The most unusual bars in the world. Photos of the world's quirkiest restaurants that make you book a table Unusual bars

Who among us does not like to visit bars, restaurants or cafes. And in the original place, gatherings leave much more pleasant memories. We offer 8 of the most unusual bars in the capital:

One of the best and most original establishments in the capital. Located on Kuznetsky Prospekt, on the 3rd floor of an old mansion. The bar has a unique interior and is conducive to a quiet rest. Inside there is furniture from the Arkhangelsk province, a very old Soviet TV, grandmother's lampshades, etc. All the things that came to this bar were used by past generations.

Piano bar on Bolshaya Nikitskaya, 22. This is a very unusual place. It is located in an old Moscow apartment. Inside there are wooden furniture, old lampshades, bookshelves and a piano. Visitors have the feeling that they are at home.

This is a cinema, a bar and a mini-disco all rolled into one. It is located in the center of Moscow, at 42 Schepkina Street (Prospect Mira). In this unusual place, you can eat deliciously, watch movies or play football in the open air, dance and lie down on comfortable large ottomans. In winter, the Prospect Bar veranda turns into a skating rink, and a cozy café with mulled wine and hot chocolate opens on it.

Dragon Temple is a very original bar and restaurant located at 37 Leninsky Prospekt. Inside there is a children's room with slides. Mandarin ducks walk right through the hall, which are allowed to be fed. And the highlight of the establishment was the half-aquarium with fish and turtles.

It is a bar, restaurant and club at the same time. Its originality lies in Latin American, Cuban and European cuisines... Also in this institution you can taste real Caribbean cocktails.

In the dark, this is perhaps the most original place of all. Located on Oktyabrskaya Street, 2/4. In this bar-restaurant, visitors dine in complete darkness. They begin to understand how the blind feel. In addition, food tastes better in the dark.

Going to a restaurant is a fairly common form of recreation. And everyone knows what to expect from him: tables covered with tablecloths, helpful waiters, exquisite dishes... But even such a pastime can get boring. And what if you want a restaurant and variety too? We invite you to read about ten unusual restaurants, the impressions of which will stay with you for a long time.

1. Dinner in silence

Welcome to Greenpoint, Brooklyn, the place where new restaurant Nikolos Nauman's Eat, where visitors are required to eat their eggs and casserole frittata and whole grain porridge in silence.

Nauman spent some time in a Buddhist monastery in India a few years ago, which inspired him to create the idea of ​​a silent restaurant.

Lunch in Silence is a monthly event and has proven to be so popular that diners have to reserve a table several days in advance to enjoy the privilege of dining without speaking or hearing a word in the small room, which can only seat 25 people.

2. Nude Dinner

Once a month, a restaurant in Manhattan throws a nude dinner party. Nudist activist John J. Ordover has designed dinners that don't have to be dressed - as soon as guests enter, they undress and enjoy the signature food.

Sanitary regulations oblige staff to remain clothed even if they wish to join. In addition, visitors should bring something to sit on - a towel or, for discerning women, an elegant silk shawl.

Don't worry, the windows are tinted hot soup not served, and people keep their eyes only at the level of your face.

3. Offensive lunch

Dick's Last Resort is a chain of small bars and restaurants in the United States known for deliberately recruiting rude waiters who are taught to behave that way.

In addition to the staff, the decor of the restaurant is wacky. Its purpose is to offend customers and put them in an embarrassing position. Visitors are provided with bibs and large paper caps self made which they should wear throughout the entire meal. There are no napkins on the tables - as a rule, waiters throw them at visitors.

This restaurant, which has picnic tables and no tablecloths, appeared after its owner's first high-end restaurant failed and went bankrupt. Instead of continuing to work in a high-profile industry, the owners have redirected their efforts towards sloppiness. The end result was a success, leading to the creation of six more such restaurants.

4. Lunch in the style of Alice in Wonderland

In Japan, there is a chain of restaurants inspired by Lewis Carroll's famous fairy tale "Alice in Wonderland". The interiors of the restaurants opened by Diamond Dining were created by the Japanese studio Fantastic Design Works.

