How to decorate a restaurant called Pirate Bay. What paintings to decorate the interior of the restaurant? Unusual cafe interior styles

Located at st. Engels, 20 and shares one entrance with the puppet theater. Here you can relax from the bustle of the city with your family, as well as order a children's party.

In the menu of "Pirate Bay" you will find dishes European cuisine, there is a children's menu. In addition to soups, you can order side dishes, milkshakes and ice cream. Background music plays in the hall, there is a large-screen TV.

The interior of the cafe is designed as the deck of a pirate ship, the bright colors of which create an excellent mood, and the characteristic details allow you to immerse yourself in the spirit of sea adventures. The characteristic "nautical" designs on the walls create the right atmosphere.

In this small but cozy children's cafe you can celebrate a birthday or any other children's holiday. The institution is designed for 25 seats. For this, parents are offered a choice of several entertainment programs of various topics. During the holiday, children will be entertained by professional actors, and quest games can go outside the cafe, which will certainly make the game more interesting. Entertainment programs will be interesting for children from 5 years old.

As for children's parties in the cafe, there are several scenarios for the development of events to choose from:

- "Funny Clowns" program

This is a kind, fun program designed for the youngest guests of the cafe.
The program with the participation of clowns is based on simple and fun contests in which not only children take part, but also their parents. Therefore, adults have a unique opportunity to return to childhood and remember their carefree moments and joys. The program is designed for children from 5 years old.

- Program "Knights"

This is a game designed to help its participants plunge into the world of real men and charming ladies.
Together with the knights, who know about the buried treasure nearby, the kids will go on an exciting journey. On their way, young burrowers will meet monsters, ghouls and many other terrifying fairy-tale characters. The program is designed for children from 7 years old.

- "Pirate Party" program

"Pirate Bay" considers this performance as its business card... An emotional adventure awaits children with lots of games, contests and wonders.

It is an institution where people come not only to eat, but to get aesthetic pleasure from the design of dishes, to enjoy exquisite culinary masterpieces, a festive atmosphere and, of course, a stylish interior design.

Hiring a professional team of chefs and well-trained staff is half the battle; in order for the establishment to be popular with visitors, you need to create your own unique look - an interior that you will want to return to again and again. Currently, there are 10 of the most popular stylistic trends that are used to design profitable restaurants around the world.

An establishment with an interior of this theme is the embodiment of luxury and wealth. It is simply impossible to confuse this style with any other direction. Of course, now the Empire style does not have the same look as it was several hundred years ago, it has adapted to modern requirements, if earlier in restaurants of this style exceptionally hard furniture and uncomfortable Roman tables were used, now they have been changed to soft chairs with lyre-shaped backs and large tables ...

However, all other elements remain unchanged: pilasters, picturesque panels, an abundance of mirrors, the use of marble and bronze details, chic gilded molding, original carving - this is what distinctive features Empire style. And of course the mahogany finish, without which it is simply impossible to imagine this direction.

The classics never go out of fashion, the classic interior of the establishment will always be a success among visitors. This direction is characterized by the absence of bright color spots; exclusively delicate pastel colors are used in the decoration. Abundance of space, large windows, mirrored surfaces, crystal chandeliers, velvet curtains, graceful candlesticks are integral elements of this style.

The main condition for creating a restaurant in a classic style is the use of exclusively natural materials, both in decoration and in interior design. A harmonious picture is created by a competent combination of all the constituent parts, and there should be as few decorative elements as possible.

By appearance it is almost impossible to distinguish a classic establishment from a neoclassical restaurant. It is also characterized by an abundance of free space, high ceilings, light colors without bright inserts, a minimum of decorations, a lot of light and clear shapes.

However, the impression of their identity is deceptive, because the decoration of the room in the neoclassical style and all interior items in it are made exclusively of artificial materials. Wood imitation plastic panels, stretch ceilings, laminate, wood effect ceramic tiles- the best materials for the decoration of a neoclassical institution.

This style in a bizarre way combined the characteristic features of several eras, which ultimately led to a rather interesting result. Modernity is characterized by asymmetry, high decorativeness and an abundance of various ornaments and patterns. The feeling of softness and comfort of the interior is created through the use of smooth lines.

