini?

A dry martini is a cocktail that consists of 1 part white martini and 3 parts gin. It is not customary to add ice to this cocktail. But it is often served with an olive or lemon wedge.

How to drink an extra dry martini?

Martini Extra Dry is one of the varieties of martini. It differs from other types in that it is most often drunk in its pure form and is very rarely mixed with other ingredients. If you nevertheless decide to mix this kind of martini with something, then pear juice is best suited for these purposes.

The combination of martini and vodka is found in this cocktail: 30 ml of martini, 75 ml of vodka, ice. The cocktail is not shaken, but immediately served with olives or lemon.

How to drink a pink martini?

Martini Rose has a soft pink color. It is quite often used for making cocktails. Best for mixing with pink martini lemon juice or lime juice. It also goes well in a gin and ice cocktail.