Each restaurant offers its own interpretation of a classic fairy tale with teacup tables, romantic lighting, waitresses in Alice's blue dresses and of course delicious and delicious dishes... Knock on the giant hardback and you will be admitted to this exquisitely designed restaurant. Being inside is like falling through a rabbit hole into Alice's world.

5. Dinner with the dead

In some restaurants, the atmosphere can be truly dead, but one Indian restaurant owner claims his business has flourished since he opened a diner on the site of an old cemetery. Rather than destroying the graves and thus making room for the café, owner Krishnan Kutti decided to keep the coffins and arrange tables around them at the ironically named New Lucky restaurant in Ahmedabad.

Coffins are all that remains of the Muslim cemetery, and the cafe has become a popular gathering place for young and old.

About a dozen coffins, closed with iron bars, are located inside the cafe. Every morning, when the diner blinds go up, the waiters spend some time rubbing the tombstones and decorating them with fresh flowers.

6. Singing restaurant

"Bel Canto" mixes haute cuisine with the excitement of the opera house. The unique combination of a talented pianist and professionally trained opera singers makes evenings at Bel Canto unforgettable.

Not only do visitors enjoy fantastic food here French cuisine, they also sing serenades. During the evening, at regular intervals, four singers perform opera classics, moving between tables.

Bel Canto has two restaurants in Paris (at Neuilly-sur-Seine and at the Hôtel de Ville) and one in east London (at the Corus Hotel near Hyde Park).

7. Dinner at the edge of the cliff

Fangweng Restaurant in the Chinese province of Hubei is conveniently located next to the popular Sanyu Cave, otherwise known as the Three Travelers Cave, but you may find it more impressive that the restaurant seems to be hanging on the edge of a cliff.

If you didn't know this beforehand, you might be surprised because there are no clues about entering. You must walk down the passage that juts out over Happy Valley in Silin Canyon to reach the dining hall. Several tables are located on the balcony overlooking the cliff. But most of the tables are inside a natural cave.

8. Dinner alone

A table for one, please! At Eenmaal, the new restaurant in Amsterdam, this is your only choice. Social designer and initiator Marina van Goor explains the idea of ​​the restaurant: “Eenmaal is the same restaurant as the others, but it differs in one thing: here you will find only tables for one. Eenmaal is an exciting experiment for those who never go to a cafe alone, as well as an attractive opportunity for those who often go to restaurants alone. "

With the help of Eenmaal, Marina hopes to break the stereotype that something is wrong with a person if he sits or eats alone.

9. Exclusive dinner (your turn to wait five years)

Berel's restaurant, self-created and located in the basement of his own home in upstate New York, has served personally-grown and harvested food for 25 years at a premium price. All of the ingredients used in the unique menu for each evening are grown in the garden of Berel's personal farm, including acorn flour and butter made here.

The dining room can accommodate up to 20 people, who must arrive at a certain time in advance to take part in the five-hour dinner. The restaurant was such a hit that Berel received over 10,000 booking requests in just a week.

The cost of the meal (not including anxious expectations) reaches over $ 200 per serving, but every wealthy person with the ability to plan five years in advance can arrange a truly one-of-a-kind date.

10. "Jumping" restaurant

The trend of modern and underground dining shows no signs of waning, but it's a new twist - the Pale Blue Door, created by British artist and decorator Tony Hornecker, pops up, packs, then reappears in another country, taking part in festivals along the way.

The Pale Blue Door isn't just a bouncing restaurant, it's a dinner club and an installation in a decrepit world of wonders in a secret location in Dalston, London. Tony Hornecker is the man behind the mystery club that makes clients travel to Santiago and Buenos Aires and Glastonbury and Berlin. Visitors are invited to the life-size Hornecker dollhouse for dinner from three courses, while they will be entertained by pantomimes and cabaret, such as "A Man to Pet" and Johnny Woo.

Hornecker began his idea at his studio and terrace home in Hackney, London, where a jumble of windows, odd rooms, furniture, knickknacks and drag queen performances are served with panzanella, rare beef and crumble pudding.