In restaurants of this direction, special attention is paid to lighting, it should not be too bright, however, the presence of lamps of the most unusual location is encouraged. The color scheme is maintained in calm tones; contrasting combinations are not peculiar to modernity. Natural materials are preferred for decoration.

Hi-tech involves the use of exclusively ultra-modern materials and pieces of furniture. Plastic chairs, laminated tabletops, unusual decorative elements, bold color combinations, original lighting - these are the essential elements of such an establishment.

White, gray or cream shades are often used as primary colors; silver tones are often used. Any shade can be used as an additional color, the most original combinations... In addition, the room should have many mirrored surfaces that effectively reflect light.

A rather interesting and extraordinary solution for a restaurant is the Gothic style. Many are frightened by the name of this trend, which is not surprising, because not the most pleasant associations arise with Gothic. However, there is nothing scary about the interior of such an establishment. Comfortable armchairs, massive tables, brown and beige colors and unusual candle-shaped lamps make the room truly cozy.

Gothic restaurants often have a fireplace that creates an atmosphere of home warmth and comfort. The main decoration of the interior is colorful stained-glass windows, which most often depict biblical scenes. The walls and ceilings are not striking, they are usually finished with paint, and the floors are covered with wood.

Chic and luxury are the main synonyms for the Baroque style. High ceilings, large windows, an abundance of free space, luxurious furniture, heavy curtains on the floor made of expensive materials, velvet upholstery, fringe - that without which it is impossible to imagine the interior of this stylistic trend.

All kinds of tapestries, frescoes or bas-reliefs are used as the main decorative elements. The main color is white, as well as light shades of blue and green. Furniture is used only that is made of luxury wood, such as mahogany.

In fact, Rococo is a descendant of the Baroque style. It is also characterized by sophistication and aesthetic splendor, however, it requires smaller areas and lighter materials. Rococo is a very graceful and airy style, which cannot be said about baroque. The main thing in its embodiment is the abundance of gloss, which is achieved through the use of a large number of mirrors and varnished surfaces.

Flowers occupy a special place in the Rococo style, floral motifs can be traced in the drawing on the fabric and graceful arabesques. The color scheme of the interior is kept in pink, blue or light green tones. The atmosphere of lightness reigning in the restaurant of this direction will appeal to many visitors.

The fascination with the culture of the land of the rising sun is only increasing every year, it is not surprising that restaurants with an interior in japanese style enjoy particular success. An establishment of such a theme is characterized by simplicity and clarity of lines; sometimes this style is confused with other oriental directions, for example, Chinese.

Its main difference from them is the use of extremely restrained tones in the decoration, there should not be any bright shades, because the task of the interior is to contribute to pacification. The lighting is dim, you can trace plant patterns in the design, and a blooming sakura twig is especially popular.

The restaurant in this French style is filled with an aura of comfort and warmth. This direction cannot be called luxurious and chic, but rather simple and elegant. The color scheme creates a sense of calmness and harmony; it would be appropriate to use white, blue, sand and lavender shades. In such an institution there should be a lot of light; it is desirable to use only natural materials both in decoration and in interior elements. A floral print on textiles will be very appropriate. The Provence style restaurant is characterized by comfort and high aesthetics.

Not only delicious cuisine and the freshness of food is the key to success among visitors, but a pleasant atmosphere is also needed, so the unique interior of the cafe is an important task for every owner of the establishment. Guests are more likely to stay where the atmosphere prompts them to eat, where they want to spend an evening with family, a holiday, or just sit at lunchtime. That is why the right design is the key to the heart of any even the most avid gourmet.

Bringing the idea to life

As well as styles for apartments, there are a great variety of cafe design projects. It is enough just to look at the photos of travelers - each country has its own traditions of eating, many of which have also been borrowed by catering establishments. Regardless of the facade, inside the hall can be made as the author's imagination requires. With the help of the correct design, you can express the main theme and style of the institution, its focus on a particular target audience and even the pricing policy.
Before starting work on the implementation of what was conceived in a cafe, you need to:

  • Clearly plan the location of the seats, wardrobe, technological area and kitchen. Of particular importance here is not only the unusual interior, but also its functionality and convenience, both for visitors and staff.
  • Pay special attention to furniture: it should support the general background or be in contrast with it. Convenience is also important here.
  • Choose the right curtains, mirrors, paintings, photos that will create an atmosphere of comfort and emphasize the individuality of a restaurant or cafe.
  • Other premises cannot be ignored, because visitors, in addition to the hall, are in the toilet room, and in many cafes there are hookah and other rooms where clients have access.
  • Correctly arrange bar counter if available. She should stand out and be, as much as possible, equally accessible to guests sitting both closer to her and at a distance.