This restaurant, like many ingenious inventions, was created out of necessity. At the beginning of the year, Hornecker's agent went bankrupt, his work ran dry, and he had nothing to pay the rent. Hornecker had long had the idea of ​​starting a restaurant, and thanks to his previous experience - he was a waiter from the age of 14 and preparing to become a chef at 16 - this was a natural solution to his financial crisis.

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A cafe in which the price depends on the courtesy of the visitors

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There is to live, or there is to be surprised. We present to your attention the top unique and unusual restaurants, bars and cafes of the world.

Unusual restaurants in the world

1. "Hitlers' Cross"

Mumbai, India

Inside this neo-Nazi restaurant, everything is decorated with a swastika. The owner Punit Sablok says that before, he did not think much about the name and chose this only to attract visitors, because the dishes on the menu are mainly Italian cuisine and not at the cheapest price. Name restaurant many did not like it, because now it is called simply "Cross".

2. "Dans le Noir" ("In the dark")

chain of restaurants in Paris, London, New York, Barcelona, ​​St. Petersburg

Guests of this restaurant can dine in an atmosphere of total darkness. You can taste a meal in the dark in several restaurants of the world, in the largest metropolitan areas. Before entering the hall, visitors leave in the wardrobe all items that glow in the dark. Even mobile phones are no exception. Only then the waiter escorts the clients to the table. In the restaurant you will stay only with yourself and with your sense of taste and smell.

3. "Eternity"

Truskavets, Ukraine

The restaurant-coffin called "Eternity" offers dinner in the Ukrainian city of Truskavets. The exterior of the building and the interior are completely related to the funeral theme. There are many funeral candles on the tables and on the walls. There are coffins everywhere. The menu offers to taste such dishes as "9th day" or "40th day"; a dish called "Meet me in paradise" is served as a hot dish. Note that the restaurant turned out to be quite popular even for weddings.

4. "Dinner In The Sky"

Brussels, Belgium

For those who are tired of the noise, smoking and hustle and bustle in the halls, we suggest visiting a restaurant"Lunch in Heaven". The name speaks for itself. A special table, which is lifted into the air by a powerful crane, can be another place for a lunch break or an unusual date. However, it will be problematic to get the fallen spoon. The institution is located in Belgium, but if there is a desire and funds, the organizers are ready to bring it anywhere in the world.

5. "The Hobbit House"

Manila, Philippines

The only restaurant in the world where only dwarfs work, but the owners and staff themselves call themselves exclusively hobbits. The institution is located in the capital of the Philippines, therefore National dishes and live ethnic music included.

6. "Nyotaimori"


In many restaurants in the land of the rising sun, food is traditionally served on a naked human body. This custom is called "Nyotaimori". Girls are specially prepared for such work: at the first stage, all hair is removed from the body, and after that the girl takes a bath using a special odorless soap, at the end she is doused with cool water. Before serving, the body of a girl (or a guy) must acquire the required temperature for serving dishes (mainly sushi). Also, girls, like real plates, should be able to lie motionless for several hours. They are also specially trained to do this.

Unique cafes

7. "Christian Cafe"

Shinjuku, Japan

The interior of this cafe resembles a Christian church. There is an iconostasis, a cross and many statues. Noisy parties are often held in the institution, because drinking cocktails, including alcoholic ones, is not uncommon here, but drunken fights in the Christian cafe have not yet happened.

8. "Modern Toilet"


An institution with the proud name "Modern toilet»For those people whose appetite is difficult to spoil with anything, because food is served here in special plates in the shape of a toilet bowl, drinks in plastic containers for collecting analyzes. Cafe visitors sit on toilet chairs, under the transparent tables of the institution there are ordinary sinks. All this is done, according to the manager, to refresh the taste of visitors and of course to shock.