It is not difficult enough to design a restaurant in an unusual way, since the modern construction market offers various options for materials with the help of which the most daring ideas are brought to life. To generate the project, professional designers are involved, and the work is carried out by construction teams that will do everything on time and at a high level.

Unusual cafe interior styles

The most creative, perhaps, can be considered loft style... You can often see a photo of a cafe, where the main element of the room is brick walls... The birthplace of this style is New York, but it arose, oddly enough, due to the banal lack of money for the arrangement. In our country, a loft appeared recently, before Brick wall it was simply not perceived and considered unfinished. Now it is popular all over the world and is considered unusual and trendy.

The positive quality of this style is the savings on finishing materials. It is enough just to place the cafe in a brick building, slightly veneer the walls with matte varnish or bright paint for greater impact, and add individual details to the design that accentuate attention.

Design projects in oriental fusion style are also interesting. Both folklore motives and industrial simplicity in combination with thematic accents (fabrics, tiles, lamps) can be present here. Lighting plays one of the main roles here - these are not ordinary lamps, but creative light sources in Asian style. This is how you can design a cafe specializing in Caucasian or Oriental cuisine.

Its description is quite simple: modernity in everything. This includes furniture, materials and bold color combinations, and lighting.

Advice! The use of a large number of mirror and glossy surfaces will give a special chic.

Choosing furniture

Any project assumes the presence of furniture, and it should not only be beautiful and suitable for the interior, but also have functional features. First of all, convenience for visitors is important, so that they do not have a desire to finish their meal as soon as possible and leave, but would like to stay longer. The furniture of each establishment is different, depending on the theme of the restaurant or cafe.

Can be of great service in attracting visitors. The importance of the impression of the interior is barely inferior to the impression of the cuisine and the decoration of the dishes. At the same time, as the Spanish interior designer Ivan Cotado explained in one of his interviews, the unity of form and content is extremely important in the design of the restaurant, that is, the dishes served and the interior of the restaurant should be harmoniously combined.

Understanding the restaurant business idea

Before deciding on the style, the designer needs to clarify for himself the business direction of the institution. Modern restaurant interiors can be a powerful tool in achieving commercial success, but for this you need to understand three key points:

The difference between the restaurant and competitors;

Compliance with the tastes of visitors;

The degree of manifestation of the emotional component of the interior.

To find out all this, it is necessary to thoroughly communicate with both the director and the chef of the restaurant, read possible publications about the restaurant, as well as learn about the closest competitors and their design.

Knowledge of the details of the restaurant's cuisine

An acquaintance with the key attributes of the restaurant's cuisine will help to develop the interior of the restaurant in order to convey this information to the client through design, if possible. The characteristic features of the cuisine make the establishment stand out in the eyes of the clients, and the interior can help to emotionally combine the taste and the special idea of ​​the establishment.

If the restaurant offers traditional cuisine with a predominance of local food and products, the design should be based on simple materials (wood, stone, forged products) and stick to simple colors that are close to the natural colors of the region.

If, on the contrary, the menu has futuristic notes, the dishes are unusual, or there is a mixture of different directions, then the original style can be chosen in the decoration, thus, the interior of the restaurant will set the visitor to an unusual menu.

It must be remembered that not only materials and colors can visually express the features of the menu, but also everything that adorns the interior of the restaurant: the layout of the hall, decorative elements, furniture, dishes, menu design, site design.

Meet the chef

The experience of specialists shows that if it goes against the tastes and character of the chef, then the same homogeneity of impressions from visiting the institution will not work. It is in this issue that the importance of an individual approach to the project is manifested. The interior of the restaurant must be identified with the characteristic features of the manner in which the dishes are prepared. The chef and his team must have a pleasant environment to be the key to creativity.

Combining functionality and aesthetics

Each design project combines functionality and aesthetic perception of the restaurant's environment. The peculiarity and uniqueness of the institution for the visual perception of the client should not interfere with the well-coordinated and convenient work of the staff. When decorating a hall, it is necessary to plan simple ways of delivering food, areas with good and dim lighting, matching the decor and furniture design.