9. "The Owl Cafe"


You won't surprise anyone with cat cafes in Japan, that's why completely exotic establishments began to appear in the country. Now the owl theme is in vogue. In a standard café like this, 20-30 owls are kept, with which visitors are allowed to communicate and pick up. The Japanese fell in love with drinking their usual tea or coffee in the company of such cute, but still predatory and wild birds. The cafe is usually darkened, because owls are nocturnal birds and their eyes are not used to the bright daylight. In these cafes, visitors can buy owl-themed souvenirs, which, by the way, are very popular. And long lines line up to the cafe every day, but even the lucky ones who get inside are given only 1 hour to “date” the owls. But it's worth it!

10. "Chongqing"


An unusual summer cafe has opened in China right on the shallow waters of a local river. The institution managed to gain great popularity. To the question “ How much does it cost to open a cafe in a place like this? " the organizers, perhaps, will answer that not much, because they have saved a lot on the air conditioning system. Also, the cafe is equipped with ordinary cheap plastic chairs and tables. The depth of the river at the location of the cafe is only about 1 cm. The long summer here is known for its high temperatures and high humidity, so the cafe on the river gives you the opportunity to get cool.

Original bars from around the world

11. The Brandy Library

New York, USA

To the question "How to get to the library?" the answer "What a library can be at three o'clock in the morning" will not be relevant. After all, this drinking establishment- an intelligent bar. They read labels here, and teach not new words at all, but the names of drinks. The interior of the bar, as the name implies, is made in the style of a library, but there are not books on the shelves, but more than 900 brandy names, single malt and blended whiskey, rum, cognac and liquor. Jazz evenings complement the picture, which, together with the general atmosphere, immerse visitors in the atmosphere of old New York. This bar has become the most popular among tourists visiting American metropolis .

12. Big Baobab Pub

Sunland Farm, Limpopo Province, South Africa

Who said that on opening your bar need a lot of money? In Africa, they just found the largest tree in the world and converted it for tourists into a bar, which is now known among tourists all over the world. At the bar, despite the unusual appearance The interior is quite ordinary. The indigenous peoples of South Africa associate many legends with the baobab. The giant baobab from the Limpopo province is a little no less than 6,000 years old and about 60 people can be there at the same time. The idea came to the local businessman Van Herdens in such an unusual way, and in 1993 the bar received its first visitors. The selection of drinks at the bar is quite standard, the main one being beer. The advantage of this institution, located in the south of the hot continent, is that it always has a pleasant temperature (+22 C).

13. "Dick's Last Resort"


It is a chain of bars and restaurants in the United States. The highlight of this establishment is the outstanding service. All boors, foul language and bully are collected here, because only such people are hired at Dick's Last Resort. Neither the receptionist nor the complaint book at this bar will help you. Insulting and humiliating visitors is one of the duties of the service personnel.

14. "Museum HR Giger Bar"

Grueira, Switzerland

Sometimes glamorous bars get so annoying that you want to spend time in a place where there really will be something new and original. This is exactly the principle that the sculptor and designer, legendary artist Hans Rudolf Giger adhered to, before how to open this bar... It was he who once created the concept of creatures and artistic design in the film Alien by Ridley Scott, and then founded the museum, where he exhibits his best works. But perhaps one of Giger's most impressive creations is the museum's bar, which opened in 2003. Every detail of the bar's interior makes visitors feel like they are inside an alien ship from the movie "Alien" or just in another reality. The pub was chosen spend your free time eccentric personalities and just drinkers v unusual establishments and in 2011 this bar won the title of Europe's most original bar.

15. "The Clinic Bar"


Singaporeans offer tourists to visit an unusual hospital. It will not be difficult for a client with a sense of humor to imagine himself sick. It is world famous night club and a bar-restaurant. The extravagant D. Hirst worked on the design and concept of the establishment. When you enter the bar, it will seem to you that you are in a morgue. Inside, instead of the usual places at the tables, you will see chambers with beds and gauze curtains, and instead of chairs - wheelchairs; droppers instead of glasses, food in medical plates. Despite all this, there are enough people who want to relax in a hospital style. After all these procedures, you can feel 100% healthy.

Such are the excesses for gourmets. Travel and be amazed. Bon Appetit!