According to Ivan Kotado, it is easy to come up with a beautiful interior design for a restaurant, but making it beautiful and functional is much more difficult. The balance of aesthetics and functionality in the interior can make the establishment extraordinary.

Creating intimacy

Visiting public places, which is any restaurant, does not at all indicate the client's desire to be in the wider society. It is important in the restaurant space to create a condition of some intimacy for each of the tables, this is highly appreciated by visitors and is one of the important tasks of a design solution when creating an interior.


For both customers and restaurant staff, a sense of comfort in the interior is important, which is provided by lighting, acoustics, climatic parameters of the room, as well as the convenience of furniture.

Lighting. It should be moderate in a restaurant, and a combination of natural and artificial lighting should also be considered. Careful planning of this moment will help to avoid such problems as the unsuccessful play of light and shadow on the faces of visitors, the presence of unlit or overly lit areas.

Acoustics. As for sound, in interior design, the need to avoid sound reverberation, that is, its multiple reflection in a confined space, is often forgotten. For this, sound-absorbing materials are used: wood, fabric and others.

Climate. We all understand the importance of the climatic components of the environment: temperature and humidity, but the quality of the air is no less important, it must be clean. Thus, studies by Rockefeller University (USA) in 1999 showed that a person remembers 35% of the olfactory, 5% of the visual, 2% of the auditory and 1%. Researchers who received the Nobel Prize in 2004, Richard Axel and Linda Buck, agree with this. They found that a person is able to distinguish 10 thousand smells and only 200 colors. The riot of aromas in the kitchen should not dominate the hall. This means that proper ventilation of the restaurant will be an important component of success.

Furniture that decorates the interior of the restaurant should be comfortable and match the chosen style. Perhaps one rule is important to follow in all cases: furniture should not be bulky, so that it can be easily moved at the request of the client.

The need to interest the client

In the modern world, visitors are no longer attracted only by dishes. The style and interior of the restaurant have become an integral part of the perception of the establishment, as well as the attention of the staff. Choosing the right direction for the style of the interior can ensure the attention of visitors and contribute to the fact that they want to return.

Basic styles

An indication of the chosen design style is often included in the description of the restaurant's interior, without which neither critical nor advertising articles can do. When choosing a style, a designer can be guided by both local flavor and thematic direction.

Rustic style includes the following mandatory attributes: wooden floor or made of tiles, reminiscent of soil; wooden furniture; an abundance of plants in the interior; at least one of the walls should be made of wood or stone, or using wallpaper of similar textures.

(or modern) is well suited for restaurants in large cities and includes the use of bright colors in the setting, unusual lighting solutions, tall stools, plastic and metal furniture. The musical background will also be an important detail.

It is characterized by adherence to all norms of etiquette and classic serving, here an abundance of details and, of course, a carefully seasoned menu play an important role. At the same time, the interior should be not so much expensive as really elegant: it is necessary to have fabric tablecloths and napkins, beautiful and comfortable chairs in a classic style, candles and small bouquets of real flowers on the tables, calm quiet music and impeccably dressed waiters.

Retrostyle is characterized by different options incarnations that are united by the use of muted tones. Old or artificially aged lamps, chairs, vases, wooden floor will make the interior of the restaurant special, photos of past years will also fit well.

The thematic style unites different ideas for implementation, the interior can become the embodiment of the dreams of fans of any cinema, cartoon, country, culture, hobby. For example, in the photo above we see unusual restaurant"House of the Jew", located in the Spanish city of Santander.

It can also be a successful embodiment of an idea. Above is the industrial rustic kitchen in Singapore.

A modern cafe is not just a point Catering, too many requirements are imposed on it. They are not based solely on the quality of the food prepared and the sophistication of the food. Much more attention is paid to the interior of the premises.

A cozy and comfortable pastime will provide a significant influx of visitors who will come not only to pass the time or wait out the rain, but to celebrate a birthday or have dinner with their family.

Like any other room, the halls of cafes and restaurants must have their own unsurpassed style and specifics. The design of the restaurant is a little easier to play around, since the area is usually larger and allows you to organize several different zones.

Opening your own cafe and becoming a successful restaurateur is not an easy task. You have to learn a lot of new things and be well-oriented in many areas where construction, renovation and interior design occupies one of the key positions.