Sources: Internet service YouTube: "The Best Bars in the World", "Top 10 Unique Restaurants in the World", "An Owl Cafe (News) Works in Tokyo", "Business Idea from China: Cafe on the River"

More and more people are looking for the most unusual restaurants in Moscow, because visiting original and sometimes even strange places is always curious.

Below are some interesting Moscow restaurants:

  • with animals;
  • themed interiors;
  • unusual menu;
  • unexpected entertainment;
  • other features.

There is a restaurant for a complete immersion in the environment "Mirror of Carlos Santos" where there are no usual tables, menus and waiters. Instead, guests are invited to put on masks and go through 12 thematic rooms, where everyone will have to be not only a spectator, but also a participant in performances.

Unusual Moscow restaurants for two are places where you can spend a memorable date. For example, perhaps the most unusual restaurant called "In the dark?!"... This place is for those who like mystery. There is no usual list of dishes, you can only choose the main ingredient, which will be served in complete darkness. Many visitors to this restaurant are very surprised when they find out which dish was actually served.

For those who love chocolate, there is a pastry shop Max brenner- an interesting cafe in Moscow, where almost everything is "saturated" with this sweetness: from the menu to the interior and musical accompaniment. Max Brenner offers cocktail tastings - chocolate, of course.

Unusual and interesting bars in Moscow

An interesting restaurant will bring bright resort colors Tiki bar- an unusual bar with palm trees, boats, surfboards and tropical dishes on the menu Guests are entertained with master classes in Latin dance, parties dedicated to kitesurfing, diving and discos.

Fans of the post-apocalyptic genre will appreciate the unusual bar in Moscow "Shroedinger `s cat" located in a former bomb shelter. The interior, reminiscent of the popular computer games Fallout and Stalker, and the serving of signature cocktails in flasks, frozen spheres and test tubes will complete the vivid impression.

Male company will like an interesting restaurant "Predator Burgers" in steampunk style. After visiting this place, I just want to re-read "Difference Machine" by Bruce Sterling and William Gibson and "War of the Worlds" by HG Wells. Burgers and steaks. The peculiar atmosphere and the wide selection of cider and beer are the reasons why the visitors love "Khishnik".

This page contains a list of the most unusual and themed restaurants and bars in Moscow that are worth visiting. The choice is yours: from a variety of original approaches to serving food and decorating interiors to unexpected modern concepts.

Rest is an important part of our life. Where can you have a good rest with friends, if not in a cozy bar? Relax after a working week, chat over a cocktail. What kind of bars are there? Variety. There are such interesting places that it is worth telling about them.

Let's start with a bar in Jordan. The bar is located in a burial cave.

Only one cave is allowed here for commercial purposes. And this unusual bar is located in it. The walls of the ancient cave are part of an ancient grave that was carved out many centuries ago by the Nabateans. The tables are located both in the open air, on a spacious area outside, and in the cave itself, where the lamp light casts ominously - bloody reflections on the sandstone walls. Some of the tables are located in niches, which, most likely, were to be used for burials. The bar will appeal to the originals, as the place is both terrifying and curious at the same time. In general, an exotic place.

But a bar in Jamaica is a warm piece of paradise. It looks like a bunch of palm branches, leaves, carelessly fixed on piles right on the water. Inside the bar there are rope ladders, hammocks that will welcome their guests and allow them to sit comfortably with a glass of cocktail in their hands. And benevolent dolphins are happily splashing around the bar.

Another extraordinary bar is located in Sweden. It receives its visitors only in the autumn - winter period. This is an ice bar. Every year it is built from huge blocks of ice. Highly beautiful design the bar from the inside adjusts to a romantic mood, despite the cold.

Another exotic place is a bar located in a cliff cave above the ocean - a favorite vacation spot for both locals and tourists who have come to Menorca. This bar's regulars love to sit under the umbrellas on the outdoor terrace and admire the Balearic Islands. At night, the bar turns into a disco.

In the Israeli city of Eilat, you can visit a real underwater bar-restaurant. It is built in the shape of a star, which matches its name. The bar is completely decorated in a marine style. The lower floors are submerged in the water, the kitchen and the dance floor are located on the upper ones. Luxurious and exclusive bar.