Design solutions

Creating a cafe interior is key. The created concept should attract with its coziness and special atmosphere. Only in this case a person will have a desire to come again and try something else or enjoy a dish they like without any reason.

An example of this is the photo of the design of cafes that have been working for several years and have a lot of attractive things in their interior. Before embarking on the design, it makes sense to familiarize yourself with them and supplement the existing ideas, while maintaining your own individuality.

Classic - natural severity and simplicity will help create an incredibly comfortable and cozy room. Only this style does not tolerate a large color load, and every detail of the interior must correspond to a given concept.


Expensive and sophisticated style, it will require a lot of financial investments. It may be necessary to bring in antiques or turn to competent designers to create items that mimic chic in all its forms in an advantageous way.

Marine theme

Well suited for coastal cafes, but far from resorts, they also sometimes go with a bang, as a person always wants to immerse himself in the atmosphere of a carefree vacation. It's not always just a turquoise color and a mass of shells.

Restaurateurs are smart and create whole stories, for example, a pirate ship with a steering wheel and a mast or a luxury yacht with non-stop music, can be an excellent basis for themed parties.


A very profitable interior design of a cafe, if it is a fast food point or a hang-out point for visitors, and so it will not be, for example, there is a business center, an institute or industrial enterprises nearby.

An inexpensive cafe dedicated to dining doesn't have to be flashy. Simplicity, brevity and comfort are the main requirements in this case.

Modern style

Not so advantageous, since fashion trends are constantly changing, and there is a risk of remaining hostage to an old image in a year, but it can be oversaturated with furniture, making the most of the space for guests. Mixing styles is often allowed, in the form of fashionable elements and colors.

High tech

An extravagant interior replete with chrome details and unusual combinations of natural and polymer materials. Furniture may have the most unexpected look, but it will always be extremely comfortable.

Maybe not everyone will like the created style, but curiosity will bring many visitors. Among them there will certainly be connoisseurs who are distinguished by their stability.

The listed options are only the most common. Along with them, they are in no way inferior, filled with traditions of oriental, English and french style Provence. They are very rich in ideas, but they should also have a kind of menu that reflects the culture of a particular country.

Bar counter

One of the key places in any cafe is occupied by the bar counter. Its presence is always justified by the presence of a bartender who prepares tasty coffee, fresh fresh and exotic cocktails that often turn into shows.

Having correctly placed accents in the room, making the bar attractive and inviting, there will always be those who are not indifferent, ready to spend time behind it, right up to the very closing of the establishment.

The bar counter should be bright and creative. Even if the budget is limited, and it is not possible to order a complete design project of the cafe, then you should not save on the bar.

When designing the base of the bar, it is worth considering the maximum strength, a sufficient number of seats and functionality, since it was created not only for the relaxation of visitors, but also for taking orders from the waiters with their subsequent receipt.

The style should be thought out as much as possible, starting from the table top, ending with lighting and other design elements. Reflective surfaces such as chrome, mirrors or gloss add a special touch.

Equipment of the cafe

The toilet must be clean and have all the necessary hygiene items. For trendy establishments aimed at young people, the presence of a large mirror and a stylish backdrop for a fashion photo is not the least important.

Furniture equipment can be completely neutral, supporting the overall concept, or, on the contrary, represented by bright elements that create original accents.

The most important thing is that these are comfortable tables, chairs, armchairs, and maybe even sofas for big company... It is better to make the height and size of the tables universal, this will allow them to be perfectly arranged in the event of a banquet.

Responsibly it is worth treating the choice of the color scheme. The psychology of each palette has its own nuances. For example, red and rich orange are uplifting and appetite-raising, while green and brown are calming and reassuring.

Competent restaurateurs choose neutral colors as backgrounds, such as white and black, because they can always be diversified with bright elements, often before a complete change of image. Using the play of colors, you can advantageously divide the cafe room into zones, where the dining area will be red, the dance floor will be black with reflective elements, and the bar will be white with neon lighting and mosaics.

The final elements in creating a unique cafe design will be all kinds of accessories and decor items.

How to decorate a cafe, only the one who sees the image as a whole knows. It is the decorations that give the chosen style the right to life. There may be few of them, but sophistication and creativity should attract the eye.

Photo of cafe design